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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

  • I'm going to publish that news post I wrote back in December soon.
    EDIT: Note my liberal definition of "soon."

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    8 KB Anonymous 02/19/09(Thu)22:37 No.1647107  
    worst thing to happen to you at a con...
    >> Anonymous 02/19/09(Thu)22:39 No.1647115
    When a drunkard came up behind me, slapped my rear, turned me around and gave me a kiss trying to make out with me. Quite an odd fellow he was...Then had the nerve to get mad at me for seeing I was a guy.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/09(Thu)22:39 No.1647119
    At D*C three years ago I got drugged and my friend walked in on a fat guy having anal sex with me.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/09(Thu)22:41 No.1647125
    Pinned down in the basement of Otakon when 16 and molested. I stopped walking around alone after that.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/09(Thu)22:44 No.1647138
    I didn't think people were really that pervy.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/09(Thu)22:45 No.1647139

    Best. story. ever.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/09(Thu)22:46 No.1647140
    OP here. I copypasta'd that from an ACEN forum. I needed to get the ball rolling..ya know.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/09(Thu)22:46 No.1647144
    To this day I believe it was bad circumstance and luck, and a very rare case. I also didn't locate a con badge anywhere on his person to help identify him, so he may not have been associated with the con.
    >> GOLD 02/19/09(Thu)22:48 No.1647149
    feel bad that I didn't get raped, but I'll still post, at anime north last year I was admiring my new statue of poison when my friend spilled orange pop on it :/ I got it clean soon enough though
    >> Anonymous 02/19/09(Thu)22:49 No.1647153
    Aah well, sorry to hear that regardless. Did you tell anyone?
    >> Anonymous 02/19/09(Thu)22:51 No.1647160
    Yes. Con security. To my knowledge he was never found. I didn't intend to push it farther then con security, which I should have, I know. My friends aren't aware, however. I didn't want to concern them.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/09(Thu)22:52 No.1647164
    I see. If you don't mind me asking..what all did he do?
    >> Anonymous 02/19/09(Thu)22:57 No.1647175
    I know this is stupid and insensitive but I can't help myself... DETAILS?
    >> Anonymous 02/19/09(Thu)22:57 No.1647177
    >> Anonymous 02/19/09(Thu)22:59 No.1647184
    have some more pasta.

    "Firstly when we got to our hotel room (at about 12 pm) they told us we couldn't check in yet until 3 because they were cleaning the rooms. So we went to the convention center to get our badges and looked around a while. When we went back at 3 we tried checking in but they said whoever was signing in had to be 21 years old. Their website didn't say anything about that when we booked our room, and we didn't have anyone with us who was old enough. My sister was on the verge of being 21 and we told them that, but they still wouldn't let us check in, and to top it off they wouldn't give us a refund. If anybody underage is going to AX (if they ever have it in Anaheim again), don't go to the Saddleback Inn. Those people are jerks.

    We ended up staying with a friend of my sister's boyfriend, and her mom made us pay $50 each to stay with them. That moneygrubber T_T On top of that, there were only bunk beds left and there were four of us, so there were each 2 to a bed. It sucked, we kept almost falling off, and the overs smelled like feet. Then *ahem* the "painters" came in and I had horrific cramps all day.

    Then on Saturday I think, me and my boyfriend went to the screening rooms to watch Chobits and when we left I realized someone stole my $300 digital camera. That about sums up the worst of it, though. Everything else was really good and I still liked it better than '07. I don't know why. I think because the atmosphere was way better at ACC so it made me feel better about the circumstances."
    >> Anonymous 02/19/09(Thu)23:02 No.1647189
    "As for me, the horror is simply a room full of 6 people - all women. Drama is practically dripping out the door, or sat least, is begging you. Especially when it is a bunch of hormonal, boy-crazy teens."
    >> Anonymous 02/19/09(Thu)23:03 No.1647191
    Good lord. If that had happened to me I would have set the hotel on fire and probably have killed myself afterward.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/09(Thu)23:03 No.1647192
    "I had a hard time with some of the vendors. Yes I know that I'm a little round, you don't have to point that out to me when I'm trying to purchase a size small for a family member. Or when they were passing out free DDR music cd's and comment that I've probably never played it or even heard of it (even though my daughter and I like to play it together)."
    >> Anonymous 02/19/09(Thu)23:04 No.1647196
    Some fat guy wanted to take my picture.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/09(Thu)23:05 No.1647199
    "On the first day, my friends and I were cosplaying Fatal Frame. So, to make it more obvious as to what we were cosplaying (since lots of people haven't played it), we made the Camera Obscura, which is like, this really antique-looking camera that captures ghosts in the game. We made it out of a weird paper-lantern that was sort of square and a wooden box. And the 'lens' was a friggin spray-paint can lid. When we were getting our bags checked to go into the S.K.I.N. concert, the lady checking our Miku's bag saw the Camera Obscura and picked it up and was all, "No cameras allowed." Miku looked at her weird and replied, "o_O . . . . Are you kidding? It's made out of paper, wood and a plastic cap." So, the 'security lady' squeezed down on the lantern-half of the camera . . . and BROKE IT. And only after it was broken and totally unfixable, she says, "Oh, I guess it really was fake."
    It wasn't until the next day that the 'no props allowed into the arena' rule came out. >_<"
    >> Anonymous 02/19/09(Thu)23:05 No.1647202
    >> Anonymous 02/19/09(Thu)23:06 No.1647205
    Haha, no, it's fine. I'm not all sensitive over it. I'd be curious, too. He hit on me, I rejected him and started to the stairs, he kept going and I told him I wasn't somebody he should be hitting on, and he needed to back off, so he caught up to me and got in my face about it. It surprised me at first, I guess I looked a little scared, so he put his arm up to the wall on my sides and started dirty talking, then he grabbed my wrist and held it down and started groping me. I opened my mouth to scream and he said "Don't" and let go, then I shifted forward to run away but he put his hand over my mouth and pushed my head to the wall this time and stuck his hand up my dress and started groping at me through the shorts and moving them aside and trying to wiggling his finger in there. I started screaming bloody murder, which I guess he didn't think would be loud under his hand, but it was, and he took off up the stairs.

    Weirdly, no one came when I was screaming. :\ I can only assume it's because of idiots who do nothing but scream the entire convention at everything.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/09(Thu)23:08 No.1647211
    that must have been terrifying...but I still got turned on.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/09(Thu)23:10 No.1647219
    At the time. I've been in scarier situations and dealt with friends who have had worse. I guess I just have the type of personality that I don't dwell on it like some people would.

    And eeeew.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/09(Thu)23:10 No.1647221
    "Waiting hours and hours and HOURS in the blazing sun to see Tetsuro Araki......

    coming so close in line i could taste it.......

    then being rejected at the door because it was over........tear. "
    >> Anonymous 02/19/09(Thu)23:11 No.1647225
    "I don't remember what day this happened on, but I'd just gotten back to my room after spending the night in a friend's room, and we were shifting around some costumes when one of the hangers got caught on the fire sprinkler. Needless to say, the following explosion and ten minutes of water, sirens, and flashing lights were not the best moments of my life. I'm sure some of you've heard of the hotel flooding in '06 - well, that was my room, and as the room 'mom' it was under my name so all damage fees were charged to my card...on the bright side, we raised the entire damage fee over the course of twenty-four hours from hundreds of fellow attendees.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/09(Thu)23:11 No.1647227

    That's why they should let you bring mace to cons.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/09(Thu)23:17 No.1647246
    This is going to sound dickish but it is seriously my dream to find a girl at a convention in this situation so I can save her.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/09(Thu)23:18 No.1647249
    damn, you mean no-one showed up after you screamed and I ran. oh well, easy come easy go, I guess.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/09(Thu)23:19 No.1647252
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    >> Anonymous 02/19/09(Thu)23:24 No.1647270
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    I told them, I said - if they take my hotel room, I'll - I'll burn the building down.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/09(Thu)23:24 No.1647273
    I know it's probably not true but god damn I lol'd my fucking head off. Good show anon.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/09(Thu)23:32 No.1647305
    I was accidentally locked out of my hotel room. naked.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/09(Thu)23:36 No.1647328
    HAHA. Oooh. I heard a story about someone who cheated on their girlfriend after mooching the room off of them. Idiot didn't put the deadbolt on the door and his girlfriend walked in, she tossed him out naked into the hallway. The girl didn't know he was dating, so she let her stay and get dressed. I lol'd. Wish I'd seen that.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/09(Thu)23:38 No.1647341
    A middle-aged woman with glasses and wearing an eyepatch apparently didn't know that you have reduced depth perception when wearing glasses, and she swung at my Demyx sitar with a giant hammer.

    Goddamnit I hate how Fomular is so fucking malleable. I still have to fix that dent.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/09(Thu)23:43 No.1647363
    A Squall cosplayer with no apparent depth perception swung at me with a prop sword while I was dressed as a Silent Hill monster at Ohayocon and whacked me right across the cheek, upperlip, and nose. Hurt like a motherfucker, and I could feel my face swelling, so I just walked away back to the hotel room. According to friends he looked totally mortified, and I don't know if he thought I was pissed or going to get him in trouble or what.

    I just wanted to stop my face from swelling up as fast as possible, since I was cosplaying a prettyboy the next day.

    If you're reading this, Squall, I wasn't mad.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/09(Thu)23:43 No.1647366
    lost a bag with over $1000. 00 worth of stuff and found it right before the con closed its doors on the last day.

    It was a fucking nightmare. I tripped balls
    >> Anonymous 02/19/09(Thu)23:44 No.1647374

    Oh damn, that seriously sucks. Must've hurt like a bitch. You should have guilt tripped him or something- I would have.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/09(Thu)23:47 No.1647383
    Nooo, I could tell he was very upset, and it was only and accident. I'd had a bunch of people take pictures of "beating me up" or pretending to punch and attack me. I probably should have said something besides, "Oh my god." after he hit me.
    Surprisingly, nobody I scared punched me. I was so waiting for me to scare the wrong person.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)00:17 No.1647563
    I smeared some lipstick on a cosplay by accident.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)00:22 No.1647584
    Once while waiting for the cosplay dating game to start, sitting in the front row, this Namine who was brushing her hair gestured towards the door REALLY FAST with the hand holding the brush and it went barreling at my face.
    It was one of those big ass ones, and it split my lip open something bad. I started getting blood all over my costume. GOOD THING I WAS DRESSED UP AS A GUY WHO GETS SHOT ANYWAY.
    She kept apologizing over and over even though I told it was okay.
    Irony of it all: Got on stage for the anime dating game, won, and who was the bachlorette? Namine.
    Happily ever after for the two of us.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)00:27 No.1647615

    Happily ever after? You two are still together?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)00:30 No.1647629

    Well, until my girlfriend got pissed and beat the shit out've me for being in the dating game in the first place.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)00:31 No.1647637


    I was waiting for some cute happy meeting-your-love-at-a-con story.

    This is so much better.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)00:32 No.1647646
    Oh youuu
    I loled
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)00:33 No.1647653

    Oh no. I got dragged off-stage by a leash.
    My romance with Namine lasted all of ten minutes. And included in that ten minutes I played video games and bled out my face.
    Good times.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)00:35 No.1647658
    haha, that's cute. i was one of the girls for the anime dating game many years ago, and as i was watching all the guys come up to the stage to stand behind me i picked out one really hot guy and said to him, i hope it's you! well, he ended up winning, but we bid adieu right after the game lol.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)00:42 No.1647687
    at the local con where i go, there's this circular statue thing in the middle of the building that takes up alot of space. At one point some obese suichi cosplayer, clad in two-miles-to-tight pleather short-shorts with a matching pleather bellytop climbed atop the thing and hung upside down and swung from it. He swung so hard that the tiny buttons of his shorts popped of and everyone within the vicinity was forced to bear witness to his sasusage roll as he'd decided not to wear underwear. I was 14 at the time, and was eternally scarred for life. Ontop of that the statue eventually gave weight beneath him and he landed ontop of me. hurt like a motherfucker.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)00:44 No.1647694
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)00:49 No.1647723
    yeah. it was truly the single worst expirience of my life. ever.
    >> Avi !puBUpFsw.I 02/20/09(Fri)00:51 No.1647730
    For ACen on year I stayed at a friends house in Chicago. One night I caught the Blue line downtown, but by the time I got downtown, the red line was under construction and the only other line to get to my friends house was closed for the night. It was almost 4 in the morning and no one was around but bums and darkness. I was so creeped out.

    So I'm walking in Downtown Chicago, which I am not used to with a bag full of art and costumes. A taxi cab driver tries to stop for me but I only have five dollars which isn't enough to get me to Belmont. At this point in my life I had taken maybe 2 taxis. He had me sit upfront with him and talk to him. And at one point he tried to reach over and feel me up. I freaked out and jumped out of the car and slammed the door. He screeched off.

    Long story short. I eventually found a bus that got me far enough that I knew were I was and walked back to his house. I didn't get home until 7 am that year.

    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)01:23 No.1647834
    Sorry. but. LOL.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)01:25 No.1647839

    I used to visit my father every summer and Christmas (only because I was court ordered) in Chicago, and I've only had one good experience to date.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)01:27 No.1647851
    im going to acen this year ;D
    >> Action Master Anonymous !M.p5W8L5EM 02/20/09(Fri)01:28 No.1647855
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)01:47 No.1647890
    AX 2003, omg it was my first time going to anime expo, so my friends and i decided to go to the AMV's. well they told us that we would have to start getting in line about 5 or 6 so we can get a seat. well we got in the line about 5:30 pm no biggy. but thats when it all started. not only were the AMV's supposed to have started at 8pm but it was freggin 9pm!

    it wasnt until 10:30pm that they finally started seating is because one of my friends shouted "Storm the Doors!" so they got a little nervous. and one of the ppl who was working the con was inside flipping us off and mooning us every chance he got. (got i hope he died)

    so finally we get to our seats about 12:30am and we are wondering whats is going on. no one has told us anything, and all the papers and pencils are passed out so we decided okay this is gonna happen :) WRONG! to pass the time ppl started to make paper airplanes and try to land it on the stage in front of us (we were in long beach in the theater) till finally a little paper airplane came along and pierced the screen. everyone started to cheer, the asshole who was running the thing chewed us all out for it, and the security came along trying to find the person responsible for it. of course no one turned the person in.

    finally at 2am, they finally regroup and announce that the AMV's are cancelled. way to fucking tell us after 6 hours after the event was supposed to have started.

    best first con ever!
    >> Dan-onymous 02/20/09(Fri)01:51 No.1647900
    Alright, so at katsu this past weekend, i wasn't with my friend when he parked the car at a nearby lot, and he had left through the car exit so neither of us knew what building it was, we just assumed it was just a lot.

    So on friday night my friends want to bring back our lupin III group, and I had every element of my costume together, save for the hat which was left in our friends car. Agreeing to meet them after getting said hat, i borrow his keys, get all my costume together save hat (including a gun that i kept in my back pocket) and when I'm forced to go in through the main entrance of the building where we parked, i was pleased to find 4 huge cops, a metal detector and a federal checkpoint, as it was an EPA building. Lets just say they did not react kindly when i let them know that i had a fake gun as part of my costume
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)01:53 No.1647904
    Im curious about this but

    How does the dating game work?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)02:38 No.1647986

    Just in-character replies and junk.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)02:59 No.1648045
    At Comicon 06 I was dressed as Sasuke, and little did I know that the day I decided to show up in costume was the characters fictional birthday. i had no idea, BUT ALL THE FUCKING FANGIRLS SURE AS HELL DID.

    I got spanked by an Itachi.

    My story is mild, but still I found it rather bothersome.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)03:03 No.1648053
    At Megacon '08 this total hottie named Dryden met this douche named Spyder and he fucked her up and treated her like crap
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)03:06 No.1648058
    like the cosplay deviants purple haired chick? fuk that, i heard she was fucking crazy or someshit I know that Spyder guy and he would never fuk around
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)03:07 No.1648060
    You sir are a fucking moron and obviously know nothing of what happened between them because he was an insensitive prick. Go smoke a pork sword
    >> Redyps 02/20/09(Fri)03:09 No.1648062
    You're both wrong. I am however upset that the only person who defended me is retarded and can't spell... I LOVE YOU THOUGH
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)03:10 No.1648063
    fuk you
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)03:15 No.1648072

    Well, this one time, I was taking a picture with my uber hotty girlfriend, and just before that we were doing some heavy petting and a little making out Teen-Titans style, but out of nowhere this guy asks for a picture and I oblige him, though the whole time I'm trying to hold back a raging boner. I hope no one saw anything
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)03:16 No.1648073

    I met an amazing girl
    >> Redyps 02/20/09(Fri)03:18 No.1648078
    Lulz... hi boss!
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)03:25 No.1648092
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    I was walking down the stairs and a wire came loose from my pants. I got stabbed in the balls. Really really really really really hard. I screamed and shoved my hands down my pants to remove the wire from deep within my body. What seemed like a decade later, I was able to remove said wire and continue my walking.

    I should have held it over my head and yelled "bankai!"
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)03:40 No.1648113
    i lol'd so hard.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)04:25 No.1648200
    A girl came up to me while I was in cosplay (and alone) and asked for a photo. I temporarily put my things down behind me for the photo. Apparently her partner TOOK MY FUCKING CAMERA while I was posing!
    Worse yet, I reported to Lost and Found, they got the camera the next day, and THE MEMORY STICK WAS WIPED! All the photos I took the previous day was gone!
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)04:25 No.1648202

    Holy fuck I don't have a penis and that still made me cringe.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)04:26 No.1648205
    same... ugh....
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)05:05 No.1648260
    Back at AX 2001, I had to be picked up from the con by my mom. I waited on the steps in front of LBCC for hours, not seeing her. I got so hungry I decided to pop open on the the chef boyardee cans I brought with me.

    It didn't cut all the way, so I tried to force it open...only to slice my palm really bad :*(

    Cold, bleeding, and hungry, I used a torn piece of the plastic bag that was given to us to tie up the wound on my hand, and calmed my nerves by eating the raviolis.

    ....Then wondered if I had seen a car pass....checked the parking lot that used to be across the way...seems my mom was sleeping in the car there, and had been for 2 hours.

    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)06:35 No.1648318
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    Dragged by force into a glomp circle.....then tackled by 15-20 13 year old girls, back of my costume was destroyed.
    <--- was instantly my first reaction.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)07:28 No.1648355
    >S.K.I.N. concert
    I wish I was there.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)07:41 No.1648361
    Trust me, it wasn't that great. I also went. Paid for one of those special tickets and still waited outside for 4 hours in the fucking heat.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)07:47 No.1648365
    Don't care. There are 3 Japanese guys that I will turn into a super fanboy over: Yoshiki, Gackt, and Hard Gay.
    2 out of 3 equals I'm sold. Alas, I suffered a critical lack of funds when I heard of it. I wept tears of ash.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)08:11 No.1648382
    at katsucon this one female(almost typed bitch) kept picking me up and swinging me around and running away with me.
    >> R.D. !!qFhBIHR1ap8 02/20/09(Fri)09:53 No.1648454
    14-year-old Narutards tackeling me, me getting mad and choking a girl with asthma, that nearly died afterwards.
    Shit got me a trauma.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)09:55 No.1648456
    Am I going to have to repeat my MOTHERFUCKING STORIES HERE, of RUSSIAN AUTISTIC PISS FETISH, Bishonen Girl, and Tall Gay Guy?

    Maybe I will.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)10:04 No.1648463
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)10:06 No.1648466
    Do it.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)10:13 No.1648472
    smileys are frowned upon, but: O_________o wha?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)10:18 No.1648474

    I'll start with this one, since it is, I think, the best of my con horror stories.

    It was a few years ago - I was in Boston for my first con there, about 17, 18 at the time? Mind you, I looked about 15, and pretty much always have. 21 now, and I still can get mistaken for 15-16. A tiny dude is me.

    One of the big reasons I go to a con at all is because of the night dances, raves, or whatever the fuck you wanna call it. I will ignore all anime, manga, panels or whatever going on in favor of the dance. However, there was an additional reason I was at the dance this time. See, where I'm from, the gay population? Is fucking TINY. Your choices are over the top queen, or closeted dude who is more than twice your age. Not exactly primo chops if you're a young dude who just wants to get fucked in the ass for once.

    BOSTON, however, was a FAGGOT'S DELIGHT, or so I'd heard. So here you have my mindset: Young (read: idiotic), horny (idiotic again), backed up queer dude, visiting Boston for the first time, enjoying myself and hoping to meet another gaybo nerd along the way.

    Things go downhill from there.

    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)10:26 No.1648481

    I love your goddamn stories. I remember them from the last time.

    This shit's fucking epic. Listen good, kiddies. This bro can tell a story.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)10:28 No.1648484
    my story takes place the day before a con so it was a precon story
    me and my friends were at my friends house there were 6 of us there 2 from out of town and 2 from kinda far and 3 of them needed to go to one of the houses of the not to far ones and the person whose house it was decided to leave us there but we couldnt stay in her house without her there, so we had to go to the pool by her house and stay there for a few hours they dropped us off and this was few weeks ago and it was cooooooold so we hung out in the pool for awhile and then we all got.... rllly cold... and we had to huddle together for warmth in the pool because if we went out of the pool it woulda been colder so after like 20 minutes of freezing huddled together (all 3 were guys btw) we tried to go inside but it was locked and after 5 minutes of being outside freezing someone let us in and we found out there was a sauna inside so we were in the sauna for like an hour when eventualy the other 3 came home and they called us and told us they were home and that we needed to walk back....... it was like a 5-10 minute walk but we were fighting earlier that day and two of us had messed up legs i had a messed up back and we were all completely exhausted so ya thats my story D:
    (also plz excuse the grammer )
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)10:29 No.1648486
    PROBLEM: I don't LOOK like a dude who would suck a dick. I don't SOUND like one either. It wasn't just that the gay population in my hometown was fucking terrible, it's that absolutely nobody thought I was a queer either. Everybody thinks I'm straight, so if I DID wanna just shrug and get done up the butt by a guy who would consider taking me to fucking A&F a date, I'd still not have much of a chance, because I don't pop up on their gaydar.

    Solution? A TERRIBLE FUCKING ANIME CON T-SHIRT. I got 'Yaoi Is My Anti-Drug', and slapped it on top of me before heading into the dance, because no one has yet made a 'WHO HAS TWO THUMBS AND A MOUTH FULL OF DONG? THIS GUY' t-shirt yet. Retarded and horny (but mostly retarded because of the horny), I hit the dance floor.

    Now, when I dance, I go full out, for better or for worse. I don't like just doing the White Guy Shuffle, or the Grind Against The Air For Three Hours, or so on. I get mildly gymnastic with my stuff, bending back to the floor or suchwhat.

    PROBLEM: I have no sense of 'Woah hey maybe you'd better take a break' and keep dancing this way for OVER AN HOUR. Now, I'm a tiny person, like I said before. About 130 pounds and 5'5 or so at the time, and I keep dancing like this in a room packed to the fucking BRIM with other people dancing, and a limited water supply. Exhaustion was catching up with me, and the mass of bodyheat all around me was not helping either.

    HOWEVER, it was JUST FUCKING THEN that somebody finally noticed my god awful t-shirt. A tall dude came up to me, easily having a foot over me. Had a goatee going on too, I put him at about 20, 21 at the time. He asked if I wanted to dance with him.

    My dong WAS DELIGHTED, and promptly shut down the higher functions of my brain.

    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)10:35 No.1648496

    i almost passed out trying to read that
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)10:37 No.1648499
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)10:38 No.1648501
    I don't have many horror stories but there's only one that ever makes me cringe and that's when an essential piece of one of our group's costumes snapped in half in the green room before the Masquerade. I mean, it was not something we could fix at all and it was very important; a completely horrific thing to happen to a cosplayer! At first I did want to cry but since we had at least an hour to think about it before we performed, we said "fuck it, pouting won't get us anywhere!" and just went with it. The costumes were kinda obsure anyway so I don't think anyone really got that it was broken (probably just thought, "fail!") but I have such a good time with our skits that I had a blast performing it despite it all. I just never want that to happen again, so I try to stress test everything from now on!
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)10:42 No.1648511
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)10:45 No.1648518
    Now, while my head was going all FUCK YEAH THIS BEATS THE FUCK OUT OF HOME, my body was less thrilled. I had been dancing like someone had been spoon-feeding me Ephedra and crack for more than the last hour, with almost no stops. My stomach starts rolling around, beating the hot snot out of me, when all I wanna do is dance with this guy.

    I only get to dance with him for about ten minutes, at first. Pissed at my own organs, I tell the guy I need a quick break, and step to the back of the room. Drink some water, sit down, get my breathing back to normal. Feel all better, right? Just take a few minutes to get myself cooled down. Don't wanna take too long or the guy might move on, right? Or something like that, I had no idea how that shit worked at the time. Once I start feeling better, I bounce back to the floor, find the guy, and am more delighted than a creepy Shota fangirl watching Little Nemo.

    5 minutes later? My body betrays me. I throw up right on the dance floor.

    I run out of the doors, partially because I was disgusted with what the fuck I had just done, but mostly because I was pretty sure I still had to vomit some more. I barely make it to the bathrooms and get rid of the rest of the vomit. Splash some water onto my face, cool down, and while my body feels better, I pretty much beat myself up for HOLY JESUS YOU FINALLY GET A DUDE INTERESTED AND THEN YOU THROW UP IN FRONT OF THEM ARE YOU KING SHIT OF DUMBASS MOUNTAIN OR SOMETHING

    So then I sit outside of the dance floor, just focusing on recuperating, as well as finding my friend and figuring out where I was gonna sleep that night.

    As luck would have it, the tall gay dude actually looked for me! Instead of being rightfully grossed out, he was worried about me. We talk some, exchange names, all those good things.

    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)10:54 No.1648534
    Now, I never have housing in mind when I go to a con. I don't book a hotel room in advance, and I don't have a friend's place to crash at for the night. This used to be because I had 1. A lack of money and 2. Because I didn't know anybody in the area. Nowadays, I do this on purpose, as I have found it leads to terrible, wonderful stories, somehow.

    (Pee Ehss: If you are at Anime Boston and need a place to sleep for zero dollars, the benches on the third floor of the convention, just outside of the rooms with the anime screening going on, work fantastically. Security doesn't bother you. I learned that the year after this story.)

    The dude asks where I'll be staying, and I say I don't have a place to stay. I pretty much figured I'd just stay awake until the con was in full swing the next morning and pass out eventually somewhere I felt was safe enough.

    The dude says that I could stay at his place, if I wanted.

    Now, remember, imagine yourself in my mindset. I'm young, I'm horny, and I don't have a place to stay for the night. Right now, all my rational thought has been long gone, and I'm thinking with all the wrong things.

    I tell him sure. Then we both go to round up our friends.

    I get my one friend, he gets his two, and we leave the con, heading out onto the streets of Boston.

    REALLY BIG FUCKING PROBLEM NOT EVEN KIDDING: It's past 1 in the morning, by now. All the subways are shut down. This makes getting to his place QUITE DIFFICULT NOW.

    My friend proposes we just get a taxi and split the bill. His friends say Fuck That, and say we should just hike the distance to get to the dude's place.

    We end up walking for about an hour and a half. In Boston. In the middle of the night. I have no idea where the hell I am going, and I was only vaguely sure that the people I was following did either.

    >> Irish Reno 02/20/09(Fri)10:58 No.1648539
    Had my ass felt up by a terrible Axel who resembled a clown from my childhood nightmares. At first it was kinda funny but he was doing it for about 5 fucking minutes during the cosplay chess. (maybe he was looking for my wallet, IDK)

    Worst part was I was dressed as Demyx so I think there were people taking pictures of me getting groped who thought it was SUPA KAWAII

    I nutted him between the eyes, though. That was fun.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)10:58 No.1648540
    Along the HOUR AND A HALF WALK THROUGH BOSTON AT 1AM OR SO, my friend is texting a friend of his, calling this trip of ours 'Exodus, if it had nerds.' I opt to call it Faggot Exodus now, what with there being two queer guys and me being the dumb fagmo.

    After the walking ends, GLORY HALLELUJAH, we get to the destination. Except it's not his place. It's a parking lot. We're there to get to his car. Which is actually a van.

    A white van.

    With reservations, I dumbassedly get into the white van, even after suffering through all of what had come before.

    This is the exact moment where shit jumps from 'Jesus that's fucked up' to 'AM I IN SOME KIND OF HORRIBLE FUCKING FEVER DREAM HERE'

    See, we get in the van. And he starts DRIVING BACK THE WAY WE CAME.

    Let me repeat that.

    We walked through an hour and a half of Boston at 1 in the morning instead of getting a taxi. We arrive not at his place, but at a parking lot, where there is his WHITE VAN. We get in the white van.


    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)11:02 No.1648549
    During the drive, I learn some new FASCINATING FUCKING THINGS. See, the tall gay guy? The one with a foot over me? The one who has facial hair?

    He is about FIFTEEN, SIXTEEN OR SO. I could barely keep my face from contorting into some horrible ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME mess.

    Then I find out SOMETHING ELSE. He DOESN'T HAVE A DRIVER'S LICENSE. He has a DRIVER'S PERMIT. He is driving a white van, full of other people, back the way we came, at 2:30 or so in the morning, with a DRIVER'S PERMIT.


    We finally get to his place. And how to describe his place? PASTEL GHETTO. If you took the ghetto, and decided that the best way to fix it was to give it an image change, and paint it like it was straight out of white suburbia, you would have this guy's place. Pastel Ghetto.

    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)11:04 No.1648554
    *dramatically refreshes page over and over, waiting for more dramu*
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)11:05 No.1648557
    Only it's NOT his place, of course. The dude doesn't have a driver's permit, of course he doesn't have his own place. It's his AUNT AND UNCLE'S PLACE, who look like a fat elderly couple transplanted from New Jersey.


    They talked with the dude and his friends for god knows how long about chinese food, while me and my friend just shot each other looks, unable to believe how any of this shit had happened. Eventually, they all finally DO go get chinese food, come back, eat it, and go to bed.

    I was too in shock at all the fucked upness of the night to care about my boner anymore. Stopped caring about getting laid LONGGGGG time ago during that night.

    I don't go to bed until everyone else does.

    The next day, after everyone gets up, me and my friend keep on nagging the dude to drive us back to the con already, because he is taking his SWEET FUCKING TIME and we did not want to spend a second longer at that place.

    Finally, he drives us back. We wave politely goodbye to him. Then we ditched him, immediately.

    I never saw him again, thank god.

    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)11:09 No.1648565

    A+++++++++++ would read again
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)11:11 No.1648568

    Continue the stories.

    I'd love a retelling of the Russian with the pee fetish. That one warms the cockles of my heart.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)11:13 No.1648577

    I would, but I have to leave for work soon, and I don't want to tell any of these stories while rushing through them. Should this thread not be buried into internet oblivion in about 2, 2 and a half hours or so, I should be able to tell RUSSIAN AUTISTIC PISS FETISH again.

    Additionally, I'll be at Anime Boston again this year. Though not for the anime. Never for the anime. Always for the stories. I think they are magnetically attracted to me.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)11:31 No.1648611
    We await your return good sir
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)12:48 No.1648740
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)12:50 No.1648743

    Great story. Can't wait for moar.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)13:03 No.1648761
    Anime Dating game. Thought the announcer was pointing at me, but really, pointed at a neko boy two seats over from me.
    I was embarrassed as fuck, but I guess it worked out, cause the crowed wanted me to stay so it would work as a doubles kind of thing. Meh. /loser
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)13:28 No.1648811
    I fucking hate it when that happens.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)13:32 No.1648815
    Don't we all?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)13:33 No.1648817

    Posts may be sporadic, as I am at work.

    At another, different year at Anime Boston, I was with my friend - incidentally, the same one from Tall Gay Guy. Now, usually, I don't bother with the screenings. Or the panels, for that matter. I've gone to a couple of Yaoi Panels and that was enough to scare me off from them. A tendency to just degenerate into AREN'T THESE GUYS HOT? AND DON'T YOU WANNA SEE THESE GUYS FUCK? WOOOOO was not so fun.

    As for screenings, I usually don't bother with them because there's not too much I'm interested in. I don't follow most of the current popular series, and the older stuff tends to be anything we've all seen a billion times - Akira, and so on.

    HOWEVER! This time, late at night, they were running Cat Soup, an OVA for the series Nekojirou Gekijou (SP?). And I loved the fucking hell out of Nekojirou Gekijou. Minute long episodes all about horrible sociopathic cats? Yes please! And I'd seen Cat Soup before, so I knew exactly what kind of fucked up warm nightmare I was in for in watching this.

    If you haven't seen Cat Soup, please pause your internet and go do it now, so you can put yourself into the same frame of mind I had at the time.

    After the OVA was over, friend and I chat about it at length, eventually talking about other similarly fucked up series, as well as cracking shit on other series - Naruto and whatnot.

    Someone overheard us. He liked the OVA too, and we seemed to know what we were talking about, so he politely and friendly asked for recommendations along the same lines. We named a couple, before leaving the screening room.

    Then he started following us.

    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)13:35 No.1648821

    Excited anon to hear this story is excited.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)13:41 No.1648826
         File :1235155278.gif-(13 KB, 100x100, f5.gif)
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    This better be worth the hype!
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)13:41 No.1648827

    I want to hang out at a con with you so badly.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)13:45 No.1648832
    Me and my friend, all we wanted to do at that point was check out what else was happening this late at the con, and hit the walgreens across the street.

    This guy kept following us, even though we had hardly met him. Which wasn't really so bad at first. I mean, hey, making friends, that's what you do at anime cons, right?

    Now, me and my friend were still making all sorts of terribly pathetic jokes about Naruto, Bleach, Yaoi fandom, or what have you, just killing some time as we walked around, and this guy kept trying to contribute. Only his contributions were wooden. He couldn't quite get the flow of a joke, and I'm not sure he was even joking at the time - his speech was like uneven staccato, harsh and abrupt.

    In particular, he would NOT shut up about how much he hated Naruto and 'Narutards'. We kept making fun of them at first, but stopped, because he just kept GOING. Good LORD he hated them. Not joking hate, not internet hate, more 'I can see you head shake rapidly and your throat tense up' hate. And he couldn't. Stop. Talking about them.

    Seeing nothing else in the screenings that interested us, friend and I firmly decided to hit the Walgreens, get some snacks.

    With no prompting of our own, while heading down and out through the hotel, he told us 1. That he was autistic and 2. That he was /b/tard.

    Here, things go from bad to worse.

    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)13:48 No.1648834
    Oh man, you had a clinger! I hate that...
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)13:51 No.1648836
    Fucking signed. That and "Oh, hi, how are you doing?" "Oh, I'm doing-- oh... cell headset"
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)13:54 No.1648839
    When we finally get to the Walgreens, my friend and I are desperately trying to ignore this guy, and just get something to drink, something to eat.

    We make a crucial mistake, while in the aisles. See, we started joking about anime and anime fandom while we were there. And since the most hilarious fucked up part of anime is hentai, we made jokes about hentai.

    (shit, I just realized, I forgot to mention when he said he was Russian - was about the same time he said he was Autistic and a /b/-tard. i had hoped his trouble with talking was just having not lived around the area for awhile, but nope, he'd been in the states for over a decade. CONTINUING)

    He overhears our jokes about hentai. He comes into the aisle with us. And he laughs a bit, going "Haha, yeah, hentai..."

    Then I remember a pause.

    And then, also out of nowhere, he looks up at us and talks about how some fetishes are weirder than others. This goes on for a bit before peaking at, paraphrasing here:

    "I mean, I'm into watersports, and that's not too weird."

    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)14:01 No.1648846
    Yep, fucking hate that one too.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)14:03 No.1648848

    Oh god, I hate that. When that happens to me, I usually turn mid-sentence and pretend I was talking to someone else all along.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)14:08 No.1648856
    And he just kept going. And going. And GOING. I think there was an initial point where me and my friend were just standing stock still, eyes wide, unsure of what to do or say in this situation. All I could think was 'JESUS GOD ALL I WANT IS TO BUY SOME FUCKING SOUR PATCH KIDS SOMEONE PLEASE KILL HIM'.

    It was just like him and the Narutards. He couldn't stop talking about it. It wasn't like he ever got into constantly more elaborate detail, but he kept BRINGING UP THE SUBJECT. It was like that was all he could talk about. Alternating between piss fetish and Narutards and I am pretty sure if we let him go on long enough, he would talk about which particular anime characters he liked best with piss all over 'em.

    We walk as fast as we can manage, trying to maintain a lead, telling each other that we NEED to ditch this guy, and NOW. We're just not sure how. Our initial plan is get back into the con and just - fucking wing it. Not much of a plan, BUT HEY.

    We get back in, spotting the game room, deciding that we'll just duck in there and lose him in the crowd. Flash the guy outside our IDs, step in, and go to whichever part of the room had the biggest, most congested crowd. Once we saw him come in, we figured, we'd leave through the other side.

    But, we spot him going to the door, getting stopped by the guy outside - and he can't get in! It's late night, and late night game room means 18 and up only. Dude isn't 18, dude can't get in, dude gets turned away.

    Relieved, my friend and I spent the rest of the night playing Guitar Hero and such, feeling safely shielded from the endless torrent about getting a boner from pissing on people and unceasing talk of Narutards.

    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)14:13 No.1648862

    Have to remember that 18 and older late night rule for losing underaged creepers...
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)14:15 No.1648867

    Yeahhhh, that was really convenient, the whole late night rule. I imagine if I was a girl, I'd have five times as many fucked up stories as I do now, with fifty times more underage creepers.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)14:23 No.1648879
    Pffft, man I fucked up, deleting the wrong post number there.

    Anyway, BISHONEN GIRL story to come a bit later. Got things to do first.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)14:24 No.1648883

    Sounds good! Waiting eagerly.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)14:41 No.1648903

    This one goes way back. Way, WAY back. All the way to my very first con. It was a small one - not nearly as much to do as, say, Anime Boston, but much easier to meet people. I usually prefer smaller cons.

    Anyway, I show up, not cosplaying - in fact, I pretty much NEVER cosplay, though I wanna - and I spot someone doing a spot-on job of a character that, AT THE TIME, I thought was pretty bitchin'.

    HAKU, from Naruto. Of course, it wasn't fully accurate boy-trap Haku, it was a girl, but hey, whatcha gonna don. She was hanging around with a couple friends in a circle of chairs, I came up, politely complimented her outfit, and she pretty much invited me into the conversation from there on. Real nice gal.

    The conversation goes on, jumping around from one subject to another, most of it revolving around fandom. It eventually comes to the subject of Yaoi, something which, since I had shitty taste at the time, I had bought a good chunk of. Wild Rock, Yellow, all that bullshit. I ate it up before realizing 'Fuck, none of these plots make sense, the relationships are the same soap opera bullshit over and over, jesus christ they keep using the same two tall/top small/bottom body types forever, and when it gets to the FUCKING, they hardly ever SHOW ANYTHING.'

    But I dirgress. Heavily.

    I did something then that I warn every other animu fag to never do. Boys, if you like cock, AND you like all kinds of Japan shit?


    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)14:55 No.1648920
    Now, this wasn't TOO BAD at first. There was the initial literal, actual 'SQUEEEEE' and all that, but once that was gone, and they asked all the standard 'HAY BOYFUCKERY WHAT ABOUT IT WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WHAT'S IT LIKE HOW ACCURATE ARE THE YAOIS' questions had died down, they went pretty much back to normal.

    Most of them did, anyway.

    There was one girl in particular who still hung close about it, and still hung close to me. I can't say she was ugly. I can't say she was hot, either. She had a bit of chub on her, yes, but it was not BLARGH HAMBEAST. She didn't have a stunning or ugly face, either. It was plain, average.

    She had one habit, though, that made her stand out, and in not a good way.

    She REFUSED to call me by my name. Absolutely, utterly, refused. She kept calling me 'BISHONEN' or 'BISHIE-KUN' or some variation thereof. I even told her 'Hey, you can call me [My name]', but she went straight back to 'OH, BISHIE-KUN~~~~ /try to nuzzle up against me'

    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)15:00 No.1648926

    I suggest you tripfag from now on so I can look out for you.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)15:01 No.1648927

    I second this. But what would he tripfag as?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)15:02 No.1648928
    I met my wife at a con, fucking fan-girl.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)15:06 No.1648931
    I dont know but I think the stories should be called "apologues from a gay man"
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)15:09 No.1648933
    I'm not sure WHY she kept calling me 'Bishonen', either. I'm not King Hotness, or even remotely close to it. I'm thin, but I don't have HRGGGGHHHH DEM ABS. My face is 'okay', I figure, but nothing about it is gonna be taking anyone's breath away and leaping into my arms. Unless you got a particular thing about legal dudes who have a babyface that makes them look underage, and I've found that there's plenty of creepy dudes out there who DO have this particular thing.

    Continuing! This kept on, all throughout the con. Following me, calling me bishonen, and fairly obviously crushing on me. The times I could get away was when she had to go with her group of friends, and I could gladly leave to go check out the game room or something.

    This ended once the dance came around (GO FIGURE). I wanted to get up on the floor, did so, and was taken out of there twice.

    The first time was not so bad! It was the group of girls who were alright and easy to talk to. They dragged me out because they wanted to see me make out with a Tidus cosplayer they knew in an elevator while they recorded it. Granted, I wouldn't do this again, but I hopped to that shit at the time. Made out with a hot Tidus guy in an elevator, then hit the floor again.

    The SECOND time, not so great. In fact, shitty. It was the BISHONEN GIRL who dragged me out. She checked her watch, and saw that the J-POP VIDEOS SCREENING was coming on. I? I could not give less of a shit. I didn't know any J-Pop or J-rock groups, but I figured I'd do the polite thing and come with.

    I had to sit through some total asstacular shit.

    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)15:21 No.1648947
    Other than OBVIOUS bad moves on your part, this story isn't entertaining. It had better have one crazy ass ending.
    >> STORYTIME FAG !!3rs3VGjXSEN 02/20/09(Fri)15:23 No.1648949
    (now with tripfagginess)

    Specifically, she had decided to pull me into the J-pop screening to show me GACKT. I had not seen gackt before this. I had only heard of him. And even then, with my awful taste, I could not stand the motherfucker.

    She, however, was SWOONING over him, practically yelling out her love to a goddamn recording played on a small screen, and kept turning to me asking things like 'Isn't this great?' or 'Isn't Gackt so hot?' To which I responded with the most polite smiles and shrugs I could manage.

    It finally ended, and I was a bit peeved that my dance time got cut off for that crap, but, eh, whatcha gonna do.

    The rest of the con went on normally. I spent time in the game room, bought some shit in the vendor's room that I inevitably ended up losing in a mess somewhere, and the girl kept calling me Bishonen, right up until the end of the con.

    The end of the con, however, was not the end of my encounter with bishonen girl.

    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)15:38 No.1648968
    You went to a party and she was there.
    You told this story like 600 times
    >> STORYTIME FAG !!3rs3VGjXSEN 02/20/09(Fri)15:38 No.1648969

    Yeah, I'll be upfront, this one IS the weakest of the big three I've got. And honestly, I don't think I'll ever encounter anything again that could possibly compete with FAGGOT EXODUS. This is more big for me in just HOW FUCKING LONG this girl hangs around, and the personal creepiness of someone refusing to say your own name.


    A couple of months later, I get a message from the Haku girl - seemed she was having a birthday party or summat, and wanted to invite all the friends she had made at the con. Well, that's pretty nice of her, and I had nothing else to do, so why not, right?

    I forgot to consider that Bishonen Girl might be there. And she, in fact, was.

    She hovered around me after arrival, still refusing to call me [My name], and I think the topic of gay incest came up a few times, which did not help me feel comfortable at all. Especially with the fervor for gay fuckery the girls seemed to have, incestual or otherwise.

    FINALLY, the girl worked up the courage to ask me out, and she was visibly, completely nervous about it. Knees shaking, biting her lip, the whole deal. I wanted to find a way to say 'Yeah, no', without making her bawl. Remember, she kept on with this despite the making out with a dude in an elevator.

    Finally, I just said it was kind of impossible, since we lived so far apart, and she seemed to accept that, though she was immensely choked up while doing so.

    Story doesn't end there. BRIEF EPILOGUE

    Fast forward a YEAR LATER. Same con, same place. I spot someone in a Champloo cosplay that seems, familiar, but I can't quite put my finger on it.

    They turn. They smile, ear to ear.

    "Heyyy, bishonen-kun!"

    I wince, I wave, I avoid her for the rest of the con.

    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)15:44 No.1648978

    I must say, I was entertained by all three.

    I feel your pain with the Bishounen Girl one, god that must have been one hell of a headache.

    If I ever met someone like that, I'd punch them in the face.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)15:45 No.1648979

    Wait... she knew you liked guys and fangirled over it, but asked you out anyway?
    >> STORYTIME FAG !!3rs3VGjXSEN 02/20/09(Fri)15:49 No.1648982

    Naw, man, I can totally understand someone not being entertained by Bishonen Girl. It's got no real WHAT THE SHIT moments like Tall Gay Guy. And it goes on waaaay too long for not having enough moments like that. It's more of just a regular kind of a horror story, just one that lasts all too fucking long. Tall gay guy/Faggot Exodus = way more fun story to tell.


    Yes. Exactly that.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)15:50 No.1648985
    She probably, deep down in her heart, thought he wasn't totally serious (or bi) and that he liked her. After all he did ALL THE WRONG FUCKING THINGS. Look, if you don't like a girl, it's NICER and more POLITE to decline her if she wants to hang out. Seriously, by going with her, you she took that as a sign that you enjoyed her company.

    Hopefully storyfag has learned this since then.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)15:52 No.1648992
    so.. a good way to pick up insecure girls at an anime con is to pretend to be gay?
    >> STORYTIME FAG !!3rs3VGjXSEN 02/20/09(Fri)15:53 No.1648996

    I've learned that, among many other things, since then, yes. I imagine I will still be pulling in fucked up stories either way from cons, whether from stupidity or coincidence. Probably both.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)17:03 No.1649147
    Wearing a WWI esque trenchcoat + gasmask outfit complete with trench knife (blade replaced) and spade, but no service patches or anything.

    6'2" lady (I'm 5'10") grabs me by the arm and kind of corners me against the wall. Not a fug by any means, but not particularly my type either - and this is coming from a guy who likes dominant/confident women. She starts going off about how Nazi uniforms are hot and everything. I rage a little inside as a history minor (biology major) as my outfit is quite clearly WWI-based, but that's no big deal. The problem is she pushed me into the wall kinda hard, and the trick knee I've had since a childhood accident was hurting like mad.

    Either way, not too horrible a story. She didn't seem super white-supremacist (I suppose a lot of people who like the Nazi uniforms aren't) but she did look kinda disappointed when I took off my gas mask to reveal that I'm asian.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)17:31 No.1649208
    To any cosplayer in a nazi(-ish) uniform + gasmask ever: don't take off your fucking clothing/mask. If some fetishist girls are drooling over you, remember that no one wants to see your face.
    I've had this like a million times. Oh let's make out fully clothed, hot guy in uniform, because I'm a total uniform fetishist. "Wait lemme undress first hurrdurr naked." Nooooooooooo!
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)17:36 No.1649220
    I got drunk and went back to a hotel room with this guy who told me I could crash with him for the night. When we got in the room there were 2 other guys in there waiting with rope. They tied my arms up and since I was drunk I couldn't even resist then pulled down my pants and gagged me with my own underwear. They took turns fucking me in the ass and had fun stomping on my balls and cock. Oh yea I'm a guy who was dressed as a female character. The guy was pissed he was turned on by me and brough me back solely as a revenge fuck for turning him on. Never going to another con alone again.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)17:42 No.1649237
    >I got drunk
    There's your problem.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)17:43 No.1649240
    Hell, it wasn't even that.

    I was taking off my mask to ask her to kindly shift her stance so I could get weight off my knee, which was by that point getting damn near unbearable.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)17:56 No.1649266
    cool story bro
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)18:23 No.1649306
    I was almost arrested a couple miles outside of a con on suspicion of being a prostitute. That was loads of fun.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)18:32 No.1649324
    My worst convention experience, was that I went to Otakon.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)18:35 No.1649334
    i imagine this happens allot.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)18:39 No.1649339
    Animethon 15;
    I was the the dance with a friend. She goes to the bathroom. I got asked to dance by this like 40 year old man. I was 17 at the time, so I said no. I walked to the bathroom were my friend was.
    I later found out he was a child predator. The polive came and started escorting people back to their dorms.

    It was scary, man.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)18:48 No.1649371
    I love you Storytime Fag. You have provided immense entertainment tonight.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)18:50 No.1649378
    Storytime Fag is my favorite tripfag.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)18:52 No.1649384
    It probably does, considering all the anime characters that look like hookers.

    But when you're in Baltimore it takes a while to explain that you are certainly not looking for payment for illicit services and are merely expressing yourself for the sake of a japanese television show.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)18:55 No.1649394
    Tyler, GTFO my /cgl/.

    That was the fucking funniest thing that's ever happened ever, though.
    >> Kitsune 02/20/09(Fri)19:01 No.1649407
    I have a few shitty stories to make up for how they all are tame separately.

    At Comic Con '04, our room flooded in a completely booked hotel room an hour before we got there. Which led us to look around for a room at one in the morning.

    At Comic Con '05, my group of friends decided to walk off and leave me, alone, to fend for myself at a con. This was also the year I got felt up by this creepy Street Fighter cosplayer in the Green Room during the Masquerade. I was glad my ''big sister'' of sorts was there.

    At Comic Con '06, during the first day I was cosplaying Kadaj. Some retarded Naruto fangirls saw me, screamed, and began to charge through the extremely crowded area, and tackled me as soon as the doors open, and I was pretty much trampled.

    At Comic Con '08, when returning home on public transportation, this guy tried to get me into his car when I was cosplaying Matt from Death Note. It was super fun hiding in the dirty transit center bathroom, hearing him outside, as I called the police.

    Those are pretty much my lame stories.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)19:01 No.1649408
    Katsucon last weekend, I was helping my boyfriend put on a maid outfit in my hotel room, not knowing my brother has a key, my brother walks in when I'm helping him with the thigh highs. My brother then forces me out of the room, I try to run away so I can get back to the con, and he grabs my arm and punches me. He's always had anger management, and we were sharing the room because we both have very limited con funds. I had to stay in my boyfriend's room for the night because I didn't want to get hurt anymore than I already was. I later asked him what happened prior to the event that made him so mad, and he still hasn't told me.

    I hate men.
    >> STORYTIME FAG !!3rs3VGjXSEN 02/20/09(Fri)19:02 No.1649414

    Well, here's hoping I get a really good story out of the upcoming Anime Boston, because I don't wanna be repeating the three same stories forever.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)19:04 No.1649419
    I'm amused at the half crack-canon that is Matt in a dirty bathroom calling the cops
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)19:05 No.1649421
    Wow, I would of called the police on that fucker.
    >> Demon Brother; Umi Oni 02/20/09(Fri)19:06 No.1649423
    i had some yoai fan grils trying to make me get bent over by a kakashi cosplayer or zabuza cosplayer, needless to say it was terrible and ran as fast as i could. *shutters*
    >> Kitsune 02/20/09(Fri)19:09 No.1649430
    To be honest, I wrote a Matt bathroom rape fanfic a few weeks later. I am totally sick in the head.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)19:09 No.1649431
    He's always been angry at me and hitting me, it doesn't help that he's twice my size, but if I tell anybody he'll just find new ways to make me miserable.(He's good friends with my boss, and could get me fired at anytime he wants.)
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)19:10 No.1649434
    nah, you were just making lemonade outta lemons.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)19:10 No.1649435
    I'm going to look for you at Anime Boston Storytime Fag.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)19:11 No.1649438
    I met Vic Mangina.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)19:14 No.1649450
    A Mexican guy in a trenchcoat came up to me when I was about 14, got out his camera, took my picture, and ran away. Oddly my friend was right there and he didn't want her picture ...
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)19:15 No.1649452
    Awww,man. That sucks so hard D=

    ....Hey, I wrote about how the entirety of Kingdom Hearts was a delusion on Sora's part so he didn't have to deal with the fact that his dream at the beginning was actually prophesizing how Riku commited suicide by drowning himself.
    >> STORYTIME FAG !!3rs3VGjXSEN 02/20/09(Fri)19:15 No.1649453

    I was considering saying what I was gonna cosplay, or putting on a badge that would make it easier to spot me, then I realized, 'shit, how am I gonna get new story times if I'm meeting people I'm laughing with instead of utterly creepy strangers'.

    So, if you're looking for me, you're probably only gonna find me if you're a creepy stranger. I am a magnet for that shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)19:15 No.1649455
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    >> Kitsune 02/20/09(Fri)19:21 No.1649472
    Oh my god, after reading this whole thing, the best stories, by far, are Storytime Fag's.

    I'm psychotically obsessed with yaoi, (in that quiet, I'll just go jack off at two in the morning, looking at gay anime menz pr0n kind of way) but fuck, I hate fangirls so much.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)19:30 No.1649504
    300 hours.
    250 dollars.
    A lot of blood and sweat on my very first large prop, which was Demyx's sitar. I had no idea wtf I was doing when I started it...

    Some fucking bitch at Otakon clotheslined it, snapped it straight in half just below the fret board.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)19:38 No.1649529
    Someone who I thought was my friend pawned off my $5000+ camera and lenses and all my equipment to spend in the dealer's room.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)19:42 No.1649539
    D: I'd choke a bitch and shit on the corpse.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)19:42 No.1649542
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)19:46 No.1649551
    I ended up getting charged with assault because I beat the shit out of her for it. But they cops wouldn't do anything about my equipment because I had no proof, even though she was the only other one with a room key and suddenly had all this stuff she bought in the dealers room on Saturday when she was broke Friday.

    The whole 'how do we know you didn't loose/pawn/sell/etc it' thing. Even though it was my equipment for more than cons because I'm a fucking photojournalist trying to get a job. Pictures are how I make my goddamn money!
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)19:50 No.1649562
    oh wow, i'm so sorry. Couldn't you, uh, track down the pawnshop she sold it to? Pretty sure they'd have at least caught it on camera or something...
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)19:54 No.1649586
    Unnamed con last year.

    I need a room. I find people with an opening. Awesome.

    I've never met these people. It's a random Internet thing, but whatever (mistake #1). It'll save me a few bucks and I'll have a room right next to the convention center.

    I should have known as soon as I got there to bail out. First off, the girl booked outside the convention rate... somehow. Second, I am instantly relegated to the floor despite being the third person to arrive. So now I have to pay way too much to sleep on the fucking floor.

    Still, not a big problem. I don't sleep that much at cons anyway. So whatever.

    But then I meet the roommates.

    First off, the bitch who bought the room OUTSIDE the fucking con rate took TWO of the four keys. TWO. One for her fat ass. And the other for her fat ass friend. WHO WAS WITH HER THE WHOLE TIME ANYWAY.

    I snag one of the two remaining keys and sit by quietly while the five remaining unfortunate bastards have to divvy up one key.

    Or they would be unfortunate bastards, if most of them weren't asshats.

    The key-stealing hogs went to bed at fucking 9 p.m. every night and complained about how loud everyone else was. I don't know why the fuck they were tired (or why they need TWO FUCKING KEYS) because they never left the fucking room anyway.

    (story to continue)
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)19:57 No.1649597
    Aside from the two key-stealing hogs, there were two rave-going hogs, one cosplay hog and one cool chick whom I'll leave out of the story.

    The rave hogs might have been the worst. They spent every night squeezing into vinyl, plastic wigs and lacy tutu's that made them look like the hippos from Fantasia. Then they would, thank god, leave for a few hours for the rave. They invariably returned drunk, or at least claiming to be drunk.

    The worst was probably the night when they came back claiming they had been playing a game that involved who could make out with the most people while at the rave. The fatter one claimed to slobber up three suckers. I don't believe this for a second, but the mental image will scar me for life.

    Lesson of the story, cough up the money for your own room kids. You'll end up paying for it one way or another anyway.

    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)19:57 No.1649600
    I was so pissed and super upset that I didn't really think about that until I was on the plane going home. I feel like a moron for not thinking about it.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)19:59 No.1649606
    I would have burned all possession in the bath, before skinning her with a spoon. People kill other people for less than $5000, why should you be any different.
    >> Pasta !!Oo43raDvH61 02/20/09(Fri)20:00 No.1649610
    I drove down to a con with strangers from the internet, but I would never stay with people I didn't trust.

    You need to be friends with your room mates so you have leeway to tell them to fucking man up and stop being bitches about stuff.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)20:42 No.1649723
    what's the digs on the cosplay hog? do tell!
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)20:50 No.1649747
    wtf, I had no idea the game room was 18+ at night. That explains the shirtless weirdo that came up to me asking how old I was. Scared, I mumbled "20.." and he just walked away.
    I was creeped out... but apparently it was just a creepy staff member doing their job?
    >> Kitsune 02/20/09(Fri)20:56 No.1649754
    OH. I have a second '08 story I totally just remembered.

    Comic Con '08. A friend and I were cosplaying Matt and Mello. This guy, who has been my childhood friend since elementary school, asked us slyly for sex.

    I was so completely embarrassed, because the Mello was a new friend of mine. I wanted to die right there. So much for hanging around the Gaming Room after hours.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)21:35 No.1649872
    Okay, so at Kumoricon 2008 I'm walking around the dealer's hall, yeah? There's a booth right next to the door that's got all these really, REALLY pretty anime cels in plastic wrap, and I don't really realize that they're thicker than the average sheet of paper because there's so damn many of them.

    So I pick one up, and I consider buying one because it's got the character I'm cosplaying on it, yeah? Some underage b& KHfag in one of the Nobody jerseys someone in the Artist Alley is selling runs up and glomps me hard in the ribs while screaming something along the lines of 'OMG RIKU ILU I DIDN'T KNOW U LIEKD YAOI!'

    I could actually feel my ribs grind together because of my binding. Not even exaggerating, I actually FELT the grind of bone on bone because my boobs are rather large and they therefore take a lot of binding to be flat.

    Yeeeeah, turns out it wasn't an anime cel I was holding, it was a yaoi doujin. I steered really clear of that table after that, and nearly beat the girl over the head with my keyblade.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)21:43 No.1649893

    It's usually not a problem. I've stayed with randoms since then and actually had a pretty good experience from it. It was just this one room from hell.


    Cosplay hog wasn't quite as bad. No one came close to the rave hogs. Good god. Cosplay hog was just kinda stuck up about it all. Not sure why either. Her and the people with her kept telling me what an amazing cosplayer she was and etc. etc. blah blah blah. I took a look at her costumes when I was the only one in the room and they weren't even hemmed in places. So I was like... wtf. And then she wore them, and it was this terrifically ugly bumble bee-colored thing from god only knows what. She was a decent seamstress or whatever, but certainly not even half as good as she and the people with her claimed she was. And with her being slightly chubby and in all yellow and black and frills and shit...
    >> Anonymous 02/20/09(Fri)21:48 No.1649921
    ....waitwait. Is that who I think it is~? [whatever happened to iceskating stuff?]

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