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  • File :1238471068.jpg-(23 KB, 320x400, 1231630495355.jpg)
    23 KB Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)23:44 No.1740075  
    n00bs. We all know them. They are at every convention, making it fail.

    So, tell me, /cgl/, do you have any stories about a con experience with n00bs, fangirls/boys or all around retards?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)23:46 No.1740086
    I went to a one-day con this past weekend. Our state has one big convention, plus this new one that just came out, so we thought we would show support for it and check it out.

    About 85% of the attendees were con-virgins.
    During the masquerade, this fat kid in an Akatsuki jacket was being obnoxiously loud during performances, saying how 'embarrassed' he was because people were making fools of themselves on stage. He said he thought this was a 'costume contest' and not a theatre show and was bashing on the people that did skits.

    . . . Uh . . . .
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)23:55 No.1740122

    One-day con. That is the only explanation.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 03/31/09(Tue)00:01 No.1740152
    punch him in the kidney. seriously. or just shame him some how.

    I wouldn't say this is n00bish but it sure falls under fandom tardation! I personally have issues with fresh cosplayers or any cosplayer who take their characters waaaay too far. at ALA i hosted cosplay chess and one of the pieces on the board made a joking comment about KH2 to a roxas cosplayer on the other team. The Axel in the crowd who i assume was with said roxas got defensive and started calling out the guy who made the statement and started to walk out on the board to call him out. WTF seriously :/
    >> Anonymous 03/31/09(Tue)00:05 No.1740168

    o.O Damn. That would be KH fags for you, though, Maguma.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/09(Tue)00:06 No.1740176
    The more you post, the more I like you good sir.

    At an "Obscure Anime" panel at the last con I attended, for some fucking reason they were showing Urusei Yatsura and when Lum came on screen some dude in the front yelled like he was the first guy ever "Oooo! Hall cosplay anyone??"
    >> The Bunny 03/31/09(Tue)00:09 No.1740188
    That's my only problem, n00bs don't know how to respect personal space.
    I had a bunch of them jump on me without permission, almost twisted my ankle and when I told them
    "Don't do that! You could hurt someone! Ask if you can do that before you do it if you're going to do it at all"
    they had the nerve to cop an attitude and say
    "Pfft well, GOSH! It's my first time here! I didn't know!"
    You don't know not to jump on random people? You pill that on the street and you get arrested.
    Bitch, please.
    >> Hikaruhime !xymRTv2yFs 03/31/09(Tue)00:09 No.1740189
    Pah. Too bad one of the other chess pieces didn't "accidentally" take 'tard-Axel out. Guess con security wouldn't like that though.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 03/31/09(Tue)00:11 No.1740198
    that is but it's a shining example of people who take their characters WAY too far. It still proves a point.

    thank you.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/09(Tue)00:14 No.1740215
    I'm taking note on how not to act. Do the size of cons increase or decrease dumbasses? The smaller, the less, or vise versa?
    I figure I'm going to end up acting semi retarded for my first con coming up, but I don't want any major dumbassness. Any tips?
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 03/31/09(Tue)00:16 No.1740222
    seriously. Personally I wouldn't mind handling an escalated situation. it would have helped when i told people to back the fuck away from the actual people playing chess. I seriously wanna buy like fucking Rope lines like they have at the bank to keep people out. That shit was seriously frustrating
    >> Hikaruhime !xymRTv2yFs 03/31/09(Tue)00:18 No.1740230
    As someone mentioned before, do NOT glomp/hug anyone without their permission. Costumes/props DO get broken that way, tears are shed, etc.

    Also, Caramelldansen. Don't do it. God, I'm so sick of seeing that at cons.

    Don't scream at someone who is cosplaying a character you like. Compliment them, talk to them, whatever, but don't scream OMGILOOOVEYOUUUU.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/09(Tue)01:24 No.1740487
    I hate it when . . . there are people who cosplay and brag and brag and brag about their wonderful costume, when it doesn't look very good. But that is a huge majority of people at cons.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 03/31/09(Tue)01:32 No.1740504
    Caramelldansen is ok, if done 1. CORRECTLY and 2. by a small amount of people not 20+ people.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/09(Tue)01:38 No.1740518
    I hate Narutards.

    I hate them even more when they are incredibly 'in-character'.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/09(Tue)01:40 No.1740521

    For such a simple dance, you'd think more people would actually do it right.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/09(Tue)02:02 No.1740566
    When Haruhi Suzumiya first came out, I did her bunny outfit with the guitar. It was easy to tell who I was.

    A girl at the con walked up to me and said, "Just because this is an anime convention doesn't mean you get to dress like a whore."
    >> Anonymous 03/31/09(Tue)02:04 No.1740571

    I hope you said, "Yes it does, fugmo."
    >> Anonymous 03/31/09(Tue)02:07 No.1740578

    Haha. Nah. I asked her if she had seen Haruhi and she laughed and told me that I was making up an anime as an excuse.

    Whatever, though. She was too fat for that lolita costume, anyways. =/
    >> Anonymous 03/31/09(Tue)02:08 No.1740582
    Ouch. I would have slapped that bitch >:3
    Not really, but still. jeez.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/09(Tue)02:09 No.1740586

    Ah! I've had somebody do that to me before, too. I was cosplaying Obito Uchiha from Naruto . . . and some bitch in a Sakura costume walked up and said, "All the Uchiha DIED. Your original character sucks."
    >> Anonymous 03/31/09(Tue)02:19 No.1740604

    Fail. =/
    >> Anonymous 03/31/09(Tue)02:21 No.1740607
         File :1238480469.jpg-(113 KB, 400x600, 10695.jpg)
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    You might assume that small college-based cons would have fewer idiotic screaming teenagers than big cons, but you'd be wrong. It seems that the non-cancer anime con goers have basically retreated to the big cons.

    Pics now.

    Unless you're ugly, in which case she was right.
    >> The Bunny 03/31/09(Tue)02:25 No.1740610
    Same thing happened to my friend. She was with a group and they were doing the Akatsuki. She was chosen to be Orochimaru because they wanted to include him too since he use to be part of the Akatsuki.
    So she's posing for pictures and having good time while I hold her stuff for her and a Sakura marches up to her like GOD himself sent her and goes
    "You can dress like that! Orochimaru NEVER wore an Akatsuki coat!"
    and my friend went
    "But he USE to be in the Akatsuki."
    to where she went
    "Yeah, well I never saw it, therefore, you can't dress like that! You need to go up to your room right now and take that off before you embarrass yourself!"

    We followed her around all day, throwing paper and empty soda cans at her from the shadows.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/09(Tue)02:31 No.1740617

    What con? Was it Animarathon?

    The Narutards were fucking TERRIBLE at Animarathon.

    And fat. What the hell.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/09(Tue)02:39 No.1740625
         File :1238481582.jpg-(34 KB, 193x600, padme ep3 sleeveless.jpg)
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    Had something similar happen while I was dressed as (pregnant) Padme Amidala from SW Ep3 (the Mustafar outfit)....some guy asks if I'm dressed as a character from "Alien" before the alien explodes out of my belly. Gave him a WTF look and told him who I was. To which he responded:


    Seriously dude, I think I know who I'm dressed as...pic related
    >> Anonymous 03/31/09(Tue)02:52 No.1740641
    A few years back some friends and I were doing Digimon cosplay. We had some of the 01 cast and some Gijinka Digimon.

    A guy asked for a picture, and I (being Gijinka Gomamon) posed by Joe.
    The guy paused, glared at me, and asked "Who're you?"
    "=D I'm Gomamon"
    ".. No you aren't. Go away"


    First and only time I've been told "You aren't cosplaying what you say you're cosplaying"
    >> Anonymous 03/31/09(Tue)02:52 No.1740642
    I was ridiculed by a group of newbies for recognizing the magic wands from Magic Users Club in a trivia game.

    They were doing Lucky Star cosplay.

    You're doing cosplay from a series full of references to 80's anime, and you laugh at me for recognizing arguably the best OAV from the 90's?

    >> Anonymous 03/31/09(Tue)03:18 No.1740673
    The thread is gonna make me rage, also, OP pic made me lol pretty hard.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/09(Tue)03:19 No.1740677

    It's not your fault, if I had been there we could have high fived and eaten pizza.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/09(Tue)04:22 No.1740735
    I almost forgot why I hated conventions.
    >> nosebleed-tan !bLoODYg/ig 03/31/09(Tue)07:53 No.1740875
    >>Don't scream at someone who is cosplaying a character you like. Compliment them, talk to them, whatever, but don't scream OMGILOOOVEYOUUUU.

    Oh god, this. I took a con-virgin with me to a recent con, and every cosplayer he saw that he liked he yelled out FUCK YEAH ______
    >> Anonymous 03/31/09(Tue)08:33 No.1740916
    "Oh god, this. I took a con-virgin with me to a recent con, and every cosplayer he saw that he liked he yelled out FUCK YEAH Seaking!!!"

    >> Anonymous 03/31/09(Tue)08:35 No.1740920
    Im bringing a con-virgin to a con in november... Should I.... .. Be scared?

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