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    62 KB No drama cosplayers. Anonymous 06/09/09(Tue)18:10 No.1892616  
    Do they exist, /cgl/ ?
    >> Anonymous 06/09/09(Tue)18:12 No.1892619
    yeah, I'm one, haha I tend to stay out of pretty much everything, I just lurk here because watching the drama unfold is pretty funny,

    it's hard to believe people in their 20s take playing dress up so seriously.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 06/09/09(Tue)18:14 No.1892622
    Si, they do.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/09(Tue)18:15 No.1892626
    The only ones with drama are tripfags, lolitas ,'/cgl/ebrities' and Miyu.

    Everybody else isn't worth the effort.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/09(Tue)18:18 No.1892635
    Does ignoring the idiots sniping at me for not taking the bait count as drama free?
    >> Anonymous 06/09/09(Tue)18:18 No.1892636
    What are you talking about? No drama women don't exist, and adding "cosplayer" is adding a whole other level of crazy
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 06/09/09(Tue)18:21 No.1892644

    hey not all of us tripfags have drama D:<
    >> Anonymous 06/09/09(Tue)18:27 No.1892653
    Hooray! Also, yes, some tripfags are fairly drama free. I would have used my tripcode to post but I know that the vultures would have swept in once they saw me posting.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/09(Tue)19:21 No.1892787

    >> Zal !gd9NVb5EGA 06/09/09(Tue)19:26 No.1892800
    Yeah, all tripfags either have drama or start drama.

    True story.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/09(Tue)19:30 No.1892808

    ITT: Masa
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 06/09/09(Tue)19:30 No.1892809
    >> Zal !gd9NVb5EGA 06/09/09(Tue)19:34 No.1892817
    Oh please, you know that you're the number one drama causer out of all of us >:3
    >> DarkFujin !D9eFujIN.o 06/09/09(Tue)19:35 No.1892820
    I think everyone has personal drama of some shape or form. As for cosplay drama, eh, I try to stay out of it. I don't think it's really worth having drama over what's basically dress-up parties.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 06/09/09(Tue)19:36 No.1892825
    I swear to god mexico was not my fault!
    >> Anonymous 06/09/09(Tue)19:39 No.1892835
    I feel confident in saying I have absolutely no cosplay drama, or drama among any of my cosplay friends.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/09(Tue)19:39 No.1892836

    I agree it's always Maguma's fault.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/09(Tue)19:40 No.1892839
    I know who's responsible for the stalker-chan drama. MAGUMA!
    >> Zal !gd9NVb5EGA 06/09/09(Tue)19:40 No.1892840
    The hell it wasn't! You and Masa teamed up and caused all kinds of shit that day!
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 06/09/09(Tue)19:44 No.1892848
    ;A; I TOLD YOU IT WASN'T ME! Masa was the one who let the bull out of the stable! for Fucks sake WHO DRINKS THE ENTIRE BARREL!?

    also IT'S BIG WES'S FAULT!

    does that even COUNT as drama?
    >> Zal !gd9NVb5EGA 06/09/09(Tue)19:50 No.1892862
    Big Wes was just riding the bull, but you were the one that egged both of them (you started that drinking bet by the way) AND you bought out that entire brothel with the money you won at the dog races.
    >> Avi !puBUpFsw.I 06/09/09(Tue)19:50 No.1892863
    I'm sure there are quite a few Cosplayers with no drama in all seriousness. Its just that the community is so big I am sure you can find even the most drama free cosplayer has some kind of hate from someone for some stupid reason.

    Its freakin high school. Everyone has some sort drama.
    >> Anonymous 06/09/09(Tue)19:50 No.1892864
    God. Now I'm going to make a Rage mii and put it on my parent's Wii.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 06/09/09(Tue)19:55 No.1892871
    /cgl/ =/= drama

    Telling someone they're wrong and stupid on the internet for fun doesn't count as drama, and if you count it as such, seriously y'all got some cheap thrills. :l

    But yeah, drama free here. Save the fuggos that take cosplay too seriously 'cause they got nothing else going for them.
    >> Avi !puBUpFsw.I 06/09/09(Tue)19:59 No.1892881
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 06/09/09(Tue)20:04 No.1892895
    but WHO was the one who bought you the JADE NECKLACE with MY race winnings!

    >> Anonymous 06/09/09(Tue)20:20 No.1892938

    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 06/09/09(Tue)20:27 No.1892949
    she was in my bathtub, what did you expect D:< with manly kittan guarding the entrance
    >> Anonymous 06/09/09(Tue)20:34 No.1892960


    Fuck Maguma your pimp, who's else you gonna have?
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 06/09/09(Tue)20:36 No.1892965
    come AX? oh you don't even wanna KNOW! but i'll let it all unfold for you as your castle of dreams crumbles beneath my feet BUWAHAHAHA
    >> Zal !gd9NVb5EGA 06/09/09(Tue)20:50 No.1892992
    You know I still have that necklace.... NOT THE POINT!

    Wait... does that make me a fuggo because I take cosplay too seriously 'cause I got nothing else going for me?
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 06/09/09(Tue)20:52 No.1892995
    Ha ha! Totally the Point!
    >> Zal !gd9NVb5EGA 06/09/09(Tue)21:00 No.1893018
    The point was that you were behind the whole Mexico Fiasco!
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 06/09/09(Tue)21:02 No.1893029
    Masa let it out, Big Wes was riding it. Just because THEY CHOSE TO DO SO doesn't make it my fault, now back to bed with you!
    >> Anonymous 06/09/09(Tue)21:04 No.1893037

    And you are behind the whole stalker-chan fiasco. SO STFU!

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