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    File :1242198102.jpg-(264 KB, 1600x1200, corga.jpg)
    264 KB Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)03:01 No.1826470  
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)03:16 No.1826484
    Get this shit outta here.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)03:18 No.1826486
    make me
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)03:25 No.1826498
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)03:26 No.1826499
         File :1242199569.jpg-(26 KB, 382x400, 1236101455204.jpg)
    26 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)03:27 No.1826502
    I lol'd. Nicely done.
    >> Bailmox !kA.fCtgZRo 05/13/09(Wed)03:27 No.1826503
         File :1242199677.jpg-(52 KB, 239x260, Welsh+Corgis+Puppy.jpg)
    52 KB
    Not sure why, but I can't stop lollin'
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)03:29 No.1826504
    Ahhh da corga
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)03:29 No.1826505
         File :1242199751.jpg-(91 KB, 800x599, 1238475091741.jpg)
    91 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)03:30 No.1826506
         File :1242199853.jpg-(1.27 MB, 2592x1944, 1234145507214.jpg)
    1.27 MB
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)03:34 No.1826511
    YAY! keep dem corgis cummin'
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)03:35 No.1826517
    A Pack of Corgi's killed my brother. This thread makes me feel sad.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)03:37 No.1826527
    I didn't know there were so many Ein cosplays floating around
    >> Master Shambler 05/13/09(Wed)03:51 No.1826541
    good point

    Has any Cowboy Bebop cosplayer ever brought an actual corgi?
    >> motoko !!Z9RHDE0TyCR 05/13/09(Wed)04:11 No.1826558
    extra points if they manage to jam one into a locked briefcase.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)04:17 No.1826561
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)04:19 No.1826563
    Corgis are such horribly stupid dogs
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)04:22 No.1826570
         File :1242202952.png-(7 KB, 300x300, gl-OHLAWD02.png)
    7 KB
    COOORGIIIIIIS I looove youuu
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)05:17 No.1826602
    so are U
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)05:32 No.1826612
         File :1242207155.jpg-(86 KB, 800x532, corga.jpg)
    86 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)05:48 No.1826619
    I know who this is... HEART!
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)14:22 No.1827092
    Bebop was part of my inspiration for getting a Corgi, but I've never used him for cosplay.
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)14:38 No.1827115
         File :1242239890.jpg-(36 KB, 450x321, 1213444800928.jpg)
    36 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)14:40 No.1827121
         File :1242240029.jpg-(46 KB, 640x480, 1223578056074.jpg)
    46 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)18:30 No.1827442
    >> all those fucking pics

    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)18:35 No.1827448
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)18:40 No.1827456
         File :1242254451.jpg-(37 KB, 450x452, 757.jpg)
    37 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)18:48 No.1827464
    I plan on doing that one day. Getting a Corgi soon gonna name him Ein, guessing yours is named that too?
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)19:00 No.1827492
    >> V: !9L4.la.a0g 05/13/09(Wed)19:20 No.1827551
         File :1242256852.gif-(185 KB, 1117x713, CCCCC.gif)
    185 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)19:23 No.1827556
    I wonder how many people have corgis named Ein? I'm getting a corgi soon and I wanted to name him Ein as well.

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