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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

  • File :1239560266.jpg-(72 KB, 427x640, Easter_Town_Sora_by_Sora_Lamperouge.jpg)
    72 KB Anonymous 04/12/09(Sun)14:17 No.1766639  
    Cute, y/n?
    >> Anonymous 04/12/09(Sun)14:21 No.1766645
    I...Don't know...
    >> Anonymous 04/12/09(Sun)14:26 No.1766659
    Her shoes are going to get dirty.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/09(Sun)14:37 No.1766681
    >> Anonymous 04/12/09(Sun)14:40 No.1766684

    I'd fuck it until it bled.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/09(Sun)14:41 No.1766685
    Sora has plenty of real costumes, what the hell is the point of making your own original design that's basically the exact same thing as canon existing designs but in a different color?

    Fucking fail.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/09(Sun)14:43 No.1766689
         File :1239561782.jpg-(87 KB, 427x640, Beach_Bunny_by_Sora_Lamperouge.jpg)
    87 KB
    She's too cute
    >> Anonymous 04/12/09(Sun)14:51 No.1766706
    Don't care I'd liker her on my cannon thats all
    >> Anonymous 04/12/09(Sun)15:00 No.1766716
    She has such a cute smile
    >> Anonymous 04/12/09(Sun)15:34 No.1766790
    Not cute, thread full of selfpost.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/09(Sun)15:39 No.1766803

    punch in your face
    >> Anonymous 04/12/09(Sun)16:07 No.1766856
    No, I started the thread, and I'm sure not her.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/09(Sun)16:44 No.1766904
    No, do not want in my fandom. There's enough fuckery in it already.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/09(Sun)16:58 No.1766922
    >> Anonymous 04/12/09(Sun)16:59 No.1766924
    I wish Kingdom Hearts was never made, seriously. The costumes are fucking ugly and so are the women who think they are so omg kawaii wearing them while masturbating to kh yaoi.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/09(Sun)17:09 No.1766942
    What the hell is with the white crotchpiece?

    Man, I wish I had time/drive to make alternate colour schemes just for shits and giggles.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/09(Sun)17:09 No.1766943
         File :1239570591.jpg-(128 KB, 393x550, 3471914.jpg)
    128 KB
    Did I hear KH?
    >> Anonymous 04/12/09(Sun)17:11 No.1766947
    The ugly is unbearable. :(
    >> Anonymous 04/12/09(Sun)17:16 No.1766956
         File :1239570969.jpg-(85 KB, 900x602, Little_Butterfly_by_kayleighlo(...).jpg)
    85 KB
    Hey now, the Axel is pretty hot irl
    >> Anonymous 04/12/09(Sun)17:21 No.1766971
    If by hot you mean mediocre, then sure. But that Axel is gross.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/09(Sun)17:24 No.1766976
         File :1239571451.jpg-(39 KB, 316x719, majin.jpg)
    39 KB
    She's more attractive then her girlfriend, the Roxas.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/09(Sun)17:26 No.1766981
    I don't get why most girls come their pants pver these girls.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/09(Mon)04:28 No.1768177

    That's easy, because people who know them in person don't just see the photos. There are people who are damn charismatic in real life and you superficial fucks would never know how attractive a person can be outside of a photograph.

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