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    File :1241562715.jpg-(135 KB, 748x717, 1233214745937.jpg)
    135 KB Anonymous 05/05/09(Tue)18:31 No.1811770  
    This is random, and im not sure where to ask this. so im going to ask it here. But why do cosplayers hate fursuiter's?
    >> Anonymous 05/05/09(Tue)18:36 No.1811786
    This. It's like Cosplay Deviants if the girls didn't shave for a month.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/09(Tue)18:38 No.1811789
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    Fu. fu.. FURRIESS!!! ANON RAGE!!!

    >> Anonymous 05/05/09(Tue)18:38 No.1811792
    I personally don't get the hate for fursuiters themselves, it's just another kink/fetish people have, and not all fursuiters have it. I think it's because cosplayers are always getting compared/lumped with furries, and while cosplay is weird, cosplayers shouldn't be associated entirely with something they see to be even weirder, y'know?
    >> Anonymous 05/05/09(Tue)18:39 No.1811793
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    >> Anonymous 05/05/09(Tue)18:46 No.1811799
    Because furries and LARPers are the only things lower on the food chain than us. There's no actual hate. We just have to hate you so we have at least one thing we're better than.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/09(Tue)18:55 No.1811824
    Not true, Amtgard is lower also.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/09(Tue)18:55 No.1811825
    I don't HATE them, but I strongly dislike them.

    I hate furries that try to/do get it on with real animals. Not a fan of rape, really.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/09(Tue)19:13 No.1811865
    IMO fursuiters aren't intrinsically worse than kigfags - but fursuiters are inseperably associated with furry cons, and thus their drama-field is ten thousand fags wide, 30 years deep and glows suspiciously under UV light.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/09(Tue)19:15 No.1811874

    Oh god, Robin Hood. Fucking hate Furries and all, but I totally had a huge crush on him when I was little.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/09(Tue)19:19 No.1811881
    It's a fetish, not a hobby. That's why it's frustrating to deal with. Cosplayers often like the idea of sex in costume, but they don't do cosplay for that reason alone.

    Being a furry and having a fursuit is a method of being more like their 'fursona'. They fantasize about being an anthropomorphic animal, and having sex as that creature. They believe it is a state of being an oppressed minority and act like their fetish is a legitimate reason to cry "fursecution" whenever someone finds their fetish disturbing, unlike others with fetishes who KEEP IT BEHIND CLOSED DOORS. If furries kept their fetish behind closed doors, I probably wouldn't mind them so much. Have you ever seen a person with a foot fetish getting angry when you don't see the appeal or express that you don't like it? 'Cause I fucking haven't.

    Being a cosplayer is making a costume of a character you like so you can express your fandom. With the exception of a few crazies who well and truly believe they are the character they are cosplaying, cosplayers do it for fun. Thus...a hobby and not a fetish.

    tl;dr Furries = glorified fetish Cosplay = awesome hobby
    >> Anonymous 05/05/09(Tue)19:21 No.1811885
    what's a kigfag?
    >> Anonymous 05/05/09(Tue)19:40 No.1811922
    There are people like myself you like to weaar fursuits, but dont like to have sex in them or think of them in that way.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/09(Tue)19:43 No.1811929

    PROTIP: All the Female Furries in the pic are actually Guys.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/09(Tue)19:47 No.1811934
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    men in fleshtone spandex
    and creepy dead-eyed doll masks
    pretending to be waifus
    >> Anonymous 05/05/09(Tue)19:50 No.1811940
    I hated furries at first like a lot of people, but after a while, realized it's just a hobby. But yeah, lots of furries scare me, but I was surprised to learn that there are actual normal ones who act civil and don't run around barking or anything of the sort.

    As for fursuits themselves, I think some are quite stunning looking (if made with care and not in 10 seconds), especially if they have moving ears and eyes and all that.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/09(Tue)19:52 No.1811947
    The fursuits are fine.

    The fucked up minds of the people in them are not.

    You aren't an animal inside, and being attracted to animals should be considered a mental illness, because it goes against everything in nature, biology, and the way your brain should be wired. And before someone tries to bring this point up to me me, yes, I believe that people are wired to be gay or straight, and yes, I believe being homosexual is a mental illness, no different then any other brain defect. I also think this of people who are "asexual."

    The reason, however, that I don't hate gay people but I hate furries, are because furries go about their mental illness in an unacceptable way.

    No one is going to strive to give you equality until you act like a civilized human. Because you are human, despite what you seem to think.
    Begin the flames.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/09(Tue)19:55 No.1811955
    I think they look cute and huggable.
    >> Murk-A-Teir !/rMxiN97Dw 05/05/09(Tue)20:06 No.1811987
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    Im okay with fursuiting as long as it isnt sexual.... but furry is a sexual interest so thats usually not the case
    >> Anonymous 05/05/09(Tue)20:06 No.1811988
    I don't know if I'd consider myself a "furry". I like anthro art, and I think fursuits are cool because you can hide your identity and be silly (not that I've ever worn one). I definitely believe that I am 100% human and would stay human even if I had the choice to choose otherwise.

    But yeah, fursuits are neat. Some people use them for fun and that's it. I have unfortunately seen many fursuits used for ahem... other things though.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/09(Tue)20:09 No.1811994
    that's the big reason. We want there to be hot chicks inside the suits they are "roleplaying" as. But its all just guys getting there junk off.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/09(Tue)20:14 No.1812003

    In b4 "Fur and Loathing" and Grissom.
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 05/05/09(Tue)20:16 No.1812009
    Oh man, that was an awesome episode.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/09(Tue)20:34 No.1812045
    Nothing wrong with fur costumes. What I find sick is the sexual aspect of the fandom. Not everyone does it, but they give everyone in a fur suit a bad name. If you enjoy having sex in a fur animal costume, see a doctor.
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 05/05/09(Tue)20:45 No.1812069
    Do I need to say anything? No, I really don't think I do.

    ...Fucking furries making my cosplay look bad.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/09(Tue)20:57 No.1812094
    that skunk in the middle? she's a big star in the fandom, from what i've seen. i can't go anywhere on the internet without seeing her god damn face. she's got a wikipage devoted to her and everything....

    anyways, fursuiting (dressing up like an animal) is chill. 'cause its just like dressing up as anything else - for fun, whatever. proceeding to fuck your friends while in the fursuit? thats one of those things that belongs in the bedroom, not on the ballcourt.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/09(Tue)21:02 No.1812106
    I'd say that the furry fandom is a victim of Rule 34. There is porn of it, no exceptions. The thing is though, most people hear about the minuscule part of the fandom who fuck in the suit before they hear about what it's really about.
    And CSI can go to hell.
    Plus those suits can get incredibly hot. You'd have to be really messed up in the head to do screw in a fursuit.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/09(Tue)21:09 No.1812119

    >>that skunk in the middle? he's a big star in the fandom

    >> Anonymous 05/05/09(Tue)21:10 No.1812125

    alot of the furries who aren't a part of the 'yiff yiff yiff!' sector don't like the ones who are. its like a sect amidst a sect. theres the porn freaks, and then theres the regs... who just happen to also have tails and ears and fur. *shrug* same can be said for 'humans'.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/09(Tue)21:10 No.1812126
    becuase the only person i know personally that wore a fur suit, also fucked their dog.
    on a regular basis.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/09(Tue)21:13 No.1812131
    Only furry I know irl is a furry on Second Life, and has a fuckton of furry porn on his comp. No suit though.

    Also, we double teamed his slutty ex girlfriend.
    >> Murk-A-Teir !/rMxiN97Dw 05/05/09(Tue)21:25 No.1812153
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    Saying this from observation. Much of the furry fandom is sexualized and many of those who attend furry convention end up doing sexual acts. NOT EVERYONE but a huge majority.
    >> Murk-A-Teir !/rMxiN97Dw 05/05/09(Tue)21:28 No.1812157
    and by observation I mean LOTS of lurking and talking to furries.

    I dont watch them have sex.
    Its just a kink. Dont know why the internet makes a big deal. As long as they dont having SEX with animals or zoophilia cause that is too far.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/09(Tue)21:31 No.1812167
    Easy , Cosplayers are gigantic dorks as is . Because they are basically megadorks they try to find someone else who enjoys something just as retarded as they do ( and trust me cosplay and fursuits go hand and hand ) and then TRIES their hardest to make the other party look bad . Its like how "scene" kids make fun of goths but in all actuality they are just as stupid. Well there ya have it.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/09(Tue)21:41 No.1812185
    Dressing up as characters from pop culture > Putting on animal suits and fucking each other
    >> Anonymous 05/05/09(Tue)21:51 No.1812205
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    Furries/fursuiters have never given me a reason NOT to hate them.

    For anybody trying to argue that it's the same thing as cosplaying, why do you need your own word for it?
    >> Anonymous 05/05/09(Tue)22:04 No.1812246
    >>You'd be suprised, a lot of them are women. Its just most of them are ugly as sin

    >> Mr. B !jTwseny72A 05/05/09(Tue)22:17 No.1812290
    I hate furries for their culture, we'll just leave it at that.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/09(Tue)22:20 No.1812300
    Secret furry trying to post as one of us. Nice try.
    Are you kidding me? Sweaty sex is the best!

    Furries are less screwed up than other fetishists. A lot of them are under 30 and grow out of it, thank god. Some other fetishes last forever. How creepy is it to know there's an old man with a foot fetish?
    >> Mr. B !jTwseny72A 05/05/09(Tue)22:21 No.1812304
    Actually this comic sums up my feelings of the furry community perfectly.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/09(Tue)22:25 No.1812317
    >>1812300 How creepy is it to know there's an old man with a foot fetish?

    Not as creepy as the 70 year old Sadist looking for a 18 year old Sex Slave.
    >> Mr. B !jTwseny72A 05/05/09(Tue)22:28 No.1812322
    >Furries are less screwed up than other fetishists. A lot of them are under 30 and grow out of it, thank god. Some other fetishes last forever.

    Oh how wrong you are.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/09(Tue)22:43 No.1812385
    furries disgust me

    they are worse than those goth emo's back in highschool

    i could never befriend a furry

    id rather date a black man first
    >> Anonymous of Los Angeles !AoT8KYCnWo 05/05/09(Tue)22:58 No.1812425
    Furries need to get the fuck out of Life.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/09(Wed)00:45 No.1812734
    I bet you hugged your mother a lot after having wet dreams of your father. Because that fixes the 'mental illness' amirite? Closet fag.

    As for furries? Honestly I've met a few during cons that weren't bad at all. That being said I hate the culture in general without actually getting to know them individually. If I see a furry walking around I'll instantly think they're getting some sexual thrill and not go near them. However, I met one during a rave who actually TALKING instead of motioning to what they wanted and didn't bark as they asked me to get them a cup of water.

    Their paws couldn't grab the cup. Ahah.

    Whether or not they got some sick kink out of that idek. But I'm quite happy to think that some are good. Others not so good. Just like in the cosplay world. Some are complete wanking drama fucks. Others... well. Moderately that + willing to use the hobby for fun. FUN.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/09(Wed)01:29 No.1812841

    You're in luck! I'm a nigger AND a furry.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/09(Wed)01:31 No.1812846
    Thanks everyone for tell me how you feel about furries.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/09(Wed)01:39 No.1812861
    Oshi's the only likable furry I know.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/09(Wed)02:21 No.1812902
    Dorks in costumes want to feel better about being dorks in costumes so they make fun of other dorks in costumes.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/09(Wed)02:26 No.1812905
    >> Anonymous 05/06/09(Wed)02:36 No.1812915

    'course it's guys..... hell i can even identify the center dude (sadly) as Maxblackrabbit >_>

    am i the only one who actually gets more freaked out by dudes, dressing in female fursuits then normal furries?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/09(Wed)02:38 No.1812919

    Actually I don't think Max is in that suit. Someone asked for permission to make a suit of his character.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/09(Wed)02:38 No.1812920
    I don't really have a problem with it. Have fun!
    >> Anonymous 05/06/09(Wed)02:46 No.1812940

    Considering ZigZag is one of the most famous characters in the fandom moreso than Max himself, I'm not surprised someone had a sit made of Zig.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/09(Wed)03:44 No.1812984
    Was that really necessary?
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 05/06/09(Wed)03:47 No.1812986
    >> Anonymous 05/06/09(Wed)04:04 No.1812999

    Yes. Yes, it was.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/09(Wed)04:06 No.1813001

    Shouldn't they pass out from heat exhaustion?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/09(Wed)04:09 No.1813002

    There are ways to beat the heat. Like Cool vests packed with Ice Packs.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/09(Wed)04:10 No.1813003
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    There is only one cure for Furries.

    Pic Related.

    Me? I personally hate furries for what they've done to some of my favorite childhood memories.
    >> Mr. B !jTwseny72A 05/06/09(Wed)04:27 No.1813009
    The OP's post has been bothering me...

    You are now aware that A) their eyes follow you wherever you go and B) they're all dudes.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/09(Wed)09:48 No.1813160
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    Personally all I'm getting out of this thread is how I wish more people could learn to separate the individual from his interest. Internet Hate Memes aside, are you honestly going to judge the guy without getting to know, just from hearing that he's a "fucking furry"?

    Don't get me wrong, nine times out of ten they're playing into all the bad stereotypes. The average "fur" nowadays it's pretty fucked up, & it's gotten to the point where I normally have to keep shit like this to myself. Otherwise the name-calling or assumptions are going to begin before I can even say anything.

    On a base level I've never really understood the issue; furries are supposed to be people who like their walking talking animals, whether on print or screen. They may draw fan art or dress up & congregate, but it shouldn't be a big fucking deal. To an extent it's similar to the typical animu fan nowadays, but outside of mouth-breathing weeaboos we don't really give a shit anymore, do they?

    Furry fandom is that, a fandom. It's not a fetish, it's not a lifestyle. I'll gladly admit it's fucked up & earned its shitty reputation. I'm just still trying to figure out how we got there in the first place, though.

    In during trolls.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/09(Wed)15:09 No.1813582
    Someone who has done one or two fursuit cosplays is different to a furry. Learn the fucking difference.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/09(Wed)15:17 No.1813592

    >> Anonymous 05/06/09(Wed)15:22 No.1813605
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    Only one way to stop a furry... War. War never changes.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/09(Wed)16:10 No.1813796
    Anyone who wants to dress up as an animu or video game character is an enormous dork.

    Anyone who wants to dress up and pretend to be their original "fursona" is fucked up in the head.

    >> Anonymous 05/06/09(Wed)16:13 No.1813803

    >Anyone who wants to dress up and pretend to be their original "fursona" is fucked up in the head.
    > "fursona"

    I think the minute you start plugging "fur" into words that it usually doesn't appear in ("fursona", "fursecution") you've crossed the line from "quirky" to "part of the problem".
    >> Anonymous 05/06/09(Wed)17:04 No.1813906
    Lots of fursuiters are not into the 'yiff' thing, they just like to wear mascot suits. Often because they're very self-conscious and feel more comfortable being in a costume in public if they can hide behind a mask. I don't see how that makes them pervs.

    The few pervy furries have ruined it for all fursuiters.

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