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  • Blotter updated: 11/04/08

  • hang in there, fella

    File :1229882457.jpg-(31 KB, 413x533, 438031.jpg)
    31 KB Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)13:00 No.1490938  
    Post pics of good Final Fantasy IX cosplay :)
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)13:03 No.1490943
         File :1229882618.jpg-(59 KB, 426x640, 1628331.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)13:11 No.1490964
         File :1229883093.jpg-(75 KB, 429x640, 1831904.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)13:13 No.1490968

    This costume is so bad. There is just...so much wrong with it.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)13:14 No.1490970

    Do tell.
    >> Niibetch 12/21/08(Sun)13:14 No.1490974

    the only thing that really bothers me about it is that you see the binding around her chest.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)13:15 No.1490975
         File :1229883310.jpg-(60 KB, 600x402, oi.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)13:19 No.1490983
    what's wrong with it?
    >> Niibetch 12/21/08(Sun)13:19 No.1490986
         File :1229883591.jpg-(100 KB, 640x404, 1802405.jpg)
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    my favorite Zidane cosplayer. only thing that bugs me about the cosplay is the wig could be a little more accurate to his hairstyle.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)13:22 No.1490991
         File :1229883729.jpg-(86 KB, 600x402, 1825023.jpg)
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    Look at the top stitching (mainly, how it's very crooked...pic related), the card board collar (which, he doesn't even have a collar), the penis guard is just, I dunno, lazy? Supposed to be a hard shell (or at least it looks it from the in-game and art).

    Wig is nice though.
    >> 4ng31 !!f6UHP2wLT8+ 12/21/08(Sun)13:28 No.1491001

    I got a question...why do people always use feathers for his hair?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)13:32 No.1491007

    cuz people assume the details
    >> Harley 12/21/08(Sun)13:32 No.1491009
         File :1229884336.jpg-(14 KB, 288x324, 1068678737_antasyKuja.jpg)
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    Because it is a feather.
    >> Niibetch 12/21/08(Sun)13:34 No.1491013
         File :1229884453.jpg-(14 KB, 316x221, kuja evil.jpg)
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    looks like a feather to me.
    >> 4ng31 !!f6UHP2wLT8+ 12/21/08(Sun)13:39 No.1491019
         File :1229884767.jpg-(477 KB, 842x774, 1220791610739.jpg)
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    No...it's not. Pretty sure feathers don't "wave" in the wind like hair...
    >> 4ng31 !!f6UHP2wLT8+ 12/21/08(Sun)13:45 No.1491023
         File :1229885129.jpg-(344 KB, 929x687, 1223760816082.jpg)
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    Like, I get the idea that it might have supposed to be a feather...but it looks nothing like it if you look closely.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)13:49 No.1491027
         File :1229885366.jpg-(85 KB, 842x774, untitled2.jpg)
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    Clearly a feather.
    >> Harley 12/21/08(Sun)13:49 No.1491028
         File :1229885381.jpg-(12 KB, 427x236, feather.jpg)
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    but if you actually look closely on some shots. Especially in the one from the back in the rain, you can actually see the feather texture. When feathers are dry, they're fluffier, so they don't show the texture as much.

    Which, with the graphics in the game, it probably just blends in making it look less like an actual feather, and more like it's part of his hair.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)13:59 No.1491038
    Please tell me the Kuja in the photo is a girl...
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)14:04 No.1491041
    It is, rest easy.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)14:09 No.1491049
         File :1229886557.jpg-(108 KB, 448x804, Dissidia_Kuja.jpg)
    108 KB
    Phew... :) The costume looks kinda good. Perhaps this will do in on the improvements. But nevertheless Kuja is so hyperfeminine in so many ways...
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)14:13 No.1491053
         File :1229886824.jpg-(256 KB, 532x800, 0283.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)14:19 No.1491058
         File :1229887175.jpg-(491 KB, 934x1400, kuja.jpg)
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    I know that people will say that the costume is inaccurate, but I think it's a nice photo.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)16:15 No.1491197
         File :1229894129.jpg-(201 KB, 642x960, 425926203_DnvpS-X2.jpg)
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    No matter how you look at it though, that is one of the better Kujas out there.

    At least she actually attempted to make the shoes and leg armor, most just throw on platform boots and leave it at that.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)18:06 No.1491311
         File :1229900811.gif-(16 KB, 300x300, Kuja.gif)
    16 KB
    Yes it's nice to see someone actually trying to make them.
    But I also agree, that she isn't completely accurate, like the middle collar thing is to high etc., but overall I still like it.

    And it has always been one or two feathers, in Trance he gets more ... guess Garland accidentally got some canary genes into the Genome-mix.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)18:09 No.1491318
         File :1229900978.jpg-(82 KB, 300x450, 1201924326296.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)18:17 No.1491329
         File :1229901430.jpg-(491 KB, 600x800, romics04.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)19:44 No.1491451

    The word was Good. Not shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)19:46 No.1491455
    he has a penis, this makes him better than the other KUja
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)19:47 No.1491459
         File :1229906871.jpg-(66 KB, 426x640, 1757465.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)20:51 No.1491535
    thanks for the kuja movitiation guys
    >> 4ng31 !!f6UHP2wLT8+ 12/21/08(Sun)21:22 No.1491587
    So yeah...can someone PLEASE give me some sort of clear reference or vector to the symbol on Freya's white section on her coa? Anyone...?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)21:35 No.1491618
         File :1229913342.jpg-(78 KB, 600x800, D1-FF9-Freya2.jpg)
    78 KB
    This is the best I could find....not much.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)21:43 No.1491639
         File :1229913825.jpg-(114 KB, 480x640, dscf1225.jpg)
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    Other cosplayers can be bad references, but I found this.
    >> 4ng31 !!f6UHP2wLT8+ 12/21/08(Sun)22:15 No.1491708

    True, but it's better than nothing (which is basically what I got now...)
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)22:32 No.1491737
         File :1229916771.jpg-(81 KB, 576x439, freyathing.jpg)
    81 KB

    There are no good pictures of that part of her costume anywhere. The closest thing I think it could be is a simplified double-headed eagle.

    Crappy pic related, it's the best I could do in MS Paint.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:08 No.1491770
    It really does look like Freya's got the Albanian Eagle on the white portion.
    Haha, oh wow.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:27 No.1491803
         File :1229920052.jpg-(67 KB, 538x640, 354111.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/21/08(Sun)23:58 No.1491843
         File :1229921900.jpg-(17 KB, 235x385, 1158003981375.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)01:03 No.1491948
         File :1229925810.jpg-(120 KB, 426x640, 1186519597238.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)01:38 No.1491982
    First off....I DO look closely...but I'm too busy looking at sexy man hips to see shit else. Secondly NOBODY, especially a man can do Kuja justice so ALL you fuckers fail.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)01:48 No.1492000
    calm down poor anon
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)02:02 No.1492029
         File :1229929335.jpg-(59 KB, 432x576, 1181802529440.jpg)
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    Fuck Kuja, this this thread needs moar Blank.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)02:04 No.1492034
    why yes, thank you.. I WOULD love to fuck Kuja. Win.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)02:12 No.1492039
    Jesus Christ anon let's see you do better. Get the sand out of your vagina.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)02:34 No.1492073
         File :1229931266.jpg-(140 KB, 426x640, 1164172123478.jpg)
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    Anyone have a better Amarant?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)02:36 No.1492075
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)02:37 No.1492077
         File :1229931441.jpg-(156 KB, 700x639, Freya_Crescent_Cosplay_by_rifa.jpg)
    156 KB
    Self post, so lame~
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)02:38 No.1492081
    Feathery hair assholes. Issue resolved.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)02:45 No.1492088
         File :1229931900.jpg-(85 KB, 237x640, 467950.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)02:51 No.1492093
    I am tripping balls...
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)02:54 No.1492098
         File :1229932484.jpg-(99 KB, 480x640, 557281.jpg)
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    Drug trip Freya is laughing at you.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)02:58 No.1492102
    If I saw that thing irl I'd probably have a seizure.
    >> Hanyaan 12/22/08(Mon)03:00 No.1492104
    Does anybody know what she used to make it quite so shiny? Ohohoho.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)03:16 No.1492122
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)03:19 No.1492125
         File :1229933946.jpg-(105 KB, 662x782, 20040430blankc.jpg)
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    For some reason, Blank was always my favourite. :[ I'd cosplay him, but I'm too skinny and girly. :(
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)03:28 No.1492142
         File :1229934507.jpg-(49 KB, 366x470, 853394.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)03:30 No.1492146
         File :1229934656.jpg-(89 KB, 413x550, 11240.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)03:34 No.1492150
         File :1229934894.jpg-(51 KB, 432x576, 854270.jpg)
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    Blank is not amused.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)03:47 No.1492166
    lol why
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)09:18 No.1492365
    Woah..settle down there anon . I'm sorry you failed hard at doing Kuja. Didn't mean to point you out like that. FAIL
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)09:36 No.1492368

    What the deuce is that?
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)10:47 No.1492405
         File :1229960856.jpg-(22 KB, 355x472, 1173685169428.jpg)
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    Still a bit unsure, if I should like this one or not.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)13:05 No.1492551
    Looks like a red eyed puff creature feasting on her brains. Still like it. And Blank and Trance Freya. This thread needs some win Lani. Bump for secondary characters.
    >> 4ng31 !!f6UHP2wLT8+ 12/22/08(Mon)13:27 No.1492572
         File :1229970428.png-(13 KB, 600x600, angellogo1496.png)
    13 KB

    Many thanks anon...in return, the "cuts" I have of those symbols as it seems no one has them.
    >> 4ng31 !!f6UHP2wLT8+ 12/22/08(Mon)13:27 No.1492573
         File :1229970464.png-(145 KB, 800x813, logo2.png)
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    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)15:43 No.1492739
    trance kuja ;[
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)16:01 No.1492761
         File :1229979671.jpg-(71 KB, 480x640, tracekujazidane.jpg)
    71 KB
    Bumping because I agree with this anon. But have none of the pictures requested....:( Instead, here's some Trance brothers. <3
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)16:15 No.1492774
    Gren & Cherry <3
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)16:45 No.1492817
         File :1229982337.png-(162 KB, 220x323, spdasp.png)
    162 KB
    cure is no better. they seem to pretty-fy it, so they lack the giant sleeves and boot armor
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)17:23 No.1492904
         File :1229984625.jpg-(79 KB, 428x640, 1833506.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)17:58 No.1492942
    i'm confused why she beaded her crotch guard
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)18:22 No.1492962
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)22:01 No.1493200
         File :1230001315.jpg-(59 KB, 460x620, 1224837651569.jpg)
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    I'm glad I'm not their only fangirl. =3

    Also, bump from page 4 because I don't want this thread to die. Have some Brahne.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)22:18 No.1493254
         File :1230002326.jpg-(10 KB, 200x200, 8354.jpg)
    10 KB
    This thread needs more beatrix, and possibly some black waltz
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)22:32 No.1493298
         File :1230003141.png-(406 KB, 448x804, dissidia_artwork_kuja.png)
    406 KB
    However, it doesn't MOVE like a feather- and why would a feather be growing out of his head? It's a case of 'videogames make no sense irl' which means it could really be anything. I'm sick of seeing Kuja's looking dopey as fuck with a feather sticking out of their wig, just because 'It's obviously a feather so lets just stick a feather there derp'.

    Have some fucking creativity.

    With a little bit of wire and some creative texturing you CAN get hair to look like feathers.

    In Dissidia especially it looks like hair way more than it does a feather. People need to think out of the goddamn box and stop copying the same old and do something new. A feather can look alright, but I think it could be made even better with a bit of experimentation/
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)22:34 No.1493306
    That seriously fucking bothers you? That one little tiny hint of flesh-colored binding? Baw me a fucking river, you dumbass. If you're going to bitch about something at least make it fucking logical.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)22:36 No.1493308

    butthurt much?
    >> I Am Very Proud To Be Asian! 12/22/08(Mon)22:36 No.1493309
    Hey FAT dumb disgusting american, stop cosplaying OUR Anime characters because you FAT dumb disgusting american mostly end ruining them with your pathetic cosplayer who have no shame to cosplay skinny or even skimpy looking Anime character when they are FAT and disgusting, go cosplay as your WORTHLESS dumb cartoon characters since I or we Asians don't care you FAT dumb disgusting american ruining your own worthless stuff.

    It is super rare to see a FAT Anime character since we Asians have very few FAT peoples in Asia as well, so american should stop cosplaying our Anime characters since there are over 69% FAT american out there who have no shame to show how FAT and disgusting they are by trying to look cute and adorable like us Asian by dressing themselves as our Anime characters instead of their worthless disgusting cartoon characters.

    The fact of how Asian cosplayers are better or the BEST will never change as long as non Asians still keep on cosplaying as our Anime characters instead of cosplaying as their [ non Asians ] Cartoon characters while we Asians stick to cosplay as our Anime characters. Because we Asians made our Anime characters to resembles our Asian facial and body form so it is the same as cosplaying as ourselves when cosplaying as our Anime characters.

    Reference = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZTKjjw5OI0&fmt=18
    >> Niibetch 12/22/08(Mon)22:38 No.1493317
         File :1230003520.jpg-(103 KB, 426x640, 1090095.jpg)
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    joy...e-drama...back on topic...
    >> Niibetch 12/22/08(Mon)22:41 No.1493323
         File :1230003695.jpg-(82 KB, 427x640, 1019347.jpg)
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    >> Niibetch 12/22/08(Mon)22:45 No.1493336
         File :1230003915.jpg-(39 KB, 317x599, 645490.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)23:09 No.1493398
         File :1230005376.jpg-(34 KB, 387x491, 860399.jpg)
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    to me, it's his hair shaped like a feather. i don't care if you use a feather, but it would be nice to use one that looks like his and blend it into his hair.

    to each his own...
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)23:15 No.1493418

    Omg, that dude cosplaying Zidane is hawt!
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)23:20 No.1493440
         File :1230006027.jpg-(126 KB, 450x477, 298237.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)23:26 No.1493458
         File :1230006398.jpg-(123 KB, 450x494, 299006.jpg)
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    pretty sure it's a girl
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)23:39 No.1493503
         File :1230007183.jpg-(90 KB, 367x550, 1795900.jpg)
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    she is <3
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)23:41 No.1493512
         File :1230007268.jpg-(136 KB, 450x600, 859938.jpg)
    136 KB
    now that i'm looking at ruby, are there any accurate ones? baaaaw
    >> Anonymous 12/22/08(Mon)23:43 No.1493521
    That Amano Zidane is Scoti from cosplay.com. It's a girl.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)00:08 No.1493595
         File :1230008928.jpg-(62 KB, 426x640, l_639d3145d3c64a883ed613612175(...).jpg)
    62 KB
    Best Quina I've seen.
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)00:11 No.1493603
         File :1230009063.jpg-(53 KB, 426x640, l_835459a4024d9d43cabd4060ee10(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)00:13 No.1493610
         File :1230009185.jpg-(47 KB, 426x640, l_0ae0b4af26509224925e4f2350c7(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)00:16 No.1493617
         File :1230009369.jpg-(65 KB, 426x640, 813922.jpg)
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    my favourite zidane
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)00:16 No.1493619
         File :1230009391.jpg-(65 KB, 640x427, QueenBrahne.jpg)
    65 KB
    I like it when they act just like the character they're cosplaying. First and only Brahne I've ever seen really. Can it be topped?
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)00:20 No.1493629
         File :1230009622.jpg-(97 KB, 640x427, 550765.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)00:43 No.1493711
         File :1230010995.jpg-(87 KB, 480x640, vivivivi.jpg)
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    heres one from sakuracon 2008
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)01:17 No.1493871
         File :1230013025.jpg-(105 KB, 700x467, Amano_Vivi_by_deviouselite.jpg)
    105 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)01:23 No.1493899
    what do you think that sakurcon vivi could do to inprove his/hers/its costume?
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)01:51 No.1493971
    >>1493899 what can do to improve my vivi?

    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)01:55 No.1493989
    thats not my vivi, that costume belongs to radar_exe from cosplay.com--http://www.cosplay.com/gallery/a82405/
    >> Anonymouse !3va26cL7i2 12/23/08(Tue)01:58 No.1493995
         File :1230015514.jpg-(16 KB, 200x200, 40555.jpg)
    16 KB
    Only (good) Lani and Black Waltz I found on Coscom.
    >> Anonymouse !3va26cL7i2 12/23/08(Tue)01:59 No.1493996
         File :1230015545.jpg-(27 KB, 266x399, 123420.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)02:04 No.1494006
    >> Anonymouse !3va26cL7i2 12/23/08(Tue)02:07 No.1494011
    And just on a slight tangent, any good reference pictures of Lani and Black Waltz 3?
    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)02:13 No.1494026
         File :1230016398.jpg-(92 KB, 800x440, art-design-group02.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/23/08(Tue)02:13 No.1494029
         File :1230016425.jpg-(42 KB, 600x302, art-design05.jpg)
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    >> Anonymouse !3va26cL7i2 12/23/08(Tue)02:16 No.1494033
    (Actually I have that artbook already, but there are no Black Waltz references afaik)

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