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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

    today marks the end of scheduled maintenance—two guys with two weeks to kill and a few hundred hours later, we're finally [mostly] done.
    page loads/image downloads should be dramatically faster. until we hit 1gbps, at least. to all of my wonderful and ungrateful users: "you're welcome."
    (note: there are still a few other things i'll be working on so expect intermittent downtime)
    ps: thanks so much to mvb for all of the help and support.

    File :1231377349.png-(98 KB, 713x268, Traps.png)
    98 KB Anonymous 01/07/09(Wed)20:15 No.1532586  
    Someone made a thread about traps and it was interesting to read the responses, but it was pruned and went to thread heaven. Continuation?

    >Traps, Crossdressers, transgendered boys of /cgl/ I have a question for you.

    >Why do you do what you do? I mean like crossplay, wear women's clothing all the time, wish to be the girl, etc. What makes you want to be a girl? o.O Something I've always been wondering
    >> Anonymous 01/07/09(Wed)20:18 No.1532590
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    >> Anonymous 01/07/09(Wed)20:33 No.1532624

    Yah. That's pretty much it.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/09(Wed)21:41 No.1532780
    A more interesting question is - whats with all the crossdressers on 4chan? /cgl/ probably isn't a huge surprise as most of the boys that post here alot are probably alittle on the girly-but what excuse does /b/ or /v/ have?

    It would make a very interesting study-any one have any thoughts?
    >> Anonymous 01/07/09(Wed)23:30 No.1533113
    newfags and oldfags are both fags
    >> Anonymous 01/07/09(Wed)23:39 No.1533137
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    Haha same here. Its me again from the last thread...
    >> Anonymous 01/07/09(Wed)23:47 No.1533157
    You're so pretty. ;_; Do you have a Deviant Art/Cos Cure/Cosplay/Facebook/MySpace/anywhere else profile I can go to for moar?

    Also, to anyone that replies, what orientation are you? I've been told people who crossdress/crossplay actually maintain their heterosexuality.
    >> Anonymous 01/07/09(Wed)23:59 No.1533180

    Yes I'm straight if you're wondering, no I really don't use any of those sites except for facebook. I don't really give it out I only use it to talk with close friends.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/09(Thu)00:00 No.1533183

    Well okay I take that back I'm sort of bisexual but as far as boys go I only like pretty crossdressers and such...
    >> Anonymous 01/08/09(Thu)00:03 No.1533192
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    Heeey, it's back.


    You were just a crossdresser, right? A very good one I was jealous of, IIRC :P.

    Let me see if I can try to find another one that doesn't fail. (or did I post this already? If I have, forgive me. I'll find another.)
    >> Anonymous 01/08/09(Thu)00:05 No.1533195
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    Just a crossdresser? I dunno maybe? Here's more of me
    >> Anonymous 01/08/09(Thu)00:10 No.1533200
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    Well, should I call you he or she? And you are certainly more daring than I am. I rarely wear skirts that short without tights :P.

    (And my next pic gets a yay for smallness. A very sarcastic yay)
    >> Anonymous 01/08/09(Thu)00:15 No.1533205

    Gah you have nicer legs than I do o.o
    >> Anonymous 01/08/09(Thu)00:32 No.1533232
    Why? Well at first it was because a girl I liked asked me to wear a skirt and panties for her. It was rather novel so I tried it some more and enjoyed it, alot. It's also fun just trying to confuse people into thinking you're of the opposite sex. I'm 100% heterosexual though so I don't really care to do anything about all that male attention...
    >> Anonymous 01/08/09(Thu)00:42 No.1533256
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    As I said in the last thread, sexuality is independent of gender. You could be TS and still like girls. You'd just be a lesbian. I hate how people feel the need to reassure someone they are "100% heterosexual" when they mention some crossdressing escapade. It's fine if you are just a crossdresser, crossplayer, or fully TG. It also has nothing to do with what you want to stick it into/want stuck into you.

    (and I hate this pic with a passion, it's just one of the better ones from that particular set)
    >> Anonymous 01/08/09(Thu)00:46 No.1533272

    Well I like looking good for the camera and all. Either is fine but I prefer the latter, I'm not too strict about it.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/09(Thu)00:49 No.1533279
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    My real life pass rate is a lot better. Something about me not being photogenic as a girl, lol. And that's noted. I'll stick with she if I have to refer to you in the third person.

    Even more tiny (my photographer kept giving me thumbnails :S.)
    >> Anonymous 01/08/09(Thu)01:05 No.1533311
    OP here, I believe the reason is the most obvious: anonymity. Most people probably have a hard time being open about this kind of stuff in real life, and an imageboard with encouraged anonymity is probably an easier environment to talk about it. That's the reason I recreated the thread. I'm a "heterosexual" (sexuality indeterminate as it's an arbitrary, black-and-white way of doing things (I'm attracted to crossdressers but not straightforward males)) male psychology student and I like asking people questions and getting a feel for who they are and why they do things. Crossdressers seem to be much less cut-and-dry in regard to personality and sexuality (see: >>1533256). Alas, I don't know any (or at least none that I'm aware of ◕ ◡ ◕) so I've got questions and nobody to ask them.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/09(Thu)01:10 No.1533318

    Crossdressers actually are more cut and dry. It's transgenders/transsexuals that seem to confuse people (and yes, I am one. I believe my self to be a girl, and I want to become as close to female as technologically possible). Anyway, I'm also a psych student, and I can understand where you are coming from.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/09(Thu)01:15 No.1533333
    I have a similar case to you guys, but opposite at the same time. I am a girl who likes to crossdress as a boy very often but I'm 100% heterosexual. This has led to a few awkward times when gay men have asked me out but I had to say that I was a girl. Awkward as hell.

    Sorry for no picture contribution, I'm on a new computer.
    >> Kyonko-chan 01/08/09(Thu)01:43 No.1533397
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    I debated bothering to post, but decided why not, it might help to get it out.

    I guess I would call myself a crossdresser, (M to F, age 22 straight) though my experience doing anything of the sort is just crossplay at a few cons that never went all too well. Beyond cons, I have no real outlet for my interest in dressing up as a girl, which really sucks.

    Recently, I have come to terms with and accepted that I would have preferred to be born a girl and wish that I was a girl. I believe that inside of me, part of me is a girl, and I want so much to be that girl.

    But I know I'd definitely be a lesbian girl... or maybe that is the guy part of me influencing the girl side to me? Sounds stupid I know... Maybe wanting to be in a lesbian relationship is what is driving my feelings of wanting to be a girl? But then, I'm always drawn to girls clothes and want to dress up anyway.

    Despite all these feelings of wanting to be a girl, I would never take steps to become one. I guess I'm not willing to take it that far, or rather I guess I'm content enough with who I am to not take such drastic actions, such as an operation.

    Oh well, maybe in my next life I'll be a girl, or hell... Maybe some typical anime plot will play out and I'll become a magical girl. =P
    >> Anonymous 01/08/09(Thu)01:50 No.1533414

    Non op is perfectly fine. I mean, it's up to you to even decide if you want to live as a girl. If you don't have much dysphoria and don't see a need to do it full time or even part time, I wouldn't worry. But you aren't likely to be considered TG in that case.

    But yeah...I've totally wished some circumstance would randomly make me a girl so I wouldn't have to have years of the process ahead of me.
    >> Kyonko-chan 01/08/09(Thu)02:01 No.1533449
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    I always feel that I'm wrong to have such feelings, and I'm betraying myself... that make sense?

    But then I end up fantasizing as I fall to sleep some nights about being a girl, and I think it's at those times I feel the urge to be a girl the most. Any other time is in anticipation for a convention, like one I'll be attending in the summer. I know I'll have that weekend to pretend to be a girl and dress up as girlish as possible, so I want to make the most of it.

    I hope the next girlfriend I meet I can open up a bit to about all this, it would be nice to have a girl to support me and have fun together doing crossplays.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/09(Thu)02:12 No.1533477
    I've seen a bunch of these threads and never bothered to post but I'll chime in.

    I'm a 21 year old guy who dresses like a girl on the occasion, inside and outside of conventions.


    This is one of the main reasons I do it, but I do admit there's a strong sexual undercurrent in it. Besides this, I'm mostly straight, I have a girlfriend who sort of knows about my hobby (I told her and she thought I was joking).

    Now, I don't want to be a girl. I enjoy being a guy and I enjoy having my junk. There was a time in my life where I thought I wanted to be a girl because I thought that everyone with urges like mine wanted to be a girl in the end. Really though I enjoy plenty of stereotypically masculine things like lifting weights and drinking beer and measuring things. I crossplay at conventions because it's a rather judgment free atmosphere where I can let it out in a public space and not feel threatened. It just feels great and unfair at the same time. It's ok for people to lust after each other in public and check out girls and do what makes them feel good sexually, but if I did it I could get my ass kicked (then again so could a guy eyeing up too many girls).

    I don't really know where this is going, I don't tell any of my male friends about these desires because I think that would just be too fucking awkward to dump on my friends, there are people out there who say "You're real friends would accept you for who you are," but I find those words ring pretty hollow.

    I've totally wished for that too, if nothing else but to make things less complicated... that and to be the prettiest morally bankrupt magical girl ever.

    My two cents.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/09(Thu)02:29 No.1533521
    I wish to be a little girl but I have honor and a penis
    >> Anonymous 01/08/09(Thu)02:31 No.1533533

    Your feelings aren't anything special. They are some of the early thoughts in many TG MtF cases.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/09(Thu)02:34 No.1533543

    This is true. I recall I thought I'd just be fine crossdressing sometimes...then maybe crossdressing all the time and living as a girl, but oh, hormones are dangerous. Then I was all...but it'd be nice to have real self grown breasts, among other things...and finally I'm like "Argh...I want therapy so I can start the road to SRS!"
    >> Anonymous 01/08/09(Thu)02:34 No.1533548
    This. Though I sometimes wonder if it's just familiarity that makes me alright with being a guy.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/09(Thu)02:48 No.1533569

    You hit the nail on the head for me too. The same urges, dreams, and desires. The same sexual attraction to women, but with a 'feminine' voice in your head. I'm in the same damn boat as you anon.

    And its kinda hard, you know? I don't think I'd ever make a convincing woman and I'd just look foolish. I've thought about using a website (like this one) to post pictures and get tips to work on my appearance -but what if anyone I knew found out? I know way too many people to let my pictures slip out over 4chan.

    So I guess we're just stuck, hunh? Sucks. For now I'll just wear my arm warmers and girl sized t-shirts when I'm alone, or if I'm heading out someplace new.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/09(Thu)02:55 No.1533571

    Follow up thought from me.

    I'm not the kind of person who is going to deceive myself into think I'm "100%" straight. I don't have any overt sexual attraction to men, or desire to start sucking dicks: but I have to be honest with myself here: if I spend so much time thinking about being a girl, and fantasizing about wearing girl's clothing and 'passing' while in crossplay I have to admit there might be a small % of me that does like men. And I'm at the point now (from reading threads these) where I'm comfortable with that.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/09(Thu)03:10 No.1533595
    I tried cross dressing once. I make a TERRIBLE one thats passable. I have too many girl features.
    >> Teko 01/08/09(Thu)03:18 No.1533609
    My GOD; those girls have no idea how lucky they are to have boyfriends who are ready and wiling to dress like traps for them.
    >> Kyonko-chan 01/08/09(Thu)03:20 No.1533615
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    I would never be able to allow myself into a situation where any sort of sexual activity would come about with another guy while I was crossdressing. It's just not in me, girls all the way. I wouldn't mind acting it out with another girl for fun, like role reversal. But never for real. For me, it is taboo.

    I'm not judging you, anon. I can some what understand your feelings on it.

    Now, if I was born a girl and all, though I anticipate I'd be a lesbian, I'd likely want to at some point still be in bed with a guy, to in the very least experience it. This is thankfully speculation.

    Heh, now another scenario would be, what if I was turned into a girl magically? Suddenly I'm a teenage girl with the mind of a boy still. I'd likely be driven like mad to find another girl to make love with.

    But if I was some how in a sexual situation with a guy after I've become a girl, I would likely let my body take control and let him have his way with me. In other words, I'd have to be pretty mixed up in all the new feminine feelings going through my mind to allow it to happen.

    Silly scenario I know, but just a extreme " what if " just for the hell of it.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/09(Thu)03:25 No.1533634
    How you doin' ?
    >> Anonymous 01/08/09(Thu)03:32 No.1533652

    See, that's my point though; if you're seeing yourself having sex with a man you can't contend you're 100% straight-or, at least not in my definition? We must have different definitions of what being 100% straight means. I'm not really sure how best to explain my definition (because its 3am maybe?), but I think we're arriving at the same general conclusion and opinion, we're just using different scale to judge heterosexuality.


    So you said last time. Anon, don't take this from me. I find small ways to express my feminine side, and arm warmers is one of them, I will contend they are girly. Not skirts and high stockings and penny shoes girly-but girly enough.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/09(Thu)03:33 No.1533657

    I will state the cover up bad cases of teh man hands pretty well.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/09(Thu)03:41 No.1533668
    Lately, I've been crossdressing all the time, if you can call it that. Honestly, I'm just wearing clothes that I feel most comfortable and happiest in. I still like my men, though, especially the one I've been with for three years now. He's ok with me dressing like this. I'm not sure how I'd describe myself. I have hairy pits and legs, tried shaving my face (feels good man), and wearing men clothes from head to toe. I don't really hate my body 24/7 though, except in cases where I am severely depressed. I've had dreams where I was a boy, times where I wished I was one, had a cock, etc. I don't think I'm transgender, though. I'm pretty much ok with my body.

    Sounds like this thread is full of crossdressing males. Any fellow crossdressing females out there? Or am I all alone. :(
    >> deleted/reposted for editing. sebastian !QzrU9Y5.76 01/08/09(Thu)03:50 No.1533690
    Straight 21 year old guy here. Happy to crossplay, I'm kind of light on general crossdressing, i.e. I'm happy in skirts and makeup but I wouldn't go in for a full drag queen style thing. Guess you'd put me down for a kind of Eddie Izzard level of crossdressing.

    Pretty much agreeing with this. I'm a completely straight guy and I wouldn't do anything to change that - but I know if I had been a girl I probably would have ended up being happier and there have been short periods where I've developed a real loathing for being male. Incidently it was at those same times I was taking strong meds for severe depression, so read into that what you will.
    I also echo the lesbian sentiments. Whatever I was, I couldn't put up with guys. That's pretty much why I think I'd have been happier if I was a girl anyway; it's not because I'm desperate to be a pretty princess having 101 children, it's just I'm completely ambivalent to being a guy and generally I think men suck more so I'd rather not have anything to do with anything male if I can help it. It's more of a lesser of two evils thing rather than an outright desire. I think women tend to do everything guys do but better so who'd want to be a guy? Even so, yeah, I'd never actually take any steps to become a girl - I don't even self-identify as female. I'm a guy, always will be. I'm only attracted to girls, almost definitely always will be.
    Still, it's nice to get glammed up now and then and I am never going to understand how to fix a car engine or how the offside rule works.

    I suppose I can sum myself up with the words of the great Mr.Izzard: I'm a male lesbian, a male tomboy. Running jumping climbing trees, putting on makeup once you're up there.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/09(Thu)03:53 No.1533698
    You're on a cosplay board... we have fairly frequent tit-binding threads.

    Let us feel pretty for a little while, plz?
    >> Anonymous 01/08/09(Thu)03:57 No.1533704

    You can feel pretty all you want. I think traps can be adorable!
    >> Kyonko-chan 01/08/09(Thu)03:58 No.1533709
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    Don't mistake, I have never fantasized about myself dressed as a girl and being with a guy in any sexual situation.

    I was trying to explain that I would never allow such a thing in any realistic situation with how I am now.

    If I had always been a girl, I would assume as a girl I'd want to experience sex with a guy. I'm pretty sure thats a basic urge for most girls. Though, I would hope and prefer that I'd be a lesbian and nothing more if I was born a girl.

    My last scenario in my previous post, I was just saying that if I was magically turned into a girl right now, it would take some drastic stuff to allow myself to be touched by another guy. For example, I could assume that maybe I'd end up getting mixed up in any feminine urges that would be going through my mind, and as a result I might give in and allow myself in a sexual situation with a guy. So yeah, a boy turned girl who is clouded by random sexual urges and hormones, then and only then would it ever happen... but I digress, it's a silly scenario I brought up at 3am. XD

    Anyway, let me clearify my position. I want to be a girl a lot, but I am honestly happy with who I am... just I know that I would be happier as a girl, a lesbian one at that.

    Oh well, if all I can do is dress up as a Japanese school girl at conventions in this life, so be it. XD
    >> sebastian !QzrU9Y5.76 01/08/09(Thu)04:14 No.1533754
    Yeah I can pretty much go ahead and delete all my posts because this guy keeps summing it all up better than I can.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/09(Thu)04:19 No.1533778
    Er, I don't actually crossdress, but I relate perfectly otherwise. Dreams, wishing I had a penis, periods of depression, etc. I do have the urge to crossdress, buuuut I don't think I could really get away with it and haven't attempted it because of that (perfectionist). I also hate the idea of falling into a typical female role. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I became a housewife or something, but at the same time I like stupid girly shit like lolita fashion and am admittedly a bit obsessed with being pretty. I don't really consider myself a girl though (or a guy, for that matter.)

    I don't have any idea if I'd consider myself TG. I debate it with myself a lot, but it's not like it's something that occupies my mind constantly; I just have stray thoughts like 'GOD I WISH I WAS A GUY' and then forget about it and then once in a while I'll get really depressed over it. I'd never go for surgery though, if I was, but then gender reassignment for females sucks ass. If I were to go through all that I'd want a penis that wasn't made of fail. Maybe if it were up to my standards, I'd think about it, but mostly I'm okay with my body. I THINK.

    Sorry this is so incoherent - I'm tired. Also, I want to date a trap/reverse-trap. Where are all the sexy androgynous people? ;_;
    >> Anonymous 01/08/09(Thu)08:49 No.1534051
    I think I am fairly androgynous. I am a girl, and I am totally ok with my body, and happy being a girl.

    But I enjoy the fluidity that comes with being androgynous. I like that I can easily slip between boy and girl. I wouldn't consider myself a cross-dresser because it is only an occasional thing. I don't really get turned on by it, I think it's more just to see how the other half lives. If that makes sense.

    And I love boy's clothes. Well, I love girl's clothes too. I guess I just want it all.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/09(Thu)12:17 No.1534237

    Again. I think we misunderstand each other. Its not about involving yourself sexually with a man while crossdressed; I feel I'm not stressing that point enough. My point is that I can't consider myself 100% straight given that I could fantasize about having sex with men if I were somehow magically a girl. That is to say, somewhere in my mind there is a small feminine voice with the sexual urges of a normal heterosexual girl. Now, I understand that these will never be acted on in reality, but because of the fantasies I can't consider myself "100%" straight-more like 95% or some such.


    Isn't it a real shame we can't just trade-you know?
    >> Shushilover !uhdacqdci6 01/08/09(Thu)12:32 No.1534251
    If only I could crossplay as a boy.....if only...
    >> Anonymous 01/08/09(Thu)16:04 No.1534847
    Deep down everyone wonders what its like to wear womans clothes
    >> sebastian !QzrU9Y5.76 01/08/09(Thu)16:06 No.1534849
    Wonders? I think you'll find most people in this thread know.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/09(Thu)19:15 No.1535260
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    The thing is "feminine urges due to hormones" don't govern sexuality. Seriously, psychologists tried this in the bad old days of homosexuality in the DSM. Pumping a gay man full of testosterone or a lesbian full of estrogen doesn't work. At best, it might destroy societally placed blocks on liking guys because you'd feel more like the girl you are or something? I forgot specifically what it was, but there are cases of THAT happening.


    I understand this. (And I emphatically agree with the second. Course, I know a lot of girls who wish they could trade with me :S)

    (Me "crossplaying". I don't really have good pics though :S. Con photos haet me, lol)
    >> Anonymous 01/08/09(Thu)23:10 No.1535805
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    I kinda feel that way too. If an attractive guy were really nice to me, even knowing I wasn't the real thing, I might just reciprocate physically. I'd never actively seek this out, but the thought of it doesn't repulse me either. And I have a girl friend, so I could never let things go too far anyway.

    Crossplaying at cons, I've had a few guys who seemed to be hanging around a little longer than I would have guessed they would. But I always figured that maybe I was acting as a substitute girl for lonely otaku. From a distance at least, it must have looked like they were with a real girl.^_^
    >> Anonymous 01/08/09(Thu)23:21 No.1535826
    Trap here, but I haven't had time to go out in drag for almost a year, except Halloween. I do what I do because I wish I was a girl. Why? It's hard to put into words. I just think girls are pretty, I guess, and I want to be pretty too.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/09(Thu)23:33 No.1535847
    Androgynous? I have a full beard (right now, I shave when I go out, which was sadly a while ago) and a masculine as fuckall jawline. I wish I was androgynous, then it'd be a lot easier for me.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/09(Thu)23:47 No.1535884
    Crossplay Photo Tip: Don't stand with your hands behind your back, this pose emphasizes the breadth of your shoulders and actually pushes them out a little bit, making you seem more masculine. One of the biggest indicators of someone's masculinity is that their shoulders are broader than their hips. This can be concealed with puff sleeves and petticoats but in photos you can improve things a bit by choosing a 3/4 or turned stance so the full width of your shoulders isn't displayed. Also, keep your feet together, it shows, even under floor touching skirts.

    I hope that helps.
    >> Anonymous 01/08/09(Thu)23:50 No.1535898

    It was an overall bad pic. All the "cassie" pics in this thread are also me. I think you can see I have a vague idea of how to pose. That con just did not have good photos for me since I wasn't giving it as much attention as I should.
    >> Over-G !!OvGYpcRMSml 01/09/09(Fri)00:31 No.1536065
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    Fuck it. I'll admit it, I guess, since the chances of this coming to harm me IRL are a million-to-one.

    Yes, I'd love to be a girl. Would I consider SRS? No, I'm not into paying people to mutilating me in exchange for some nice boobs.

    But reasons...well. I think I might be have some kind of dual-personality disorder. One side is your typical "RIP AND TEAR" manly man (who I try to be for the public), and the other is kind, selfless, gentle, open about it's emotions and wants to just have some good fun.

    So it's really a matter of "I've got two "personas" - who am I really?"

    And it's most likely the feminine one. That's the whole reason I want to be a girl (I no longer crossdress, though I did once in middle school while my parents were away, though I guess that's not exactly doin' it right. Nor would I consider SRS unless I got a whole new identity with it, and a very convincing job done.).

    Social acceptance.

    There's a number of aspects about me people don't see. That I like so called "chick flicks" (I actually raved about how good Good Will Hunting was for a while, and Titanic brought me to tears the first time I saw it). That I find joy in things like doing little hygiene details (brow plucking, facial scrubs, etc.). That I go to the dolphin tanks before the shark exhibit at aquariums because I find dolphins to be "cuter" (pic related, took it while d'awwing at the same time). I feel like if I was a girl, I wouldn't have to be so anal-retentive about keeping all this "gay" stuff under wraps. It'd make things easier, and I'd enjoy life more as a girl.
    >> Over-G !!OvGYpcRMSml 01/09/09(Fri)00:32 No.1536068
    And then there's the other little hints. Animals are a big one. For whatever reason, hand-trained parrots trust me instinctively. On multiple occasions, I've talked with people who had birds that "hated men." 15 minutes later, it's always the same story: "You're the only guy (bird name here) has ever trusted to pet them!"

    Dreams, too. I rarely ever have sexualized dreams, and I'm a niceguy to a fault, so naturally I get walked all over when I'm "who I am" (see "GRR" persona, this is the reason it exists, IMO). And I've had dreams where like, I'll be Lenneth Valkyrie, and do everything she does in the game. Or where a girl will shamelessly flirt with me and I'll shoot her down as a slut (which is weird, since I consider myself very straight).

    And I feel like girls can get away more with just being silly and spontaneous, whereas guys (straight ones at least) are expected to be very srsbznss in the way they approach things.

    And of course, there's the whole "I like the way girls look, I want to be pretty too" thing going. Not to mention I'm curious as to how much better schlicking is to fapping.

    But I rarely tell people these sort of things. I feel like it alienates them, utterly changes their perception of me. Hell, I've only said this stuff to one person before - not even my shrink knows this side of me.

    Arrgh. They don't call it "gender confusion" for no reason. That much I know for a fact.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)01:04 No.1536220

    Heehee, I love animals that "hate men". They are so validating :P.


    There are several possibilities here. But anyway, just to let you know, SRS has nothing to do with boobs. Generally hormones cover that. SRS is basically just changing your penis into wine...I mean a vagina. Yes...
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)01:06 No.1536227

    On your knees then bitch
    >> Over-G !!OvGYpcRMSml 01/09/09(Fri)01:15 No.1536266
    Well, yeah, I know that. Trust me, I've read plenty about all this stuff (with my other side SCREAMING at me "EXIT THAT SHIT LETS GO PLAY SOME GEARS OF BRO 2" in an attempt to help legitimize my masculinity).

    Still wouldn't do it. I'm ashamed enough of myself for feeling this way, and god knows my parents would hate me if I "came out" to them about it, and this would be like saying "HAY EVERYONE I'M INSECURE ABOUT MY GENDER!" Besides, even then, I wouldn't have a real vagina with all the little extras that make it seem worth it.

    But yeah, birds like me a lot, for some reason. I've never seen them act the way they do for me to other guys - maybe they can just sense my kindness. Even "wild birds" do this. I remember when I worked at the zoo, there was one cockatoo that was supposed to be vicious - had "DO NOT TOUCH - I BITE" all around his cage. I walk up, and he gets up next to me...3 minutes later, I'm scratchin' his head through the bars, and he's enjoying every second of it.

    I guess my main reason is threefold - I want to be socially accepted (fat girls = ok in some circles, fat guys = NEVER OK), I feel being a female would fit my natural personality better, and of course, there's the whole interest in life and sex from the other side's eyes.

    That, and there's the fact that I'm very submissive and subservient to people I like. Which, again, isn't "manly".
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)01:21 No.1536296
    >That, and there's the fact that I'm very submissive and subservient to people I like. Which, again, isn't "manly".

    I'm aroused by this revelation
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)01:22 No.1536299
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)01:28 No.1536331

    Thats pretty much what he's saying plus trying to create some flimsy justification that he's two people and life would be easier for him as a girl.

    See the flimsy justification is there to try and please his male self. Right now he is in the confusion stage, he's not sure which gender is right for him. He'd like to be a girl but he wouldn't want to leave his male life behind. Right now the MtF side of his head is winning and the justification is there to sort of trick the male part into coming to terms with that.
    >> Over-G !!OvGYpcRMSml 01/09/09(Fri)01:30 No.1536340
    A little, I think. I like to describe myself as 60% male, 40% female. Not quite half and half, but close.

    Now that I think about it, that cockatoo from earlier...it's kinda like an analogy for me. Very friendly, looks kinda ugly (he was a feather-plucker since nobody but me paid attention to him, after I started including him on my daily rounds he stopped plucking), has all kinds of "BEWARE DANGEROUS" signs and such all around him, but really just wants to be cute, friendly, and enjoy life.

    ...sorry, it's midnight, and that Lunesta's kicking in HARD.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)01:33 No.1536355

    Heey, I started like that! I mean, I deluded myself into the two personality thing :P.
    >> faux !Gaimx7WoNU 01/09/09(Fri)01:40 No.1536377
    As a bird owner, that just makes me worry about his care and diet :<
    sage for complete irrelevance and birdfagging
    >> Over-G !!OvGYpcRMSml 01/09/09(Fri)01:41 No.1536386
    I don't really think it's a delusion. My mother always tells me I've always been this way - a kind, loving person who puts others before himself, even going so far as to forsake my own happiness for someone else to have a shot at it. When I got to middle school, I was walked all over because of that, so I created this sort of "internet tough guy" facade. But that facade never really went away - it's part of who I am now. I could never fathom just up and tossing all my militaria stuff out, or quitting airsoft, or anything like that. But at the same time, I'm still very, very afraid of being used as a doormat (again) because I'm being niceguy-me.

    Like I said - I don't think I'd ever go through with SRS. It's just too public, and I'm ashamed enough to feel this way as it is about my gender (though I really do hate most other men these days. Misogynist pigs all over the damned campus.). But if I could find a girl who loves me as I am, and wouldn't mind if I wore the skirt in the relationship (so to speak) and put up with my desires to crossdress and feel like a woman at least a little bit, I'd probably be on cloud 9.

    Yeah. I can actually see myself being happy then.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)01:45 No.1536402

    You're the text book definition of exactly what I was describing earlier.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)01:46 No.1536405

    Ok, delusion was a bad word. Stage, I should say. It's a stage I've seen more often than not in the whole going to become MtF
    >> Over-G !!OvGYpcRMSml 01/09/09(Fri)01:47 No.1536408
    Link? I'm confused now.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)01:59 No.1536464

    Over-G, are you me posting 2 years in the past? Did I stumble upon some strange paradox here. Quick-what's your favorite color?
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)01:59 No.1536468

    Link to what? I'm >>1536331 by the way
    >> Over-G !!OvGYpcRMSml 01/09/09(Fri)02:00 No.1536471
    Er, teal. Like, Miami Dolphins teal.

    Fuckers had to lose, didn't they? Almost had a reason to actually WATCH football this year...
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)02:00 No.1536474

    Over-G's case is a common one amongst Transgendered teens in the recent decade.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)02:04 No.1536493

    Sorry, these were all me. I realize we have 2 anons crossing each others ideas, lol.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)02:04 No.1536498

    Phew - mine's purple. And also Baseball is my sport, not football. I am certain that this isn't a paradox. But all the same, I really feel like we're telling the same story.

    2 personalities competing for top spot in our noggins. One the one side, a submissive and sweet female-and on the other the maniliest man that ever manned a man. Its kind of like "Beauty and the Bro"
    >> Over-G !!OvGYpcRMSml 01/09/09(Fri)02:05 No.1536502
    What, the part about being so saccharine-sweet that I think I'd fit in better socially as a girl?

    I dunno. I still feel like I'll never even consider SRS - Kyonko-chan had that down pretty well, the caveat being that I hate myself. Crossdress for a girlfriend, though? Sure. Too bad I'll never know what that's like, but I can imagine, I guess.

    It's funny, really. I'm in such a little paradox - I've had a couple of girls tell me I'm a (quote) "perfect guy" personality-wise, but my damned looks always get in the way.

    That's what I like about the internet. Your looks don't always come into play, so you can say what you want and people might actually like you for who you really are, not who you look like.
    >> Over-G !!OvGYpcRMSml 01/09/09(Fri)02:07 No.1536516
    Actually, baseball is my sport. I just like to keep tabs on the Dolphins from time to time.

    I still have a ball with the signatures of the entire inaugural Florida Marlins team on it in my room. It's really the only game I can actually sit down and watch without getting bored to tears, though even then, I don't do it much.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)02:07 No.1536518
    >It's funny, really. I'm in such a little paradox - I've had a couple of girls tell me I'm a (quote) "perfect guy" personality-wise, but my damned looks always get in the way.

    Get back in the textbook you jumped out of
    >> Over-G !!OvGYpcRMSml 01/09/09(Fri)02:10 No.1536531
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    No shit. This comic comes to mind. Though I've never even gotten halfway that far.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)02:16 No.1536554

    That comic is baloney. In the end, nice guys do win. Mature girls don't dig the 'bad boys'. Fuck anyone that tells you different Over-G.

    Now, one thing you said earlier distressed me bro. You claim you'll 'never' know what its like to have a girl who will support your crossdressing. Why count yourself out so soon? There are tons of girl who get off on that stuff and would LOVE to dress you up. You just got to meet 'em bro.
    >> Over-G !!OvGYpcRMSml 01/09/09(Fri)02:18 No.1536562
    Well, I'm a big guy, not quick neckbeard, but I am fat (I'll give Marsh that much).

    Girls who want crossdressers seem to be very picky about wanting very girly boy bishie traps, not guys who are best suited to crossplaying Velma.

    Or maybe I just don't talk to enough people IRL. Probably a little of both.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)02:20 No.1536573

    Well, according to my pyramid theory of relationships, there HAS to be someone out there for you, but you are relatively high on the pyramid. i.e, not many matches. But it's still possible!
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)02:29 No.1536608

    This. Carrier of the XX chromosomes over here, for the record. Also for the record, my ex-boyfriend was a crossdresser and I was so fine with it, we actually went out to a club in drag together.

    We do exist! Don't give up!
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)02:39 No.1536646
    Why don't you just lose weight?
    >> Over-G !!OvGYpcRMSml 01/09/09(Fri)02:44 No.1536667
    I'm trying. Lost 12 lbs. this semester by simply not eating much. Even so, I doubt I'll ever be a skinnyboy trap or even close to that.

    But I never really had a bright outlook on myself to begin with after middle school.

    Mind if I ask how you two got "together" like that? It seems to me that telling people "oh, I hate my gender in general and all the baggage that comes with it" would be a red flag for "crazy as a loon."

    Keep in mind I've never even kissed, much less had a girlfriend. I try to figure out how things work, but real experience is something I don't have.

    Maybe that's another reason for this. I'm rather shy in public, and yet men are expected to be the predators in regards to relationships. I'd much rather be the prey - at least it'd boost my self-confidence a tad.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)02:48 No.1536683

    The boy in question was heterosexual with few to no feminine qualities, except for the fact that every once in a while he liked to crossdress.

    I suppose it helped that I'm a bisexual female who also crossdresses on occasion, although mostly for cosplay because I have much too feminine a face to really pass.

    Not everyone who chooses to mess with the indicators of gender is dissatisfied with their biological sex or even with their gender. I love being female. I also adore confusing the hell out of people. My ex was the same way, only he loved being male.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)02:48 No.1536684

    You are me 2 years ago. Holy shit. Fat, no relationship, shy in public. Here's what I did-I busted my ass at the gym like it was my job. Then a cute girl confessed to liking me. Happy ending. Try it for yourself bro - losing weight is the easiest thing in the world to do as long as you've got some willpower.

    Cut the soda. Cut the sweets. Hit the gym.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)04:40 No.1536919

    Quite true about the sugary drinks. Even the kids in poor countries are getting obese because of it.
    >> sebastian !QzrU9Y5.76 01/09/09(Fri)05:23 No.1537000
    I keep thinking I should do this. I'm not technically overweight, my BMI's something like 24.5 so I'm just within limits, but I'm still bigger than I'd like.

    Problem is I really do have absolutely no willpower. Doesn't help my knees are shot from old rugby injuries so I can't jog, can't run, can't cycle, even just a brisk walk hurts too much to keep up for more than a couple of minutes at a time.
    It's not like I even eat that much or whatever. I'm just left fucked because of my shitty knees and when the most exercise you can physically stand each day is a few minutes walking, you're fucked. I should do more upper body exercise but with the combination of no willpower and the blunt sledgehammer of depression that is my knees, seems worthless.

    Moral of this story: don't play rugby with the older kids at school when it's a hot summer and the ground is rock-hard.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)05:46 No.1537032

    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)18:36 No.1537831
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)22:08 No.1538364


    I lost 30lbs in one month by swimming, weights and diet.
    >> Anonymous 01/09/09(Fri)23:07 No.1538562
    I crossdress constantly and mainly as young boys^^. I have a real fetish for being confused with boys. Unfortunately...'cause of my height and small size I get all the little boy pedos after me.....
    I would kill If it would get my boyfriend to crossdress. He'd be so pretty too.
    Girl btw, I don't think I'd ever be as drastic as to change my gender. I'd just be pimp to be a guy. Then again, because guys don't wear makeup or anything that helps their appearance they are either ugly or not. I don't like those odds.

    Girls luv crossdressers! But only if you have a fashion sense. If you dress like crap it's obvious you are a guy. or a really fashion-deficient girl.
    If you crossdress you are competing with the girl and all her friends. You have to look better than the worst of her group but not good enough to threaten her own self-confidence. And not actually pretend to be a girl if she asks. (that's more about honesty, tho)
    >> Over-G !!OvGYpcRMSml 01/09/09(Fri)23:39 No.1538626
    Something I figured I'd add real quick:

    I gotta say I kinda hate the responsibilities that come with my gender. Right now, my parents are going through a divorce, and frankly, my boat's got a hole in it too at the moment. But still, I'm constantly getting told by my father that I "need to step up and be a man for the house before you head back for the semester," and be a beacon of emotional stability in a home torn asunder. And, for the most part, I am that.

    But there's my fem side too, that wonders, "WHY?" Why do -I- have to be the one to shoulder all this unwanted responsibility? Why am I always the shoulder to cry on, the person people go to tell their problems to? Why am I not allowed to show how emotionally distraught I am over this? During all this, my "male" side gets ever more detached and emotionless, while my "female" side gets more and more emotionally tender. I can't help but wonder - why am I getting shoehorned into this? Can't I have my own shoulder to cry on, to ask for emotional support, to go to and tell my troubles?

    No. Because that's not how men are supposed to behave.

    Maybe it's not so much my gender identity that I dislike as it is the gender role I'm expected to fulfill against my wishes. Or maybe it's both. Who knows.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/09(Sat)00:35 No.1538709

    About that last though, if you are more than a crossdresser and identify as a girl, is it really lying if you tell her you are one? I mean, I'm reasonably open, I'll state that I am a girl, but not female if asked (and I feel safe enough to reveal it, but that's another story)

    Overall, I think you have the right of it though :P.


    It sounds like you have more than a simple gender problem to work through
    >> Over-G !!OvGYpcRMSml 01/10/09(Sat)00:40 No.1538720
    Re-he-heallly. I'm like the Anti-Radioshack. I've got problems, and nobody has answers.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/09(Sat)00:47 No.1538740

    I have three semesters of psych experience. I'm not going to play internet therapist. But yes, I did kinda point out the obvious. I forget if you said it already, but is there anyplace you can get therapy? Dealing with a divorce is reason enough to be honest.
    >> Over-G !!OvGYpcRMSml 01/10/09(Sat)01:07 No.1538776
    I have a psychiatrist, but frankly, I don't trust him. His secretary is my mother, so any kind of doctor-patient confidentiality is sorta fucked right off the bat there.

    It's easier to talk on the internet about this kind of stuff, like I said. Nobody really passes judgment that badly - we're all freaks here in our own way.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/09(Sat)01:10 No.1538783
    >we're all freaks here in our own way.

    Ain't that the fuckin' truth.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/09(Sat)01:10 No.1538784

    Well, yeah, that's true. Um..by all rights he should NOT be your psych. He needs to refer you to someone that CAN provide confidentiality.

    But, I'm not worried about you spewing problems on the internet, it's a good catharsis. At worst someone who can't do jack shit to you will say you suck. Boohoo. But, you still don't get any good professional support on the internet either.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/09(Sat)01:12 No.1538789
    I know exactly how you feel. My family hit hard times, couldn't pay the mortgage, absentee father, teen pregnancy, the works.

    I hate to say it, but the stress you are feeling is not so much your role of being a man, but it's the role of an adult.

    Once I realized I had to be a man, it wasn't meaning I had to act the way my gender designation is, I had to act like a man rather than a boy. i.e. I had to grow up.

    Learning how to stand on your own 2 feet is just the first step. Learning how to lift up others is the next.
    >> Over-G !!OvGYpcRMSml 01/10/09(Sat)01:19 No.1538805
    Well, it's not that I -can't- do that stuff. Most people who know what's going on for me say I'm doing a rather admirable job of staying out of everything and keeping my little brother out of the shitstorms.

    It's more "why can't I ever show any weakness?" that gets me, I think. Men aren't supposed to cry, etc.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/09(Sat)01:19 No.1538806
    i think paunches are cuteeee. like stephen fry's belly.
    i'd probably date you. :)

    when i think of cosplaying i always think of man costumes first because they tend to cover more skin. but also because i don't want to think of myself as a dainty female who needs saving or to show off my tits because i didn't come to the con to get laid.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/09(Sat)04:15 No.1539216

    Tell your dad to be a man first. Afterall, he's the one getting the divorce.
    >> sebastian !QzrU9Y5.76 01/10/09(Sat)04:41 No.1539255
    Haha, typical. I can't swim :x Used to have panic attacks near water when I was a kid so I never got around to learning how. I guess I probably should now.

    I am so fucked. Can't swim, can't run, can't cycle, can't drive, get anxiety attacks on public transport - woo, go me. I'm pretty much doomed to never travel more than three miles.

    And I'm a crossdressing cosplaying hardcore gamer, warhammer playing anime fan. What a catch!

    'Scuse me while I go find the razor blades and a sturdy noose.
    >> sebastian !QzrU9Y5.76 01/10/09(Sat)04:46 No.1539262
    Saging for double post.

    I hear ya' there. I really can't stand any kind of "guys must do [1], girls must do [2]" mentallity and there's nothing worse than being told DO XYZ BECAUSE YOU'RE A ~MAN~ when you're feeling like having a particularly girly day.
    >> Over-G !!OvGYpcRMSml 01/10/09(Sat)05:03 No.1539283
    Argh, tell me about it. He tried to pass it off as something he "needed to do for himself" since he "just wasn't feeling happy doing this anymore." Psh. Yeah, that's all fine and dandy when your actions don't hurt anybody, but when it impacts entire families, you can't put yourself first. You should always put other people first, never yourself. If you do that, then (hopefully), others will put you first in their actions, and everyone ends up having a shoulder to lean on.

    Heh. Thanks. Shame there aren't more people like you in this world, who don't discount someone simply because they don't look like OMG SUPA SUPA KAWAII SPARKLY EDWARD or some ridiculous shit.

    I will say though, that if I was a woman, I probably wouldn't cosplay anything "skimpy" - I'd probably want to do The Boss and Lenneth Valkyrie first. :P

    Also, sage because /cgl/ has enough drama without me whoring a whole goddamned thread to my own personal, non-cosplay related issues.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/09(Sat)09:17 No.1539516
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    post moar traps and why you do it!
    >> Anonymous 01/10/09(Sat)09:21 No.1539519
    >>1539516 why you do it!
    This being so fascinating confuses me
    girls wear pants and no one freaks out
    let the guys have their skirts if they want them
    >> Anonymous 01/10/09(Sat)10:19 No.1539562
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    >> Anonymous 01/10/09(Sat)10:45 No.1539581
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    >> Anonymous 01/10/09(Sat)11:08 No.1539600
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    If I were a woman, I'd be one of those that wears short skirts even in the winter time!^^ I don't consider myself to be TG/TS, I crossplay because it's a lot of fun for me. At cons I love flipping guys out in the bathroom while I'm working on my makeup. Nothing sexier than a woman stretched out over the bathroom sink putting on makeup!
    >> Anonymous 01/10/09(Sat)11:24 No.1539615
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    >> Anonymous 01/10/09(Sat)17:58 No.1540517
    that makes me want to cry
    >> sebastian !QzrU9Y5.76 01/10/09(Sat)18:09 No.1540556
    I've seen much worse in gay bars or even just regular bars.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/09(Sat)18:52 No.1540662
    he just wants to masturbate on it
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)01:47 No.1541314
    Huh, I thought this thread 404'd. Guess I was mistaken. So...yeah

    This is totally a stance I support.
    >> Over-G !!OvGYpcRMSml 01/11/09(Sun)01:50 No.1541323
    I'm pretty sure at one point it -did-. I refreshed and got a face full of Yotsuba.

    Then, 2 hours later, HOSHIT it's on Page 1 again.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)02:22 No.1541440

    I...didn't know that was possible, to be honest.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)03:02 No.1541649
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    Same thing keeps happening to me. Really annoying when I've got a dozen threads watched and ready to be saved.
    >> Over-G !!OvGYpcRMSml 01/11/09(Sun)03:14 No.1541686
    So let me ask something - I think between me, Kyonko-chan, sebastian, and a few good anons, we've more or less given the original post some good answers.

    But I want to know: how do those of you who actually crossdress in public find the will/courage to do so?

    As much as I feel emotionally female, I don't ever think I could be comfortable crossdressing in public, not even at a con.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)03:16 No.1541694
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    I used to crossdress when I was little in my sisters or whatever but stopped for a long time. Then my girlfriends in senior year i had all seemed interested in the hobby so would give me clothes and be like blah blah and stuff so it sorta re awakened it. But im currently single after graduating highschool caused problems and with no clothes to cling to im frustrated alot ><

    Pic related my frustration
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)03:20 No.1541706
    >>1541686 But I want to know: how do those of you who actually crossdress in public find the will/courage to do so?
    OP here, that's a good question. In addition to that, how do you respond to attention from males? Apparently a lot of crossdressers maintain their heterosexuality. Do you just take it as a compliment, or feel uncomfortable?

    The thread's turnout has been great, by the way. I recreated it hoping to get a dozen or so replies I could read, but now it's over a hundred replies and they're all long and meaningful. I'm very thankful.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)03:20 No.1541707

    If i would pass It wouldn't bother me, i haven't ever really dressed up fully makeup/clothes and everything to know if i would.

    I get maam'ed alot in my daily life but for all i know that could be just because i have longish hair and i weigh 125 pounds ><
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)03:22 No.1541711

    Weird as it sounds i feel slightly bisexual when dressed as a female, idk if its the female role personna setting it on not but id prolly do about anything ><
    >> Over-G !!OvGYpcRMSml 01/11/09(Sun)03:25 No.1541719
    Heh. I get "ma'am'd" sometimes on the phone or on speakers sometimes; apparently my voice is somewhat androgynous or something. I dunno, I just think it's annoying...

    Still, the look on the guy at the drive thru window who just called you "ma'am" when you pull up = always priceless.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)03:27 No.1541723

    I decided I needed to do it. I'm a girl, and it's validating when others accept that. I started in college, which is safer in most cases anyway.


    Complement, but I usually establish quickly I'm a lesbian (since technically I am)

    You sound like you'd do fine if you dressed up. And you can't know if you don't try.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)03:31 No.1541735

    Meh i just simply would rather stay dressed as a guy if i turn out to be one of those people that just look creepy.

    I know it probably sounds mean and insensitive but some people just dont pass at all and i wouldnt like to be lied to
    >> Over-G !!OvGYpcRMSml 01/11/09(Sun)03:45 No.1541765
    Yeah, same. I honestly think that at the moment, there's only one crossplay I'd even vaguely consider doing because I'd fit the part decently.

    It's kinda one of those "go all the way or don't go at all" situations, isn't it?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)03:49 No.1541783

    Lol sorta, i mean as a guy im considering decently good looking even tho i have low self esteem i feel like im in the role (even if it is the lolemokid) role but as a girl you know its unfamiliar the clothing mannerisms and even if i nail all of those its pointless unless you look the part
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)03:55 No.1541799

    I posted in this thread a long time ago. I'm the female that dresses up like a guy.

    To be honest, if I didn't have my love with me when I went to the store, I probably wouldn't have been brave enough to buy the clothes. I know it's usually more accepted for a female to wear men's clothing, but there was something about it that made me nervous, but excited and happy at the same time. I think it was the fact that I was buying the clothes I wanted for myself for a change, rather than appeasing my family in a lame attempt to make them feel comfortable.

    I want to get a nice, short to medium haircut but I'm nervous about that like I was with the clothes. I never did like long hair; it's very bothersome to me and gets in the way. But, I figure it will be worth it in the end and will bring happiness to myself. I just only hope that I look good with short hair!

    As for wearing the clothes in public all the time... I don't see such a problem with it. Noone gave a shit when I dressed like that to class, in fact, I don't think anyone really noticed. It's easy to say this stuff after the fact, though. Something that may have helped is that I wasn't worried about passing in the least bit; to me, wearing male clothes is more about comfort.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)11:40 No.1542570
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    I only crossdress in the context of cosplay at cons, so I guess my courage comes from that context. It's just another cosplay. But at cons like Otakon, I have to walk several blocks on public streets in costume. The first time I was scared to death, but there were so many other cosplayers on the street at the same time that I got over it. Now the walk is more thrilling than chilling!^^ I could probably do it now outside of a con, but don't really feel the need. So I guess I'm saying that doing it in a safer environment first is a way to build up the courage to do it in public.

    As for attention from men, I consider it a compliment. As a man myself, I know what guys like, so if I can deliver it, the attention is high praise!
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)14:48 No.1543024
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)15:15 No.1543080
    Well yesterday I had my first time dressed up as girl having sex with another man. He liked the way i looked, said I was very cute. Femme face, nice ass, blah blah blah. I liked the attention but not so much what happened afterwards.

    We both came, he was relatively easy to make orgasm. Apparently I'm talented with my 'mouth'. But it took me awhile of masturbating to make myself cum. I was hard through the sex yet at the end I felt jipped. I didn't feel like it was great or anything. I just felt like I lost something, a part of me. And that I want to forget everything that had happened, but I can't.

    I'm not sure if i'm bi or gay because I doubt there are others who had a similar experience that i know of. I can say I'll probably never have sex with a man again, fantasizing and the real thing are too different.

    Is it possible to be have sex with someone yet not feel good/bad or anything about it afterwards? I kind of left with a flatlined feeling. I might just stick with women =/.

    Sorry for the strange rant. But it was really eating me up and I needed to just talk wherever it seemed to fit the topic.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)15:42 No.1543132

    Different person, but I have to agree.

    If I were 100% passable I would crossdress everyday, everywhere I go.

    But even if it's passable but not perfect, I won't do it.

    I also hate it when people say you're passable but you actually aren't. Leading someone on in this sense is not nice.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)15:42 No.1543134
    >Is it possible to be have sex with someone yet not feel good/bad or anything about it afterwards?

    That's a bummer, I'm sorry to hear about your bad experience. It's probably not possible to have sex with someone and fell absolutely nothing afterwards; but said feelings don't have be negative.

    If you feel bad about having sex with a guy because of the fact that he was a guy, then you probably shouldn't do it anymore.

    Other than that, I would suggest maybe a more considerate partner?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)16:14 No.1543202

    Maybe I should look for a more considerate partner.
    I just feel really depressed now. I should probably go check myself for STDs as well. Do walk-in clinics do these kind of checks?

    Maybe this is how some girls went lesbian? haha
    Had sex with a guy and just got nothing out of it.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)16:33 No.1543231
    Planned Parenthood in the US does check for STDs so go there.

    As for a partner? Definitely find someone who will work with your needs. If the only reason you don't want to have guys is that reason, just try and find a guy that will take care of your needs too. Or top and make sure you get your bottom off too.

    And for the love of GOD wear a condom!
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)16:40 No.1543252
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)17:00 No.1543299
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    >> sebastian !QzrU9Y5.76 01/11/09(Sun)17:29 No.1543357
    >>1541686 how do those of you who actually crossdress in public find the will/courage to do so?

    I do, sometimes. I don't really see any difference between cons and any other 'public'.

    I wouldn't crossPLAY in public (or do any kind of cosplay in public actually, unless it was something obviously lulzy), but crossdressing in public? Meh, I'm fine with it. Ultimately people at cons and people in the street are no different to me - most of them I don't know, I'll probably not see ever again (or if I did I wouldn't remember them), so who cares?

    Though I probably should point out that it's not like I ever go out in full drag anyway. I don't think there's anything wrong with that if it's what you want to do and it's nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed of, it's just not what floats my boat. My style is more of a 50/50 mix, like I'll be in makeup and a girly top but I'll also have big clompy manly work boots or a leather jacket or something like that too. I guess I'm just not a big fancy princess dress kinda girl. Er, guy.

    Right now I'm on a bit of an early 90's revival of late 60's hippie style (a revival of a revival then?) binge. Skirts and random bits of loose material over the top of worn jeans, asymmetric tops layered over each other (have to stay warm this time of year!), lots of bangles and trippy colours, all that sort of stuff. I'm calling it Woodstock Transvestite. It's a little odd (as if a guy in a pink skirt wasn't odd already), but more people have told me they like it than don't. Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen (look him up) saw me in town this afternoon even and came over and told me he thought '[my] style is fantastic'. 'S pretty awesome when a minor British celebrity compliments you out of the blue when he himself is known more for his good taste than anything else.

    So yeah. Crossdressing in public? Can't say I see the problem personally. Probably is very different for those who go all the way though.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)17:52 No.1543393
    I just really like stockings and heels.
    >> Over-G !!OvGYpcRMSml 01/11/09(Sun)18:01 No.1543408
    I just feel bad for girls who go once with a guy who is incredibly selfish in bed, and they instantly assume that's how all guys are.

    Maybe it's my submissive side, the side that makes me think "serve others first, then yourself, in everything", but I've made a promise to myself that I'd never let myself get off before the girl does. Doing otherwise is just like...it seems like there'd be no passion once you're done, you know?

    Or maybe I don't know how it works quite yet.. Virgin, etc.
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 01/11/09(Sun)18:25 No.1543460
    Please never wear this ensemble when I'm in your vicinity or I will need to stock up on eye bleach.

    .. I mean I could comprehend it if you were even a /slightly/ pretty guy but. D:
    >> sebastian !QzrU9Y5.76 01/11/09(Sun)18:59 No.1543537
    Yeah yeah, no need to rub it in. Anyway it's not about being pretty (I'm not dumb enough to ever attempt that one, talk about a lost cause...), it's about being comfortable.

    Anyway you've worn some pretty dodgy get-ups yourself so pfft. It's what I like so it's what I'll wear if I so wish. The way you go on, anyone would think you were worried you might catch the gay or something.

    Kind of ironic considering your boyfriend looks like a complete girl


    On the one hand, it is very bad form if you finish before she'd gotten her jollies. On the other hand I can pretty much guarantee for your first couple of times you may not have any choice or control in the matter.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)19:02 No.1543541

    I know what to look out for when I'm out on the mean streets of Bath now :P
    >> sebastian !QzrU9Y5.76 01/11/09(Sun)19:21 No.1543577
    ... It scares me how often Anons seem to know me or at least imply it.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/09(Sun)19:28 No.1543604

    Heh, I only know you're from Bath because we had a brief chat about it on here a couple of months back. I don't think you and I have ever spoken at a con, although I do remember seeing your Rimmer at Amecon and thinking it was cool.

    Anyway, I barely have the guts to talk to ai-honey in person, if I did see you out and about the most I'd do is think "Oh, that's that guy" and go on with whatever I was doing.
    >> Over-G !!OvGYpcRMSml 01/12/09(Mon)02:36 No.1545053
    Page 9 search and rescued.

    Another question to keep this thread alive: someone mentioned earlier that "There are tons of girl who get off on that stuff and would LOVE to dress you up. You just got to meet 'em bro."

    Well then - how would you break the ice on said subject, with anyone, not just a potential partner? Seems to me that saying "I feel like a girl on the inside" is either going to make someone freak the fuck out or love you to death for it.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)04:38 No.1545345
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    Me for the past few years.
    Also, would one of these be worth investing in? Seems like the appropriate place to ask instead of starting a new thread.
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 01/12/09(Mon)08:35 No.1545597
    By 'dodgy get ups' I assume you mean cosplay, since the clothes I wear normally are certainly not dodgy. >:| if anything they're a bit drab and boring at times.. I need to throw away some of my boring old jumpers so I'll stop wearing them..

    I dunno being a girl I do occasionally wear skirts and I find trousers more comfortable and warm. o__o They're only more comfortable in the summer (and how brief is that..). Skirt over the top of things though are not for comfort, that is style (or lack of ¬_¬) and make up is never 100% great to wear because I never feel clean and fresh with it on and always worry about smudging it. It certainly doesn't make your more comfortable.

    Also you call him a girl but I'd like to see you grow a beard as good as his when he wore Big Boss. ;D
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 01/12/09(Mon)08:37 No.1545602
    Pfft, you don't want to talk to him anyway, he has a funny accent. ;D
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)08:39 No.1545604

    oooh, that looks nice.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)08:41 No.1545606
    I often wish I was a boy. :/
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)13:34 No.1546010

    You haven't heard mine :P
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)13:58 No.1546050
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    Sympathetic looking fella.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)15:42 No.1546208
    I've decided to finally go out and buy some girl clothes when i get payed, wish me luck.
    >> sebastian !QzrU9Y5.76 01/12/09(Mon)18:26 No.1546525
    Lawl. Some trevvy kid called me 'fagbo' in the street today. I pointed out to him that I was bigger than him and he probably didn't want to get his arse kicked by a guy in a skirt in front of his friends. He ran off.

    Tl;dr: transvestite is mean to small boy, gloats about it on website.

    You don't want to challenge anyone in our family to a game of who has the mightiest facial hair. In fact anything hair-related, we'll always be bigger than anyone else (for better or worse. Usually worse).

    And he still looked like a bearded woman.


    And meh, it is all for comfort. Comfort doesn't just mean what's physically soft against your skin and wrapping yourself in a big ball of cotton wool. It's about being happy with yourself. I am simply not comfortable in a smart suit because that's just not me. I wouldn't be comfortable in a full dress, that's not me either. I'm not comfortable in anything light on the arms. I'm not really comfortable with having short hair. It's got nowt to do with how any of these things physically feel, it's the mental comfort you get from wearing what you want to wear.

    You are always way 2kool4skool.

    No no, she's right. My voice is fucking weird and I fail to believe yours could be as bad let alone worse. Urgh, I tried singing in Guitar Hero World Tour today. It's painful. I mean technically I can hold the tune fine but the tone of my voice is horrible.

    Good on 'yer.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)18:34 No.1546550

    Try having an accent that can't decide whether it wants to be Ulster, Irish, Scottish, English, American or Australian and thus spends all its time wavering from one to another.

    I've gotten used to people asking me what my accent is, but I've never come up with a better response than "I have no idea".
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)18:40 No.1546564
    You guys all need to grow up I think

    You're not straight.
    You wont wake up one day as a magical loli.
    There's no special sure-fire way to look like a girl.
    There's nothing wrong with wanting to dress up as a little girl.
    If people don't agree with what you're doing, forget them.
    If you want to do it, go for it.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)18:45 No.1546582

    My friends say I come from "Affectedland"

    I tell them to fuck off.
    >> sebastian !QzrU9Y5.76 01/12/09(Mon)18:52 No.1546615
    Well, mine's been called 'posh west country farmer trying to impersonate a Welsh person impersonating a Texan'.

    Get your heads around that one.

    I mean it says a lot when I hear myself on recordings and I can't even understand myself.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)18:56 No.1546631
    Hello, John the Incomprehensible.
    >> Kyonko-chan 01/12/09(Mon)19:01 No.1546649
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    See, I think saying we all need to grow up, and how we will not wake up girls one day is sort of insulting. Though, understand.. I'm not attempting to flame you, fellow anon. Just saying....

    Now, I think the majority of us already realize the many points you made. Odds are, if we all of us have accepted we have a desire to be the opposite sex, then we should know that desire will never be fulfilled. Still, it's nice to vent about it in public places such as this site with no consequence.

    Do I dwell on my desire to be a girl? Sometimes, but it doesn't consume me and I don't, for a second believe I'll wake up a magical girl in a cute school girl type outfit. Sure, the desire to be a girl gets to me sometimes and it annoys the hell out of me that I have those feelings.

    So what do I do... well, I turn to crossplay once a year to allow myself to take on the appearance of a girl and hope it goes well.

    ....Oh yeah, here is a pic of me as Sakura, though it's sadly the only one I have. Right, and do not fap to me, anon. <.<
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)19:09 No.1546669

    >sort of insulting


    >will never be fulfilled

    I never said that, it's entirely possible and there's no reason why you couldn't do the same as others have concerning sex changes.
    You guys are day dreaming like children who want to one day wake up and become power rangers, adults should think about what they CAN do rather than what they want to happen to them.

    While I haven't yet had the balls (hah) to tell someone that I'd like to wear their make up and don their heels I will eventually and maybe one day you'll see me struting my stuff, luckily I'm pretty small and could probably get away with certain lolis after a back, crack and sack wax..
    >> Kyonko-chan 01/12/09(Mon)19:09 No.1546670
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    Right, one last thing I meant to comment on, which I forgot. Saying any of us aren't straight is flat out wrong of you to type. ~_~ Again, most crossdressers are straight and wouldn't have a thing to do with another guy.

    So, please don't just come out and say things that simply aren't true. ~_~;;;
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)19:09 No.1546671
    You'd feel a lot better if you wore panties more and tl;dr-d less.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)19:13 No.1546679

    Straight is a subjective term defined by the mindless majorities of sheep that pollute society, if you'd like to pretend you're one of them be my guest and call yourself 'straight', when you turn up in a dress your so-called friends may raise an eyebrow.
    >> Kyonko-chan 01/12/09(Mon)19:23 No.1546704
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    Whatever definition you have for 'straight' is fine. But in today's society, for most, it defines if you have sexual relations with the same sex, and that isn't the case for everyone here.

    If your saying I'm not straight because I have feelings of wanting to be a girl and crossdress once or two during the year, rather then in regards to sexual preference for a lover, then great I'm not straight. o_O;;
    >> sebastian !QzrU9Y5.76 01/12/09(Mon)19:24 No.1546707
    Well, as a man who's been kissed be another guy before and hated it... no, I would argue that it is possible to be entirely straight regardless of what you choose to wear, and I would argue I am one of those people.

    No offense to anyone who does love the trouser snake, I have gay and bisexual friends myself and I've been to many a gay bar, so if other people want to go at it then that's fine by me. But for me personally, the idea of doing anything sexual with another man makes me feel physically sick and if I didn't like just being kissed by a guy then I strongly doubt I would ever like bending over for one. To me it's like skydiving or swimming with sharks. Other people might love it and that's great for them and I don't think anything less of them if they do so enjoy those activities, but personally I would rather hack off my penis with a rusty bread knife.

    Interestingly there have been studies that have 'proven' (as much as these things ever do 'prove' anything) that the vast majority of women are capable of being sexually aroused by another woman, but the majority of men are incapable of being aroused by another man.
    But hey it was in Cosmo so take from that what you will.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)19:27 No.1546712

    Enjoy your confusion.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)20:27 No.1546820
    I like to normally view myself as straight, but a lot of my good girl friends tell me I have an overtly feminine personality. And despite the fact I like to think I'm purely straight, the idea of fooling around with a feminine guy wearing women's clothing really turns me on.

    So I dunno. I'm fat and have no feeling to crossdress, just a weird fetish to go along with my oddly feminine personality.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)20:30 No.1546823
    What confuses me is why anyone still gives Freud any credence. The man was clearly a bit off his nut.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)20:31 No.1546824

    I expect Freud would have a few things to say about Freud.
    >> Over-G !!OvGYpcRMSml 01/12/09(Mon)20:31 No.1546826
    Hi me.

    Although I'd never do anything with a guy unless I was a physical girl. I've thought about it, sure, but it's just sorta 'gack, pass' idea.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)20:36 No.1546837

    Anon you replied to here.

    I dunno. If I somehow in some reality ran in to a guy who was incredibly feminine, wore really cute girls clothing and underwear, and really wanted me, I'd probably do it, though I'd feel probably incredibly weird afterwards.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)20:52 No.1546879
    >But hey it was in Cosmo so take from that what you will.

    And thus the transformation was complete.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)20:54 No.1546887
    You are fat and have a 'feminine personality'. I'm assuming that means stuff like gentleness, passivity, nonconfrontational socially, etc.

    You're a fat chick trapped in a man's body, and what's worse, you're a *boring* fat chick trapped in a man's body. Could you be less appealing to either gender?
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)21:02 No.1546906

    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)21:03 No.1546907

    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)21:04 No.1546910
    >> Kyonko-chan 01/12/09(Mon)21:33 No.1546959
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    Anon never ceases to amaze me.

    *is scared*
    >> sebastian !QzrU9Y5.76 01/12/09(Mon)21:41 No.1546983
    Wow. Damn.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)21:49 No.1547012
    I don't crossplay, but I wish I was a girl so I could cosplay as females.

    Actually, I just wish I was a girl in general. But I would be the biggest dyke ever. So I'm a lesbian in a man's body.
    >> Over-G !!OvGYpcRMSml 01/12/09(Mon)21:50 No.1547014
    And this thread just got more depressing.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)21:54 No.1547022
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    Thread needs lovely trap to cheer it up.
    >> Anonymous 01/12/09(Mon)21:55 No.1547023
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    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)00:24 No.1547465

    I agree, I hate being led on. But, sometimes you can tell the difference between a liar and not. I think I do alright since I get enough genuine positives (They sound different then what I used to get)

    Just don't worry about it, act like you belong there. Most cashiers are too bored to care what you buy, and other people, what are the odds you'll see them again, seriously.


    Umu, it really depends on how you define straight.

    And while there's not really any chance you'll wake up a woman, you can approach a near 100% pass rate through various methods and just plain luck. So, yeah..

    So you don't count SRS as making you pretty close to female, and for all intents and purposes changing your sex?

    If that is what you meant, I do completely agree. Do what you can, don't just sit around dreaming

    I've been kissed by a guy as well. I definitely didn't like it. But to be fair, he kinda forced it on me while I was dressed as a girl :S.

    Oh God yes. The man was crazy with a couple good points.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/09(Tue)05:22 No.1547990
    >> sebastian !QzrU9Y5.76 01/13/09(Tue)11:15 No.1548288
    Good job I'm under no delusions of looking like a woman then.

    I want to vent about something and this seems as good a place as any: Rimmel UK have stopped making my favourite shade of nail polish. The same shade I've worn since I was 14. I've still got a tiny amount left, I'll have to keep it cool and save it for a special occasion...

    RIP Rimmel Quick Dry Climax. (yes, that really was it's name. I only realised that's what it's name was a few months ago)

    Closest they have now is a colour called Pompous. I suppose the name does suit me better at least. Going to give Azure a go too.

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