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  • Blotter updated: 12/25/08

  • File :1230611567.jpg-(32 KB, 500x353, Shinobu3.jpg)
    32 KB Shinobu Suggestions Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)23:32 No.1509289  
    I posted a couple of days ago about cross dressing as Shinobu for No More Heroes. I have hit a bump. I have the white shirt, the patch, the leg warmers and gloves but I cannot for the life of me find a decent wig and matching purple plaid skirt and tie. Help would be appreciated.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)23:37 No.1509302
    We had to make them ourselves and dye it ourselves.

    The only other option I can think of is find a black and white set and dye it purple, but that'd be black and purple instead of white and purple...

    Get a solid purple skirt/tie and paint on the plaid?
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)23:45 No.1509327
    I've got a skirt that is purple plaid but I am terrified of having to wear a tie that doesn't match. This will be my first cosplay at a big convention and I wanna knock 'em dead.

    I also want to punch the character artist in the face. She is gorgeous but her hair is otherworldly! A straight afro that partially covers her face!? Help?
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)23:47 No.1509335
    combine a bunch of wigs. stay away from afro wigs.

    skirt and tie = make. just get purple plaid or paint it. some of the easiest things to make too!
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)23:51 No.1509352
    Thanks. But how do I go about combining wigs?
    >> Anonymous 12/30/08(Tue)00:08 No.1509408
    >> Anonymous 12/30/08(Tue)00:09 No.1509415
    I used to know this site, I forget the name, just google a tutorial.
    >> Anonymous 12/30/08(Tue)00:14 No.1509438
    are you blaq?

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