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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

  • File :1232213461.jpg-(58 KB, 430x640, trophies.jpg)
    58 KB Katsucon Anonymous 01/17/09(Sat)12:31 No.1559410  
    Katsucon is less than a month away, which anons are going, and are you ready?

    Pic related, its a Katsu best in show masq. trophy from years back. The Hetalia skit will of course be taking it this year.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/09(Sat)12:38 No.1559428
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    JJ's doing plenty of viral marketing to gain skit support I see
    >> Katsu !dkwFk3Xulc 01/17/09(Sat)12:39 No.1559431
    I'm going! My second costume is ALMOST finished. Just need to finish sewing on the buttons.

    Then it's all about Toph and deciding on what kind of gown I want to make for the ball.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/09(Sat)12:41 No.1559436
    Mostly ready! I still have a wig to style and a large prop to finish building. And one of my other costumes is wearable, but not in the best state. Hmmm.

    Easier to do once I get back to school next week, though.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/09(Sat)13:05 No.1559484
    Maybe 40% ready. I have to weft a wig, make a weapon and construct a fabulous onesie. Going into Death Mode already...
    >> saku !UZuKFp6d0I 01/17/09(Sat)13:14 No.1559508
    yeah! I'm going! This is my first time flying so I'm kind of nervous...
    >> OwlDepot 01/17/09(Sat)13:28 No.1559546
    Namefagging, cause I'm going. Gonna be Geassing it up.

    Waifu~ We will make plenty of sexy time pictures and molest LRC, yes?
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 01/17/09(Sat)13:38 No.1559570
    Remember to cop a feel for daddy~
    >> Katsu !dkwFk3Xulc 01/17/09(Sat)13:46 No.1559596
    Flying is fun! <3 Can't wait to meet you and everyone else!

    Also: freaking out over my Ranma wig, since it's not here yet. I need to style iiitttt!
    >> kasai !mdPEhUqv3k 01/17/09(Sat)13:54 No.1559612
    Oh my god 0% ready the next month is going to be insaaaaane.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/09(Sat)14:00 No.1559638
    I'm going, and dragging a whole club with me. Only four out of the eight of us are cosplaying, though. Not ready yet, but I will be by then. I've got two jackets done, a pair of pants almost finished, and a wig ready. Just need to make a shirt and a hat, and alter two pairs of shoes and two pairs of shorts. Couldn't convince one of my group to wear a wig, but his hair can be close enough. It's the first time I've been in charge of costuming for anyone other than myself. I will have success!
    >> Anonymous 01/17/09(Sat)15:56 No.1559994
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    >>1559508 This is my first time flying so I'm kind of nervous...

    Relax. You're six times more likely to die in a car accident than you are in a plane crash.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/09(Sat)16:21 No.1560054
    Actually the chances are even smaller than that, at least in the US. Your chances of dying a fiery death on a commercial passenger jet is smaller than your chance of becoming US president.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/09(Sat)16:23 No.1560064
    I'll probably be there on Saturday. Definitely won't be going to to masquerade. Probably won't buy a badge. Probably will get drunk.
    >> saku !UZuKFp6d0I 01/17/09(Sat)16:31 No.1560098
    ...... ;_; over the past two months while driving I've had too many near misses of the fatal variety...

    well then, there goes my bid for white house.

    roger roger

    pudding fiiiiiight.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/09(Sat)16:38 No.1560131
    Isn't that an argument in FAVOR of flying? Or at least letting somebody else drive. :)
    >> JJ !rKnhi5lecA 01/17/09(Sat)17:41 No.1560309
    >>1559410 The Hetalia skit will of course be taking it this year.

    In order to even have a shot at Best In Show you have to compete for both performance and craftsmanship. I don't even know if we're going to ENTER for craftsmanship, and if we do, most of us, especially me, aren't expert sewers or anything close to it. And seriously who the hell knows how well this crazy skit will turn out, haha.
    >> OwlDepot 01/17/09(Sat)18:25 No.1560410
    We'll have to doubleteam this, babe.
    >> Anonymous 01/17/09(Sat)18:38 No.1560437

    I see only 4 fingers on that hand
    >> Anonymous 01/17/09(Sat)18:57 No.1560467

    you can do it, it's not so bad!
    >> Anonymous 01/17/09(Sat)21:05 No.1560688

    so why bother? So you can make an ass of yourself on stage with a yaoi-filled inside joke skit that's contributing to the enormous pile of fail skits? Great
    >> Anonymous 01/17/09(Sat)21:50 No.1560749
    What we need is MORE reasons for people to hate Hetalia, so bring on the shitty skits!
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)01:05 No.1561288
    /cgl/ masq pictochat. Bring your DSes fools
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)01:21 No.1561348
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)01:56 No.1561480
    Hetalia is for faggots.

    Oops, wait. JJ's skit is full of lesbians. Criteria met.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)01:57 No.1561489
    hey, I'm not a lesbian! Then again, I'm only a stage ninja..
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)15:03 No.1562608
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)15:25 No.1562661
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    do want
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)15:30 No.1562678
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    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)15:47 No.1562714
    Anyone entering the Hall contest?
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)15:57 No.1562736
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    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)16:27 No.1562834
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)16:40 No.1562856
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:31 No.1562935
    I have so much shit left to do for Katsu
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)18:10 No.1563006

    I want to jack off onto the porker in the middle's face.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)19:13 No.1563120
    nope. the masquerade is good at katsu. I'd rather compete there. It's more fun. (:
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)19:42 No.1563175

    I am. Also doing stuff in the masq too. Busy busy
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)20:03 No.1563218
    The Katsu Masq chat last week was such a cluster fuck. I saw quite a few rather well known East coast cosplayers in there though running skits. I felt intimidated.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)20:14 No.1563234
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)20:15 No.1563237
    Oops, it cut me off before I finished. But yeah, all cgl ever talks about is JJ's skit, which I'm sure will be awesome and all, hur hur, dem thighs, etc, but i want to know who else is doing stuff.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)20:23 No.1563248

    different anon who wasn't in the chat so cant deliver on names from it but I think Ambrosia is doing a skit, the people with the Death Note skit (the good one with the big shinigamis) from last year, JJ, I think Umister is doing a skit too
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)20:41 No.1563276

    people who have the community watched = a good hint of who to expect. I think the 14 people the lj has friended are group leaders, and there are some others too that aren't for some reason (like JJ or Erisaka)
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)20:49 No.1563293

    oh wow I recognize quite a few people on here.

    What a suprised ginnyseta doing ANOTHER skit...great
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)21:07 No.1563313
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    >> Soni !!qeHmeAJM1a2 01/18/09(Sun)21:12 No.1563319
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)22:12 No.1563418
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    ODLODLOLDOLDOLDOLDOOOOOOOOOOO we're really ready for Katsu I think.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)22:24 No.1563441
    Fri, Godot (80% complete).
    Sat, Cloud
    Sunday, not sure yet...maybe Casual!Naruto
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)22:51 No.1563499
    Is it true the con is open 24 hours a day? If so, am I the only one that's thinking "screw paying for a hotel, I'll just keep my stuff in the car I go in and hang in the con while drinking a shitload of coffee/energy drinks"?
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 01/18/09(Sun)22:57 No.1563521
    Yes, this is a 24/7 convention. But I would not advise you staying up 24/7 during the con.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)22:58 No.1563525
    I might be going! $20 Chinatown bus FTW!

    It all depends on whether I'll be able to scrape up the registration fee, though. What is it, $55 at the door? Yikes.
    >> LRC !HG6fkGXhas 01/18/09(Sun)23:00 No.1563528
    That can only end in tears.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)23:01 No.1563538
    Don't try it. I've done it before, and wound up not only useless the day after, but paranoid of everything around me...You know, after having a panic attack with the girl I was with at the time. Fine one minute, then all of a sudden everything changed horribly and I freaked out like hell.
    So. Not suggested. Get your sleep. You'll need it.
    >> Kyo 01/18/09(Sun)23:11 No.1563562
    if you have a car and can't afford a hotel, why not just sleep in the car?
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)23:26 No.1563592

    T__T Those trophies are so cool I hope our group wins one!
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)23:39 No.1563613

    Umister is in someone elses skit
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)00:22 No.1563717
    make sure you pre-reg!! They are capping the attendance at 6,000 people and I heard they might have to turn away people who didn't register ahead of time
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)02:52 No.1564042

    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)08:00 No.1564702
    wow! they're getting big.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/09(Mon)08:12 No.1564715

    Holy shit I didn't know this.

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