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  • FUCK

    File :1235556599.jpg-(274 KB, 770x1100, conratings.jpg)
    274 KB Cosplayable Convention Ratings Anonymous 02/25/09(Wed)05:09 No.1660558  
    Do discuss /cgl/. Oh please do!
    >> Anonymous 02/25/09(Wed)05:24 No.1660566
    I approve
    >> Anonymous 02/25/09(Wed)05:59 No.1660601
    I agree with Ohayocon and ACen, haven't been to the rest.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/09(Wed)06:00 No.1660603
    I agree with Ohayocon and Acen.....GOD ACEN IS A JUMBLED MESS!!
    >> Anonymous 02/25/09(Wed)07:55 No.1660658
    Agreed. For not being one of the massively hueg conventions Ohayocon has a pretty large amount of epic win (I almost peed myself at how awesome the first 5 or so craftsmanship masq entries were)
    >> Anonymous 02/25/09(Wed)08:22 No.1660671
    hahaha that is like saying that the hindenburg was a small inconvenience to the germans. acen is epic failure.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/09(Wed)08:30 No.1660677
    I bet that AX would be in a higher spot if Masa weren't involved.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/09(Wed)09:38 No.1660722
    wow I lol'd at the shit tier
    >> Anonymous 02/25/09(Wed)10:02 No.1660736
    Replace Wizard World with Otakon and this list would be A+.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/09(Wed)10:04 No.1660738
    Agreed for the most part. Also not so sure about NYCC being so high up.
    >> Soy Sauce !!u38RBxNXutS 02/25/09(Wed)11:37 No.1660883
    Hmm... I dunno if Ohayocon is a high tier. I rather put it in moderate tier. The only thing good about Ohayocon is the masquerade. But that's my opinion. The rest is fine with me.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/09(Wed)11:46 No.1660895
    OP here, I didn't immediately think about Otakon, but I feel like Otakon should be in high tier. Agree/disagree?
    >> Anonymous 02/25/09(Wed)12:12 No.1660920
    >> Anonymous 02/25/09(Wed)12:29 No.1660942
    Otakon definitely should in the very least be in the High Tier. I would put it in God Tier, personally, for how it turns the Baltimore Inner Harbor into a colorful cosplay paradise, but at the very least High Tier. Katsucon as a con has a habit of being a clusterfuck due to capacity issues, but I would put it up in High Tier as well for the most consistently high quality masquerades I have seen in the last four years. Anime USA is also a decent con for cosplay, although I can't judge the consistency of the con as I missed the masquerade in 2006 and missed the whole con in 2007 due to university-related bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/09(Wed)12:34 No.1660949
    I would. There's been a lot of fuckwin cosplay @ NYCC the last 2 years, that's never made it way to the interwebs. Otakon deserves to be High Tier though.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/09(Wed)12:54 No.1660969
    Ohayo = to costume con? I think not.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/09(Wed)13:14 No.1660994

    some of the masq entrants at Ohayo in the past couple years have been pretty fuckwin however. Sure not at fuckwin as costume-con, but a lot better than what I've seen at other conventions.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/09(Wed)17:08 No.1661364
    >>1660942 Has never left the east coast I take it?

    Balitmore in the summer fucking SUCKS for wearing costumes. I'd reserve God Tier for Fanime, AX when it was in anaheim, and possibly ACEN.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/09(Wed)17:10 No.1661369
    I don't understand qualifications for ratings here- are we talking about masquerades? Comic-con actually pretty much sucks for cosplay.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/09(Wed)17:13 No.1661376
    >I would put it in God Tier, personally

    Never been to D*C, I see.
    >> /b/lackula !bQZuI.nr1c 02/25/09(Wed)17:18 No.1661384
    Tell me about it.I learned my lesson. Banana costume+dance routine involving jumping up and down repeatedly=so much sweat I had a salt crystal sheen on my skin by noon
    >> Anonymous 02/25/09(Wed)17:21 No.1661390
    Agreed. I feel sorry for the people in heavier costumes at Otakon, and any Florida con in general.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/09(Wed)17:48 No.1661446
    OP here:
    Qualifications include:
    -Cosplayable convention (of course)
    -Convention center's hospitality/staff/attendees/rules
    -Surrounding area's hospitality, food/supply availability and photogenicity
    -Masquerade stage/set/staff (helpfulness, structure, etc)
    -Winnable cosplay (this should not be a terribly important qualification because the convention itself doesn't restrict high or low quality cosplay unless of course its lude or otherwise offensive, thats the cosplayer's decision)

    I really disagree with your opinion about SDCC (if thats what you meant by "comic-con") not being in the God tier. I've seen some of the most amazing and diverse cosplay come from SDCC since I first started attending in the 90's.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/09(Wed)17:51 No.1661455
    >>1661369 thinks that cosplay is anime only
    >> Juego !7zopbviuaM 02/25/09(Wed)17:53 No.1661462
    If there's one thing growing up a marching band geek does, is it acclimates you to wearing stuffy costumes in crappy weather.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/09(Wed)18:07 No.1661501
    I see win shit every year at sdcc.
    + Its right next to the bay and seaport village, horton plaza.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/09(Wed)19:00 No.1661609
    Dragon Con Destroys All Anime Conventions!
    Check out the web site http://www.dragoncon.org and Go to Flickr and serch for DragonCon 2008 in the search box and let the pictures speak for themselves!
    >> Anonymous 02/25/09(Wed)19:09 No.1661617
    NYCC should be high tier. It's just rather different from your standard cons, different emphasis in different areas.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/09(Wed)19:22 No.1661630
    >>1661462 If there's one thing growing up a marching band geek does, is it acclimates you to wearing stuffy costumes in crappy weather.

    Agreed. Band geek reporting in. See you at Megacon.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/09(Thu)03:02 No.1662731
    >> Anonymous 02/26/09(Thu)03:05 No.1662737
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    shit tier
    >> Anonymous 02/26/09(Thu)03:09 No.1662750

    Of course cons in Florida would be shit tier, I mean, the state does look like an old shriveled penis.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/09(Thu)03:15 No.1662775

    Your understanding of biology frightens me.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/09(Thu)03:17 No.1662779
    What is costume-con? The website makes me feel like I've stepped back into 1996.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/09(Thu)03:37 No.1662822
    their site needs an update, but decent con at minimum
    >> Anonymous 02/26/09(Thu)03:53 No.1662860
    Jesus christ do you female idiots just try to swipe EVERY meme you see from /v/?
    >> Anonymous 02/26/09(Thu)05:37 No.1663017
    Anywhere but Texas and Florida.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/09(Thu)06:52 No.1663052
    Last year's Otakon actually had nice weather. The entire month of August was a cold spell in the region last year, so it was about 75°F all weekend.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/09(Thu)07:02 No.1663056

    >> Anonymous 02/26/09(Thu)11:41 No.1663361
    You are either trollin' or you haven't been to Comic Con. Easily God tier. If there were a tier above God tier, it'd go there.

    I love how they sell booze at their Masquerade Satellite/Dance room.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/09(Thu)12:30 No.1663416
    >> Anonymous 02/26/09(Thu)15:59 No.1663785
    bump for truthishness
    >> Anonymous 02/26/09(Thu)16:05 No.1663794
    I'd put Fanime High or God tier. It's just big enough (15k) to have a decent pool of folk, sizable competition and dealer's hall, without the clusterfuck. Also, is where all the chill NorCal people go, and they be bitching.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/09(Thu)18:36 No.1664199
    Sakura-con is a great con to cosplay at, loads of space, great scenery, and positive people. Those who agree should say so.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/09(Fri)08:27 No.1665954
    Fanime seems to be one of those stuck-up small cons that thinks its better than it is.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/09(Fri)08:41 No.1665960
    hello con-carne
    >> Anonymous 02/27/09(Fri)10:08 No.1666016
    Yeah, like I haven't seen this on every other board, such as /tv/ or /a/ every fucking day. Get a life.


    I agree with OP. Ohayocon makes bigger conventions blush with shame. It has it's problems but they just don't compare with those of others I've been to as they're so mild. ACen on the other hand, is a jumbled mess, and I've been to every single one since the beginning. It has never run smooth, always has the nastiest staff, and they act like they're the only convention out there and that you should be grateful that they have it all! What I can't stand the most is that for such a big convention in a major city of the United States, that they can't manage to get any relevent Japanese guests. I appreciated the old school people last year but talk about wasted on a crowd of people who have no clue how important they are. Putting Kenichi Sonoda next to Vic Mangina . . . I raged -so hard-.

    After years of ACen, I was just over the moon at D*C. I just couldn't believe such a long line for badges could be done so fast and efficiently. I couldn't believe how nice people were or how much fun I'd have. It was truly my best convention experience ever and it beats anime conventions hands down. :D

    tl/dr: Accurate list is accurate
    >> Anonymous 02/27/09(Fri)11:19 No.1666075
    I agree with Dragon*Con being a god con. I went for the first time last year and had the time of my life. Amazing guests, great costuming, tons of eating places and no screaming weeaboo.
    Ohayo is my favorite anime con because..well, it's my local con and I've met a lot of my closest friends there.
    ACen sucks due to there being NO places to eat anywhere,their registration line is pure bullshit, and staff are a bunch of douchebags. They need to do a serious overhaul before I ever plan on attending again.
    Otakon sucks for barely any food places to eat, being in a somewhat dangerous area,(in my opinion anyways..I had two friends get mugged)and for the masquerade that never ends.
    AX was okay but it was harder to just hang out and talk to people to me. But that was probably just me feeling intimidated..hehe
    >> Anonymous 02/27/09(Fri)11:32 No.1666087
    >>Otakon sucks for barely any food places to eat,

    >>being in a somewhat dangerous area,(in my opinion anyways..I had two friends get mugged)
    again, lolwut? I'm sorry you've had terrible luck, with the muggings and all, but usually when you say "somewhat dangerous" it's a little more serious than "well because 2 of my friends got mugged there".
    >> Anonymous 02/27/09(Fri)11:37 No.1666089
    This might be the most universally agreed to tier list ever.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/09(Fri)11:56 No.1666104
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    Animaritime, in eastern Canada is next week.
    Opinions of it?

    I've been there a few times and it's grown quite a bit. From a small university con to about a thousand attendees. In about 2-3 years, it could be great.

    Plus>>Some good cosplay, a few good events, laid back and friendly environment, okay vendors.

    Bad>> Mostly bad cosplays, plenty of kids, not enough staff/volunteers, still too small for famous guests(voice actors, etc.)
    >> Anonymous 02/27/09(Fri)11:57 No.1666106
    >AX was okay but it was harder to just hang out and talk to people to me. But that was probably just me feeling intimidated..hehe

    There is good reason for that; AX is essentially the High School of cons. There are cliques and a pecking order (fairly obvious if you look at /cgl/ who everyone is) at AX, which is probably why its such a low-tier con.

    That and its location of course.

    Oddly, yeah I thought there'd be more dramu when I visited the thread.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/09(Fri)12:06 No.1666121

    My question is what were >>1666075's friends doing that got them mugged. Baltimore is a city, and there are more seedy characters in a city than at some random con hotel in West Bumblefuck. While I was waiting for the masquerade last year, I watched some random asshole ask a guy in line to follow him away out of sight to "get change." Probably the only thing that stopped him from getting mugged and beaten were his friends who ran after him after three minutes knowing that the asshole was going to exploit his naïveté for what it was worth. At the same time, I've gone to Otakon for the last four years, and neither my friends nor I have ever had a problem anywhere in the city. Not to be too accusative, but I suspect that >>1666075's friends forgot to bring their street smarts with them.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/09(Fri)12:07 No.1666123
    Ehhh..when I went the only options for food nearby if you didn't want wallet rape were the Burger King and a Blimpie sub. The harbor area was nice but I couldn't eat there everyday. We went to the Cheesecake Factory for a friend's birthday though and that was awesome.
    We ended up checking with the hotel on what food places delivered and got menus for that..hehe.

    Well...it's not just that my friends got mugged...I think all the panhandlers in general freak con-goers out and I know of quite a few that have gotten yelled at/chased..lol But that's just my opinion and I'm from a somewhat small town so I'm not used to things like that so my opinion is probably biased.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/09(Fri)12:10 No.1666133
    Ohayocon = awesome. I've never seen better csplay except at Otakon

    I was pleasantly surprised about the cosplay at Tokyo in Tulsa and Sakuracon. But agree that Acen is a trainwreck.

    Dragon*con though being kinda cool for Larp, Filk, and some Anime Cosplay has guests with shitty attitudes. I bought a copy of Peter Beagle's last unicorn and his right hand man badmouthed anime the entire time and badmouthed about how horrible the world has treated his client. i've never disliked a a guest as much as I disliked these two. hearing them badmouth csplay made my heart break

    otakon deserves god tier
    >> Anonymous 02/27/09(Fri)12:11 No.1666134
    They were just walking back to their hotel.
    I think it was probably just "wrong place, wrong time" but still...scary. Lucky for them they didn't really have much cash on them.
    I found it pretty freaky but I'm from a smaller town and we don't get a lot of that kind of thing. So...yeah. My opinion is probably biased.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/09(Fri)12:13 No.1666140
    Really? That's weird because a friend of mine wanted to get Peter Beagle's autograph but he was away for lunch at the time and the guy manning his booth was really nice to us and stood around chatting for a while. I wonder if it was the same guy...
    I find it funny they'd gripe about anime yet they attended Otakon.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/09(Fri)12:19 No.1666148
    Out of curiosity, at which hotel were they staying?
    >> Anonymous 02/27/09(Fri)12:33 No.1666175
    I'm not sure really. It was a couple of years ago.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/09(Fri)13:54 No.1666273

    The Costume-Con website does suck a lot but the con itself is pretty win if you're hardcore about cosplay. There's some older costumers in historical type costumes, but they also have some pretty sweet workshops and panels like how to rig electronics for your costumes, making giant wings that move, stuff like that.

    Galleries: http://costume-con.org/gallery2/main.php

    Unfortunately a lot of the photographers suck (and some photos are super old) so pic quality is not the best.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/09(Fri)14:20 No.1666324
    You pretty much just summed up all the California anime cons.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/09(Fri)14:42 No.1666362
    I'm surprised Costume Con doesn't get as much press/publicity as some of the other cons around the same age.
    You'd think with all the top notch costumes that people would talk about it more.
    Maybe the fact that it moves every year has something to do with it...
    >> Anonymous 02/27/09(Fri)15:40 No.1666471
    It's probably partially that it's a smallish con and so far doesn't attract tons of younger cosplayers (so no drama for people to hear about).

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