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  • File :1224726745.jpg-(173 KB, 800x600, chaos-head-title-screen.jpg)
    173 KB What's so fun about Visual Novels? Anonymous of College Park,MD 10/22/08(Wed)21:52 No.1496453  
    I'm awaiting for the release of the fan translation of Chaos;Head. It will be my first Visual Novel, and I asked myself: What's so fun about Visual Novels?

    What makes you want to download the latest one?
    >> Anonymous 10/22/08(Wed)21:54 No.1496465

    well it's basically like reading a book but better cause it's got pretty pictures and sounds, but you still gotta leave alot of it to imagination, so if you are the type that hates reading then I got some bad news for you
    >> Anonymous 10/22/08(Wed)21:54 No.1496466
    whats the point in doing anything op?
    >> Anonymous 10/22/08(Wed)21:55 No.1496468
    I don't like it when some Anon talks about a game I haven't played. I need to be eroge_expert.

    Seriously. I've played a shitton of eroge and I don't even like them much half of the time, but I keep on playing them.
    >> Anonymous 10/22/08(Wed)21:55 No.1496470
    because they typically tend to be more immersive than most novels (so far as I've found. I like real books more, but VNs have that special quality to them)
    >> Anonymous 10/22/08(Wed)21:55 No.1496471
    I wouldn't really call Visual Novels fun, I just like the stories. Being a big fan of fiction (watch a lot of movies, read a lot of books etc etc) Visual Novels are just another story/book to me that I find interesting.
    >> Anonymous 10/22/08(Wed)21:55 No.1496473
    It's like reading a book, but with sound and pretty pictures... and most of the time, porn.
    >> Anonymous 10/22/08(Wed)21:56 No.1496476
    go read a book, if you don't like it don't read a VN
    >> Anonymous 10/22/08(Wed)23:08 No.1496989
    Where can I DL these visual novels? Both raw and translated are fine.
    >> Anonymous 10/22/08(Wed)23:20 No.1497066

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