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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

  • File :1232039059.png-(19 KB, 320x135, logo-test-1.png)
    19 KB Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)12:04 No.1554530  

    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)12:22 No.1554547
    A website of dumb teenagers who think that every ugly man that even glances at them out of curiosity while theye're wearing next to nothing is a creepy harasser.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)12:27 No.1554549

    Yeah, bitches are just begging to be raped.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)12:40 No.1554562
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)12:51 No.1554568
    If only that were an exaggeration.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)12:55 No.1554571
    Omg that guy came over and started talking to me. He must be a pervert and is going to rape me.
    My god he is at the same panel I am, this guy is stalking me.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)13:06 No.1554582
    I have more fun just DDoSing Cosfu.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)13:21 No.1554596
    ITT:A guy asked me for the time. He must want to rape me!!!
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)13:25 No.1554598
    >do you want to forbid the use of yaoi/yuri paddles at the con, or restrict them to consensual use in private areas?

    I lol'd a bit and then started to wonder if I could ever truly mock them without gong "but.. I kinda get why you're doing it."

    >Policy Examples: AnthroCon.

    Wait, wait, never mind. Let the mockery resume!
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)13:26 No.1554599
    I just arrived and this guy came out of nowhere and stood behind me at the entrance line. HE MUST BE A STALKER TRYING TO RAPE ME!
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 01/15/09(Thu)13:27 No.1554600
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    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)13:29 No.1554607
    This guy just parked his car in the convention parking lot-OMG RAPIST!!!!
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)13:34 No.1554613
    >This database alphabetically lists conventions... If a con you know of doesn’t appear on this list at all, let us know and point us towards its website!

    Out of the US's ten largest anime conventions, they only came up with three. These are people who are really on top of their cause, lol.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)13:38 No.1554619
    "All conventions should establish policies against verbal and physical harassment, tailored to the specific atmosphere and demographics of their con. Some conventions have, to good effect. Many cons have not, counting on the common sense of their attendees or assuming that the general illegality of such harassment would adequately discourage it within the con."

    Uhm... wut? If it's illegal outside the con, it's illegal inside the con. WTF is little girls writing letters saying OMG WE WANT PERSONAL BODYGUARDS MAKING SURE NO ONE IS MEAN TO US going to do???

    "How else can you help stop harassment, maybe even before it starts? Check out the Open Source Women Back Each Other Up Project (and Gentlemen’s Auxiliary) for tips on how to identify and assist women who may need help. OSWBEOUP(&GA) isn’t affiliated with CAHP (which is a gender-neutral project) but it offers excellent resources for aiding harassed women specifically."

    Because, you know, MEN never get harassed.

    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)13:39 No.1554622
    This is a great idea! I'm always for less glomping and yaoi paddling.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)13:41 No.1554624
    >WTF is little girls writing letters saying OMG WE WANT PERSONAL BODYGUARDS MAKING SURE NO ONE IS MEAN TO US going to do???

    Make the con ban little girls.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)13:44 No.1554626
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    My sword, in the hands of a catgirl running away, me on the ground under at least 4 fat 15 year olds, my pauldrons are broken my wig is 6 feet that way -> and I twisted my ankle.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)13:45 No.1554628
    And what did we learn about cosplaying FF VII characters?
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)13:46 No.1554631
    Their FAQ has epic lolz

    From "What is sexual harassment?"
    - following or silently observing someone
    - leering, staring or suggestive gestures

    ... so how many fanbois does this apply to???
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)13:47 No.1554633
    I learned don't, no matter how much you like the character fangirls are fucking crazy and should be avoided at all costs.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)13:54 No.1554642
    I rage thinking about it.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)13:54 No.1554643
    I do agree on the yaoi paddles thing. Jeez
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)13:56 No.1554644
    >silently observing someone

    The preferred method is to go, "I AM CURRENTLY OBSERVING YOU."
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)13:57 No.1554645
    Honestly I wouldnt have cared, as much, if my shoulder pieces didnt break. I got the sword back almost right away and the boots helped my ankle.
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 01/15/09(Thu)13:57 No.1554647
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    Unless you're in a large costume of a summon, where size adds an intimidation factor to offset their glomping desires.
    I was pleasantly surprised by that effect.

    That site is fucking hilarious. Insecure teenage girls indeed.
    >> faux !Gaimx7WoNU 01/15/09(Thu)13:58 No.1554649
    Did you at least get your sword back?

    Seriously, I've had much worse harassment outside of cons than inside. Worst was at a Guitar Center, and another time at school. You just have to not be an idiot at a con and you can avoid bad situations... and don't wander around alone if you are underage. Ta-da.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)13:59 No.1554651
    Really? I would expect an increased level of glomp.
    >> The Truth !!SE6QHxDfCj/ 01/15/09(Thu)14:01 No.1554655
    My boyfriend got attacked by Narutards who almost broke his camera once. They seriously leaped at him when he was holding it, and he almost dropped it.

    Lawl, then when they got up in his face, he tried to blind them with the flash of the camera to get them away from us. >.>
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)14:01 No.1554656
    Great, now to prove you wrong I'm gonna need to get a running start on the next mascot I see :P.
    thanks Oshi
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)14:03 No.1554661
    That's what I do, man. People really seem to appreciate being made aware when they're being observed, preferably as loudly and authoritatively as possible.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)14:10 No.1554673
    As much as I hate when stuff like that happens to me, I find it absolutely hilarious when it happens to others. Especially if it is say a Nel tackling an Ichigo.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 01/15/09(Thu)14:10 No.1554674
    Cuz guys don't get sexually harassed. Its all women.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)14:12 No.1554682
    One of my friends that I cosplay with has a LEGITIMATE con-stalker. When me and him are at a con this one girl always comes up and starts getting all touchy feely, it had gotten to the point where he threw a chair at her to make her go away... she didnt.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)14:15 No.1554686
    Comments, looks, and leers don't tend to bother me in the least. I usually just take them as compliments. People should only be reported for saying something if it was a direct threat ("I am going to drug/rape/kill you.") or inappropriate sexual contact/exposure (being flashed/groped/rubbed). If some fat guy is trying to get past you in the dealers line and you won't move, however, him pushing on your shoulder and wiggling between you and the table to get by ISN'T FUCKING SEXUAL CONTACT. If that was a cute guy, they'd brag about it to their friends instead of getting OMG RAPIST.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)14:19 No.1554696
    We had one for 2 conventions that were pretty close to each other. We openly told the two of them, a girl and a guy, to stop following us and making advances on us. They'd laugh about it and try to hug us. I hate bringing shit to security, but by the middle of the second convention we couldn't take it anymore after the girl grabbed my boyfriends ass and then pushed me over and rushed into our hotel room without permission, even though we told her to get lost and that there was no way she was coming in our room.

    She's lucky I made it to security without her blood on my fist. I wanted to punch her so hard I could have broken her fucking nose.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)14:20 No.1554698
    While it isn't viewed as harassment, 'glomping' should definitely be placed under there. I as well as a few of my other friends have had our cosplays destroyed due to people jumping on us. So please, either ask us before hand or don't do it all together. Plus, it's annoying as fuck to have someone tackle you while you are moving around in an outfit that took time and money to create.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)14:23 No.1554701

    And you know what's going to happen? Idiots like this "project" are going to result in so many false positives that security won't even pay attention when it's legit.
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 01/15/09(Thu)14:27 No.1554706
    That's what I figured would happen as well! Hence the pleasant surprise.

    If the next mascot you see is a white Lucario at Ohayo... No plz dont. Aim for the blue one.

    I've been fortunate (or ugly) enough never to rarely if ever have to deal with fanthings... My girlfriend however... Well, let's just say a guy was escorted from AUSA with a broken nose, after it met her boot when he tried to take an upskirt.
    >> R.D. !!qFhBIHR1ap8 01/15/09(Thu)14:27 No.1554707

    You are too damn kind.

    1. Get really, REALLY pissed
    2. Look for the fangirl with asthma
    3. Choke said girl
    4 ?????
    5. PROFIT (= epic drama)

    True story, although I did not intentionally pick the one with asthma.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)14:27 No.1554709
    This is what this >>1554682 was.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)14:28 No.1554711
    On the bright side, you guys have those chest spikes to repel frontal assaults, right?
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)14:29 No.1554713
    I just cant bring myself to hurt a girl. God damned morals getting in my way
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)14:32 No.1554717
    con rape and sexual harassment has risen ever since the convention scene became thugnigga and brodude breeding ground. Here's how it started
    Nerd:Hey guys I went to a con this weekend and totally got laid. And check out the hot chicks who I took pics with!"whips out blackberry"

    Basically it became a snowball effect. more and more of them started showing up with their aggressive, borderline rape approach techniques of grabbing a girl,pulling her to the side with the famous line "yo shawty lemme holla"
    >> R.D. !!qFhBIHR1ap8 01/15/09(Thu)14:38 No.1554728

    Alright, if you are a guy I understand that this is hard-
    well it actually was a joke because I felt really bad afterwards.
    The girl was like- 14? and I nearly killed her (well actually her asthma nearly killed her and I just...well).
    Okay, she was a fangirl, but one doesn't kill a puppy just for its lack of intelligence and behavior....

    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)14:38 No.1554729

    trudat, brah
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)14:58 No.1554763
    Honestly how often does this happen?
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)15:06 No.1554782
    Every con I've been to. It's always either creepy middle-aged Mexican guys wanting pictures with the pretty jailbait and getting UNCOMFORTABLY close for said pictures, or gangbanger nigger-types (not black people, Black does not equal Nigger. Niggers come in all colors!) thinking they can score and wanting to check out the 'hot shawties dressed in that Jap Cartoon Network shiznat'

    Seriously overheard that exact phrase at Otakon. Outside, of course. They were too cheap to get badges. Or they steal them.

    I blame Cartoon Network for the invasion of this type, 100%.
    >> /b/lackula !bQZuI.nr1c 01/15/09(Thu)15:27 No.1554817
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    >'hot shawties dressed in that Jap Cartoon Network shiznat'
    lol wut? What year was this? I've heard some funny shit before from "niggas" at cons but wow.
    >> ike !!uFGeaxUPNNT 01/15/09(Thu)16:48 No.1554967
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)17:18 No.1555010

    Holy fuck, this is so true. At AX 07, this big gang of Mexican and black guys kept following my friend and I (while cosplaying Fate/Stay Night) around and they asked for pictures with us every hour or so. They didn't have badges, though . . .
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)17:28 No.1555029
    Should've gone into the Dealer's Hall then. Can't get in without a badge.
    >> rkown !sZtSxEnfYY 01/15/09(Thu)17:48 No.1555066
    silly girls need to grow up and if they do run in to real problems often they should learn how to defend themselves properly or consider stop dressing like sluts if they don't want men looking at them.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)18:09 No.1555105
    for every stupid 14 year old brat who thinks fanboys are sexually harrasing her, i'm going to oogle/stare at three of them. it's a public fucking place and it ain't against the law to look.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)18:22 No.1555127
    So fangirls can harass guys, but fanboys can't harass girls? So much for equality.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)18:25 No.1555130
    I CAN
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)18:29 No.1555134
    But they DO want men to look at them. They want "hot" men to look at them, but if you arent good looking they want you to gtfo. Fucking women with there labyrinth brains.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)18:35 No.1555141

    Yeah, that's what we ended up doing.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)18:54 No.1555168
    There's a difference between looking and stalking, chatting and harassing, and never, never, NEVER touch a stranger unless you get some fucking permission. I want to be seen and admired, not stalked.

    If morons continue act like rapist freaks around hot cosplayers, soon we'll have nothing by fatties and attention whores, as opposed to actually good cosplay.

    Besides, I've seen girls in body-covering costumes have guys follow them around, "carry their bags" (yank their stuff out of their hands), talk to them for hours, pout or act threatening when the girl asks them to leave, etc, etc.

    It's a con, not a whorehouse. Have some dignity.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)19:09 No.1555195
    >> sebastian !QzrU9Y5.76 01/15/09(Thu)19:15 No.1555206
    Holy fuck this is pathetic.

    Stop overreacting, or buy a can of Mace.
    >> faux !Gaimx7WoNU 01/15/09(Thu)19:17 No.1555215
    Also I bet its the same goddamned girls that think its ok to run up and grab my boyfriend's ass every other con.
    >> sebastian !QzrU9Y5.76 01/15/09(Thu)19:19 No.1555224
    Well of course it's perfectly acceptable for THEM to hit people with yaoi paddles and harass guys who want to be left alone. But god forbid any man look vaguely in their general direction.
    >> 50s Housewife 01/15/09(Thu)19:26 No.1555235
    You're pretty fucked up if you throw around the word "rape" and "rapist" like its a toy. Fucking stop it. People that go to anime conventions are more likely than not socially retarded and have no idea how to go about asking you if they can take a picture of your costume that you worked for ages on FOR THIS VERY PURPOSE. Stop being bitches and deal with the fact that you're attracting attention to yourself. It might not be from the people you want it from(i.e. tripfags, hot cosplayers, professional cameramen), but you wanted to wear something that basically screams LOOK UPON ME AND MAKE ME FEEL SUPER SPECIAL so you have to learn how to deal with it. If you genuinely feel as if someone wants to hurt you, be smart and look for con staff. That doesn't mean report every neckbeard that looks at you funny or else you'll just get your own ass thrown out of the con for being a drama monger.
    >> sebastian !QzrU9Y5.76 01/15/09(Thu)19:35 No.1555250
    >>1555235 or else you'll just get your own ass thrown out of the con for being a drama monger.

    If drama mongering was grounds for being thrown out a con then nobody on /cgl/ would ever get into one.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)19:37 No.1555254
    the problem is these bitches won't do anything about it at the con, they will go and cry about it on the internet after they get home.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)19:39 No.1555256

    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)19:52 No.1555289
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    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)20:00 No.1555300
    People just need to suck it up. It's a part of conventions. Taking that stuff away from the rest of the con-goers is taking away a vast majority of the fun. If you don't like it, don't go. |:
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)20:11 No.1555318
    I'm chill when girls give my boyfriend the eye, or even do a little flirting. I'm even okay with people asking him for hugs when he's in costume, even though it makes me want to tear their arms off on the inside, I'm not going to act psycho jealous. He's in a costume, of course he's going to get attention.

    But I have fucking chased down bitches who think they're being cute running up and goosing him or spanking his ass, especially while I'm holding his hand or some shit. No one has tried kissing him, not yet, but if that day comes I don't even know what I'm going to do.
    >> rkown !sZtSxEnfYY 01/15/09(Thu)20:22 No.1555333
    Some dumb tart tried kissing my guy out of the blue at AX two years ago saying it was just because it's what their characters would do. I found her later out of costume off site and punched her lights out for that.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)20:24 No.1555337
    Cool story bro.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)20:27 No.1555344
    Not gonna work.

    People just need to learn how to stand up for themselves if they're caught in an uncomfortable situation. Grow a pair and move on.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)20:31 No.1555351
    I've gotta watch myself. I don't need some bratty fangirl crying to security that I assaulted a minor.
    >> rkown !sZtSxEnfYY 01/15/09(Thu)20:38 No.1555368
    hit them harder so they have to have their jaw wired shut?
    >> faux !Gaimx7WoNU 01/15/09(Thu)20:39 No.1555370
    My boyfriend likes to mess with them. He really hates giving hugs to strangers. The best was one hot summer con, he was Kamina and some gross chick asked for a hug and he gave her the sweaty bare armpit to the face!

    That same con, a girl followed him around the entire weekend, asking for his picture on 8 entirely different occasions.
    And when some chick ran up and spanked him, her male friend said "totally not cool" and shook his head at her.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)20:41 No.1555378
    I'm chill with girls flirting with him because he laughs at them and insults them harshly, without any provocation by me. I was really surprised the first time it happened. When people flirt with me I ignore it. When people flirt with him he calls them fat ugly cunts.
    >> faux !Gaimx7WoNU 01/15/09(Thu)20:49 No.1555417
    Ha! Mine's the same way.. its honestly REALLY funny how mean he is to girls like that sometimes.
    A few years ago, we were at a concert together and I left to find a bathroom and some chick was drunk and hitting on him and she flashed her boobs at him! I don't remember if that was the chick he punched or if that was another incident. Seriously some girls think they can get away with awful behavior. If a guy showed you his dick like that, you'd just call the cops!
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)20:54 No.1555436
    Actually... that's not morals. That's sexism. You think women are either incapable of defending themselves or to be held towards a lower sense of moral accountability for their actions. You think that they are weaker or more frail and thus must be given preferential treatment. This is the same kind of mentality that fought against women being given the vote, as it would be improper to have women 'sully their hands with the dirt of politics'.

    Remember: Chivalry is just sexism in a fancier set of clothes.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)20:54 No.1555437
    LOL. Suuuuuuuuure he does.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:00 No.1555454
    Ummm wow. I honestly have no idea how to react to this. Normally when someone says I'd never hit a girl people see that as a good thing. Brb need to wrap mind around that.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:04 No.1555465
    HEY are you a gaiafag? :D
    >> Adjutant‮TACELBAT‪‪‪‬‪‬ !FUX4cHAN.6 01/15/09(Thu)21:05 No.1555467
    This is the dumbest shit ever.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:07 No.1555471
    Fuck you. I want to be treated differently than men.


    It isn't like either of us can prove we're right, so it doesn't matter if he does or doesn't in the end.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:09 No.1555475
    I for one appreciate not getting a fist in the face. Thank you, kind sir.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:20 No.1555503
    this this this
    i think every girl who calls out a guy for sexual harasment should just watch this video
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:25 No.1555516

    damn men and their evil penises showing girls respect.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:36 No.1555537

    Hey, I'm the guy who wrote that post. I'm not one of the fat complainy girls who choose to be offended by everything a man or boy does. I simply feel that unequal treatment isn't a sign of respect, it's a guise that hides contempt, knowingly or unknowingly.

    I'm not saying I'm some shining beacon of equality. I'm very imperfect like everyone else. I just feel that one needs to understand what their attitudes mean. This lack of objective treatment between genders also creates things like women being awarded custody much more often in divorce cases, citing things like 'the maternal bond' a thing that isn't quantifiable, observable or even sensible. It's just a stereotype that women are more caring and thus it affects our legal system in damaging ways.

    P.S. I think this anti-harassment thing is retarded, thankfully the kind of people who make these things rarely are successful.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:41 No.1555548
    What in the flaming fuck is WRONG with you people? It's an intelligent, realistic approach to wanting to act on harassment. Jesus titty-fucking christ, not everyone who claims to be harassed is an irrational uptight crazy bitch, and not everyone accused of it just glanced at a pair of breasts for too long. I just vomited all over myself, thank you very much.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:50 No.1555574
    Did anyone notice that the policies aren't even gender-specific?

    “All attendees at [name of con] are expected to treat other attendees, guests, staff, and the general public with respect. Physical and verbal harassment and sexual assault will not be tolerated.”

    That's awfully general. Anyone who doesn't believe that's a good policy is a nutter, plain and simple.

    Seriously, something with even the faintest trace of a hint of a a smidge of feminism is met with OMGWTFBBQFHRDBGJBGJFDJ RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE around here. take a god damn chill pill, why don't you.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)21:54 No.1555594
    It's called common sense. I don't understand why there has to be a "project".
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)22:01 No.1555617
    If you observe the majority of enforced laws and policies within our society, 99% of it IS just common sense. people tend to not have any unless someone punishes them for it.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)22:07 No.1555626
    these faggots are the authors of the website
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)22:18 No.1555646
    THIS. Minus the vomit.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)22:20 No.1555650
    And even if they were, your point is...? They provide valid arguments, ya jerk.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)22:21 No.1555654
    Let me get this straight:

    All of you guys are bawwwwing that girls treat you like shit and hang on you at cons.

    Could it possibly cross your wee minds that girls, also, dislike being treated like shit and hung onto at cons?

    And that maybe instead of being too pussy to do anything about and bawwwwing on CGL, girls are actually smarter, more organized, and don't take shit? That they are, in fact, "growing a pair" and dealing with a situation like an adult?

    Newsflash: everyone benefits from procedures to eject obnoxious assholes from cons.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)22:25 No.1555670
    Nonsense. Girls are dumb and they smell funny. And they make my body do strange things, especially downstairs.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)22:27 No.1555672
    Yeah,making a website to b'aww about it is dealing with it like an adult.
    >> pohki !TSx.MrVPTU 01/15/09(Thu)22:51 No.1555711
    Lets be logical here. Are the people who engage in socially (and possibly illegal) unacceptable behavior going to be seriously deterred by a blurb in the con's program? I can see a couple of things stemming from this. It might actually accomplish a slight good and empower some shy kid with a legit gripe to go to security instead of taking it in fear. However the more probable result is that people will use the expanded rules to report anyone who looks at them funny and make real instances of harassment get last attention.

    Oh, and just wait till they kick out the first person who "has a real mental disability and can't help it."
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)23:12 No.1555786
    I'm a girl and I think the site is silly and may be from overreacting to a few pervs at cons.
    >> Anonymous 01/15/09(Thu)23:22 No.1555827
    Indeed, it opens up the possibilities to be abused. I don't understand the need for this if we already know it's wrong. This is just stating the obvious and slapping on some catchphrases to make themselves look more important.

    You really want an "anti-harassment" project? Start to look out for one another. Make the job for security people a little less taxing by behaving yourself and helping others behave. You don't need a silly project with a bunch of rules outlined for you, just some common sense will do.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)01:58 No.1556327
    i have a solution!

    we should all be blind that way we cant look at anyone in an inappropriate matter :D
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)02:00 No.1556332
    im a girl and i find this shit hilarious. if you think about it its only the crazed fangirls when they see any narutard or someone from FMA

    Solution? dont cosplay from those two anime's and i think we wont have any problems anymore
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)02:01 No.1556333
    Shut the fuck up, unfunnyfag.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)02:02 No.1556336
    Having considered the matter, I think you're about 14 and also...kind of stupid.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)06:04 No.1556784
    they pulled shit out of their ass in an attempt to defend a retarded website with a retarded concept.
    >> Anonymous 01/16/09(Fri)07:24 No.1556818
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    I liek anime girls :B

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