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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

  • File :1230753919.jpg-(68 KB, 675x599, harehareyukaifffffffffffuuuuuuu.jpg)
    68 KB Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)15:05 No.1514991  
    Alright /cgl/,

    What's the worst cosplay skit you've ever sat through at a Masquerade?
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)15:06 No.1514992
    Every single one.
    >> FC !LUoN15AFLU 12/31/08(Wed)15:07 No.1514994
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    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)15:09 No.1515002
    There was a godawful faggoty Kingdom Hearts skit at the Nekocon masquerade this year. It would have been only marginally bad, just like every OTHER faggoty KH skit I've ever seen....but I was in the masquerade, so I saw the final rehearsal AND the real thing. I had to sit through that shit twice.

    Also, a really really horribly GAY Saiyuki skit that I will never be able to remove from my memory a couple Otakons ago. I think it traumatized me for life.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)15:11 No.1515010
    It doesn't seem that bad until you consider that they were YELLING INTO THE FUCKING MICS.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)15:12 No.1515013

    Is that the guy from a-kon?
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)15:13 No.1515016
    Yeah, that's Johnny O.
    >> FC !LUoN15AFLU 12/31/08(Wed)15:17 No.1515030
    Oh, and adding to that, because I remembered another one from the same year.

    There was a horrible Death Note yaoi skit with a bunch of awful huge girls. That on it's own was bad, but they recorded their audio for the skit on the way to the con. You could tell because you could barely hear their voices over the LOUD noise of their engine. And my friends and I were sitting on the front row right in front of the 10 foot tall speaker. >:|
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)15:17 No.1515032
    I was in the Otakon2008 masq, so some of the skits me and my group had to watch backstage made me cringe. Like the Naruto/Death note skit, and the sailor moon cluster fuck dance skit...
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)15:20 No.1515034

    I'm sorry to hear that.

    Every con has at least two death note yaoi skits featuring large, fugly women who don't even bother to bind their breasts.
    >> scriptfag !!+NRjt8Jcwwc 12/31/08(Wed)15:22 No.1515037
    Any skit involving a marriage proposal of sorts. I saw a FFXII related one with a fatty and a butterface god knows when and all I could think about is "what a bunch of fucking losers jumping into a commitment neither are probably ready for, the divorce is coming within a year".
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)15:24 No.1515043

    This flaming piece of shit from youmacon 2008
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)15:27 No.1515048
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    one of the worst i've seen was a woman doing an awful monologue at ohayocon 2008. beyond that, please no more gratuitous yaoi or tired dance numbers. what i'd really like to see is some attempt at drama or maybe scene reinactment. that would take some real skill and preparation, but would be a treat for the audience.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)15:30 No.1515056
    How does /cgl/ feeling about re-enactments? I've been wanting to try doing a skit in a cosplay contest, and felt this might be one of the better ways to start.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)15:32 No.1515063
    I had to watch a Cloud and Roxas make out once on stage....They were both fat women
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)15:34 No.1515065
    This make rage threads on /b/ look awesome.
    >> LRC !HG6fkGXhas 12/31/08(Wed)15:34 No.1515067
    Otakon 2007, some shitty group with bad sound. I couldn't make out most of what they were saying, but everything I could hear was bad Yaoi jokes, cursing and something about Severus Snape fisting Harry Potter.

    I generally skip the masquerade anymore. :|
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)15:35 No.1515071
    -ANY naruto, KH, or Death Note skit
    -Dancing to *insert hyperactive Japanese song here*
    - YAOI.
    >> scriptfag !!+NRjt8Jcwwc 12/31/08(Wed)15:39 No.1515077
    >I generally skip the masquerade anymore. :|

    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)15:42 No.1515085

    lol wut
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)15:50 No.1515097

    I've seen good ones of all three series. No yaoi involved, though.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)15:52 No.1515103
    I know, you should of seen my face. I was talking to my friend behind me on how much momey we have left for food and turn back around and see that
    >> FC !LUoN15AFLU 12/31/08(Wed)15:58 No.1515121
    Same here. Or rather, I watch the masquerade in my room, where I can mute the TV or make rude comments.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)16:00 No.1515133
    SOMETIMES a dancing skit can be well done.

    But for the most part, they're usually fucking retarded.
    >> scriptfag !!+NRjt8Jcwwc 12/31/08(Wed)16:04 No.1515152

    I make rude comments during the masquerade, to myself of course. You should see my little brother though, he tells bad cosplayers everything thats wrong with them right then and there. He made AX08 a blast for me.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)16:04 No.1515153
    For a good dancing skit the people in it have to choose good music and spend at least as much time practicing as they do making costumes. Er...assuming their costumes aren't total shit thrown together the day before the con, then they'll need way more practicing than they can ever hope for.
    >> Pasta 12/31/08(Wed)16:10 No.1515168
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)16:15 No.1515182
    this one sucked
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)16:23 No.1515218

    I staff that convention.

    That's Ginger Ann, right?
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)16:26 No.1515229
    Thats her.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)16:28 No.1515234
    >> Pasta 12/31/08(Wed)16:55 No.1515287
    The masquerade was subpar this year :\
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)16:57 No.1515294
    I went to some lame mini-con.
    Some guy ran around for like 6 minutes debating 'the cutest girls of the con' and wearing a Rasta hat. I was about to kill him when he got off stage.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)17:03 No.1515300
    If anyone went to YasumiCon this year. Every single skit there.
    The girl who forgot her Sakura cosplay at home and was just wearing a red oriental dress sang some song from Camp Rock.
    The KH ABBA dancing skit with a failed back hand spring.
    The 5 minute long dialouge of "YOU KILLED MY FATHER!" "YOU'LL NEVER PASS ME!"
    >> Mr. B !jTwseny72A 12/31/08(Wed)17:05 No.1515303
    Preeeeetty much all of them.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)17:07 No.1515311
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)17:07 No.1515318
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    Oh, I forgot, the Matt dancing to Napoleon Dynamite
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)17:14 No.1515349
    The worst. I've ever. Seen.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)17:15 No.1515353
    I was in the front row with a staffer friend of mine and we couldnt stop laughing so we left the cosplay due to failure.
    >> LRC !HG6fkGXhas 12/31/08(Wed)17:16 No.1515357
    Halfway through when she started yelling, one of my guinea pigs started squealing in protest. :(

    I'm sorry Roxy...
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)17:19 No.1515372
    Oh god, I remember that one. It was the fat Relena Peacecraft cosplayer doing a "comedy" routine, wasn't it? I've seen plenty of shitty skits, and I will say that that was probably the shittiest I've ever seen, to the point where I just cringe watching it.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)17:19 No.1515374
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    Oh, the two FaiLolis arguing over who was MOST KAWAII was pretty bad.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)17:23 No.1515385

    This is the KH ABBA skit.
    Best parts are the Demyx not having a partner to do a spin with, and Roxas falling out of her handstand.

    They seem like sweet kids though, and it looks like they had fun.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)17:32 No.1515411
    Naru2u 2008 3/8 skits were people stripping.

    One skit was a bunch of Naruto character singing to The Internet is for Porn. Which was funny, but it was retarded how hard they raged when they didn't win.

    AC3-2006 this OTHER Naruto group did a skit that NOBODY understood AT ALL. When they stood up at the end of their skit, NOBODY CLAPPED. AND THEY FUCKING WON.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)17:58 No.1515494
    I can sum it up using a single word that should send chills through everyone who's gone to British cons for the last couple of years.

    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)18:08 No.1515522
    i had to sit through that...twice. then she got clapped and boo-ed off stage.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)18:11 No.1515530
    Auchinawa 2006.....
    Disney songs and two fangirls were involved.....nuff said
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)18:29 No.1515575
    I actually dont mind dance skits as long as they are done well and are not an over done dance, like hare hare yukai or caramel dansen.
    Worst one I ever saw was 2 people at anime boston 08 take the FULL TIME ALLOWED dancing to caramel dansen.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)18:40 No.1515593
    I stopped going Skit's around 2002. Seeing comments like this always reassures me why I will never go them ever again.

    Like one /anon/ said they need to have less generic animu dance, *whatever animu is popular at the time* related skit, or yaoi skit. Well nothing has changed 6 years and I doubt it will ever.
    >> Pasta 12/31/08(Wed)18:43 No.1515605
    Ohgeeze, that fucking sucks
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)18:57 No.1515642

    Holy shit. I'd blocked it from my memory until I saw the video.
    >> RP 12/31/08(Wed)19:36 No.1515726
    The Armitage from Fanime 2003. Warning: Her boob popped out.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)19:44 No.1515736
    lol........ thats kind of cool
    3mins later
    >> LRC !HG6fkGXhas 12/31/08(Wed)19:46 No.1515739
    Man, what the fuck, Armitage wasn't a fucking stripper.
    >> sebastian !QzrU9Y5.76 12/31/08(Wed)19:47 No.1515742
    Minamicon 13. Some girl doing what later turned out to be some kind of Naruto fanfiction in-joke, who got pissed when nobody in the room understood it.

    This is how you fail at skits and piss everyone at the con off at the same time:
    - Start with a series fandom in-joke about the spelling of the word 'milk'
    - Ask for audience participation without explaining what they will be participating in.
    - When nobody volunteers, shout into the mic until some poor con staff member reluctantly gives in to get the thing moving along
    - Molest this person for seemingly no reason
    - Start saying 'M - I - L- K!' a lot. Over and over. With no explanation to the crowd.
    - Get pissed when the crowd doesn't sing along.
    - Expect the crowd to follow YMCA-style arm gestures.
    - After this has gone on for several minutes, misspell the word you've been shouting at the top of your voice, stomp off stage.

    It says a lot that several months later the mere mention of the words 'that milk skit' would still garner reactions of loud swearing.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)19:49 No.1515747

    See my post at >>1515494.
    >> LRC !HG6fkGXhas 12/31/08(Wed)19:49 No.1515748
    I would like to see a video of this horror, if such a thing exists
    >> Infernoman !WABCAFs6Hg 12/31/08(Wed)19:54 No.1515756
    there's a reason why I don't go to the masquerade. last one I went to was AX08...and then I was reminded why I don't go.

    on the other hand I do admit I have thought of a skit or something that isn't fail.
    >> sebastian !QzrU9Y5.76 12/31/08(Wed)19:54 No.1515759
    Ah. I did look through assuming it would have been mentioned before, but it seems I glazed over your post.

    The only remains of it is this, the bizarre inexplicable video that started the skit off:

    To this day I still do not know what the fuck.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)19:57 No.1515765

    My friend informs me that the same girl who did that skit was wandering around at the last Minami wearing some kind of animal suit with bollocks sewn on the front. My friend thinks it was a tanuki cos that would make sense but i swear it was some kind of cat thing.

    Also, same girl got pissed off with me a few years back when I was gophering the hentai room and kicked her out cos she was underage b&.
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 12/31/08(Wed)19:59 No.1515769
    Oh Lord, MLIK Girl. :/

    Fortunately we didn't have such disasters this year. ¬_¬
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)20:00 No.1515770
    The 6th hare hare yukai of Fanime '08. Not because it was any worse than the first 5, but rather because it was the SIXTH FUCKING ONE.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)20:01 No.1515771
    the horror...... the horror
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)20:04 No.1515773
    The Metro Con 2008 masquerade skits were bad. I thought the concept was original, but they didn't know how to handle it and ended failing :/ Also, some guy proposed to his girlfriend at the end of the masquerade. Her reply? "When we're ready, yes."

    lol wut.
    >> sebastian !QzrU9Y5.76 12/31/08(Wed)20:06 No.1515778
    Well at the Amecon afterwards one of the con staff heard us explaining the horror of the skit to Monica Rial, and he told us that after the masquerade they had decided to tighten up on the skit time limits and contents so it shouldn't happen again.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)20:08 No.1515781
    Everyone, here my plea: bring DSs to masquerades. Pictochat mockery makes even the worst skits tolerable.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)20:10 No.1515785
    Didn't PortCon have 3 Hare Hare Yukai skits?
    >> sebastian !QzrU9Y5.76 12/31/08(Wed)20:11 No.1515787
    After the aforementioned Minami, I bought a DS just for that purpose. The fact it has some decent games on it was just an added bonus.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)20:26 No.1515803

    I always do this.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)20:48 No.1515818
    Oh dude that's brilliant. Thanks!
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)21:39 No.1515866
    I hate stupid dance off skits where it's like "I'M BETTER!" "NOU" and then they have a faggy dance off to horrible music with horrible choreography
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)21:46 No.1515878
    Why was I expecting Armitage from Neuromancer's boob popping out?
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)21:50 No.1515890

    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)23:25 No.1516100
    This Death Note dance off is actually decent:

    What do you think AC3's chances of rising from the grave are? I only made it to the con in 2006, but it was great fun that year.

    They didn't turn off the house lights for the masquerade at Fan Expo 2007, so DS mockery's epicness pierced through the skits' fail.
    >> Negroid 12/31/08(Wed)23:49 No.1516144
    I really wish they'd splot the masqredes (I can't spell today, don't care) into catagories. Dancing, Singing, Musicals, video games and actualy skits.

    That way I can walk out at the right time
    >> Anonymous 12/31/08(Wed)23:51 No.1516152
    But, the ones you might be interested in might be last... or worse: first and last.
    >> Negroid 12/31/08(Wed)23:54 No.1516163
    Well, good news is that I don't care for musical, singing, dancing and video game skits.
    >> Final Fantasy Tactics 01/01/09(Thu)01:56 No.1516376
    Does anyone here that attended A-kon 2k6 remember that far too long Inuyasha themed crime against humanity? You don't? Lucky you.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)02:12 No.1516409
    Ohayocon 2008, The dancing Naruto and Hinata and they tried to do cartwheels, but they just..jumprolled... and the Hinata didn't know the dance moves.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)02:19 No.1516427
    Just a curious question:

    But what types of dancing skits would be tolerable to watch?
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)02:27 No.1516446
    Although it's annoying, I'd much rather have people Hare Hare Fuckai in the hallways than on stage. Really.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)02:33 No.1516459
    Oh lord... Were they both fat? Especially the Hinata?
    Because I know exactly who you're talking about then.

    They smell really, really bad.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)02:43 No.1516482

    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)02:48 No.1516497
    Worst I've personally witnessed:
    Death Note pair from Fanime '08

    It's got everything: fat, bad singing, yaoi, L, destruction of what used to be a good song
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)03:07 No.1516539
    Ugh. I got to the singing and then I couldn't watch any more.

    What pisses me off the most is that the few skits that do have effort, time, and thought put into them aren't awarded deserved prizes just because the fucking annoying pocky filled fangirls yelled more on the fat yaoi deathnote skits.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)03:31 No.1516572

    This thing... I have no effin' clue what had hit me in the face that day.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)03:44 No.1516588
    The only one that really comes to mind (I know, I'm a fag) is the one at ALA last year, which was based at Hughe's Funeral from FMA. It consisted of characters standing around, NOT MOVING, for the entire two minutes to some Green Day song.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)03:46 No.1516590
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    Do it.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)03:52 No.1516595
    File deleted.
    I have no life.
    >> HnJ 01/01/09(Thu)04:15 No.1516608
    Something that involved actual dancing, i.e. ballet based on Princess Tutu.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)05:57 No.1516737
    All of em. I guess that one from Otakon 07 wasnt bad. The candy mountain one with final fantasy.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)06:02 No.1516744
    Fanime 08 Baccano
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)06:09 No.1516749
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)06:43 No.1516786
    I SEE
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)06:51 No.1516795
    I hated this Bleach skit. Honestly this shit was not needed.For one,wtf was up with Hollow Ichigo and Renji's wigs? And why did they pick such a fat Rukia?
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)11:00 No.1517006
    oh, are you talking about the one that basically made fun of every other skit? That wasn't too bad, haha.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)12:44 No.1517061
    Yeah, I remember her. I was going to post the same thing as "worst cosplay skit ever." I forget what the woman's name was, but I remember finding out that she was completely BATSHIT insane. Her skit was her poorly reciting some poem about hating your father or something.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)13:25 No.1517092
    That's like saying "what's the most brown turd you've ever shat."

    Just about every skit at masquerades are horrible. Even the few ones that are considered "good" that dorkgirls claim are awesome are actually horrid.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)13:32 No.1517095
    All masquerade skits come from the same 4 lame, tired premises:

    1) Women dress up in elaborate costumes/dresses, walk out on stage to their favorite dramatic anime song
    then do some routine involving walking around each other and posing with their props.

    2) Some "funny" skit that actually isn't that funny about some girl cosplaying as a guy who wants to have yaoi love with some other girl cosplaying as a guy from another crossover series.

    3) People that just come out on stage and dance. Usually to some over-done dance routine, like hare hare yukai, the lucky star opening, or caramel dansen. Sometimes they'll get really creative and do the dance from Thriller.

    4) A skit involving all 3 of the above, done one right after the other.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)13:32 No.1517098
    You have to admit there are some that are pretty good.
    There was one at ALA last year with the Sailor Moon transformation.

    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)13:36 No.1517104
    I like how the audience screams and goes nuts over absolutely nothing.

    "people came out on stage! OMG WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!343#$#$"
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)13:38 No.1517106
    It's because masquerade audiences are excited to see ANYTHING of interest happen at a masquerade.

    Also, annoying squeally fangirls.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)13:52 No.1517116
    Ones that arent over done.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)13:58 No.1517124
    True. There were only a few good skits that year, and that skit was one of them. I think it won Best of Show last year, for good reasons.

    But besides that, I don't think anyone had seen a transformation skit like that before.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)14:00 No.1517127
    Lets lighten the mood with the BEST SKIT EVAR
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)14:07 No.1517133
    Had the con staff known they would have so much shit to set up, it would have never happened. Still awesome.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)14:13 No.1517139
    Except for the part where everyone in it was Tech Staff for Anime Boston.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)15:26 No.1517241
    I think as a masquerade coordinator complaints about "the skits suck!" are my favorites because inevitably the con chair hears that and then tells me that I have to make the skits more interesting, but he won't let me ban performance so somehow I have to magically make people NOT SUCK in the one hour I have them before they go on stage.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)15:32 No.1517249


    If they had made that a really short skit, it would still be lame, but in the oh those silly kids lame way. This was like a small glimpse into what hell might be like in Dante's Inferno.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)15:33 No.1517254

    Ladies and Gentlemen, the ABSOLUTE WORST musical performance skit you will ever see. I apologize in advance for sharing...
    >> "Manly" Kittan 01/01/09(Thu)15:39 No.1517267
    I just drove a 3-inch diameter wooden stake through my skull.

    You know what?

    It feels a lot better than listening to that.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)16:22 No.1517342
    I coordinated a masquerade for the first time this year, and I didn't get any comments like that. The only 'drama' I had was the Best of Show getting called assholes for being better than everyone else, as they had the most detailed costumes and had obviously worked the hardest, and the other groups were butthurt.

    The worst part is when they leave their props / mikes on stage and expect us to pick it up.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)16:42 No.1517394
    You can add a rule that says "don't leave your shit on stage!" only in nicer words, and then when people do you can tell them to get back there and pick it up. Saves me a lot of grief for cleanup.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)16:53 No.1517426
    Isn't it, uh, obvious that you should pick up your shit?

    And people forget it anyways, and then everyone looks at you and goes 'Sooo who's getting that?' . At least I got to embarrass a few people who sat back down in the audience with one of our mikes.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)17:02 No.1517449

    Quoting AND reposting, because it's THAT FUCKING BAD.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)17:04 No.1517453
    Indeed. People were screaming in pain throughout the whole thing. Including "AUUUGH MY VIRGIN EYES".
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)17:55 No.1517535
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    Anon is very bored today.

    The worst skit I've seen was one that was titled, Monty Demyx and the Search for the Holy Male. I'll let you imagin ethe horror on your own.
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 01/01/09(Thu)19:04 No.1517684
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    Who's got two thumbs, and won't get the fuck off stage?
    <- This guy!
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)19:48 No.1517824
    my favorite use of these 4 panels so far.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)23:10 No.1518428
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)23:41 No.1518508
    Anime Iowa 08... Ugly Narutards doing caramel dansen. Even when they weren't on stage they were obnoxious. The skit lasted, like, 5 minutes and nothing fucking happened.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/09(Thu)23:56 No.1518554
    Oh my god that is so accurate.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)00:05 No.1518578
    That was actaully pretty cute.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)00:05 No.1518579
    Are there any decent cosplay groups that have planned competing this year?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)00:34 No.1518659
    Cosplay preshow at Anime Detour... 45 minutes of watching other people crappily para para. fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff

    Only one of the many reasons that I will never go to that bullshit again.
    >> Chiri-chan <3 !!JjUYoBiCht7 01/02/09(Fri)00:46 No.1518691
    The fanime preshow was like that. I don't remember it being bad, as much as abnormally long.

    There was a legitimately cute loli singing an entire set of Nico Nico Douga, so it was okay.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)01:19 No.1518754
    Fanime for some stupid reason they run all that stuff at the front and then they tell the judges that they have to decide after masquerade really fast because they're out of time. Why not run some of that programming at the end so the judges don't have to rush?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)01:59 No.1518837
    > 2 people at anime boston 08 take the FULL TIME ALLOWED dancing to caramel dansen.

    There was no Carmelldansen at AB08.

    They DID have a Hare Hare Yukai and a MOKKATE Seifuku though (big surprise...)
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)02:02 No.1518841

    Yep. I think you are correct, sir.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)02:06 No.1518851

    > Had the con staff known they would have so much shit to set up, it would have never happened.

    Nope. You're obviously not con staff. Don't pretend to know shit you don't know.

    We knew it was going to take some time (not as long as it did...) but it STILL would have happened nonetheless. Shit was going to be Epic.

    They all WERE STAFF (therefore ineligible for awards.)
    I am just wondering what they will do this year...
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)13:32 No.1519891
    This thread makes me feel better about myself.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)13:41 No.1519905
    hi GreatSG.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)13:43 No.1519907

    omfg I threw up.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)13:50 No.1519921
    I did too...
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)14:03 No.1519932
    seen worse
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)14:22 No.1519956
    MangaNext 2006. No time limit or rehearsal. Captain Planet. IMPROV. Asperger's may have been involved.

    I almost feel sorry for how hard the dude got trolled. Almost.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)15:01 No.1520011

    Whats terrible is these are the skit judges doing this faggotry...RAGGGGEEEE
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)15:06 No.1520014
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)15:29 No.1520037
    I got to the end of the first "I wanna take you to a gay bar" before I closed the tab.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)16:10 No.1520092
    Oni-con 2008


    For some reason, the audio kept getting louder and louder for every single one.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)16:31 No.1520128
         File :1230931914.png-(142 KB, 675x599, ffffcaramelwhatever.png)
    142 KB
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)16:36 No.1520133
    Can we PLEASE start banning Carmeldansen & Hare Hare skits PLEASE?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)23:14 No.1520157

    Need I remind you of the Rip Van Winkle that screamed at us the year before?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)23:16 No.1520163
    I dearly wish I hadn't gotten in further than that. Goddamn the lagging on this computer.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/09(Fri)23:16 No.1520164


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