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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

  • File :1232947883.jpg-(103 KB, 500x375, Hyatt Place 2.jpg)
    103 KB Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)00:31 No.1581931  
    Let's hear some con room horror stories.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)00:32 No.1581936
    in b4 rape stories
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)00:32 No.1581941
    comic-cons exist!
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)00:33 No.1581943
    Tripfag crashed with us, got smashed, thought closet was bathroom.

    This is the worst thing I've ever had. Sorry.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)00:41 No.1581985
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)00:42 No.1581990

    You were driving in your con room? Holy hell!
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)00:43 No.1581996
    >thought closet was bathroom
    Wait, did he go in and realize and come back out? Or did he piss in your closet just to be a dick?
    >> Penguin Bra Penny !U9MCxsFRfI 01/26/09(Mon)00:45 No.1582008
    misread thread, my mistake.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)00:47 No.1582017
    The horror! Having to put up with a tripfag!
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)00:52 No.1582037

    I bet there was poop involved.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)00:53 No.1582042
    and a monkey.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)00:53 No.1582044
    He never even realized it was a closet and just pissed in it. Luckily, he missed everyones personal belongings and costumes. We didn't bother trying to stop him since he probably would have just turned like "WUT?" and started pissing on us.

    Move our stuff out of it, sprayed some Frebreeze and closed the door.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)00:54 No.1582052
    Haha, we had 12 people in a single-bed hotel room at fanime. I had to sleep on the windowsill =P
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)00:55 No.1582054
    It was just weird to us, since we're unknown, never even been remotely referred to as far as we know.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)00:57 No.1582073
    Friend's friend would moan in his sleep. Sharing a room with him again this Katsucon. Fuck.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)00:58 No.1582081
    Went to Anime Boston with a guy who doesn't shower. He dressed as Jack Sparrow and brought a homeless girl back to our hotel who smelled almost as bad as he did. I switched rooms with one of our poor friends.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)00:59 No.1582085
    I talk in my sleep. They fuck with my head if I go to sleep before them.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)01:02 No.1582096
    Shared a bed with a guy who suffered from the disorder described here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sleep_sex

    And I'm male.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)01:03 No.1582101
    Caught two supposedly straight male friends "experimenting" in our hotel bathroom. Fucking gross.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)01:03 No.1582103

    I call bullshit. That's almost as rare as associative identity disorder.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)01:04 No.1582108
    oh wow, I almost can't believe that's even a real condition. That's kindof hilarious, to be honest.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)01:05 No.1582110
    Let's put a dis infront of that. Too lazy to delete and retype.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)01:08 No.1582122
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)01:10 No.1582135
    i wonder if jacking off in your sleep counts. i know iv woken up with my hand down my pants to many times to count. also had a girlfriend who said i jerked off in my sleep. apparently haven't done that at a con. yet. have no clue what i would do if i did, and kind of dread the possibility.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)01:12 No.1582147
    Huh. Didn't know people did that.

    I'd feel bad if my boyfriend did that, I'd feel like I wasn't giving them enough sexing and they'd be getting a middle of the night blow job.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)01:14 No.1582153
    I was in a full room (ehh, 7 or 8 people, I think), and almost everyone slept in. It was crowded enough that when I would wake up, I couldn't get into the bathroom or to my stuff without waking people up. I was fairly content to just stay in my area and think (at least for a while, after a couple hours I would actually try to move around), so it wasn't much of a problem.

    Anyway, there was this girl in our room whose alarm would go off at 8am. It wouldn't be a problem except it woke nearly everyone up except her. It would just go until it turned itself off. This happened multiple times each morning every morning. On the worst day, it went off five times. When she'd finally get up, she would turn on the bathroom light, flooding half the room with brightness and make tons of noise.

    It's not the worst thing that could happen by far, and I was awake already each day, but it pissed me off how inconsiderate she was.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)01:14 No.1582154

    and that's why hes still with you.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)01:14 No.1582155
    Ha, same experience at AnimeBoston once. I had bed, thank god. Though at 4am we got a noise complaint and EVERYONE except 4 people had to leave the room and do laps of the lobby. I couldn't get to sleep until everyone got back which was like.. 7am. Ugh
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)01:17 No.1582163
    Seeing as I have only been to one con and it wasn't really a "horror" story I really can't identify. I think I had a cold and snored pretty bad considering I remember the one girl I was staying with nudged me in the back and I woke up. Generally the floor was pretty uncomfortable and 2am-8am isn't enough sleep to function properly.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)01:19 No.1582168
    Are you kidding me? That's 6 hours.

    I'm lucky to get 4 hours even on the night before the convention.

    Sometimes I don't even go to sleep on Saturday night/Sunday morning.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)01:21 No.1582172
    Same here. I had a dirty dream about a well-known cosplayer during a convention, and the next day every time my friends and I saw him they would flip out and "OOOOOOH" at me (room is all girls).

    To me it was normal. I have hot dreams about him all the time.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)01:22 No.1582175
    That's nice. Lots of people, me included, need more sleep than that.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)01:23 No.1582181
    Wait, the hotel staff made you do laps?!
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)01:33 No.1582202
    shared "staff" room with three other guys who invited about six others to shared the room with them. someone broke the toilet the first day, but they wouldn't call housekeeping because they were afraid the extra six people would be discovered. by day two there were turds overflowing in the toilet. amazingly these fags found some whores to have sex with, and of course left extra goo on the bed sheets for others to discover. someone stole the SD memory card out of my camera. I found some non-staff people to room with. the convention management wanted me to pay 1/4th of charges for porn movies that were charged to the room.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)01:35 No.1582205
    My experience with con hotel rooms has not been great.

    Roomed with a guy who snored...LOUD. He also ate the pizza I BOUGHT.
    Came back to the room and one of my friends had invited a guy she met at the con up. They were high, and passed out on MY BED. He was shirtless and sweaty....fucking GROSS.
    One of my brother's friends threw up on the carpet near my bed (which was a sleeping bag on the floor) at Anime Boston. It smelt like vomit and febreze for the rest of the con.
    I had to room with a girl who farted CONSTANTLY in her sleep.
    Two of our roommates dyed their hair in the bathroom sink in our hotel room. They left stains on the towels and walls of the bathroom. and we had to pay the hotel for 'damages'.
    One roommate fell asleep inside the room. I needed to change costumes for an event, but I didn't have a key to get in, but thought "Hey, she's in there, so she'll totally let me in." I spent 20 minutes banging on the door, calling her cell phone and yelling her name. I went back down to the con hall to find another roommate who had a key (for some reason, most of the con halls were cell phone voids. FUCKING T-MOBILE) I found one of them and headed back to the room. Right as he was about to open the door, she sleepily opens it and says "Don't you need to get changed?" FFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUU--

    Don't even get me started on Otakon...
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)01:35 No.1582208
    me and my groups horror story.

    We brought 5 or 6 cases of jolt energy drinks to the convention.
    Had them stashed in the room.
    Would have been good.
    If a certain douche bag didn't let all his con friends in the room and hand them out to these people. That we don't know.

    Out of 6 cases of jolt... the ones that chipped in to get them(including me) only got maybe 8-12 cans each.(24 cans come in a case)

    I'm all down for sharing and all but at least ask the person that bought them.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)01:38 No.1582215
    Side note: Jolt cola mixed with Captain morgan..
    Recipe for disaster.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)01:40 No.1582221
    Mixing alcohol and energy drinks fucks you up, seriously. And not in the good way. In the messes with your head and makes you kill yourself way. Don't do it, folks.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)01:40 No.1582222

    I would have kicked that asshole in the TAINT
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)01:43 No.1582233
    I roomed with djranmas.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)01:45 No.1582237
    >> kittanon 01/26/09(Mon)01:52 No.1582259
    worst I've had was 14 people in a smaller sized 2 bed hotel room. we were supposed to have 14 people divided into 2 rooms, but the guy organizing one room fucked up and waited till the last minute to tell the guy organizing the second room, so we were all shoved into one. he would also keep mentioning "oh yeah, like 6 or 7 of the guys are on gaming staff, so they'll be out all night and can stay in the game room"... but all 14 of us were there every night. I had a spot on the floor about the size of my torso to sleep on ):< balls.

    it's not much of a horror story since there were at least the two beds there, but goddamned if I wasn't pissed off at the asshattery of the other "room coordinator."
    >> Coffee !MOChaSr5e. 01/26/09(Mon)01:52 No.1582263
    Also don't drink in the hottub, you can die as well.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)01:55 No.1582270
    not a horror story but funny

    male anon here - i shared a room with a friend who is a very attractive trap. i had fun pretending disbelief and denial when people, girls mostly, told the girl i was hanging out with was really a trap.

    also spent about five minutes making out with a very drunk guest of honor who I didn't want to embarrass. no penetration because i was too timid.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)01:57 No.1582283

    Way back in the day I shared a room with a pen pal. She was nice until her 10 ton fat ass decided to wear one of my knit sweaters and mind you at the time I was a size small/medium. This bitch was a 14 and she stretched the shit out of my sweater and funked it up with her sweat and did not bother to ask my permission to rifle through my suitcase in the 1st place and put on my goddamn clothes !
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)02:02 No.1582297
    I've started humping my boyfriend while I'm asleep in the middle of the night, a couple of times. He doesn't really complain, though.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)02:05 No.1582311
    shared a room with other convention staff. two beds in the room for four staff people. one guy was kinda weird. he monopolized one of the beds and slept caressing airsoft guns, nobody wanted to be alone with him.
    >> MissAmerikka !j0YW1JJZHI 01/26/09(Mon)02:07 No.1582319
    I caught head lice at AWA.

    my hair is super long. shit sucked.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)02:09 No.1582328
    >> MissAmerikka !j0YW1JJZHI 01/26/09(Mon)02:11 No.1582333
    either some skeezy otaku that bumped into me in some crowded room or my friend from out of town had it. A couple other people in my room caught it too ;_;
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)02:13 No.1582337
    Coinkydink, I just got it today.
    Treating it is a BITCH. My poor mommy was helping me for 2 hours straight.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)02:15 No.1582341
    Damn, that sucks. :( I got lice about 10 years ago, I had really long hair too. Sucked balls.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)02:15 No.1582342
    Pretty much great hotel stays at cons on my part. Except for one.

    Usually my friend and I (we both work for airlines and manage to pull 60-70% discounts so we only room together) stay together in one room, no one else, but once our discounts didn't work so we roomed with about 7 other people. Now, this didn't bother us. Until one guy decided to bring 5 other people, all of whom were the stereotypical pedo, overweight, creepy, smelly and sweaty mid-20-something con-goer. My friend looks like a 14 year old even though she is 20, so she practically got raped by them the first night. We decided to trade rooms with someone to get away from them but they fucking stalked us the entire con and even stole some of our underwear before we managed to leave the room. They only stopped when we threatened to call the cops as well as the hotel staff to get them kicked out of the room.
    >> MissAmerikka !j0YW1JJZHI 01/26/09(Mon)02:16 No.1582346
    fucking took FOREVER for me to get rid of them, since I live in a tiny ass dorm room and I had to treat it myself since I didn't want my friends to know I had it. (told my roommate, obviously)

    I didn't completely get rid of them until Christmas break when MY mom could help me ;_;
    >> motoko !!Z9RHDE0TyCR 01/26/09(Mon)02:16 No.1582347
         File :1232954193.jpg-(76 KB, 750x600, 1201425840038.jpg)
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    At Acen 2006 I made the bad mistake of rooming with my school's anime club. Said club decided it would be a good idea to cram 14 people the room. Friday night a dumbass from the group decided it would be a good idea to eat some suspicious hotel clam chowder and ended up getting food poisoning and puking all over the bathroom...EVERYWHERE.

    I was elsewhere at the time, but came back around 1am to find vomit all over the bathroom and all over my stuff that was in the bathroom. The asshole didn't even have enough decency to flush the toilet. Oh, and the other 10 people who were in the room at the time sleeping could have given a rats ass as well and bitched at me when I asked to open the patio door to air the room out.

    Needless to say, I packed my shit up in the dark and walked over to the Doubletree and got a room to myself.

    The icing on the cake? Well around noon on Saturday I plugged in my hair straightener to do my hair before I got into costume, but then quickly realized that there was vomit on the inside plates of the straightener..and the heat from plugging it in was cooking it. Said straightener quickly was thrown into the trash can and I proceeded to take the longest shower ever.


    I have a phobia of vomit and this set me over the edge.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)02:18 No.1582354
    We had this guy that we got stuck with.
    He let me and my friends stay for "free".
    the whole weekend.

    The problem came with him taking showers...
    And man did he reek.. it was like new jersey on a hot summer day.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)02:20 No.1582361
    Sounds like something where you scrub and you scrub saying UNCLEAN over and over again.
    >> motoko !!Z9RHDE0TyCR 01/26/09(Mon)02:21 No.1582363
    the guy who puked all over our bathroom that I mention here:

    also suffered from one of those wacky disorders where you sweat more than you are supposed to. He also did not believe in the usage of deoderants. So he smelt like puke AND B.O.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)02:21 No.1582364
    >>The icing on the cake?

    This phrase in the context of this story makes me nauseous.

    Back when I was younger, and had to have parents take me to cons, my boyfriend had to room with my dad. I haven't had the stomach to ask if my dad wore his usual tighty whities and no shirt to bed, or was more decent.
    >> motoko !!Z9RHDE0TyCR 01/26/09(Mon)02:23 No.1582369
    fuck...now that I go back and re-read how I phrased that...it makes me feel sick as well. D:
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)02:24 No.1582371
    Wow I thought I had it bad.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)02:31 No.1582392
    I remember I went to ColossalCon 06, and rooming with around 5 or 6 other people, only 2 of which I knew. Friday night two of the girls came back to the room REALLY late, and I hadn't even met them yet! The rest of us were asleep, but I woke up when the girls came in. After another hour or 2 I woke up again to a dark, but somehow noisy room. The bed next to mine was squeaking and there was a lot of moaning going on. I completely freaked out and tried to sink as far into my bed as possible. In the morning I found out it was the two girls >< Talk about a first impression....
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)02:35 No.1582407
    They didn't LITERALLY do laps. But when hotel security said everyone who wasn't authorized to stay in the room had to leave, they had to wander the hotel until security wasn't suspicious anymore and they could come back to sleep.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)02:37 No.1582413
    If any of you ever get head lice again, blow dry your scalp. The heat kills them all. Worked like magic last time I had them and is so easy.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)02:41 No.1582434

    If I was you, I would've laughed and told them to 'find their own room, some of us are trying to sleep!' and cracked jokes about it the entire weekend.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)03:10 No.1582528
    nyeh, basically anyone on the fourth floor at AnUSA 2008 on Thursday should have this horror story.

    So, you go to bed at maybe 2 or 3 AM (or later, it all depends on what you were doing, since you were probably volunteering/staff if you were there Thursday night/Friday morning), and at around 5 AM there are some rather annoyingly loud noises coming from your floor. Oh HAY! Hotel staff wanted to renovate their third floor that evening and 5 AM is a GREAT time to do it, especially when semi tired people are trying to get probably the ONLY SLEEP they'll get that con.

    yesh, shit sucked.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)03:22 No.1582566
    this entire thread makes me so happy that i can sleep at home for FanExpo
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)03:22 No.1582569
    Not for thick hair.
    But Tea Tree oil up the wazoo for 2 weeks does.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)07:35 No.1583043
    my ex and her stupid friends decided to keep piling up in our room at Otakon until my crew and I couldn't bare to be in the room longer then we needed to.
    >> Elusive 01/26/09(Mon)07:41 No.1583060
    It didn't happen to me, it was two of my college friends.
    They got to the hotel, and all of the sockets on one wall didn't work, they didn't care there were still enough plugs for their stuff. But on the 2ed day my buddy takes a huge duce flushes and leaves for the day, the other buddy returns later to find the toilet still flushing but didn't think anything of it and just left. That night the two of them return to find the entire bathroom flooded and proceeded to dam it up with the towels. That didn't keep it back for long. While they were arguing weather to call the hotel and complain hotel maintenance was knocking on their door.
    As it turns out the wing next to their room was under maintenance and the piping was clogged, the running water took forever to fill the pipes and when it did it just started to back up out everyone's drains. The entire hotel directly under their rooms have been flooding all day like a water fall just down the building. Thankfully they couldn't quite place blame on anyone.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)07:43 No.1583063
    I fucked your ex at Otakon. Convinced her you were a douche.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)07:47 No.1583072
    after i broke up with her one of my female friends kicked her ass.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)08:40 No.1583181
    wow, you can kick her ass yourself? You sound like a real pussy
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)09:37 No.1583231
    We had a gay fight in our room... hilarious when it started but then they got absolutely out of control. Basically we were sitting there and they started yelling at each other and we were trying to make them shut up, because we weren't being exactly legal with the number of people in the room. Then the smaller of the two decided he was going to take a swing at the other one, and the other one kicked him in the balls, then the were wrestling on the floor, and the rest of our room including myself were freaking out trying to get them off of each other. So once we get them apart. The room had a great divide. The Korean girls took the side of the Korean guy (the smaller one) and kicked me and my friend the white guy out of the room. I had piles of cosplay just laying in the hallway. Luckily though another friend of mine invited us to his room. But you know the people who kicked us out of our room, didn't have a ride home. Ass holes.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)10:03 No.1583259
    At Animethon 15, we were at the dance. It was around midnight when the police started to arrive, we wher all like what the hell.
    I'm only 17, so me and my best friends shared a room with her mom, and her mom calls her cellphone and starts screaming that we need to get back in the dorms.
    There was a child molester at the dance, we don't know how he got in, but that's why the police were there.
    The police started to escort all the people back to the rooms, it was scary.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)10:32 No.1583281
    my female friend did cause she got fed up. She threw her down a flight of stairs when she got depressed and was cutting herself.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)11:06 No.1583308
    I went to a weekend-long con and roomed with two friends (a couple) and my boyfriend. I hadn't seen my boyfriend for over a month (long-distance, was sick, working on costumes, etc) so we were both dying to get some alone time. We finally had the room to ourselves on the Sunday morning of the con, before checkout, so we started going at it.

    His brother and our roommates all barged in at the very moment he came. We were mortified and tried to make it look like he was on top of me trying to get me to wake up, but we spent the next 20 minutes hiding under the blankets, half-naked, waiting for everyone to get the fuck out of the room so we could recover. Ughhhh.

    To this date, I still don't know if they saw anything.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)11:10 No.1583311

    Some people are so damn stupid. Why didn't you use the second chain lock above the doorknob? All hotel rooms have those so maids don't barge in.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)11:20 No.1583323
    Guy I stayed with at a con spent the entire weekend in the room playing video games and being emo.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)11:43 No.1583338
    Locking out roommates in the hour before checkout wasn't exactly the first thing on my mind.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)12:27 No.1583387
    Hm, my first time at MTAC.. To sum it up, I'll just say the worst things that happened. First, we we're roomed with a discusting hippie who practically flaunted her drug use, dickheaded scene kids who we're desperate to get laid, a fake-lesbian who hit on every girl that anyone mentioned was attractive, and my friend who had us rooming there to begin with. 1. One of the scene guys decided he'd find a little asian boy to have sex with, and did so out on our room's balcony while everyone was "asleep". Not everyone was asleep...and they left the doors leading in and out open. 2. Another scene kid was resting in the room with my friend, boyfriend, and me. Out of no where, he claims his butt itches, reaches down the back of his pants, picks his asshole, then takes his hand out and wips it on the wall. If it weren't for his actions themself, the smell that followed would be the thing to get everyone to leave the room. It was foul. Same guy who previously hit on me, by the way. Ugh... 3. Homeless train-hoppers decided to snort an assortment of drugs, then follow it up with alchohal in our room one night when we we're going to try and sleep. They "dont believe in" deodorant. Thank god they left about 2 hours after all of that.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)12:28 No.1583391
    4.The Asian boy who was mentioned earlier that had sex with the scene kid followed us around most of the rest of the con. complaining about how he was a virgin and how he really thought him and that guy really belong together. 5. Another day, some other guy we we're rooming with decided he would get drunk for the first time. So he drank a "little", and ended up gropping almost everyone in the room. Afterwards he went out into the convention with his other sober friends. Later that night he was brought back slung over two staff guys. They we're threatening that if it was anything else besides alchohal we would be kicked out asap. 6. The last one I'll mention because I could rant all day. Sunday morning we we're awakened by the sound of someone puking in the toilet. Yes, it was that loud, and as soon as one guy left, another went inside. I'm not sure why, but he was making himself puke? He was completely sober the night before.. Anorexia? Anyway, at some point when the bathroom was cleared my boyfriend went end to take a shower, soon having to unlock the door to let the frist person in to vomit again. At this point, he didn't really care anymore, and continued to take a shower.. Then the fucking hippie comes in and says she needs to pee. So she hopes up on the sink, SOBER, and takes a piss...
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)13:42 No.1583517
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)13:50 No.1583533

    That sounds really far fetched.

    And it's bulimia.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)14:01 No.1583553

    If you're going to fuck or screw around it should be.
    >> anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)14:21 No.1583592
    I roomed with Logan5....


    never again.....
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)15:04 No.1583654

    God damn. I'm so sorry.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)15:06 No.1583655
    I roomed with Miyu and a whole lotta others. She mumbles all her words. :|
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)15:09 No.1583662
    shared a room at ax with my best friend and her two friends ... one girl had sleep apnea and forgot to bring her airmask-machine thing, so one of us were supposed to monitor her the whole night

    another year she came again with her mask-machine thing and she said not to worry and how this was a new really quiet machine - i wish i had earplugs because the thing sounded like my waterpic
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)15:26 No.1583701
    my favorite con-hotel horror stories

    1 cosplayer who brings entire wardrobe and surger , sewing machine, materials, because she's still finishing a costume - her stuff along fills up the only closet in the room

    2 gamer person who brings multiple computers and big lcd screens and apparently spends the entire con in the hotel room and lives off the case of instant noodles and mountain dew that was in their suitcase

    3 staff room with one or more people in tech who work the graveyard shift so they keep the do not disturb signs on the door while they try catch up on sleep during the day and as a result the room never gets maid service

    4 the guy in your room that someone else knows that is supposed to be okay but brings mass quantities of hard liquor into the room and serves it to every under aged person on the same floor

    5 someone's cellphone rings and she rushes out of the bathroom to answer it, only she has to sit on the pillow you brought with you from home, and since she was only wearing a towel, her ass is now sitting on the same spot you're going to rest your head
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)15:36 No.1583727
    Trying to get sleep and having people leave cell phones behind and in the bathrooms where it echos. Room drama, sexual tension, noise and snoring, people not respecting privacy (i.e. changing into costume, getting into personal luggage), people eating the only food you brought to survive on so you feel like fainting all day from hunger, dirty underwear on the bathroom counter, leaving shit *everywhere* (come on, at least keep it contained), ruining the towels that you'll end up paying the bill for, roommates inviting people into the room without mentioning it to anyone else in the room (then said people won't leave at 3 am when everyone wants to sleep), general complaints but nothing horrific. I room with people I know pretty well well so I don't tend to have problems or big surprises.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)15:54 No.1583767
    Ugh bad memories of Megacon 2006, we rented two rooms for the convention. room 1 had 5 people, room 2 had 4, well all the people in room 1 decided that they all gotta take a dump for some reason, after the second guy goes the toilet clogs, but he doesn't tell the next guy going in. So the toilet floods and overflows into the carpet, washing the most foul smelling liquid deep into the carpet. The room smelled for the whole weekend. We called it the room of 1000 asses for the rest of the con, 3 people decided to stay in there while the other 2 left to stay with us.
    >> klytaemnestra 01/26/09(Mon)16:04 No.1583786
    The worst experience I've had was Dragon*Con 2007 and that had nothing to do with the people I was staying with but rather the fact that the A/C in our room was broken and set on fucking freezing. Mind you it was upwards of 90 degrees outside this entire weekend, but the moment you walked back into the hotel room it was like stepping into a meat locker.

    Other than that, I had two friends who roomed with me and two others a few years back at Animazement who didn't do anything the entire con, they stayed in the room and took up both beds as opposed to sharing one and letting the rest of us take the other one because they were 'fighting' at the time. They also would come into the room mid-day and turn off the lights and sleep and bitch if anyone came in to change. WTF? So by Sunday morning when my other two friends and I got back into the room we found both beds taken once again. We promptly raised hell, making as much noise as possible to disturb them. A cooler full of half melted ice dumped into the shower makes delightful racket at 5 am. One of them finally woke up and moved to the chair since he'd had the bed all weekend long, but really since I've refused to let people who aren't going to actively participate in the con stay in my room.

    Other than that I've mostly avoided hotel room drama, of course I only room with actual friends which probably prevents a good deal of it.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)16:21 No.1583809
    Ugh, I HATE it when people don't want to share beds. I've had problems with that almost every con. I always arrange for rooms with two beds (myself and my boyfriend take one bed, since we pay the largest amount of the hotel fee AND use one of our cars to take everyone and their stuff) and bring sleeping bags. The worst time was when we let one friend (going to call him "K") come along with us to Animazement. I explained our con rules to him (sleep with some clothes on, no one wants to see underwear, bring only one bag so everyone has room in the trunk, sex only in the shower with door locked) and he immediately was all "my stuff is too important to fit in one bag," etc. He refused to put this costume in the costume suitcase and insisted that his (un-styled and shitty) wig had to remain on a wig-head when we had no more room in the trunk; I told him he had to either hold it up front with him or put in the wig box. Since he insisted he had to play his PSP in the car I grabbed the wig off the wig head and threw it in the box (I was pissed at this point). While putting stuff in the trunk he came back out and "rearranged" everything so his stuff was on top, bringing one of art pieces in the process (and of course stated he was not at fault)
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)16:22 No.1583812
    Continuing from >>1583809
    Then we go to room and tried setting up sleeping arrangements, which was hell. Had five people, which should've been two in one bed and three in the other. But three the guys (minus my bf and the only one who's been cool every year) were being homo-phobic and didn't want to sleep with each other. Long story short, my bf and I ended up having to sleep on the floor (no sleeping bag 'cause there wasn't room in the trunk thanks to K so all we had the extra thin sheet from the closet, no pillows) while the other guys slept in the bed. The cool guy was fine with sharing but K and the other were being all anal till K finally agreed to the same bed as cool dude. Anyhow, I woke up in the middle of the night (very light sleeper, not to mention no padding/pillows/real covers on a hotel room is not comfortable at all) and sat up to see K getting out of the bed wearing no pants or underwear. He saw me and ran into the bathroom and to this day I am thankful as full I didn't have my glasses on. We bashed into him hard the next day 'cause that shit ain't cool by us (cool guy was not happy 'cause K had slipped his undies off AFTER everyone else had gone to bed)

    There's been a ton more but that's the worst one (and long post is long)
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)16:42 No.1583836
    18 people in one room without a bed. Just a bigscreen TV, a table, and a couch. I think it was the joint room of a suite. FUCKING SUCKED. Half the people wouldn't fucking shower, either.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)17:05 No.1583874
    this thread reminds me to make a con-hotel checklist - for example:

    everyone should bring clothes to sleep in - i prefer a sweatshirt, warm up pants, and wool socks. depending on the room temp and whether someone is already asleep in the bed i'm sharing, i might sleep on top of the bed covers, under the bed covers and on top of the blankets, or under the bed sheets.

    i like to bring my own pillow. i put a bright color pillow case on it, tell people its my pillow, and try to remember to store it inside my suitcase when i leave the room

    suggest to homophobic people they bring their own sleeping bags & pillow - if they do then buy them food or charge them a little less for giving up bed space

    if they forget to bring a sleep bag then they can sleep in a different layers of the sheets, blankets, or bed covers

    rotate the duty of grabbing extra towels from the maids cart or from the pool or exercise room area - even with just four people there are never enough towels

    if the maid provides extra towels, hand soap, shampoo, or has to clean up an unusual mess then everyone should contribute something towards leaving the maid a tip

    know your friends and politely ask them for a security deposit up front to pay for incidentals or even gas money for the ride back home ... its sad to watch someone starve and sell their body for sex (J/K) because they spent every dollar they came with in the dealer room
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)17:09 No.1583881
    I have a friend who never finishes his costumes in time, and low and behold at 4am every morning at a con hes up with the mini sewing machine. Not that I mind anymore, its been going on for so long its a tradition now.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)17:10 No.1583884
    This thread makes me glad I can afford my own room with my so
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)17:11 No.1583887
    I love these threads. It makes me glad I only go with people I know well
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)17:21 No.1583901
    Seconded. I usually stay with my brother (who snores SOOO loud and sometimes talks in his sleep, but I learned my lesson and bought earplugs) and maybe one or two other people, but Otakon last year we had 7 or 8 people in our room. Who were thankfully very polite, clean, considerate, and showered every day. These threads make me so thankful for my clean friends.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)17:21 No.1583905
    I don't have many horror stories. Except that at Anime North 08 my roommate would do fuck all to keep her shit in one pile. I kept my suitcase locked that con as well, considering she invited a suspicious looking 20-some year old neckbeard back to our room. He ate all our food, drank my energy drink, took a huge shit in the toilet and plugged it - it took maintenance like, 15 minutes to unclog it - and stole like, 60 bucks from each of us.

    Thankfully the girl who lead to that misfortune moved away and I don't have to put up with her shenanigans anymore.
    >> Katsu !dkwFk3Xulc 01/26/09(Mon)17:42 No.1583931
    Sounds like half of my friends! Hohoho!

    My only room horror story is that, three years back, a friend of mine that I was sharing a bed with punched me square in the jaw while having a nightmare. My only warning came in the form of her yelling, "NOOO!"
    >> /b/lackula !bQZuI.nr1c 01/26/09(Mon)17:45 No.1583934
    Crystal City Hyatt. They actually have glass bathroom doors.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)17:58 No.1583961
    I roomed with 3 of my friends and a pen pal at AX one year. The pen pal was a huge fatty who kept groping me because we shared the same bed. I woke up at 3 am with her giving me a blowjob and her hairy muff right next to my head when I said "What are you doing?" she got startled and FARTED right next to my face.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)18:01 No.1583968
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)18:04 No.1583971
    Did you talk to her again after this?
    >> Ike !!uFGeaxUPNNT 01/26/09(Mon)18:06 No.1583980
    It's rather unnerving really. Someone took form over function or whatever.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)18:10 No.1583989
    Yea but not as frequently. She told me she was drunk that night but I know it was probably not the deciding factor on practically raping me in my sleep.
    >> motoko !!Z9RHDE0TyCR 01/26/09(Mon)18:22 No.1584024
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    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)18:22 No.1584025

    Oh god, that CAN'T be true
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)18:43 No.1584083

    That's awful.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 01/26/09(Mon)18:46 No.1584090
    that... SUCKS D:
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)18:55 No.1584111
    Has anyone ever gotten in trouble with a hotel for having more than the allowed number of people?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)19:33 No.1584178
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    Just want you to know I saved this. Here's the proof.

    Unfortunately (or fortunately) I've never had a con room "horror story" but I did have a friend who was drunk, get up in the middle of his sleep, mumble something, and then proceed to urinate directly onto my other friend who was sleeping on the floor. I was up playing L4D and told them about it but they didn't believe me for awhile, though the one who slept on the floor did wonder why his socks were soaking wet.
    >> /b/lackula !bQZuI.nr1c 01/26/09(Mon)19:47 No.1584219
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    >suggest to homophobic people they bring their own sleeping bags & pillow - if they do then buy them food or charge them a little less for giving up bed space

    Homophobes make me laugh.
    You ever shared a bed with a guy who spoons you and pops his morning wood into your side?
    I have.
    True Bromance
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)19:49 No.1584224
    >>1583701 her ass is now sitting on the same spot you're going to rest your head

    I don't see a problem here.

    >>1582392 The bed next to mine was squeaking and there was a lot of moaning going on. I completely freaked out and tried to sink as far into my bed as possible. In the morning I found out it was the two girls >< Talk about a first impression....

    Again, I'm not seeing a problem here. I guess if you're a virgin it would be kinda intimidating, but most men would have just switched over to the other bed and joined in.

    >>1583809 sleep with some clothes on, no one wants to see underwear

    Jesus Christ, what are you, EIGHT years old?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)19:52 No.1584232
    I know this one guy who has roomed with us a few times, and every time something went shitty so we just stopped rooming with him.

    One year he brought a furry to be our roommate, and he found out Friday of the con that his 'internet girlfriend' was actually a dude, so he just identity crisised all over our con, all fucking weekend, while smelly cat ear guy was smelly and a furry.

    Part of the problem with this friend was that he was kind of a buzzkill - swore he never drank, which is fine, but we're all partiers. Two years later he rooms with us at Katsu and says he's COOL now, gaiz, proceeds to spend the ENTIRE WEEKEND spouting /b/ memes and DRINKING MY GODDAMNED BOURBON.

    He doesn't room with us anymore. We only room with people that we have lived with and remained friends with.
    >> /b/lackula !bQZuI.nr1c 01/26/09(Mon)19:52 No.1584233
    Thankfully it's not clear glass,and because of this I'm bringing my Vacant/Occupied doorknob hanger for Katsucon.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)19:57 No.1584248
    >You ever shared a bed with a guy who spoons you and pops his morning wood into your side?
    Weird story, Bro.
    >> Katsu !dkwFk3Xulc 01/26/09(Mon)19:58 No.1584254
    Thank you. <3
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)20:01 No.1584259
    To counter the fail here, here's a win story. I've roomed with a number of the chicks that cgl worships. I have a bit of a gay vibe, unfortunately, but the upside is that they have no problem changing in front of me. I'll be reading or watching or something, look up and POW TITS. I smile inwardly for a moment and then go back to my reading.

    Here's a real horror story. I took my animu club to Anime Next one time. The VP and I had the three girls stay in our room and the six smelly fanboys in the other room. I had to check up on them (they were pissed at using our positions to get the girls in our room even though it was the only sane solution) and I walked into their room. This was 30 minutes after we checked in. The WALL OF FUNK literally hit me in the face. I did more than just smell it, I could feel the pressure of the funk flowing out of the room on my face. IT WAS THAT BAD.

    To top it off, in 30 minutes they had sealed off the room from outside light, torn all sheets of the bed, spread empty cans of dew and other energy drinks and candy bar wrappers all over the place. I think somebody was already in the bathroom showering. I wish he'd at least have done it in the shower since that's the only time water would touch his body. Somebody also took a colossal shit already, too. Like hell I was going to drop a pair of small cute asian girls into that mess. (VP and I were both suave muthafuggas; hotel staff treated us like VIPs.)

    Then there was the time my fiancee called things off by fucking this dragonball cosplayer in the room.... yeah that sucked.
    >> /b/lackula !bQZuI.nr1c 01/26/09(Mon)20:03 No.1584266
    You're welcome.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)20:03 No.1584267
    That should be, "was already in the bathroom masturbating." I think he'd seen some girl as Cardcaptor Sakura on the way in.
    >> /b/lackula !bQZuI.nr1c 01/26/09(Mon)20:06 No.1584281
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    How is this win? It seems that all except for the being able to see tits part was pretty shitty.
    Especially that fiancee part. Pic very related.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)20:11 No.1584289
    Three stories from three times, my son. Anime America probably doesn't mean anything to you, but it does kinda date how long I've been going to cons.
    >> ike !!uFGeaxUPNNT 01/26/09(Mon)20:12 No.1584293
    >>the part about the other room

    Wow. If there was ever a time it was appropriate to say "goddamn fanboys/otaku" I think that one's it. I mean...no, there's no way that's excusable behavior at all, not age, not being socially inept -- fuck, nothing.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)20:15 No.1584305
    especially in a record breaking 30 minutes.
    >> /b/lackula !bQZuI.nr1c 01/26/09(Mon)20:15 No.1584306
    I was just saying that 1 win+2 Epic fails= not so good.
    And yeah that's an impressive track record of con seniority.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)20:16 No.1584307
    AX 08 on the night of the Masquerade. A friend went to the event, leaving me, and my other friend, a woman who I had a major crush on alone in the hotel room for about 2 hours. This being nifty, as we totally made out during the nights of the con. Unfortunately, she met up with one of her friends at the con, and he was also in the room at the time, and he decided to stay. This angered me not so much for lack of super awesome make out time (Which BTW, ONLY time I have, or most likely ever will, touch a booby.) but for the fact I just felt like an unwanted guest in my own room. (Which is odd, as there really was no reason for me to feel that.)
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)20:21 No.1584326
    stop using "booby" and maybe you'll get some more 'make out time' with another girl.
    >> ike !!uFGeaxUPNNT 01/26/09(Mon)20:23 No.1584329
    >>Which BTW, ONLY time I have, or most likely ever will, touch a booby.

    You poor bastard, don't give up hope!

    ...unless you're terminally ill or something, in which case I think you should run with it.
    >> Kyo 01/26/09(Mon)20:23 No.1584331
    AX08 I paid for a hotel room for me and a couple of my friends because I got extra cash for my birthday.
    On day 2, I found out that one of my friends had met up with his other group of friends which always seemed to start shit with us. That wouldn't have bothered me, but what really ticked me off is that while we were at the con, my friend gave his group2 guys a key to our room. They used the showers, raided the food we bought and made a complete mess of our room. One of them also broke my DS.
    >> /b/lackula !bQZuI.nr1c 01/26/09(Mon)20:27 No.1584346
    >One of them also broke my DS.
    That should be legal grounds to whoop someone's ass.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)20:30 No.1584352

    I agree. A broken DS is as good of a reason as anything to kick some ass.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)20:40 No.1584391
    Threads like this one kinda make me wanna toss the dice and room with random people. Half the stories I hear are nothing but good things and the other half are all of these. Either way, I get a good story out of it.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)20:46 No.1584410
    >True Bromance
    This reminds me of the time I was Katsucon and we had a connecting room with some fratboys. Not a problem at first considering that I wasn't against a drink here and there.. Anyway Thursday night wasn't bad we went to their room and played some beer pong and various other drinking games. Friday night was when problems began. Two of my roomates were underage and on the first night I had told two of the frat guys that were hitting on them about this. They backed off but Friday like clockwork they were on them again. They had invited the girls into the room for some drinks,and we came to find out that they had gotten them drunk and got them to do a few things (strip, kiss and etc.)
    The girls came back into our room around 4 AM and crashed out. I woke up to them screaming and crying at 11 AM as they were going through the photos on their phones of what they did the previous night. I popped up and ran over to their room, only to see a clear room and a maid turning down their beds and no luggage whatsoever. I Rage'd so hard.
    TL;DR this recent flood of Brodudes at cons has been nothing but trouble.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)20:53 No.1584421
    Wow... the worst that has happened to me was... nothing, really. I feel sorry for you all. D:
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)20:54 No.1584424
    I find the guys at fault for inviting them over knowing they're underage AND giving them alcohol. I find the girls even more at fault though for not just simply saying "no thanks", don't white knight a dumb decision on their part.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)20:56 No.1584428
    Also, it didn't really seem like they did anything too bad. If they raped them or something, then you should've talked with the hotel and gotten some legal action up in that bitch.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)21:02 No.1584440
    I was staying at a hotel for Animethon and two girls I let stay in the room brought in a small group.

    I couldn't find half the crap I had just bought when I came back.
    $700 in merchandise was stolen from me.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)21:11 No.1584457
    That's what you get for buyin $700 worth of crap at a con. You got what you deserved faggot. Don't be such a nigger.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)21:17 No.1584471
    Mad because some brodude with more swagger got it first.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)21:19 No.1584479
    Anime Boston 08. My girlfriend and I had our own hotel room. She and I check into the room Thursday night. It's about 10, we're tired and get ready to go to sleep, when we hear a knock at the door. She opens the door, and it's 2 of her friends, both female, 1 of which she used to date. They decide to be completely ignorant to the fact that it's late, I'm tired and have no tolerance for them at this moment. So short of telling the to GTFO, I ask them to leave several time until they get the hint. So anyway, Friday comes, My girlfriend and I are walking around, meet up with a few friends who got stuck in the registration lines from hell, when my gf's ex/friend shows up. I turn around for 1 minute to say something to someone in line, turn back around, and they're gone. I try calling her cell phone, but realize that her phone's in the hotel room. So, I track them down, and try to separate them so I can enjoy a 3 day weekend with my gf. Well, her ex/friend would have none of this, and followed us everywhere. The ex/friend hates my friends, since she dated one of them who's like a brother to me. So the entire weekend I had to choose between saving my girlfriend or hanging out with my friends. The Saturday night rave is usually my favorite part of AB, and I was planning on going there with my gf. Unbeknown to me, she was already intercepted by her ex and dragged into the rave. I tried to find her there, but that's like trying to find Obama at a KKK meeting. Absolutely impossible. So I head back to the hotel room, ready to call it a night, and there's my gf sobbing her eyes out. Apparently her ex kept asking her to dance with her (her ex has horrid personal hygiene) and my gf was borderline gagging the entire time just from the smell. So, trying to be all white knight-ish, I decide to take her to the rave myself. We set 1 foot in the door,

    and the rave ends.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)21:21 No.1584486
    Continued from:

    From that moment on, I told her she was not to see her ex anymore. We were going to spend Sunday together and enjoy our time together (yes I know "enjoy time" and AB08 in the same sentence is contradictory, but go with it). So we did. we went to a few events, saw some panels, and had a good time. Her ex tried calling her a few times, and on my advisement, I told her not to answer. Unfortunately, about 1ish while waiting in line for closing ceremonies, her ex spotted us in line. Now I was 23 at the time, my gf, 21, and her ex, 22. While we were standing in line, picture the most horrified rage face a 7 year old kid makes at Christmas when they ask for Superultramegazord and get socks, and that's her. My gf not wanting to cause a scene apologizes and asks her to sit with us. So I'm now getting nauseous from her smell, and had to leave. I take my gf with me, and we both went back to the room, got our stuff and left. Her ex pretty much ruined our entire weekend. Since we're both registered for AB09, if that happens again, expect to see a Tony Stark completely lose it.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)21:26 No.1584498
    what did they do that night where they would cry but not press charges? kiss each other? give the bros a handjob?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)21:29 No.1584507
    Ok but... this was a con ROOM horror story thread. Also, grow some balls, both of you.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)21:30 No.1584509
    Said strip and kiss and etc which I assume is not being touched, and if so just lightly. It's moreso a defense mechanism so that they can make themselves out to be victims, used extensively in court.
    >We went to his place and had a few drinks, he felt me up but I didn't really want him to
    turns into
    >He dragged me back to his place and got me drunk then raped me ;_;
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)21:38 No.1584528
    You have no idea about the following things:

    1. What actually happened
    2. Who did what to who and in what way
    3. What is actually involved in a sexual assault court case.

    In short, you're a troll or an ignorant shitcake. Probably both.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)21:38 No.1584531
    ok, so it was a con horror story, sue me.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)21:39 No.1584533
    Wow took the words right out of my mouth. Especially the both of you part. Here's how the story should've went~

    >Anime Boston 08. My girlfriend and I had our own hotel room. She and I check into the room Thursday night. It's about 10, we're tired and get ready to go to sleep, when we hear a knock at the door. She opens the door, and it's 2 of her friends, both female, 1 of which she used to date. They decide to be completely ignorant to the fact that it's late, I'm tired and have no tolerance for them at this moment. I tell them to call back in the morning, say goodnight, then close the door, then proceed to fuck my girlfriend. So anyway, Friday comes, My girlfriend and I are walking around, meet up with a few friends who got stuck in the registration lines from hell, when my gf's ex/friend shows up. I turn around for 1 minute to say something to someone in line, turn back around, and they're gone. I try calling her cell phone, but realize that her phone's in the hotel room. So, I track them down, and tell her to not wander off without telling me anything. Well, her ex/friend would have none of this, and followed us everywhere. I told her to fuck off and hang out with her friends. The Saturday night rave is usually my favorite part of AB. So I head back to the hotel room, ready to call it a night, and there's my gf sobbing her eyes out. Apparently her ex kept asking her to dance with her (her ex has horrid personal hygiene) and my gf was borderline gagging the entire time just from the smell. So, trying to be all standing up for myself and being a man, I tell her stop wandering off like I told her before and to stop crying like a 2 year old because her ex asked her to dance (she's got a mouth and can presumably speak english and say "no"), and if she hung out with her ex again she could find her own ride home.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)21:42 No.1584542
    For the most part, none of these things would have happened to you guys if you used common fucking sense and hung out with decent people.
    This is why I have never had a problem with a room at a convention.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)21:43 No.1584546
    Continued from:

    >From that moment on, I told her she was not to see her ex anymore. We were going to spend Sunday together and enjoy our time together (yes I know "enjoy time" and AB08 in the same sentence is contradictory, but go with it). So we did. we went to a few events, saw some panels, and had a good time. Her ex tried calling her a few times and she didn't answer because she respects me. Unfortunately, about 1ish while waiting in line for closing ceremonies, her ex spotted us in line. Now I was 23 at the time, my gf, 21, and her ex, 22. While we were standing in line, picture the most horrified rage face a 7 year old kid makes at Christmas when they ask for Superultramegazord and get socks, and that's her. My gf not wanting to cause a scene ignores her. I take my gf with me, and we both went back to the room, got our stuff and left. Her ex pretty much is a hippopotamus. Since we're both registered for AB09, if that happens again, expect to see a dead bitch.
    Good End
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)21:44 No.1584552
    I approve anon. Well done.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)21:45 No.1584555
    Had a roommate that kept turning the a/c on full blast in the middle of the night after everyone else was sleeping. Everyone kept waking up in the fetal position from being cold.

    He only stayed with us 1 night.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)21:45 No.1584558
    Blowjob from one, apparently a popped cherry for the other. The guys were smart enough to not get any face camera shots.
    >> Hypnocrotch !BqcQeeA4HA 01/26/09(Mon)21:47 No.1584560
    Cool story, bro.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)21:49 No.1584567
    Haha more like this make more good ends to these stories
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)21:50 No.1584572
    I'd feel sorry for them but being drunk is no excuse. People know exactly what they are doing when drunk, they just don't give a fuck pretty much. Guys should get in trouble for the underage b& + booze but those girls were just stupid. Why even go in a room with guys/people they don't know at a con? Seriously, they were being stupid.
    >> faux !Gaimx7WoNU 01/26/09(Mon)21:52 No.1584578
    Otakon over the years, 1 didn't pay, 2 made the biggest mess ever, 3 got diarrhea from 7/11 hot food, 4 came in uninvited and stayed too damn long.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)21:56 No.1584593
    >they were being stupid
    Welcome to the majority of underage girls?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)21:56 No.1584594
    Well ok anon : )

    >True Bromance
    >This reminds me of the time I was Katsucon and we had a connecting room with some thugs. Not a problem at first considering that I wasn't against a dance off here and there. Anyway Thursday night wasn't bad we went to their room and played some beer pong and various other drinking games. Friday night was when shit got real. Two of my roomates were breaks and on the first night I had told two of the thugs that were dissing on them about this. They backed off but Friday like clockwork they were up in their grills again. They had invited the breakers into the room for some drinks,and we came to find out that they had gotten themselves into a dance off and got them to do a few things (coffee grind, head slides, switch ups.) The girls came back into our room around 4 AM and won. I woke up to them screaming and hollering at 11 AM as they were going through the photos on their phones of how much poser ass they schooled the previous night. I popped up and ran over to their room, only to see a clear room and a maid moving back the beds and a cardboard box laid out on the ground. Shit was so cash.
    TL;DR this recent flood of awesome at cons has been nothing but awesome.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)21:58 No.1584606
    A girl of any age can do that retarded shit.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)22:01 No.1584613
    this is a smart anon
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)22:04 No.1584627
    thanks anon you are truely doing this for the lulz +2 internets to you good sir
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)22:07 No.1584634
    I tripped over a chair and head butted George Lowe in the face.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)22:10 No.1584644
    >AX08 I paid for a hotel room for me and a couple of my friends because I got extra cash for my side job as a professional Roller Derby champion. On day 2, I found out that one of my friends had met up with his other group of friends which always seemed to start shit with us. That wouldn't have bothered me, but what really ticked me off is that while we were at the con, my friend gave his group2 guys a key to our room. They used the showers, raided the food we bought and made a complete mess of our room. One of them also broke my DS. I did the only thing I knew how to do, I put on my blades and skated over to their room. I did a flying dragon kick and kicked down the door demanding that everyone pay me back for all the food they ate, the hotel room, and buy me a new DS and XBox360. They happily obliged and I am now playing poke'manz with my new DS.
    Good End.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)22:11 No.1584651
    Never really had bad stories but managed to fucking avoid one. One year we needed 1 more roomie and this generic guy saying his name was " Captain Wolf" emailed me. So I figured he must be some 16 year old who likes to play online games or whatever so we're all good and say sure. We then figure out he is some 45 year old super fat man and his gallery is full of little girl shots. So I quickly go WTF NO and politely tell him the spot was filled. He ended up running into me at the con and pretty much gave me a sob story of how it sucked cause he had no where to stay and blah blah blah. Then he emails me a month later saying how he had to sleep on the street. Srsly wtf. If you guys wanna see what I mean here http://www.cosplay.com/member/37986/
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)22:12 No.1584654
    Adding onto this too. I felt really bad about doing it but we had younger people in our room who had parents that would kill us for having some older guy in our room.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)22:27 No.1584706
    sounds like fucking Gyo
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)22:28 No.1584710
    At a con, my boyfriend and I got a hotel room just to ourselves, as we had been rooming with huge groups of friends for a long time and wanted to ensure some alone time for once. During that weekend, I wanted to go to some different panels and events that he didn't care for, and he wanted to go do a photoshoot or something, so we went our separate ways. One of the panels I went to turned out to be boring as fuck, so I decided to leave and do some costume touchups in my hotel room, and caught my now ex-boyfriend catching some alone time with a chick he'd met at the photoshoot earlier.

    That was bad enough, but I ended up having to spend the rest of the weekend in that room with him, as my normal group of friends insisted there wasn't enough room, and that me and him should just "work it out". Right.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)22:44 No.1584767
    That guy goes to the same cons as me. Gross.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)22:54 No.1584792
    Listen Melissa I'm sorry, and i told you it was a mistake i'll never repeeat again.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)23:08 No.1584857
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)23:09 No.1584867
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    Fuck you, Joseph.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)23:13 No.1584894
    Yeah. Fuck you.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)23:15 No.1584910
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    More like BROseph
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)23:18 No.1584934

    Playa, keep playin'. Thumbs up from this anon.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)23:18 No.1584936
    Like you wouldn't have fucked the first Sephiroth you came across that was willing.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)23:23 No.1584952
    Wow. Alright I'm the "Fat guy" , Captain Wolf is just my handle it's not like I didn't tell you my real name when we met. Furthermore I'll have you know that I am not a pedophile, if taking pictures of good cosplay is wrong then I don't want to be right. It was inconsiderate of you to bail out last minute however, I really had no place to stay, I had to hang around a Jack in Box like a homeless person.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)23:24 No.1584958
    On the off chance that you're not a troll, why is it that you are an adult still operating with 14-year-old style finances? Why, specifically, did you not just get a fucking room somewhere?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)23:25 No.1584964

    Inb4 all rooms were booked
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)23:27 No.1584974
    ITT: Trolls trolling trolling trolls.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)23:28 No.1584977
    Lolwut. Did it ever occur to you to call a taxi to ANOTHER HOTEL OMG instead of being a juvenile whiny shit?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)23:29 No.1584980
    It would have been over 600 dollars to rent a room, I would have forfeited the money I saved for the con. I apologize that I'm not terribly wealthy. Posting my journal on the web under the pretenses that I am a pedophile is going a little over board don't you think? I wasn't interested in anything sexual , I just needed a place to sleep and shower. I'll have you know that I have plenty of gal pals across the world, I'm not just some "Creepy guy"
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)23:29 No.1584981
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    ...was it this guy?

    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)23:29 No.1584982
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    <i>Never really had bad stories but managed to fucking avoid one. One year we needed 1 more roomie and this generic guy saying his name was " Captain Wolf" emailed me. So I figured he must be some 16 year old who likes to play online games or whatever so we're all good and say sure. We then figure out he is some 45 year old super fat man and his gallery is full of little girl shots. So I quickly go WTF NO and politely tell him the spot was filled. He ended up running into me at the con and pretty much gave me a sob story of how it sucked cause he had no where to stay and blah blah blah. Then he emails me a month later saying how he had to sleep on the street. Srsly wtf. If you guys wanna see what I mean here http://www.cosplay.com/member/37986/

    on the one hand he could just be lonely
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)23:30 No.1584991
    No one likes you. You should wash more.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)23:31 No.1584994
    Haha, no.

    It's all good, though. Happened a few years back and met someone else (that doesn't cosplay), so it all worked out for the best.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)23:31 No.1584995
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    <i>Never really had bad stories but managed to fucking avoid one. One year we needed 1 more roomie and this generic guy saying his name was " Captain Wolf" emailed me. So I figured he must be some 16 year old who likes to play online games or whatever so we're all good and say sure. We then figure out he is some 45 year old super fat man and his gallery is full of little girl shots. So I quickly go WTF NO and politely tell him the spot was filled. He ended up running into me at the con and pretty much gave me a sob story of how it sucked cause he had no where to stay and blah blah blah. Then he emails me a month later saying how he had to sleep on the street. Srsly wtf. If you guys wanna see what I mean here http://www.cosplay.com/member/37986/

    on the other hand, he could the sum of all parents worst nightmares

    better ask for some references from people you already know
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)23:31 No.1584997

    >>I have plenty of gal pals across the world
    >>gal pals across the world
    >>gal pals
    >>across the world

    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)23:32 No.1585000
    Fanime. Hilton hotel. Flying cockroaches.

    fun times.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)23:32 No.1585003
    You're officially a dipshit for not being able to say "take me to the nearest Motel 6".
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)23:33 No.1585005
    Stop trying to use html on 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)23:36 No.1585024

    He's secretly trying to log on to the invasion board, duh.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)23:38 No.1585035
    One of my roommates was a guest of sorts for the con. His needy gf who can't bear to be without someone to micromanage came along with him. She probably paid for his room too, so w/e. We generally all get along so it's cool. However, she opted to have the "YOU'RE PAYING MORE ATTENTION TO YOUR WORK THAN ME!" fight in MY (my name on the receipt, it's mine) room. Now, it would have been bad enough just listening to them, but no... they needed time to work it out, so they fucking lock the rest of us out of our room, one of them locks themselves in the bathroom, the other in the main room... and argue back and forth. When we finally get back into the room, another guy and I end up having to play psychiatrist to each of them separately. Did I mention the histories of mental instability and self-injury? Anyway, the guy has pretty much relaxed by now, but the moment we leave her along for a second, she leaves. Fucking idiot underage b& goes to wander around downtown at 4 in the fucking morning, alone, to blow off steam. Now, naturally, not wanting to see her end up dead (or more correctly, not wanting to deal with making police statements later), my group go out to look for her. We find out about an hour later that she was full of shit and just lurking in a stairwell to make us all worry. At least he finally broke up with her, so I don't have to worry about refusing her a spot with us.

    tl;dr: Watch out for friends' needy girlfriends.
    >> Blastoise !!Rbk9t6v/ojj 01/26/09(Mon)23:55 No.1585107
    Copypasta from my post on the AWA boards:

    Sometime Saturday night I realized my car keys were gone. I kept them in a zippered pocket which I know for a fact has no holes in it, so I'm thinking that they either were taken by a friend as some kind of "joke" or were picked up from my room somehow. I asked the lost and found at both the Waverly and the Sheraton but no one had found them, nor had the con security. Worse still, none of them seemed to care.

    I tried to open my car door with a clothes hanger but that didn't work. Tried calling the cops to have them slim-jim my door, but they never came. Tried calling 911 and telling them that "someone was breaking into a car in the parking lot" and still no one came.

    Missed all the events on Sunday because I had a rather severe case of con crud and was vomiting most of the day. Had to extend my stay at the Sheraton because it took me all day to track down a locksmith to make another key to my car and because I was seriously ill. I was almost thrown out because despite using the same card to reserve my room for the first night, they said my mother had to be present to use her card for the 2nd night. If it had not been for the very kind and understanding young lady working the front desk that day, I might have been screwed. Its also worth noting that I've had a fear since I was a kid about being lost and not being able to get home, so that whole ordeal plus my sick and delirious state was giving me a some kind of twisted panic attack. And I'm not the type to panic, EVER.

    I finally got a set of keys made about 8pm yesterday thanks to the great guy at Pop-a-Lock. Went back to my room and literally blacked out until about 3am this morning. Got a long shower, and then checked out. I must have gone 85mph the whole 70 miles home.
    >> Blastoise !!Rbk9t6v/ojj 01/26/09(Mon)23:56 No.1585112

    My whole weekend was just a disaster. There were some highlights, like getting to meet Freezerburn and W.T. Snacks, but this whole about my keys really ruined what was supposed to be my last and greatest trip to AWA.

    PS: should I find out that any of my friends took my keys as some form of joke, then you need to get your affairs in order with your next of kin. I'm not joking in the slightest.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/09(Tue)00:05 No.1585162
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    >met W.T. Snacks

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