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    File :1242271781.jpg-(79 KB, 445x296, 1237970303230.jpg)
    79 KB Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)23:29 No.1828073  
    Tired of dramu threads. Post funny convention stories here.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)23:33 No.1828087
    My younger brother had been stayed up late the night before, so the next day at the convention, he ended up falling asleep on the floor while we snacked in the hallway of the center.

    A Master Chief cosplayer came up and T-bagged him, in-game style, until he woke up.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)23:46 No.1828124
    At this one con, it was late Friday night, and I was kinda bored. "You know what Russian Roulette is?" my friend asked. "Well, sure," I replied. "But why do you ask?" "Well, we can play FANBOY roulette. I'll go first!"

    So he goes over to a table in artist's alley and kicks at the drape handing down from it. I got the idea, so I went to the next table. I kicked at the drape.

    "OUCH! HEY WHAT THE FUCK THAT HUUUUUUUURT!" came from beneath the table.

    And now I'm never bored at a con at night, as long as artist's alley is around.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)00:26 No.1828239
    I was in a group of cosplayers, and I was standing next to one with a sword that she was keeping by her by sliding it into her belt instead of a sheath. The sword kinda stuck out behind her a little ways, but I didn't know. So she kinda stood next to me facing in another direction, so it was pretty much a ninety degree angle, right?

    Well I try to take a step backwards, and apparently her sword is between my legs. I almost trip backwards, and as soon as I regain my balance I say (in a voice that was either really loud or the con center suddenly got really quiet) "JESUS CHRIST KANDA, GET YOUR SWORD OUT FROM BETWEEN MY LEGS!"

    And then, like clockwork, everyone within fifteen feet of me suddenly turned and looked. And then they laughed.

    My contribution.
    >> Sagey McSagerson !/qkCK4m8kE 05/14/09(Thu)00:28 No.1828249
    Thank you, I lol'd heartily!
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)00:29 No.1828252
    Wait. There are people hiding under there, or did you just kick someone's leg?
    >> Hallelujah !!d4NE6x8uENq 05/14/09(Thu)00:33 No.1828265
    People who don't have hotel rooms will crash under the tables at night.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)00:34 No.1828267
    Not hiding; sleeping. People often sleep under AA tables, usually because they were too damn cheap/lazy to get a real room.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)00:40 No.1828288
    I see!
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)00:41 No.1828290
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)01:10 No.1828362
    The con that I go to is only a train ride away so often I just go to the con in costume rather than taking a suitcase with me.
    I was cosplaying as Meyrin one year and I had little old ladies asking me what part of the Military I was from.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)01:29 No.1828410
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    So, either I just don't have many funny stories, or I forget all mine, but here's one that happened to a good friend that I got to see.

    Kumoricon - Year before last, I believe. I'm Haruhi, my boyfriend is Kyon, and my friend is Witch Yuki. Adorable. She made the star wand out of craft foam and a stick.
    It looked cute and non-threatening - just as it should.

    Con staff came up to her and demanded her "weapon" be peacebonded.
    They put those dumb zip ties around it, but didn't bother snipping the ends, EFFECTIVELY MAKING IT A WEAPON.
    That's right. It went from harmless craft foam to harmless craft foam with two sharp, jiggling spikes poking out.

    We decided it was bullshit, and went and found ConOps. The head of security was there, took one look at it and said "Who the hell did this?"
    We described him, and the whole room kinda went "Oh, HIM"
    She tried to find scissors to cut it off, and eventually we just pulled it over the foam (because it was fucking foam).
    She told us "If anyone gives you problems, tell them [I forget her name, but she told us] said to bugger off!"

    And that's the story of how Yuki's wand actually became dangerous for a short period of time.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)01:38 No.1828421
    Well, that's just awesome!
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)08:44 No.1829142
    Kumoricon's staff just loooooves power trips!
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)08:50 No.1829145
    oh god laughing so hard
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)11:48 No.1829263
    That's pretty cute. I'm guessing that's Meyrin Hawke?
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)11:53 No.1829269
    Friends and I were linked by the arms, me in the middle, skipping like faggots. Friend on the right is headed towards a pole. Friend yells, "LEFT!" Friend on the left obliviously pushes us right. Friend on the right hits pole. Hard. Bounces off of it. Lays on the ground and moans while we laugh our asses off.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)11:55 No.1829272
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)12:00 No.1829275
    You tell that story better than me D:
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)12:01 No.1829277
    My 15 year old cousin and my 16 year old self stood in line for the Do-It-Yourself Bukkake Panel at Otakon for a half hour because we thought it was the line for the rave (the panel room was RIGHT infront of the entrance). We kept wondering why the line was all middle aged men giving us confused looks. When we got to the front of the line they let us into the room without even asking our age and we saw the sign and I loudly announced "FUCKIN' EEEEEEEEW." and dragged my cousin out of the room while she was asking what and walked straight into the lineless dance.
    Dance sucked anyways. Probably would have been molested less a the Bukkake panel. I don't even know if I'm spelling that right.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)12:32 No.1829319
    So at Matsuri, some friends and I were just kicking it in a corner on some couch on Friday night, while one of my friends belted out some sick licks on his guitar.

    One of our group left to go do something, and returned with a half consumed marble drank, he wanted to see if my guitar playing friend could slide with it or something (IDK music).

    Anyway, I assumed that the half-drank drank belonged to my other friend, and took a swig because i was rather parched. After apologizing for taking a swig, he informed me that he had just found it lying around. I dare say /cgl/, I almost threw up right then and there.

    After about five minutes of freaking out, spitting, I eventually purchased my own marble drank to wash out the taste of weeaboo stranger. Oh good times~
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)12:42 No.1829335

    u shoulda drank sum hawt drank to burn dem taztebudz. den u dun gawts tuh wurry 'bout da drank u drank.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)12:51 No.1829344
    dats sum str8 up wizdom d00d, thx 4 th@
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)13:37 No.1829406
    This isn't quite an anime con story, but I still lol heartily every time I think about it, so I'll share regardless.

    So, a friend was attending a large gaming con of some sort. Huge LAN room. All ages event, so there are some kids there. Everyone is playing games and hanging out while they show random videos on a huge projector on the front wall. They play a few AMV Hell videos. One video ends and it automatically goes to the next on the playlist, which happens to be AMV Hell 0. If you're not aware, AMV Hell 0 contains a bunch of hentai material. The entire room goes silent as GENTLMEN, I GIVE YOU CORN! blasts out of the speakers and bukkake fills the screen. Complete silence. A fat, sweaty gamer with a look of utter terror on his face starts running balls out down the main aisle towards the projector and finally shuts it off.

    Good times.
    >> AGiantWASDF !bc3BesElGM 05/14/09(Thu)13:48 No.1829428
    This isn't really a con story, but it after one.

    I was traveling back from the Midlands MCM Expo back in February. Since I live up north I had to change trains in Birmingham, and on my train, suddenly came this enourmous woman.

    She must have weighed about 500 pounds, people this fat are rare in Britain, and had been drinking heavily (probably a bathtub of Whisky to get her that bad compared to her size), as she tried walking up the aisle of the carriage, and swore every time she bumped into a seat, which was every seat.

    So after cursing at nobody in particular, she heads off to the bar car and the train gets moving. 10 minutes later she comes back into my carriage and starts saying to random people "THEY WOULNAE LET ME HAVE ANY FECKIN BOOOOOOOOOZE" And then she starts singing football songs about Mansfield.

    Eventually the guard gets tired of her shit and kicks her off the train at Stoke-on-Trent. Except it took them 5 minutes to kick her off the train. Why?


    I have never, ever laughed so hard in my life, it was amazing.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)14:41 No.1829546
    Haha, reminds me of a couple years back, at AX in Anaheim, when I was sitting around late at night talking with a bunch of people. We hear an ungodly rustling coming from under a water cooler table, and suddenly this big fat guy with a staff badge rolls out from under a table, and staggers off.

    We were laughing for hours.
    >> Anonymous 05/14/09(Thu)20:45 No.1829918


    I lol'd.
    >> Anonymous 05/15/09(Fri)16:20 No.1830754
    >> Zal !gd9NVb5EGA 05/15/09(Fri)16:24 No.1830764
    I know what I'm doing next convention :3
    >> Anonymous 05/16/09(Sat)03:23 No.1832017
    ....me? =D
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 05/16/09(Sat)03:28 No.1832023
    >> Zal !gd9NVb5EGA 05/16/09(Sat)03:28 No.1832024
    If your name starts with a Ma and ends with a Guma, then yes >:3
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 05/16/09(Sat)03:29 No.1832027
    >> /b/lackula !bQZuI.nr1c 05/16/09(Sat)03:37 No.1832031
         File :1242459453.jpg-(74 KB, 800x600, condom.jpg)
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    I'm imagine this happening.
    >> /b/lackula !bQZuI.nr1c 05/16/09(Sat)03:39 No.1832034
         File :1242459598.jpg-(58 KB, 500x743, doghanger.jpg)
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    Also your daily dose of WAT.
    >> Zal !gd9NVb5EGA 05/16/09(Sat)03:42 No.1832036
    See now, you have that backwards. I'll be the one doing the anal rape.

    Also, >>1832034
    >> Anonymous 05/16/09(Sat)03:43 No.1832037
    ....me? =D
    >> Anonymous 05/16/09(Sat)03:47 No.1832039
    WTF /b/lackula Maguma is black. That's a MasaxZal
    >> Zal !gd9NVb5EGA 05/16/09(Sat)03:49 No.1832043
         File :1242460174.jpg-(48 KB, 736x736, 1219845091210.jpg)
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    >Maguma is black

    Wait, Maguma is black!?!!?!?
    >> RP 05/16/09(Sat)03:53 No.1832047
    Going over to green room on Sunday morning of this last ACen to find out that Nabeshin had been prank-radioing IRT at 4 in the morning.

    They gave him his own vest and badge.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/09(Sat)03:59 No.1832056
         File :1242460778.jpg-(7 KB, 163x180, dr_cube.jpg)
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    My second convention I was coplaying the picture I have here. Dr Cube from Kaiju Big Battel. I made the head out of foam, and the front of it was a very thing piece of white cloth with black cloth sewed onto it. This was so I could see from it.

    I had about 6 feet of clearing in front of me before everything became 1 color. I was walking down the halls of the con with a friend, and he didn't tell me we were coming up on stairs. Like he was supposed to.

    Long story short, I fell down the stairs, sprained my ankle, and headbutted a hot Zelda cosplayer. She saw me the next day out of costume and was like "No assault and battery today?" Laughed, and then waved goodbye.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/09(Sat)03:59 No.1832057
    Can't be, if it was MasaxZal they'd both have straw hats on.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/09(Sat)05:10 No.1832207
         File :1242465054.jpg-(25 KB, 372x460, 21550-140808.jpg)
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    I'm running short on funny con stories, unfortunately, most of what I've got is terrible drama. Here's something facepalm-worthy, at least.

    A couple of years ago at Otakon I was cosplaying as Stan the Used Boat Salesman from Monkey Island, picture related. I'm toting around a big friggin' sign that says "STAN'S PRE-OWNED CON BADGES" with a bunch of years-old badges hooked to it. This was... I think the year after Otakon enacted their 'no signs except for costumes' policy. It was obviously a part of the costume-- none of that "WILL YAOI FOR GLOMPS" nonsense that caused them to start the sign ban in the first place.

    I get stopped by one of the staffers. "You're not allowed to carry signs." So I tell the guy, it's part of the costume, I'm the used boat salesman from Monkey Island. He says he's never heard of that series, so I need to ditch the sign. I explain that the guy ALWAYS has a sign, a big garish thing with flashing lights and whatever his pre-owned ware of the game is hanging above his stall, it's a part of the costume. No dice, loose the sign.

    Eventually I get him to take me to con ops so I can make my case that the sign is part of the costume... and of the half dozen people in the room, no one has ever heard of Monkey Island. The definitive series of adventure games, for god's sake. Without a picture of the character and his sign to prove that it's in-character, I'm not allowed to carry the sign as part of my costume. Debate continues for some time.

    Finally someone new walks into con ops. "Are you from Monkey Island?" the guy asks. "Yes! Finally! Hey, does Stan have a big friggin' sign above his shop in every game?" "Yeah, he does." "TOLD YOU SO!"

    And that's how I wasted half an hour trying to get Otakon to let me wear my fucking costume.
    >> /b/lackula !bQZuI.nr1c 05/16/09(Sat)06:07 No.1832233
         File :1242468460.png-(266 KB, 384x554, dat_hank_ass.png)
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    Dude, Dat Bulge. I'm guessing someone was really happy to win their case.

    Even though I don't know the series and I'm kinda too lazy to google on my blackberry, nice job.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/09(Sat)06:46 No.1832244
    Dammit, that's the first thing everyone sees in that photo.
    >> Anonymous 05/16/09(Sat)07:00 No.1832249

    How can you NOT know about Monkey Island?

    Go look it up and get yourself educated about it's greatness!!!
    >> Anonymous 05/16/09(Sat)10:59 No.1832371
    (Keep in mind that the average age of the local whale population is about 14.)

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