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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09
  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

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    File :1233524254.jpg-(44 KB, 604x403, n2419124_33149132_4980.jpg)
    44 KB shiroin !4ZvEOwCmqs 02/01/09(Sun)16:37 No.1600862  
    Attention Duelists,

    Since there be many recent talk about tripfags and their apparently dominant powers on this board,

    I would like to take this opportunity to announcement my new tripfagship.

    A brief introduction about meself, me name is Chang Chen(錢清). I a little boy from the China and I very much likes to play online games. I make many money in games like World of Warcraft and Guild Wars.

    With those money I hire dogs to attack Japanese tourists and I take their camera. Den I come to America to shoot people in funny costumes.

    My town is called Dan Ning(丹寧) and there is alot of people there. People here go through the great revolution and many people become hero too here.

    I understand if u become WINRAR in game, u become the hero.

    But here is me question:

    I want to become the hero in /cgl/. How do I become the hero in /cgl/?

    Comments and appreciation very many thanks.

    Very much sincere,

    >> shiroin !4ZvEOwCmqs 02/01/09(Sun)16:38 No.1600866
    O right I have a hangover and just seriously self-posted.

    I be newfag cuz I dunno much about all the drama that goes on, but hey, I CAN HAS LURK RIGHT?

    >> 4ng31 !!f6UHP2wLT8+ 02/01/09(Sun)16:39 No.1600869
    >>With those money I hire dogs to attack Japanese tourists and I take their camera. Den I come to America to shoot people in funny costumes.

    I approve of this message...100%
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)16:45 No.1600885
    how you make money in Guild Wars, I won it and it's a fucking shitty game
    >> ryuuraigeki !Hnob9J7oxI 02/01/09(Sun)16:54 No.1600911

    OH YOU.
    >> Soni !!qeHmeAJM1a2 02/01/09(Sun)16:55 No.1600913
    Listen, I need one of those Tundra Mammoths, that carry 3 people with vendors and whatnot. What can you do to hook me up? It costs 14k gold, what are your prices for gold? I'm too lazy to farm the gold myself.
    >> shiroin !4ZvEOwCmqs 02/01/09(Sun)16:58 No.1600919
    soz man, i already become WINRAR in those games so no more service. my old clan is called chineseitems4u, so look up for dem in ur server.

    now days i play eve online. but den i hav work irl and hav to shoot pplz in funny costume and help to shop their boobs to look like the mammoths u talked about, so i only forum warrior there now.
    >> Argento !/cARaiCIAw 02/01/09(Sun)16:59 No.1600920

    >> Cassie-tan 02/01/09(Sun)17:02 No.1600931

    Lulz. You were hilarious in person. You sir should be a hero.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)17:09 No.1600937
         File :1233526140.jpg-(71 KB, 448x640, Image1.jpg)
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    I've been trying to figure this out for a while, but is this you?
    >> shiroin !4ZvEOwCmqs 02/01/09(Sun)17:11 No.1600941
    ok anon,

    i met this Cassie-tan character few day ago at bar at con.

    and her head not be square.

    so ur photo has wrong person.

    u fail.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/09(Sun)17:13 No.1600949
         File :1233526397.jpg-(15 KB, 274x401, 1213567064354.jpg)
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    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 02/01/09(Sun)17:37 No.1601005
    >>1600862 I want to become the hero in /cgl/. How do I become the hero in /cgl/?

    The same way that I wanna be the guy

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