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  • Blotter updated: 11/04/08

  • hang in there, fella

    File :1229905923.jpg-(126 KB, 510x522, 1227973626929.jpg)
    126 KB Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)19:32 No.1491433  
    So, Oni-con.
    Who went?
    What'd you think?
    Anything fun happen to you?

    Honestly, not the best con I've been to. Pretty boring, not a lot of guests, and not a lot of cosplay.
    I did see Yaya going into the dealer's room earlier today, though.
    Post pics, if you've got em
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)19:40 No.1491448
    it blew this year
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)19:55 No.1491465
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)19:58 No.1491468
    Story time story time.
    Vic Mangina. Me and my friend saw him today in a panel room, and decided to stalk him. So we watched him, and sort of acted like we were his fans or some shit, and started screeching like bats. Of course, he looks out like the pompous bastard he is and just gives us one of those looks, like "Oh, just some more adoring fans, let's go make their day." So he comes out, and he thinks he's some suave motherfucker, he's like, "Hey, ladies," and I go, "Hi, Vic!" in the highest voice I can muster. He says, "Merry Christmas," and kind of looks at me and my friend, and he goes on, he's like "Is there anything I can do for you two ladies?"
    So after contemplating the possibilities, I decide to settle for a hug. I squeak, "Could I... have a hug?" So he saunters over and gives me some sort of bone-crushing hug, and I was raging like hell on the inside. But I knew it would be worth it in the end. So he hugs my friend, and she yelps out, "OH MY GOD HE SMELLS SO HEAVENLY" like right in front of him. So he walks off with his cronies and is accosted by some people who want his picture. Me and my friend follow him until he crosses the skywalk to get on the elevator, and grab some random people walking, and ask them to come with us so it won't be obvious that we're stalking Vic. They were pretty cool and didn't have anything else to do, so they came with us.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)19:58 No.1491469
    My friend snapped a couple of pictures in the elevator, and I pushed the button for the top floor. Vic gets out at 7, and I shove out the others after him. We turn left, he turns right, and we duck around a corner. I stared at him from behind a wall and watch him go into his room. The door closes, and we run down there to go look. We walk along, and hear Vic's voice coming out of room 7100. Me and my friend run off for a quick conference, because we knew that we had so much potential for lulz. We didn't have any yaoi, though that probably would have been a prime choice for something to slide under his door. So we stand there thinking, and I pull out a hair clip from my purse. I take a few strands of hair and clip it inside, and put it right in front of the door. My friend bangs the door, and we run down the stairs.
    I laughed so hard it hurt.
    >> Over-G !!OvGYpcRMSml 12/21/08(Sun)20:08 No.1491482
    The con was ok.

    But what happened with me and my love...

    ...sad...so sad...
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)20:08 No.1491483
    Tell us the story.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)20:12 No.1491487
    And did someone propose at the con?
    >> Over-G !!OvGYpcRMSml 12/21/08(Sun)20:13 No.1491488
    I can't do that. I'm on the verge of tears again as it is. I don't want to force that upon myself again, nor intrude upon her privacy by telling what happened there.

    But I did see the Meryl who posted here last week.

    She did good. Wish I had gotten a photo.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)20:13 No.1491489
    yeah I think I saw that... details?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)20:15 No.1491491
    I was just walking by and saw some guy getting up off of one knee. And people were applauding. So I did as well.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)20:17 No.1491494

    Hah oh my god! I was the girl in that group of bored people who went with you. I thought you guys were acutal crazy fans so I didn't want to say anything bad about him. I really wanted to draw some yaoi for him but I didn't have any paper.
    Next con!
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)20:17 No.1491495

    What happened?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)20:19 No.1491499
    Thanks for coming with us,
    but where did you go?
    We ran off and then you were gone
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)20:21 No.1491501
    There was this guy with this crazy Rage mask on. It was so cool, but the mask was so scary that I couldn't go ask how he made it.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)20:27 No.1491509

    I saw him. It was SCARY.

    I also saw a pedo bear, a rule 34 shirt, and a mudkip with a sign that said I heard you like me.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)20:28 No.1491510
    All utter failures
    >> Mugs !!42YWhRvvqgR 12/21/08(Sun)20:34 No.1491519
         File :1229909696.jpg-(107 KB, 587x849, megrimmjow3.jpg)
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    I'd have to agree; Akon and Animefest were superior in my opinion. But on the bright side, my costume looked a ton better.

    -Rave kicked A-fests ass.
    -Pretty decent arcade and dealers area.
    -I won so hard at the Metal Slug slot machine that it stopped working.
    -Lots of decent people there, less annoying then other cons.

    -Not a lot of cosplay.
    -Sword fighting? haha
    -Arcade was always packed with neck beard pros on the fighting games.
    >> Over-G !!OvGYpcRMSml 12/21/08(Sun)20:36 No.1491521
    I think I saw you...I was the guy decked out in military gear wandering about with the Reborn cosplayers.
    >> Mugs !!42YWhRvvqgR 12/21/08(Sun)20:38 No.1491523

    ALSO: Gym was 10 bucks a day, what the fuck is up with that?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)20:41 No.1491527

    No, I know they were failures. At least the rage face was original.
    >> Koro !eN4RKAus7E 12/21/08(Sun)20:49 No.1491534
    We weren't sure what you guys were doing so we just went back downstairs. Are you going to anyother tx con? We could actually plan ahead some epic prank.

    Also hey there Over-g. I met an awesome photographer this weekend so I'll have pictures of my Meryl when Abe uploads them.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)20:57 No.1491544
    Did anyone see Miyu? I'm pretty sure I did, but she looked different in person.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)20:58 No.1491546
    that is because the photoshop filters were turned off.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)21:00 No.1491551

    I thought she looked better in person, actually.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)21:01 No.1491552
    haaay miyu.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)21:02 No.1491556

    Sorry, not her.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)21:03 No.1491560

    >>1491551 was though
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)21:06 No.1491567
    Not every person complimenting some one is the person they are complimenting.
    >> Over-G !!OvGYpcRMSml 12/21/08(Sun)21:09 No.1491568
         File :1229911741.jpg-(234 KB, 600x800, PICT06991.jpg)
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    Just got a pic of myself in costume from a friend. Looks damn good, actually. And I usually hate any and all photos of myself.

    God bless mandarin collars. Thinking about doing The Pain next con I go to, but I need to know if my friends are going to the next con I'm thinking about attending.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)21:14 No.1491574
    Not until April. Then we've got to decide between Anime Matsuri and Kamikazecon. And neither of them are that great, so.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)21:18 No.1491576
    Doing an actual character instead of generic grunt #13424 from any-number-of-series?! INCONCEIVABLE
    >> Over-G !!OvGYpcRMSml 12/21/08(Sun)21:21 No.1491582
    Hey, I love Ghost Recon. So I cosplayed a Ghost Recon squad member.

    I shouldn't have to explain myself to anyone.

    Anyone see the Left 4 Dead hunter that was there earlier today? That was pretty badass too.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)21:22 No.1491586
    I saw Miyu. She really does look better in person. She was also very sweet.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)21:28 No.1491602
    Oh man, who loved the 5 hour wait for registration?

    Best part has to be the Anime Matsuri panel. Halfway through it some guy comes in to take the projector they were using which was needed at another panel. He starts to unplug it when they look at him to say, "Excuse us, THAT is our projector."

    Guy looks at them, says oh, but looks at them, looks at the screen then asks, "Are you with Anime Matsuri?" They all reply, "Yes." The guy's face becomes completely read, goes behind them and rips out all of the audio plugs then starts screaming,


    He proceeds to storm out. Matsuri got PUNKED.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)21:32 No.1491610
    I would rather get shat on than ever step foot in Matsuri again. Kami doesn't look great but I'll support people who actually give a damn about its attendees instead of the jokers who run Matsuri.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)21:42 No.1491634

    Kami Kaze Con was my first "official" con and by the looks of it, alot of people are going to that one out of a sense of loyalty.
    For me memories of kamikaze con are good memories cause for the most part I had an extreme amount of fun.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)21:53 No.1491664
    How was cosplay show this year? I could tell on Cherry's face she did not want to be there. Didn't even see Gren.
    >> eemee !r2BOAKDjWM 12/21/08(Sun)22:06 No.1491694
    I liked the dealers room because they had a plushie of a. niger from moyashimon

    other than that...I went to the miyu panel (there were only like 8 people there, where were you cgl?) , saw smash bros. tourney, and that was about it. good dealers but then...nothing else to do really, could never find an open spot in the arcade.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)22:10 No.1491698
    wait, a cosplayer has their own panel? why?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)22:10 No.1491699
    Didn't even know there was a Miyu panel.
    Not very well organized, this con.
    >> FC !LUoN15AFLU 12/21/08(Sun)22:12 No.1491704
    AnimeMatsuri was never held at the George R Brown, though, I don't think. Feel free to correct me. I'm not defending Matsuri at all, I wish it would die in a fire, but still.

    As for Oni, I was unable to go at the last minute due to my car being fucked. All but two people I know who went have said it was super, super boring this year. One of my friends said that the 4 hour registration line was made worse by Vic Mangina prancing around out there to "entertain" the line. Can't say I'm sorry I missed that.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)22:12 No.1491705
    100% agree. The booklet given out at registration only had the layout of the first floor. Me and my friend had no idea where the viewing rooms were. it sucked.
    Also, the second floor had nothing on it? felt like that 3rd floor was disconnected from the rest of the con.
    >> Over-G !!OvGYpcRMSml 12/21/08(Sun)22:13 No.1491706
    Oh, I saw that. Little bastard went right in front of me, too.

    I just tried to ignore him and turned up the volume on my iPod.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)22:18 No.1491711

    We were the ones with the giant TTGL flag. Did you by any chance parade with us?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)22:18 No.1491714
    >AnimeMatsuri was never held at the George R Brown, though, I don't think. Feel free to correct me. I'm not defending Matsuri at all, I wish it would die in a fire, but still.


    Someone is new here. 2007, first year, it was at GRB. Look it up.

    Who can forget the Transformer intro being played every 45 seconds while you waited in line for 4 hours to register.
    >> FC !LUoN15AFLU 12/21/08(Sun)22:22 No.1491720
    Not new, I've just been boycotting Matsuri since forever, so I don't know anything specific about it. Thanks for clarifying.

    That was the year they treated Peter Cullen like complete shit, wasn't it? If I hadn't already hated Matsuri enough before that...
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)22:24 No.1491722
    Who also loved that all badges were numbered with no badge clips plus not even a fucking lanyard. It was ghetto-ass balloon strings. You paid $45 for a piece of paper and balloon strings. What the fuck was up with that shit.
    >> Over-G !!OvGYpcRMSml 12/21/08(Sun)22:25 No.1491726
    Yeah, that was kinda fucked up. I just threaded mine onto my dog tags, but everyone else wasn't so lucky.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)22:25 No.1491728
    i got mine on Saturday...I just assumed they ran out of clips. Shit was ghetto.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)22:28 No.1491730

    They treated everyone like shit, it wasn't just Peter. They fucked all of the voice actors, the Japanese players who flew in on their own dime who never got reimbursed along with raping everyone who showed up but everyone knows that part.
    >> Mugs !!42YWhRvvqgR 12/21/08(Sun)22:32 No.1491736

    This was very annoying.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:02 No.1491763
    Lets put this back on track.

    Someone shit outside the room across the hall from me.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:07 No.1491768
    Sorry man, I didn't notice the patch at first.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:08 No.1491769

    I wanted to punch a baby

    and yeah there was almost no cosplay this year... it was disappointing.
    I didn't get a schedule. EVER.
    did this happen to anyone else?

    also, did anybody see the loli who was dancing?
    I mean like. 10-year-old loli.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:15 No.1491779
    Haha, Floor Seven got fucked up. They had it on total lock down. Shit was funny as hell.

    I enjoyed it, considering I didn't go to the con Friday and stayed in the hotel and got shit faced. The second day we just enjoyed the day. I bought myself a delicious Bridget Fig (inb4hotglue) and helped run H-fest. This year was pretty nice since we had some people just walk out in disgust. Make the con fun and everything will be alright.

    Though, /cgl/ is right on the lack of cosplayers. Though, there was a damn nice Kuroshitsuji cosplay group.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:20 No.1491788
    There was the cutest little girl in the skit contest singing songs in Miku's voice! I think the lady said she was only 12 or something like that.
    >> Over-G !!OvGYpcRMSml 12/21/08(Sun)23:35 No.1491812
    It's cool. It wasn't supposed to be a very obvious cosplay anyway, just something I wanted to do.

    The one from earlier today who trotted out a boom box on the second floor? Yeah, I saw that. My friends were some of the first people to go dance with her. I just sorta stayed off to the side, didn't really pay attention to that.

    Goddamn, I saw that. Apparently it was only the East wing too, because I was on the West wing and didn't see anything until I went on the East elevator bank.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:47 No.1491826
    So, uh.. Cosplay pics nao?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:52 No.1491837

    she was in the dealer's room dancing as well.
    she did the nico nico douga kumikyoku too
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:53 No.1491839
    I got a schedule for each day but you had to stop by cosplay table or table right by dealer entrance to get one. You didn't miss much because things at the con were SPARSE.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)00:00 No.1491846
    If you hadn't noticed, Cherry and Gren don't exactly go with each other any more. Been that way for awhile now.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)00:17 No.1491877
    >>Akon and Animefest were superior in my opinion.
    >>Akon superior in my opinion.

    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)00:22 No.1491891
    All I know is the first thing I hear Miyu say after she showed up late to the cosplay contest to judge was "Can I get a Beer"


    I am also pretty convinced she was drunk for the contest.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)00:28 No.1491905

    I know that you guys keep saying it was sparse, but was there anything?
    >> eemee !r2BOAKDjWM 12/22/08(Mon)00:33 No.1491915
    lol she made a racist joke at the panel
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)00:34 No.1491918

    I think there was but I believe they mostly did private shoots.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)00:42 No.1491927
    Did anybody see Wendy Powell at the uncensored panel?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)00:47 No.1491933

    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)00:47 No.1491935

    Who wouldn't be, at this con?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)00:55 No.1491941
    She couldn't wait until after she did the one thing she was there to do? I don't care if you want to get drunk at a con, but if you're there to work, or as a guest you need to wait until you're off the clock to do it.
    >> Lo-Fi !Z2lCihJJPg 12/22/08(Mon)02:44 No.1492087
    This is stupid.

    You do realize all you;ve accomplished is boost his ego and give him a story to boast about right?

    You didn't troll him at all...
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)03:04 No.1492111
    you know. i was actually pumped for the con this year, i didnt go, but i work at the hotel. sadly, there was no fine ladies.... -.-
    >> Over-G !!OvGYpcRMSml 12/22/08(Mon)03:04 No.1492112
         File :1229933094.jpg-(208 KB, 1024x768, 100_5460.jpg)
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    Not bad, not bad...note the fucking mech in the background, though. I don't know why I didn't take pics of that.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)03:10 No.1492117

    Wow, that was ridiculously anticlimactic.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)03:16 No.1492120
    so this was my first con cgl and i thought it was decent, obviously though my opinions skewed because its my -only- experience, which would you say is a good one to go to in texas? any opinions on ikkicon? (i happen to go to school not too far away and will probably go just to see it anyways)
    >> Over-G !!OvGYpcRMSml 12/22/08(Mon)03:20 No.1492126
    Same here. I go to UT, so I'm thinking I might go to Ikki just to get out of the damn dorms, even if I don't cosplay.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)03:27 No.1492136

    cool, im trying to make my roommate go with me, but if not maybe we can go together?
    >> Over-G !!OvGYpcRMSml 12/22/08(Mon)03:28 No.1492140
    I ain't got nothing to lose. I don't really get out much anyway - Oni was honestly the most socializing I've done in months.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)03:34 No.1492149

    socializing is for fags anyways. i made some nonsense email, feel free to email me your messenger name or something i guess so we can keep in touch lolz.
    >> Adama Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)04:17 No.1492185
         File :1229937425.jpg-(34 KB, 453x604, n82501810_30512400_4638.jpg)
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    Had alot of fun at the con! This guy was amazing as Admiral Adama
    >> Over-G !!OvGYpcRMSml 12/22/08(Mon)04:27 No.1492188
    Ah, that reminds me, shortly after I got to the GRB in cosplay on Saturday, I had a couple of girls ask me if I was cosplaying from Stargate SG-1.

    I felt so bad after I told them I wasn't...like I'd disappointed them... ;_;
    >> FC !LUoN15AFLU 12/22/08(Mon)04:43 No.1492193
    Holy crap. That guy wins so hard.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)04:57 No.1492201
    holy shit.

    that is amazing.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)05:39 No.1492217
    >any opinions on ikkicon?

    Good but expect same chaos seen at Oni-con. It is a miracle each year that shit doesn't blow up in their faces.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)11:47 No.1492470
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:07 No.1492480
    lolwut. why would someone who never makes their own cosplays be a JUDGE? unless maybe she was just a performance judge or something?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:19 No.1492490
    Also, Miyu's Judge Award went to this girl cosplaying from Skip Beat, and she won because she "loved that manga."
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:20 No.1492492
    I'm not defending this because I've ALWAYS hated this aspect of judge's awards, but technically, they can give them out for whatever reason they want. Even if the costume sucks. I seriously hate that though.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)12:23 No.1492496
    A few friends of mine went as the Gurren Lagann cast
    They were all women though
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)13:03 No.1492547

    they do not know the meaning of the word "binding".
    fuck they were awful.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)13:10 No.1492554
    In the past Ikkicon has been good, but don't assume since it was good in the past this year will follow suit. It's going to suck.

    But if you live in Austin it's probably worth it for some entertainment over the weekend. I wouldn't travel for it, but I'm going because it's like...10 minutes from my apartment.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)13:19 No.1492563
         File :1229969942.jpg-(616 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_1352.jpg)
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    Less chat, more pictures.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)13:19 No.1492564
    So I guess I'll just pop in and remark that I was the Haruhi with the thigh-highs walking around with Piyoko on Friday and Saturday. And also on Sunday, but we weren't in costume, so.
    I'd like to say hello to that group of asians and one white guy that we kept running into, and Bridget, and anyone else we may have come into contact with. You helped make the con less shitty with your presence.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)13:20 No.1492565
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    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)13:21 No.1492566
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    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)13:22 No.1492568
    They were pretty okay. I just wish that they could have been less womanly, though.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)13:25 No.1492570
         File :1229970358.jpg-(445 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_1367.jpg)
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    I only saw these two, and that one Nia in the cosplay contest, but I got shit pictures of her.

    Sorry for the blurry pic, I couldn't take the pictures so I had my friend take them, she doesn't know how to use flash.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)13:30 No.1492580
    This was a sad and pathetic failure. If you were really laughing about this fail you must be underage cancer. Seriously stop failing. I don't even like vic but I'm going to BAWWWW about how shitfail your "prank" was.

    Why do girls think they're funny?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)13:32 No.1492583
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    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)13:32 No.1492584
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    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)13:33 No.1492585
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)14:24 No.1492640
    yeah, ikkicon was OK to hang out at, but the con itself was a disorganized clusterfuck. Should be interesting being downtown this year, though. Lots of good food and booze within walking distance.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)14:49 No.1492683
    yeah, the location is great this year. 2 blocks from 6th street and a ton of great food withing walking distance.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)15:22 No.1492718

    anyone have any better pictures of that yoko?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)15:30 No.1492732

    Why would you want that?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)15:52 No.1492747
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)15:59 No.1492758
    are there pictures?

    and just out of curiosity, who is that guy in the front supposed to be?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)16:00 No.1492759
    anyone got pics of red turbo ranger making out with jack sparrow?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)16:04 No.1492764
    It's Kittan you retard
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)16:18 No.1492780
    Did anyone get pics of the black Marilyn Manroe?

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