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  • File :1238839581.jpg-(42 KB, 800x417, PlanetOfTheDead_Promo.jpg)
    42 KB Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)06:06 No.1749633  
    Dragonball Evolution and Doctor Who: Planet of the Dead are both coming out during Sakuracon, how does that make you feel?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)06:19 No.1749656
    Am I supposed to care about either?
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)06:41 No.1749680
    Dragonball's actually coming out on Thursday, unless they changed it up recently.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)16:53 No.1750395

    They did change it up

    April 10th.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)17:54 No.1750447
    Glad I'm not going to Sakuracon then. Instead I'll be spending my Saturday stalking the internet waiting for a torrent of DW to show up.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)17:58 No.1750451
    I know better than to see major movies on premiere night anyway, theaters will be packed with loud idiot teenagers and weeaboos. I'll wait at least a few days to see it. I also know it's probably not gonna be very good but I feel like I have to see it anyway.
    >> scriptfag !!+NRjt8Jcwwc 04/04/09(Sat)18:07 No.1750468
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    >I know better than to see major movies on premiere night anyway, theaters will be packed with loud idiot teenagers and weeaboos.
    >Suggesting Dragonball Evolution is a major movie

    Sure it has a wide release and big name studio behind it but that doesn't mean its a major movie.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)18:22 No.1750491
    Wide release. Big name studio. Huge fandom behind the franchise. That's not major? It's at least major enough for me to avoid premiere night.
    >> SlowMope !LQ6XW3vel6 04/04/09(Sat)18:28 No.1750500
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    I am going to go watch all my favorite old episodes in anticipation!
    >> scriptfag !!+NRjt8Jcwwc 04/04/09(Sat)18:38 No.1750523

    Its pretty big but not major. Major releases are films like Transformers, Star Trek, Terminator, Wolverine, and so on.

    But to answer your statement, its perfectly safe to go on premier night for Dragonball Evolution. What you just said applies to Legend of Chun Li (which was also not a major release) and the turn out was as expected for a movie of its caliber. About 2/3rds of the theater was full.

    Well as for the weeaboo factor though, can't really say I'm sure how that will turn out for DBE.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)18:39 No.1750527
         File :1238884768.jpg-(114 KB, 550x413, votesaxongais.jpg)
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    This is now a DW thread.
    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)18:49 No.1750548
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    >> Anonymous 04/04/09(Sat)19:33 No.1750629
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    >Dragonball Evolution
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:16 No.1751359

    Wait what day does Planet of the Dead air
    >> scriptfag !!+NRjt8Jcwwc 04/05/09(Sun)02:35 No.1751370

    April 11th
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:47 No.1751388

    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)10:26 No.1751786
    relevant to my internets.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)20:15 No.1752628
    Doctor Who sucks
    >> For Your Health Anonymous of Los Angeles !AoT8KYCnWo 04/05/09(Sun)20:36 No.1752665
    If you people go see DragonBall Evolution, then you must be stoned out of your mind to null the pain you will see from the mind-agonizing assault the film inflicts to every sentient being beneath its viewing area.

    Doctor's Orders, Bro.

    In b4 Madden
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)20:44 No.1752682
    I want to see it in costume. Not so much because I actually want to see the movie, but because I want to go to a Dragon Ball movie in a Dragon Ball costume.

    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)21:16 No.1752755
    HELL YES!!
    Doing this.
    I'm also going to be trying to find that damn blue bomber Oasis jacket thing that Rose has.
    :< One Rose costume just isn't enough.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:22 No.1753568
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    >> scriptfag !!+NRjt8Jcwwc 04/06/09(Mon)03:34 No.1753581
         File :1239003258.jpg-(21 KB, 300x371, goku.jpg.w300h371.jpg)
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    Or just have a sense of humor and know how to take a joke. That is unless your some extreme fanboy who's retina's burn at the sheer mention of this movie. If that is the case take a long hard look in the mirror and ask yourself "What have I done".


    Not in the movie.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:41 No.1753587
    it was originally going to be in the movie, but due to negative fan reactions to the leaked image, Fox changed it. You can see that they made toy figures of this freak form.
    >> this is why you shouldn't pay money to see DB Evolution... Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:43 No.1753590
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    >> scriptfag !!+NRjt8Jcwwc 04/06/09(Mon)03:44 No.1753592
         File :1239003865.png-(210 KB, 720x480, vlcsnap-4248533.png)
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    Uhhh no. That form right there was test CG, Oozaru is in the movie alright but looks nothing like that. The toys look more closer to how monkey Goku looks in the movie. Pic related.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)03:46 No.1753594

    And I should listen to a nigger because?
    >> journofag 04/06/09(Mon)04:00 No.1753599
    There's a press screening for Dragonball: Evolution in the UK today (which I'm sadly unable to go to). Not sure about the US but presumably we'll see some reviews soon.

    I interviewed James Wong and James Marsters and they both enthused wildly about it. I do want to believe in their enthusiasm, and I want to believe you, scriptfag, but between the trailers and the review on ANN, I'm a tad concerned (and I'm no Dragonball fangirl).
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)04:03 No.1753602
    I saw it for download dollars and zero cents via early leaked/pirated copies, and I felt ripped off. The time I spent on that cinematic abortion is time from my life that I will never have back. It wasn't even funny bad. It was just soulcrushingly terrible.
    >> scriptfag !!+NRjt8Jcwwc 04/06/09(Mon)04:05 No.1753604

    Oh its a terrible film alright, but its not in the so terrible its horrendous like Legend of Chun Li, its so terrible you can laugh at it. I'd rank above Jason X but below Batman & Robin in the "So bad its funny" tier list.

    And usually actors that aren't as "into" the source will regurgitate whatever the directors tell them to. And Marsters has always been incredibly enthusiastic about the film. Unlike a few other cast members.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)04:07 No.1753606
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    Obvious Dragonball obsessive fag is obvious.

    How can you NOT laugh at some of the stuff they did in the film? Bromcha, Goku's reaction faces, High school black people antics, asian teenagers using Roshi's ancient chinese training ground as a hang out, the laughable dialogue, Just Piccolo in general.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)04:09 No.1753609
    I've never even seen more than about three episodes of Dragonball.

    I just couldn't find it to be anything other than awful. LOL different tastes.
    >> scriptfag !!+NRjt8Jcwwc 04/06/09(Mon)04:11 No.1753615
         File :1239005500.gif-(165 KB, 140x99, jeh eye roll.gif)
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    See >>1753581
    If you can't even just have a chuckle at some of the stupid shit in this movie there's something cockblocking your sense of humor. I suggest you find out what that is.
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)04:13 No.1753619

    You're not even trying to hide it.
    Bet you also thought Batman & Robin was eye gougingly bad
    >> journofag 04/06/09(Mon)04:13 No.1753621
    Oh, lord knows you couldn't fake how enthusiastic Marsters was when I spoke to him. I'm keeping an open mind - I love so-bad-they're-good films, and if that's what Dragonball turns out to be then I'll be very happy. But still... I'm concerned. I'll be interested to see what our freelancer says about it.

    I do really want to see Legend of Chun Li too, purely because of how bad that review on AICN was. It doesn't have a UK release date yet though.
    >> scriptfag !!+NRjt8Jcwwc 04/06/09(Mon)04:15 No.1753624
         File :1239005710.png-(218 KB, 618x326, BROMCHA FIST.png)
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    "Sup bro" "Need some help bros?" "Alright bro" "Check this out bro" "Everything happens for a reason bro"

    I lol'd at Bromcha, best part of the movie
    >> Anonymous 04/06/09(Mon)04:21 No.1753630
    >> scriptfag !!+NRjt8Jcwwc 04/06/09(Mon)04:24 No.1753632
    >Oh, lord knows you couldn't fake how enthusiastic Marsters was when I spoke to him. I'm keeping an open mind - I love so-bad-they're-good films, and if that's what Dragonball turns out to be then I'll be very happy. But still... I'm concerned. I'll be interested to see what our freelancer says about it.

    Well different folks different strokes, its guaranteed that you'll chuckle once at some of the stupid shit in the movie like some of what >>1753606 listed. If you laughed at Jason X you'll probably laugh at this. Its no Van Damme Street Fighter though.
    Well Marsters looked enthusiastic before filming began, he was all "Let me tell you about Dragonball, let me tell you how excited I am for Dragonball". Buuuut that was a long time ago.

    >I do really want to see Legend of Chun Li too, purely because of how bad that review on AICN was. It doesn't have a UK release date yet though.

    Okay that movie there was nothing redeeming about it, shitty acting (Michael Clark Duncan gave the only bearable performance, its sad to see him go from an A class actor to bottom class), gigantic plot holes, shitty dialogue, in character narration, badly delivered narration at that, bad plot, shitty characterization, a script equivalent to that of a middle school student's writing, just a bad movie all round. And read the production blog for the movie, its amazing how enthusiastic the cast was, its like they had no sense of taste.

    It can be funny but you have to try real hard, like the only parts that made me chuckle was Balrog's punch giving Chun Li's mom cancer and Balrog getting distracted when some street urchin throws a melon at him.
    >> journofag 04/06/09(Mon)04:28 No.1753635
    > Well Marsters looked enthusiastic before filming began, he was all "Let me tell you about Dragonball, let me tell you how excited I am for Dragonball". Buuuut that was a long time ago.

    Interesting. It was only a couple of months ago that I spoke to him. Maybe he was channelling some of that earlier enthusiasm.

    > Balrog's punch giving Chun Li's mom cancer
    Oh lord. I'm going to randomly remember that throughout the day and make my colleagues wonder what the hell is wrong with me.
    >> scriptfag !!+NRjt8Jcwwc 04/06/09(Mon)04:30 No.1753638
    One mooore thing, I wouldn't say it was James Wong's fault that this movie turned out bad, I'd say it was the stereotypical nigger writer Ben Ramsey's fault. Seriously he cannot write at all. He probably wrote this script basing it off of what little he remembers of watching a few episodes of DB and DBZ when he was younger. I did lol after I saw what he looks like. Its cause of his Luke Cage script which was pretty much "Niggas the movie", stereotypical blacks acting like stereotypical blacks in a movie. And then I saw what Ben looked like, a stereotypical nigga.
    >> scriptfag !!+NRjt8Jcwwc 04/06/09(Mon)04:33 No.1753642

    Yup thats how bad Legend of Chun Li, according to how nonsensical how the general pacing and plot development of the film is Balrog's punch gave Chun Li's mom cancer.

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