>> |
03/19/09(Thu)20:34 No.1713800>>1713780 Fail.
>>1713784 >>1713786 >>1713787 All right.
Lots of people have said it over 4chan's life, let's have it once more to make things perfectly clear:
is safe from 4chan. You could make a blank document, encrypt it, put it
on a secure FTP in Norway then destroy the server with a block of C4,
and 4chan would still find it and post it. Friends only, members only, locked posts, secure sites; none of it will work. There
is one and only one way to keep your nudes, private LJ entries,
personal details and other shenanigans safe from 4chan; and that way is
to simply never create those things in the first place. There is no
other option. If you do make any of those things, no matter how safe
you think you are with them, 4chan can and will get them. Always. No
exceptions. Ever. |