>> |
03/31/09(Tue)14:04 No.1741359  >>1741159 Are
you referring to Sabrina? I hate that bitch, I always overhear her
making snide comments about cosplayers and how 'slutty' such and such
costume looks, even when it's not all that bad (heard her say it about
some girl in a generic schoolgirl costume, wut.).
Animazement has its share of nice staff, there are also the lazy dicks
who treat attendees like criminals. Their organization tends to be kind
of shitty, too...I don't know what they expect to do with the huge new
convention center this year. Knowing them, they'll end up recruiting a
ton of gophers to try and staff the con for them. It's one of those
conventions that I attend for the people, since it's got a very
friendly atmosphere as far as other attendees are concerned.
expect this year to be extremely ill-planned and disorganized, judging
by talk on the forums. No registration list as of yet, no reg cards in
the mail yet, poor policy communication that has resulted in an
EXTREMELY prudish and hurriedly written dress code policy (no sideboob,
underboob, zero buttcheek, etc) over a simple question raised on the
boards. Previous years, we only had the 'jump policy', which required
you to remain inside your costume within legal decency laws when asked
to perform jumping jacks.
....sorry for the tl;dr, I'm just incredibly fed up with this, but I love the con and AB is a bit too far of a drive for me. |