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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

  • File :1243664319.gif-(59 KB, 305x280, myths.gif)
    59 KB The myths, fables, and fairy tales of /cgl/ \E_0/ !d.PAtQPESM 05/30/09(Sat)02:18 No.1867182  
    Come, and gather around /cgl/ for I have stories to tell and divulge for your attention. The many tripfags of /cgl/ have unique and interesting stories to tell. For this is the Myths, Fables, and fairy tales of /cgl/
    >> Anonymous 05/30/09(Sat)02:24 No.1867193
    Please, Sir Anon, I implore you. How did Masa escape from the succubi known as Yaya Han?
    >> \E_0/ !d.PAtQPESM 05/30/09(Sat)02:36 No.1867222

    That story is one of my favorites to tell! Sit around anon and I shall tell you the tale of Masa and the Yaya!

    Masa D Luffy was just a boy, with big dreams of ruling one of the biggest events of our times, Anime Expo. But for that he needed recognition, power, the ability to become KING!

    Now Yaya Han was also desperate for power, but not the same type of power that Masa wanted. Masa wanted to be the fun loving wild party AX King. Yaya Han wanted to be a ruthless Queen. So she had schemed a plot to capture Masa and make him her slave.

    One AX as Masa began his quest to rule Yaya Han came up to him with an offer that he could refuse, but wasn't given the option. So he took it and became the slave of the Succubi Yaya Han.

    For years Masa and Yaya Han ruled, while Masa threw his parties and got drunk off his ass, he never realized that Yaya Han was making the AX people suffer. One night at a party he threw Masa met with the Goddess Miyu who realized the wicked ways of the Succubi Yaya. With a delicoius kiss from her lips it broke the hold that Yaya had on Masa. In which then Masa decided to take back his con.

    It was a grueling effort on Masa's part do so, but in the end he, along with Miyu and Usagi Kou, had vanquished the evil Succubus Yaya Han from his kingdom. And from then on he had proclaimed as Yaya han left.

    >> Anonymous 05/30/09(Sat)02:41 No.1867240
    But their troubles were not over yet, correct? For I've heard that the mysterious LoFi had begun to cause mischief.
    >> \E_0/ !d.PAtQPESM 05/30/09(Sat)02:49 No.1867253

    Ah yes, LoFi's tale is that of an intriqute design. For LoFi has come across many tripfags in his time. Maguma, Zal, Masa, he has come into contact with so many that his tale is that of a wanderer. But for this specific tale, I shall tell the tale of Masa and the LoFi Guy.

    It was a several cons ago that LoFi had met with Masa. He had spoken of many tales in which he had and Masa was intruigued. He extended a welcome to LoFi to come to his furtile grounds of AX for the parties, booze, and women.

    Now LoFi, though his Sexual Orientation is in question, took it upon himself to cause mischief that he knew so well.

    One day as LoFi was at one of Masa's parties he began rumor of an Uprising against Masa. Just for fun to see how the people reacted. The for some this was all a joke and laughed, but there where a few of Yaya Han followers who decided it would be best to have LoFi be the Succubi's new Ally. So they take him away and confront Yaya.

    LoFi, though turned on his Gayness and was able to resist the advances, but thought it would be fun to fuck with Masa so he agreed to play.

    The tale is a blur from here since the myths bleed into each other. Some say that LoFi dragged masa into the closet and had his way with him, others say that it was Masa and his crazy parties that caused LoFi to go crazy.

    The truth is that LoFi was just a party animal and always on the lookout for fun. so Once again Yaya Han was defeated my Masa, but with the help of LoFi as they banished her from the land as LoFi brandished his hot manly body with nothing but a mole boar to cover his penis that scared Yaya han away from the land of AX for good! (or at least if Yaya han was offered a shit ton of money to show up)
    >> Anonymous 05/30/09(Sat)02:53 No.1867260

    But, the land of AX is so large! If Yaya Han was banished, as you said, where did she end up at?
    >> \E_0/ !d.PAtQPESM 05/30/09(Sat)02:56 No.1867265

    Banished from the land completely would be an impossibility. Yaya Han had set her place up in the AX realm away from the watchful eyes of Masa and his subordinates.

    Yaya Han watches though, and waits for the day when there will be the Anti-Masa that can take him down.
    >> Anonymous 05/30/09(Sat)02:58 No.1867271

    But who will the Anti-Masa be? Could it be Maguma? Or perhaps the entity known as KaZzu?
    >> \E_0/ !d.PAtQPESM 05/30/09(Sat)03:00 No.1867274

    Ah the Entity known as KaZzu. He is a good man, but not the Anti- Masa.

    Maguma he shows qualities of the Anti-Masa, but his tale is unique and bold. But though the Anti-Masa, I believe he is not.
    >> SAGEMAN !8Kw45cLYSc 05/30/09(Sat)03:02 No.1867277
    could be me, MWAHAHAHA!
    >> Anonymous 05/30/09(Sat)03:04 No.1867284
    Tell me the tale of the horrible moon monster, UsaKou.
    >> Anonymous 05/30/09(Sat)03:05 No.1867287

    Please, let us stray from this talk of evil for a moment. It frightens me so.

    Tell me more of the adventures of Maguma, and how he became a ghost that is summoned to the bathrooms of women.
    >> \E_0/ !d.PAtQPESM 05/30/09(Sat)03:07 No.1867291

    Very well, I shall tell you the tale of: "The Maguma and the Stalker-chan" Just give me a moment while I dig through my book...
    >> Anonymous 05/30/09(Sat)03:07 No.1867294

    See >>1867143
    >> \E_0/ !d.PAtQPESM 05/30/09(Sat)03:16 No.1867301
    I must apologize to my fans, but the tale of "Maguma and the Stalker-chan" must wait until tomorrow. Now it is time for this Tale teller to get his rest.
    >> Anonymous 05/30/09(Sat)03:18 No.1867307

    Rest well, good sir! And thank you very much. You have brought a smile to the lips of an ill anon today.
    >> Anonymous 05/30/09(Sat)03:22 No.1867315
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    >> Sagey McSagerson !/qkCK4m8kE 05/30/09(Sat)03:32 No.1867329
    I have a lighthearted story to tell during the intermission.
    It was a long time ago; the Sunday of SDCC '04. I was walking around admiring the post Masquerade costumes, as SDCC rules state that you cannot show any cosplay made for the Masquerade before its time on Saturday night. Admire I did, and as I turned a corner to admire two very elaborate cosplays a strange thing caught my eye...
    A man walked by dressed in a quickly cut cape and mask, utility belt full of kitchen utensils, and jeans and a t-shirt. "What an odd juxtaposition I thought to myself", a simple cosplay next to many complex ones! Then, the wearer of the costume turned towards me and I saw pinned to his t-shirt a piece of paper that read "Low Budget Man"!
    I lol'd heartily and will never forget that simple costume out of the many elegant ones that I'm sure I have.
    >> Anonymous 05/30/09(Sat)17:41 No.1868057
    Oh, God, tell me there is more.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 05/30/09(Sat)17:48 No.1868065




    I read that first line, and I instantly thought of this. :D :D :D

    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 05/30/09(Sat)17:50 No.1868074
    ITT: You read this thread to this music

    >> Anonymous 05/30/09(Sat)17:56 No.1868080

    Oh God, it fits perfectly.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 05/30/09(Sat)18:16 No.1868100

    Damn right it does.
    >> Anonymous 05/30/09(Sat)18:31 No.1868131

    This thread should be archived.
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)06:18 No.1869152
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)07:37 No.1869187
    Thine ears dost burn for moar!
    >> The Bride 05/31/09(Sun)09:47 No.1869278
    bumping thread. I want to know more about Masa and his AX King adventures.
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:45 No.1869317
    Might anyone have a tale about the Faerie Queene Lillyxandra?
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)10:47 No.1869319
    Pictures of these characters, gaily arrayed of course, would make this story book simply marvelous.
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)12:29 No.1869404
    bump. Pray, wanderer, do you have more tripfag myths?
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 05/31/09(Sun)12:35 No.1869409
    I got reeeeeeaallllllyyyy drunk last night...man, that Vodka was some tuff stuff..

    How's about some fairy tales to sober me up and cure this light light hangover?
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)13:44 No.1869499

    Seconded. We need illustrations.
    >> The Bride 05/31/09(Sun)16:47 No.1869809
    >> Zal !gd9NVb5EGA 05/31/09(Sun)16:53 No.1869819
    I approve of this thread. Needs more Maguma and Manly Kittan though.

    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)18:18 No.1870020
    Bump for great justice.
    >> Anonymous 05/31/09(Sun)23:11 No.1870677
    I'm thinking the story teller bailed.
    >> \E_0/ !d.PAtQPESM 06/01/09(Mon)01:01 No.1870962

    I have not bailed on my stories good sir. For this weekend myself and my other had spent it well. Now I shall continue with the tale that I had promised to give to you. The tale of "Maguma and the Stalker-chan"

    The tale of Maguma is grand and tall. For his (mis)adventures have taken him from many strange and exotic lands. But this tale ravashes in the desire of lust, desire, and chocolate syrup. This tale must begin on the side of the one who shall be named "Stalker-chan"

    Now stalker-chan was a small village girl who loved many a things, one was chocolate syrup. Oh how she loved it so. One day she heard of tales of Maguma and hath heard a rumor that he shall be going to her local con. So with haste she had taken about her lust for chocolate and decided to see this man for herself. At then she saw him. Glistening muscles, a chocolate tan body. She knew that this man was to be drenched in chocolate sryup.

    Maguma who doth made a name for himself met the lady, unaware that she will be stalking him from then on. He playfully took the syrup in his hands and lively took a photograph, a device that captures souls, with the lady. He brandished his whittyness and so on as he went along his way.

    Stalker-chan from that night on went to the sacred place to pray to the gods of a way to make Maguma appear again. So she doth heard the rumor about the power of LoFi's pubes and their summoning power to summon Maguma to her.

    And so she fufilled the quest to collect LoFi's pubes and from that moment on summons Maguma to her bathtub at night everynight. Maguma in a trance and daze does her bidding of chocolate syrup and dances.

    For that is the tale of Maguma and the Stalker-chan.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)01:18 No.1871006

    hmm.. I approve. Tell us more!
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)01:38 No.1871063
    I have anxiously awaited your return, Story Teller. What other tales do you have within your book of secrets?

    Perhaps you can tell us about the ogre Krissy?
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)01:39 No.1871067
    Are there any tales of JaniCon?
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)02:04 No.1871144
    >> \Er_0/ !d.PAtQPESM 06/01/09(Mon)02:04 No.1871148

    Ah yes, Orge Krissy. Her tale isn't much to tell. But I shall tell you the tale of her origin and the toll bridge!

    Krissy was just the talk of her con. Making costumes that, at the time, where EPIC in the views of her patsies. Then a long came one cosplayer who was not like Krissy and many of her friends have now realized that the EPIC Krissy was not EPIC GOOD but EPIC BAD. One day Krissy went to this stranger who started to ruin her and said "On this bridge of Cons I deam you an OGRE! YOU OGRE!" as she deemed her peons to do the same the stranger said "You speak into a mirror and that is whom you are" Because it was true, because when she said it the stranger ducked to grab their bag that was on the floor and the mirror reflected the words back to Krissy. All began to laugh at the now Ogre Krissy.

    Now everytime you pass by a bridgeway at con you must duck at the mirror to avoid being called an ogre by the Ogre Krissy.

    Also Krissy wastes away in her DA with her EPIC FAIL cosplays trying to make the people like her again, but to no avail for the land of /cgl/ has grown wise to the ugliness of Ogre Krissy and know that she is not a Goddess on earth.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)02:06 No.1871158

    Who was this stranger? Could it be the princess JJ? Or perhaps her scorned lover, Jenni?
    >> \Er_0/ !d.PAtQPESM 06/01/09(Mon)02:12 No.1871179
    No one knows for sure who the stranger was. But the rumor swirl that it was the Goddess Miyu who was in disguese, others say that indeed it was JJ or Jenni who did this.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)02:13 No.1871184

    But why would they do such a thing? Why would they create something as putrid as the Ogre Krissy?
    >> \Er_0/ !d.PAtQPESM 06/01/09(Mon)02:17 No.1871192

    To make an example out of her. To show all the would be Krissy's to the world that if you say you are EPIC when you are FAIL you shall become Ogre like. Hence why the story of Ogre Krissy is passed on to beginner Female Cosplayers to avoid this horrible fate. Of course some do not head this warning and become either Ogres or Jealous Fatties.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)02:20 No.1871200

    Please, story teller, tell me. Where did Princess JJ originate from?
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)02:23 No.1871209
    Her momma
    >> \Er_0/ !d.PAtQPESM 06/01/09(Mon)02:25 No.1871219
    Ah the story of Princess JJ. That will have to wait for another time. Or to be more persise, In my many travels through-out the land I have yet to hear Princess JJ's story. So I have to say her story is not within my many tales and fables book.

    I do have a tale of the mysterious Anon if you are intersted in that tale?
    >> PhantomLight !foNL5ycv6E 06/01/09(Mon)02:25 No.1871220
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    Yes, oh story teller, please tell us more.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)02:30 No.1871235

    Yes. I will listen with eager ears.
    >> \Er_0/ !d.PAtQPESM 06/01/09(Mon)02:39 No.1871259
    The Mysteries of Anon is one that is perplexing, yet simple all its own.

    For one, Anon is the masses. And sometimes, they are a tripfag in disguise! But a majority of the time Anon is a troll. Who knows, maybe the next anon might just be Maguma asking for a story about himself?

    But this story is one that can be a bit decent, but all in all, just fun.

    For starters, the land of Anon is dark and foggy. No one can see into the land, all they can see are figures. But from the land of Anons they can see out of their boundaries and can see the many people clearly, like as if no fog is blocking their view. Many walk to and fro to lay claim to something they did. Really Anon is just a short tale of fact. But that is all this book has on Anons.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)02:41 No.1871267
    Are there tales of Florida's schoolgirl Shuichi?
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 06/01/09(Mon)02:43 No.1871274
    I'll just wait for you to write one on your own accord.
    >> \Er_0/ !d.PAtQPESM 06/01/09(Mon)02:43 No.1871275
    unfortunately for my tales mostly originate from the west coast. So my book is filled with those stories. the few stories I have outside where all passed down from other myth tellers.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)02:45 No.1871280
    Do you have any more, story teller? I implore you to continue.
    >> \Er_0/ !d.PAtQPESM 06/01/09(Mon)02:49 No.1871292

    But of course I have more stories to tell! I have yet to tell the tale of Manly Kittan, as well as the tale of Zal. Not only of them, but I also have the story of the Dynamic Duo, Not Batman and Robin, but a pair who is not gay in any way, KaZzu and NinjAttorney. Also many many more of Masa, Maguma, and LoFi, possibly one that involves all three?

    But once again I must part from /cgl/ tonight. For it is time to rest. But before I leave, I shall implore my public to let me be away of what story I shall tell next time around?
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)02:51 No.1871298

    Manly Kittan. That story has always been my favorite.

    Goodnight, story teller! And rest well.
    >> Great Teacher Masa !F9AXKingDI 06/01/09(Mon)03:57 No.1871458
    Bumping to keep the dream alive! Fableman, you ROCK.

    I hope you come to AX, I'll be in my Miguel outfit. Road to El Dorado. We'll rock this shit.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)03:59 No.1871462

    Masa, you should cosplay King Masa. Do it faggot.
    >> The Bride 06/01/09(Mon)10:03 No.1871894
    I wish to hear the tale of Zal next please!
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)19:09 No.1873254
    I wish to see epic paintings portraying these fabled events!
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 06/01/09(Mon)19:24 No.1873299

    But when I go to AX, I already am. Its not cosplay.
    >> \Er_Zero/ !d.PAtQPESM 06/01/09(Mon)19:28 No.1873313
    I am here, just taking a small pause to recollect the tale of Manly Kittan.

    I would like these fables to be portrayed in artwork. Someone with skills please do so.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)19:36 No.1873341
    bumping. I love this thread.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 06/01/09(Mon)19:50 No.1873379
    Keepin' 'dis thread aliiiiiiive
    >> \Er_Zero/ !d.PAtQPESM 06/01/09(Mon)20:01 No.1873415
    Alright, time to tell the tale of Manly Kittan.

    Now Manly Kittan wasn't always "Manly" in fact he was just a regular little Kittan. To much of his dismay he wished to be one of greatness, but nothing to big for he knew being great would cause harm to those close. But every time he tried he would be told off. This made little kittan sad. So one day he met with awesome people who told him "Your name doesn't make you sound manly enough, Little doesn't suit a man like you!"

    So from that day on, he decided to be "Manly" Kittan instead. There wasn't much difference though when he continued. But he can see that respect was given to him now that he was "Manly"

    One day, he decided to take "Manly" to a new height. He dressed in drag. The cosplay was one of Manly proportions for any man to have the stupidity, and the balls, to dress in drag surely is manly!
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 06/01/09(Mon)20:06 No.1873437

    I lol'd.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)20:13 No.1873471
    ITT: Ass Kissing
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)20:17 No.1873500

    man, can't you have any fun with this?
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)20:22 No.1873517

    It is indeed good to hear your tales again, story teller. Now please, tell the next fable. Please tell us about KaZzu and NinjAttorney.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)21:09 No.1873696
    >> Zal !gd9NVb5EGA 06/01/09(Mon)21:14 No.1873716
    Hahaha, nice one. Now on with KaZzu and NinjAttorney.
    >> \Er_Zero/ !d.PAtQPESM 06/01/09(Mon)22:16 No.1873896
    Now its time for the tale of the Dynamic Duo: KaZzu and NinjAttorney.

    These two are a unique pair in the cosplay world. For one they pair off and do similar style cosplays. But what where these two before hand. Well as all known Myths they where nobodies. And to tell they where BFFs all the way, for there cannot be one without the other.

    Now their tale begins after the tale of Manly Kittan's tale. For they had heard about the awesome powers of Manly Men if they cross-dressed. But they could not think of a perfect one. Then they had ran across a lawyer boy and his pal and decided that they shall be victims. So they dress themselves up as them and make a name for themselves. After a while they got known, so they began their master plan. For it was a french maid outfit that is to shoot them up to stardom. And so they got known, everyone in the land knew of the Dynamic Duo, NinjAttorney and KaZzu.

    But their awesomeness does not stop there. For they continue on. They do a pair of the same person, but different version. A coffee addict to be persice and they people LOVED them for it. Not only that they had done something to the world, they have "Showed them their moves!"

    And from the winds and through out the land, people know and love the Dynamic Duo!
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)22:19 No.1873906
    O great Story teller! Can you recount the tale of the Evil Witch Usagi Kou?
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)22:51 No.1873994
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    >> \Er_Zero/ !d.PAtQPESM 06/01/09(Mon)23:00 No.1874010
    Thank you for screencaping that Anon, I thought my original stories would've been lost.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)23:10 No.1874038
    Oh no, honored storyteller, I've got you covered.
    >> Anonymous 06/01/09(Mon)23:18 No.1874063
    someone PLEASE archive this
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)00:02 No.1874151
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)01:02 No.1874320
    Also bumping.
    >> \Er_Zero/ !d.PAtQPESM 06/02/09(Tue)01:05 No.1874329
    which tale shall I tell next /cgl/ the book is open for your amusement.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)01:15 No.1874345
    didn't get to hear zal's tale
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)01:27 No.1874380

    I see a Zal wanting to hear her tale!
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)11:24 No.1875200
    Someone needs to archive this D:
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)12:16 No.1875311
    Bump for awesomeness!
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)12:37 No.1875365
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    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)12:55 No.1875393
    Bumping for MOAR.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)13:19 No.1875415
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 06/02/09(Tue)13:33 No.1875435
    keepin it aliiiiiiiiiiiive
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)13:35 No.1875438
    I think OP bailed.
    >> DurrKaiser !!ONnAo3QmGBD 06/02/09(Tue)13:49 No.1875487
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)14:21 No.1875561
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)18:36 No.1875922
    >> Zal !gd9NVb5EGA 06/02/09(Tue)18:48 No.1875939
    Actually yeah, I am interested in seeing how my tale will be told. This >>1874345 isn't me though.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/09(Tue)18:58 No.1875960
    It seems as though our original storyteller has left us for the time being, but I have a tale to share as well. Gather round, ladies and gents, for it is time for the Fable of the Jealous Fatty.

    Once, in the village of /cgl/ in great land of Intrawebs, a good anon was sharing his collection of fine tapestries depicting the images of many lovely maidens, such as Princess JJ, the Dressmaker India, the Gypsy Sonnya, and the Exotic Kipi. While many in the audience enjoyed the tapestries and expressed their appreciation for such great handiwork, there was one among them who thought differently.

    This other one was an envious, bitter hag. She was short and round as a ball, with fat pudgy arms and sausage fingers that were clumsy with a sewing needle. She could not make herself a dress as well-made or well-fitting as those worn by the women in the tapestries. In fact, some say that there is no piece of clothing on this earth that could fit her in a flattering way. This filled her with a deep envy, which with time, turned to hate. And so the hag began to slander these other women. She said many a hurtful things, turning the land of /cgl/ to a place no longer filled with appreciation for other's crafts, but filled with drama and anger of the worst kind.

    This evil monster still lurks among us, rearing her ugly head every so often. But fear not, anons! We can keep her at bay with joyful threads such as these.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)00:28 No.1876504
    >> \Er_Zero/ !d.PAtQPESM 06/03/09(Wed)02:07 No.1876694
    I got two exciting tales in my book about Zal. One is that of the Trickster Zal who plays tricks on Masa, and the other is the tale of Lover Zal who makes advances on Maguma. Which oh listener does doth wish to hear?
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)02:13 No.1876702
    How about both?
    >> \Er_Zero/ !d.PAtQPESM 06/03/09(Wed)02:30 No.1876731

    Now now, do not be greedy. I shall tell you the tale of the Lover Zal.

    Zal is but one of many people less known on /cgl/ land. But what is known for is great beyond a doubt. For she was the first to screw with Masa before LoFi even came to AX land, but was also the first to view the gloried epicness which is Maguma.

    But this tale accounts the love interest of Maguma. Before Zal got a foothold in Maguma's bathtub she had to work for it. Oh but what work she did is lost to the winds of fate. But the truth is written here oh dear Anon. A dare from Masa to be rid of Zal once and for all and turn her trickster ways on the infamous Maguma is what began this little love affair!

    Now Maguma wasn't at all that interested, and had his suspicions that Zal was "Stalker-chan" from before. But to no avail was it for him. Zal had shown off many great feats in front of Maguma to capture the heart of the wily one. She had showed off her curvasous body in her Cammy when he did his Ryu, but the one Ikuy was the one that got the attention from Dat Ass. So she tried a different approach.

    Through the wind she heard Maguma had a Gay Crush on Masa's Luffy Cosplay, so she decided to do the same. Boy, did the eyes of Maguma pop! when he saw that. The gayness for Luffy came to be true on Zal and was able to get Maguma into the bathtub w/o the hex to summon him.

    And so this is the story, of the lover Zal, and how she was successfull in getting Maguma into the Bathtub without some mumbo jumbo hex.
    >> ROFLMFAO Zal !gd9NVb5EGA 06/03/09(Wed)02:35 No.1876743
    Good show sir. Good. Show.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)02:41 No.1876750
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)02:42 No.1876756
         File :1244011366.png-(98 KB, 562x600, 1243842632340.png)
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    pic related, zal and maguma
    >> Zal !gd9NVb5EGA 06/03/09(Wed)02:46 No.1876767
    That pic gets me every time.... but isn't that SUPPOSE to be Lofi?
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)02:54 No.1876778
         File :1244012041.png-(108 KB, 562x600, afs.png)
    108 KB

    There, NOW its you and Maguma
    >> Zal !gd9NVb5EGA 06/03/09(Wed)02:59 No.1876789
         File :1244012350.jpg-(189 KB, 822x640, ZFPIBW35KPTFPRD7XSZVUNQE5GJMUM(...).jpg)
    189 KB
    This whole thread makes me happy inside
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)07:43 No.1877100
         File :1244029403.jpg-(57 KB, 460x288, kissmyanthia.jpg)
    57 KB
    This thread makes me feel like we should all be wearing Ren faire garb.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 06/03/09(Wed)09:31 No.1877174
    I approve
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)10:32 No.1877236
    see, THIS is what we need with the stories, visual representation damn it!
    >> hsumi 06/03/09(Wed)10:58 No.1877254

    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)11:14 No.1877263
    >> Murk-A-Teir !/rMxiN97Dw 06/03/09(Wed)13:51 No.1877636
    This deserves some archives.
    >> PhantomLight !foNL5ycv6E 06/03/09(Wed)14:00 No.1877680
    I'd draw something, but I'm a professional slacker.
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)19:41 No.1878323

    happy in your pants happy, or happy happy?
    >> Anonymous 06/03/09(Wed)22:37 No.1878700
    bump in hopes of JaniCon stories
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)13:40 No.1880002
    bump so I can draw something for this
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)15:04 No.1880208

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