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    44 KB Anonymous 05/29/09(Fri)05:16 No.1864559  
    Story time, what's the most money you've ever spent on a single con? Go ahead and include rooms, flights, parties, costumes, dealer items, etc. Just how much do we love our hobby?
    >> Anonymous 05/29/09(Fri)05:21 No.1864564
    ....Wow, if we get judged on how much we spend, I may as well hate my hobby, haha.

    I know I've never spent over $200 on transportation+hotel for a single con yet. THe most I've ever spent on actual purchases is probably $25 this past Fanime for a print and a book. What can I say? I don't like buying things.
    >> Anonymous 05/29/09(Fri)05:23 No.1864565
    I'm a cheap ass.
    I've spent $220 before, but I made $1000 that weekend so it's ok. Artist from the AA here.
    >> Anonymous 05/29/09(Fri)05:31 No.1864577
    Probably Comic-Con last year, and I spent like....$425 total? I didn't cosplay though, or else it would have been way more.
    >> Anonymous 05/29/09(Fri)07:18 No.1864739
    So far spent $80 on a wig and $600 on a sewing machine. Sewing machine doesn't really count as i will use it for other things, but i bought it so i could make my costume. I believe the final cost will be about $150-200 for the costume :/
    >> AGiantWASDF !bc3BesElGM 05/29/09(Fri)07:26 No.1864752
    About £650 was my highest mark once.
    >> Anonymous 05/29/09(Fri)07:37 No.1864770
    $20,000+ but that's because I ended up in the hospital.

    Otherwise, we usually spend around $1,000.
    >> Anonymous 05/29/09(Fri)07:43 No.1864777
    WOW. That blows. May I ask what happened?
    >> Anonymous 05/29/09(Fri)07:45 No.1864781
    S'cuse me I'm just wondering - do you also pay for transportation/a hotel room/and do you eat at all at conventions? Is this one local convention you go to or generally all the conventions (big and small)? If this quote is for all your cons, you do eat, stay in a hotel room, and have to take some form of transportation...how? Eight people in a room?

    Teach me for I am a spendthrift.
    >> Anonymous 05/29/09(Fri)07:58 No.1864806

    My intestines twisted around some internal scar tissue. It was a total freak occurrence and the most insane pain I have ever felt. I went to the ER by ambulance Thursday night and was discharged Monday afternoon.

    At least I have kick ass costume that's already ready already for next year.
    >> Anonymous 05/29/09(Fri)07:59 No.1864808
    I'm not that anon, but I usually don't spend very much, either. I bring food from home, usually crash in a room with a good number of people (except for my local con where we commute in from mine or a friend's place), I never spend very much in the dealer's room (I have enough crap), and always pre-reg to get the cheapest rate. I don't go to conventions that are so far that I need to fly in, and I always get costume fabric on sale or with a coupon, and look for shoes at the thrift store.

    I guess I'm a cheapass, but I don't have a lot of money to be throwing around.

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