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    106 KB Con of the Dead: Chapter 5 ZombieSniper !x.TqSaT0dE 05/13/09(Wed)04:26 No.1826573  
    [Sorry it took so long, finals week is up and on my case. Also looks like Penis Mightier is trying to steal my thunder with his own fic (looks like cgl acadamy is never gonna be finished)]
    [If you missed a chapter, I've got it archived here: http://z3.invisionfree.com/Con_of_the_Dead/index.php?act=idx

    CHAPTER 5 : "Raw"

    A week went by… or at least what seemed like a week.

    The man in the padded room awoke violently. His body was drenched in seat and his breathing was heavy. Every night was the same dream and every time he awoke in the same room. It was turning into one horrible nightmare.

    He swung his legs over and sat on the edge of the bed. He then got up and walked into the bathroom. He turned the faucet on to cold and dunked his head under the water. He shifted his head and put his mouth up to the stream. After he finished drinking he grabbed the nearby towel and started drying his head. He stood there for a moment, staring back at the mirror behind the plexiglas. His facial hair was longer than he would have liked as was the hair on his head. His eyes had bags under them and were a dark blue as though he had been punched in the face. The irregular sleep pattern showed. He set the towel down and left the bathroom.

    “Why are you awake 13-4-12?” the intercom said.

    “Can’t sleep doc,” the man said, recognizing the voice. He stood in the middle of the room and started stretching, “Hey doc.”


    “I’ve been thinking,” the man said, “I believe what you said about the organization not making any mistakes.”
    >> Con of the Dead: Chapter 5 (cont) ZombieSniper !x.TqSaT0dE 05/13/09(Wed)04:27 No.1826574
    “Are you finally going to admit that nothing happened?”

    “No,” the man said, dropping to the floor. He did several push ups before speaking again, “I’m going to come clean with you doc. I didn’t answer your questions when I first got here, because I was sure it wouldn’t help me.”

    The man finished the push ups and started punching the padded walls, “Of course, now that I started answering, you’ve told me everything I needed to know.”

    The doctor said nothing.


    “What do you know?” The doctor said in an nervous tone.

    “Infecting all those people, you did it on purpose. That’s why you won’t let me leave, because I know the truth and I know what happened out there.”

    The doctor said nothing more. The man grinned as he continued to punch at the walls.
    >> ZombieSniper !x.TqSaT0dE 05/13/09(Wed)04:28 No.1826575
    The nightmare got worse. The therapy session ended immediately after he told them what he knew about them and their plan. The man had not spoken to anyone in three weeks. The only way he knew they were still there were the sounds of them walking up and down the halls and the food that he received everyday. He was doing his best to keep from going insane, but he knew that if this isolation continued, he would. The other thing that was on his mind was why they were keeping him there aside from what he knew. He was certain that others knew aside from him. The only other explanation was they were going to do experiments on him. He was paranoid for a few days about it, but after three weeks went by, if they hadn’t done anything yet, then they weren’t going to do anything at all….

    … Or at least he hoped.
    >> ZombieSniper !x.TqSaT0dE 05/13/09(Wed)04:29 No.1826576
    Another week past and the man’s emotions were getting the best of him. He would spend hours punching the walls in anger until he passed out from exhaustion. He spent his other hours laying in the bed thinking. About the people he knew, about the people he killed, about if he would see anyone ever again. He hoped to God that his friends were all okay.

    He knew they were trying to break him. No contact was the first thing. The second came about six weeks after isolation. Six or seven… he couldn’t tell.

    The small door opened and the food tray was set into the room. The man stood up and walked over. He sat down in front of it as always and looked at it. Salad, bread, assorted cooked vegetables, and what ever meat it was that day. Looked like beef steak. He didn’t normally get that for a meal, normally they would cut it up and to his surprise they gave him a knife. He glanced at the cameras, he knew that if he tried to stow it away they wouldn’t come back for the tray.

    The man suspected something, but figured that if they were going to kill him, they would have done it by now. He took the knife and fork and cut into the steak. He carved off a piece and shoved it into his mouth. He didn’t get two chews in before he stopped. He ran to the bathroom and spat out the piece into the sink. He looked at the piece in the brighter light. He hadn’t seen it back in the room because the lighting was so poor. The steak had been cooked at an extremely high temperature and only long enough to cook the outside, leaving the inside raw. An over whelming pain struck his body and gut. He knew how to control it and soon relaxed.

    The next day, another steak. He cut into it. Raw again. He skipped it and ate everything else. This continued for two weeks.
    >> ZombieSniper !x.TqSaT0dE 05/13/09(Wed)04:29 No.1826577
    Again, the small door opened and food slid in. The man was in the middle of a punching match with the wall. He walked over to the food. Something hit his nose. Blood. He looked at the tray. A ticker slab of raw meat was laying on the plate, with nothing else. His eyes widened and his mouth started to salivate. The pain came back. The man realized what was happening and quickly made his way to the bathroom. He almost didn’t make it to the toilet as he vomited into it. After a few minute he relaxed. He stood up and walked back to the backroom door. He sneered at the trap on the opposite side of the padded room. Then he slammed the door shut, separating himself from it.

    The next was an uncooked steak yet again. He let it be. He didn’t even leave the bed. He could smell it from there. The urge to vomit rose, but he kept it down. After fifteen minutes he was fine. Suddenly he heard a couple of doctors making their way down the hall. If they opened the food door, he would make hi move. He heard them getting closer. They were right on the door. He heard them punching the numbers on the panel. The food door opened. The man sprang from the bed. He reached the door as a hand grabbed the tray. Grabbing that hand, the man pulled the doctor’s arm through the door, slamming the doctor’s body against the wall.

    “Oh Jesus! He’s got me! Fuck fuck fuck!”
    “Shut up!” The man shouted. The doctor continued panicking, “Shut the fuck up! I’m not going to hurt you if you, but if you continue to wail like that I’m going to dislocate your shoulder.”

    The doctor was sobbing on the other side of the door.

    “Now listen, stop fucking with me. Stop trying to feed me raw meat, promise me or I’m breaking your arm!”

    The doctor complied and the man let go. He stood up and kicked the tray and raw steak through the door so hard it sailed down the hallway.

    The next meal came. The man walked over. It was well cooked chicken…
    >> ZombieSniper !x.TqSaT0dE 05/13/09(Wed)04:30 No.1826579
    A long time passed. For once man wasn’t awoken by the dreams. A loud piercing alarm woke him. He sat up in the bed and listened. The men and women outside were screaming. The man heard a familiar moan.

    “Oh God! Please, I don’t wanna die!”

    The man laughed, “Even though you infected all those people. Rot in hell.”

    The lights went out. Everything sat in pitch blackness. More screams could be heard as no one could see. The lights flickered on again, the backup generator had started. In doing so the locks of every door had been reset.


    The door to the padded room slowly opened inwards. The man laughed. The fact that he found amusement in all of this made him laugh even more. He got up and walked to the open door. He faced the hall. Blood was splattered everywhere against the walls. Strangely enough it didn’t faze the man in the least. He cracked his knuckles.

    “Alright,” he said, looking down at a doctor in the process of reanimating himself, “Its show time.”

    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)04:42 No.1826585

    Why are you including The Joker in the fanfic? D:
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)04:47 No.1826588
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)11:05 No.1826797
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)12:52 No.1826944
    i loled
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)12:58 No.1826959
    b-but what's happening to the poor tripfags?! HOW MANY WILL BE EATEN? I HOPE THE CORGIS ARE OKAY
    >> ZombieSniper !x.TqSaT0dE 05/13/09(Wed)13:00 No.1826964
    All will be told in chapter 6 my friend. (don't worry, the corgis are a-okay)
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)13:01 No.1826968
    Anyone but the corgis!
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)13:04 No.1826973
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    yay, at least if I get killed I don't have to worry about my canine brethren!
    >> Katsu !!9QHzPLvZP9D 05/13/09(Wed)13:19 No.1826987
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    >> Sagey McSagerson !/qkCK4m8kE 05/13/09(Wed)13:25 No.1826996
    Don't forget about Golden Doodles.

    lol Golden Doodle.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)13:32 No.1827006
    Why have non of the drawfags drawn anything yet?
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)13:34 No.1827012
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    gimme a request, what would you like? though I'm not great at zombies specifically (pic related)
    >> Katsu !!9QHzPLvZP9D 05/13/09(Wed)17:19 No.1827340
    Could you draw, uhhhh.

    Maguma drilling a zombie? idk I really suck with requests.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)18:48 No.1827470
    Bump. Chapter Six, please!
    >> local /v/irgin 05/13/09(Wed)18:54 No.1827481
    Give me a good reference pic and I'll see what I can do. I know he's posted a bunch but it helps either way

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