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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

  • File :1232298902.jpg-(102 KB, 600x450, 1192742655743.jpg)
    102 KB Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)12:15 No.1562317  
    Dear /cgl/,

    Why are you female cosplayers always such prudes at cons? You go out of your way to wear sexy costumes to get attention then act scared and infuriated whenever someone of the opposite sex approaches you. If a guy at a con talks to you more than once you end up running to your friends claiming the guy is a "stalker" and then write blog entries after the con about how scared you were.

    Female Japanese cosplayers never act this way. You can talk with them, hug them, tell them how hot they are, or ask them to do a sexy pose for you and they'll happily go along with it. After the con/event the only blog entries they'll write will talk about how much fun they had and how great everyone was.

    Why can't you paranoid nerdgirls be more like that? You're always full of stories about how scary men at cons are and how supposedly close you were to being stalked/killed/raped, but in reality it's all just in your head. You're never in any danger and no one is going to force themselves on you. Try opening up a little and stop being such a frightened conservative stick-in-the-mud.

    Otherwise, do everyone a favor and quit cosplaying in sexy costumes. Because you obviously aren't equipped to handle it.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)12:18 No.1562320
    Puritan-influenced culture. sex=only for making babies. otherwise you'll go to hell.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)12:23 No.1562326
    Well imagine a gay man was doing to you what you do to female cosplayers. Wouldn't be too happy, would you?

    Infact you would probably attack him.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)12:23 No.1562327
    That would be correct if it was still 1920
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)12:24 No.1562328
    Protip: Just because a man is gay does not mean he is interested in you
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)12:24 No.1562329
    Yes, because the OP picture is exactly what we females should aspire to.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)12:26 No.1562330
    Oh look, someone is just having fun trying to get us riled up. Maybe it's just because they're a loser who couldn't get cute cosplayers to give them the time of day at the last con they went to.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)12:31 No.1562335

    Lawl. "Girls, if you were COOL, you would let me hug you and touch you and talk about how nice your tits are and take pictures up your skirt like the supa-kawaii Japanese girls! And you would THANK me for it after."
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)12:32 No.1562338
    ITT: Fat women who never get asked for pictures
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)12:33 No.1562339
    >"Omg guys, you wouldn't BELIEVE what this guy did at AX to me. I was posing for pictures and this guy comes up to me and says 'wow you are pretty. can I get a photo?' I was like EEEWWW GET AWAY CREEPY STALKER!! Later on I saw him again at a panel. Thankfully he didn't see me so I didn't get raped."
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)12:34 No.1562341
    when they so NO, they really mean "YES, and more forcefully, please."
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)12:34 No.1562342
    Being female myself, I think it has less to do with a fear of molestation and more to do with their own inner feelings of guilt. Society teaches women to dress and act like whores, but still looks down on them when they actually /are/ whores. Look at Britney Spears- everything was fine when she was just wearing skimpy outfits on stage and singing about being a viscious little tramp, but when she got herself knocked-up and her life went to shit the media tore her apart. Women wear sexy costumes because they want men to notice them and they want to feel pretty, but when they actually get what they want some inner part of their brain realizes they're being whorish, so they freak out.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)12:36 No.1562348
    I don't see anything wrong with that. If you're going to go to a con in an attention-getting "look at me I'm so sexy" costume then you should welcome that kind of attention. Either embrace it and have fun with it or choose something that more befits your conservative personality.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)12:39 No.1562353
    You can look but you can't touch it,
    If you touch it I'ma start some drama,
    You don't want no drama,
    No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)12:39 No.1562354
    Well, I agree with the OP. There woman who are just stupid like the ones he described. Luckily, I never had to deal with it since I hang around my female cosplay friends.


    Oh, wow, I get pestered by gay people to take photos. I must think they're gonna rape, molest, kill me, etc. Silly, that only happens in your guro doujins.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)12:41 No.1562356
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    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)12:45 No.1562361

    THAT is just asking for it.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)12:46 No.1562365
    The girl in this photo is a porn star.
    Have you been to a Japanese convention? Or do you just have wet dreams about them?

    If a japanese girl is doing things like the OP she's making a living as a net idol and by acting nice she's essentially making money, so of course they'll be super nice when you ask for an up skirt.

    Ask a normal girl at a US anime con that and you're asking to get your face slapped, they're dressing up for fun, not trying to make money by being your FAP material.

    That said only a girl with real problems would be creeped out by someone who politely asked for a photo, took a photo of them (that at least includes their face) in a normal manner and said thank you.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)12:48 No.1562368
    No, OP pic is of a cosplayer. Has nothing to do with porn.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)12:50 No.1562371
    i like how you just assumed it was a porn convention because you never in your life would imagine that the japanese, who are secular and not raised on puritanical values, would do such a thing at normal conventions.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)12:50 No.1562372
    ok than who is she and what is she cosplaying?

    Link me to her cosplay site or Cure profile, otherwise GTFO with your porn star.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)12:51 No.1562373
    wtf not every cosplayer in the world has a website. gtfo moralfag.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)12:52 No.1562374

    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)13:05 No.1562384
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    OP is a troll, but this thread will reach response overload
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)13:17 No.1562404
    I dunno. I have a friend who cosplays Yoko, and while she got quite a bit of male attention, the only thing she ever complained about was when some guy sorta mimed spanking her. :\ It's not like she's a total slut and loves having sex with everyone and everything, she's just mature enough to know that just because a guy compliments her costume doesn't mean she's going to get raped.

    tl;DR way to overgeneralize, bro.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)13:17 No.1562405
    Women are weird like that. They like the attention and feeling desirable, and that's what they try to get when they dress in revealing cosplay outfits, as well as having fun and paying tribute to a favorite character.. but society has forced us to think that women have to act classy and conservative, otherwise they 'will' be labeled as a:
    slut, skank, ho, dog, etc.

    Also, some girls are used to creepy guys trying to hit on them. This is also an ego boost for them. Sometimes they can exaggerate in their minds and act like some guy who tried to be friendly and said a simple innocent hello was totally trying to get with her... lol

    But yeah, conventions are a breeding ground for pervy creepy guys.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)13:18 No.1562406
    Hey I'm from /v/ but I saw this on the main page and though I'd swing by to see what other hot photos you dudes uploaded to this thread... then I read it.
    Man, all of you are fucking kill joys. So OP wishes girls weren't prudish socially-immature jerks, big deal? I've been to a con and I found this to be true. I wasn't dressed up and I wasn't as into it as them but when I tried to talk to ladies they all acted this way. The one exception is if they were with guys I was already talking to or they were really homely(for some reason they had a good personality)
    You guys need to start realizing that your ideal of what people in your subculture are like they aren't all as you would like them to be and start being less uptight about OP.
    One last thing, not all cosplayers have websites and the anon who purported that is just blowing smoke to back up his haphazard comment.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)13:19 No.1562407
    women want attention from hot guys!

    not you ugly geek fags!
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)13:24 No.1562413
    Welcome to /cgl/, the land of drama and angry gossip. Enjoy your stay.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)13:24 No.1562415
    but I'm a hot guy. At least my mom says so.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)13:25 No.1562416
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    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)13:25 No.1562417
    Women can treat men at cons like meat, but if a man does the same to a woman then they are disgusting slimey perverts who deserve to die.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)13:26 No.1562419
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    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)13:26 No.1562422
    Then perhaps when you go to a con in your intentionally-revealing costume in order to get attention you should wear a sign around your neck that says "Only Approach Me If You Have Six-Pack Abs."
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)13:33 No.1562429
    Problem is that all the hot guys are being overwhelmed by the fuglies who want a piece of hot man meat.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)13:35 No.1562431
    >>1562342 Being female myself, I think it has less to do with a fear of molestation and more to do with their own inner feelings of guilt. Society teaches women to dress and act like whores, but still looks down on them when they actually /are/ whores. Look at Britney Spears- everything was fine when she was just wearing skimpy outfits on stage and singing about being a viscious little tramp, but when she got herself knocked-up and her life went to shit the media tore her apart. Women wear sexy costumes because they want men to notice them and they want to feel pretty, but when they actually get what they want some inner part of their brain realizes they're being whorish, so they freak out.

    This is a concise version of exactly what is going on. A golf clap to you Anon. Thank you for realizing the double standard is more than just girls vs boys. It's also about the look vs act.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)13:42 No.1562438
    Holy shoot that looks like a friend of mine...
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)13:47 No.1562442
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    it's ok for guys to want sex, and act like pigs, but it's not ok for girls to want sex, and act like hos.

    women are the ones with the eggs. they are the ones that are selective as to who is fit enough to father her babies. she is the one that will have to carry the baby around inside of her.

    men are the conquerors, and competitive. it is in their nature to go around and try to spread their seed/sperm to as many potential mates as possible. survival of the fittest. spreading one's dna.

    of course, society tells us that we should get married and have kids with only one partner. even though that goes against our nature, our very basic insticts. we may be a civilized species, but deep down we're animals.

    Fathers want and teach their daughters to avoid having sex. That is their worst fear. because it would be some other guy's dna invading his daughter. But for a son, it is pleasing for the son to go have sex, because he would be furthering the longevity of his genes.

    Sex is still taboo. Lust is a sin. Americans freak out over Latoya's boobs during the superbowl. But europeans and japanese wouldn't care.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)13:56 No.1562457
    How to not be a creepy guy at a con
    1. Be Handsome.
    2. Be Attractive.
    3. Don't Be Unattractive.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)14:04 No.1562470
    I think it's some combination of the two of these. Women want to be beautiful and attract hot guys, but deep down inside they feel dirty because of it.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)14:09 No.1562479
    i agree with you. even being female, i notice these kinds of things whenever i go to cons. I hate the melodramatic things that they do alot. Its not everyone though. I always make sure to have fun at cons, i give people hugs, pose for/with them, talk to people, and generally have a good time. I agree with >>1562342 also. Alot of it is their own self-consciousness. Try going to comicon. It's fun there.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)14:11 No.1562484
    You know what? I cosplayed as a scantily dressed character recently. Why? Because the character is awesome and I wanted to show off my TITS and ASS. And then I let photographers take photos that focused on those two parts of my anatomy. BECAUSE THAT WAS THE POINT. If I don't feel like being "sexually harassed", I wear a costume that covers my ladyparts more modestly.
    Some of us grown up ladies want attention, and we're going to get it with fully developed breasts. And when we do get it, we bask. When we get tired of it, we change clothes.

    tl;dr: stop chasing fifteen year olds and crazy chicks.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)14:12 No.1562486

    Don't kid yourself, pigs and "hos" are equally bad. The want for sex is not bad in either case (I'd argue it's incredibly healthy). The real problem is how the want for sex is handled. I can only speak for myself when I say that approaching it by having sex with tons of people just for the sake of sex is bad, and makes both genders equally whore-ish. Naturally, others would argue that it's not bad at all for EITHER gender, but I can't speak for them.

    As for the father and daughter/son, you're also a bit skewed on that.
    In the case of a daughter, the reason fathers do what they do is mostly because they know how young men/boys are and what they're after. Needless to say, this is something that's discouraged simply because it usually results in emotional pain for the girl and possibly pregnancy. It's better that they wait until they're mature and intelligent enough to make such decisions.

    For sons, it's kinda the same deal. They're thinking only with one head and not the other. Sex is not encouraged in this case either, mostly because they could impregnate a girl they have no real interest in and end up with a child that they ultimately do not want. Besides that, they're also (Warning: generalization ahead) not as mature as women of the same age. They don't know what they're getting into (you know what I mean!).
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)14:15 No.1562489
    >Yup Europe and Japan have long histories of accepting women on equal terms as men and are 100% behind their women acting as sexually liberal/promiscuous as males do in their society.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)14:20 No.1562499
    You are an idiot.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)14:21 No.1562503

    Me again, >>1562486
    I do agree that America's general stance on sex is absurd in a lot of ways. Very uptight about discussing it, nitpicking at every small thing that shows up. If only everyone were more relaxed about the subject. That's not to say that we should ignore everything I mentioned in the previous post, but that the threat of inappropriateness is not nearly as close as everyone makes it out to be (of course I don't mean everyone, but you get it).
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)14:26 No.1562507
    america likes to sue people over stupid shit. they'll sue a guy for sexual harrassment if they look at her. maybe they're start sueing guys for 'thinking' naughty thoughts.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)14:30 No.1562515
    One would think major changes in the attitude of men and women would occur involving sex thanks to the (continued) advancements in birth control (both male and female), penile enhancements, and manipulation of pleasure senses involving an aroused body.

    The only real fear involving open shameless sex now a days is STD's, and the more common ones already have a means of treatment or cure, so it's not a big deal.

    I'll make a deal with the world of men and women, IF a cure for every major STD, OR a full-proof way to expose a member with an STD is developed, will people stop acting so prude and enjoy all the pleasures sex offers without restrictions and worry?

    I mean jesus it's not like it is hard to go to a club or bar and snag a real disappointment for a lover for a one night stand. Thats practically what people go to these places for, an understanding and expectation that they will get laid by someone by the end of the night, and never speak to them again. There is nothing wrong with that.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)14:31 No.1562516
    Intelligent Americans (I'd like to think I'm reasonably intelligent) facepalm whenever stupid lawsuits happen. Seriously, even we can't get over the absurdity of it all.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)14:33 No.1562521

    Only if such thoughts could be proven in a court of law, and thoughts of a naughty nature were punishable at that time...

    Don't be disappointed, we are well on our way to that level of good ole Christian "enlightenment" in due time.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)14:36 No.1562529
    as a woman. i think if you dress like a whore, you're fair game to be treated like a whore. if you're mentally scarred because some guy that leaves his basement once a year kneaded your ass as a con, then maybe next time you'll think twice about walking around with no pants on. lesson learned.
    not saying i completely agree with OP and his image of how girls should act, i mean he's making a comparison to japan for christ sakes, a place where its fairly normal for high school girls to prostitute themselves ("compensated dating") just so they can have the latest LV purse to flaunt to their friends.

    Japan = soulless whores with a motive
    America = to stupid to realize what happens when you dress like a whore in public
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)14:37 No.1562532
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    stereotypes are stereotypes
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)14:38 No.1562534
    I believe the chinese(i know, rather vague) and taiwanese are even more uptight about sex and nudity than the States.
    >> /b/lackula !bQZuI.nr1c 01/18/09(Sun)14:40 No.1562539
    >america likes to sue people over stupid shit
    This is the utmost truth. This is the reason why we have to put "HOT COFFEE!!" stickers on a cup of hot coffee.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)14:44 No.1562548
    yes they are, the chinese because of communism and their strict moral code and such.

    which is why the japanese shit all over them. they are completely secular and have basically no morals.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)14:45 No.1562553
    there is nothing wrong with whores or acting like one. stop being a moralfag you douche. do you think civilization would have gotten anywhere if women didn't want to reproduce?
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)14:46 No.1562554
    yeah man, they deserved to be raped, too.

    give me a fucking break. looking, even LEERING at someone is one thing. slapping them on the ass without their permission is a whole different animal.

    and yet, most ladies who wear these sorts of costumes do have to realize that there are maladjusted social rejects at cons. they are going to leer, they are going to be awkward and freaky in their attempts at trying to flirt or otherwise get with them. what else are you going to expect?

    AND YET AGAIN, they shouldn't think that every guy that approaches them politely for a picture is a potential molester.

    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)14:46 No.1562555
    In America, sex is only tabboo if you get "caught". You can be the sluttiest whore/manwhore in history and flaunt it in everyone's faces, and absolutely no one will care. Hell, most people will probably applaud you for being progressive and "free". But when you get an STD or a woman gets pregnant, society tears you apart. Everyone has sex, but only "whores" let bad things happen to themselves.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)14:47 No.1562559
    I see your point. It all comes down to the individual at this point. How do they view sex? Is it something you save for people you love? Is it just another form of fun/relief/etc? Is it somewhere in between the two? There will never be one universal standard. I view the "only with someone you love" bit as a form of commitment.

    I'm actually reconsidering my previous stance. I suppose the main thing is that as long as both parties know what each other's expectations are, it's not nearly so bad. I guess I'm just that much more incompatible with people who don't view sex as a form of commitment. Still, lifestyle choices.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)14:50 No.1562564
    >LV purse
    What is LV?
    That was Janet.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)14:50 No.1562566
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)14:51 No.1562571
    Try to act civilized when you approach a girl, and she won't think you're trying to molest her. See if you can tell the difference between these two following approaches. If you can't, I recommend you either lock yourself in your home, or take some 50 cal aspirin.

    (a) "Hi, who are you cosplaying? The hair ribbon looks especially cute. Would you mind posing for a picture or to?"

    (b) "Are you Kapthumi? You hapth the ripth boobs for her. I taking a pipthur! Go nyooooo like a neko!!!!!"

    That being said, girls should give the guy a benefit of the doubt. It's one thing for a guy to take a glance at your boobs, since they are hanging out from underneath your top. It's another if a guy is leering at you continuously. Learn the difference. It could save your life.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)14:52 No.1562572
    Louis Vuitton you ignorant shit.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)14:54 No.1562581
    See: overpriced
    >> /b/lackula !bQZuI.nr1c 01/18/09(Sun)14:57 No.1562590
    Not all of us are materialistic assholes who care about that shit. I bet you drink your coffee with the cup logo out so everyone can see how "cool" you are for buying from the $10 a cup coffee house.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)14:58 No.1562595
    never said i had a problem with actual whores, just people that cant deal with the repercussions of looking like one.
    if you're such a prude that you scream "RAPE! STALKER!" the second you see a guy glance at you're generously exposed heaving cleavage then maybe you're just not equipped for the job of looking sexy.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)14:59 No.1562598
    Have fun being poor you black sob.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)15:00 No.1562605
    Here is an educational video that all you young guys should watch. Learn early.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)15:02 No.1562607
    My observation from living in Tokyo for a year is that the "compensated dating" thing (enjo kosai) does not involve sex 99.99999% of the time, which is why the government in Japan hasn't done anything about it other than to say "oh, yeah, uh, we like, don't approve and stuff."

    It's no different than a hostess bar. They're just pretending to be your friend for a few hours. It's what an escort would be in the US if prostitution were legal and the whores didn't have to pretend to be something else.

    The age thing is of course more than just mildly creepy, but then again, if there's no sex, I'm kind of unmotivated to get upset about it.

    Let the ronery salarymen do their thing.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)15:03 No.1562610
    damn, just when the thread was starting to become an intelligent discussion, it turns to shit again.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)15:06 No.1562614
    yes actually, and i carry the empty cup around with me for the rest of the day like a trophy of my wealth. thank god its winter, because their seasonal cups look fabulous with my cranberry Coach bag.
    >> /b/lackula !bQZuI.nr1c 01/18/09(Sun)15:06 No.1562615
    Yeah, I will. Because paying my bills on time and still having a pretty big entertainment budget is being poor.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)15:06 No.1562616
    What you describe is totally unique to women, and I as a man have never been slapped on the ass with a yaoi paddle by some hideously ugly hambeast.

    TEAL DEAR: women are good for cooking and blowjobs, and most women manage to fuck even that up.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)15:08 No.1562617
    Enjoy blowing your money on entertainment. I just transferred another $8k to my E*TRADE account.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)15:10 No.1562625
    I would probably pose for him :|
    >> /b/lackula !bQZuI.nr1c 01/18/09(Sun)15:11 No.1562628
    I do. And during it all I'm building my credit, and gaining flier miles.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)15:15 No.1562635
    Hope you aren't carrying a balance in that case. The FICO 09 model will slam you.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)15:30 No.1562677
    I've never has any bad experiences with female cosplayers, and I ask for hugs and stuff all the time. You guys are doing it wrong
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)15:33 No.1562686
    you say that like you'd expect they'd call you a stalker/creep/rapist to your face if they had a problem with you.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)15:34 No.1562689
    I can already tell you wear pants when out in public. Don't ask me how I knew this...
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)15:37 No.1562695
    Well with the way OP portrays them, then they should be calling me a stalker. They aren't, so OP is wrong.
    All you have to do is say " May I have a hug?" or "Can I hug -name of character they are cosplaying-?" Then say thanks and maybe have a short chat, then leave.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)15:41 No.1562702
    First of all, sometimes shy girls make the mistake of dressing in revealing outfits they would never normally wear and then they can't handle the attention they get. It's dumb, but understandable why they act that way. Most people who go to cons are GEEKS. geeks aren't known for being the most outgoing people.

    Second, don't pretend you know what Japanese female congoers are like. A handful are probably what you described, but if you knew the first thing about Japanese culture you'd know they're MORE conservative than us. Not less. American girls are probably a lot MORE likely to be the way you described.

    tl;dr: stop being a bitter loser just because you hit on a girl at a con and she freaked out.
    >> E-mail me if you disagree. TheMikado !MikadonohM 01/18/09(Sun)15:41 No.1562703
    God... this argument would sooooo NOT happen in /s/.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)15:51 No.1562728
    Good thing this is /s/.

    Oh, wait.
    >> Shushilover !uhdacqdci6 01/18/09(Sun)15:53 No.1562733
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    Most girls want attention. They can't walk around half naked in real life or they would be labeled as a ho/skank. So they wait until cons and Halloween to dress like a skank because its "okay" because everyone else is doing it. So when they show up to cons and such in their revealing outfits, they still have that "Omg, everyone thinks I'm a whore dressed like this!" idea still in their head.

    Personally, I have met a couple of people who have been like OP's/troll's post. They picked very revealing costumes, and then when they get the attention they want, they freak out calling all the men in the con pervs for just looking at them.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)15:57 No.1562734
    Japanese are NOT more conservative. They have different cultural aspects (they frown upon kissing or holding hands in public) but they don't shy away from being sexual at all. They don't dress more conservatively, certainly their school girls don't.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)15:59 No.1562744
    Also don't hug for too long and don't squeeze too hard.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)15:59 No.1562745
    Kip doesn't mind boys at cons hugging/groping her. Neither should you.

    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)16:02 No.1562758
         File :1232312559.png-(282 KB, 640x480, vlcsnap-4829.png)
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    I get approached even in a winter's schoolgirl uniform. GTFO with this shit.

    Sometimes I'll allow hugs and sexy pictures, but sometimes we have boyfriends and don't want you to get too close. I politely said goodbye to a guy REPEATEDLY after giving him some of my time, and he fucking followed me around for a good half-hour. I eventually ran for it and ducked into one of my friend's hotel rooms that happened to be nearby.

    Use fucking common sense. If a girl is trying to bail, stop persisting and go elsewhere.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 01/18/09(Sun)16:08 No.1562776
    I've been yaoi paddled, glomped, hugged, offered sex by an underage girl, the works.

    People need to stop making a big deal about it. I've never dealt with OP's problem because I DON'T leer, stare, or make stalker movements. In fact often times I act completely disinterested, even when I'm flirting.

    People need to stop hitting on second rate fatties and talk to girls that are hot. They're less likely to raise a huge shit over nothing because they're used to the attention.

    With that in mind, if you're a girl-savvy kind of guy, the more a girl wants your attention, the less you give it to them. Makes 'em try harder. ;)
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)16:50 No.1562878
    Con attendees are the outcasts who can't get sex with normal people.

    Of course a con is going to be a massive orgy.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)16:54 No.1562882
    ITT disgusting hambeasts hop up on a Chinese knockoff feminist soap box to feign righteous indignation when really all they want is to be skinny like the women they're pretending to be.

    All bitches want is a firm smack across the ass. They live and die for it.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)16:54 No.1562884
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    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 01/18/09(Sun)16:59 No.1562893

    Spoken like a true fatty.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:09 No.1562903

    All sage does is NOT bump a thread.
    It doesn't place a label on a thread to make it dissapear or something. Moot even explained it best by saying "It does absofuckinglutely nothing!".

    If you want a thread to dissapear off the 10 or whatever pages faster...post in different threads. :/
    >> SAGE SAGE 01/18/09(Sun)17:22 No.1562920
    Sage or moar sexy cosplayer pics
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:22 No.1562922
    yes, but if it doesn't bump then less people have to look at it and then eventually if it gets enough comments it will auto sage and be gone forever! yay!
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)19:11 No.1563115
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)19:17 No.1563126
    0/10, OP's image is of a pornstar. We've gone ov this.
    >> Raptor Jesus !!GmuC8tJhrH5 01/18/09(Sun)19:18 No.1563130
    As dumb as this is, it is completely 80% correct. Most girls at con want attention and if you don't give it to them they give more to you.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)19:18 No.1563131
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)19:33 No.1563161
    Attention =/= desire to be treated like an object.

    I want attention for my sexy outfit, and compliments, and pictures. I do not want to fuck you. I am here as an artist who worked very hard, and I want my aesthetic and hard work to be appreciated.

    Also, just because a costume is revealing doesn't mean it's whorish. Plenty of costumes, like Sailor Moon costumes, are fairly revealing, but panty shots and whore poses aren't in Sailor Moon. We kind of expect to be treated as hardcore as the series we're cosplaying from is. If it's G-rated, ask me for G-rated poses. If it's a hentai, go ahead and ask--ASK, not just TAKE-- the panty shot.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)19:36 No.1563166
         File :1232325375.jpg-(26 KB, 315x429, attention20whore3lm9.jpg)
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    GTFO, whore.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)19:38 No.1563171
    So tell me, is such dramatic cognitive dissonance physically painful for you, or have you just learned to tune it out over the years?
    >> Sage 01/18/09(Sun)19:50 No.1563183
    Because you all are fucking retarded. I don't even have a response to this thread.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)19:51 No.1563185
    >Sailor Moon costumes, are fairly revealing, but panty shots and whore poses aren't in Sailor Moon.
    HUUR DERP there's no sexuality or objectification in Sailor Moon DURP
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)19:57 No.1563200
    Where the fuck do you retards learn '=/='?

    It's '!='
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)20:00 No.1563210
    Maybe in fucking Algebra I class. But I'm sure you dropped out long before that.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)20:02 No.1563213
    Fievel, it's =/= in America land of opportunity.
    >> jazz 01/18/09(Sun)20:02 No.1563215

    relaaax. relational operators like != are written differently in print.
    they're used to writing an equal sign with a slash through it because of their maths classes, probably.

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