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  • File :1242896567.jpg-(89 KB, 600x616, ___Comision__Yoko_bot____by_jimryu.jpg)
    89 KB Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)05:02 No.1844167  
    So /cgl/, especially you tripfags, what are some of your fetishes?
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)05:03 No.1844168
    >> Beloved of Cthulhu !!EpSde48XW5y 05/21/09(Thu)05:10 No.1844174
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)05:10 No.1844175
    Well for the ones I know of

    UsaKou: Domme
    Soni: Masochist
    4ng31: Sadist
    JJ: Shotacon
    Maguma: Giant boobs
    LoFi: Hypnosis
    LRC: Oral play
    Ai-Honey: Nipple play
    >> Sagey McSagerson !/qkCK4m8kE 05/21/09(Thu)05:15 No.1844178
    Corsets, thigh-highs, etc.
    Frankly, fairly standard stuff (nothing over-the-top).

    I suppose cosplay sex could be interesting, but I haven't tried it.

    With that I understand for some, cosplay sex is more rewarding as a random hookup at a con because to some extent the person you are going to seduce is more identifiable as the character they're cosplaying rather than the cosplayer...Would you want to sleep with Luffy, or Masa?
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)05:27 No.1844189
    Well, I'd have to go with... wait a damn second! TRICK QUESTION!

    But I'm in the same boat as Sagey: corsets, boots, anything aesthetically interesting and/or tight fitting. Oh, also crossdressing.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)05:30 No.1844192
    school uniforms and shotacon
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)05:43 No.1844198
    >Ai-Honey: Nipple play
    Sub or dom?
    >> bloody zoro 05/21/09(Thu)05:46 No.1844200
    I'll give you one guess.
    >> GCC !!mLxu/Bo8vQS 05/21/09(Thu)05:49 No.1844203
    Fetish kitten. Love leather and latex, tying people up, getting rough.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)05:52 No.1844204
    Blood? It's blood, isn't it?
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)05:52 No.1844205
    Snail rape
    >> bloody zoro 05/21/09(Thu)05:54 No.1844207
    Oho! We have a winner. That is one of them yes.
    >> pic unrealated Etna Is My Wife !rwTzXYi3BQ 05/21/09(Thu)05:54 No.1844208
         File :1242899694.jpg-(67 KB, 624x936, 123024668885.jpg)
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    Bloodplay, black/tan bitches, choking said bitches, choking self and fapping, small tits, licking the asshole of a pretty girl.

    I'm a fucking mess, most girls can't stand me cuz I work in a nightclub and chicks don't like to date guys who are around pussy all the time, I'm a big male pig when it comes to females, there like meat to me, yet I wish I found a hardcore ballbusting chick like Revy off Black Lagoon to step on my balls in high heels and make me her bitch, hell I want to try and rape her and die in the process cuz I got a fetish for the black widow thing.

    I'm pretty fucked up guys.
    >> enderwillsaveus 05/21/09(Thu)05:57 No.1844209

    Going for the rest here--

    Gravel, milfs, Sandman, jarate, pirates, and the smell of Bonk in the morning.
    >> bloody zoro 05/21/09(Thu)06:01 No.1844210
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    >> "Manly" Kittan !KITTaNz0Jw 05/21/09(Thu)06:08 No.1844217
    Does wanting to have awesome viking-like sex while fending off zombies with a crowbar on top of a burning building in the middle of the zombiepocalypse count as a fetish?
    >> !!MFP1W8EUIt9 05/21/09(Thu)06:08 No.1844218
         File :1242900506.jpg-(13 KB, 485x163, art imitating life.jpg)
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    This. ... fixed.
    >> enderwillsaveus 05/21/09(Thu)06:08 No.1844219



    My fetishes are Gundam Wing, sharp dressed men, British accents, Doctor Who, Terry Pratchett related things, nerdy pickup lines, and gingers.

    o and datass.

    inb4 ur doing it wrong
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)06:58 No.1844245
    >> Red Bra !R9u5o717Q6 05/21/09(Thu)09:00 No.1844301
    Glasses and guys who dress sharp (suits especially). I, also like JJ, have been known to have a shota complex.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)09:16 No.1844320

    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)09:33 No.1844346
    LOL Chris-chan
    >> It's not MY thing, but.. Katsu !!9QHzPLvZP9D 05/21/09(Thu)09:49 No.1844375
    That is quite possibly one of the best fetishes I've ever heard of! It SHOULD count!
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 05/21/09(Thu)09:53 No.1844381
    wat. :?

    Though for the record nipple play isn't one of my fetishes (does that even /count/ as a fetish?). Try harder!
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)10:02 No.1844404
    DP, messy facials and another girl snowballing a warm load down your throat?
    >> Arg !/cARaiCIAw 05/21/09(Thu)10:03 No.1844405


    Oh fuck yes.
    People would have to find out for themselves what my other fetishes are ;D
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)10:03 No.1844407
    For the irony, please tell me it's feet.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)10:10 No.1844419
    getting choked, bondage on the recieving end, having my hair pulled, being handled very roughly (bruises are welcome), getting mouthfucked, having sex without any regard being taken to me orgasming, basically being treated like a sextoy.
    Also vintage style underwear, corsets, hoisery and feet (having mine licked/licking mine for the pleasure of the guy/giving footjobs)
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)10:22 No.1844426

    I'm sorry, but I lol'd at all the really kinky stuff being followed by "oh, and vintage underware"
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)10:24 No.1844427
    Well I really can't take the whole bondage+latex/leather thing, shit's tacky.

    No if you're gonna be submissive,be submissive in some pretty & cute shit I say.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)10:27 No.1844431
    If "tacky" was a pun, you're my favorite anon ever now.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)10:36 No.1844438
    ai-honey went back to posting without a trip?
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)10:37 No.1844441
    sorry to dissapoint, but nope
    >> Raptor Jesus !!GmuC8tJhrH5 05/21/09(Thu)10:47 No.1844461
         File :1242917266.png-(420 KB, 350x568, Lucy-ElfenLied.png)
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    <-------- Whatever style or look this is.

    Yandere is my fetish, although I don't know if it counts.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)11:25 No.1844528
    Hypnosis and crossplay, together at last.
    >> LRC !HG6fkGXhas 05/21/09(Thu)11:40 No.1844556
    :| Apparently, you got me and Ai-Honey mixed up, because I just got some new piercings. :3

    You should date my boyfriend's ex.
    >> MCLOVIN 05/21/09(Thu)11:42 No.1844561
    Thigh highs
    Normal consensual sex

    Only applies to dudes on this one, but sweets/cakes/syrups covering them. Everything else is swing both ways.

    You know, the average Joe stuff
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)11:51 No.1844579
         File :1242921066.jpg-(113 KB, 417x625, php1189.jpg)
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    rape scenarios. I don't like the idea of rape, but that's just the kind of aggressive, assertive, "I take what I want" behavior I like in the bedroom.
    Also, men is suits, I'm such a sucker for a well dressed man. Add black rim glasses and it's all over.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)11:52 No.1844581

    You just got less attractive
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)11:52 No.1844583

    ..Meaning nipple piercings. On other girls.
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 05/21/09(Thu)11:55 No.1844590
    Hah, no, though I like the way said anon thinks. I don't have anything against latex stuff but cute underwear ala Dita Von Tease is awesome, I love pin up style. Not.. so much the feet thing though, sorry!

    I lol'ed.
    >> The Bride 05/21/09(Thu)11:55 No.1844592
    military uniforms and knee and thigh high boots are a couple of mine.
    >> LRC !HG6fkGXhas 05/21/09(Thu)11:56 No.1844594
    I suppose the fact that my boyfriend finds them attractive will just have to console me over the fact that a random anonymous person on the internet now finds me less attractive.

    If you weren't turned off by the piercings I already have and the numerous tattoos, I doubt you really would have found me that attractive to begin with.
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 05/21/09(Thu)12:01 No.1844603
    I don't get how it makes you less attractive either? I dunno I can see how a bad tattoo on like.. your forehead could be bad but otherwise I'm like. :|

    .. it's like people have told me I look better without my nose piercing (I have been thinking about getting it again) and I just find it bizarre how a little stud on the end of my nose could really change how I look to some people.

    I dunno, I think being yourself makes you the most attractive.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)12:05 No.1844611

    No the tattoos are hot, but metal hook rings welded onto your nipples so some clothes hanger can get caught on them and rip your nipples off are not hot.
    >> MCLOVIN 05/21/09(Thu)12:10 No.1844621

    I'm a bit biased since I already have an idea of what I find attractive. And I agree that piercings aren't attractive if they aren't simple ear piercings. And the only reason I can find for this is because piercings or tattoos can be distracting from the actual person. A tattoo on somewhere like your deltoid or back or less 'INYOURFACE' places is fine. And metal protruding from the face easily puts my focus on it.

    But it's all preference.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)12:11 No.1844623

    >> kasai !mdPEhUqv3k 05/21/09(Thu)12:20 No.1844637
    If someone is stupid enough to be waving clotheshangers around their nipplerings while naked, maybe they deserve to have them ripped out. >:O Exercise some basic common sense and they're not much different from piercings anywhere else.

    Plus, barbells > rings.


    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)12:32 No.1844658
    I know a certain one that likes to have her butthole licked, but I won't tell
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)12:34 No.1844665
    If they dont fall off, a lot of people tend to lose sensation after having them a while. They'll be really awesome and sensitive at first then....gone. whats the fun in that?
    >> scriptfag !!+NRjt8Jcwwc 05/21/09(Thu)12:35 No.1844667

    This made me think of some girl getting nipple rings and her significant other getting nipple hooks and they attach them to each other in some sort of weird sexual ritual.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)12:35 No.1844668
    as an occasional tripfag on /d/, this thread just makes me laugh my silly ass off.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)12:37 No.1844670

    Just cause you're into trannies and shitting dick nipples doesn't make the fetishes less legitimate
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)12:39 No.1844674
    trannies sometimes, shitting dicknipples no. obviously it doesn't make them any less legitimate, it's just funny because most of these are on the vanilla end of my spectrum.
    >> Murk-A-Teir !/rMxiN97Dw 05/21/09(Thu)12:42 No.1844679

    Men and butts and i suppose spanking those butts on said men.

    ....and Yoko isnt a fetish.
    >> Zal !gd9NVb5EGA 05/21/09(Thu)12:46 No.1844697
    >Maguma: Giant boobs
    So true
    >LoFi: Hypnosis
    I loled
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)12:47 No.1844700
    I visit /d/.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)12:53 No.1844717
    No fetishes, just preferences. Large hips, slightly chubby, and nice butt. You know, DAT ASS.
    >> Sagey McSagerson !/qkCK4m8kE 05/21/09(Thu)12:56 No.1844730

    You reminded me, if a woman wears a dress/skirt she can pull off well thats a big turn on right there. The dress doesn't need to be terribly revealing or otherwise 'slutty', but if it shows off the body in a way that I want to see more...mmm.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)13:02 No.1844741
    >Maguma: White girls with Giant boobs

    >> Chips Handon !!aNAqknynmO6 05/21/09(Thu)13:09 No.1844759
    I like my women the way I like my bread.

    >> Sagey McSagerson !/qkCK4m8kE 05/21/09(Thu)13:15 No.1844769
    >I like my women the way I like my bread.


    Such that you can pick them up for cheap at Wal-Mart?
    >> Zal !gd9NVb5EGA 05/21/09(Thu)13:16 No.1844772
    >> Chips Handon !!aNAqknynmO6 05/21/09(Thu)13:17 No.1844777
    I said white, not fatass ghetto black bitches. Although, I suppose it really just depends on what Wal-Mart you go to.
    >> Zal !gd9NVb5EGA 05/21/09(Thu)13:20 No.1844785
    >what Wal-Mart you go to.

    So true, the one I was at the other day was ghetto asian women who still fight for lower prices at a Wal-Mart -_-
    >> Chips Handon !!aNAqknynmO6 05/21/09(Thu)13:20 No.1844786
         File :1242926448.jpg-(124 KB, 750x965, Bingo!.jpg)
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    Anyone up for a round or two?
    >> Chips Handon !!aNAqknynmO6 05/21/09(Thu)13:21 No.1844788
    W-w-waaahhh? With guaranteed low prices every day, how could you fight over them?
    >> Zal !gd9NVb5EGA 05/21/09(Thu)13:24 No.1844798
    Ask my boyfriend's mother-- who actually called him with an 'emergency' the other day. Something was wrong with a check (I didn't pay attention to the details) and $6.30 was missing somewhere. Yes, that's 6 dollars and 30 cents....... It was the end of the world I tell you.
    >> Sagey McSagerson !/qkCK4m8kE 05/21/09(Thu)13:24 No.1844800
    Wow I lol'd!
    ...There wouldn't happen to be one of these available for a con would there?
    >> Chips Handon !!aNAqknynmO6 05/21/09(Thu)13:25 No.1844803
    No... but I guarantee you the free space would be "Weeaboo."
    >> Zal !gd9NVb5EGA 05/21/09(Thu)13:26 No.1844805
    >Convention Bingo

    Someone make this!!
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)13:30 No.1844815
         File :1242927055.jpg-(135 KB, 640x480, SailorMoon10.JPG.jpg)
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    I'm into messy stuff, particularly pies. Being hit with a pie in the face while cosplaying is a major turn on for me. A couple of cons have done a "pie a cosplayer" mini-event, which makes me think I'm not totally alone in this fetish...or maybe I am. x_x
    >> Chips Handon !!aNAqknynmO6 05/21/09(Thu)13:38 No.1844836
         File :1242927482.jpg-(64 KB, 687x691, Con Bingo.jpg)
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    Took me all of five minutes. Somebody could go ahead and make a better one, though.
    >> Chips Handon !!aNAqknynmO6 05/21/09(Thu)13:45 No.1844859
         File :1242927942.jpg-(72 KB, 273x410, Chups.jpg)
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    Oh, oh my...

    Go on...
    >> Hatsuu !!cQMUBTd+AtA 05/21/09(Thu)13:49 No.1844867

    This thread is scary.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)13:51 No.1844871
    I think clicking this link will explain my fetish quite thoroughly:

    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)13:52 No.1844877
    fucking aye you cant even draw a straight line with a fucking line tool?
    >> motoko !!Z9RHDE0TyCR 05/21/09(Thu)13:54 No.1844879
    oh shit...that reminds me of the other day. I ran to Wal-Mart to grab something and it was a torrential downpour when I parked my car and ran inside. When I came back out to my car, I discovered that I had driven//parked on top of a dirty diaper that had like...exploded from the combination of the rain and my car wheel rolling over it. D:
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)13:59 No.1844886
         File :1242928754.jpg-(134 KB, 640x480, SailorMoon18.JPG.jpg)
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    Oh, I know that it's not exactly a conventional fetish, but I like being pretty unique. All this fake BDSM is so same-y, it's fun to have a fetish that actually surprises people.
    >> Zal !gd9NVb5EGA 05/21/09(Thu)14:02 No.1844889
    >> Chips Handon !!aNAqknynmO6 05/21/09(Thu)14:08 No.1844892
    It's a concept bingo. It's to give somebdoy else inspiration to build a decent one. I'm not going to waste time on making it good... you, you doublenigger.
    >> Murk-A-Teir !/rMxiN97Dw 05/21/09(Thu)14:24 No.1844907
         File :1242930260.jpg-(104 KB, 861x800, bingo.jpg)
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    Aha there you go. This is my take on it
    >> scriptfag !!+NRjt8Jcwwc 05/21/09(Thu)14:30 No.1844911

    You are so incredibly innocent, and yet your job says otherwise
    >> Chips Handon !!aNAqknynmO6 05/21/09(Thu)14:34 No.1844919
    Needs moar spaces.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)14:34 No.1844920
    That's more like. BING.

    Rabid. Bathed.
    >> Murk-A-Teir !/rMxiN97Dw 05/21/09(Thu)14:43 No.1844930
    how many spaces is bingo suppose to have.

    I will fix this mispellings. Sorry about that
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)14:45 No.1844933
    5X5 jackass.
    >> Chips Handon !!aNAqknynmO6 05/21/09(Thu)14:45 No.1844934
    5 spaces each way.
    >> Murk-A-Teir !/rMxiN97Dw 05/21/09(Thu)14:54 No.1844940
         File :1242932041.jpg-(125 KB, 930x800, bingo2.jpg)
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    version 2
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)14:54 No.1844942
         File :1242932074.jpg-(200 KB, 1027x771, 1242526363275.jpg)
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    I like my women between 20 and 500 feet tall.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)14:55 No.1844944
    Going anon for this, but here you go:

    -blood play
    -breath play
    -sub-space and getting there by means of physical injury

    The rest isn't really interesting compared to that lot. Socks and stockings just don't stand up to letting someone else have control over you. The sad thing is, none of my previous boyfriends and most of my friends don't know about this because I know it would upset them.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)15:03 No.1844952
    you kids and your bloodplay. enjoy your aids.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)15:05 No.1844956
    >> PhantomLight !foNL5ycv6E 05/21/09(Thu)15:05 No.1844957
         File :1242932724.jpg-(200 KB, 643x651, Anime Convention Bingo.jpg)
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    My attempt at it.

    On topic, goth/visual kei wear.
    >> Sagey McSagerson !/qkCK4m8kE 05/21/09(Thu)15:37 No.1844991
    This one seems like it'd be more of a challenge than these
    though I'm pretty sure I could fill up the spaces on the boards within at most two days at any given con.

    More challenging spaces in no particular order:
    -Steampunk cosplay with gears that serve a purpose.
    -Helpful con security.
    -Hazel Chaz at a con not serving lemonade.
    -Broken prop beyond repair at day 1.
    -Opening your hotel room door to con sex.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 05/21/09(Thu)15:46 No.1845000
    Girls with nice legs.
    Short skirts.
    Lotion and massaging
    Oral sex (not me receiving)
    Sex in slightly to moderately compromising places (convention centers and public bathrooms)

    DAMNIT I'M NOT ALL THAT KINKY. But at least I don't need the kink to please the pink. I git'er doooone.
    >> Idort !!vwA5zmlkKEO 05/21/09(Thu)16:14 No.1845060
         File :1242936842.jpg-(107 KB, 672x576, 1229212066269.jpg)
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    Acts: Domming, cuddlefucking, hairpulling, light bondage, oral (giving and receiving), finishing on her stomach.

    Physical traits: Natural tits (doesn't matter how big. fake ones are gross.), long hair, toned abs.

    Positions: Doggy, missionary, girl on top, and one i'm not sure of the name of, but she's on her side with her leg up at a 90 degree angle, and my arms are on either side of her, fucking sideways.
    >> Idort !!vwA5zmlkKEO 05/21/09(Thu)16:17 No.1845066
    holy shit, i forgot, Biting (giving and receiving). Thanks for reminding me, Masa!
    >> Volfogg !DobAZ6eynU 05/21/09(Thu)16:20 No.1845076
    Rear ends, thighs, and feet.
    >> The Bride 05/21/09(Thu)16:23 No.1845086
    Biting is fun, especially when it leaves bruises.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)16:32 No.1845109
    male here, I have major high-heel and latex/leather/pvc fetish. Also ofc costumes etc, bdsm. I'd like to girl dominate me, make me crossdress and lick her boots, then maybe some strap-on action.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)16:32 No.1845110
    - biting
    - men in suits/well-dressed men/military uniforms
    - role-play
    - costumes
    - oral
    - public places
    - glasses
    - fighting for dominance

    I'm not very weird, compared to the rest of you! .. That makes me feel totally inadequate ..
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)16:33 No.1845111
    LRC is henceforth renamed "NRC"

    Believe it.
    >> Hallelujah !!d4NE6x8uENq 05/21/09(Thu)16:35 No.1845115
    This entire thread makes me feel totally inadequate.
    >> Idort !!vwA5zmlkKEO 05/21/09(Thu)16:41 No.1845127
    Bruises are the best part. I savor them. It's awesome if they're tender a day or two after.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)16:42 No.1845130
    Anyone have a scan of that Gamer Radio flyer that had con bingo a few years ago?
    >> Zal !gd9NVb5EGA 05/21/09(Thu)16:47 No.1845138
    I loled too hard at that
    >> The Bride 05/21/09(Thu)16:48 No.1845143
    you and I good sir would get along great. I love strap-on sex, but unfortunately my husband will not let me do that with him.

    Agreed, I had my chest bruised for like two weeks after a good biting session one time. It was the best thing ever. Especially since I love wearing low cut tops, so I had my friends freaking out thinking my husband beats me.
    >> LRC !HG6fkGXhas 05/21/09(Thu)16:52 No.1845153
    They're not rings. I never get piercings with a ring, they move too much and can fuck up the healing process, especially if the ring is in a place you have to wear clothing over. Also, even when healed, they can still get caught on things too easily. The only piercing I wear a ring in -is- my lip, actually, and even with that it's a CBR so there's no loose ends to get snagged. I don't even like to wear rings in my ears, I have an unnaturally high paranoia of piercings getting pulled out.

    On topic, I do like biting. I actually don't have a fetish for nipple play, it's always felt more ticklish than sensual to me. I need a rough tough because light touches just tickle me and that kind of kills the mood. :|
    >> Zal !gd9NVb5EGA 05/21/09(Thu)16:55 No.1845160
    I need a rough touch because light touches just tickle me and that kind of kills the mood. :|

    This this this
    >> keyboardarcade !xI3F1qKynY 05/21/09(Thu)16:56 No.1845161
    I know how you feel. I've always been overly worried about getting piercings yanked out, too...then my nipple piercings rejected due to getting them snagged really badly on my shirt during sleeping.

    God, I miss them so much.
    >> LRC !HG6fkGXhas 05/21/09(Thu)17:07 No.1845182
    aaaahhhoawehoirjwer I winced reading that.

    Yeah, I'm being super-careful with them because -if- I even have kids, I'd prefer to breastfeed, so I'm trying to keep scar tissue to a minimum so there won't be any complications.

    How'd you get them caught on a shirt? :< I've been wearing snug-fitting wife beater type tank tops to bed so there's not a lot of loose fabric to move around and irritate them.
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 05/21/09(Thu)17:07 No.1845184
    Enclosure, soft/smooth materials... Zentai and the like.

    Pretty damn tame compared to most this thread, geez D:
    >> bloody zoro 05/21/09(Thu)17:09 No.1845187
    My back piercing gets caught on things every once in a while.
    >> LRC !HG6fkGXhas 05/21/09(Thu)17:10 No.1845192
    Yeah, I was thinking of getting a nape, but then I realized that once it healed, I'd probably forget about it and snag shirts and stuff on it fairly often. I prefer to have my piercings in places where I can see them.
    >> keyboardarcade !xI3F1qKynY 05/21/09(Thu)17:10 No.1845193
    Uhg, I was stupid and I was wearing a wife-beater type shirt that wasn't all that tight around me. I has barbells in, too. One of the times I flipped sides in my sleep, a side of the barbell just got caught and I yanked it so hard. I can't think of many things that hurt more than that.

    The next couple of days I tried to tame the rejection, but there was nothing I could do. The entry/exit sites were just messy, gooey, disgusting holes. Shitsux.

    Took them out, miss them so much :[ but it's also kinda nice to not have to think about them while I wash myself showering, and during intimacy with my boyfriend. Haven't decided whether or not I want to re-pierce.
    >> LRC !HG6fkGXhas 05/21/09(Thu)17:13 No.1845197
    Aaah. ;_;

    Thankfully I don't tend to move around once I fall asleep. I've been falling asleep on my right side and waking up that way, too, so hopefully that keeps up for the next month or two until they're settled.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)17:16 No.1845202
    The only experience I have with nipple rings is my buddy in high school got his pierced. He liked walking around shirtless since it's Cali and warm all the time. He got in an argument with his girlfriend once and she proceeded to rip them out.
    >> keyboardarcade !xI3F1qKynY 05/21/09(Thu)17:17 No.1845204
    I always move so much when I sleep, so it's really my fault for being dumb. I do miss them a whole lot though.

    Glad you got them. p.s. are you going to Otakon because I am and we should hang out :D
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)17:18 No.1845206
    >aaaahhhoawehoirjwer I winced reading that.
    I winced just reading about nipple piercings. It makes my nipples hurt.

    >Enclosure, soft/smooth materials
    That explains alot.

    Since she apparently doesn't have a ring there, and just a piercing it would be NPC.

    And for an NPC she doesn't repeat the same dialogue over and over too much.
    >> LRC !HG6fkGXhas 05/21/09(Thu)17:59 No.1845276
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    Yes and yes. :3 We have the VIP suite at the Hyatt AND it's my birthday weekend, AND my boyfriend is spinning at the otakurave and a club in Dundalk that weekend, so Otakon is going to be a big party-filled blur for me.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)17:59 No.1845277
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    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)18:00 No.1845278

    Yeah... Sorry but some of us actually have REAL sex-lives and not ones concieved with pen and paper by some fat old otaku in Japan.

    My list are things I -do-
    things I get turned on by are many more and quite alot "worse" as I tend to spend alot of time on /d/

    me btw:
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 05/21/09(Thu)18:02 No.1845283
    Doesn't it?
    >> Avi !puBUpFsw.I 05/21/09(Thu)18:17 No.1845317
    Breathplay & Latex
    >> local /v/irgin 05/21/09(Thu)18:20 No.1845320
    -wrestling with amazon women
    -300 AD cosplay
    -the sound of a dove crying
    -giving anal to sakura cosplayers (naruto)
    -bikini tan lines in snow
    -teaching android women how to love
    -women's toilet seats
    -women able to perform autocunillingus

    oh and centaur women. Pretty vanilla stuff

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