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    194 KB Dissidia: /cgl/ Penis Mightier !anBzuUvVV2 05/12/09(Tue)04:21 No.1824253  

    Dissidia: /cgl/

    Prelude: A world in turmoil

    (In a world, named Dissidia, filled with lush landscapes...)

    A young tanned lad, no taller than the tallest bush, laid before a moonlight night, the sky shimmering with its two moons; one of bright white light, the other a sharp dark circle, a deeper black than the darkness of the night sky. His short nappy hair was a sharp contrast to the flickering embers of a bonfire in the center of his forest abode. He glanced up at the sky, his fists wrapped in bandages, as well as his forehead protected by a white bandana, wearing only a light vest and black pants torn by his ankles. He stands, rising to his feet as tiny firefly sized flickers of combusting flames wave up skyward.
    The lad got to his stance, kicking off of the ground in a leap, extending his leg in a flying kick, as a shooting star flew across the shadowy heavens...

    (On the eve of technology...)

    A thin but toned man with armored extremities at his arms down to his hands and fingers, fashioned by his own doing, pulled a lever as a large 15 foot tall pot slowly tipped over, pouring hot magma like metal down a thin halfpipe which tilted down into a mold of a gear. He wiped his brow with his upper fleshy forearm, as a puff of smoke exhaled from his lips, the end of his rolled stick of tobacco brightened briefly during the intake of air. He glanced out of the window from within the forge, as a twinkle of light flashed along the night sky, with the sounds of men hammering metal tirelessly into the night...

    >> Sagey McSagerson !/qkCK4m8kE 05/12/09(Tue)04:24 No.1824255
    Oh Penis Mightier, we've missed you so.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/09(Tue)04:30 No.1824256
    sup masa
    >> Penis Mightier !anBzuUvVV2 05/12/09(Tue)04:33 No.1824259
    (Along with ageless magic...)

    A young woman, in her mid teens, knelt in front of an altar with a floating large crystal overhead. She had bright blonde hair, which flowed down to her spine, with sharp pointed ears perked up, her eyes closed. Draped behind her body crumpled on the floor a bit, was a white cape, capped at her shoulders with small armored shoulder pads. Underneath was a blue dress tied with a small rope around her slender waist, with leather boots coming to her shins. She rose to her feet, opening her green eyes, turning confidently on her heels, walking out of the crystalline lined room, her boots clicking along the crystal tile. As she exited the large front doors of the crystal church, her attention snapped towards the heavens as a light streaked across the sky, carrying with it a soft wind that fluttered her cape and hair in the direction of the flying light...

    (Realized the dreams of humanity, but sowed the seeds for destruction...)

    A heavily armored man in jet black armor, with sharp curved pointed blades coming from his shoulders, along with blunt spikes coming out of his elbow and knee joints, glanced out before him, a vast empire filled with the lights of a vast army marching towards the horizon, glancing down from atop a fortified citadel. A sultry looking woman in a black gown with the slit open, exposing her large cleavage, her visage hidden away by a mask, approached the titanic crusader, as his helmet tilted slightly upwards, tracing the same direction as the pyre streaked across the night..

    >> Penis Mightier !anBzuUvVV2 05/12/09(Tue)04:47 No.1824266
    (Cruxis, a country on the verge of demonstrating its vast military might...)

    Soldiers endlessly in formation would in two single file lines, churn out of the expansive citadel, their expressions empty, yet their movements coordinated, direct, and certain. The sounds of footsteps headed into the night echoed across the lands, as the army marched on towards a thick forest and beyond, being ushered by armored men sitting atop giant yellow birds with wide beaks, trotting alongside the marching battalion. The mounted soldiers pointed up, as they indicated towards a white comet headed from the sky, descending towards the earth, in the direction of the dense forest...

    (A war, waged by 3 fronts, spanning 3 prosperous countries once held together in a delicate balance sealed by a bond of peace, now broken...)

    Ahead of the marching foot soldiers, were three armored cavalrymen. One of which wore a deep violet, almost black armor. A look of regret filled his face as his eyes traced over a roll of parchment; on it, a map of the continent was drawn, Cruxis being the territory occupying the largest portion of the map, followed by Grandia in the north west, and Lumina, occupying the south, all nations converged around a center red dot labeled Holy land: Comiket. Momentarily, the Dark Knight's attention rose from the map to follow the streak of light headed into the forest. He motioned back to his two comrades on their respective avian mounts, indicating he would go ahead to investigate, headed into the forest...
    >> Penis Mightier !anBzuUvVV2 05/12/09(Tue)05:02 No.1824271
    (A continent, on the verge of collapse, surrounded by lawless waters beyond which had foreign lands..)

    A brigadine sloop ship sailed towards the coast in the dead of night, as night time winds blew in the direction of land, quickly rising into cliffs. Below, a pirate crew worked tirelessly at comandeering the ship towards the sandy beach, with a lone commodore coated man with a western cowboy hat, armed with flintlock pistols at both his sides stood atop the mast, with one arm extended out towards the center wooden pillar that rose to the crows nest above. He climbed up the crows nest, with one leg lifted to press a boot covered foot onto the edge, a knee risen with his other leg inside, his arm extended palm out towards the center pillar, above it a skull and crossbones flag flapping against the wind. The man smiled a bit, before seeing a bright light boom beyond the cliffs, inside the dense forest. He turned down, shouting orders to immediately disembark upon touching land...

    (A darkness would envelop the land, that would spread out to the ends of the earth...)

    (It is here, where strangers from different walks of life convene, as causality turns the gears of fate, guiding them into chaos. The dense fog of war brings uncertainty and despair, through which will start a journey...)

    (The crystal begins to shine ominously.)

    End of Prelude
    >> Anonymous 05/12/09(Tue)14:17 No.1824697
    /cgl/ academy was less confusing and more moe but this is okay I guess.

    where's ZombieSniper with more zombiefic too? OH CGL, YOU ALWAYS KEEP ME COMING BACK.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/09(Tue)14:24 No.1824708
    Agreed on all counts. More Zombiefic!
    >> Anonymous 05/12/09(Tue)15:22 No.1824824
    Bump for interest
    >> Anonymous 05/12/09(Tue)15:34 No.1824846
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    /cgl/: Rumble Arena is better.

    Fucking Soni and her Diamond Storm attack.
    Don't get me started on how broken Manly Kittan's Fire Tornado attack is.
    >> Anonymous 05/12/09(Tue)16:43 No.1824976
    has he mastered the solar flare spunk shot yet?
    >> Dissidia: /cgl/ Penis Mightier !anBzuUvVV2 05/12/09(Tue)17:09 No.1825025
    Chapter 1: Awakening


    A large explosion violently pushed everything out from the epicenter, as the flying light in the sky had been streaking across the sky in random directions, going to and fro before finally crash landing onto the campfire in the middle of the forest. The young 14 year old monk was thrown back from the violent shockwave, rolling a few times along the ground before he is sent into a tree, ass end up.

    A groan escaped his lips. "Oww...man.." He said, getting to his feet quickly, to see what had happened.

    Maguma's eyes reached the place where it was once his small bonfire. A light brightly obscured Maguma's vision as to what the object was; until the light dimmed, exposing a white dragon.

    Maguma was awestruck, as he wasn't sure what to do next, whether or not the dragon would strike. The dragon glanced over towards Maguma, and without opening its gaping mouth, it began to speak..
    >> Penis Mightier !anBzuUvVV2 05/12/09(Tue)17:22 No.1825052
    "I am the Mist Dragon." It spoke, in a warm motherly voice.

    "Do not be alarmed, I can feel you are a gentle spirit." It spoke again, to Maguma's mind.

    "What..are you?" implored the young monk.

    "I am a summoned creature from lands beyond. I've been summoned to protect the young master." With that, the ivory white Mist Dragon lifted a wing, exposing a little girl no older than 7 or 8 tucked underneath its wing safely.

    "Unfortunately, the land of summoners is currently being attacked by a powerful army. This is the farthest we could go."

    "But I.." Began Maguma. As much as he sympathized, he really didn't want to be impeded on his journey by something like this. "I already am on my own journey and I can't be burdened anymor-"

    "If you are journeying to the mountains in the south beyond this military stronghold, you will undoubtedly reach her homelands. I pray this conflict will end by this time. I must go, for my people need my assistance."

    "W-wait..!" yelled Maguma, as the little girl gently slid off the Mist Dragon, as it began to rise into the sky.

    "If you are moments from dying, then make a wish with this.." Spoke the Dragon as a white gem shard escaped from the bosom of the dragon, and flowed towards Maguma.

    Catching it, Maguma glanced at it before looking back up. The Dragon was gone, already but a streak in the sky once again..

    >> Penis Mightier !anBzuUvVV2 05/12/09(Tue)17:33 No.1825081
    Maguma stared at the milky white, yet clear gem in his hand. His attention then turned towards the girl with wavy green hair. She got to her feet, as she rubbed her eyes. Soon, she began to cry.

    "H-hey..don't cry." Said Maguma, as he rose his hands in front of his chest.

    The girl, feeling uncomfortable with the new stranger, started to back away, scared. As she walked backwards, she tripped and fell on her behind, inviting her to cry more, until she grew silent. The sound of deep trotting began to ring across the murmur of the dense woods, until 3 pairs of red eyes began to trot forward.

    Maguma couldn't see, but he could hear the sound of light armor clanking with each step, and the familiar avian smell.

    ~Cruxis cavalry..? Shit, the Dragon must have given us away.~ Thought Maguma. One finally lit a torch, shining a light, exposing Maguma and the young child.

    "You there. You are trespassing on military lands, what business do you have here??" spoke the mounted soldier confidently.

    "I am on a pilgrimage to the holy land, Comiket." Spoke Maguma.

    "And why do you not take the roads?" inquired the soldier, as his two comrades rode and stopped alongside him.

    "I do not have money, I'm only a wandering monk." Informed Maguma.

    "Funny, I see not the robes of a mage on you. What kind of Monk are you?" said the soldier.

    Maguma began to smile confidently. "I am to become a Master Warrior Monk."

    The armored Cavalrymen began laughing. "That's rich! To think that brutes such as yourself still believe in such fairytales...raising one's consciousness, increasing one's physical strength. A joke!"

    The soldier's attention then turned to the little girl, who sat there, trembling at the exchange.

    "And this girl...who is she?" inquired the soldier, with deep suspicion..

    >> ZombieSniper !x.TqSaT0dE 05/12/09(Tue)17:40 No.1825099
    Later tonight, I promise
    >> Penis Mightier !anBzuUvVV2 05/12/09(Tue)17:48 No.1825129
    "....She's a cousin." Spoke Maguma, still unsure of himself.

    "Really...?" Dismounting, the soldier glanced down at the young child, whom was paralyzed with fear. Reaching down, the soldier picked up the child by her long hair. She flailed, her crown racked with pain, as Maguma's eyes widened. "Stop!! Let her go!"

    "Really? Your cousin? Then explain the difference between your hair, and her green hair! She is a summoner from the north! A collaborator with the country Lumina with blood of a rogue." A quick slice across her hair would cut her hair short, dropping her to the ground, as she quietly sobbed, unable to do anything.

    "I've proof now that you're smuggling a summoner, and you are travelling illegally. By royal order, I hereby execute the two of you." Said the soldier, unsheathing his broadsword. The two other mounted men began to laugh, watching him creep closer to the girl.

    In a flash, Maguma acted. "ACHOO!" A flying kick came out, lodging his foot directly onto the armored breast plate, disconnecting his feet from the ground, lifting him backwards for several meters. The two armored soldiers quickly withdraw their swords.

    "Its a fight, huh?" Maguma brushed his nose with his bandaged hands, as the two Chocobo mounted nights began to encircle him in a counter clockwise direction.

    Suddenly, the chocobo from behind Maguma darted forward. Maguma's ears twitched a bit, listening, as he vaulted backwards onto his hands, performing a round off, his feet in the air. Pushing his body up with his arms, his two feet rose up, catching the mounted soldier on his helmet, knocking him off his mount.

    >> Anonymous 05/12/09(Tue)18:02 No.1825181
    moar maguma sexy time
    >> Zal !gd9NVb5EGA 05/12/09(Tue)18:02 No.1825183
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    >> Penis Mightier !anBzuUvVV2 05/12/09(Tue)18:04 No.1825192
    Knocking the soldier off his mount, he would rotate in mid-air to be upright, reaching out with his hand to grab at the rope tied around the beak guard of the chocobo, used to give it orders. Using the rope to anchor himself, Maguma plopped onto the seat of the Chocobo, with a triumphant, "Ha!" exclaiming confidently.

    Suddenly, the sudden jerk of the rope combined with the foreign weight on its back, the Chocobo began to flail violently, flapping its wings and running around confused. "WARK!" it cried out.

    "WAAAAAAH! Woah! Hey! Stop! Slow down! Neigh! Stay! Sit boy! No!" Maguma pleaded, holding on tight, almost falling off. The Chocobo randomly made a close pass towards the mounted soldier, as he swiped at Maguma with his sword. Maguma ducked and pressed his body close into the feathered frame of the bird, narrowly avoiding the broadsword. As the bird wildly ran about, Maguma glanced as he was about to stampede directly onto the girl!

    "CUT IT OUT!" He yelled with authority, as he jerked and yanked it to the left. The Chocobo's trajectory changed at the last moment, as Maguma bent down low, scooping at the little girl, catching her and picking her up.

    The little girl cried and flailed at Maguma. "My Mama...WHERE'S MAMA?!"

    "S-stop it! I'm trying to save your life, don't be a-WOAAAAAAH!"

    The Chocobo went into a deep sprint, as they ran down a steep hill, and the only way to keep from falling was for the chocobo to accelerate.

    At the bottom of the steep hill were logs, as the Chocobo tripped over them, going into a violent tumble.

    Maguma clenched the girl, closing his eyes tightly, as he was flung from his seat, praying for the best...

    >> Sagey McSagerson !/qkCK4m8kE 05/12/09(Tue)18:09 No.1825206
    Looking forward to it!
    >> Penis Mightier !anBzuUvVV2 05/12/09(Tue)18:51 No.1825295
    Maguma felt as sharp stones and sticks claw up his back as he was flung to the ground, sent into a roll, until finally stopping, the girl clutched tightly.

    ~That's the second time today I'm tossed around like that, what gives?~ he thought, groaning slightly from the sensatons of each laceration and bump all along his back and head, releasing the girl.

    Maguma looked down as she was rendered unconscious from the heavy centrifugal forces. As he checked her vitals, making sure she was ok. He turned his head, as the Chocobo weakly got to its feet, before crumpling on the ground again.

    "H-hey..don't fail on me now, bird." Maguma said towards the Chocobo, which exhaled a soft "wark" weakly.

    Suddenly, the sounds of mens voices rung in the air, passed along by the echos of the trees. "He went this way!" shouted one. With a heavy strained grunt, Maguma got to his feet carrying the child, moving towards the Chocobo. "C'mon...I can't leave you here.." He said, feeling a sense of companionship with the little girl and the bird. The bird stood on its feet, and limped as Maguma lead the wounded party forth.

    ~Stepping a bloody but blazing foot courageously forward, I move towards that hopeful tomorrow...!~ Maguma thought.

    The sounds of soldiers seemed to draw closer, but like the waves of a tide, they grew quieter as they moved along, sometimes closer.

    An hour passed, with Maguma unsure of where he was going, only thinking of moving forward. His arms were tired, from carrying the weight of a wounded bird and a sleeping girl, he decided it would be wise to stop and gain some respite.

    >> Penis Mightier !anBzuUvVV2 05/12/09(Tue)18:56 No.1825308
    He nestled the bird against the trunk of a tree, with the girl tucked neatly within its wing, like a blanket, with her head above the wing, using the body of the chocobo as a warm head rest, reclining her body against it. Maguma decided not to start a fire, as he bitterly endured the cold, waiting patiently.

    ~I guess I've no choice. I have to protect this girl, and I'm going to need the Chocobo too, as soon as it composes itself..~

    He glanced as light began to shine its first rays over the horizon. It was daybreak. Maguma would find solace in the sun's rise, only to his shock, that in front of the rising sun's horizon, was one mounted armored soldier. Its dark wine colored armor reflected the sun's rays, as the Dark Knight calmly trotted over to the wounded three.

    "Damn.." Said Maguma, clutching his left rib as he rose to his feet, the Dark Knight well within striking distance.

    "So..you're the one who's been causing us trouble. It wasn't wise of you to cross through here, what with the reinforcements being sent to fight against the summoners. My officers Vicks, Wedge informed me of you."

    Unlike the others, the Dark Knight spoke calmly. It was then that he held a moment of silence, as foreign thoughts entered his mind, in the form of a sultry womanly voice cajoling him..

    ~Kill the girl, my Dark Knight. Capture this nuisance and put the bird out of its misery.~

    An image of a masked woman with a black dress and a slit exposing her cleavage reached out with a hand, entering his mind. He felt his soul cringe and burn, as a rush of negative emotions swelled out.

    Quietly, the Dark Knight withdrew his blade..
    >> bloody zoro 05/12/09(Tue)21:11 No.1825600
    Oh come on! Don't leave me hangin here! You just got to the part with swords!!
    >> Anonymous 05/12/09(Tue)23:25 No.1825865
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 05/12/09(Tue)23:26 No.1825868
    Don't even get me started on my godamn Summon! D:<

    but seriously this shit's badass
    >> Anonymous 05/13/09(Wed)12:25 No.1826910
    bumping this

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