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15717 No. 15717
Only obsessive, maladjusted people succeed in life. You can't get a good paying job with a liberal arts degree. You can't get a good paying job if you are a jack-of-all-trades. Only people that specialize in one thing are able to make any money. You would think it would be the other way around.
>> No. 15718
You would NOT think that, unless you were a dumb cunt. We live in societies: we are social animals. We divide the jobs, and therefore each human should be good at one job. Being good at everything does very well for you when it comes to choosing a job, but nothing thereafter.

Stupid fuck.

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>> No. 15719
I made $125k last year being a jack of all trades. I don't have any degree. I don't have the patience to specialize in any one thing. Admittedly, I'll only make about $100k this year, but I took the month of March off.

Myth busted.
>> No. 15723
What all do you do? If I were better with dealing with stress I think I'd like to just switch jobs every 6 mos to a year and keep learning new things - or work in a temp agency or something. I tend to get fed up with dealing with any particular situation/corporation/people after a while (6 mos to about 3 years), and I've never found one particular career that I'd like to settle into.
>> No. 15729
Non-sense, plenty of fuck-ups make all sorts of cash (even if they generally squander it). Further the baby-boomers are all pushing retirement age right now meaning all sorts of jobs will be opening up over the course of the next two decades for people who probably don't deserve them at present.

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