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  • Blotter updated: 12/25/08

  • File :1230457676.jpg-(70 KB, 576x496, 1225897317955.jpg)
    70 KB Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)04:47 No.1504765  
    Con horror stories time, kids!

    Don't have much to contribute myself,
    but at a small local con earlier this year, some creepy pre-teen grabbed my (27-year-old) sister's ass and asked her if she knew what yaoi meant.

    Come on, /cgl/.
    I'm depending on you to supply the lulz.

    Pic unrelated.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)04:50 No.1504771
    I watched the life leave a cosplayer's eyes, shit was cash.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)04:52 No.1504775
    Well while I was taking a dump some couple was having cosplay sex in the stall next to me. It was like 7ish at night. Arousing, disturbing, and very awkward.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)04:53 No.1504777
    I was cosplaying "hellgirl" and I had her basic dress on. Some fucking idiot dressed as L jumped on my back, ripping my scarf . I chased him down the hall and got kicked out of the con
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)04:56 No.1504783
    I was having sex with my girlfriend in the bathroom at a con, and some guy next to us was taking the loudest most horrible smelling shit I've ever been party to.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)04:58 No.1504788

    That was intentional bro
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)05:27 No.1504879
    Friend got electrocuted while using the hair dryer. I wasn't sure to use it at first when I saw it because the switch was wrapped with like aluminum duct tape. I know because I used to have a job installing duct work. I found it odd but didn't say anything. I was to meet up with someone before (now my BF) so I told my friend I would go take a shower then mett up with her later. I didn't wash my hair that time as I washed it the day before. Perhaps my luck there.

    After I was done my friend came in and said she would meet up with me at a talking panel at 4pm. It was 3:15pm when I left her in the hotel room to catch the rest of a panel I wanted to see. 4pm came and I called her but no reply. I figured she was just fussing over make up details and didn't call for 10mins. She still didn't pick up the phone so I thought she was on the way so I searched the rooms if she forgot to meet me at my panel or talking to someone. I didn't find her in the panels are then searched the level area I was in. I went back to the hotel room in a 'WTFF!? mode' only to find in horror she was naked on the bathroom floor with the hair dryer beside her. I dialed 911. She's ok but has no memory of anything after she took her shower. She and I sued the hotel.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)05:38 No.1504912
    HOLY FUCKING SHIT! I'd be suing thier ass off as well.

    Most I've had was when I was in the dealers room and some sob in the crowd copped a boob feel on me. *grumbles* I was Kaoru pissed and ready to kick ass but the slime ball weaseled away and I never found out who it was.
    >> motoko !!Z9RHDE0TyCR 12/28/08(Sun)05:39 No.1504919

    holy shit...did you guys get a settlement then? And are you at liberty to disclose which con//hotel this happened at? D:
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)05:41 No.1504925
         File :1230460869.jpg-(33 KB, 604x453, DD.jpg)
    33 KB
    Being IM'd by some creepy guy post-con after he saw me cosplaying. He told me he had always wanted to rape a girl and when I blocked him, proceeded to IM me on other sn's begging me not to leave him.

    Being stuck in the cosplay judging at Ikasucon 2004 with DuelinDan for hours. He kept following us. Wouldn't leave us alone and in general, really weird.

    However, a couple years later we got this masterpiece from it.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)05:46 No.1504937
    Con stories are all the same, always stemming from 4 categories:

    1) The Paranoid Nerdgirl
    > "I was at a con one time and some guy tried to have a conversation with me. OMG SO CREEPY! He didn't actually touch me, but I could tell from the way he asked for my picture that he was going to rape me and then kill me. Thank god my friends were close by."

    2) The Fictional Pimp
    >"So I hooked up with this Sakura cosplayer at the con and she was smoking hot. She started groping me so we went back to my room and fucked all night. Then her friends joined in. This happens to me all the time."

    3) The Melodramatic Groupie
    >"OMG you know that one popular female cosplayer? I saw her at a con one time for 15 seconds and she totally smiled at me when I said hi! SHE IS THE NICEST HUMAN BEING IN THE WHOLE WORLD."

    4) The Perpetually Unimpressed
    >"That con really sucked. No good guests and nothing to do. I stayed in my hotel room and played Wii the entire weekend."
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)05:46 No.1504939
    pic related? e.e
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)05:53 No.1504959
    Isn't it funny how every convention story a woman tells always has to do with them being stalked and molested, while somehow never actually involving anything to do with being stalked or molested?

    It's basically just nerdy women afraid of guys getting too close to them at cons and crying because they see all men they don't know as potential rapists.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)05:55 No.1504968
    i groped butts and one boob at the last con i went to, but i always asked permission first D:

    maybe that's just the canadian way!?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)05:56 No.1504974
    Pic related.

    His odor offends my nose.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)05:57 No.1504978

    What does >>1504775 apply to?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)05:59 No.1504983
    Some dude drove off after the con and shot himself in the head.

    Not joking. Funny shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)05:59 No.1504985
    that's a guy?
    i seriously thought that was a fat chick
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)06:00 No.1504988
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)06:08 No.1505006
    Some guy dressed as Batman, sneaked up behind me and my friends while doing a group pose for some pictures, then screamed loudly and we all got startled and scattered.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)06:11 No.1505015
    Worst thing that ever happened to me was losing my pass on the second day.

    Luckily, someone had turned in a pass at the lost-and-found and the con organizers let me have it.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)06:13 No.1505021
    I sat on the toilet seat, and it was wet
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)06:16 No.1505031
    three possible substances that made that seat wet:
    1. Urine
    2. Semen
    3. Sweat
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)06:16 No.1505035
    I would have to take a shower right then and there if that happened.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)06:25 No.1505051

    It was the girl's bathroom.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)06:27 No.1505057
    >>1505031 still applies.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)06:40 No.1505083
    AB '07: The Akatsuki Penis

    This one group did a skit as the Akatsuki. Later on, they came out dancing in their underwear and shit. Next thing you know, some bitch's dick is flopping around for a good seven seconds.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)06:41 No.1505087
    i want to vomit just thinking about that
    >> motoko !!Z9RHDE0TyCR 12/28/08(Sun)06:47 No.1505097
    it could also have been "backsplash" from one of those wacky toilets that have enough suction in their flush to tear off a limb.
    >> Loli Princess of China !jlT5tjfAyk 12/28/08(Sun)06:49 No.1505102
    Precisely why narutards deserve to die.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)06:57 No.1505115
    Some guy nearly followed me into the bathroom because he was fascinated with how I was applying my lipstick. I was using a compact lipstick with a long brush, and he told me it was "Really neat" or something. And granted, it was one of those bathrooms that looked like it was a hallway. I loled heartily though, afterwards, since I had to tell him it wasn't a unisex. His face XD
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)07:08 No.1505146

    I think there's some truth to that. It's probably more a combination of what you mentioned and the fact that anime conventions are very often populated by just shitty people.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)10:57 No.1505364
    I consider myself a fairly attractive female, perhaps a little on the 'healthy' side, but not glaringly fat.

    At one con last year, I went with a group from my college, and one of them was a tall, skinny, but butterfaced girl. She's sweet, but the biggest fucking weeaboo I've ever met. Seriously, I didn't think people like her existed in real life. She uses random japanese words in normal conversation, and she's impossible to watch anime with because she'll fucking "KYAAAAA" every three seconds. Not to mention she's socially awkward and kind of bitchy.

    Anyway, for some reason, wherever she went, she picked up a guy. And I'm not talking about other socially awkward weeaboos, I mean very attractive, personable guys. I couldn't understand, because her little harem stayed with her for the entire con, and she even met up with a few of them again. What the hell?

    I was crossplaying and she was walking around in a tiny skirt most of the con.

    Yes, I'm a jealous female.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)11:03 No.1505376
    >I was crossplaying and she was walking around in a tiny skirt most of the con.

    Well what were you expecting?

    Just show some cleavage in your next cosplay if you want to attract guys.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)11:08 No.1505382
    a creepy Obi-wan was a bit drunk and was shaking my hand for at least a min, wouldn't let my hand go and just looking at me in a very creepy "I want to watch you in your sleep,I'm going to break into your house tonight" kind of look.
    ahhh memories
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)11:13 No.1505383

    Maybe you're actually the one who is socially awkward and bitchy and you just don't realize it.
    >> Pygmalion !rNk8s6TM.Q 12/28/08(Sun)11:17 No.1505389
    Maybe guys would be interested in you if you didn't dress like a fucking boy.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)11:28 No.1505411
    >4) The Perpetually Unimpressed
    >"That con really sucked. No good guests and nothing to do. I stayed in my hotel room and played Wii the entire weekend."

    >played WoW the entire weekend.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)11:45 No.1505454
    Got molested in the basement of Otakon '06. That was pretty bad. Nobody knows. :\ I tried to turn him in but the dude was wearing a masked cosplay and I never saw him again.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)11:49 No.1505469
    oh god I remember that! Ikasu 04 was my second con ever an that's where I first saw DD. We were stuck in the auditorium ALL DAY and he started playing his trumpet.
    I remember the next year when he apologized to the con at the closing ceremonies and Heza-chan yelled at him. It was hilarious.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)11:53 No.1505477
    >Got gawked at by a fat guy in the basement of Otakon '06.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)12:00 No.1505489
    Fuck you, some guy pinned me to a wall, started rubbing my sides and my thigh, and tugging on my panties. It was dumb luck that a bunch of fatass Death Note cosplayers came waddling out of the downstairs bathrooms at that moment.

    Another reason to hate screaming fourteen year old SUPAH KAWAII anime fans: They scream so god damn much about nothing, that whenever someone is actually yelling for help it's completely ignored.
    >> Pygmalion !rNk8s6TM.Q 12/28/08(Sun)12:01 No.1505492
    What the hell were you doing in the basement in the first place?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)12:08 No.1505498
    I saw stairs, I didn't know where they went, I wanted to see. I walked down there, it was empty, I was going to leave right then, but I was followed.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)12:16 No.1505508
    At one con happened to be wearing a cosplay with microshorts and stay-ups, and when I wandered bit off the con-area, few construction workers were whistling at me and and laughed that their day was made. Mostly amusing really.
    At the same con there was a fat, ugly yatta-man cosplayer, who kept talking and talking to me and my friend. He behaved himself but if I want to see half-naked, old fat men, I go to public sauna thank you...
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)12:24 No.1505514
    I live close enough to my favorite con to not get a hotel and just stay at home, but one year the guy giving me a ride had just broken up with his boyfriend and gotten really drunk and couldn't come pick me up. I ended up staying in a hotel room with a bunch of people I'd only met the day before. I'm still friends with some of them, but at the time it seemed pretty sketchy...

    Also, I went to a con with a male-to-female cosplayer friend, and he would take like >9000 hours in the bathroom every morning. It was insanely frustrating when all I wanted to do was take a leak and he was still in there.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)12:31 No.1505521
    I saw a fat guy wearing a really worn out Etna t-shirt at the AB registration room a few years ago. I died alot on the inside. Also, said room was hot as BALLS. My god. And the guy behind me was a Canadian.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)13:52 No.1505664
    Went to animaritime, there was this really fat guy dressed as agent 47 from the hitman games.

    Later that evening he was downstairs, in a hallway of the hotel, eating a bucket of KFC to himself, by himself.
    I loled.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)14:00 No.1505678
    got pics of your friend? she sounds a helluva lot hotter than you. especially if she's willing to wear a short skirt.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)15:10 No.1505850
    I forgot about the trumpet!

    Plus he started throwing ramen around the room at one point. I mean, it probably wouldn't have done anything but there was expensive equipment all over the place or it could have hit someone.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !pjAXKingaM!!MxBkgN3icEP 12/28/08(Sun)15:20 No.1505881
    Once when I was fooling around with a girl at AX, I took her panties off and put it in my pocket. Somehow she'd forgotten I still had them and I didn't notice until I was back in my hotel room.

    Panicked at the time I didn't know what to do so I left it in the one female roommate's clothes pile.

    Naturally she went "WTF THESE AREN'T MINE" and the shrewd bastard roommates were able to deduce that I had something to do with it.

    Go fig.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)15:57 No.1506029
    I used to live in ATL and have lots of friends in the city. I was staying with one of them that lived about a mile from the D*C hotel so I left my car there and walked. Walked back to my car to freshen up my buzz and on the way back to the con this black dude who was directing cars for something was like "HEY! Why you walkin around here?! You a cop?" And I kind of laugh out a no thinking the guy is joking with me, then he gets louder "Get yo ass outta here! you suspicious nigga! Better not see you again!" So I just walk by with an "all right all right" and head back to the con. I have a good time and at around 2-3 am I head back to the apartment. And not even thinking about it I take the same road again. then behind me I hear "Ey man! What the FUCK you doin back here?!" I don't turn around but I can tell from his voice he's following me. He keeps getting closer till I hit the end of the block and cross the street, then he shouts out one more threat and i don't hear him again. I took a different road the next day.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)16:00 No.1506037

    indeed it is
    >> sebastian !QzrU9Y5.76 12/28/08(Sun)16:45 No.1506194
    That's it, /cgl/s over.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)17:03 No.1506267
    I fucked some guy at AX and he took my panties.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)17:07 No.1506279
    Con staff once pushed me into the con ops room and tried to hit on me. I was cosplaying a really popular female character everyone loves. It was really creepy. And they totally only did it because I was complaining about how terrible the whole con was. The panels all sucked, the registration line took all day and all the guests were terrible. All I did was drink all weekend.

    On the plus side, I met this really cute well known cosplayer and he was so nice. We even hooked up after the rave Saturday night.
    >> sage 12/28/08(Sun)17:10 No.1506286
    My then-girlfriend has some really big boobs, and she loved DoA, so she cosplayed as Kasumi. Now, I don't really give a shit who gets upskirts of her and goes home to fap to her. But there was this one guy, I think I later found out his name was SpiderMan Mike, who was asking her to spread her legs, get on her knees, and put her ass up in the air for him to get photos.

    Now, I take photos at cons, too, and when I ask for anything remotely provocative or sexy, I always start with, "if you wouldn't mind, and would feel comfortable with it..." and then something only mildly titillating. So far, not so bad, it was just a run of the mill perv. But here's where it got creepy. This guy was all surprised and asked, "hey why not!?" He was all indignant about it.

    Now, I hate it when boyfriends do the whole "hey, bro, I her man, bro" thing by coming up to their girls and putting their arms around here and such, but this guy was being a real creep, so I kinda pulled her away.

    Another horror story is this really creepy drunk asian kid started feeling up my friend in her Kairi cosplay. Just out of nowhere. And my poor friend was petrified. Luckily, before I decked the guy (Yeah yeah, I know, I'm mr internet tuff guy)) another friend of ours told him off and told him to "get the fuck out of here, you creep."

    Now, if you want a real horror story, two friends of mine, on seperate occasions, got mugged at Otakon. Now that's fucked up.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)17:17 No.1506302
    I once groped this girl in the basement of Otakon '06. Shit was SO cash. I was wearing a mask all the time, she had no idea.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)17:30 No.1506328
    Since when does Otakon have a basement?

    With that said....good job.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)17:32 No.1506332
    I mugged these two people at Otakon. Shit was SO cash!

    Ok, but time for the most shocking con time. I was cosplaying Link, and I have a pretty feminine face for a guy. Well, it fit with the costume so it was all good. Until this guy came up to me, and asked for my picture. I thought it was wierd at first, most guys don't ask for a picture of another guy unless its a group.

    I didn't think about it that much and got it over with, but he kept following me. I walked from the panels, to the dealer's room, to the game room, back to dealers, then to game again, and he just kept following. I wanted to think it was just coincidence but now I knew he was just stalking me. After a few games of Smash and telling my friends i was with about him(and them laughing their ass off) i left to go to the panels again. He ambushed me from the corner and was all like "Oh hey! I remember you!" and forced me into small talk and then he said "You are the hottest Link I've ever seen" and that was when i left to my con room to get out of the costume.

    I don't know if he thought i was a girl or if he was a gay, but by far the most disturbing and humiliating thing that has happened to me
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)17:36 No.1506341
    And then you woke up.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)17:38 No.1506345
    Pics of you please.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)17:43 No.1506355

    oh snap
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)17:49 No.1506369
    It was 3 years ago and I didnt bring a camera with me, so I dont have any pics =/
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)17:55 No.1506379
    what con was this?

    I had a homeless bum try to molest and hit on my girlfriend at Otakon.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)18:01 No.1506388
    How convenient.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)18:01 No.1506393
    I know, right?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)18:16 No.1506449
    I groped some chicks boobs once when I was 14 but her boyfriend was right there and he whacked me
    >> noko Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)18:17 No.1506455

    Every time I go to a con, I get a horror story. Let's start with the longest one of them all from my personal collection!

    I was at one con about 3 years back, lining up for the dance/rave/whatever gay thing you call it now. I had put on a detestable fucking t-shirt saying 'Yaoi is my anti-drug', which I burned after the con, for several reasons. Normally, I'd never wear such crap, but I was admittedly backed up as hell and put it on as a retarded plan to broadcast to anyone who might be looking at me "HEY QUEERMOS, I MAY NOT LISP AND WEAR SUPER PINK SHIT, BUT I HAPPEN TO ENJOY SUCKING ON A DONG SO PLEASE TO NOT BE ASSUMING I'M STRAIGHT". Where I come from, the gay community is so small it might as well as be non-existent, and I was really, really, fucking dumb at the time. Dumb and horny is never a good combo.

    So, in my shitty t-shirt, I hit the dance floor. I don't do the white man shuffle of awkwardly Rick Astley style moving my hips side to side and occasionally lightly flailing my arms, I went all in. I'm decently flexible, so I was doing stuff like putting my back to the floor and such.

    This went on for, like, an hour and a half.

    Finally, this one guy approaches me, asks if I wanna dance, and I'm going GLORY HALLELUJAH, THIS SHITTY T-SHIRT WORKED. He was about 6'4, with me at 5'6 - I had a babyface, he had facial hair, so it made the whole thing look like a fucking terrible yaoi manga, with the top and bottom established right from the start just by size differences.

    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)18:18 No.1506457
    A random woman on the street asked me why no one was dressed as Hannah Montana. I dunno, it was horrifying to me.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)18:18 No.1506458
    We dance for a little while. Problem. I had been dancing nearly <i>non-stop</i> up until then. Aside from occasional breaks for water, I just kept going.

    So at this point, my stomach decides to kick my ass around a little. I apologize to the guy and say I need a minute, head off the dance floor, drink some water, relax for a while. Once my stomach doesn't feel ready to beat the shit out of me anymore, I step back in, find the guy, and dance again, feeling excited as hell and looking forward to maybe getting down with some gay poon.

    Five minutes later, I throw up on the dance floor.

    I run out and hit the bathroom as fast as I can, vomiting whatever upchuck I had left. I could definitely not go back into the dance floor at this point. I just sat outside of it, breathing hard, feeling like the biggest idiot.

    Surprisingly, the dude was not totally disgusted, and followed me out to check up on me, see if I was alright now. We talk, exchange names, all that good stuff.

    Eventually the subject of where we'll be spending the night comes up. I didn't have a place to stay - never do, when I go to a con, really. I sort of just wing it.

    He says I could stay at his place.

    Me and my ass are MORE than down with that at that point.

    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)18:19 No.1506465
    He rounds up his friends, I round up mine, and we leave the con, stepping out into the streets. New problem: Subways are closed for the night. As are buses. And apparently, it's a good while to get back to his place.

    His asshole friends shoot down the idea of getting a cab and splitting the bill, so we end up walking through the city.

    We walk for what had to be two hours. Just miles of sketchy city, incredibly late at night, with a guy I just met. I, naturally, am getting skeeved out now.

    We finally arrive at his place. Sort of. We arrive at a parking lot. My 'OH GOD I'M GONNA BE RAPED' senses jump to 11, before it settles down and I find out we're actually just here to get to his car.

    His car is a white van. Then my 'OH GOD I'M GONNA BE RAPED' jump to 12. Idiotically, I get in the van anyway.

    We start driving BACK the way we came. We walked for two hours to get to a skeevy white van to drive back the way we came.

    As we're driving, I get to find out a lot more sketchy shit. For example, despite my being 5'6 and having a face that perpetually makes me look like I'm still pre-puberty, I was 18 at the time, he got to find out. And then I got to find out that he, despite having about a foot of height over me, as well as fully neatly groomed goatee and whatnot, was actually only 16.

    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)18:19 No.1506466
    He didn't have a license either. He had a permit. And he was driving a bunch of people around in a white van at 2:30 or so in the morning with only a permit.

    NOW we finally get back to his place! Only it's not his place, of course, it's his aunt and uncle's place. And his aunt and uncle's place is located in what I'd call a Pastel Ghetto. Which is self-explanatory, but here: If you took the ghetto, and tried to give it a repaint to try and make it look like the suburbs, you'd have this apartment building.

    His aunt and uncle aren't asleep yet. For another hour, everyone talks about chinese food until they finally get some and come back. Aunt and uncle go to sleep, gay dude's friends go to sleep, gay dude goes to sleep. My friend and I stay wide awake, stunned at the fact that all of this had happened in just one single fucking night.

    My mind was far away from getting laid, having reached that point.

    When morning comes, gay tall dude drives us back to the con. We wave goodbye politely, and then immediately ditch him as fast as was possible.

    We never saw him again. Thank god.

    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)18:22 No.1506470
    Ahahah that story was so fucking epic.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)18:25 No.1506478
    Have anymore horror stories? I would like to hear more.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)18:29 No.1506486

    Yeah, I've got a few more. None are as nearly as long as that one, but they're all pretty fucked up.



    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)18:30 No.1506490

    >> Soni !!qeHmeAJM1a2 12/28/08(Sun)18:31 No.1506493
    PISS FETISH. With a title like that, it has potential for infinite lolz.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)18:32 No.1506495
    were your two friends from Ohio by chance? If so, I think we have friends in common..lol.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)18:32 No.1506496
    Piss fetish, def'.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)18:32 No.1506497
    The autistic russian one sounds like it has some great potential there.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)18:34 No.1506501
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)18:34 No.1506502
    1. Some Fifteen year-old Mello cosplayer with really wonky teeth (like this: |_/\_|, but not buckteeth) was eating chocolate next to me at a panel and asked to take my picture, cool yo. Then he invites me to lunch and meet him at the Gunam panel, but when I went there he wasn't there. Not creepy, just drats.

    Then he runs up to me an hour and a half later and apparently he and little Near were asking everyone around the con for me and they were looking everywhere. Oooookay, so my friends and I (them tagging along) go to the Maid Cafe.

    There aren't enough chairs, and he asks to sit on his lap, but my friend comes and saves me by sitting on my lap, then he says I'd look real cute in a maid's dress. Not so bad.

    Then there was a much older dude with the whole dual-swords shibang that walked up to me and started spouting off in Japanese (and I'm nerdy enough to get it and reply in English- I'm not that in the hole yet). He asks me if I like AMVs, and told him I entered the contest, which he didn't know about.

    The kicker: "Well, how about you give me your contact information and I give you my contact information then you can come to my place or vice versa so we can watch AMVs together!!"

    No gropes and grabs out of these two, but these were the guys who really humored me over anyone else...
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)18:37 No.1506511
    These stories make me think you're a very openly gay guy.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)18:39 No.1506514


    I'm at another con, hanging out with a friend. As a rule, I actually tend to ignore most of the con's programming, as there usually isn't much being shown that hasn't been shown a billion times before. Same goes for panels. You've seen one (terrifying) yaoi panel, you've seen them all.

    BUT! It so turned out that the movie OVA of Nekijrio Gekijou was showing! Cat Soup, to be precise. And I am a big old faggot for Nekijiro Gekijou. I tell my friend he has to see it, it's gonna be great, so I drag him to go watch it.

    If you have not seen 'Cat Soup', please pause your internet and go watch it right now. It will put you in the right frame of mind. The same frame of mind I had as that movie was winding down.

    Confused but entertained, my friend and I talk to each other about the movie after the screening finishes, ready to hit the game room afterwards.

    A guy in the room hears us, comes over, real friendly and polite like. He says he wants some recommendations that are like Cat Soup, because he's never seen anything like it.

    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)18:47 No.1506525
    Now, me, I love bizarre as shit manga and anime, so I rattle off some stuff to the guy, and he seems pretty pleased. We talk a little more, and all three of us make fun of some of the regular con problems. You know, screechy 13 year old yaoi fangirls who will tackle ~*~Pretty Boys~*~ with enough force to make them throw out their back, people who communicate just in wapanese, people who do Naruto ninja signals like it's the hottest shit since Vanilla Ice, all that stuff.

    My friend and I head out. We decide we're gonna go to the walgreens, get some snacks and drinks.

    The dude follows us.

    As he follows us, he starts talking to us without our prompting. At first, it's just lingering remnants of the earlier making fun of regular con shit, but he really drags that shit out. He won't shut up about it. He especially hates 'Narutards', and is just fucking obsessed with not so much hating the show but hating people who like the show. It goes on and on. He talks about them as if a bunch of dumb fans just personally killed his parents and ate his dog.

    Then, out of the blue, he mentions two things to us, without us ever once responding.

    1. He's a /b/tard. 2. He's autistic.

    Things go downhill from there.

    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)18:50 No.1506539
    at this one Ohayocon, the WWF was in town with a show. Guess where they put up some of their wrestlers? We were partying hard one night, and none other than the UNDERTAKER knocks on our door and asks us to keep it down so he can sleep. Very cool in retrospect, but kinda scary when it happened.
    >> Nimble !DpeXsA0SaE 12/28/08(Sun)18:53 No.1506543
    The worst I've had happen is that at a dance, someone legit put their hand DOWN my pants.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)18:54 No.1506544
    He mentions he's Russian along the way, so I get a thought that gives him the benefit of the doubt for a few minutes. "Oh, maybe he's only been in the United States for a little while, and he's not so great at communicating what he's thinking and knowing YEAH WE GOT IT YOU HATE NARUTO FANS"

    Apparently, he's been in the states for a little over a decade, if I'm remembering correctly. So there goes my little leap of faith, out a window and straight onto a pike.

    He follows me and my friend all the way to the walgreens, and he just doesn't. Stop. Talking. We hardly acknowledge him at this point. The only responses we give him are 'Uh-huh's and 'Yeah's.

    While in the walgreens, my friend and I crack some jokes about hentai, and all the weird fetishes in it. Bad idea. Autistic russian hears us, and pops in.

    To paraphrase what he said to us, because I can't remember the exact words:

    "Oh, yeah, that's some weird stuff... I like, y'know, water sports. It's only a little weird, compared to that stuff."

    He then let out a laugh that gave the impression that he was disturbingly comfortable telling us this.

    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)18:55 No.1506546

    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)19:00 No.1506555
    He starts mentioning his said fetish for piss almost as much as he did his hate for Naruto fans. Fortunately for us, he doesn't go into exact details, like, say, at what angle arc of piss he likes best to land on some chick's face, but he keeps bringing it up. Like we're going to join and become close friends over the enjoyment of piss and piss related accessories. The whole time I'm just thinking "GOOD LORD I JUST WANT TO BUY SOME SOUR PATCH KIDS AND A GATORADE, SOMEBODY PLEASE KILL HIM NOW"

    We head back to the con, him following us AGAIN the whole way. Once me and my friend are far enough ahead of him that he can't hear us talk to each other, we agree that we immediately need to think of a plan to ditch him. We postulate just making a run for it, but shoot that down as we realize he might just FIND us again. We need to go some place where he CAN'T follow us.

    It's late, at this point, and we still want to head over to the game room. Once we get there, we figure we might duck in among the crowds and just lose him, maybe. It's after midnight, and you need to be 18 to get into the game room by then. My friend and I flash our IDs and look for where we might be able to disappear for a few seconds.

    We look back - the guy who had been following us can't get in. He's under 18. We could safely stay in the game room until the next full day of the con went underway.

    We celebrated our freedom from the Autistic Russian Piss Fetishist by playing Dance Dance Revolution and Street Fighter 3. We never saw him again.

    >> Soni !!qeHmeAJM1a2 12/28/08(Sun)19:02 No.1506556
    These stories are fantastic.

    I wish I had con horror stories, but I'm lucky in that sense.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)19:09 No.1506563

    Guess all that's really left now is the Bishonen Girl From Hell. I have a couple other stories, but none of them are as interesting as these three.


    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)19:10 No.1506564

    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)19:17 No.1506572
    Go away soni. Nobody likes you.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)19:24 No.1506585

    This was YEARS back. My first con ever, I think! I had no cosplay - and still don't, most of the time. It's usually just too expensive for me/I just don't have the skills to put something of my own together. Though I might be going to an upcoming con as Travis Bell from Killer7.

    GETTING BACK TO THE STORY. This con is small. Very small. It's not in a big city, and so the general atmosphere is a lot more relaxed and amiable. It's easier to make friends.

    I see one really REALLY good Haku costume at the time, back when I did actually keep up with Naruto. I head over and compliment the girl who made it, and end up chatting it up with her and her friends. Real friendly people.

    At one point, the subject of yaoi comes up, and this was back when I was just freshly out of the closet and had figured out I liked to suck a big ol' cock. So, being a nerd fagmo, I took to shitty yaoi manga like a creepy fat dude takes to life size statues of Gainax characters.

    So I mention that I like dudes. The initial Yaoi Fangirl squeals of delight ring out, then calm down into just asking questions of what liking dudes is actually like, what gay sex is actually like, etc, etc, since, y'know, they only had yaoi to judge it by by then.

    Eventually, one of the girls slides up to me, sitting on the arm of my chair, leaning in. She was chubby, but within acceptable ranges. Like, cute chub. Unfortunately, her face was as boring as a barrel of plywood.

    She asks me more questions than nearly all the other girls. And she started to call me 'Bishonen', and variations thereof. 'Bishonen-kun' and whatnot.

    This, despite the fact that I had introduced myself and she had learned my name just a few minutes ago.

    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)19:31 No.1506594
    It wasn't JUST that she called me Bishonen. It's that she NEVER CALLED ME ANYTHING ELSE. She knew my name, but she refused to call me by it. She just kept calling me Bishonen, like it was the cutest thing in the world and supposed to endear me to her, instead of, y'know, just creeping me out.

    I actually reminded her a few times, saying "Y'know, you CAN call me [My name]." She had none of it. Bishonen, bishonen, bishonen. The girl had an obvious clitboner for me, and this was how she decided to express it.

    SIDENOTE HERE: I don't know WHY she started calling me 'Bishonen', either. Granted, I seem to have a permanent babyface soldered onto my skull. With work, time, and some makeup, I could likely pull off a Shota cosplay or something. But, my soft babyface =/= androgynous pretty boy. I look underage, not stunningly beautiful and perhaps also a woman. Not even close.

    She eventually splits, heading off with her friends. Fast forward from there to that night's dance.

    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)19:39 No.1506610
    Am I the only one who wants to see a picture of this guy?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)19:39 No.1506613

    I second this.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)19:41 No.1506618
    I cosplayed as Dark Magician Girl at a con and played yugioh for a good duration. I made some friends and had a good time, it wasn't creepy when people asked for my emails ....

    but one guy who added me changed his msn name to "looking for my dark magician girl" and kept talking to me about how he always wanted to date dark magician girl, how he loved her and would love to date her and marry her ..... and do stuff to her ..... and it went on and on D: Block and delete, that is just creepy.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)19:44 No.1506626
    Nothing actually bad happens in the dance itself. I'm doing the same stuff as always - I love fucking dancing, so I stretch out for it, try to be flexible to pull off stupid shit that's of course done just to show off and be an attention whore.

    The girls I had met earlier in the day circle around me at some point, giving out delighted whoops and hollers when I put my back to the floor and stuff. All in good fun.

    I got pulled out of the dance floor twice that night. The first time was pretty fun. The second time was not.

    The first time, a few of the girls pulled me out and dragged along another male friend of theirs, who also turned out to be queer. They made it pretty obvious what they wanted to see: Me and this dude make out.

    I didn't want to do it in the convention lobby, so we piled into the elevator, hit some random button, and a guy dressed in a Tidus outfit and I made out while the girls took photos, why not. If you thought I was dumb during the Gay Tall Dude story, I was even dumber back then. I'd never do this now, as I don't really want to encourage yaoi fangirls to do fucked up shit at cons. But hey, at the very least, the Tidus guy was hot.

    We get back to the dance floor, mix it up for awhile, until eventually, the Bishonen girl checks the time and realizes that the J-Pop video screenings are starting - and, of course, she wants me to watch them with her.

    Me, I fucking love dancing, but I thought I'd do the polite thing and go off with her. Maybe I'd hear something I'd like, who knows?

    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)19:45 No.1506629
    Ugh okay I just had bought tons of crap on the first day and I drop the bags on my way to put them in my car. I bend over to pick them up and then some dyke out of nowhere grabs my ass real hard, it felt like she attempted to finger me for one second. I yelped then quickly grabbed my stuff and bolted. I got a quick look at her, some KH Cosplayer, she giggled and went to join her dyke friends.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)19:47 No.1506632
    No dice. Gackt comes on. And holy jesus does this girl ever love Gackt. For me, this was the first time I saw him, and I really didn't get the appeal. Sure, the dude was thin as all get out, but his singing was boring, and his videos weren't exactly entrancing either. But she was just mooning over this guy - and alternately mooning over me. Back and forth "GAAAACKT, OHMYGOD, SO GOOD - HEY BISHONEN-KUN DON'T YOU THINK GACKT IS SO GOOD"

    I politely nodded, gave the generic 'Uh-huh's and 'Yeah's, just to minimalize conversation.

    For the rest of the con days, she'd still follow me around, endlessly telling me how good I looked, still refusing to call me by name, over and over, the same stuff. I breathed a sigh of relief once the con came to an end.

    The Haku girl found me, as the con was winding down. Wanted to exchange contact information, and I do so.

    The end of the con is not the end of this story. This story stretches onto a summer birthday and then the next year of that same con.

    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)19:55 No.1506643
    LOL @ she was a KH cosplayer.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)19:55 No.1506644
    AX Last year. I spotted Soni with my hawkeye, snuck up behind her, grabbed her ass, and ran off before she noticed anything. Then I lost my cellphone at the con the next day.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)19:57 No.1506645
    I get a call a month or so later. It's the Haku girl! She remembered me and a bunch of other con friends, and decided to invite me up among a ton of others to her birthday party. Having nothing else to do, I decide: Why not? Free food and mingling with people, it'd be good times.

    I had forgotten about the Bishonen girl.

    I get a ride up to her place, up to the northern chunk of the state and pile out. Haku girl and friends wave me over, give me a hug, we make small talk. I'm mostly paying attention to their pool - I was looking forward to that.

    The party goes on, with some, in retrospect, terrible music being played - this was back when Numa Numa hadn't been entirely beaten to death just yet. But whatever. Harmless fun, right?

    The Bishonen girl finds me, pulls me aside.

    I'm too polite then to just ditch her or outright tell her that she creeps me out and just make my way to the pool again. She talks to me, chats about anime stuff, and keeps refusing to call me by my name.

    Then, of course, she finally swallows up all the courage she has and tries to ask me out.

    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)19:58 No.1506648
    The creepiest story I have is one time me, my friend, and a photographer were doing a photo shoot in a creepy looking area near the parking garage of the hotel. It fit with our costumes. We were having fun until we realized this guy had been staring at us without saying anything. We generally just felt weirded out by him, so we move to the other end of this area and continue our shoot. In the middle of THOSE photos, we see the guy had followed us and continued his creepy no talking stare thing. Feeling even more uncomfortable, we decide to move up a floor. Maybe he had nothing better to do and was waiting for someone, who knows. We finally had enough when he followed us up THERE. I'm fine if someone wants to watch my photoshoot..just SAY something. Don't stare like a creeper. We pretty much stopped our sesion then and went back to the main convention area.

    We later learned that he attempted to kidnap/rape a girl in the same area we were in. Thank goodness we were in a threesome. The entire situation made me think twice before going out to an area by myself.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)20:03 No.1506651
    THANK GOD THAT I HAD A LEGITIMATE REASON TO SAY NO WITHOUT CRUSHING ALL HER SELF-ESTEEM. Fact was, the girl just plain lived too far away to make dating possible at all, and I wasn't interested in a long distance relationship (as I had horror stories from THOSE, too). I didn't mention that she wasn't exactly attractive, or had any kind of personality that I could get into, and that she creeped me the fuck out with her ceaseless pet-name for me.

    She sucked it up, nodded, looking like she was trying not to cry.

    The rest of the party after that was awkward as hell. I left early.


    I'm heading in with my friend, shooting the shit, when I spot someone in a Mugen from Samurai Champloo outfit that seems familiar. I can only see them from the back, but they give me an eerie, uncomfortable feeling. I want to bolt, but I'm too damn curious to leave. Plus, I was waiting in line to get my badge.

    The cosplayer turns around. She smiles. And says, all too excitedly:

    "Hey, Bishonen-Kun!"

    I worked restlessly to avoid her for the rest of the con.

    Come to think of it, it might have been for the better if I had crushed her self-esteem at that party.

    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)20:06 No.1506656
    lol sooo sad
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)20:07 No.1506658
    I don't like people in full body costumes, where you can't see their faces, such as like, mascots at games (always freeeeaked me out when I was little)

    I've only been to 2 cons, but both times I was touched inappropriately by a furry
    they can smell your fear D:

    that and some HELLA CREEPY older dude, IMing me ALL the time claiming we talked at a con, and like, begging me to go to this one con, because he wants to see meee
    yeah, I guess its not really that horrifying compared to others, but not I'm significantly more scared of things at cons
    thanks /cgl/ D;
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)20:07 No.1506661
    You my good Anon deserve a drink for that.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)20:17 No.1506680

    I'll likely have another story at the next two cons I plan to go to, provided that my budget stays in shape. The friend of mine I mentioned in TALL GAY DUDE and AUTISTIC RUSSIAN PISS FETISH later told me, at a con I couldn't afford to go to that year, that he had a perfectly normal, relaxed con that time. He guesses that I attract these kinds of people. I'm leaning towards agreeing with him.

    And apparently people want to see what I look like, now. Maybe I should share a picture and let 4chan decide what I'm to cosplay at my next con?

    Protip: I 'm usually mistaken for 16 now, without any makeup. Back during BISHONEN GIRL FROM HELL, I was often mistaken for being 13. Having a babyface sucks ass.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)20:17 No.1506681
    Not so much of a horror story... well for me at least. So, one the people who came with me had never been to a con before. Leaving the parking garage, I warn him, "alright, you might see some weird shit. The rules of social etiquette don't exactly apply here." He nods like he understands. We come out onto the con floor and the first thing we see is a guy, on the ground, on top of a mudkip mascot cosplayer, wrestling him, yelling "I LOEV MUDKIP."

    I guess you could describe the look on my friends' face as horror.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)20:17 No.1506683
    I read all of that. Good stuff, man.
    >> Ike !!uFGeaxUPNNT 12/28/08(Sun)20:22 No.1506687
    I think this thread needs to be archived if only because of that one anon's stories.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)20:22 No.1506689
    Oh god, one Otakon I was just kind of wandering around upstairs and this guy dressed as Sephiroth was walking past me. He'd seen some girl outside on the balcony that he thought was a really good cosplayer and was going to go take her picture. (I didn't blame him, we'd seen her and she looked pretty awesome.) As he's walking past me, behind me, some queer in a bought-at-Hot-Topic Naruto jacket throws himself on the ground at the Sephiroth's feet and is like, "O SEPHIROTH, YOU ARE MY GOD, I AM NOT WORTHY OF YOUR AWESOMENESS, YOU PWN SO HARD" etc. etc. and is doing that up-and-down arm motion like you're praying, or whatever.

    I turned around to look at him more closely, just to be like "what the hell faggot is THIS," and I discovered it was my ex-boyfriend. :/
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)20:28 No.1506701
    I was staffing at a con earlier this year, and off offhandedly mentioned what outfits I was bringing. Another staff member was like, "OH AWESOME! I'm cosplaying so-and-so from the same series! We should get some pictures together!"

    I thought, sure, why not? Then the con rolls around. Here I am, in an outfit I spent a fortune on/spent many hours making, and this other staff member wheels around the corner in a poorly stitched thrift store outfit. He just wanted a few pictures, right? No harm there, I'm not -that- elitist. But get this: apparently to this guy, cosplaying from the same series + being staff members = OMG BFF WE NEED TO HANG OUT. This guy would NOT leave me alone; even when I had my own group of friends to mingle with and we kept turning our backs to him, he was still right. There. Wtf.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)20:28 No.1506702

    lol. :D
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)20:31 No.1506708
    They are generally creepy, but I liked the Pedobear at Otakon. He was, oddly enough, in character all the time... and I guess that should have been something to steer me away, but it was just so funny. He tried creeping up behind me in McDonalds, but failed due to my friend turning around, spotting him, and shouting "PEDOBEAR!" in shock. Then later, when I took a picture with him and the same friend, he didn't let go and instead dragged us across the lobby, other congoers just watching and laughing. Then even later, I probably shouldn't have danced with him in the middle of the Deathnote photoshoot, because I looked up and saw loads of cameras. I don't know if the people were videotaping or just taking pictures, but I haven't found a Misa cosplayer dancing with Pedobear on Youtube yet, so eh, I'm not too worried.
    The only scary part of the story is that the guy actually had a molestache underneath the Pedobear mask/helmet thing/whatever. Maybe he didn't have to be "in character"...? Who knows.

    Oh, and, >>1506689
    I lol'd. I'm sorry you dated that.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)20:31 No.1506709
    picture nao.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)20:36 No.1506714
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)20:37 No.1506717
         File :1230514638.jpg-(46 KB, 640x480, hurf.jpg)
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    Please note that in this photo I am incredibly tired.


    Body stats so you can decide something but without going later 'christ why did you try to cosplay that, fatty':

    5'6, about 128 pounds, 26 inch or so waist.

    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)20:39 No.1506722
    Here comes the fail, you can cosplay w/e the hell you want as long as you aren't intensely hideous or fat., have fun.>>1506717

    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)20:40 No.1506723
    Satoko Houjo from Higurashi
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)20:46 No.1506736
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)20:46 No.1506737
         File :1230515215.jpg-(15 KB, 128x170, draft_lens1848544module8187863(...).jpg)
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    9th doctor from Doctor Who.

    DO IT.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)20:50 No.1506744
    Oh don't worry, I'm sorry I dated that too. I was in eighth grade so I think it was forgivable, as at that time I had not trained my gay-dar sufficiently. Now I avoid him like the plague at all cons because I know he's going to be throwing a queer fanboy hissy fit over like...Gackt or Sesshomaru or something.

    DO IT.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)20:57 No.1506756
    BTK, is that you?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)20:58 No.1506759
         File :1230515898.jpg-(44 KB, 640x480, durf.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)20:59 No.1506763

    I want to rape you. I'm a man.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)21:01 No.1506768
         File :1230516104.jpg-(257 KB, 500x750, captain_jack_harkness.jpg)
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    Captain Jack Harkness. You even like guys too.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)21:02 No.1506769
    Do you even know who "The Doctor" is?

    Hes not from an Animu.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)21:02 No.1506770
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)21:03 No.1506774
         File :1230516182.jpg-(45 KB, 640x480, uh.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)21:04 No.1506778

    I do. I just like using my shift button.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)21:07 No.1506780

    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)21:15 No.1506788
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)21:24 No.1506795
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)21:28 No.1506800
    wow you are incredibly ugly. no joke.

    be happy for any attention you get from girls, jesus christ.

    I love the whole "im tired so that makes my entire facial structure difference" preface too, you immature twat.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)21:33 No.1506809
         File :1230518024.jpg-(47 KB, 640x480, buh.jpg)
    47 KB

    There's one problem with your post to me -

    "wow you are incredibly ugly. no joke.

    be happy for any attention you get from girls, jesus christ.

    I love the whole "im tired so that makes my entire facial structure difference" preface too, you immature twat."

    You should have written, "Be happy for any attention you get from GUYS".

    Thank you
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)21:35 No.1506811
         File :1230518111.jpg-(45 KB, 427x640, metro2008-4039.jpg)
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    at Metrocon 08, I was walking with a friend down one of the con hallways. I was dressed as Haruhi and I had a messenger bag with me, just so I could carry my crap (i don't own a purse).

    As I was walking, I felt something brush against my leg and the back of my skirt start to lift. I thought it was just my bag making my skirt creep up on me, so when I went tofix my skirt I felt a thin, hard, long object.

    I turn around, and I see some guy in a medical mask like the ones sold in dealers rooms, holding a fishing pole, quickly turn around to walk away while laughing.

    My friend just lol'd and i did too, after about a second. Since the guy was wearing a mask and I never saw him again, I decided not to do anything and just enjoy the rest of the con.

    My other horror story comes from the same Metrocon. I was dressed as Haruhi on Friday, but on Saturday I was Konata and on Sunday I was konata cosplaying as Haruhi. Both days while dressed as Konata, I was continuously approached by a very, very awkward Starfox cosplayer. He didn't try to touch me or anything, but we was just... creepy and seriously, probably approached me five times each day.

    In order to ask me for a picture, he ran up saying "Timotei! Timotei! Timotei!"; while I was looking at doujinshi he walked up from behind and sputter something in Japanese relating to liking a cosplay cafe (when I reacted like "uh?" he just ran away); etc...

    pic related; it's the starfox
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)21:36 No.1506812
    okay dude, you look like some horrible oblivion character creatin gone wrong or chinchan with her head shaved

    reading your shit is like reading catcher in the rye, faggot version. you bitch about these strange people then post "SO I WAS IMPRESSING BITCHES BY PUTTING MY BACK ON THE FLOOR AND VOMITING ON THE DANCE FLOOR"
    you're just as weird as any of the people you are disparaging.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)21:38 No.1506819
         File :1230518316.jpg-(58 KB, 400x400, hello.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)21:38 No.1506820
    >at Metrocon 08, I was walking with a friend down one of the con hallways. I was dressed as Haruhi and I had a messenger bag with me, just so I could carry my crap (i don't own a purse).

    >As I was walking, I felt something brush against my leg and the back of my skirt start to lift. I thought it was just my bag making my skirt creep up on me, so when I went tofix my skirt I felt a thin, hard, long object.

    stop reading here and it stays awesome
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)21:40 No.1506828
    see, this is why i dont go to cons or really hang out with any other cosplayers. they are all fucking weird, socially inept, or horribly ugly/fat that i would be embarrassed to be seen with them. i have yet to find another person like me who is attractive and most importantly, NORMAL.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)21:41 No.1506830
    because...spoiler...they don't go to cons.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)21:45 No.1506833

    He speaks truth. I stopped going to cons this past year actually. I'll only go if there are a lot of my friends that aren't awkward or socially inept that are all going to the same con.

    Basically means I'll probably only go to 1 con next year.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)21:54 No.1506848
    so if they don't go to cons, why do they cosplay? who are they cosplaying for? or are they only making costumes to post on the internet?
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)21:58 No.1506859
    normal people don't cosplay either

    if you think you're a "normal" cosplayer you're just as, if not more weird/socially inept/unattractive than the other people.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)22:06 No.1506878
    do normal people dress up for halloween? that is the only time i cosplay, i just choose an anime character instead of the lame slutty outfits all the other girls wear.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)22:09 No.1506890
    not true, I'm normal, and though I'm not really a regular, I go

    apparently I'm dead sexy too (I don't see it in all honesty, but I could see how I might be kinda handsome)
    anyway, point being, I am evidence to the contrary
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)22:10 No.1506893
    >>1505489 Fuck you, some guy pinned me to a wall, started rubbing my sides and my thigh

    Yeah because rapists always go for the sides first?

    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)22:10 No.1506896
    sure, but the fact that you have to ask means you're probably fucked up anyway.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)22:16 No.1506924
    I went to my first con when I was 15. I went with an anime club and my friend's mom was chaperoning for the girl's room. When we got to the hotel, she made the eldest guy (he was 14 but looked at least 16) of the group take the first aid box upstairs (just an open cardboard box with band-aids and such in it). As soon as he got a hold of the box he looked into the box, his eyes widened and he kind of blushed a little. Later on I asked him what gave him that reaction, and he said that our friend's mom had packed condoms. Now for who were the condoms for, we never found out.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)22:19 No.1506933
    Your friend's mom is a cougar.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)22:21 No.1506939
    The creepy part was that my friend was the eldest, she was 16, the youngest person in our group was my brother who was 13 at the time. She's a Navy nurse too. At least at the time she was, dunno if she still is.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)22:38 No.1506970
    Two years ago, I went to a con with my friends and my ex went with his own friends. He cosplayed as Kakashi and it pissed me off. He had planned to be with me at the con, but he ended up just being a camera whore and going to every fucking naruto photo shoot. I didn't see him for all of Friday and most of Saturday. Finally we met up to go to the rave and I had put together an outfit for him, which was a miniskirt, corset-like top, and knee-high boots. We went to the rave and it sucked. He had an injured leg so he could only dance for about 10-15 minutes at a time before he had to sit down and relax it. To make matters worse, he had a gay guy after him.

    Apparently the night before, a friend of his had invited another person to hang out in their room and that person had gay friend in his room, one floor down, who was hoping to get laid, but didn't and is sad. My ex, being the genius that he was, decided to go see the sad gay-con goer and pretend to be gay and interested. He cheered him up and they exchanged numbers and my ex went back to his own room.

    Back to the rave...

    The gay guy kept texting him and calling him trying to find him so they could hang out. My ex didn't tell him that he was straight and that he had a girlfriend. To make matters worse, he kept answering his txts and phone calls, telling him where to find us, even though he he found the guy annoying and didn't want to see nor speak to him. I was so pissed off. He blew me off the entire con and was paying more attention to a gay guy instead of dancing with me. We ended up going to the arcade and I wanted to play DDR and that's were the gay one found us. He was obviously awkward at the situation but didn't leave. He didn't say anything. I played one round of DDR and went to my room. Didn't bother with the ex for the rest of the con. Nor for the week for that matter.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)22:44 No.1506981
    Otakon 2008. Boyfriend and I are dressed as Porky and Robo-Ness from EarthBound, respectively. I can't see for shit because I have a box on my head, and I can't move much either because I have heating ducts on my arms and legs. The costume still looked pretty good for what it was (lots of hot glue and cardboard and started only a week pre-con) and got decent attention when I wore it, I think because people think giant moving cardboard boxes are cool.

    But because I couldn't see or move, my boyfriend had to hold my hand almost the entire time I was in it, and I had to focus on his costume - the distinguishing characteristic being the thick red and black stripes. If I could see the stripes, I was good.

    We're down by the fountains. I've had the costume on for about 20 minutes and we're starting to shuffle over to the esclators when suddenly I hear a voice.

    Girl: "Hey...who are you cosplaying as?"
    Boyfriend: "Uh........Porky."

    After that all I heard was the screaming of a fangirl's obsession coming to climax. And the stripes disappeared from my vision. All I could do was stand there and flail my arms a little bit and listen to her yelping over how much she loved Porky and how it was so awesome that he was cosplaying Porky and oh god, she loved EarthBound and Mother so much...

    I'm not one of those crazy-obsessive protective girlfriends, but I was still a little peeved at her basically getting off on him in front of me.

    She followed us around for the next hour. She was incredibly disappointed to find out that I was female under all of that androgynous cardboard. Eventually we politely told her to get lost... but she still followed us from a distance.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)22:48 No.1506983
    So... the only time he spent time with you, you forced him to wear a mini skirt and a corset? I'd avoid you all weekend too.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)22:49 No.1506984
    LOL, no that was MY outfit.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)22:51 No.1506991
    Aha, wow. That's how I read it to. I guess we've just been desensitized to this sort of thing 'round these parts.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)22:52 No.1506994

    Oh lol, I remember him. He seemed a bit desperate for attention, even walked up to me and asked: "Can we be friends and stuff?"

    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)22:54 No.1506997
    oh GOD I misunderstood that
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)22:58 No.1507007

    Your ex is probably gay. He was just asking to be stalked.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)23:01 No.1507011
    At Acen 05 I met this guy who was on staff and was cosplaying as one of my favorite characters so we talked whenever we bumped into each other and it was fun. At the end of the con I only got a picture of him and forgot to exchange e-mails. I went on the site's forums on the staff to find out who he was and get his e-mail based off of the little info I had. I found him and we became good friends. Eventually it became a little more than friends, but not the next level either, mostly because this guy and I had 7 year difference and I had 2 years to wait before I was 18 so we decided to wait. He started to creep me out after a while so I kind of backed off a bit but kept a mild interest. During that wait I met a guy at my school who was 2 years older than myself and we started going out. I told the guy from acen that I had a bf and that's when this guy got creepier. He started iming me more often and kept saying stuff like "what if if i had asked you out? would it have been ok?" and "i should go visit you, i know how to look up your address." Eventually I blocked him from every IM service I had and changed my number as well. I walk the opposite direction from him at the con. Luckily he now handles press stuff so I don't see him at all.

    Recently opened a facebook account and he immediately sent me a friend request. he's ignored and blocked.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)23:03 No.1507016
    He probably is, I mean he IS in the Navy.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)23:05 No.1507019
    pix or you're a butterface.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)23:06 No.1507020

    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)23:08 No.1507027
    That made things much better.... I would not be paying attention to a gay guy if my girl was wearing that get up.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)23:10 No.1507033
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    Not a horror story, but a general shock episode.

    This one time I was at Dot Con 08'. A small convention held under the lower floor of a Holiday Inn. I was requesting some art commissions at the Artist's Alley. Every now and then, I would come back to check if they're done with the drawings. There was this gay couple, beside one of the artist's table. They were selling buttons and keychains I believe. Both of them, Asian and Caucasian, not very ugly, were hitting it up. I remember one of them, sitting on the other's lap, telling him how “cute” he was. They proceed to continue this every time when I check. What's worst was that the Dealer's room was the size of two classrooms, the walking space was extremely narrow.

    The worst part was when I decided to take a seat somewhere at the end of the hotel hallway. There they were, all cuddled up into a couch, Face-to-face. Gay romance happening right in front of me. Right where my seat was positioned.

    Seriously, take that shit somewhere else; especially outside the con or in your hotel room. As a male con-goer, I don’t mind people expressing their gay fetish. I didn’t this tolerate this shit one bit. What assholes would take up a four-seater?
    >> confused Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)23:10 No.1507034
    >"THANK GOD THAT I HAD A LEGITIMATE REASON TO SAY NO WITHOUT CRUSHING ALL HER SELF-ESTEEM. Fact was, the girl just plain lived too far away to make dating possible at all, and I wasn't interested in a long distance relationship (as I had horror stories from THOSE, too). I didn't mention that she wasn't exactly attractive, or had any kind of personality that I could get into, and that she creeped me the fuck out with her ceaseless pet-name for me."

    Uh... I don't get it. Wouldn't... I dunno... BEING GAY count as a damn good excuse to say no to a girl?

    (Reminds me of the one time I got asked out by a gay guy, a coworker who at the time was slightly inabriated at an after-work party. Not sure if he mistook me as being interested in him because I liked talking with him, or if he normally knew I was straight but forgot after one too many drinks. I declined as gently as I could, as I liked the guy, just not in that way.)
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)23:12 No.1507039

    DDR in a skirt...why was I not there?!
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)23:12 No.1507040
    I love how for every "we had fun talking" post there's a "this person wouldn't shut up and followed us around for an hour"

    at cons someone is always annoyed when you think you're having a normal conversation.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)23:14 No.1507048
    I saw fat ugly acne-ridden otaku making out and petting each other on a couch. The thought of nasty nerds getting it on made me want to dry heave. I think they were Narutards too.
    >> Harley 12/28/08(Sun)23:15 No.1507050
    Nothing to horrible.

    Though AX07. Ex-friend won bitchy roommate reward. My boyfriend at the time was working staff. I got a call at 4AM. He's stressed out as fuck, needs to talk. I really don't want to get up but I do anyway. I talk to him for a bit, go back to my room and go to bed. I found out later on that she was telling everybody that I went to go screw him. *facepalm* She didn't even ask me, even though the other roommate heard the conversation.

    Also, end of con, I have all my stuff packed, ready to load up my car around 8. She asks me to wait so she can watch some shows, then we'd load our cars together. I'm okay with this, since we can help each other load our cars. Come about 10, shows are over, I'm ready to go. She looks at me and said she wasn't going downstairs, she was in her pajamas. Add on top of that, my car battery is dead, the hotel isn't going to help, and the whole time instead of offering any help, or even you know, keep me company while I'm waiting in the hotel lobby for my mom to show up to jump start my car. She shrugged me off and sat on her ass watching TV the whole time. Yeah, not friends with her anymore after that and some other stuff that happened later that year.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)23:17 No.1507055
    miniskirt? hot. got any pix? which con.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)23:19 No.1507056
    Sorry didn't get any pix from that night, was too pissed off.
    It was at ACen.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)23:21 No.1507058

    Seriously, kill your friend. I would strangle her if she didn't up get up on her ass and started helping out.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)23:26 No.1507065
    I agree with >>1507058. Got any more?
    >> Harley 12/28/08(Sun)23:26 No.1507066

    She's not worth getting my hands dirty over. Was friends with her for two years, and found out a shit ton of creppy stuff, closet furry, homophobic, writing her own hentai, etc... I thought I was weird, she's off the deep end.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)23:26 No.1507067
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    seeing this guy
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)23:31 No.1507076
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    He looks alright. Not the best cosplayer but its decent. Compare this to that luigi. The worst part was, he invited me to a LARP game of Vampire the Masquerade.
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)23:34 No.1507079
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    ok at ausa 2008 i was crossdressing and we were in an elevator and people kept complementing me and one of my friends told me i had sexy legs and some random lady on the elevator co-signed. and while we were in dealers room line this ugly girl turned around and smiled at me. me and my friend turned the other way and started laughing at her
    then later we went to a mcdonalds and this guy was asking us questions so he asks me what im cosplaying from and i tell him im just crossdressing as a girl and hes like NO!!111!!1 your cosplaying from something and i got the lolz
    pic related
    >> Anonymous 12/28/08(Sun)23:37 No.1507083
    that makes me feel sad, actually...

    he was still creepy, though.

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