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!LIz4e4lMxg 03/27/09(Fri)13:38 No.1732492 File :1238175498.jpg-(243 KB, 580x664, 1229577950884.jpg)
 time to a dose of real life, girls, so put down your nail files.
of all: are you so full of yourself that you honestly think any guy who
gives you unwanted attention is going to risk going to jail or worse
over YOU? seriously? second: here's the thing about cons, especially
if you're in cosplay: the entire event is about attention whoring. the
funny thing about that is it works both ways, you get the good
attention, you get the "lol, ok, whatever" attention, you get the bad
attention. you can't just cut one out because LIFE DOESN'T WORK THAT
WAY. people suck and if you're going to an event where you're
gravitating people towards you, odds are you're going to be pulling
more of the shitty people in with the people you want to meet. third:
rape is not just about sex. some girl spanking your ass, some guy
picking you up, that's a power play. there are all kinds of power plays
you make, rape is the ultimate form of this. if you are honestly
worried about being kidnapped, raped, molested, think back to
preschool, when you weren't an adult and capable of handling yourself:
you had a fucking buddy system. you know why your teachers and
caretakers set up a buddy system? so some greasy faggot in a trenchcoat
offering your dumb ass a lick of his lolly didn't tear your still
unbudded flower open with his mandick while you were out in public. so
think the fuck back to then; you have friends or at least people you
know. STAY WITH THEM. pair up, form a cosplay group, go to events
together, DON'T LEAVE YOUR GOD DAMN BUDDY. when you form groups, you're
not a lone, frail little girl in a sailor fuku, now you're multiple
girls in sailor fukus, one of which can grab a police officer or some
more-noble man to pound the fuck out of the jackass who's got his hands
halfway down your friend's pants.