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  • File :1236505602.jpg-(45 KB, 333x500, 83708.jpg)
    45 KB Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)05:46 No.1686493  
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)05:56 No.1686503
    No seriously.
    What happened?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)05:58 No.1686504
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)07:00 No.1686512
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)13:47 No.1686518
    soni's a bitch.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)13:56 No.1686533
    has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)13:57 No.1686536
    has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)14:01 No.1686547
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)14:02 No.1686549
    Back 2 /v/ with you
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)18:08 No.1686989
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)18:15 No.1687010
    Spiderman was infected with the T-virus and Soni was the only one who could kill him. We're still not sure if she'll be okay. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)18:16 No.1687015
    High and mighty Soni cheated on her boyfriend with some guy she met at a con. Someone, possibly her ex, leaked this to 4chan and also leaked her phone number, full real name and address.

    Masa then got pissed that his darling angel wasn't all she was cracked up to be and hated himself for not being able to bone her even though she will evidently fuck strangers at a convention, but rather than do the sensible thing and become an hero he decided the best thing to was was to whiteknight Soni including threatening to take down /cgl/ entirely if people didn't shut up. The irony was that most people wouldn't have even realised anything had happened if it hadn't been for Masa's showboating and bullshit.

    tl;dr: Soni turns out to be a cheap con skank, Masa rages.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)18:19 No.1687024
    Soni you need to tell Masa to GTFO of things that dont involve him
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)18:21 No.1687026
    This also further proves that Masa will white knight anyone he thinks he has a shot at

    Remember the Miyu nudes and his white knighting there?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)18:21 No.1687027
    And this is why you can't take rumors as fact because everything you just said was wrong.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)18:34 No.1687053
    Are you talking about 4ng31?
    >> Anonymous of Los Angeles !AoT8KYCnWo 03/08/09(Sun)18:37 No.1687056
    Dear /cgl/,

    You are fucking retarded.

    Love, AoLA.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)18:39 No.1687059
    Irony personified with the judgement coming from the chief retard.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)19:05 No.1687101
    >tl;dr: Soni turns out to be a cheap con skank, Masa rages.

    Cont'd ... s0ni is self-hating 'latina' who only dates outside of her race. Her father is drug-dealer and this 'dramu' happened about two days ago :

    "The cops came to my house last night, I asked them if I could get a restraining order on Logan because he came to my house again. My brother asked him to leave. He wouldn't. So my brother threw down.

    I asked Logan to leave after I separated my 6'3" brother off of Logan's comparatively tiny frame. Instead of leaving like I asked, he decided to call up Frank and they waited outside of my house until my brother and his friends came out. "
    >> E-mail me if you want my pic for primary source confirmation. The Mikado !MikadonohM 03/08/09(Sun)19:06 No.1687103
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    Uh... I'm the one that suggested to flood /cgl/ because of the Soni thing (and the things about Greg the day before). I was also the one that suggested to flood /cgl/ back during the Miyu threads. Masa has plenty of things you can insult him for; this one isn't one of them.

    1.- Raise your hand and say "LOLZA" if any of the rumors you guys spread have been backed by primary sources.
    2.- Cite said primary sources (name and last name).
    3.- Get the source to confirm the information with a pic of themselves holding a sign including the time and date of the post.
    4.- ???
    5.- Truth.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)19:07 No.1687108
    But the real question is, has anyone called the number?
    >> Anonymous of Los Angeles !AoT8KYCnWo 03/08/09(Sun)19:09 No.1687113
    Not quite, because I don't give that much of a fuck to start drama threads.

    Hahaha, that picture. Saved.
    >> rkown !sZtSxEnfYY 03/08/09(Sun)19:11 No.1687117
    How about this:

    >> Soni !!qeHmeAJM1a2 03/08/09(Sun)19:12 No.1687119
    Like two people, I didn't answer the first call and the second one sounded like a real neckbeard, so I hung up on them.

    Lol, I swear, do you get your information from my bizarro world LJ?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)19:18 No.1687131
    Welp, that's what you get for being an annoying bitch.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)19:22 No.1687137
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    remember me?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)19:23 No.1687143
    So clear this misinformation with facts then.
    >> rkown !sZtSxEnfYY 03/08/09(Sun)19:25 No.1687148
    Neckbeards? ON THE INTERNET!? Well I never!
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)19:28 No.1687156
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    don't have the rack???!!!
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)19:30 No.1687162
    I called. But hung up soon as you answered as I realized it was 4am for you.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)19:33 No.1687166
    Fuck OFF & SHUT UP.
    Just let the drama die & the whiteknighting will follow. /b/, as far as the wind blows.

    If all they have is rumors & baseless crap to go on, why are you in here letting them know what they can pester you on? STOP IT. Go to LJ & type your hands off, or call your friends and squawk their ears off (I'd say Masa; man will do anything to appease you).
    >> 4ng31 !!f6UHP2wLT8+ 03/08/09(Sun)19:34 No.1687170

    Eat a dick.
    >> Soni !!qeHmeAJM1a2 03/08/09(Sun)19:35 No.1687171
    Aight, I can do that.

    1. I've never had con sex. In fact, I've never even had sex with a random person, much less at a con.
    2. I don't consider myself "high and mighty" either.
    3. Masa wasn't the one behind all of this nonsense. The person who was already spoke up.
    4. I'm not a "self-hating" Latina, in fact, I'm fiercely proud to be a dual citizen of Colombia and the USA. I don't date latinos because I haven't found the right one. I used to have a crush on this one kid, Christian, growing up cause we would reenact episodes of ASM from that day. But alas, no one else really.
    5. My father was convicted of selling drugs back in 1991, paid for it with time in the system, got out and now is a numismatist. Don't know what that is? Look it up.
    6. Another one that's good, my brother never raped me, I've never been raped in my life.

    I know I shouldn't have to justify what some trolls have to say about me, but I don't mind correcting misinformation.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)19:36 No.1687174
    >/b/, everywhere, as far as the wind blows.

    Forgot to add lyke, omg, most of cgl, doesn't give a shit about your lyfe. You being trolled, Soni m'dear. LEAVE THEM ALONE.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)19:36 No.1687177
    Flooding the board did nothing but prune good threads. The drama threads persisted after, and even during, the flood. Now everyone is upset because their genuine, cosplay-related threads are gone because of you and I'm trying my best to help them but can't, most were pruned before I could even save them.

    If you don't like the way /cgl/ runs, leave. Its the moderators' jobs to remove posts containing personal information (which they did), not hold our hands because we're being meanies.

    You lot should be banned.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)19:39 No.1687182
    Ask your other friends- that's not my thing :)

    I actually /wanted/ to read those threads, not Soni's life & whiteknights, vol 342678469.
    >> ike !!uFGeaxUPNNT 03/08/09(Sun)19:40 No.1687184
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    That's this, isn't it?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)19:42 No.1687188
    Soni's dad dances to the Numa Numa song.
    >> Soni !!qeHmeAJM1a2 03/08/09(Sun)19:42 No.1687189

    And I'm sorry to those who's cool threads were wiped out due to the flooding, I know how that feels and its never a nice feeling. I'm pretty sure during the Miyu flood, I bitched at Masa or something for wiping out my seemingly cool thread that was actually cosplay-related. I encourage those to repost their threads though, /cgl/ needs to get back on topic. I've already reported this thread.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)19:43 No.1687190
    I wish soni would quit crying and just leave cgl for good.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)19:43 No.1687191
    Nobody said Masa was behind it, just that he prolonged it and kept it going with his shitty attempt at whiteknighting. A lot of people wouldn't have heard anything about this if it wasn't for Masa trying to take over the whole board last night. He didn't start it but he sure as hell didn't help end it either.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)19:43 No.1687193
    no one likes you here or in real life. please stop attending cons.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)19:43 No.1687194

    >>I actually /wanted/ to read those threads, not Soni's life & whiteknights, vol 342678469.

    So blame the fucktards who made 3-4 threads daily about the shit. The flooding can be done every night, so I wouldn't get too attached to any specific threads here.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)19:44 No.1687196
    He became an overweight Italian plumber?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)19:45 No.1687197
    Go right ahead.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)19:52 No.1687213
    You missed this:
    >If you don't like the way /cgl/ runs, leave.
    /cgl/ will never change. If you continue to take it out on /cgl/ because Soni friended the wrong person on LiveJournal, you're MAKING it our problem. Soni's information is readily available and you're just escalating the problem by taking it out on people who had nothing to do with it.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 03/08/09(Sun)19:57 No.1687222

    I'm gonna be flooding /cgl/ until you like it.

    I'll keep doing it until you kids behave.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)19:58 No.1687223

    I love your reasoning to always put it back on s0ni...and that, anon, is why change is necessary.
    >> E-mail me if you disagree. The Mikado !MikadonohM 03/08/09(Sun)19:59 No.1687224
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    The whole point of it wasn't to end it. Anyone worth their weight in dog shit knows that trolling and flooding doesn't stop the bullshit that happens in a forum. The point was to make people realize that just like you can't easily sage Masa's annoying posts to page 10, it's equally difficult to sage personal drama (like phone numbers being posted, and personal issues being mocked).

    The mods and the posters need to open their eyes; we're just losers making sure they keep 'em open.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)20:01 No.1687233
    I suggest writing a script and amassing a large amount of proxies (you will be banned if you keep doing it) because you can flood forever and nothing will change, and you will do nothing but piss off hundreds of hormonal bitches who now have Soni's information and had nothing to with it until you made it their business.
    >>1687223 and that, anon, is why change is necessary.
    It will not come, I welcome you to try.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)20:05 No.1687246
    Yeah, I didn't know about Soni's business until you guys started flooding. Keep doing and more people will know. Nice job.
    >> Soni !!qeHmeAJM1a2 03/08/09(Sun)20:06 No.1687249
    What's the worst thing they can do with my phone number? Call me? Big deal.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 03/08/09(Sun)20:07 No.1687250


    See ya in the next flood, then.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)20:08 No.1687254
    You could just e-mail moot and staff directly and tell them.

    That's completely broken logic because your flooding just made it get worse. Two wrongs very much do not make a right.
    It also looks like you're just going "whoops my plan failed well I better try and save face, what bullshit excuse for my actions can I think of?"

    Either way it was a stupid move that has just amde Soni drama last longer, and make all of you look like even bigger twats. It shouldn't surprise you to know that since your actions last night Masa, the petition to have you blacklisted from AX has almost tripled in size.
    >> 4ng31 !!f6UHP2wLT8+ 03/08/09(Sun)20:09 No.1687256

    O no...internet threats...LOL...fucking clowns...
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)20:09 No.1687257
    Whiney little pissant who throws his toys out the pram.
    Hey douchebag /cgl/ isn't your private playpen so toddle on home to get abused by your over 9000 uncles.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)20:11 No.1687262
    Stop acting like you are some sort of admin and fuck off. You constantly whine about cgl when all you have to do to solve the problem is LEAVE. And Masa, what the fuck is wrong with you, you complain about half of cgl being immature etc etc and then you go just go OMG EVERY1 SHUT UP!!111 SPAM SPAM SPAM.

    I'm so fucking done with this place, it just gets shittier everyday. People should be banned for mentioning soni / masa / any other fucking *cosplay celibrity* unless it's an idle mention of liking their costume or something. And tripping should be banned from the board.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)20:12 No.1687263
    Hey, read the thread before going off on one of your 'roid rages. The threat was made by the other party.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)20:12 No.1687264
    All we would need are a few more competant mods and half of this shit would be done with.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)20:13 No.1687266
    great, now soni knows who to blame for her trust issues and not to blame her friends.

    I hope i can punch you in the face at AX.

    we have mods?
    >> People love disagreeing with The Mikado !MikadonohM 03/08/09(Sun)20:13 No.1687267

    Uh, by the time guys like Masa, 4ng and myself even GET to these threads, the beans already spilled. We're not the cause of this; we're a consequence.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)20:14 No.1687269
    >tripping should be banned from the board
    Yeah, that'll help. It helped /b/. OHWAIT.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)20:14 No.1687270
    With a phone number you can easily find out where someone lives. Just look at what happened to Sky Bilchuk. All it took was one small detail in the background of one picture to match another personal picture and on that basis alone Anon was able to find her phone number and from there her address, her school, her father's phone number and her father's boss' phone number, as well as all her accounts on every website she was a member of. Her family got all the shit thrown at them and people were turning up on her actual doorstep.

    /cgl/s tripfags are the only people on all of 4chan who seem to think everything will end up just dandy and we're all one big happy group hugging family in a world of chocolate rivvers and cotten candy clouds.

    It's not. We're not. You're not.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)20:14 No.1687272
    Soni, quit cosplay already. You're just annoying now.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)20:14 No.1687274
    Yeah, read what I wrote. The consequence of your consequence is that even more people are in this business.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)20:16 No.1687276
    I'll call and we can talk about SSM <3, but not today. I'm looking to go see Watchmen again.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)20:16 No.1687277
    ah man. the business, it is so serious.
    >> 4ng31 !!f6UHP2wLT8+ 03/08/09(Sun)20:17 No.1687278

    See...that would require you actually dropping the anon gig and having to be a fucking man about shit...which was all clearly know will never happen cause you're all a bunch of pussies in the end amirite?

    Leave the computer and try this shit in person and see what happens...hell, I'll be the first to meet with any of you =)

    nb4 tough-guy, faggot, etc etc etc...shit gets old...
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)20:18 No.1687282
    Disregard Masa D. Luffy, he's just being his usual "haha I'm Masa D. Luffy and you're mad at me" self. He probably didn't make a single post in the flood, else he would have tripped as he always does. I wouldn't doubt he volunteered to be a scapegoat. I actually welcome him to step up to the plate.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 03/08/09(Sun)20:18 No.1687283
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    Did the bounty money you paid off to the L.A street gangs double in revenue as well?

    Hey Gary, what do you think my bounty is nowadays?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)20:18 No.1687285
    /cgl/ is hardly the same as /b/. It might actually make a difference here.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 03/08/09(Sun)20:20 No.1687287

    You won't. Lmao.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)20:21 No.1687288
    You're making this out to be her fault? And you really think that if she quits, you people would stop talking about her? And how is her cosplaying related to her being "Annoying"? The fact of the matter is; things like this won't stop, none of it will, and there's nothing we can do.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 03/08/09(Sun)20:23 No.1687292

    >and there's nothing we can do.

    I suppose there's nothing you can do then, about the daily floods that'll occur?

    Y'know. God made it rain for 40 days and 40 nights a long time ago.

    How long until you see land, /cgl/?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)20:23 No.1687294
    If someone tries make sure to film is masa. And make sure you yell luffy attack quotes when you pummel him. YOUR BOUNTY WILL GO UP 1,000,000 beli...bery? the fuck i don't even know.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)20:24 No.1687297
    soni is the only one to blame for this fiasco.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)20:24 No.1687299
    That still doesn't change the fact that you make the problems worse. If you, Masa and whoever else had left it completely alone, there would have been one thread about it that would have easily died within the hour. But because of the flooding and spamming and grandstanding you guys did, not only did it last all night, but look, it's still going on the next night too. Now even more people know all about it.

    I'll say this one time really clearly so you tripfags can't possible fail to understand it:
    When you respond to something in ANY way, you will only cause it to last longer, be exposed to more people, and all-round make the situation worse. There is nothing you can ever do or say that will ever make anything 'better'. This is how 4chan is. We did fine years before you came along and we'll keep doing fine after you're long gone. You are completely and utterly unable to effect anything in a positive manner. At best, you can ignore something and that will help it go away much quicker. If you ever respond in any way, even if it's just to go "sage goes in every field sage sage sage sage sage", you make the situation more prolific and worse.

    Just because you put a hash and a word after your name does not mean you are any different from other Anonymous other than when you fuck up it can be attributed to you and held against you for as long as you keep posting.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)20:26 No.1687303
    Masa just write to Moot and become a mod. If you're this dedicated then shit, maybe /cgl could be better.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)20:26 No.1687304
    No, I'm not. Calm your shit.
    I just meant that if she wrote that she was actually quitting the cosplay scene, like she did in her LJ (and not too vaguely too; she pretty much directly said it) then she should actually quit. Instead, she keeps preparing more costumes and returning to /cgl/. I have half a mind to say she was just lying about quitting to get more attention and asspats.
    The whole Logan situation is almost entirely irrelevant.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 03/08/09(Sun)20:26 No.1687305

    Fuck, I'll do it.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)20:26 No.1687306
    Hey masa post your new pictures and show everyone how much weight you have put on.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)20:27 No.1687307
    It's cute how you act as though you can do shit.

    The best delinquints the internet has to offer have tried together to take down parts or all of 4chan. Every time they have failed without making so much as a scratch in 4chan's paintwork. What makes you think your crusade against /cgl/ will be any different? What makes you think your crusade against /cgl/ is even justified? You clearly were not here when /cgl/ started so on what grounds do you now dictate how /cgl/ must be?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)20:27 No.1687310
    Did you miss the part where it's happened before? It's not like people using information on the internet have never gone to houses, stalked, harassed, etc, people after having used their phone numbers (or other info) to get more personal information.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)20:28 No.1687312
    masa got fat? :D
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 03/08/09(Sun)20:28 No.1687313

    I personally asked Moot when he was posting here on /cgl/ once, and he never responded.

    All jokes and trolling aside, I would honestly do my best to enforce the "no drama" policy, even if it was someone like Itachi Reznor.

    I'd let people slide on talking shit about me though. Just as a sign of good faith. I can handle it.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)20:28 No.1687314
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    >> rkown !sZtSxEnfYY 03/08/09(Sun)20:28 No.1687315

    I'm a tripfag too but only so I can keep track with a couple of people what each is saying in a thread. Just because I've got a name and tripcode doesn't make me or anyone else better than other posters and it's stupid when any tripfags think they are anything special.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)20:29 No.1687318
    Kind of hard to play the "be a man and DO IT THEN" card when actually, THEY ALREADY HAVE DONE IT. SEVERAL TIMES.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)20:30 No.1687320
    tripfags need to be banned, starting with 4ng31 and masa.
    >> 4ng31 !!f6UHP2wLT8+ 03/08/09(Sun)20:31 No.1687321

    >>That still doesn't change the fact that you make the problems worse. If you, Masa and whoever else had left it completely alone, there would have been one thread about it that would have easily died within the hour.

    Right...and this is why 3-4 thread were made before anything even happened right?

    >>But because of the flooding and spamming and grandstanding you guys did, not only did it last all night, but look, it's still going on the next night too. Now even more people know all about it.

    One thread is fine...fuck, everyone gets thrashed here, you roll with the punches and get on with it. But the shit that occured yesterday was malicious, which is why this board was attacked, and will continue to be attacked if shit happens again.

    >>We did fine years before you came along and we'll keep doing fine after you're long gone. You are completely and utterly unable to effect anything in a positive manner.

    Pro-Tip : I've been here much, much longer than you have...but have only named/tripped for the past 2 years. And who says we went to effect anything with a positive manner? Fuck, I do it because I'm bored and it's fun...you think anything here is of value to me?

    >>Just because you put a hash and a word after your name does not mean you are any different from other Anonymous other than when you fuck up it can be attributed to you and held against you for as long as you keep posting.

    Actually, it means a lot...that we aren't mindless faggots with no balls, but I agree...anonymous def has it's benefits. XD
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 03/08/09(Sun)20:31 No.1687322
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    /cgl/ =/= 4chan.

    I'm isolating the cancer. When you do chemo, you don't nuke the nearby organs with chemicals, you try to save as much healthy tissue as possible.

    /cgl/ is small, disorganized, non-logical, purely emotional to the point where 1 man really can make a difference.

    Kick fatties to the internet curb and do the impossible, that's the Team Dawkness way.
    >> Soni !!qeHmeAJM1a2 03/08/09(Sun)20:31 No.1687324
    I'll tell you why your statement is both true and false.

    True: Sagebombing + spamming the board didn't help the situation, cause people are still annoyed about it. But why did this come about? which leads me to the false part.

    False: There was one original thread, posted at like.. 3 am with someone impersonating me and posting up a friends locked entry along with my telephone number. That eventually got deleted, which then spawned another two threads from anonymous asking what happened, kinda like this thread. Then it explodes with some idiot spamming my number, Masa sagebombing, etc.

    It was my fault for thinking that I could write in my journal in a locked entry about events happening in my life without someone posting it on the internet as if the rest of the world cared (which is fine, I don't care if you don't).
    >> rkown !sZtSxEnfYY 03/08/09(Sun)20:33 No.1687327
    I don't think it should be banned. I know I've never broken any rules and there are other trips who are very helpful.
    But I think it would be good if there was a basic rule "if you use a tripcode, you've got to be extra special nice". To stop the people who use tripcodes as if it makes them better than other posters.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)20:33 No.1687328
    You're just as bad as an anon trying to TUFF GAI ON INTERBUTT
    In fact it's worse since you have a reputation already.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)20:33 No.1687329
    I had the post reported and deleted (was also a victim of your FL-cut, but don't hold it against you)
    >> 4ng31 !!f6UHP2wLT8+ 03/08/09(Sun)20:33 No.1687331

    When did this happen...the only, and I mean only person who has ever had the balls to say something to me in person, was a girl...in which I was asked to stop the shit...and guess what, the shit stopped.
    >> Don't bother. The Mikado !MikadonohM 03/08/09(Sun)20:34 No.1687332
    It should be over 9000 of any sort of currency, really.

    At the risk of sounding like I know who you are, let me just ask one thing. Is AX banning people for what they do on 4chan? 'Cause if so, shouldn't moot be giving the SPJA money for that? It just seems funny, that's all.


    Ah, so you think the whole, "lol just ignore em sweety" technique works better? How's that been working so far? You sure know how to ignore guys like Masa, huh?

    The bottom line is, and a few people have said it (I just don't feel like referencing them), is that we need more active mods in this forum that actually care about it.

    If >>1687254 really wants to make a worthy petition, he/she should make one to more actual administration in the 4chan forums. Y'know, keep 4chan-related things in 4chan, rather than dropping con-names to scare people.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)20:34 No.1687334
    itt: nimwits most thickheaded; also righteous indignation
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)20:36 No.1687339
    >Right...and this is why 3-4 thread were made before anything even happened right?

    It was only one thread until masa started posting.

    >But the shit that occured yesterday was malicious, which is why this board was attacked, and will continue to be attacked if shit happens again.

    Again, it only got bad once Masa started posting. It then got worse to spite him.

    >Pro-Tip : I've been here much, much longer than you have...but have only named/tripped for the past 2 years.

    How the fuck can you tell if you've been on here longer than an Anonymous? Fucking moron.

    People have tried to take out seperate boards too. It's never worked. Only moot has the power to do so, and he's said time and time again he's not going to do it.

    There's no such thing as secrets on 4chan. Glad you've learnt this.
    >> I bothered. Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 03/08/09(Sun)20:36 No.1687341

    Right. But my bounty's going up man. Who do you think has a bigger bounty than mine?
    >> Soni !!qeHmeAJM1a2 03/08/09(Sun)20:37 No.1687342
    I'm sorry for cutting you and the other people I cut, but that shouldn't mean you have to avoid me now. I encourage face-to-face interaction with me, albeit bad or good at cons, outside of cons, whatever.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)20:38 No.1687344
    So suddenly everyone anon who just comes here to chat about cosplay is a faggot with no balls...
    If you're such a hard ass go and find people to fight on the street instead of bragging to people on the internet about how tough you are.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 03/08/09(Sun)20:38 No.1687347

    If that's the case, then don't feel bothered when the threads are flooded continuously.

    After all, Moot's the one with the power.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 03/08/09(Sun)20:39 No.1687349

    /cgl/ isn't your chatroom.

    Its mine. LOL.
    >> 4ng31 !!f6UHP2wLT8+ 03/08/09(Sun)20:40 No.1687350
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    >>It was only one thread until masa started posting.

    So by using 4chan standards of saging, he encouraged it...right...

    >>How the fuck can you tell if you've been on here longer than an Anonymous? Fucking moron.

    I'm the moron, yet you can't disprove me. A+ for you anon.

    >>People have tried to take out seperate boards too. It's never worked. Only moot has the power to do so, and he's said time and time again he's not going to do it.

    Who said anything about taking out boards? I think you're reading just a bit too deep into this there killer...lol.

    I swear, you're a special one aren't you?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)20:40 No.1687354
    I was one of the spider-men you hugged at NYCC.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)20:41 No.1687356
    >> rkown !sZtSxEnfYY 03/08/09(Sun)20:41 No.1687359
    So the moral of this story is everyone sucks. if you don't like what happens on 4chan you probably shouldn't post here. That's not to say what Anon does is right. But if you don't like banana, you don't order the banana split for dessert.

    Anons be quiet, you've said all there is to say.
    Tripfags be quiet, you're not getting anywhere.
    Everyone drop the subject because really who cares? No offence Soni but I know I don't give a shit who you have or haven't bumped uglies with.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 03/08/09(Sun)20:42 No.1687362


    >> Soni !!qeHmeAJM1a2 03/08/09(Sun)20:43 No.1687364
    S'all good, I don't know why its such a big deal to begin with.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)20:43 No.1687365
    sooner or later everyone ends up here. We need to end that now and have this board removed. cgl's ruined relationships, friendships, and lives.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)20:44 No.1687366
    > So by using 4chan standards of saging, he encouraged it...right...
    Yes. Any kind of response is an encouragement. Sage isn't some magical tool that stops all conversation.

    >I'm the moron, yet you can't disprove me. A+ for you anon.

    You're the one who opposed it with a position that requires evidence to sustain, ergo it is your duty to prove it. Welcome to how arguments and basic common sense work.

    >Who said anything about taking out boards? I think you're reading just a bit too deep into this there killer...lol.

    You'll notice Masa's multiple posts last night and today threatening to have /cgl/ removed, claiming to 'rip our shit apart', and so forth.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)20:44 No.1687367
    I SEE IT
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)20:44 No.1687368
    I will find EVERY tripfag in the west coast and coat them all in Chocolate Syrup. THen I'll do a double and triple take on Maguma.

    Fanime will be so dericious... Ready that man meat Maguma! IT'LL BE SERVED ON A CHOCOLATE PLATTER!
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)20:46 No.1687372
    Cover Soni, LRC and ai-honey in chocolate syrup. FIlm what happens.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)20:46 No.1687373
    Good luck. Some of us lesser tripfags are stealthy ;P
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)20:46 No.1687374
    I was one of your more loyal friends on LJ and rl who always was ready to take photos with you that you removed.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 03/08/09(Sun)20:47 No.1687376
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    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)20:48 No.1687379
    No tripfag is safe from the horrors of the chocolate syrup.

    But will grant immunity to anyone who can give me info about Maguma. He is Prime Chocolate Target #1 for the chocolate syruping.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 03/08/09(Sun)20:49 No.1687380

    This may happen at AX. Substitute LRC and Ai-Honey with some other names. Who knows.
    >> rkown !sZtSxEnfYY 03/08/09(Sun)20:49 No.1687381
    Is it wrong for me to be not completely disinterested in this idea?
    >> THIS IS NOW A FULL PUNCH EXCHANGE!!! The Mikado !MikadonohM 03/08/09(Sun)20:49 No.1687383
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    The fact that you used the phrase "bump uglies" might make you super-stupid or super-awesome. Post on this thread a couple more times and I'll decide.

    I agree with your stuff on paper, but you and I both know it doesn't work like that. You can't "lol come on guys lets hug it out" when it comes to talking to people that you can't even recognize as real people (AKA: Anon).

    ITT: Let's start a petition to bring mods back full-time, or fuck it, at least PART-time.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 03/08/09(Sun)20:49 No.1687385

    I will give you some info, if you promise me you won't get it on his cosplays, and you actually ask him first.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)20:50 No.1687387
    Maguma is a black man.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)20:50 No.1687389
    I'm pretty sure they were talking about people using information on the internet and actually doing something with it (stalking, harassing, etc) not saying something to you in person.
    >> 4ng31 !!f6UHP2wLT8+ 03/08/09(Sun)20:51 No.1687393
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    >>Yes. Any kind of response is an encouragement. Sage isn't some magical tool that stops all conversation.

    No, but it's intended use is to reply to a topic without bumping it, therefor to push it back. Again with putting words in my...fingers...slick you are.

    >>You're the one who opposed it with a position that requires evidence to sustain, ergo it is your duty to prove it. Welcome to how arguments and basic common sense work.

    Actually, you made a general assumption, not based in any facts what-so-ever, in which I said you were wrong...that would place the responsibility on you to find/provide proof. Until then, I am correct.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)20:52 No.1687397
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    >4. I'm not a "self-hating" Latina, in fact, I'm fiercely proud to be a dual citizen of Colombia and the USA.

    We can fix that problem.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)20:52 No.1687401

    Maguma is also Jewish.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)20:54 No.1687403
    I bet that one person who had the "cgl I'm depressed, let's have a cute cosplay thread" killed themself.

    >> ljdsbdgvnkl The Mikado !MikadonohM 03/08/09(Sun)20:54 No.1687404

    I just fucking lol'd at this pic and spit cranberry juice all over the place. Bad time to read that during a blaze-storm, dude. You gotta warn a fellow whiteknight before you try that shit dude.
    >> rkown !sZtSxEnfYY 03/08/09(Sun)20:55 No.1687409
    I am super-awesome, always.

    I think you can hug it out. I never expect random Anons to be your best friend but I think everyone is willing to forgive and forget so long as it means we can all get back to posting randoms hit and whatever. I've never seen any time when Anon has just been a malicious dick out of pure love of being evil.

    I think if everyone just agreed to shut the fuck up about it and leave it alone, it would die and everyone would move on and it would all be fine. I completely agree with past Anons, if you respond you can only make it worse so you might as well just leave it alone and let it die. If people were talking shit about me I sure as hell wouldn't post responding to it, not even to correct wrong information.
    >> 4ng31 !!f6UHP2wLT8+ 03/08/09(Sun)20:55 No.1687410

    My bad...my bad...XD
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 03/08/09(Sun)20:55 No.1687411


    "In most cases, it is unimportant to the United States whether another country also claims you as a citizen. "

    God, this is why /cgl/ blows at arguments.

    If I actually tried, it wouldn't be fun.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/09(Sun)20:56 No.1687412
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    4ng31 has child like internet argument with an anon, or several anons. Who the fuck knows, and who cares.

    >> 4ng31 !!f6UHP2wLT8+ 03/08/09(Sun)20:56 No.1687415

    >>I think if everyone just agreed to shut the fuck up about it and leave it alone, it would die and everyone would move on and it would all be fine.

    This is exactly what we're doing here...we don't/didn't strike first...which makes the rest of your post irrelevant and somewhat ironic.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 03/08/09(Sun)20:57 No.1687416


    >> E-mail me if you want peace of mind. The Mikado !MikadonohM 03/08/09(Sun)20:57 No.1687418

    Well, people have different standards for their peace of mind. Some people don't need to do anything to get peace of mind, but some people need to have others know the truth and actually do something semi-industrious about it. The door swings both ways.

    >I am super-awesome, always.

    That's debatable. E-mail me to find out if you are.

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