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04/06/09(Mon)17:12 No.1754797  This sounds like a good idea. Hell, I'll bite, I'm not doing anything better with my time.
hate that so far all of my costumes have been bought off eBay, because
I'm bad at sewing. As of '09 onwards I am going to be making all of my
costumes myself, and I've never claimed a bought costume to be my own,
but even so. I hate it hate it hate it. I also hate the way I look.
I know that I probably look fine (Four people at the party I was at
last night told me I don't need to lose weight at all) but I feel fat
and disgusting and PIG UGLY and it's eurgh. So I'm going running
throughout my Easter break for an hour a day so I can lose some weight
before MCM rolls around. And I'm going to eat less as well, and
healthier, possibly, because I'm fat and ugly and ew. Oh, and I have
a bunch of scars on my arm from self-harm, and I know that they
probably won't go away anytime soon - or ever - and I'm on good terms
with them, I don't mind that they're there, but OH GOD COSTUMES with
short sleeves what will everyone think /////wrists again oh god the
shame and horror fuck fuck fuck.
Oh, and I don't think I make a
very good girl because I don't like wearing skirts or dresses or being
feminine much at all despite having big tits, but after May all of my
costumes seem to be girls and I'm worried because I'm going to make a
really bad, fat girl cosplayer aklnfa;sfVV SHIT HELP ME
Insecure enough for you? |