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  • Blotter updated: 12/25/08

  • File :1230530310.jpg-(7 KB, 100x100, 06_CHANGED.jpg)
    7 KB ADVICE FOR FIRST TIME CONVENTION GOER frances 12/29/08(Mon)00:58 No.1507282  
    what is it like at an animation convention?
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)01:01 No.1507291
    You get raped a lot.
    >> frances 12/29/08(Mon)01:03 No.1507295

    if that is true then its like you dspend half the time in your hotel room i suppose.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)01:04 No.1507300
         File :1230530645.jpg-(1.78 MB, 3072x2304, raichu 003.jpg)
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    >> frances 12/29/08(Mon)01:07 No.1507307

    what is that thing?
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)01:15 No.1507326

    >> frances 12/29/08(Mon)01:18 No.1507335

    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)01:21 No.1507341

    look it's pikachu
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)01:22 No.1507344
    No the left one's pikachu, dick. They're not both pikachu
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)01:23 No.1507346

    Wow anon. Wow.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)01:25 No.1507352
    No it's not, it's a fukkin' raichu, DICK
    >> frances 12/29/08(Mon)01:36 No.1507381
    any other advice?
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)01:38 No.1507389
    I'd like to give you real advice. What con are you going to and who are you going with. Are you cosplaying?
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)01:41 No.1507397

    Be Raichu. Chicks will bang you.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)01:41 No.1507398

    Your answer: It's exactly like this thread. ALL THE TIME.
    >> its luch time BITCHES 12/29/08(Mon)01:41 No.1507401
    if your a guy and some of your girl friends ask you to crossdress cause they think it would be funny and you do it and they think you look really good TAKE IT OFF IMEDIATELY! for me it was a win until i started getting tickled
    >> frances 12/29/08(Mon)01:43 No.1507407

    im in kansas so probably anime fest wichita
    >> frances 12/29/08(Mon)01:43 No.1507410

    i might cosplay as alice or daisy, or wear a poodle skirt outfit
    >> frances 12/29/08(Mon)01:45 No.1507417

    im a 32 year old woman and will be 33 when the convention takes place
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)01:51 No.1507442
    it's tons of fail costumes worn by uglies and the hugest fatties you have ever seen, with the occasional win costume. lots of little kids running around being annoying.
    >> its luch time BITCHES 12/29/08(Mon)01:56 No.1507452
    well im half your age(lol) and obviously i made a mistake that day XD better late than never to start cons?XD
    is 16 consider to be a little annoying kid?XD
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)01:57 No.1507455
    Gaming and fun to be had, lots of injokes, be careful to avoid the paddle (you'll know it when you see it) and be prepared for lots of various forms of homosexuality.
    >> frances 12/29/08(Mon)01:59 No.1507461

    better than to wait until my 40s to go to one
    >> frances 12/29/08(Mon)01:59 No.1507463

    the paddle? do people get spanked?
    >> its luch time BITCHES 12/29/08(Mon)02:00 No.1507467
    just.....avoid the paddle....no further questions XD
    >> frances 12/29/08(Mon)02:02 No.1507473

    i will try to.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)02:04 No.1507479
    Only if they're not careful or if they ask for it.
    It's not, like, a spanking paddle. It's more like something you could feasibly row a boat with.
    >> its luch time BITCHES 12/29/08(Mon)02:05 No.1507482
    also adding to that note dont buy the paddle either XD
    >> frances 12/29/08(Mon)02:08 No.1507486

    why would they sell a paddle that is like for a boat?
    >> its luch time BITCHES 12/29/08(Mon)02:10 No.1507492
    you'll see when you get there XD
    >> frances 12/29/08(Mon)02:14 No.1507499
         File :1230534891.jpg-(29 KB, 288x432, wonderlandteaseplus-s.jpg)
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    i just bought this last week, an alice costume
    >> one hit wonder 12/29/08(Mon)02:24 No.1507522
    the question is do you look good in it XD
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)02:25 No.1507524
    No, i'm a man.
    >> frances 12/29/08(Mon)02:31 No.1507536

    i think so. i havent gotten it yet.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)02:31 No.1507537

    >> frances 12/29/08(Mon)02:31 No.1507538

    why not?
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)02:33 No.1507542
    do you even have to ask? Dont make me ask Nina.
    >> frances 12/29/08(Mon)02:34 No.1507545

    so i have to go in normal clothes?
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)02:36 No.1507550
    Yes, but dont forget your paper bag for your head.
    >> one hit wonder 12/29/08(Mon)02:38 No.1507553
    did you srsly put your email in there =_= take it out NAO
    >> frances 12/29/08(Mon)02:38 No.1507554

    i don't mind if i go in my normal clothes but i will put hoes in the bag so i can see
    >> frances 12/29/08(Mon)02:39 No.1507557

    i meant holes
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)02:40 No.1507561
    god damn it i think i was trolled
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)02:40 No.1507562

    lol :)
    >> frances 12/29/08(Mon)02:42 No.1507567

    i just misspelled a word, ok?
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)02:42 No.1507570
    Leave and never come back.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)02:43 No.1507572
    If you put hoes in the bag you'll get herpes on your face.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)02:50 No.1507582
    Kid, if you're going to go on a site where you have to be EIGHTEEN TO BE ON, at least try to pretend. :\
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)02:51 No.1507590
    Eighteen or older, even.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)02:54 No.1507598
    If you go, I wanna bang you while you have your pantyhose on. Make it a plus size gangbang. I'll invite some /cgl/ anons. Male ones too.
    >> one hit wonder 12/29/08(Mon)02:54 No.1507599
    D: oh shit! im not pretending hard enough i lied about my age im a 13yr old boy >_>
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)02:56 No.1507602
    ¬¬ dont get her hopes up.
    >> frances 12/29/08(Mon)08:25 No.1508004

    i will be staying in a hotel room
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)08:36 No.1508010
    what hotel? I'll be sure to have you removed then.
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)08:47 No.1508014
    >> frances 12/29/08(Mon)18:38 No.1508702

    >> frances 12/29/08(Mon)18:50 No.1508721

    if i dont get a hotel room, where do i stay then?
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)18:51 No.1508724

    At home.
    >> frances 12/29/08(Mon)19:01 No.1508740

    its also fine if i stay at home too
    >> frances 12/29/08(Mon)19:05 No.1508749

    i know no one wants me to be at any convention
    >> Anonymous 12/29/08(Mon)19:15 No.1508759
         File :1230596126.jpg-(133 KB, 608x400, 000_0173.jpg)
    133 KB
    got the perfect costume for you and your master
    >> frances 12/29/08(Mon)19:21 No.1508764


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