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03/28/09(Sat)08:19 No.1734489  Because you NEED to see this.
>ILLEGAL 1. Countries. 2. Cussing. Anyone heard cussing will be fined. The amount will go up each time the person cusses. 3.
Gasoline powered cars. All people will ride tricycles. People can begin
to ride trikes at any age, but they must pass a written and driving
test first. If in an accident, the trike will be permanently taken away
from the driver. S/he will have to buy a new one. 4. Guns. Anyone
found with a gun will be shot with it, then the gun will be taken away
and destroyed. (Because guns are a coward's way to kill. They are too
easy to use; even a child can fire a gun. But it takes skill and
strength to kill with a knife or sword.) 5. Make-up. Anyone caught wearing make-up must shave their head. 6. Marriage. 7.
Murdering an innocent person (someone who did not attack you). Any
person found to be guilty of murder by judge and jury will be given the
choice of either life long military service or to be imprisoned and
left to starve to death. If the murderer does not cooperate in the
military, the second option will automatically be granted. 8. Porn,
along with any other forms of sex shown in magazines, TV, or video
games. The distributor will be fired, and his/her corporation destroyed. 9. Public schools. 10. Public worship. A fine will be issued. The fine will raise on repeated offenses. 11.
Rape. Male rapists will have their penises cut off so they will not be
able to rape again. Female rapists will never be allowed to have
children. 12. Sexist clothes. Clothes will be made with androgyny in
mind. No clothes will be strictly for boys or girls. Everyone can wear
anything they like. 13. Sports that only allow one gender to play. 14.
Video games that involve the character you play doing illegal things
like murdering a police officer or other innocent human. |