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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

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    File :1234203358.jpg-(95 KB, 880x496, Angry_Starbucks_Lloyd.jpg)
    95 KB Fun/Interesting Cosplay Stories Anonymous 02/09/09(Mon)13:15 No.1622101  
    These are always pretty fun.

    I work as a waitress, and last night I had these two male customers who said they were both into anime. So I talked with them, and we somehow got to the talk of cosplay.

    One of the guys had apparently had only seen a few animes, which he tried to hide, while the other had seen a lot. The one who hadn't seen much was like, "Oh, you should cosplay from Bible Black next time!"

    To which his friend had given him a face similar to the one on the left and I busted out laughing, since it was obvious by the way he said it he had no idea what Bible Black was.

    He had no idea what was going on until his friend told him it was a lesbian porno with some "out there" sex scenes to say the least, to which he also replied with the Lloyd face.

    Not necessarily hilarious, but it reminded me never to talk like I know anything about a series I hadn't seen again.

    I'm sure you guys have some good ones!
    >> Anonymous 02/09/09(Mon)13:53 No.1622224
    Sorry...Still waiting for YOUR fun/interesting story.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/09(Mon)14:57 No.1622427
    I would, if I had any epic ones. I get a lot of people wandering through my store looking for fabric for cosplay, but... haha, like Stendex.


    I was doing the Jasdebi-forms with my friend once, and we were taking the bus into downtown, makeup and crazy outfits and all.

    These indian parents were all like DONTLOOKDONTLOOK and quietly panicking, but this pair of like 4-6 year old kids were all smiles and waving back at us.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/09(Mon)18:24 No.1623030
    Bump for possible stories.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/09(Mon)18:43 No.1623104
    my friend was cosplaying as Santa Albel for a christmas meet-up once at a local mall

    and for those who don't know what albel's outfit looks like, it's a wrap skirt slit all the way up and a sleeveless top that exposes the stomach

    So anyways, the first thing that happened was the ladies at the security desk had to ask if she was wearing underwear with her outfit [which she was then asked not to prove -.-]

    and then a hoard of children ran up to her crying "Saaannttaaaa!!!!!" and the parents all had mortified looks on their faces XD
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 02/09/09(Mon)18:47 No.1623132
    Here's one that happened just yesterday. Erheiz and I were in LT doing a photoshoot for our SF costumes. it was just the two of us, our friend, and the photographer. For lunch we went to subway then headed to the car to get all the camera equipment and on the way this guy asks us. "hey is there a martial arts tournament going on?" it was plainly obvious he had no clue what Street Fighter was. So i told him, "Oh yea, there's a preliminary tournament going on, it was a few blocks up on 6th st. and Grand Ave." He nodded and said "is it still going on?" "Yeah it's going on for the next hour or so but it'll be over soon." So the guy turns to his wife and says "Oh hey honey we better go head over there." and went on their way.

    Later that day we found a poster for a martial arts tournament taking place in the nearby area and just laughed our asses off for a good couple minutes.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)00:37 No.1624069
    Vic Mangina and the gay sex doodle under the door. Most of you know it, I think. I still can't help but smile when I think about it.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)00:45 No.1624095
    Eh, not terribly funny, but . . .

    My friends and I were doing a photoshoot at a local park. One friend was dressed as a kind of casual Allen Walker, but she had been playing around with liquid latex, so her hand was all freaky and gross.

    During pictures, a family with really young children walked by. But as soon as the little kids saw my friend's arm, her mom glared and covered their eyes, then hurried away from us.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)00:46 No.1624099
    >> Anonymouse !3va26cL7i2 02/10/09(Tue)00:47 No.1624104
    lol, I tried telling this to my boyfriend.
    He didn't get it. :(
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)00:51 No.1624120

    Eh. We live in Utah and there is a lot of ignorance here. Stuff like that actually happens a lot when we're doing photoshoots.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)01:28 No.1624235
    Funny, as when ever we do photoshoots...we get others taking our pictures and really being interested in us. Maybe, you are in the wrong place for it. We had a server in a japanese resturant ask for a picture of our Ryuuk while we were there to eat. As long as you are mature abotu it, it is usually alright. Most utah people have had some exposure to theater and assume you are doing something for a play.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)01:32 No.1624251

    Haha, that's what we usually say if people ask what we're doing, actually. Most people buy it. The rest still think we're nuts.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)01:37 No.1624272
    When people see all the cosplayers around town and I get asked "So what's going on today?" I like to play dumb.

    "I dunno, it's weird! I think we all just felt like dressing up. Funny coincidence..."
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)01:39 No.1624280

    I could be stupid, but . . . If you're from Utah and have a Ryuuk in your group, you wouldn't happen to be apart of Otaku Engine, would you?
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)01:41 No.1624288
    This one time I saw a Narutard making out with a KH faggot.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)01:48 No.1624313
    As battle waitress Mikuru I was approached by a bunch of middle aged women on a hens night and asked questions about how to do a good striptease. They assumed I worked at the strip club down the street.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)01:50 No.1624319
    was it Sunday of NDK? uugh...shivers.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)01:52 No.1624328

    Oh, wooow. What did you tell them?
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)01:54 No.1624337
    Some friends and I needed to go to Walgreens during Fanime. I was cosplaying from Bible Black, and the shoes I was wearing completely tore into my feet. One of my friends offered to give me a piggy back ride to Walgreens, which I accepted.

    So we all to go Walgreens in cosplay. My ass is completely in view from my short skirt, but I didn't care; cosplay, hentai, y'know. So as we're on our way, we pass by this church with this family dressed in all black gathered about. Some have tissues in their hands, and others are -just- opening up the hearse that was parked along the street. As my friends and I came strutting down the sidewalk, everyone just stops and staaares.

    It was awesome. One of the family members even thanked us for the "entertaining sight".
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)01:58 No.1624345
    Cool story bro.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)01:59 No.1624346
    Hahaha, pretty conservative stripper outfit.
    >> M-F 02/10/09(Tue)02:04 No.1624357
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    My very first con. I got my ugly mug all dolled up with bleach, glue and spray-on dye, and had fun.

    I was looking for my ride at the end of the day, and an L cosplayer passed me, did a double take, and cried "Oh my god! Can I hug you?"

    I replied, "Uh, maybe. Do I know you?"

    She replied, "No, it's just your hair is so cool!"

    How flattering. ^_^
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)02:32 No.1624408
    Bump for possible stories.
    >> Jacuzzi 02/10/09(Tue)02:36 No.1624411
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    At Y-Con this year I went to Taco Bell with some friends to pick up some dinner. I had been Jacuzzi earlier in the day and I hadn't bothered to wash my copic-marker tattoo off my face. As we were waiting for our orders, a group of super-stereotypical ghetto kids shouts over to me, "Hey man, sweet tattoo!" To which I thank them. Then another shouts over, "Did it hurt when you got it?"
    >> Artemsis_R 02/10/09(Tue)03:26 No.1624486
    It's not my story, but a friend was telling me about an anime con he went to once:

    There was this guy he was talking to about stuff when he noticed that he was wearing a shirt that said, "I <3 Futanari." My friend joked about it with the guy and they both laughed. Then the guy who wore the shirt told him that he had been approached by several people who basically all said, "Funanari? I've never heard of that anime. What is it about?" When he did tell them about it, most wished they'd hadn't asked...XD
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)03:59 No.1624518
    Ehehe, you got me there. I am indeed part of the Otaku Engine.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)04:08 No.1624535

    Aha, wow, small world! I'm a member of XDCosplayDX.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)04:09 No.1624538
    Why hello there! I didn't know you guys did allen. When did that happen?
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)04:10 No.1624543

    Like I said, it wasn't an actual Allen cosplay, just a casual outfit to experiment with the liquid latex.

    It wouldn't be too much to ask which member you are, would it?
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)04:10 No.1624544
    I once had a guy come up to me and start raving about how I 'looked exactly like the character would in real life'...then followed it up with "Are you Japanese?"

    So much weeaboo/japanophile vibe coming off of that guy. I thought it was hilarious. My guy friends immediately cut him off and escorted me away.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)04:14 No.1624553
    'Course not! This is Zelda.
    Ah, experiments with liquid latex are awesome!
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)04:16 No.1624557

    Wow, Zelda, I didn't think you got on here very much.

    Probably isn't hard to guess that I'm Sam?
    >> Atty 02/10/09(Tue)04:17 No.1624558
    OMG!!! Zelda hi! It's Atty! 8D Hina and I are talking to you! 4chan is a magical place!!!
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)04:18 No.1624561
    Well, we do have this one story.
    We had Riku and Axel up for a photoshoot in the mountains near bridal Veil falls. That place attracts a lot of tourists, but we thought during that time of year it would be alright. Turns out we were wrong. But we did it anyway.
    While we were shooting these two little kids ran up to us very excitedly. One little boy asked Axel," Are you from Kingdom heart:" Axel replied yes. The little boys eyes shot open wide and looked at Axel very closely. " I thought so"' he said," My step mom played your game. You were pretty weak though, she totally kick your Ass!!" and ran back to jpin his parents. Axel stood there stunned, not sure what to do and then riku and I burst into laughter. It was awesome!
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)04:20 No.1624564

    Aaww. That's cute~
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)04:21 No.1624566
    Hi! No, I don't get on here much. Actually, I only recently discovered this place. I had heard of the imfamous 4chan, but had never managed to actually get on. and now here I am! suprise!
    Hello to you too Atty. Go figure, It's a small world! lol.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)04:30 No.1624580
    At a video game exhibition that came to town, a group of teenaged boys came up and were being really snarky to my friends and I. We mostly tried to ignore them, but they didn't leave.

    I was cosplaying Gunner Yuna and after a while of being irritated, I pulled my guns from my purse and just held them casually in my lap.
    The fags thought they were real. And they left us alone.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)04:34 No.1624586
    Was that at GEEX, by chance?
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)15:10 No.1625142
    i was walking to taco bell with my gf (at the time) for dinner, we were dressed in digi charat costumes. so we got a few a weird looks. then as we were about to walk in we hear this lady yell "lookin sharp ladies!" as she drives by. =D
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)15:26 No.1625176
    you went to taco bell in big fluffy digi charat costumes? i hope you got taco sauce all over yourselves.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)15:40 No.1625201
    I just went with a group to a local park for a casual cosplay out-and-about around my college town.

    We had fun playing in the kids area. And got some pretty strange looks.

    Other than that the only story I really have was getting glomped by an awesome Viral within the first fifteen minutes of being at Sakura-Con.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)15:49 No.1625210
    At fanexpo one year my friend and I went to a harveys to eat before heading home, and it was filled with cosplayers including a table of the 4swords links. My friend and I had taken off some o our costumes and looked relatively normal by then but were still recognizably in cosplay.

    We buy our food and some really "goth" looking guys (the spiked hair, the studded bracelettes and all that crap) came up and asked "whats with all these people in weird clothes ? are you part of them!?" I explained it was just part of a convention but they looked weirded out . . . not something I would expect from people who dress against the norm lol
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)16:14 No.1625265
    I once cosplayed a character with bleach blonde hair, fishnet pantyhose, leather short-shorts and hooker boots as part of a group. Don't really remember the character, unfortunately. Anyway, after the con was done I just threw a large shirt over top and went to the bus stop.

    I got stopped on the way by a police officer who thought I was a prostitute. Fun, fun.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)16:29 No.1625301
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)18:30 No.1625649
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    I was making my Anthy costume to compliment this one in the pic. So I was in the Joann looking for a good twill to use. The 60 something helper lady asked what I was making. I showed her a picture and she said,
    "Oh, goodness you aren't making it that short are you?"
    I replied, "On no, ma'am, of course not," with my best smile.

    Yeah, I totally made it that short.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)18:32 No.1625657
    That wasn't even that good
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)18:33 No.1625659
    This one time I fucked Rex-Dart.
    Wait. Is that long enough?
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)18:34 No.1625664

    Ah, sorry then. It was cute that the time.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)18:41 No.1625681
    I was cosplaying Vincent Valentine and was walking back to the con from tim hortons with a friend(she wasn't cosplaying. She's just a normal looking girl, long curly brown hair) and these two girls come fro m behind us and glomp us.
    I'm REALLY protective about my Vincent cape, I turn around and see these two 14-16 year old girl giggling. I continue to stare untill one of them goes "EDWARD. I can't believe theres someone who looks like him. And Bella, you're so pretty, I can't believe it"

    I lost faith in other females at that moment.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)19:04 No.1625746

    @@ I'm so sorry anon.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)19:08 No.1625752
    ...there are no words for this bullshit.

    I'm so sorry.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)19:11 No.1625757
    Haha, it's fine. I just walked away.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)19:16 No.1625771

    I admire you for not ripping their heads off.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)19:18 No.1625775
    Where would that get me? It was the first day of the con, and I was on *school* grounds (the con was at a college) and security would of kicked me out
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)19:21 No.1625789
    >>1624069 Vic Mangina and the gay sex doodle under the door. Most of you know it, I think. I still can't help but smile when I think about it.

    He's still trying to sue the hotel for Sexual Harassment.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)19:24 No.1625796
    I haven't heard this story, what happened?
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)19:27 No.1625803
    >>1624313 They assumed I worked at the strip club down the street.

    Peppermint Rhino? Thems a good Strip Club.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)19:30 No.1625806

    Some Anon here at a con (forgot which one, I think it was one of the Fall/Winter Cons) found out that Vic Mangina was staying in a room across from him. For lulz, he slipped an image of Edward Elric and Roy Mustang engaged in Yaoi sex under his door.

    Another Anon reported that Vic was trying to get some sort of reparation from the hotel for this.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)19:31 No.1625809
    That's epic.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)19:46 No.1625837
    OH jesus get over yourself.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)19:48 No.1625843
    I don't think I have ever RAGED as hard as I am right now.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)19:59 No.1625881
    How does Vincent look like Edward at all?
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)20:00 No.1625887

    Yeah, Aki-con.

    Lesse, epic cosplay stories. Ah yes! So my stepdad was trying to get me in touch with the daughter of a friend of his that also cosplays, and I manage to get an e-mail to her before I head off to one of the Suncoats anime festival things. I get there, and there's this fuckwin Naruto that's supposed to be the version of Naruto from the battle with Sasuke at the Valley of the End, tails and everything. I saw her about five months previous at Sakuracon, and we chatted for a bit.

    A little while later, she mentions she's making a giant hammer. it kinda clicks. I ask her what her dad's name is, she answers. We promptly start screaming and jumping up and down because she's the girl that my stepdad has been trying to get me to meet for like two weeks.

    I was young and spazzy. Forgive me if it's not epic enough.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)20:02 No.1625891
    Thats pretty cool imo
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)20:04 No.1625897
    A lot of anime fans will refuse to admit they haven't seen something. While talking to anime fans, casually namedrop series that don't exist, like Cloudchaser Mizuru-Chan or Wai Wai Shinpopo Fighter. Hell, talk about Pure Lover Bizarre Jelly.

    Most will nod and laugh along and pretend they know what you're talking about, or say things like "Oh, yeah, that one... I saw a bit of it on Youtube... it was okay..."

    And then you can walk away smiling to yourself.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)20:04 No.1625900
    That IS cool.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)20:05 No.1625902

    You ever pulled that on someone? It sounds like fun.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)20:05 No.1625903
    Freakin' LOL.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)20:05 No.1625905

    Really? Figured it was too tame for /cgl/'s tastes.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)20:07 No.1625910
    I walked into the girls bathroom at animethon 15 and I see a girl dressed as L fingering a girl dressed as Cloud. They weren't even in a stall, just out in the sink area.
    If my friend wasn't with me I would of burst into laughter, but she pulled me out of the bathroom
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)20:08 No.1625911
    I've done that, but I'm also bad about remembering what I *have* seen, so if a name sounds familiar enough, I'll fish around for details to see if I actually know it.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)20:08 No.1625913
    Yea, the irony is awesome.
    It would of been better if you ended up dating, but still.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)20:10 No.1625922
    It is a lot of fun, and if they go along with it, you can just change the subject or leave. You get to laugh, and they never know what hit them.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)20:10 No.1625923
    My friends and I have done it. It's amazing how many people have seen Fist of the Blue Samurai or Mahou Shoujo Peachy Kiss.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)20:12 No.1625927
    Those ones are pretty good. Do you just walk away, or do you correct them?
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)20:13 No.1625929

    Sorry, I tend to go for guys.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)20:15 No.1625936
    Depends on how convinced they are that it's real or not (aka how much of a douche they're being). Most of the time I end up saying I have to go "but go google it, it's really good".
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)20:21 No.1625958
    Theres still hope!
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)20:23 No.1625965

    Sorry about the funny wording. We're both straight.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)20:29 No.1625975
    I've been meaning to try this, but I haven't been surrounded by such idiots as I avoid the uni anime club and only attend one con (AWA) a year.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)21:20 No.1626080

    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)21:23 No.1626081

    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)21:44 No.1626131
    At a convention last year, my friends and I were cosplaying Matt, Mello and Near.

    There were two other girls dressed as Matt and Mello there, too, but they were kind of fail. Long, stringy hair that was sprayed red and short, dirty brown hair. They had half-assed everything and looked kind of bad, not to mention being 'in-character' for them meant screaming, chasing and yaoi-ing.

    Later in the night, Matt and I came downstairs to get a hot cocoa from the cafe and saw the girls hanging off our friend, who was L. As soon as he saw us, he jumped up and ran over to talk to us. The Matt got pissed off and yelled at him to come back, but my friend shrugged and replied, "She's a better Matt."

    When we left the cafe, we saw the fail-Matt crying in the fail-Mello's lap.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)21:51 No.1626142
    Thats just mean.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)22:07 No.1626174
    This one time I was bored on a friday night at a con, all of my friends were doing other shit so I just trolled people. I put on my normal clothes, borrowed my roomie's naruto headband and wore it around my neck, and would go up to ANYONE in a costume.

    "Oh man! You're Goku, right? From Balls Dragon?"

    And when they tried to correct me, I just kept insisting they were Goku from Balls Dragon. People went ripshit at me.

    I wasn't a part of it, but some people I know did that making up an anime thing, but they took it to a whole new level. They made costumes from the fake show, but they were so interesting people actually asked them about it and went looking, of course the only thing that popped up on google was this shitty fansite THEY had made.

    "Mysteriously Vanishing Star" it was.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)22:09 No.1626177

    I mean, I don't know. I understand it wasn't THAT mean.. but I just avoid making people feel bad if possible. Yes, they fail for not giving it 110% and showing up in it, but still. Effort is something.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)22:11 No.1626181
    Oh, you live up near Tahoe? Lucky. So many perfect places for photoshoots.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)22:14 No.1626184

    Well, my Matt and I were being pretty patient with them. ^^; It's not like we were rubbing it in. But I guess L couldn't really handle them following and hanging off of him.

    I felt a little bad when we saw her crying, but the next day, she started following -me- around and started taunting and being really annoying. So I didn't feel as bad after that.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)22:19 No.1626195
    That's just a group of people who make original costumes and use "Mysteriously Vanishing Star" as their excuse. It's a retarded inside joke that's gotten way old at this point.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)22:28 No.1626216
    A couple of years ago, me and my friend were cosplaying as blacksmiths from Ragnarok Online (2 males here, by the way) and everybody at the con thought we were hard gays. We laughed a lot and made jokes about it.
    Not exactly a funny story, but the faces people made when they asked us were just hilarious.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)22:30 No.1626227
    I'm assuming they thought the two of you were gay and not THE Hard Gay, since Blacksmiths look nothing like him.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)22:37 No.1626247
    Goddamn it, I'm a lesbian and even I don't get the straight-girl-fucking-other-straight-girl-dressed-as-bishie bullshit. It makes no sense! The MALE character is who you're into. Why get involved with a FEMALE cosplayer? unless you're both gay/bi and crossdressing and are into female drag, then it makes sense. But fandom lesbians make no sense. At all.

    Also, out in the middle of the bathroom? That's disgusting.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)22:50 No.1626275

    It's because male cosplayers find them disgusting and obnoxious, so they settle for vagina instead.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)22:50 No.1626276
    Like the OP, I'm a waitress.

    A group of kids (17-19 years old, I guess) came into my job a couple of weeks ago and one of them was dressed in some facsimile of a Dante coat from DMC1. The girls were dressed straight out of Hot Topic. I kept my mouth shut and the subject never came up, but I can't help wondering if they'll show up at Katsucon; I hope the Dante coat!guy comes up to me when I'm dressed as Dante. I'll be like "LOL I served you three weeks ago."

    Not exactly related, but another job story: about a year ago my coworker comes flying into the BOH and shouts "Holy shit Axel is sitting at table 93!" And so she was - along with five other cosplaying girls dressed from FMA and KH. None of their cosplays particularly stood out as amazing but it was amusing to see, especially since it was in December and thus utterly out of the con season.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)22:54 No.1626290
    I know last week me and my Kingdom hearts group got dressed up and went to dennys at midnight :}
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)22:59 No.1626303

    More like there's a disproportion of American guys who can accurately pull off the feminine-bishounen archetype when it comes to cosplay.

    And when you're feeling up your bestest fwend evah, there's no chance of the ev0l peen poking out and attacking you. Or something.

    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)23:12 No.1626355
    One time, I was cosplaying Tyki Mikk (I'm told I did a very good job, but I still don't think it was perfect.) and there was a half-assed Tyki at the same convention. Thing is, I'm not so sure he actually was a "half-assed" Tyki, because every time I was near him, he looked all dejected and embarassed. It felt like he actually thought his costume was amazing. Also, I got most of the D. Gray-man fan attention, so that probably didn't help.
    Same type of thing happened at AWA with a different cosplay and a different guy, but instead of looking sad, the guy made weird angry faces when I walked past him.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)23:13 No.1626359
    Not THE hardgay, but hardcore gay.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)23:15 No.1626372
    that's what I thought, just checking.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)23:19 No.1626390
    A girl cosplaying as Integra Hellsing was flirting (and but flirting I mean touching and grouping me) like crazy during a con, in front of her bf. She was kinda cute, so was her friend. I tried to be polite out of general respect for the bf. But, eventually I flirted back just as hard she she had been. (half as a joke half of frustration) She paniced not knowing what to do. Heh.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)23:23 No.1626402
    I hate when that happens. A really great way to cheer people up when stuff like that occurs is to ask them for their picture. They feel so much better about their costume if someone cosplaying the same character, better, asks for their picture.
    The smile you usually get is priceless. :]
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)23:25 No.1626409
    Oh shit, I accidentally emoted.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)23:26 No.1626411

    Aah, I know what you mean by that one!

    During NDK, I shared an elevator with a Zero (Vampire Knight) cosplayer. He wasn't the best, but I smiled anyways and said, "Hello, Zero!"

    He looked really happy, because the rest of his group had disreguarded him and his Yuki had run off with a better Zero.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)23:27 No.1626418
    concur! Also, if ppl are cosplaying the same character as me but doing a better job and we're at the same shoot, I usually tell them up front I think their costume is better. I feel like it helps clear the air a bit in case the other person is really competitive (because I know I am).
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)23:28 No.1626423
    I bought an FMA jacket a while back. It looks like Ed's but it's got warm shit on the inside, and it's extremely comfortable. So of course I wear it everywhere in winter without a second thought of what other people think of my big red weaboo cloak.

    I go into a Johnny Rocket's with my brother and order up some food and sit down. A few minutes later my brother points behind me, and a table of about 8 middle school kids are looking at me. I pretend there's nothing going on, and keep sipping my coke. Then they start talking.

    "That's SO from Harry Potter!"
    "No it's not!"
    "It so is!"
    Repeat ad nauseum. After about 10 minutes of this, I was laughing so hard I had to stand up and tell the kids it wasn't a Harry Potter jacket.

    That's the only interesting story I have, besides getting attacked by about 20 thirteen-year-old girls in my Haruhi cosplay and having a black guy almost grab my boob in a picture. Fun times.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)23:33 No.1626435
    /r/ing picture
    >> Anonymous 02/10/09(Tue)23:35 No.1626440
         File :1234326943.jpg-(63 KB, 1024x576, STRIKE WITCHES - 08 - Large 21.jpg)
    63 KB
    His friend was taking it.

    I was cosplaying this, though, maybe that didn't help.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/09(Wed)00:54 No.1626711
    Considering I fuckin' love Tyki, would you be willing to selfpost?
    >> Anonymous 02/11/09(Wed)00:58 No.1626716
    I don't have any of the pictures on this computer, sorry.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/09(Wed)01:05 No.1626734
    post it
    >> Anonymous 02/11/09(Wed)01:12 No.1626752

    If I get off my ass and do Charlotte for next year, I plan to have my friends act as bodyguards and have a constant perimeter around me.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/09(Wed)01:16 No.1626772
    I was carried, tugged, pulled and practically groped by a whole naruto gathering.

    It was my first time cosplaying

    >> Anonymous 02/11/09(Wed)01:33 No.1626859
    I was telling my friends that once I put off a few pounds and got better at costume making, I wanted to make Kasumi's black and gold outfit.

    My friends, not having much DoA knowledge, asked me why I didn't just do it now.
    Right at that moment, an overly-chunky Kasumi walked by in the EXACT outfit.

    She was a lot bigger than me, but after she left, I turned to my friends and said, "THAT is why."
    >> Anonymous 02/11/09(Wed)02:13 No.1626968

    Let me give you the short version of my story(s)
    So I'm at a con, dressed as Aeris. There was about I shit you not 5 other girls going as the same character, not to mention the abundance of Sephiroth (Not the good kind either).

    A sweaty, fat, lard butt of a sephiroth cosplayer with a half shaved chest and grotesque pointy nipples grabbed me from the side and hugged me.

    I burned the cosplay and rubbed my skin raw in the shower an hour later.

    I feel dirty thinking about it.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/09(Wed)05:44 No.1627347
    Not really an epic story but I showed up at....the last Ushicon I think (been awhile) dressed as Dr. Salvadore/Chainsaw Guy from RE4. Outside of the usual "Hey, Dr. Salvadore!" and random "glomps", one guy saw me and just instinctively bolted in the opposite direction. That was kinda cool.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/09(Wed)05:59 No.1627358
    My friend went to A-Kon as Neuro.

    This guy was really into his DS game as she walked by. Turns out he was playing the Shonen Jump Superstars game, and just as she walked up, game-Neuro pwned the hell out of his ass. He looks up and there she is, standing there, and he screams, "WHY DID YOU DO THAT TO ME?"

    Scared the hell out of her, but when he explained, she got a good laugh.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/09(Wed)06:07 No.1627361
    I hate pity pictures. It's so easy to tell when someone is taking one. I try so hard on my costumes, I've been cosplaying for 3 years and sewing for 7, but they always look like shit, and that's why I'm one of those people with the embarrassed dejected face. I'm never going to be good at this hobby, I should probably give up now...
    >> Anonymous 02/11/09(Wed)06:56 No.1627401
    you should
    >> Anonymous 02/11/09(Wed)07:16 No.1627411

    Keep doing it. You have fun, right?
    >> Anonymous 02/11/09(Wed)07:21 No.1627413
    This will probably only make sense to people who've played Phoenix Wright, but it's epic so I've got to tell it.

    My friends and I went down to McDonald's for food during a con. One of my friends was dressed as Mia Fey from Phoenix Wright, and these douchebag Mexican guys came up to her while we were waiting in line and were trying to hit on her. The convo goes like this:

    Guys: Hey there pretty momma, whatcha supposed to be?
    Mia: I'm a lawyer.
    (The guys whistle at this and are laughing amongst themselves. Some of us get pissed and tell them off, but then my friend says:)
    Mia: Yeah, and by the way my boyfriend's face is a toaster.
    Guys: (obviously backing off at the word "boyfriend") Toaster? What, is he gonna shoot toast at us?
    Mia: No, but he'll throw cups of coffee.

    At this point my friends and I are laughing our asses off. The guys just stare at her weird and leave the store with their food. I still lament that her Godot wasn't there with her, it would have been twice as awesome if he'd shown up.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/09(Wed)07:28 No.1627415
    sure feels like coscom in here
    >> Anonymous 02/11/09(Wed)09:16 No.1627480

    This is amazing!
    >> Lion 02/11/09(Wed)10:58 No.1627566
    Probably doesn't count for much, but I like to do my hair up spiked at back, down on the front. It's browny orange, naturally it's black, but I went for identity.

    About five times now in my short life I've heard kids whisper "Wow it's Goku!" Or "A super saiyan!"

    At other times, it's "An electric chair victim!"
    >> Anonymous 02/11/09(Wed)11:21 No.1627579
    I was at work one time and these two girls come in dressed as Sora and Kairi. The Kairi wasn't too bad but the Sora made me rage like no tomorrow. She was this pudgy little thing with her ratty brown hair spiked up like crazy, gym shorts and clown shoes. I don't even remember what they were looking for but my coworkers laughed at me when I told them how angry that Sora outfit made me
    >> Anonymous 02/11/09(Wed)12:32 No.1627647
    I was dressed as Juri for a con and went walking out for lunch with a friend. This was around the time Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged was popular, too.

    I'm walking down the street, one hand on my ear that keeps blowing into my face and one hand holding up my tail so it doesn't drag on the ground and this group of people go running by in costume.


    Without even thinking I just shouted out, with his silly accent "I AM NOT A FREAKY FISH GUY!"

    They just stopped and stared at me before bursting into laughter and telling me I was awesome.

    Good times.

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