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  • File :1238150162.jpg-(15 KB, 250x400, 1237877361596.jpg)
    15 KB Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)06:36 No.1731955  
    This is an awkward topic so let us discuss it maturely, okay?

    Con rape etc. assault and violence (groping) at cons. How secure should one feel? Any pointers of how to minimise the potential risks? Have you ever been assaulted at a con?
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)06:44 No.1731965
    act like I do on one bothers me >:)
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)06:46 No.1731969
    If you notice an area is COMPLETELY EMPTY don't go into it alone.

    Sounds like common sense, right?

    No matter how crowded the convention, there are empty areas.

    And people don't respond when you scream because of screeching fangirls.

    As for sneaky groping, it's REALLY hard to totally prevent that.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)06:49 No.1731972
    The one time I ever got hugged/glomped/whatever without a chance to say no, I was wearing a costume with really angry spikes on the chest-plate. When I rose my arms up in defense, the spikes went up too, and the dude got both of them right in the guts. Serves him right. Fucker.

    Easy way to avoid it in general is to just hold yourself high and look confidant in yourself. People who will attempt to bother you are generally deterred by the idea that you might actually tell them to fuck off without a second thought. Also, always have a buddy with you or hang out in groups. Never go anywhere that looks questionable (alley-ways, off-limits areas, etc.) Never go to anyone's hotel room if you don't know them.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)06:50 No.1731975
    Considering I'm a guy and my next cosplay will show off thighs and ass (kinda), if I get hit on I wouldn't mind at all. The most I wouldn't mind is a slap on the ass. I'd probably feel creeped out if someone tried to rest their hand on my thigh.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)06:54 No.1731979
    I'm alway hanging out with someone and I always have my phone on me.

    I've never been physically messed with but I've had a stalker or two.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)06:56 No.1731982
    Not sure about the durning the con part but then you are away from the main floors I am amle and stick to the simple axiom:
    Don't don't drive faster than you can see
    avoid being on your own with strangers, being drunk on your own with strangers etc
    Look out for your friends of both genders and remember it is easy to get carried away
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)07:53 No.1732018
    What do you do in regular life to avoid getting assaulted or raped?
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)08:01 No.1732026
    Also, if people spank you on the arse with a paddle, don't worry. It's just a Yaoi paddle, all in good fun.
    >> ike !!uFGeaxUPNNT 03/27/09(Fri)08:11 No.1732038

    GTFO with this paddle bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)08:20 No.1732045
    This thread - http://www.encyclopediadramatica.com/Almost_raped
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)08:43 No.1732062
    What the fucking fuck language are you trying to speak, woman.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)08:45 No.1732067
    Lolz Im a dude
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)08:50 No.1732072
    It fucks me off too, just letting him/her know it's not molestation.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)09:25 No.1732111

    It's all great fun until someone ends up in A&E trying to shit a paddle back out
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)09:26 No.1732112
    Such hilarious site
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)09:28 No.1732115
    check out nutty madams page nuttymadam75? the quotes at the end gave me a hernia
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)09:40 No.1732121

    It wont just be girls that are feeling you up, though. You ok with male attention?
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)10:30 No.1732153
    I got myself pretty righteously groped at a rave, which is more or less expected. I tried to inch away but the guy kept pulling me back in. I managed to get in my group of friends again, though, so it was all good. And that kind of stuff happens at dances and whatever anyway.

    This year at AWA, though, there was an underage girl who got her drink spiked at the Friday Yaoi panel, and she was hauled off and raped. The guy broke into the panelists' room, because he knew they were out at the panel. They found her cellphone and her panties, and they eventually found her wandering around despondent. The Panelist told us on Saturday.

    Though the same rules apply as in real life for cons and keeping safe; don't go alone, always have a phone, etc, etc... There IS a bit of a problem at a con.. Everywhere's crowded, so it's easy to vanish into a group. Screams are not unusual, as someone mentioned. People are loud at cons all the time. And how many people scream "RAPE!" at their friends if they're playing? The atmosphere of a con is so crazy that someone can get away with a lot.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)10:49 No.1732178
    One year at AWA one of my friends walked in on a guy about to try and rape a girl in one of the public bathrooms off of a lobby. So I'm going to go with buddy system as a suggestion.

    Random groping seems to mostly happen in very crowded situations where people think they can get away with it, like crowded elevators.

    And at D*Con one year a couple friends and I accidentally became witnesses to some domestic violence. We ended up taking the girl over to one of the other hotels so she could stay with a friend there. But the next day she was back with the asshole. Sometimes even though you try you just can't help some people.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)10:53 No.1732181
    wow... i never knew there was such dark secrets... i'm new to the 4chan and cosplay in general (but i have cosplayed before tis fun) i thought that these conventions were a bunch of geeky geeks all ^_^ ^_^ skipping a long

    not crazy fuckers raping people in stalls and what not
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)10:55 No.1732183
    One year at AWA one of my friends walked in on a guy about to try and rape a girl in one of the public bathrooms off of a lobby. So I'm going to go with buddy system as a suggestion.

    >>My bff totally saw this guy outside the toilets holding his gf's stuff for her, WHAT A PERV

    Random groping seems to mostly happen in very crowded situations where people think they can get away with it, like crowded elevators.

    >>This one time I got into this elavator with these 3 dudes and they totally raped me with thier eyes. MEN ARE PIG DISGUSTING.

    And at D*Con one year a couple friends and I accidentally became witnesses to some domestic violence. We ended up taking the girl over to one of the other hotels so she could stay with a friend there.
    But the next day she was back with the asshole. Sometimes even though you try you just can't help some people.

    >>We got involved with something that had nothing to do with us and got the wrong end of the stick. This was then highlighted when she got back with him.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)10:57 No.1732185
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)11:02 No.1732192
    Man I'll tell you, if there's one place to find well dressed, smooth talking and attractive sexual predators it's an anime con. It's a wonder every girl attending doesn't get raped.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)11:04 No.1732193
    Uh, no. I'm not one of the underagers that think anytime a guy smiles at them that he wants to rape them. Real shit does happen at cons sometimes just like it happens in real life. The rape incident, security came in and hauled the guy away. Groping, it fucking happens. What kind of boring ass cons do you go to that no one gets drunk and frisky? Domestic abuse also fucking happens. We heard the fucking screaming and yelling from inside the hotel room we had been at earlier in the night for an after contest party. Girl kept trying to get away from the abusive asshole but he wouldn't let her. Eventually she got outside and we grabbed her and tried to help because she was too scared to think for herself. But yeah, fucking kudos to you for living in a world full of puppies and rainbows.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)11:07 No.1732199
    Just stay away from EBK and you'll be fine.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)11:09 No.1732205
    Be practical. Even if the place is full of weirdos in costumes, and some of them may be sick perverts, just apply what you should do outside of cons.

    Luckily, I hadn't experienced anything except see my friend's phone get stolen. But that was when we were on the way home.

    Seeing two guys enter a cubicle and take long to dress up than you do gives you feelings of WAT
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)11:10 No.1732206
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)11:11 No.1732207
    >And how many people scream "RAPE!" at their friends if they're playing?

    this is why you are supposed to yell fire if you are really in trouble. It's illegal to yell fire without an emergency but being raped is an emergency.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)11:15 No.1732220
    I know. I actually carry this little thing that you pull a pin out and it makes a deafening screetch. Does well, until you accidentally set it off...
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)11:18 No.1732226
    yup, my aunt gives me one every year for christmas and I always end up pulling it on accident since it's a keychain.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)11:20 No.1732231
    You're raped that often that the batteries run out on the ones you got the Xmas before?

    >> Murk-A-Teir !/rMxiN97Dw 03/27/09(Fri)11:43 No.1732262
    *sings* Mace is a girls best friend.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)11:46 No.1732264
    no, as I said, they get pulled on accident a lot and they are only button cell batteries. The sad fact is that she is so overprotective (pity my cousins) that she keeps getting me them. I got the same one 3 years in a row, 2 are still in their packages. I've given several away to friends as well. FYI though, I feel loads safer with my pepper spraywhich is also a keychain. I've never had to use it but I have a feeling that if I do use it, even if correctly, I'll still get a taste of it.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)12:35 No.1732377
    last time i raped a girl, she peppersprayed me too! I says to her: "Lol, bitchyboo, you think that there spray ah fuck me up?" She tastes good, like Dr. pepper, naw mean? Enjoy your false sense of security and welcoming you to my pen0r lovely girr.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)12:45 No.1732398
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    back when I was a kid I got those, next I got a whistle, then I got pepper spray.

    Never had to use any of it. My height has something to do with it I think. No attacker wants to deal with a 6'0 woman when there a 5'3 tiny thing he can cart off standing a few feet away.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)12:56 No.1732410
    i think it's probably because ur ugly, provemewrong
    >> Dr. Rape & Stuff 03/27/09(Fri)13:05 No.1732419
    Even if you're at a party I've had people assaulted in parties by party crashers and when everyone was drunk and the girls drinks laced with ruffies and everyone is passed out that's when the shit happened. True story as a friend of mine was at a party and everyone got plastered but her ddrink was laced with ruffies. She passed out first while everyone else was drinking. When she woke she was naked and sore below. She got tested and the cops found ruufies in her system. One of the brothers of the house party was not a drinker and they DNA matched him to the stains on her underwear.
    >> Sagey McSagerson !/qkCK4m8kE 03/27/09(Fri)13:07 No.1732421
    Step 1: Take a martial art such as Krav Maga.
    Step 2: ???
    Step 3: Profit!
    Taking a self-defense course, even something as simple as a kickboxing class or seminar can help a lot both by giving you some skills, making yourself aware of situations and by building confidence. Granted you're probably not going to be the best fighter, but making yourself aware and putting up a fight is at the very least a great deterrent.

    No, its battery.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)13:09 No.1732425
    I swear if some gu tried to grope me I would have half a mind to try to take the guy down or speak out. Even if I see a guy become sexually agressive to anyone and are threaten security or atleast report it.

    Sexual assalt is almost always a BIG deal. Anyone feels otherwise is thinking irresponsibily
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)13:14 No.1732435
    I got given something like that and the one time i decided to use it the battery was drained.
    Fucking useless.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)13:18 No.1732449

    THIS. I can't tell you how helpful self defense is. Guys can't hit you if you can knock up below his lungs.

    I'm a huge advocate for shotokon. Its very practical for ALOT of situations. And its from the moon country for all you weeaboos
    >> Sagey McSagerson !/qkCK4m8kE 03/27/09(Fri)13:28 No.1732465
    >I'm a huge advocate for shotokon.
    Haven't tried it, but yeah I've heard its good.

    >Guys can't hit you if you can knock up below his lungs.
    My first lesson of Krav, our instructor tells us "I want you to be able to defend yourself if you go out into the parking lot after class and get attacked, so we're going to teach you how to defend yourself and kick your attacker in the groin."
    Good times.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)13:34 No.1732481
    avoid rape = have a cosplay with a sword.

    at metro 08 the red bull fuckers tried to peer up my girlfriend's skirt and i gave him a death glared and slowly pulled my katana out. even though it was a bokken i had filed it down and painted it so he thought it was real and hauled ass and ran :p good times
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)13:35 No.1732483
    Wow, you're super cool, bro!
    >> YU☆GI !LIz4e4lMxg 03/27/09(Fri)13:38 No.1732492
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    time to a dose of real life, girls, so put down your nail files.

    first of all: are you so full of yourself that you honestly think any guy who gives you unwanted attention is going to risk going to jail or worse over YOU? seriously?
    second: here's the thing about cons, especially if you're in cosplay: the entire event is about attention whoring. the funny thing about that is it works both ways, you get the good attention, you get the "lol, ok, whatever" attention, you get the bad attention. you can't just cut one out because LIFE DOESN'T WORK THAT WAY. people suck and if you're going to an event where you're gravitating people towards you, odds are you're going to be pulling more of the shitty people in with the people you want to meet.
    third: rape is not just about sex. some girl spanking your ass, some guy picking you up, that's a power play. there are all kinds of power plays you make, rape is the ultimate form of this. if you are honestly worried about being kidnapped, raped, molested, think back to preschool, when you weren't an adult and capable of handling yourself: you had a fucking buddy system. you know why your teachers and caretakers set up a buddy system? so some greasy faggot in a trenchcoat offering your dumb ass a lick of his lolly didn't tear your still unbudded flower open with his mandick while you were out in public. so think the fuck back to then; you have friends or at least people you know. STAY WITH THEM. pair up, form a cosplay group, go to events together, DON'T LEAVE YOUR GOD DAMN BUDDY. when you form groups, you're not a lone, frail little girl in a sailor fuku, now you're multiple girls in sailor fukus, one of which can grab a police officer or some more-noble man to pound the fuck out of the jackass who's got his hands halfway down your friend's pants.

    >> YU☆GI !LIz4e4lMxg 03/27/09(Fri)13:39 No.1732494
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    that's not to excuse creepy people, intent to rape or not, but you're in a hobby where the majority of the people you encounter are at this point because they weren't given all of the social graces to realize halloween comes but once a year. and you think people in the real world don't get molested or raped? at least people in the real world are fully clothed and don't paint targets on themselves to attract the shitty scum of the world.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)13:42 No.1732500
    Wow. You're kind of a dick.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)13:42 No.1732501
    Dang, mang. How can I be just like you-oo-oo? Give me the secret of man's red fire, mancub.
    >> YU☆GI !LIz4e4lMxg 03/27/09(Fri)13:45 No.1732508
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    that's cool. enjoy spending the rest of your life as a victim.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)13:46 No.1732513
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)13:50 No.1732525
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    >>1732492 there are all kinds of power plays you make, rape is the ultimate form of this.
    >> YU☆GI !LIz4e4lMxg 03/27/09(Fri)13:50 No.1732528
    if you don't want to attract shitty attention from scum, don't participate in a hobby that forces attention on your person.

    otherwise, enjoy your fantasy world where there are no bad people and rape only happens in your yaoi incest manga.
    >> YU☆GI !LIz4e4lMxg 03/27/09(Fri)13:51 No.1732532
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    rape IS a power play. are you retarded?
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)13:51 No.1732534
    I lol'd.

    I agree with your post btw.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)13:52 No.1732536
    Dude has a point, though. Cosplay is more or less about attention whoring, and the well-adjusted people also have the good sense to be polite about it. Scantily-clad women attract much unwanted attention, so why would you NOT travel in a group? Everything he says is true, he's just a little harsh about it.
    >> YU☆GI !LIz4e4lMxg 03/27/09(Fri)13:53 No.1732538
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    also, men can get raped too. enjoy your faux-feminist empowerment bullshit, carpet muncher.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)13:53 No.1732540
    i'm a female, and sometimes i blame women for getting raped. your in a slutty looking outfit, your getting drunk so your senses are fucked cause you think it's soooooo funny and cute, then you wonder why some horny asshole takes advantage of you; because you make it so easy. here's a novel idea: stop being a stupid bitch.

    i hate to break it to you young'ins, but the world is not kind, and it's not fair. sometimes you learn things the hard way. count your good graces, that the asshole didnt kill you after he was done with you. if your still here to bitch, you were one of the lucky ones.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)13:56 No.1732549
    So anyone who disagrees with your retarded logic is living in a fantasy world. RIIIIGHT. I'm not that naive, dumbass. I know rape exists. I use the buddy system AND I've taken martial arts. My issue is your misogynist attitude and blatant disregard for just how serious of an offense rape is. You're basically equating wearing a costume with being rape bait, and blaming any girl who wears ANY costume for anything that happens to them. Also, using rape as the "ultimate form" of ANYTHING makes you sound like you're basically condoning it. You're downplaying the severity of the act and how serious it really is by putting it along the same lines of getting an ass-pat or getting hit on. It's not. It's an act of violent dominance, and it's a fucking CRIME.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)13:58 No.1732551
    And the instances of a man getting raped at a con ARE?
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)14:00 No.1732553
    More than you realize, since men are less likely to complain/report that sort of thing.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)14:02 No.1732556
    Yeah, sure.

    When was the last time a man had to cover himself up out of fear of rape, in public? When was the last time a man had to use a buddy system at a con to avoid getting into that kind of situation? Bullshit.
    >> YU☆GI !LIz4e4lMxg 03/27/09(Fri)14:05 No.1732559
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    the fact that rape is a horrible thing is self-evident. why would i need to spend my post talking about why rape is bad when there is no person who would say otherwise without trolling.

    also, i never implied females are the only people who get raped, but girls seem to dominate this board and be the most vocal about rape. if you take karate and stay in groups, then my post isn't directed at you. if you go to a con and pose with your legs spread in your Bikini Samurai costume and don't know why some guy tried to grab your ass and are now outraged at the state of the world, you're a faggot and my post is for you.

    thanks for taking my post personally, though. good to know i can troll people i'm not even talking to or about.
    >> YU☆GI !LIz4e4lMxg 03/27/09(Fri)14:09 No.1732564
    enjoy your naivete.
    social norms dictate that men are the "powerful" people in a given relationship, sexual or otherwise, meaning a man who goes more in line with social norms and doesn't want "his balls to fall off" won't report that he's been raped.

    also, guys get sexually harassed all the time at cons. there aren't threads dedicated to "omg some girl spanked me w/ a yaoi paddle and that sucks" because it's a social norm for guys to like that attention, just as it's a social norm for you to be a bleedy cunt when some guy asks to take your picture and you think he's trying to rape you.

    enjoy being a lesbian and not taking the time to understand the entire second half of your species.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)14:11 No.1732567
    >>1732559 good to know i can troll people i'm not even talking to or about.
    >time to a dose of real life, girls, so put down your nail files.

    You were directing that at women in general.
    >> YU☆GI !LIz4e4lMxg 03/27/09(Fri)14:14 No.1732570
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    if you read and find yourself saying, "i go to cons and take adequate steps to make sure some guy doesn't force his tongue and penis in my orafices like this guy is saying i should," obviously my post is not directed at you. i know cosplayers are not known for their social skills, but basic reading comprehension (or a subtle but vehement hatred of the male race) is fundamental when interacting with other people.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)14:25 No.1732583
    This might not be a good idea at a con, but instead of screaming RAPE or HELP, why not try FIRE. My self defense instructor tells us to do this on the simple matter that people are sick, and will look away if some is crying out in distress like that, but will look towards you to see if there really is a fire. Also, its probably the last thing a potential rapist expects to hear you scream, and can give you an opening to get away.
    Shouting fire in a crowded room might not be the best idea though... that whole constitution thing.
    >> local /v/irgin 03/27/09(Fri)14:30 No.1732587
    Aside from the
    >put down your nail files
    I seriously don't know why you think YU☆GI is trolling. Are you just so conditioned to trolls and drama on this board that it's a knee jerk reaction or something? He had real advice and spoke the truth.
    >> YU☆GI !LIz4e4lMxg 03/27/09(Fri)14:31 No.1732590
    the best way to get help in situations like that is not to let out a broad cry, but to aim for a person specific- if possible.

    kitty genovese study etc, people are less likely to help someone out when they realize other people are watching because they think the other person is going to. if you say, "HEY YOU THIS PERSON IS ASSAULTING ME," you're more likely to be helped than sending out a broad cry, especially since con antics people might be screaming "RAPE" and "YOU LOST THE GAME LOL" and all kinds of crazy things, but rarely will they reach out to a singular person.
    >> S-Anon 03/27/09(Fri)14:35 No.1732596
    Good advice yes..but his delivery of it was shit...I don't know if it was because he was trying to be "witty" but people wont listen if the speaker is acting like a jack ass..
    >> local /v/irgin 03/27/09(Fri)14:38 No.1732600
    Oh ok I'm sorry. /cgl/ is SRS BSNS. Damnit where's that NO FUN picture when I need it...
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)14:39 No.1732601
    Acting like a tool and generally coming off as a dick to the people you're trying to advise is fun?
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)14:40 No.1732604
    It helps to be fat at a con. I've been going to cons for 5 yrs and only had unwanted attention once :p

    but my friend on the other hand who is thin is always getting creepy attention(but shes an attention whore and likes it)
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)14:41 No.1732605
    women are designed to be fucked. that's all there is to it, okay?
    >> YU☆GI !LIz4e4lMxg 03/27/09(Fri)14:42 No.1732609
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    i'm just mirroring what the people who post in these threads do, which is be gigantic retarded tools. an overwhelming majority of the people who post in these threads need a logical slap in the face because they would not know how to put their pants on properly if their parents hadn't dressed them for the first 17 1/2 years of their lives.

    also, read for meaning rather than words. it's how you avoid trolls. if you don't, you'll be miserable on this site. /inb4 trolls trolling other trolls.

    also, here's your image, >>1732600

    also, cocks.
    >> local /v/irgin 03/27/09(Fri)14:43 No.1732612
    Being a tool... how's so~
    >> S-Anon 03/27/09(Fri)14:44 No.1732614

    >This is an awkward topic so let us discuss it maturely, okay?

    I guess thats too much to ask.
    >> eemee !r2BOAKDjWM 03/27/09(Fri)14:46 No.1732619
    >>fucking fuck language

    Please don't insult the grammar of others if you can't even make a point without cursing in excess (or read the post enough to see the part where he said he was male, use your curses properly, etc). It's embarrassing.
    You sound like a 12-year-old who just discovered the word "fuck."
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)14:46 No.1732620
    bump cuz I think I like this Yugi fella.
    >> YU☆GI !LIz4e4lMxg 03/27/09(Fri)14:49 No.1732624
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    >>Have you ever been assaulted at a con?

    The second this question is asked begs for people to bring in drama stories. The second you ask this question, the thread takes a turn for the worst. Instead of focusing on the past, you should be trying to work on protecting yourself and others for the future.

    Sorry if I can't be all "huggles tiem nao?" about it, but it's what the board needs and, based on how these threads go, it's what it deserves. Unless you're doing better for people, your views on my methods of doing what you admit is necessary are invalid.
    >> YU☆GI !LIz4e4lMxg 03/27/09(Fri)14:51 No.1732627
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    wait, when did i say anything about grammar? what does telling people to read for what i'm trying to say instead of just reading the words and being like "HURRR HE IS SAYING MEAN WURDS TIME TO PUT MY FINGERS IN MY EARS AND DO A BARREL ROLL" have to do with grammar?

    jesus christ, how do you manage to construct complete sentences without calling for help from your handler?
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)14:55 No.1732629
    1. Don't go off in random places with people you don't know well.
    2. Don't wear outfits that are asking for it.
    3. Bring self-defense if you must wear such outfits.
    4. Don't go to "photoshoots" alone.
    5. Really, at a con, it's unwise to go anywhere alone.
    6. Otherwise, just do what you would usually do to avoid such things.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)14:59 No.1732636
    Don't go to cons.
    Problem solved.
    >> Sheol !0WsIEmknHQ 03/27/09(Fri)15:00 No.1732638
    I'm just going to go ahead and say it. Rape is funny when it's out of context.

    Just to add, Don Juan Yugi is partially right, a lot of girls do make stupid mistakes by leaving their party, or not having one, getting older friends to buy them drinks to have fun. Be responsible. Some of these guys are complete basement lurches. Don't give them the chance to take anything away from you.
    >> YU☆GI !LIz4e4lMxg 03/27/09(Fri)15:00 No.1732642
    If only.
    >> local /v/irgin 03/27/09(Fri)15:02 No.1732643
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    >> eemee !r2BOAKDjWM 03/27/09(Fri)15:02 No.1732644
    I wasn't talking to you...?
    I was responding to a different post.
    >> S-Anon 03/27/09(Fri)15:03 No.1732648
    >huggles tiem nao

    lol w/e dude..your method doesn't work if no one is listening to you. I'm all about being direct but when people think you are being a tool they aren't going to listen.
    So you really aren't doing anything for anyone since your message is lost in your superiority tone.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)15:04 No.1732650
    >> YU☆GI !LIz4e4lMxg 03/27/09(Fri)15:05 No.1732652
    then spend less time telling me what a fag i am and spend more time thinking of a better way to tell people how not to touch people.
    >> S-Anon 03/27/09(Fri)15:10 No.1732660
    I never called you a fag dude..I just said you need to fix your tone..i'm really not taking this srsly
    >> YU☆GI !LIz4e4lMxg 03/27/09(Fri)15:17 No.1732680
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    apparently rape threads are pretty serious, so i think it's fair to say we're both at fault for our tones.
    >> LoFi !Z2lCihJJPg 03/27/09(Fri)15:22 No.1732693
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)15:26 No.1732700
    Well thanks a lot, YU☆GI. I was enjoying reading hilarious con rape stories and you ruined it with practicality.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)15:29 No.1732709
    dude, i rape bitches all the time at cons. so easy to get some fifteen year old bitch drunk, i don't even have to use roofies.
    shit is so cash
    >> no 03/27/09(Fri)15:31 No.1732713
    please tell me you were also fapping
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)15:31 No.1732715
    eh you've got a tiny dick, wouldn't even feel it.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)15:33 No.1732717
    bitches don't report me for raping them.
    they know i'll come back for them
    shit is so cash
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)15:35 No.1732721
    >>1732680 oldpeterparkerserious.jpg

    Isn't that Bruce Wayne?
    >> local /v/irgin 03/27/09(Fri)15:38 No.1732730
    On a semi-related note, 15 year olds girls nowadays are a lot more sexually aware than I remember. I was at a friend's house and once she left the room her 15 year old sister says she got sore shoulders from playing volleyball and asked me to give her a massage. A minute in she starts caressing my thigh and making stifled moans. Needless to say I went back to my friend's room and watched Skins, a little shaky in the knees.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)15:45 No.1732738
    lol yea it is!
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)15:50 No.1732750

    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)15:53 No.1732756
    The only time I ever felt uncomfortable like that at a con was my second year at Kumoricon.

    This older guy hugged me for like 2 minutes straight because he heard it was my birthday...And might I add that I had just turned 15. 8(
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)15:55 No.1732759
    Always use the buddy system. You go to a con to hang out with friends, so don't leave one by themselves.

    More girls should do this.
    >> local /v/irgin 03/27/09(Fri)15:56 No.1732765
    No but I have my reasons.
    1) Her mother's there
    2) She's 15
    3) She'd do nothing but text and call me like she does to my other friend who wasn't wise enough to just leave her be
    >> S-Anon 03/27/09(Fri)16:29 No.1732848
    I like Skins <3
    >> local /v/irgin 03/27/09(Fri)16:35 No.1732863
    I know, I usually don't like drama as a genre but it kind of grows on you. Maybe I've just been on /cgl/ too long.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)16:39 No.1732870
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    stay with your friends (buddy system) and report suspicious people to con-ops or police.

    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)16:47 No.1732880
    A friend of mine was sexually assaulted at a small con.

    However, it was in a group. People took fan service way too far...

    Nobody is safe.
    >> Murk-A-Teir !/rMxiN97Dw 03/27/09(Fri)16:55 No.1732891
    haha. was taught that in judo seminar. The teacher wasnt teaching it exactly but being paired with his wife she taught me attacks "us women must know"

    of course one was a groin hit and another was a knock down where you fall onto the opponents ribs if things get real bad. The knock down is cool cause you literally *drop* almost all your weight onto the nice delicious floating ribs.
    >> Dr Edward Roivas !9f07mkwoqk 03/27/09(Fri)16:56 No.1732894
    >>1732648 w/e

    You don't belong here.
    >> Murk-A-Teir !/rMxiN97Dw 03/27/09(Fri)17:03 No.1732906

    there is a study that people is less likely to get help the more people that are in the area

    oh and slowpoke
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)17:48 No.1732953
    If you're in a group, people will try to grope you while passing in large crowded areas. Just happens.

    But as long as you're with even one other person, nothing else will happen.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)18:20 No.1732988
    fanimecon has ROVER staff (mostly men) who do safety and security stuff. recognize them by their headsets and 2way radios. if you point out a situation where someone is being harassed or made uncomfortable they are supposed to observe, report, ask the person(s) to stop. they're not supposed go Kung-Fu on people (I'm sure some of them wouldn't mind - LOL). fanime pays for San Jose police to be on site 24hrs and yes some people have been arrested and taken "downtown".

    if or when fanime outgrows the san jose convention center and goes to the moscone center in downtown san francisco security will be even more of an issue.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)18:59 No.1733055
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)19:09 No.1733077
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    Simple question, simple answer :D
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)19:23 No.1733104
    Skipping parts of the thread, but just so you know YU*GI, women are raped dressed in nothing and everything. Rape can take place in any location and situation, not just some club or convention.

    tl;dr just because slutty-looking women aren't giving you attention or sex it doesn't mean you need to bitch your problems to /cgl/.
    >> Sagey McSagerson !/qkCK4m8kE 03/27/09(Fri)19:31 No.1733118
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    >*drop* almost all your weight onto the nice delicious floating ribs.
    mmmm floating ribs
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)19:38 No.1733137
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    I heard you guys need some advice on rape...
    >> but enough of this palaver !dOAfXVleYk 03/27/09(Fri)19:45 No.1733158
    or your friend decided to be open to fan service and didn't clarify that she had limits to what she would and wouldn't do and now claims sexual assault for something she was ok with until it actually happened.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)19:50 No.1733171
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    Thank god, someone with sense.
    >> rkown !sZtSxEnfYY 03/27/09(Fri)19:58 No.1733191
    OP makes it sound like every person at a convention is going to try to jump in your crotch the second you get your con membership badge.

    It's really not that bad. I've had a couple of inappropriate remarks made towards me and there's been a couple of guys who have gotten a bit too close for comfort, but even the most socially inept geek will get the hint when you tell them to back off.

    If you're worried about being attacked anywhere, you should probably carry some pepper spray with you and one of those alarm whistles. You will probably never need it but I know a few people who always carry them just to calm their nerves.
    I also advocate learning some basic self defense. You don't have to know how to punch through a man's chest and rip his heart out so he can watch it stop beating, but it's easy enough and useful to know how to break someone's grip if they grab you or how to trip people up.

    Boner Robin and EBK are the only people who have ever really creeped me out and made me worried at a con. Luckily I could snap their scrawny nerd necks with one hand. But I would still stay away from those two if I were you.
    >> Mr. B !jTwseny72A 03/27/09(Fri)20:01 No.1733196
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)20:04 No.1733202
    Read: The Gift of Fear by Gavin De Becker.
    If you're not a total idiot you should take something from it.

    Also, all the people that suggested a buddy system are correct, I go to cons with my best friend every year and we stick together for nearly the entire time.
    If you have no friends... then I seriously suggest reading The Gift of Fear.
    >> Woman here 03/27/09(Fri)20:13 No.1733226
    I carry a knife around in my purse; I am also not a dumbass, and can stomach my liquor well. If you are stupid enough to put yourself in a helpless and compromising position, you probably had it coming, be it at a con or in your hometown.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)20:14 No.1733227

    HEY ABBOTT!!!!
    >> S-Anon 03/27/09(Fri)20:28 No.1733252
    boo hoo :p
    >> rkown !sZtSxEnfYY 03/27/09(Fri)20:30 No.1733256
    >>1733226 I carry a knife around in my purse;

    What the fuck is wrong with you?
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)20:32 No.1733259
    >I carry a knife around in my purse.
    It's ok, she'll get arrested for a concealed weapon.
    >> /b/lackula !bQZuI.nr1c 03/27/09(Fri)20:38 No.1733264
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    >stay with your friends (buddy system)
    What if you genuinely want to fuck a guy(or girl..whatever) then you have to break the buddy system. Unless your friend wants in.
    THIS. I've heard of this happening. But usually when this happens the escort has been a long time "friend zone" resident and has finally seen his window open.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)20:40 No.1733267
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    The solution to all you faggots' problems.
    >> S-Anon 03/27/09(Fri)20:42 No.1733268
    I actually want one of those..it looks really cool
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)20:42 No.1733269

    Good luck with getting in at cons like Sakuracon with that.
    >> /b/lackula !bQZuI.nr1c 03/27/09(Fri)20:44 No.1733271
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    Does SakuraCon have metal detectors?
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)20:46 No.1733273
    I'm not the knife poster above, but I carry a small handgun in my purse at cons. I have a concealed carry permit though
    >> /b/lackula !bQZuI.nr1c 03/27/09(Fri)20:52 No.1733278
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    ...are you Marsh's Sister?
    >> rkown !sZtSxEnfYY 03/27/09(Fri)21:12 No.1733299
    You are what's wrong with America.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)21:15 No.1733304

    Nope, they don't. And if the knife poster has a permit for the concealed weapon, she's perfectly legal.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)21:15 No.1733306
    no u
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)21:16 No.1733308
    Look but don't touch.

    I hated working on gay day when their stupid parade and everything else was going on. Just because it's their day doesn't mean they get to act like pigs towards men. I don't hate gays, but I hate faggots. And those guys were acting like faggots.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)22:17 No.1733456
    I don't think anybody's even gone to a con and been randomly raped. If rape did occur, it would most likely be between people who know each other. This is where all those cases of "she decided in the morning it was rape" fall.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)22:19 No.1733462
    Conventions are a private function and they can toss you out for having a gun. Can't get into legal trouble, but still, keep that thing under wraps.

    What is it, a .22 cal?
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)23:03 No.1733551
    Jesus, if there's so many girls who are truly, truly, paranoid about being raped at a con, perhaps they should take the already aforementioned precautions. But if they ABSOLUTELY must take it a step further, then there is this 'South African Solution':


    Allegedly, this...thing, is supposed to really fuck up some rapist's day, at least in terms of vaginal penetration.

    /inb4 stick it in her pooper
    >> Anonymous of Los Angeles !AoT8KYCnWo 03/27/09(Fri)23:16 No.1733580
    They need to make a financial stop-rape contraption for males to make it even.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)23:29 No.1733600
    Some guy was standing at the bottom of an elevator, hugging every person who came down, at Otakon in 2005. I told him I did not want him to touch me. He hugged me and grabbed my ass. I was 14. I screamed for security and they took him away. I hope the bastard got banned from the con.

    I'm glad they stopped the "GLOMP ME!" signs. Lots of nerdy guys go to cons to try to touch girls and it's just sick. :X
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)23:31 No.1733603
    It's called a vasectomy.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)23:31 No.1733606
    I was hit in the face by Fattie van winkle.
    I laughed and walked away.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/09(Fri)23:37 No.1733615
    That doesn't even make sense. To stop men from getting raped, cut off their baby juice?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/09(Sat)00:13 No.1733672
    >> Anonymous 03/28/09(Sat)00:25 No.1733689
    Woman doesn't have any leverage if she's not carrying his kid.

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