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    Updated @ 2:50AM on 5/9/09

    File :1241827399.jpg-(34 KB, 696x618, 1238699232905.jpg)
    34 KB Anonymous 05/08/09(Fri)20:03 No.1818283  
    How bout some /cgl/ related rage?
    >> Anonymous 05/08/09(Fri)20:10 No.1818286
    oh god yes I love these
    >> Anonymous 05/08/09(Fri)20:18 No.1818293
    >> Anonymous 05/08/09(Fri)20:19 No.1818295
         File :1241828379.gif-(3 KB, 126x126, 3406594064280.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 05/08/09(Fri)20:31 No.1818306
         File :1241829080.jpg-(79 KB, 696x618, hairrage.jpg)
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    Half-assed but so true for me.
    >> SlowMope !LQ6XW3vel6 05/08/09(Fri)20:33 No.1818309
         File :1241829206.jpg-(446 KB, 1041x789, conrage.jpg)
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    I will participate with one I made a long time ago.
    >> SlowMope !LQ6XW3vel6 05/08/09(Fri)20:49 No.1818320
         File :1241830169.jpg-(445 KB, 1041x789, TENNISSHOES.jpg)
    445 KB
    and a new one I made just now.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/09(Fri)21:01 No.1818336
         File :1241830891.jpg-(97 KB, 696x618, contookmymoney.jpg)
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    I've stopped buying things at cons.
    >> FC !LUoN15AFLU 05/08/09(Fri)21:04 No.1818343
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 05/08/09(Fri)21:08 No.1818357
    FFFFFFFFFFF AGREED D:< the last time i got anything at a con was sakura con and that was something someone bought for me, and the time before that was probably PMX 07. fuck shopping, I have eBay >:[
    >> Anonymous 05/08/09(Fri)21:10 No.1818362
    >> Anonymous 05/08/09(Fri)21:11 No.1818368
         File :1241831492.jpg-(90 KB, 696x618, spypics.jpg)
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    happens all the time.
    >> Octopus, some kind of octopus 05/08/09(Fri)21:11 No.1818369
    Ah, shit. Agreed, sorta.

    Revoltech shit and awesome hats have never been purchases I regret.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/09(Fri)21:14 No.1818374
    That's why you must train your body to control such bodily functions so that you never sneeze, cough, hiccup, or whatever other odd things you do that'll be caught. About to smile? Train your body to do so in a milisecond, least you look like a retard. Habeeb it.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/09(Fri)21:17 No.1818385
         File :1241831830.jpg-(165 KB, 676x600, 1230865401894.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/08/09(Fri)21:24 No.1818401
    I live in San Jose, so I have the opportunity to go to Fanime for the first time, but I wonder if when I go, I'll just be really disenchanted with the whole thing. I'm not fanatical about video games or anime. It's probably not even likely that I will get laid, either.
    >> V: !9L4.la.a0g 05/08/09(Fri)22:32 No.1818534

    >> NinjAttorney !Bq.v6IhHK6 05/08/09(Fri)22:35 No.1818541
         File :1241836501.jpg-(80 KB, 696x618, kumoriFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUU.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/08/09(Fri)22:44 No.1818549
    >> Anonymous 05/08/09(Fri)22:52 No.1818562
    I know this problem!
    Often I wear this on my ass or something... lol
    >> Anonymous 05/08/09(Fri)22:55 No.1818567
    Captaiiiinnnnn sad
    >> Dr. Maguma P.H.D, M.D.D, P.H.A.T !ftEuMagUmA 05/08/09(Fri)22:55 No.1818568
    i try to find inventive ways, stuffing it into my pocket but have it clipped on, for sakuracon i had my badge on the inside of my Ryu Gi and Kamina pants for easy access but still hidden so i wouldn't have to deal with taking it off or moving it constantly
    >> Anonymous 05/08/09(Fri)22:59 No.1818573
    >> Anonymous 05/08/09(Fri)23:27 No.1818609
    OP is wearing the badge on his pocket in the picture though. Con staff said it HAD to be around his neck. How retarded!
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 05/08/09(Fri)23:28 No.1818612
    we realized that, we're explaining what we do with our badges regardless of staff yellings but yes it is retarded for staff to whine like that
    >> Anonymous 05/08/09(Fri)23:30 No.1818614
    Happened to me at Comic Con. I would just sling it around my neck so it hung down the back for pictures. It worked for a awhile before some jackass got the idea to YANK on it. left a nasty rope burn.
    >> NinjAttorney !Bq.v6IhHK6 05/08/09(Fri)23:48 No.1818635
    Not in my pocket. At my waist on my side, the way I wear it at all cons, no matter what costume I'm wearing. For CF, I would wrap the lanyard around my belt and it would hang about where my gun holster would be.

    But fucking Kumori Con. The staff were seriously fucking badge nazis. You couldn't replace the lanyard with a clip-on badge holder, you HAD to wear the BRIGHT FUCKING BLUE LANYARD they gave you AND it had to be AROUND your fucking neck in full view. They specifically said it could NOT be obstructed by anything, tucked into anything, hid behind things, etc.


    Fuck that I said. Fucking kept it on my belt anyway. And scanned it to make a badge for my ladyfriend too. Row row fight da powah.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)00:10 No.1818641
         File :1241842203.jpg-(68 KB, 675x599, harehareyukaifffffffffffuuuuuu(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)00:10 No.1818644
    Ah, I said ON, not in. :) I can see it at your hip in the picture. That's bloody ridiculous that it has to be worn like that at all times. I've worked staff at cons before and we never cared where they were as long as we could see them when we needed to.

    (sorry if this shows up a million times, getting errors)
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)00:15 No.1818649
         File :1241842558.jpg-(85 KB, 696x618, fffffff.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)00:20 No.1818651

    oh my god
    I'd be so angry :(
    I'm going to AN, I'd love to see a Daicon IV bunnygirl <3
    >> Octopus, some kind of octopus 05/09/09(Sat)00:20 No.1818652
    ...I can hear the music coming from that image.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)00:24 No.1818654
    I'm planning on getting a proper one made in time, no worries.I'd made the suit a few years earlier, and had forgotten what a travesty it was....
    >> The Bunny !7aO05EDwM6 05/09/09(Sat)01:18 No.1818736
         File :1241846332.jpg-(434 KB, 1041x789, krissy.jpg)
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    >> bloody zoro 05/09/09(Sat)01:20 No.1818738

    I was gonna repost this, but I might just have to make a new one now
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)01:26 No.1818746

    >> The Bunny !7aO05EDwM6 05/09/09(Sat)01:27 No.1818748
    Yes, and that's the sad part.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 05/09/09(Sat)01:30 No.1818750
    i had a feeling it'd be yours
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)01:37 No.1818758
    Now I feel bad for always cosplaying easy things.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)01:46 No.1818768
         File :1241847989.jpg-(86 KB, 696x618, FFFFFFFF.jpg)
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    >> bloody zoro 05/09/09(Sat)01:47 No.1818772
         File :1241848062.jpg-(195 KB, 696x618, 1241827399674.jpg)
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    SakuraCon 2009 presented in TECHNICOLOR
    >> Zal !gd9NVb5EGA 05/09/09(Sat)01:54 No.1818781
    FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF if that was my Glowing Katana, I'd run after him and kill the fag
    >> bloody zoro 05/09/09(Sat)01:57 No.1818786
    He disappeared into a glomp circle. And I'm really bad at recognizing faces. He was gone by the time I had surveyed the damage.

    Still angry about it. I'm almost done fixing them.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)02:00 No.1818789
         File :1241848858.jpg-(88 KB, 696x618, Rage.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)02:04 No.1818795

    Hi Derp
    >> Kαż 05/09/09(Sat)02:04 No.1818796
    D< Hate people who do that.
    Same thing - only they were a Kiba - with red paint that smeared on my top. -v-
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)02:07 No.1818798

    THIS. Especially when it's a fairly revealing costume. Then I go OH GOD THEY'RE FAPPING TO IT AREN'T THEY
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 05/09/09(Sat)02:08 No.1818802

    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 05/09/09(Sat)02:12 No.1818809
    Fucking people who ruin shit.

    I actually let this kid hold a prop, he ended up swinging it and it exploded on impact, in return he got hit with some shrapnel that was inside so he got his just desserts.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)02:12 No.1818810
    I wish you'd give me my just desserts.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)02:14 No.1818815
    I'd fly kick a rapist for an ice cream sandwich, myself.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 05/09/09(Sat)02:17 No.1818819
    well first i gotta make dinner!
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)02:28 No.1818832
    stalker chan, i missed you!
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)02:33 No.1818836
         File :1241850811.jpg-(115 KB, 696x618, 1241827399674.jpg)
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    it happened to me a bunch of times at one convention
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)02:41 No.1818838
    But...no one likes Nia...
    >> Octopus, some kind of octopus 05/09/09(Sat)02:43 No.1818839
    I disagree, but whatever.
    >> jimi[xx] !wFMWw5hgxk 05/09/09(Sat)02:44 No.1818840
         File :1241851495.jpg-(340 KB, 1280x960, 0412091830.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)02:47 No.1818842

    Nia to my kid sister is Barbie to every girl that grew up in the nineties. She's re-watched TTGL six times now, and only for Nia and the giant robot battles.

    Aaaaaaah, to be seven years old.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)02:50 No.1818847

    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 05/09/09(Sat)02:59 No.1818855
    what kind of person would i be if i didn't D:

    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)03:02 No.1818861
    I just don't like short haired Nia. She looks weird.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)05:06 No.1818904
         File :1241859996.png-(118 KB, 696x618, fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.png)
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    I'm so sick and tired of this happening to me, even when I take extra care to cut out the patterns exactly and use the correct seam allowances and wtf why do I apparently fail so hard at patterns wtfffffff.
    >> SlowMope !LQ6XW3vel6 05/09/09(Sat)05:36 No.1818919
         File :1241861786.jpg-(423 KB, 1041x789, ANIMESANDSTUFF.jpg)
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    not exactly /cgl/ related but true story all the same.
    god damn. This was at AX...
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)05:38 No.1818921

    I've been known to pin and repin edges four or five times in an attempt to get everything lined up. Last year I made a skirt that consisted of two pattern pieces, each cut out twice and stitched together. Everything lined up perfectly on one side but was out by an inch or two on the other - and yes, I did cut the pieces out through two layers of fabric so they were all identical and I did try swapping the pieces around - same result.

    I swear fabric follows its own rules of physics sometimes.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)06:18 No.1818939
         File :1241864318.jpg-(39 KB, 696x618, cosrage.jpg)
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    i'll just save you guys the trouble
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)06:27 No.1818942
         File :1241864863.jpg-(81 KB, 696x618, same damn thing.jpg)
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    When you sew something on wrong, then resew it the same way. I do this so much.
    >> bloody zoro 05/09/09(Sat)06:29 No.1818943
    Yeah because you were fucking there. whatever i'm roo drunk to even wast time o you righgt now.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)06:42 No.1818952
         File :1241865727.jpg-(68 KB, 696x618, fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.jpg)
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    prepare for the shitstorm, anon
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 05/09/09(Sat)06:43 No.1818953

    Proof cosplay = for the attention
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)09:43 No.1819006
    It happens to me everytime.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)09:52 No.1819013
         File :1241877174.jpg-(143 KB, 550x488, 1231874148887.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)10:02 No.1819016
    I never publish most of my pictures to the web unless I know the person likes to have them posted or I see them semi-regularly posted to /cgl/ or coscom, otherwise it's just unleashing a lot crap at a fairly innocent person. Additionally you never know what websites they do and don't check.

    If you want to see your pictures taken it never hurts to ask a photographer who looks like they know what they're doing (i.e., someone without a cellphone or pocket camera or at least looks fairly handsome) and ask them if they could send the pictures to you, exchange email addresses or such.
    Just be sure to make up a junk email to give out just for this purpose and make it simple to write down or remember. "SailormoonOtakon@whatever.com"
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)10:16 No.1819019
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)10:18 No.1819020
         File :1241878707.png-(302 KB, 696x325, fffffffffffffvic.png)
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    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)10:30 No.1819023
         File :1241879414.jpg-(77 KB, 696x617, zeldaraaaaaaaaaaaaaaage.jpg)
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    Something I made about my friends irl.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)10:54 No.1819028
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)11:54 No.1819063
         File :1241884493.jpg-(75 KB, 696x618, spring memorabilia 09.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)11:57 No.1819065
         File :1241884636.png-(130 KB, 696x618, ohgodnothatgirl.png)
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    go away
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)12:04 No.1819068
    nice uh... nail polish??
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)12:13 No.1819071
         File :1241885590.jpg-(113 KB, 696x618, feminintechamrs.jpg)
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    I'm on a roll
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)12:19 No.1819075
    I hate you for thinking you can use your tits and ass to get your way :| I hope your vagina falls out.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)12:21 No.1819076
    Actually it was my friend who did that. Funny thing #2 is that she has a boyfriend who was at the con with her
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)12:34 No.1819084
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)12:41 No.1819089
         File :1241887290.png-(103 KB, 696x618, cosplay-FUUUUUUU1.png)
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    not even 5 feet into the hotel.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)12:42 No.1819091
         File :1241887342.jpg-(111 KB, 696x618, ITS_LIKE_IM_REALLY_AT_DMV.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)12:44 No.1819093
    Sounds like business as usual for any good looking lady person.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)12:45 No.1819096
         File :1241887559.jpg-(164 KB, 676x600, swordrage.jpg)
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    true story.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)12:59 No.1819107

    That's why you bolt that motherfucker onto the harness with a bigass bolt, a couple nuts, a few washers and a whole lot of GAR.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)13:07 No.1819113
    >hot glue
    I lol'd.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)13:18 No.1819118
    yeah, you learn the facts of cosplay the hard way when you're 14.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)13:36 No.1819133
         File :1241890573.jpg-(104 KB, 696x618, cosplayball.jpg)
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    >> Denmark !bIFZjECh1o 05/09/09(Sat)13:57 No.1819142
         File :1241891850.jpg-(156 KB, 696x618, FUCKEDOVERBYDEALERGUY.jpg)
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    I would've recognized you. ;_;

    And this.. This is why Im gonna avoid dealerrooms from now on. Im too nice to say no to all the expensive shit.
    >> Party Foul Nami 05/09/09(Sat)13:57 No.1819144
    It's true, I was there.
    >> GreenTrashcan !6mvmNVD6E6 05/09/09(Sat)14:03 No.1819147

    Fuck, I remember buying these adorable bunny stickers from an artist alley for like $1 each even though the fucking things were maybe half inch tall and looked like they just printed them all off at once and were cut out by Michael J. Fox. I get home to give them to my mom when she realizes that I didn't buy stickers... they were just fucking cardboard cutouts. $1 for a cum stain of paper, man. Fuck artists.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)14:05 No.1819150
         File :1241892305.jpg-(74 KB, 696x618, fuuuukh.jpg)
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    >> UnaSpi !yE6zp7JGyQ 05/09/09(Sat)14:12 No.1819154
    You know the best thing to do in that situation? Just before you arrive at the con, take some of your cash, and put it in the pocket of something you wont wear 'til the last day, and forget that money ever existed.
    Last day comes around.
    Suddenly I'm twenty quid richer! And I thought I spent the last of my cash on that Lelouch figma.... :3
    >> saku !K5blzrzugU 05/09/09(Sat)14:13 No.1819155
         File :1241892834.jpg-(242 KB, 317x648, banananananna.jpg)
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    >kittan trading figure
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)14:14 No.1819156
    You've got some fault too, bro. You need to keep an eye out for that shit.
    >> GreenTrashcan !6mvmNVD6E6 05/09/09(Sat)14:18 No.1819159

    Yeah, I also paid sticker price on the last 2 issues of Pita-Ten I needed. I actually handed the fucker $40 before realizing what I did. I tried my best to bullshit that I needed the money back, but of course he wasn't letting it go. I paid more for that than I did for the rest of the manga. I'm such a fag.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)14:18 No.1819160
    >> Denmark !bIFZjECh1o 05/09/09(Sat)14:19 No.1819161
    I dont have any trouble finding it D: On eBay and .. Stuff like that. Not to mention that all of the tradingfigures at the con beside the Gurren Lagann ones, costed $5. I didnt expect it to be so expensive. ;_;

    Yea I know thats a good idea :< Actually I had told myself I wouldnt buy ANYTHING at the con. But my friends insisted on going to the dealers room. I just couldnt resist. My own fault, I know. But I still raged a bit afterwards.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)14:20 No.1819162
         File :1241893209.jpg-(84 KB, 696x618, 1241827399674.jpg)
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    Tons, fucking tons of times.
    >> saku !K5blzrzugU 05/09/09(Sat)14:20 No.1819163
    fuck my dyslexia ffffffffffffffffff
    god I'm just going back to sleep.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)14:30 No.1819170
         File :1241893824.png-(122 KB, 696x618, dgmraaaaaage.png)
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    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)14:31 No.1819172
    I feel the same way sometimes, I've just gotten myself to say something like, "Oh man, I don't have enough," and then I don't feel as bad. It's even worse when it's at an Artist's table, and you can see the hope in their eyes ;_;
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)14:33 No.1819173
    Fuck Yaoi fanbrats. Seriously.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)14:36 No.1819175
         File :1241894210.png-(147 KB, 696x618, abafuuuuu.png)
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    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)14:45 No.1819181
    wtf lol
    Thats hard!
    >> local /v/irgin 05/09/09(Sat)14:52 No.1819189
    As a tourneyfag I'd have to say there's nothing wrong with this. She was just using trying to use mindgames to get some better spacing.
    >> Katsu !!9QHzPLvZP9D 05/09/09(Sat)14:53 No.1819190
    HAHAH. I had some girl yell at me when I was cosplaying Nami because she "got in the way of ZoroxSanji".

    She was morbidly obese and smelled of old cheddar. <3
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)14:56 No.1819193
         File :1241895412.jpg-(137 KB, 696x618, 1241894210458.jpg)
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    Now with friends added.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)14:57 No.1819195
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)14:58 No.1819196
    how did it appear in all the photos from behind the photographers?
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)15:02 No.1819197

    Despite my best efforts, several photos wound up having it in the background anyway, because pictures were being taken from all angles, all day. :(


    That is so true.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)15:03 No.1819199
         File :1241895816.jpg-(387 KB, 696x618, acenmove.jpg)
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    I fucking love m.o.v.e
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)15:10 No.1819203
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)15:36 No.1819227
         File :1241897791.jpg-(181 KB, 696x618, rage.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)15:37 No.1819229
         File :1241897877.jpg-(83 KB, 696x618, zetsuboushitarage.jpg)
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    It was like they came all at once. If it had just been the girl, I would've asked her to stop screaming.
    >> Raptor Jesus !!GmuC8tJhrH5 05/09/09(Sat)15:43 No.1819237
    I hate when that happens. D:
    >> Denmark !bIFZjECh1o 05/09/09(Sat)15:44 No.1819239
    Exactly. ;_; Artist's table's, and dealers that dont get any customers.. I avoid those like the plague. You can just see in their eyes that YOU will be the one who will save their weekend if you buy their expensive crap.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)15:48 No.1819243
    That's why I don't go in that direction. I just can't stand seeing the potential tears in their eyes. I WANT TO HELP YOU AND APPRECIATE YOUR WORK BUT DAMNED IF I HAVE THE MONEY TO SHOW APPRECIATION THROUGH MONETARY MEANS.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)16:13 No.1819259
         File :1241900022.jpg-(198 KB, 696x618, mjud.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)16:15 No.1819261
         File :1241900156.jpg-(105 KB, 696x618, RAAAEEEGU.jpg)
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    I swore from that day on I wouldn't greet random people.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)16:26 No.1819272
    This is why every skit contest needs a fan favorite category. The pussy judges know they'll get lynched if they don't give the popular retarded "performance" an award, even if they can tell it required zero effort.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)16:34 No.1819279
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)16:34 No.1819280
    I HOPE this NEVER happens to me. I'd rage 'til no end.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)16:40 No.1819287
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)16:46 No.1819295
         File :1241901984.gif-(46 KB, 440x550, japan-10.gif)
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    FFFFFFFUUUU I may have thought to stab them if it were me.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)16:52 No.1819300

    I've seen this bullshit happen at least 3 different times.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)16:59 No.1819307
    As a former con judge that had soem idea what the hell he was doing, I say give up. It will happen. You'll invariably come across that one con where the Masq. director doesn't have the good sense to ban dance skits or non canon yaoi, does it because no one else on the staff bothers, or gets guests to judge skits.
    >> Denmark !bIFZjECh1o 05/09/09(Sat)17:15 No.1819328
         File :1241903724.jpg-(91 KB, 696x782, FUCKFACEBOOK.jpg)
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    Here's another one from me. It happened actually.. Just now.

    I raged hard. This is why I should not befriend animefans on Facebook, that I dont know.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)17:31 No.1819337
    One con the Masquerade director told us we HAD to give a certain entry Best of Show because otherwise the audience would riot even though all of us felt their construction was inferior and there were better performances. I have NEVER wished so hard for a fan favorite award to give out.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)17:33 No.1819342
    That's utter bullshit. >:|
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)18:29 No.1819397
         File :1241908178.jpg-(102 KB, 696x618, cgl rage.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)18:40 No.1819410

    Oh my god.
    Oh my godohgodohgod.
    that decsribes 90% of my life.
    I fucking rage'd.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)18:44 No.1819418
    Well it's 3:43 PM here and we'll be done wrapping up in the next ten or so minutes.

    Still worth going? Socal Cosplay goes 'til 6, and I don't know anyone (was hoping to make some connections).
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)18:55 No.1819433
         File :1241909750.jpg-(212 KB, 696x618, 1241827399674.jpg)
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    I will be very upset if this happens again.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)19:01 No.1819439

    Punch her in the ovaries.
    Do it now.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)19:04 No.1819441
    Ehhhhhhn. I have ways of keeping her in her costume in future. No need to resort to violence.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)19:21 No.1819458
    your way of keeping her in costume can also include kicking or punching her in the ovaries

    keep that in mind
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)19:24 No.1819462
    Oh man. Something similar happened once at the con I was at. There was a KH sketch where Roxas was frenchkissed by Either Axel or Jack Sparrow(both of them were in the skit).
    I knew it was pretty much settled when I almost went deaf from hearing all those fangirls scream.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)19:31 No.1819471

    Never. ILU <3
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)19:32 No.1819472
    Someone should do a skit that just totally burns those kind of morons.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)19:34 No.1819476
    Hahaha, noted. Noted. I will keep that in mind.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)19:42 No.1819490
         File :1241912577.jpg-(104 KB, 696x618, 12418273996742.jpg)
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    Probably applies to a lot of people
    >> Pasta !!Oo43raDvH61 05/09/09(Sat)19:46 No.1819494
    I'd cuntpunt her so hard. Not only did she have you make her costume, but she chose a hard one? Bitch.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)19:48 No.1819497
    I offered to make her costume, so there should be no cuntpunting for that. Really, the only thing I was truly upset about was her not wearing it for long. All the work would've been worth it if she kept it on for a buncha pictures.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)19:49 No.1819498
         File :1241912971.jpg-(99 KB, 696x618, notcoolbro.jpg)
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    True story, happened to a friend of a friend of mine.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)19:53 No.1819503
    Holy shit I raged

    dsiodadiajklcnbeuiwcvhui fuckkkkkkkkkkk
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)19:55 No.1819506
    What sort of job would be against having the useful seamstress and posing skills?
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)19:59 No.1819507

    I was applying for helping with animation courses run through the City of Ottawa. I knew they were picky with personal history, but I didn't think cosplaying would hurt my reputation THAT badly.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)20:03 No.1819512
    Oh god people actually do that what the fuck
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)20:08 No.1819515
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)20:15 No.1819519
    How did they even find out?
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)20:17 No.1819522
    This is why you don't put your real name on your cosplay stuff ever. Lots of employers google applicants and don't want anyone that has hobbies that aren't mainstream.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)20:22 No.1819526

    That's the thing, I don't. I didn't even put Noriko on my Cosplay.com account, but they somehow found my other cosplays (which weren't revealing, I was cosplaying guys mostly and Nuriko was my first female cosplay) offensive.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)20:35 No.1819535

    My boss has Master Chief pyjamas. She can't judge me for SHIT.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)20:44 No.1819540
    Google <some assholes> name, reply to e-mail with snarky comment regarding their hobbies. Fair is fair.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)20:46 No.1819541

    My manager wears Wii boxers. He can't judge me either.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)20:46 No.1819542
    My sympathy, for real. That is shitty.
    Me and my friend is doing this currently. She works all the time on costumes and is working hard right now, probably. I go visit her on Sundays and Tuesdays to help her as much as I can. It sucks to be the only one doing costumes, so, I am learning to sew to try to help her.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)20:49 No.1819544
    Second one was supposed to be this.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)20:55 No.1819552
    That's awesome.

    I just absolutely love that the MySpace/Facebook generation (of which I am a part but in which I do not participate) continue to fuck themselves like this.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)20:58 No.1819554
         File :1241917112.jpg-(89 KB, 696x618, fuckinfalseadvertising.jpg)
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    Happened to me not 3 hours ago...
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)21:10 No.1819568
         File :1241917851.jpg-(78 KB, 696x618, 12418273996742.jpg)
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    Seamripper ahoy...
    >> LRC !HG6fkGXhas 05/09/09(Sat)21:11 No.1819569
    Awesome thread is awesome.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)21:19 No.1819582

    OMG I've always been so freakin' paranoid about this.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)21:22 No.1819586
    what the CHRIST JESUS. Did you have your real name linked to your cosplay stuff? I just googled my full name + cosplay and nothing came up, so....
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)21:26 No.1819588
         File :1241918791.png-(130 KB, 696x618, cosplayashitler.png)
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    I wish I were allowed to reply to things like this with "DON'T BE A FUCKING DOUCHEBAG, DOUCHEBAG"
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)21:32 No.1819594

    The sad thing is, I've come across this. Not in this exact form, but some people are just such idiots.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)21:43 No.1819607
         File :1241919824.jpg-(85 KB, 696x618, FUCKINGbutitwassosexy.jpg)
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    at least the only shitty parts were covered up. Still, it was pretty disappointing for being official army surplus
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)21:47 No.1819613
    On the plus side, I think you oughtta be damn pleased with yourself for doing Noriko. Seriously awesome stuff.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)21:49 No.1819616
    That's why my security on Facebook is at an absolute maximum. Even my own cousins can't find me on there.
    Are you a moderator or something? Why would someone come to you to ask that?
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)21:57 No.1819622
    As a con judge, I take great joy in giving those skits giant 0s for a score, and then moving on. Good dance skits are my favorite, but yeah. Good dance skits are few and far between.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)22:00 No.1819625
         File :1241920812.png-(118 KB, 696x618, fffffffff.png)
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    btw 3rd pannel is not what you think it is hahaha
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)22:10 No.1819635
    >>Nia to my kid sister is Barbie to every girl that grew up in the nineties.
    >>every girl that grew up in the nineties
    >>grew up in the nineties

    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)22:11 No.1819637
    oh, and god i feel old right now.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)22:30 No.1819668
    I liek Nia she is funny
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)22:30 No.1819669
         File :1241922614.jpg-(50 KB, 458x800, Daicon.jpg)
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    There was a Daicon IV bunnygirl at Anime North 2003. It wasn't especially good. Hot, but not especially good.

    You'd have to be a pretty damn ugly girl to not be able to convince them to let you skip ahead. Smelly video gamer types at cons are pretty desperate. Your friend's BF just didn't have the heart to tell her the truth.

    You're a pussy. It's fine to not buy something after asking the price. In fact, you can and should haggle, especially on Sunday.

    I totally want Master Chief pyjamas.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)22:38 No.1819678
         File :1241923099.jpg-(328 KB, 696x618, creep.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)22:41 No.1819684
    >You'd have to be a pretty damn ugly girl to not be able to convince them to let you skip ahead.

    Linda true although some of them are jaded -like me- or socially retarded -like me- and would tell a pretty girl to sling her hook anyway
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)22:43 No.1819689
    Damn, it's like having terrible friends is a requirement for posting on this damn board.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/09(Sat)22:48 No.1819696
         File :1241923738.jpg-(90 KB, 1217x574, cgl con dating rant.jpg)
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    If I could draw, I'd do a rage comic about the flipside of this, but I can't so you'll have to settle for a wall of text.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)00:34 No.1819804
         File :1241930066.jpg-(92 KB, 696x618, rage.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)00:59 No.1819819
         File :1241931540.png-(345 KB, 699x621, ffffgikinka.png)
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    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)01:00 No.1819820
    Goddamnit, researching. I'm too damn lazy to change it now, though.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)01:07 No.1819823
    that is me.
    5 days from now is the con, and FFFUUU
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)01:23 No.1819840
    whats her name again? I'm new to /cgl/
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)02:18 No.1819913
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)02:38 No.1819929
    Demanding moar.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)02:58 No.1819954

    Fuck, I hate that shit, too. That always happens when they bring on guest judges.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)02:58 No.1819956
         File :1241938719.jpg-(90 KB, 675x599, 1230850500479.jpg)
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    not mine but lulz
    >> OwlDepot 05/10/09(Sun)03:15 No.1819982
         File :1241939711.jpg-(86 KB, 696x618, katsucon.jpg)
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    Sumeragi = Tieria????
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)03:17 No.1819989
         File :1241939868.jpg-(91 KB, 696x618, rage.jpg)
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    One of the reasons I hardly ever cosplay Naruto anymore.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)03:20 No.1819995
    Shit, I lol'd hard.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)03:26 No.1820005
    Really?!?! How was that fu...?
    >> Kαż 05/10/09(Sun)03:28 No.1820006
    That's when you throw the Naruto sub's at their face.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)03:31 No.1820007
    I'm sorry, I know it's terrible. It's just...other people's misfortunes and frustrations are kinda funny.

    That is pretty bad, though. I mean, it's the character that was largely responsible for giving everyone the ever-adored Kakashi, and then he gets called an OC.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)03:31 No.1820010

    He's not even in the anime. Well, he's shown in a picture in Kakashi's room, but he looks nothing like he does in the manga.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)03:34 No.1820019
    They never animated Kakashi gaiden? Wow, that's a bummer.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)03:35 No.1820022
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)03:35 No.1820024
         File :1241940942.png-(294 KB, 696x618, fffffdresscode.png)
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    >> Gamie !xcI9xsbVm. 05/10/09(Sun)03:35 No.1820025
         File :1241940946.jpg-(144 KB, 400x500, 1241760818920.jpg)
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    i can't unsee japan as sasuke now.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)03:38 No.1820031
    Yeah, other people's misfortunes and frustrations are funny, but that was a retarded reason to rage to begin with. Plus, it seemed like a bullshit story anyway.

    Chances are, you're the moron who posted it.

    Fuck this. Where are more REAL rage-worthy comics?
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)03:41 No.1820034
    No, no, I really wasn't the one who posted it. Honest.

    Just easily amused, I guess.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)03:43 No.1820041

    I'm the one who posted it. I apologize that it wasn't 'rage-worthy' enough. It was a long time ago and at the time, it annoyed me very much. *shrugs*
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)03:44 No.1820042

    No need to get worked up. Some people have different senses of humor.

    ON ANOTHER NOTE, working on a totally friendly non-hateresque one. So keep your panties on.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)03:47 No.1820046

    . . . . Are you SERIOUS?
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)03:48 No.1820048
    ITT = samefag pretending to be different people
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)03:48 No.1820050
         File :1241941707.jpg-(66 KB, 640x478, 98416317.jpg)
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    There was a con where they were selling these shirts. Assholes making money from others meme's.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)03:56 No.1820056
    Them fuckers was brilliant.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)03:57 No.1820059
         File :1241942268.gif-(860 KB, 226x170, princednaotc.gif)
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    I kind of slid away with a look of "WTF". Pic related.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)03:59 No.1820062
         File :1241942367.png-(293 KB, 696x618, fffffschedulechange.png)
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    Also, this.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)04:02 No.1820065
    make a shirt of this
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)04:04 No.1820066
         File :1241942646.jpg-(86 KB, 696x618, Cgl Drama.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)04:16 No.1820078
         File :1241943397.jpg-(86 KB, 723x642, wand bullshit.jpg)
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    Over a hundred hours in MS Paint.

    The teenager was dressed as a maid. It only looks like a baby bonnet.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)04:51 No.1820106
         File :1241945515.jpg-(72 KB, 696x618, rage 2.jpg)
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    AWWW it's autosaging!

    but i made a new picture :D
    >> Old King Gold 05/10/09(Sun)04:55 No.1820107
    I lol'd pretty hard too, did they really never adapt that into an episode of the anime? that was some of the better naruto chapters ever, which isn't saying alot, but still, even just to show how stone cold the 4th was... anyways, sorry to hear bro, perhaps some sort of two-face styled half crushed zombie Obito is in order?
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)05:05 No.1820114
    lol srs? This can't be real.. that's such a random thing to say.. what a conceited bitch though if true.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)05:07 No.1820117
    It's possible that she actually gets those comments a lot from weeaboos if she really resembles that character so much.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)05:13 No.1820119
         File :1241946781.gif-(20 KB, 925x701, better-than-expected.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)07:13 No.1820176
    Lol i don't think Liuwina is going to be all happy about that.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)10:51 No.1820304
    Aww. I kind of want this thread archived.
    >> Anonymous 05/10/09(Sun)11:03 No.1820329
         File :1241967789.jpg-(945 KB, 925x701, 1241946781289-1.jpg)
    945 KB
    omg, yes. I was waiting for someone to post an "Everything turned out better than expected" so I could make this.

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