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05/06/09(Wed)13:22 No.1813422 File :1241630559.png-(16 KB, 634x571, LD62GM2M2HUSKC7RV5IBAU2KWWN7H5(...).png)
 >>1811880 QFT.
a fan of a character wants to hug me, I think, "Wow, someone else likes
this character a lot." I remember being a little kid and wanting to
meet Mickey Mouse and Captain Hook, and being totally stoked when I
could hug them at Disney World. Granted, I was eight years old the
first time that happened, but I understand the congoers who want to
"meet" their favorite character (because I definitely went to Disney
World last year and took photos with every mascot I could find. Ha!).
I've been hugged by girls and boys of various ages when I've been
dressed as either a girl or boy. Most recently, a guy a little younger
than I am asked me for a hug and a photo when I was dressed as Yoko. He
was respectful and, honestly, I love the attention. All cosplayers like
attention. Anyone who pretends they don't like it is full of shit. Cosplayers,
cut your fellow fans some slack. You liked a character enough to spend
time constructing a costume. Someone else is probably likes the
character so much they want to "meet" them in real life. You're a
glorified mascot. Own it. Glompers, respect the personal space of
cosplayers. Most of us work very hard on our costumes and don't like
having parts of them crushed by unforeseen flying hug attacks. If you
want a hug, just ask politely if it's okay. Also, your chances of
getting to hug a cosplayer increase dramatically if you don't
look/smell like you haven't showered that day, and if you aren't acting
crazy. A simple, "_____ is my favorite character and your cosplay is
great. Can I hug you?" has always been enough in the case of my friends
and myself, so hopefully other cosplayers are as easygoing.
tl;dr: Let's get along and respect each other.
Wait, I forgot I was on /cgl/.