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  • File :1242630056.jpg-(67 KB, 500x570, 2031119.jpg)
    67 KB Cosplay pet peeves Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)03:00 No.1835981  
    Alright /cgl/, tell me your cosplay pet peeves.

    pic very related. I hate it when people don't take their glasses off for pictures.
    >> motoko !!Z9RHDE0TyCR 05/18/09(Mon)03:03 No.1835983
    I think glasses are the least of her problems.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)11:57 No.1836405
    If she had the right hair and had taken off her glasses, I think she'd look okay.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)12:03 No.1836412
    Cosplaying overdone characters... do less known ones.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)12:20 No.1836425
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    so, is it the cosplayers responsibility to always remember to take off glasses, or should the photographer take a little? sometimes i don't remember i have glasses on until after the picture is taken.

    my pet peeve: signs. pic related
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)12:29 No.1836439

    "I'm yaoi" doesn't even make sense.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)12:39 No.1836454
    i'm sure they were under the impression that yaoi means gay. a synonym as it were.
    >> bloody zoro 05/18/09(Mon)13:09 No.1836495
    No, I think it fits. "No peak, no climax, no meaning" is what yaoi means.
    >> "Manly" Kittan !KITTaNz0Jw 05/18/09(Mon)13:15 No.1836500
    >Cosplaying overdone characters poorly.

    Fixed that for ya there, buddy.

    My pet peeve is cosplayers who think that they'd suddenly your best friend because you're cosplaying from the same series as they are.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:17 No.1836503
    I am in hate with sneakers. Like, gym shoe style. Personally, I don't think those should even be worn day to day, let alone in a costume. They are for athletics! Use them for that, wear something flattering and not oh god fug for everything else.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:18 No.1836506
    Oh, ConnectiCon, how I love your hideous carpets.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:18 No.1836507

    Oh god, you are so right. Especially when they are cosplaying the same series really, really poorly, and they insist on following you around and getting in every shot other people take. How do you tell them, "I don't know you. Also you are bad at this"?
    >> "Manly" Kittan !KITTaNz0Jw 05/18/09(Mon)13:21 No.1836511
    I usually just tell 'em that I've got a photo shoot to get to and run off. If they're socially awkward enough to follow you around like that, they're usually dumb enough to fall for a lame excuse to get away.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:32 No.1836528
    For me, it's usually when people don't seem to care anything about their look. That includes badly sewn, not ironing the costume, horrid wigs/no wigs and unbrushed hair, not wearing make-up, not brushing teeth, stuff like that.
    People should take care of themselves on conventions some more. Also care about others who have to look at them.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:50 No.1836543

    OH GOD THIS <3
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:54 No.1836555
    This... It's hard not to say it. But running off sound like a good way to avoid sounding like a bitch when you try to say go away. It one thing to talk about the series for 20 mins. It's different than followon me for an hour.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)14:02 No.1836567
    doesn't even have to be less known. we know all the characters from naruto, but everyone does the three mains and kakashi. Out of everyone in that series people could choose anyone else. I make a point to try and do Well-known characters that not many people do
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)14:25 No.1836608
    I think the only thing that really bothers me anymore--more than non-ironed costumes, frayed edges, or generally poor construction in costuming--is the way some cosplayers act when you ask for a picture. I guess it's more of an offense to me because of how I act in costume. When someone asks for my picture in costume I generally thank -them- afterwards for taking interest; at least acknowledge them. Instead, I have had some people literally sigh when you ask them for a picture or just pose and then turn away again like you weren’t even there.

    It’s as if they feel because you're a regular fan and not a photog offering epic photoshoots you're not worth it. It's not the lack of smiling or even an epic pose in a photo that bothers me because they could easily be in character. It comes down to that haughty attitude that they exhibit. It makes me upset that I even bothered asking them in the first place and sorry I even thanked them for posing. It’s like, if you aren’t having fun in costume, why the hell are you doing it!?
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)14:26 No.1836613

    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)14:37 No.1836631

    Or the other way around...
    Rude photographers who push you / friends away to take a picture. Or tell you to put your food away after you haven't eaten all day.

    Don't get me wrong, it's just the way they ask. (ofcourse I would put my stuff down)
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)14:40 No.1836642
    When people don't act in-character, either as normal interaction or in photoshoots. Alucard doesn't stand around smiling weakly and slumping. Pose like the fucking character, for godssake.
    >> Zal !gd9NVb5EGA 05/18/09(Mon)14:45 No.1836648
    My pet peeve:
    Rude con goers. ALA was really bad this year with them.
    A friend of mine had this happen to them. She was walking in the crowded hallway of ALA and all of a sudden this bitch with a camera comes out of nowhere and punches my friend's shoulder and shouts "Hey, I want your fucking picture."

    One of our maids at the con-suite was handing out the Blue Rose Maid Cafe ribbon. The catch was you had to find the trap and the reverse trap. Some bitch wanted the ribbon and started asking everyone in the vicinity of the room if they were the trap. The bitch comes back and says to the maid handing the ribbons saying "You're the fucking trap"-- needless to say they didn't get a ribbon.

    I hate that, too. I always try to thank the people that ask. You had the courage to ask, so you get a smile and a thanks.
    The people that start taking pics because someone else asked will most likely not get a thank you.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)14:48 No.1836654
    My pet peeve is similar to OP's.

    I hate people who NEED to wear glasses but choose not to because they think they'll forget.

    So they inconvenience friends or other con goers by walking around completely blind the whole con.

    Seriously, you paid money to be there, don't you want to see it? Sure, you might forget in one or two pictures, but it's not worth the "perfection" to miss the whole con visually.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)14:54 No.1836664
    oops, i do that
    i can't seeee without my glasses ;_;
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)14:56 No.1836667
    Oh yes, the reverse is definitely as annoying but even though I spend so much more time in costume than out, when I actually do ask someone for a picture I feel more hurt when I'm met with such an attitude because I am a cosplayer.

    I don't cosplay a lot of "in" series though and I have observed that the more popular a series the more obnoxious the fans. Maybe I'm spared from a lot of those rude photo requests?
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)14:58 No.1836671
    IAWTC. I honestly can't imagine myself ever cosplaying any "overcosplayed" characters, seeing 15 other people wearing the same costume (good or not) just kind of kills it and kind of makes me feel like a tool. Not to mention I'm sure you would get excited to see a good cosplay of a character you recognize but never seen cosplayed before.
    >> Pasta !!Oo43raDvH61 05/18/09(Mon)15:03 No.1836683
    Yeah, that's pretty much right.

    I cosplayed as Shishiwakamaru at AB a few years back, and while I didn't quite get the amount of YYH fans I expected to (some of the people who took my picture didn't know what I was, they guessed random Kenshin character), the ones who did recognize me were just so insanely nice and happy to see me. It was such a great feeling because the look on their face was like I had made their day by cosplaying from YYH.

    I get that feeling when I see a favorite character that is never cosplayed or a costume choice ON a popular one that never is (there are tons of Nami cosplayers, but the one who did thief Nami from the first episode is my favorite just for doing that costume!).
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)15:05 No.1836684
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    Fucking whore shoes. My best friend is short and is cosplaying lolita from a movie with THESE FUCKING GROSS THINGS.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)15:29 No.1836725
    what movie?
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)15:29 No.1836726
    I don't care about the cosplaying overdone characters thing. People USUALLY cosplay who they like. If characters are being overdone, then the character is just very enjoyable to be. Of course you have the people that do it just to be recognized or maybe for a devious reason.

    As for pet peeves, I don't like it when people don't pose like their character either.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)15:30 No.1836728
    Kamikaze Girls?
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)15:31 No.1836729
    Ding ding ding. Correct.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)15:39 No.1836740
    my point exactly
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)15:42 No.1836744
    Putting huge heels on cosplays that don't have/need it. I've seen a X-2 Yuna with 5in stiletto boots. She looked like a whore to begin with and then she added the hooker boots. Shit makes me RAAAAGE everytime I see it.

    Other pet peeve is people who think they can spray their hair blue and have it look good. GET A WIG. Its not that hard!
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)15:45 No.1836751
    When the only food around the con is fast food.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)15:46 No.1836752
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)15:57 No.1836763

    Sure it's the cosplayer's responsibility. Either wear your glasses and take them off for pictures, or look stupid with glasses.

    I've heard of these nifty little things you put in your eyes called contact lenses that work just as well (if not better) than glasses!
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)16:13 No.1836783
    Some people can't wear contacts.
    Just saying.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)16:14 No.1836786

    Oh, there's a climax all right.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)16:18 No.1836795
    This! Or heels at all, especially on the Evangelion plugsuits or similar costumes that just look completely silly with them. Sometimes heels work, other times they don't.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)17:24 No.1836895
    wtf wrong with being white i am not all white ppl are honkeys
    >> Avi !puBUpFsw.I 05/18/09(Mon)17:27 No.1836902
    Probably my biggest pet peeve is when people claim that they cosplay for the fun of it and not competition, but then they turn around and totally trash on someone's okay costume that's its not done right.

    So yea, I rage alot of /cgl/. But luckily /cgl/ is kinda making it easier for me to learn to ignore these types of people.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)17:29 No.1836906
    people who cosplay thesame character as you from a series thats just come out, and haet you because you're LOLTHESAME.

    i mean seriously - if you can't handle not being the only one you need to find a different con.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)17:30 No.1836907
    don't forget that it takes time to learn to put in and wear contacts properly (it isn't that easy)
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)17:32 No.1836913

    THANK YOU for this.
    >> Party Foul Nami 05/18/09(Mon)17:42 No.1836930
    Oh my fucking god. I hate your friend for doing this.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)17:56 No.1836947
    I linked to better suited shoes but she goes "No no no too short."
    I'm going to cry if she gets them.
    >> Party Foul Nami 05/18/09(Mon)17:58 No.1836953
    My biggest problem is that Momoko wears shoes NOTHING like those.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)18:00 No.1836957
    That's what I was saying. But I guess it's too damn bad for me. She's really short and Momoko is a tiny girl, a little extra heel wouldn't be too bad but those are ridiculous.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)18:20 No.1836999
    I just hate the clunkers/super high ones. A little kitten heel on a plugsuit could help a leg look longer and leaner but beyond that it gets trashy.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)18:38 No.1837047
    My pet peeve
    people being so picky about someone wearing a costume. Who cares if someone wears glasses in photos or doesn't iron the costume? Apparently those people don't take the hobby to the extreme that it has become today. OMGZ You didn't buy your wig from cyperous or cast your jewels out of resign!! OH THE HORROR! If you feel the need to do that and make your costume to it's most epic proportions, cool, good for you. Just don't get all pissed off at others who dress up for recreation. It's the elitist attitude like that, that has ruined cosplay. That is my pet peeve. (:
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)18:41 No.1837061
    Most people can't afford contacts, I know a lot of people can barely afford glasses.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)18:43 No.1837064
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 05/18/09(Mon)18:46 No.1837076
    The character I cosplay as wears glasses. Your logic is flawed.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)18:47 No.1837079

    Falcon agreed!

    A personal pet peeve of my own, is dudes walking around in skirts, and not as part of some crossplay or anything. Just seeing a random weeaboo walking around in a miniskirt pisses me off. You were born with a penis, wear some damn pants!
    >> Dan The Man !vkPvh7mouw 05/18/09(Mon)18:52 No.1837091
    this is not /cgl/ pet peeve.

    mine is when you dress up like a character and usually if there is a love intrerest in the show, someone else will cosplay as that character by chance. and by that chance they are creepy and stalk you...
    >> Dan The Man !vkPvh7mouw 05/18/09(Mon)18:54 No.1837095
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    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)19:05 No.1837123
    The voice of reason :)
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)19:09 No.1837132
    Touche. He's not a wispy weeaboo faggot though. I hereby append my earlier statement by adding in a clause allowing the wearing of skirts after a certain level of GAR is achieved.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)19:28 No.1837191

    It's your duty as a photographer for how the picture comes out, NOT the cosplayers. You're the one looking from the outside, composing the picture. If you don't like the glasses, or the pose try to communicate this politely. "Excuse me XXXX, I think you forgot to take off your glasses." or "Excuse me XXXX, I don't think that pose is very flattering for you, might I suggest picking your head up, stop flapping your arms and I think you might have something right here on your cheek."

    Don't snap a picture and while later viewing it snidely remark to people about how they look, unless that was your intent. If it's a butterface that you saw from behind try to tactfully suggest a pose that might hide their face partially behind their hair. It's a team effort here, both people want the picture to come out nicely.

    Also: Some people want like to see characters wearing glasses when they don't normally. (one of my favorites is a Soi Fon that looked adooooorable.) So sometimes you should blame terrible people like me instead of the cosplayer.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)19:35 No.1837211
    My biggest peeve are attention whores. Signs are a fine example, along with music blaring
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)19:42 No.1837238
    But that is cosplay related.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)19:43 No.1837243

    Agreed. But some cosplayers are really nice about this; once, I was outside and I asked a Rikku cosplayer for a picture, and she said she had to go give something to a friend on the other side of the building. But she came all the way back for me to get my picture. I thought it was really nice.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)19:50 No.1837252
    This! I am extra nice to people when in costume. If I'm asked for a picture I get out of the way of hallway traffic, pose as nicely as I can, then thank the photographer. Because they liked my costume or character enough to take the time to get a picture. Also, let's not forget that most of those pictures will probably be posted online somewhere in someone's blog or Flickr account, and you might have a nice memento.

    On the other hand, there have been times when I've asked someone for a picture, which I'm shy about ANYWAY, and they've acted like I was asking them to give me a kidney.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)20:16 No.1837294
    people who think they're too cool in general. we're all there to meet new people and have fun, why do you have to be a disrespectful obnoxious douche bag? if a photographer wants your picture, smile and say thank you that they felt you were someone they wanted a picture of. if a cosplayer is midway through lunch or obviously busy with something, be courteous and either leave them alone or ask nicely when the best time to take a photo would be.

    also, photographers who don't ask but just take the photo. that pisses me off. i have no problem stopping what i'm doing and posing for you, don't just take a photo while i'm carrying a bunch of crap and walking. give me time and we can take a proper photo!
    >> Jacuzzi 05/18/09(Mon)20:28 No.1837312
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    YES. The Jacuzzi in this picture sends me into fits of "D'AWWWWW," but THOSE GODDAMN SHOES.
    >> local /v/irgin 05/18/09(Mon)20:33 No.1837322
    The Dutch.
    >> Ippo 05/18/09(Mon)20:52 No.1837357
    I hate it when girls don't wear heels! No no no, not these fucking things.

    fuck them and their mother, but true stiletto heels. <3
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)21:02 No.1837377
    i hate it when ugly girls cosplay as anime characters i fap to.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)21:04 No.1837382
    In defense of people who wear glasses for pictures - I couldn't even see where the camera is without my glasses and I have VERY dry eyes and can't tolerate contacts.

    But then my glasses are tiny and rimless...
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)21:11 No.1837401
    Momoko cosplay?
    Does she not know where to get Momoko's Rocking Horses? They're kind of cheap now actually, probably cheaper than these things. Though these stripper shoes look fucking cool (but not for lolita fashion...)
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)21:13 No.1837408
    My pet peeve is fangirls that ruin great anime/mangas. They come in with their shitty cosplays and "OMGFANSERVICEYAOILOLOLOLOLO" shit until it gets to the point where everyone automatically exhales and roles their eyes when you say you're cosplaying as someone from the particular series.

    Incase you couldn't tell, I used to be a dedicated Mello (Death Note) cosplayer until fat yaoi fucks ruined the fandom. And yeah, I'm bitter as hell about it, because he's my all-time favorite character, and now I have to watch fatties dressed as him and Near swap spit at every goddamn Death Note photoshoot at every goddamn con.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)21:14 No.1837412
    OH GOD

    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)21:18 No.1837425
    This. Thisthisthisthisthis
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)21:19 No.1837426
    >great animes/mangas
    >Death Note

    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)21:19 No.1837429
    She wants the rocking horse shoes, but her car was vandalized and now she can't afford them... doesn't make much sense to me as those shoes are fifty and ebay has rocking horse shoes for sixty dollars tops. I'm thinking I'll just buy her some because I feel bad that her car got trashed and I just hate to see her ruin a costume.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)21:19 No.1837430
    Oh I SO agree with this.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)21:20 No.1837431
    Everyone has the right to like whatever anime they want.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)21:24 No.1837452
    They have the right to, but that doesn't mean the anime isn't shitty.

    But hey, I actually quite enjoy Death Note, so whatever.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)21:25 No.1837458
    They are, but just because they like an anime/manga it does not make it great. >>1837408 Implies Death Note is great, it is not.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)21:27 No.1837464
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    Underaged wannabe-cosplayers attempting GAWFIKK LOWLITA with zero knowledge of the fashion, what later results in hideous "loli-fications" of anime characters.

    Other cosplayers rage on real lolitas for 'invading their scene and getting on everyone's nerves with their stupid cosplay lolita bullshit'

    I am NOT switching from brand dresses to Leg Avenue costumes or a ridiculous "Raito catgirl lolita version LOL!1" made from satin and cheap lace for cons. It's the stupid kiddies that can neither do cosplay nor loli fashion right so they create these abominations. Yo stop playin your hate on me, everyone.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)21:27 No.1837468
    mom? ..
    >> SlowMope !LQ6XW3vel6 05/18/09(Mon)21:29 No.1837472
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    tennis shoes.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)21:33 No.1837487
    Man, I'm gonna jump in on this and say I love the Death Note manga and hate the anime. And, of course, I want to take an AK-47 and eliminate 99% of the fandom.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)21:35 No.1837498
    I only saw the anime, and the anime sucked balls.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)21:35 No.1837500
    doesn't saturn in japanese mean gay? i only know "ii na"
    >> local /v/irgin 05/18/09(Mon)21:41 No.1837520
    I didn't know cosplay was an 18+ thing. Do your "lolita cosplay" or whatever you do for yourself.
    It sounds as if you're doing it just because you want in on the "scene" or you feel it'll advance you in popularity if there weren't "these darn kids".
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)21:44 No.1837537
    lol what
    I don't think you know what I'm talking about.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)21:47 No.1837546
    i think it was more of a "teenagers try to express their snowflakeyness via cosplay/lolita and fuck everything up" thing?
    I dunno
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)21:48 No.1837551
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    this made me lol so hard
    >> The Bunny !7aO05EDwM6 05/18/09(Mon)21:58 No.1837583
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    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)22:07 No.1837599
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)22:13 No.1837607
    lol, love the art style
    >> Anonymous 05/19/09(Tue)02:13 No.1838406
    Original character cosplay =/
    >> Anonymous 05/19/09(Tue)02:25 No.1838441
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    >> Anonymous 05/19/09(Tue)02:33 No.1838456

    doesn't that completely defeat the purpose of cosplay anyway?

    My pet peeve is people who don't know the difference between srs bsns cosplayers and casual cosplayers. Some of us spend $20 at a thrift store, buy a wig and maybe a few other items online and only make one or two things by ourselves, and we don't EXPECT to look awesome. We're doing it for fun.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/09(Tue)02:46 No.1838510
    Jesus Christ this. I hate it when I'm in the middle of eating/drinking and suddenly see someone snapping pictures CAN YOU NOT? JUST ASK, I WILL GLADLY STOP AND STEP ASIDE.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/09(Tue)03:03 No.1838548

    To be fair.....

    Mello was a really shitty character.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/09(Tue)03:05 No.1838555

    I like Death Note and as a general rule I like yaoi (I'm not a fangirl of either though) but I hate Mello.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/09(Tue)03:12 No.1838565
    IAWTC, sort-of, I like Kingdom Hearts but despise it's fanbase like a redneck despises communism.
    >> SA !5AiUJqw0GM 05/19/09(Tue)03:17 No.1838576
    >>also, photographers who don't ask but just take the photo. that pisses me off. i have no problem stopping what i'm doing and posing for you, don't just take a photo while i'm carrying a bunch of crap and walking. give me time and we can take a proper photo!

    QFT. Is it that hard to just ask? You'll get a better picture that way.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/09(Tue)03:25 No.1838592
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    Though what most people mean is that some people can look ridiculous to the point it's painful. It's fine to recreate yourself, but don't bother others while doing so.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/09(Tue)03:26 No.1838595


    I'm Dutch myself.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/09(Tue)16:57 No.1839794
    male crossplayers
    >> Anonymous 05/19/09(Tue)17:23 No.1839863
    That's the hazard of being in a hobby with shy nerds with zero social skills and complete lack of confidence. They'll snap and run, their hearts thu-thumping from a fearsome adrenaline boost.

    That's total win! Provided they look passably female that is.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/09(Tue)17:30 No.1839884

    I extend this to any crossplayer who doesn't look like the gender of their character.

    This makes me doubly hate the KH fanbase.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/09(Tue)17:34 No.1839891

    girls who dress like guys and make out claiming it's yaoi when it's actually YURI. And they're usually fat.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/09(Tue)17:39 No.1839904
    Those damn yaoi/yuri paddles.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/09(Tue)17:55 No.1839947
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    >> Anonymous 05/19/09(Tue)17:59 No.1839962
    Also, when you're unable to find/purchase one little item that will complete your costume. I have tried to find blue leather gloves online, but so far I have only managed to find one eBay auction with a bidder who has put up a maximum bid that is WAAAAY out of my budget.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/09(Tue)18:05 No.1839986
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    >> Bailmox !kA.fCtgZRo 05/19/09(Tue)18:06 No.1839994
    Story incoming; this past Otakon I was in a room with my usual friends, but we brought along a new passenger who happened to be into Naruto fanfiction... With very little creativity on hand he wore a shirt with some fancy wolf/tribal-looking design on it, jean shorts with a belt. Attached to the belt was a couple ninja headbands and some sort of chain contraption; behold Joseph (I think that was the name, but lollin' nonetheless) the Ninja Bounty Hunter. He brings a metal pole, as he's screwing it together we inform him there is no live steel allowed, etc etc. Instead of listening to us he treks down to pick up his badge and 'ask anyway', they surely deny him. Not only was this overall idea lulz but he was at some point under the impression that we were going to collab and make junk clothes so we can follow behind him as prisoners.

    As a result, original designs aren't really a pet peeve, as long as they're executed under such things as steampunk and lolita. But shit like that is just... yeeaaahhh.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/09(Tue)18:14 No.1840018
    my pet peeve is people who take cosplay way the fuck too seriously. the ones who talk about their "cosplay careers". the other ones are the pay for "naughty pictures" and claim that it is not porn.

    seconded, must there be so many damn narutards?

    is that if guys do it alone, or if girls do it too? my bet is only if a guy does it

    b/c you obviously whack off to the women doing male characters and don't wanna think that you might be gay.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/09(Tue)18:25 No.1840050

    Wat. Who would jerk off to a female crossplayer. Not only is that moderately gay, but male costumes are almost never revealing.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/09(Tue)18:30 No.1840062
    A while back I got an email with a .jpg attached of a picture of me, in crossplay, printed out with jizz on it. I am a female, and not particularly hot.

    Some people have zero taste.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/09(Tue)18:30 No.1840064
    the ones in denial who refuse to admit they potentially like guys. they are prolly bi or gay but won't say it. them knowing the cosplayers are girls make it ok to wank.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/09(Tue)18:51 No.1840137
    Back into the whole overdone/obscure argument, I think that if you're going to do a popular character (ie Naruto, anyone from FFVII, etc) you're going to have to do it fairly well in order to stand out.

    My favourites are those who cosplay the character as they would look IRL instead of taking it so literal. Using appropriate fabrics, styling the hair so it looks semi-natural, etc. Those are the ones that really win me over.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/09(Tue)19:02 No.1840172

    I bring my own food to the hotel now.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/09(Tue)19:07 No.1840188

    From the other side of the picture, I've cosplayed a well-known, yet rarely-cosplayed character once, and got lots of people wanting to take my picture. This is great and lots of fun.

    Until you have to go to the bathroom, or are really tired, or have somewhere you need to go right away, and you have to stop every five steps so someone can take a picture.

    Also, photographers who insist on taking "sexy" photos. It's all kinds of awkward.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/09(Tue)20:02 No.1840321
    People going shoeless, even if it's for a cosplay. Cons get crowded and I really don't want to accidentally step on someone's toes.

    >picture taken at Sakuracon

    >> Anonymous 05/19/09(Tue)20:07 No.1840332
    Black People.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/09(Tue)20:09 No.1840338

    I saw a black Lulu cosplayer last year who was the best Lulu I'd ever seen.

    'She' also turned out to be a very convincing trap.
    >> bloody zoro 05/19/09(Tue)20:38 No.1840436
    oh god I went to high school with her.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/09(Tue)20:41 No.1840447

    Oh fuck I know her...

    OH FUCK I KNOW THE SIMON TOO. T^T why does my town turn out shitty cosplays?
    >> Anonymous 05/19/09(Tue)22:37 No.1840806
    I said male crossplayers not because i have some homo-erotic complex, but because there's really not a good way to do it. females can pull it off because if the male character is a child, or has little or no facial hair, they can actually resemble him. Also, most things males typically wear are unisex, being able to be worn by both sexes without it necessarily looking strange.

    For males, however, dresses, skirts, or otherwise obviously female attire looks awkward on men, they usually don't shave their legs, arms, and sometimes faces, and their adams apples make them look like drag queens instead of crossplayers. I have seen a good male crossplaying as sakura from street fighter, but he wore blue pants instead of a skirt.

    Unless a man is playing that he/she from superjail, they generally shouldn't crossplay
    >> bloody zoro 05/19/09(Tue)22:39 No.1840810
    I wish I knew. I really wish I did.
    >> Anonymous 05/19/09(Tue)22:48 No.1840832

    I think I love you.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)08:10 No.1841544
    you are going on stupid generalizations, like any typical *man*. you obviously don't understand anything bout good crossplayers, who actually give a damn how they look. unless...that is you didn't notice them because the passed that well.

    however your sexism is shallow, weakly based, and very biased. i have seen women badly crossplay things, not binding their breasts, wearing ill fitting clothing, and carrying 100% of their femininity with them, even in a male character whos manly. if anything you seriously need to get your head out of your ass, and notice that he bottom 5% of the crowd does not equal the whole group.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)08:21 No.1841548
    Pics or it didn't happen!
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)08:26 No.1841550

    I'm not trying to be rude, but when your the 30th person who's stopped me in the past 100 feet, and I just gotta pee, I may sigh a little.

    Also I had some jerk yell at me while I was talking on my phone (trying to locate my friends) that my phone wasn't in cosplay... and then proceeding to take my picture anyway
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)09:25 No.1841598
    i remember more than once i had a very showy costume that would make moving 100 feet nearly impossible due to picture requests. one time i was in quite a bit of pain, needing to take the costume off, and trying desperately with my friend to get to my hotel room to change. people kept asking for pics and it got to the point i had to say "not now i have to be somewhere." .

    by the time i got the costume off i had my corset leave marks on my sides that didn't go away for 2 days, was really dehyrated, and tired. i understand that people want a picture of that cool cosplay, but they also need to consider the person's request of no, or can you wait.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)09:42 No.1841607
    Not being able to find a cosplayer you've talked to at a con.

    Should have asked for contact info...but hey.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)10:20 No.1841638
    This. ;___;
    I'm actually the cosplayer here, and I was approached by this cute, cute girl and we chatted for a very long time. Until my friends came and I was dragged away.
    We promised to see each other the day after, but. ;_______________________;
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)10:36 No.1841652

    Im kinda getting fucked by one right now.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)10:36 No.1841653
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    sometimes glasses go with the costume, there is nothing wrong with asking someone to remove them, just be polite. Also, I know what its like to be stopped constantly, I consider it an honor, so get used to it your in costume. If you dont want the photos being taken, dont dress up. My BIGGEST peeve is when people sneak a photo in passing or when you are standing buying merchandise, etc. just ask me I would gladly pose :D (this is my Irvine costume with an adoring Selphie)
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)10:47 No.1841661
    There's a huge difference between not wanting to get your picture taken, and not wanting to get your picture taken because omg, I'm gonna piss my pants/pass out/have to be somewhere RIGHT NOW
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)11:08 No.1841679
    HAHAHAHA, never heard of meganekko? glasses <3<3<3<3, the op girl is pretty bad but....
    same, but also have shoe fetish (yes I'm guy), girls should only wear shoes with heel
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)11:20 No.1841690
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)11:23 No.1841696
    i had a huge huge crush on this one boy i saw at a con...i never got his contact info. since then all i can do is wonder what would have happened if i did get his contact info. ;-;
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)11:37 No.1841720
    Hey OP- That's a toracon pic, aka not a serious con. Not like she was doing a photoshoot or something. My pet peeve is that toracon never has any good cosplays but then I remember that they are just having fun at a college con.

    On a serious note though~
    I hate when people half ass the costume, like everything is good until you get to the shoes which aren't even close. Like sneakers or strippers shoes, huh?
    I hate lolita cosplays not to be confused with lolitas that cosplay or themed outfits, just the tacky thrown together costume bits that include what I said above.
    Oh and know it alls. They suck. I don't want to be quizzed on my character plz and thnx.
    I feel like I forgot something but yea, that's the gist of it.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)12:15 No.1841776
    My pet peeve is people who make their real lives suffer financially and emotionally for fucking cosplay. If you can't afford to move out of your mother's house, or have no job...why are you spending so much to go to cons and on cosplay? And why should I have to subsidise the cost of you going to said con by sleeping with 10 people in a fucking hotel room when I financially don't need to?

    Please take this time you spend scraping together dough and mooching off others so you can instead work on cosplay to get a fucking job and grow up. If you can't afford to buy your own lunch, you shouldn't be in this fucking hobby right now.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)12:19 No.1841782
    Why are you rooming with so many people if you don't have to? Is EVERY ROOM OF EVERY HOTEL stuffed like that? Are you siamese twin'd with someone who's poor?
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)12:21 No.1841783

    I was being...overly dramatic there..most I've ever stayed with is 7. But when someone drops, other people (my couple poor friends) get pissed and take it personally. I'd rather not have that drama.

    Jokes on them, next con, I'm rooming with only one other person.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)12:54 No.1841840
    are you seriously picking on an cosplay from a one day con at a tech school? Their age range is 10-19.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)20:56 No.1843300
    I really can't stand when people wear cons with their costume
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)20:57 No.1843305
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)20:59 No.1843315
    Cons = converse shoes/sneakers
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)21:39 No.1843421
    If the person is wearing glasses sometimes they forget to take them off. I've done that, just a friendly reminder and they will take off the glasses.

    I know I tried I really did try to put contacts in but I couldn't even get close to putting them in. When the lady showed me and I actually watched her put them in her eyes I freaked out, my skin crawled and I was like ... ok I'm going to look at some frames.

    If I could push a button and they just magically appeared on my eyes then I would wear them but until then it's glasses for me.
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)21:42 No.1843430
    what if they're cosplaying as sakura or the spirit? :P
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)23:50 No.1843743
    >>1843430 was supposed to have linked >>1843300
    >> Anonymous 05/20/09(Wed)23:55 No.1843753
    It irritates me when people take pics while you're doing something other than posing for pics. Last year I wore my Franziska von Karma costume and more than once when I was sitting down talking on my cellphone someone would walk up, take a picture, and walk away. Leaving me to sit there and go ".... uh?"
    >> Shin-1chi !3GqYIJ3Obs 05/21/09(Thu)00:16 No.1843793
    well there's always my one pet peeve ... :V
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)00:50 No.1843860
    >> V: !9L4.la.a0g 05/21/09(Thu)00:58 No.1843870
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)01:14 No.1843901
    That's a girl?

    Lolitas in general.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)01:25 No.1843920

    Okay, I've been guilty of doing that. But I did get a really nice picture at a photo shoot I was at. The two people were standing off to the side, watching the shoot, and I quick snapped the photo. They weren't making faces or anything like that... but the photo was sort of unintentionally funny, I couldn't resist.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)01:47 No.1843954

    More like 10-14 this year...Ugh. With that as your audience, it really didn't matter how much effort you put into your costume. I know I wore my crappy casual cosplay there.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)02:13 No.1843979
    I hate it when people REALLY THINK YOU REALLY ARE the person you're dressed as, no matter how outlandish your costume.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)02:29 No.1843998
    That always makes me feel so awkward. When it's a little kid it's cute and I can roll with it, but once they hit 12 it's just WEIRD.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)12:59 No.1844736
    >>1841776 This. But more, I hate when people expect me to pay for things for them because I have more financial security. If you can't afford fabric, don't buy it. Pay your damn rent.

    Also, people who go on about how they are the best and everyone else is just "not quite at our level" and then come to a con with shitty costumes, and continue to talk shit.

    Stripper boots/shoes.

    And people who don't wear makeup, brush their teeth, or shower. I have this horrid desire to cosplay Aeris (whom I hate) just so I can carry that damn basket of flowers. And underneath the flowers would be a multitude of sample size body sprays, deoderant, and any hygiene products I can think of.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)13:00 No.1844738
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    And oops, did not mean to greentext.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)13:29 No.1844811
    It's not really a pet peeve, but it's happened to me a few times. When a really good cosplayer's walking around with a friend, i ask the cosplayer for their photo and their friend joins the shot too. I never say "sorry, i just want the photo of the one in costume" as that would make me sound like a complete jerk.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)13:30 No.1844813
    When people don't even bother with their hair.

    No, you do not look awesome wearing a Sailor Moon costume if you have short, brown hair without bangs. If you don't want to cut or dye your hair, get a wig. If you don't want to go through the hassle of making a Sailor Moon wig, maybe you should cosplay someone else.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)19:35 No.1845447
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    I don't mind crossplay as long as it's done well. I know quite a few successful crossplayers but then again I know a crossplayer who... technically isn't a crossplayer but she USED to be male and obviously used to be one too and she insists on cosplaying preggo!characters and the such

    My pet peeves are:

    -people who don't cosplay people that suit them
    ----Fat people cosplaying exceedingly skinny people
    -Unnecessary additions to costumes (cat ears and the like)
    -Poorly made costumes
    ---Okay don't even BOTHER getting on my case about this. I've been taught since I was born that if you're going to do something you might as well do it well. I excuse people who do not have costume experience but after your fifth costume at least your should know SOMEWHAT what you are doing.
    ---attempting to glomp ANYONE in costume. You don't know how strong that costume is so at least ASK first.
    ---the screeching... I have a loud voice but DEAR GOD
    -Fail / No wigs make me WEEP
    -Snob Cosplayers that don't even want you to take their picture.
    ----No they honestly just did NOT want this chick to take their picture.

    That's all I can think of.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)20:01 No.1845467
    1) when people think they don't need a wig because their hair is roughly the same color as the character... especially when the character has superlong hair and theirs is just past shoulder length.

    2) bad lolita character cosplay... someone dressing as cardcaptor sakura or luna from moon phase and they don't wear a petticoat or wear a horribly lumpy one.

    3) horrible details such as people wearing sneakers or stripper heels that totally don't go with the costume...it doesn't have to be absolutely perfect, but if your character would never wear it, and it's not even close such as a lolita character in stripper heels or characters from the olden days in nikes. i also hate when people buy random crap like pink hairbows from a vendor and wear it with their gothic or badass cosplays.

    4)if you're a fit overweight person and people treat you like you're a bad cosplayer or a bad lolita because of it. not like, hugely fat, but not skinny. like my tshirt size is xl and i have a very low waist hip ratio. i am not fat. but i have hips and an ass and tits. i can't wear japanese clothes, or look like i'm the size of a paperweight. i worked hard on a loli costume once and i was told it was fail because it was not a japanese brand.
    >> Elusive 05/21/09(Thu)20:18 No.1845495
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    not playing to their body type.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)20:25 No.1845503
    WEAR FUKING MAKEUP!!!!!! even guys can wear makeup!!!!!!!!!!! just do it right!!!!

    oh and FUCKING BLEND IT! srsly >>
    >> !!MFP1W8EUIt9 05/21/09(Thu)20:29 No.1845509
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    >> Hatsuu !!cQMUBTd+AtA 05/21/09(Thu)20:32 No.1845514
    I suppose something I don't like is when someone feels the need to be touchy or overly friendly when it's not welcome.

    I mean, I know that I've cosplayed in a somewhat revealing outfit before, so I understand and expect the every once in a while. But one time I was dressed as Lamroir, which is about as clothed and covered as one can get, and a boy felt that it was perfectly fine to grab at my chest simply because "it's an anime convention". That really irked me.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)20:35 No.1845521
    And what if my character is meant to look gritty and have a five o'clock shadow coming in? You expect me as a guy, to cover that shit up?
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)20:39 No.1845526
    you sound like a fail cosplayer, anon
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)20:52 No.1845540
    I'm a girl and I like both yaoi and yuri. Thing is, what I like is ACTUAL yaoi (as in, Sensitive Pornograph, Enzai, The Viewfinder, etc) and not pairing up random characters from series because their "OMFGTRULUV11111".

    I also keep it in the bedroom/private or between people who have the same interest. I cannot stand people who shove anything down anyone's throat (except for cocks, obviously).

    Then again I'm 19 and not some 14 year old fangirl. :/
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)21:10 No.1845556
    I've been an otaku the majority of my life

    I used to not brush my hair, then I chopped it all off for simplicity

    I cosplay at every con I go to, and have been since 2004

    I use my real hair when I can get away with it, even sometimes when it looks NOTHING like the character's, just because I hate wigs

    I don't know how to put makeup on, I was never taught

    I sometimes wear unfinished cosplay, when I don't get done in time

    But the best part is...

    I'm not trolling, or joking. I am quite serious, and I know it's people like me that make you all rage.

    But I have SO MUCH fun at cons.

    My pet peeve is people who are just so freaking judgmental. I mean, what gives you all the right? What gives ME the right...

    bad times guys, bad times indeed.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)21:29 No.1845582
    >>1845556I've been an otaku the majority of my life

    I used to not brush my hair, then I chopped it all off for simplicity

    I cosplay at every con I go to, and have been since 2004

    I use my real hair when I can get away with it, even sometimes when it looks NOTHING like the character's, just because I hate wigs

    I don't know how to put makeup on, I was never taught

    I sometimes wear unfinished cosplay, when I don't get done in time

    But the best part is...

    I'm not trolling, or joking. I am quite serious, and I know it's people like me that make you all rage.

    But I have SO MUCH fun at cons.

    My pet peeve is people who are just so freaking judgmental. I mean, what gives you all the right? What gives ME the right...

    bad times guys, bad times indeed.

    you know what? i'm sure you do have fun, but that's not at all the point of this thread. we didn't say we were judging you as a bad person, we said those things are what makes you a bad cosplayer. if being completely lazy about your appearance makes you happy, that's great for you. but there are those of us who actually like to look nice, who like to look as much like the character as possible, who want to be GOOD cosplayers. saying you don't wear makeup because no one ever taught you how to put it on is fail. no one ever taught me either. i learned it by trial and error and by reading about it online and in magazines. when i saw an effect i liked, i was curious about how to do it and looked it up.
    it's not that we hate you, it's that you're not doing your character justice and you're a shitty cosplayer. and if you're okay with that, so am i. but don't expect to win any prizes or have a lot of people ask to take your picture or compliment your costume.
    >> Anonymous 05/21/09(Thu)21:37 No.1845596
    Oh no, I don't enter contests, obviously *laughs*

    But the thread is "what about other cosplayers makes you angry" aka "cosplay pet peeves"

    So yes, this IS a thread attacking others, though apparently YOU, as an individual, are not, which is nice. There have been other non-attacking posts of course, but posts like, "I HATE WHEN COSPLAYERS DON'T WEAR MAKEUP!!!" are my pet peeves, because really... REALLY... I personally don't like how makeup looks. I think it looks dirty, trashy, and gross. I PREFER faces without makeup. So it makes me feel like cosplay is suddenly this thing where if I don't live up to the expectations of powder-masked females, then they judge, and RAAAGE, at me, for having fun.

    But, I take more pictures of the cosplayers who look OMFGAMAZING and just like the characters, with the makeup, amazing and finished cosplay, as well. Those are the ones to take pictures of. Don't get me wrong, I don't go to cons and cosplay to get my picture taken. But I still appreciate those who do, and collect their pictures like they're going out of style *laughs*

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