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06/11/09(Thu)17:43 No.1897599  Edit: as exspected, the post didnt last long affter I posted my bit. So here it is.
I cant believe this thread is still alive! I was told about it a few days ago. Heres what I have to say about all this...
I was sexually involved with Roy Harms, starting about 4 and a half
years ago. Its common information, because I made it so 3 years ago,
after I left the convention group. I was underage, confused, and taken
advantage of sexually and metaly. I spent a lot of time with him, and
practically lived at his home in Bradenton for a year. A lot of people
knew what was going on before I even did. Like I said, I was confused,
I was a teenager, and I was going through a hard time in my life. I got
pulled into Roys life like a lot of young girls do. He owns an anime
convention, thats pretty fucking cool to a fangil. The guy had a DDR
machine in his living room, a room full of manga, and a wall of anime
VHS's. It was a trap waiting to happen, and I was not the first to fall
into it. Anyway, whatever people in that group are saying now, I will
tell you that it was a full fledged, abet unhealthy, relationship. He
bought me trinkets, took me to Bush Gardens, took me on an all expense
paid trip to Dragon*Con, even picked me up from high school most week
days. It took me a long time to realize how fucked up the whole
situation was. Hes a smooth talker, and is very good at controlling
people. In an effort to get me to stay with him, in the end he even
told me that he loved me. I have not taken legal action, but have
thought about it a lot. The reasons I have not are personal, but I’ve
never completely ruled it out. |