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  • File :1243536320.jpg-(20 KB, 450x443, mister-rogers.jpg)
    20 KB Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)14:45 No.1862874  
    Has it been done?
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)14:50 No.1862884
    Once long ago, Mr. Rogers was visited by an autistic child at his studio. The little one was brandishing a toy pistol, shooting towards people as a way of working out his shyness.
    Patiently Mr. Rogers waited while even he was blasted by the little boy, then he kneeled down and said to him, "You're strong on the inside. No gun will ever be as strong as who you are."
    The little boy didn't put away the gun, but he stopped shooting all he saw, hugged Mr. Rogers and even sang the theme to the show's song before they parted ways.

    It was the first time the autistic little boy ever sang or spoke in public.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)14:51 No.1862889
    <3 mr. rogers
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)14:53 No.1862891
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    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)14:53 No.1862892
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)14:54 No.1862897
    I have to go find one of my sweaters now, brb.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)15:09 No.1862930
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    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)15:12 No.1862934
    >Has it been done?

    According to this:
    Nobody alive could do it.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)15:14 No.1862939

    I think my shriveled black heart just grew three sizes
    >> AGiantWASDF !bc3BesElGM 05/28/09(Thu)15:16 No.1862946
    I baw'd ;_;
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)15:18 No.1862950
    During the 1997 Daytime Emmys, the Lifetime Achievement Award was presented to Rogers. The following is an excerpt from Esquire Magazine's coverage of the gala, written by Tom Junod:

    Mister Rogers went onstage to accept the award — and there, in front of all the soap opera stars and talk show sinceratrons, in front of all the jutting man-tanned jaws and jutting saltwater bosoms, he made his small bow and said into the microphone, "All of us have special ones who have loved us into being. Would you just take, along with me, ten seconds to think of the people who have helped you become who you are. Ten seconds of silence."

    And then he lifted his wrist, looked at the audience, looked at his watch, and said, 'I'll watch the time." There was, at first, a small whoop from the crowd, a giddy, strangled hiccup of laughter, as people realized that he wasn't kidding, that Mister Rogers was not some convenient eunuch, but rather a man, an authority figure who actually expected them to do what he asked. And so they did. One second, two seconds, seven seconds — and now the jaws clenched, and the bosoms heaved, and the mascara ran, and the tears fell upon the beglittered gathering like rain leaking down a crystal chandelier. And Mister Rogers finally looked up from his watch and said softly "May God be with you," to all his vanquished children.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)15:21 No.1862959
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    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)15:22 No.1862961
    So now you're triple the Hitler?
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)15:27 No.1862980
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)15:48 No.1863026
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)15:52 No.1863036
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)16:06 No.1863064
    In February 1990, Rogers' car was stolen while he was taking care of his grandson. The thief apparently realized who the car belonged to after seeing papers and props Rogers had left in the car. The car was returned to Rogers, who found it sitting in front of his home about a day later. The only thing missing from the car was Rogers' director's chair. Rogers' car at the time was an Oldsmobile sedan
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)18:21 No.1863287
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    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)18:37 No.1863316
    I miss him.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)18:47 No.1863338
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    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)18:50 No.1863345

    Now imagine if every cop was Mr. Rogers.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)18:52 No.1863351
    It frustrates me that Fox News labeled him as one of the major reasons why kids today are terrible. Apparently Mr. Rogers was an evil, evil man that made kids lazy and arrogant by telling them that they are special no matter what.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)18:57 No.1863368
    why would u
    >> AGiantWASDF !bc3BesElGM 05/28/09(Thu)18:58 No.1863372
    >>Now imagine if every politician was Mr. Rogers.

    fix'd for dream of Utopia ;_;
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)19:10 No.1863405
    this thread needs to be archived.
    im bawwwing and wanting to see it done at the same time
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)19:13 No.1863416
    I could see that happening and then eventually turn into some horrible futuristic dictatorship.
    >> AGiantWASDF !bc3BesElGM 05/28/09(Thu)19:13 No.1863417
    I'm not sure if I want it to be done. Just don't think anyone can do him justice at all.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)19:13 No.1863419
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    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)19:19 No.1863435
    the hell you say!

    also he's the best human to have ever existed because said things like "Discovering the truth will make me free." on his show.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)19:30 No.1863463
    The show was originally for the purpose of helping retarded and mentally handicap children and adults to learn how to be more self sufficient. That's why everything was a routine, taking off his shoes and sweater every time he came inside and talking about what he was doing in stages. The thing was, regular children loved it as much as the intended audience and it became a hit. Mr. Rogers is a folk hero, deservedly. His green sweater hangs in a display in the Smithsonian Museum.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)19:32 No.1863474
    It's just one of those things.

    Like, he was too good... super secret evil plot good.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)20:04 No.1863530
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    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)20:13 No.1863549
    Anyone doing it would probably be doing it in a fun-poking-fashion, that's for sure.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)21:01 No.1863678
    Why bother trying to cosplay Rogers himself, why not cosplay the puppets?
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)21:03 No.1863683
    I'd be less offended by that.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)21:11 No.1863706
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    It'd be epic, look at all of them, and the group would definitely need a Trolley. Oh, and not act like complete fucking retards while in costume. Honor the man by bringing his characters to life.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)21:20 No.1863721
    >the group would definitely need a Trolley
    Just do it in San Francisco.
    >> Anonymous 05/28/09(Thu)21:26 No.1863736
    Sounds like a good idea to me.
    >> Anonymous 05/29/09(Fri)05:16 No.1864561
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    >> Anonymous 05/29/09(Fri)05:20 No.1864563
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    >> Ess 05/29/09(Fri)05:32 No.1864579
    I have some family in Pittsburgh where he used to work and they once told me this story:
    Those particular relatives are big into golf and one day they were at a country club for the day, the men were golfing and the wives were relaxing with the children, and they heard Mr. Rogers was there. Well, they asked some of the staff if they knew where he was and they said they'd let them know if they saw him. A few hours later Mr Rogers walks into the clubhouse, finds the ladies and says "I was on my way out, but I heard there were some special children here and I couldn't leave without seeing them." Well the kids had run off and were wandering around, so he actually sticks around for a full hour until the kids come back, then he walks over to them, kneels down to their level, looks them in the eyes and tells them how happy he is that he got a chance to meet them, tells them how special they are, and gives them each a small hug. And then he just goes on his way. Nicest man ever on television.
    >> Anonymous 05/29/09(Fri)06:13 No.1864647
    I heard Mr. Rogers would take little boys into the lands of makebelieve and fuck their butts jojo
    >> Anonymous 05/29/09(Fri)07:57 No.1864805
    If that's a true story, wow.

    Mr. Rogers was a great man who did small, simple things. He saw through the glitz and glamour, the mental handicaps and deformities, the anger and frustration, and saw that inside, people were the same. That people wanted to be loved, comforted, and acknowledged that someone sees them as them and not another face in the crowd.
    >> Anonymous 05/29/09(Fri)08:08 No.1864825
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    >> Over-G !!OvGYpcRMSml 05/29/09(Fri)08:43 No.1864880
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    Hey guys, just visiting from /v/ since one of my friends is on her way to A-KoHMYGODNOSTALGIA.

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