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  • File :1244329323.jpg-(101 KB, 334x500, 507275641_e15961be5b.jpg)
    101 KB Anonymous 06/06/09(Sat)19:02 No.1885340  
    my 16 year old daughter want to go on a convention with her friends.
    What is the worst thing that could happen to her?
    >> Anonymous 06/06/09(Sat)19:02 No.1885341
    >> Anonymous 06/06/09(Sat)19:05 No.1885351
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    >> Anonymous 06/06/09(Sat)19:07 No.1885359
    If she's not a slut and she knows how to stay away from creepy people, she should be fine. The worst that will PROBABLY happen to her is a creepy fanboy or two if she's cosplaying. The worst that could happen to her, see >>188534.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/09(Sat)19:07 No.1885360
    Rape, death, then rape again.
    >> lofi !Z2lCihJJPg 06/06/09(Sat)19:08 No.1885362
    My penis inside your daughter's earholes
    >> Anonymous 06/06/09(Sat)19:13 No.1885371
    She might trip. That would be embarrassing.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/09(Sat)19:15 No.1885374
    but it is supposed to be a family friendly convention, not for porn anime but for regular you see on tv.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/09(Sat)19:19 No.1885379
    there is no such thing as a "family friendly" convention
    >> Anonymous 06/06/09(Sat)19:23 No.1885383
    "But daaaaaaaaaaddy! Why can't I go?"

    "Because the internet said it's scary!"
    >> GreenTrashcan !6mvmNVD6E6 06/06/09(Sat)19:27 No.1885385
    Despite all the hentai/yaoi shit all over the con, I thought it was pretty low class to have a Playboy booth at a place with lots of kids. It was shoved into a dark corner at the very end of the exhibit hall, attended by a skank that looked like she was just one more bad decision away from killing herself.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/09(Sat)19:27 No.1885386
    These. If she's a smart kid then she'll be fine, and if she's with friends all the time it definitely decreases chances of anything bad happening.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/09(Sat)19:27 No.1885387
    She goes back for the rest of her life
    >> Anonymous 06/06/09(Sat)19:33 No.1885396
    Thanks for the information
    >> Anonymous 06/06/09(Sat)19:43 No.1885413
    Sex with Masa.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/09(Sat)19:57 No.1885437
    She bring great dishonor to family!
    >> Anonymous 06/06/09(Sat)20:01 No.1885444
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    she can wear this
    >> Anonymous 06/06/09(Sat)20:02 No.1885446
    kz so my parents are like born again christians and stuff, not to say that I'm not but thats neither here nor there. The point is they are very close minded to this stuff and one time I was gonna cosplay agito from air gear who actually looks like a chick and even I thought he was a chick when I first saw him and heard him tawk. Then I show a picture to mom for the reference and stuff and she totally stormed out on me. She said all these things, she said "oh why do you wanna be a boy" she said that god showed her that I was gonna get a sex change and all this stuff it was really bad. Then when you think about it sometimes its easier for me to cosplay a guy character because some girl characters have revealing stuff and my parents will destroy me if I go out wit anything too tight, too short, or too revealing. I came up wit sewing in secret where I would do all my sewing for whatever outfit while they were not at home and stuff but then its hard because if someone reconize you and say whatever then your in trouble.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/09(Sat)20:02 No.1885448
    I know most people at the anime club know my situation and wit my Manjoume jacket that I made a couple months back I was thinking about wearing it to animeNEXT but then I thought frig what do I say to my mom whos taking me once again when someone comes up to me and says frikking chazz prinston or whatever because all the noobs that watch the dub -_= I mean I'll probably sneak and do it to a subtle extent like my Judai jacket as well and my jacket form of suzaku's pilot uniform but basicly I'm like this. How do you come across a situation in which you have obviously strict parents so you can't let them in or else they'll rip you to shreds on it? I'm sure you people don't all go wit your parents and stuff because you have other people to go to but I have no friends to go wit so I go wit my mom. Its a tight situation for the most part but anyone else how do you deal wit basicly having to keep a secret from your whole family?
    >> Anonymous 06/06/09(Sat)20:07 No.1885457
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    having naruto as the new baby daddy.

    getting murder and then raped in stair well.

    getting kidnaped and sent over to mexico as a new american slave girl.

    coming back as a hardcore yaio fan girl. were you will find gay rape dvd in your player,.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/09(Sat)20:09 No.1885461
    Grow up?
    >> Anonymous 06/06/09(Sat)20:10 No.1885465
    actually I'm 19 and shes coming to the con wit me again this year because she'd never let me go alone.

    the first time I came about it I said to her that they were just characters and what big deal would it be knowing the fact I'd be back into my regular clothes by the end 'a the day then she went on another tangent of sorts.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/09(Sat)20:18 No.1885481
    Have you seen the french movie called Martyrs? That could happen.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/09(Sat)20:30 No.1885495
    Darling, Ignore what some of these Idiots are saying :\ as long as she has plenty of money for food and emergency fund, calls you everyday , knows not to go with strangers. and travels with friends she should be okay. Also remind her no drinking (you can get drinks from others pretty damn easily) ect ect... Enjoy the con.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/09(Sat)20:37 No.1885503
    Didn't you see the thread about the creeps and freaks?
    >> Anonymous 06/06/09(Sat)20:43 No.1885511
    >> Anonymous 06/06/09(Sat)20:53 No.1885522
    >> Beloved of Cthulhu !!OZfUyWgysKa 06/06/09(Sat)22:04 No.1885646
    Hey! I am not going to any cons this year
    >> Anonymous 06/06/09(Sat)22:16 No.1885664

    >> Anonymous 06/06/09(Sat)22:35 No.1885684

    For some reason I read that as crepes... it made me hungry.
    >> Anonymous 06/06/09(Sat)22:44 No.1885698
    she cud suck off mario while kakashi shoves his dck in her ass while she is simultaneosly riding the master chief
    >> Anonymous 06/06/09(Sat)22:46 No.1885700
    I dressed as a pedo-bait character and took a late-night bus home (that included walking to/from the bus) from a downtown con when I was 16 and ABSOLUTELY NOTHING HAPPENED.

    She'll be fine. She'd be fine if she was 14 or 12 or something.

    >> Anonymous 06/06/09(Sat)22:47 No.1885703
    probably ugly
    >> Anonymous 06/06/09(Sat)22:50 No.1885707
    Yeah, probably, but I had a big-titted bitch same age as me with me, and still, no harassment.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)00:08 No.1885881
    probably fat
    >> Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)00:25 No.1885909
    Is your daughter smart?

    I've gone to cons since I was fourteen, and at age 16, I went alone. Nothing happened.

    However, at age fourteen, I went to convention with another girl, and our parents split chaperon duty. The other girl? Lost her virginity.

    Do you trust her friends? Do you trust her? Barring trust, do you think logically, that they will be safe?

    I suggest you go with her if it nearby for a day. Even if you don't have a badge, most cons will allow parents on grounds (not inside the dealers room though).
    >> Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)00:27 No.1885915
    When I was 16, I went to a con by myself dressed as a very popular fanboy-bait kind of character and was completely fine. If she's going with friends, nothing's going to happen to her as long as she has good common sense. And if she doesn't, she probably won't do anything she isn't doing already.
    >> tl;dr Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)00:44 No.1885942
    Oh, nothing might happen to her AT the con...its the cons you've got to worry about.

    Maybe she'll do something retarded like decide to start cosplaying 'seriously', and then possibly take the slow slide into a useless degree like fashion design...or theater. Have you got the money to support her in the fashion she will become accustomed to while she searches vainly for a job...anywhere? Then...no health insurance and she has to pay for her basketball sized titty implants all on her own which might lead to like...cancer... you see where this is going.

    Her future hobbies might include endless whining on the intarwebz about how cosplay is "super important/relevant" and cosplayers are "totalee persecuted!" as well as involving herself in the carousel of drama, skanky con sex with whatever apt predator manipulates all her "daddy issues" buttons and she learns to equate the approval of greasy titty lovin' photographers and the sound of fap-ing with self worth...

    It all ends when she winds up a cigarettey, midori soaked husk, hard done by and prematurely shrived, living in Vegas and hoping, nay, PRAYING that the personnel manager at the company she's applied with didn't notice her conspicuous anime tattoo, and please don't let them google her name...or check her references or she'll have to get back on the pole...

    Chris Rock says you got to keep your daughters off the pole. But I say you got to keep your daughters out of the cons...

    Seriously. Cons are the gateway to FAIL.
    >> Immaculate Weiss 06/07/09(Sun)00:45 No.1885945

    I'm gonna fuck her and make her call me Daddy.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)00:47 No.1885954
    Congratulations, you just described about .001% of congoers. Horrendously inaccurate, but amusing.
    >> http://www.cosfu.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=2579&st=90 Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)01:25 No.1886029
    14 years old and raped at a con. My parents and friends I was with were nowhere to be found. And of course at that age no one taught me proper etiquette for dealing with creepy people. Extremely passive/dense teen girl + persistent creeper = not happytimes.

    Literally. Peen inserted forcefully into vagoo + various bruises and marks from being smacked and held down....

    He was taken by con security and they brought police in. But it wasn't some explosive thing as I personally would rather only the heads of the con know about it than for it to be all over the con that something happened to me. I had some sort of pride issue going on where even after that I wanted to be able to enjoy myself without people being all "Awww poor baby". The only thing was that after that I had a security person or two around me at all times.

    My mom pressed charges but I don't exactly know/remember what became of the guy. :/
    >> Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)01:29 No.1886035
    >>1886029 no one taught me proper etiquette for dealing with creepy people
    Are you fucking shitting me? I know you're a cunt and all but you honestly can't comprehend what to do in a situation with "creepy people" on your own?

    > I personally would rather only the heads of the con know about it
    At least you're taking responsibility for your wrong doing.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)01:41 No.1886050

    And this is exactly why Cosfu is superior to this place.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)01:57 No.1886073
    >>1886029 The only thing was that after that I had a security person or two around me at all times.

    Wait... so she got raped, then went back out to enjoy the con? I would say "I want to get the fuck out of here and go home NOW" if that had happened to me.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)01:59 No.1886078
    Exactly. The true story is she probably consented and regretted it. So rather than be an honest slut she decided to be a lying victim.
    >> Kαż 06/07/09(Sun)02:00 No.1886081
    Um. What the fuck? What about that whole don't take candy from strangers? Holding hands, when you're young, etc?
    Parents must have been morons.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)02:03 No.1886087
    Ugh, what happened to CosFu? Why do I have to click on every goddamn post in the thread to see what it says? Am I just retarded or is the forum layout really that terrible?
    >> Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)02:05 No.1886088
    Show your kids movie Martyrs and tell them if they talk to strangers that will happen to them. Do it.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)02:09 No.1886095
    fix your terrible fucking english
    >> Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)02:20 No.1886109
    for some reason opening this thread fixes it: http://www.cosfu.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=1225&pid=37442&mode=standard&start=#entr
    >> Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)02:40 No.1886141
    going to a convention

    oh wait...
    >> Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)06:51 No.1886555

    this one should kill herself
    >> Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)08:32 No.1886675
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    >>What is the worst thing that could happen to her?

    Have pics of her ending up reposted in /cgl/ from here to eternity
    >> Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)09:10 No.1886744
    Make sure she has a con Buddie, a friend of hers that you trust to never leave her side. Pick her up from the con at 11 pm or so or if it's far away go with and get a hotel room and make her be back at the room by 11pm.
    She'll be fine.
    >> Anonymous 06/07/09(Sun)09:24 No.1886783
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