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  • Blotter updated: 11/04/08

  • hang in there, fella

    File :1229188017.jpg-(20 KB, 125x125, Proud-ASIAN-3.jpg)
    20 KB For Anime Sake Non Asians Must Stop Cosplaying Anime Characters! I'm Very Proud To Be Born As Asian! 12/13/08(Sat)12:06 No.1476063  
    Reference : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZTKjjw5OI0&fmt=18

    For Anime and millions Anime fans sake, american, western, african or any other non Asian race must stop cosplaying Anime characters because they mostly end ruining the Anime characters they cosplayed because non Asians not suited to cosplay as Anime characters because Anime characters facial and body form are based on Asian race. Also because of racism, when an american, western or other non Asians trying to cosplay as our Anime characters will mostly end looked like someone who wish to be Asian or someone who dress to look cute and adorable like Asians since most of our Anime characters we Asians made are cute and adorable with the intention to represent our cute adorable Asians facial and body form. This 2nd reason may will offend certain Asians especially an Asian who are proud to be Asian because those american, western or non Asians who try to look like Asian by cosplaying as Anime characters mostly end making it look bad or even as far as disgusting. There are many other reason that you can read at http://www.asia-anime.net/what-is-anime/Anime-Characters-Are-Asians.htm
    >> I'm Very Proud To Be Born As Asian! 12/13/08(Sat)12:07 No.1476064
    Some of the american, western, african or non Asians cosplayers who watch this video may will ask or accuse me such as by asking or saying :
    - You are being prejudice of only picking the worse non Asian cosplayers -
    No I'm not being prejudice because I can show a more worse non Asian cosplayers than the one in the video such as by showing all the fat non Asian cosplayers, the one who wear the wrong costume and accessories, etc. As you can see many of the non Asian cosplayers in the video are not fat or wear the wrong costume and accessories.
    - You are a racist -
    No I'm not a racist for saying non Asians must stop cosplaying Anime characters because ALL Anime are made by us Asians so as an Asian I have rights or I can say what I want about what we Asians owns and made. Another thing is, I'm not saying non Asian peoples are bad, ugly, disgusting, pathetic, etc. The real racist are the non Asian cosplayers who ruining the Anime characters they cosplayed because it cause harm to us Asians.
    >> I'm Very Proud To Be Born As Asian! 12/13/08(Sat)12:08 No.1476065
    Some of the american, western, african or non Asians cosplayers who watch this video may will ask or accuse me such as by asking or saying :
    - Don't you know there are good non Asian cosplayers too? -
    I obviously know that but not with Anime cosplayers, there is not even 1 non Asian cosplayer who can match the Anime characters [ made with Manga art ] they cosplayed, they mostly end ruining the Anime characters they cosplayed. If there is something that do more harm than good then it must be stopped.
    - The Asian cosplayer pictures you showed are photoshoped -
    No they are not because Asian born with the Anime look so there is no need to fake their pictures by photoshoping it when they cosplay as Anime characters, while it is non Asian cosplayers who photoshoped their cosplay pictures even in the end they look nothing like the Anime characters they cosplayed.
    - The Asian cosplayer pictures you showed are model -
    So if they look good they are model while the bad one are amateur? Then that will mean millions other Asian cosplayers who cosplay Anime characters are model too because their cosplay resemblance towards the Anime characters they cosplayed are around the same as the Asian cosplayers in this video.
    >> I'm Very Proud To Be Born As Asian! 12/13/08(Sat)12:09 No.1476066
    Credits :
    First of all I must say thanks to Proud Asian Kid who posted a video about Asian cosplayers in tudou because all the Asian cosplayer pictures on this video are from his video I captured. As for the Asian and non Asian cosplayers, you can find their cosplay page in www.cosplay.com by typing their name on the member name search box.

    Asian cosplayers :
    1. Chii = Hiragi
    2. Hinamori Momo = Mei Wai [ not a cosplay.com member ]
    3. Haruno Sakura = Sakuraa103
    4. Haruhi Suzumiya = Jumplove
    5. Hatsune Miku = Arisa Mizuhara [ not a cosplay.com member ]
    >> I'm Very Proud To Be Born As Asian! 12/13/08(Sat)12:09 No.1476067
    Non Asian cosplayers :
    1. Chii
    - jiro_no_jojo17 from u.s.a
    - Miaka-li from germany
    - ayalaure from france
    2. Hinamori Momo
    - mlarad from u.s.a
    - Nariko-Hara from spain
    - linchen from germany
    3. Haruno Sakura
    - trainer_kelly from u.s.a
    - *Bel* from argentina
    - Blaze1662001 from canada
    4. Haruhi Suzumiya
    - Inaba from u.s.a
    - mew-chan from denmark
    - Cagalli Kasshu from chile
    5 Hatsune Miku
    - pixiekitty from u.s.a
    - MoeChan from chile
    - tazzyorca from canada

    This video are not mean or saying non Asians must stop cosplaying but only saying non Asians must stop cosplaying as ANIME CHARACTERS, cosplaying are not only dressing as Anime characters so non Asians can still cosplay as their own Cartoon, movie, video or any characters they made based on themselves, but it seems many non Asians are addicted to our Anime that makes them not interested to cosplay as their own cartoon characters.

    Don't you feel any pain when a cosplayer cosplayed our favorite or loved Anime characters badly? Also did those non Asians have any pride of their non Asian race when they dress themselves to look like us Asians?
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)12:11 No.1476068

    the one is purely for the amount of effort you've put in.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)12:16 No.1476069
    Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)12:16 No.1476070
         File :1229188603.jpg-(82 KB, 331x500, 1224372286116.jpg)
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    You have two options here.
    or GTFO.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)12:28 No.1476079
    >because ALL Anime are made by us Asians
    If you're including manga in this, I'm laughing. Hard. Go and check out a few American mangas. (Yes, MANGA. As in the japanese style, backwards reading and whatever.)

    >Also did those non Asians have any pride of their non Asian race when they dress themselves to look like us Asians?
    Now, unless I'm horribly mistaken for years on end, it was my recollection that anime characters were designed to look....Uh...Caucasian. You know, with that white skin and such...
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)12:32 No.1476083
    "Psychological and social research on facial attractiveness has pointed out that the presence of childlike facial features increases attractiveness[1]. Manga artists often play on this to increase the appeal of protagonists. Large eyes have become a permanent fixture in manga and anime since the 1960s when Osamu Tezuka started drawing them in this way, mimicking the style of Disney and Betty Boop cartoons from the United States."

    "The first view emphasizes events occurring during and after the U.S. Occupation of Japan (19451952), and stresses that manga was strongly shaped by U.S. cultural influences, including U.S. comics brought to Japan by the GIs and by images and themes from U.S. television, film, and cartoons (especially Disney)"
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)12:33 No.1476084
    It pleases me that almost the entire cast of Soul Eater is non-asian.

    And that it's set in Nevada.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)12:39 No.1476092
    Take home lesson: Asians aren't creative and can't come up with anything on their own, but they can usually improve on whatever they steal from Western countries.

    Also, it's good to see that at least some races are allowed to be racist.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)12:43 No.1476098
    Maka and Black Star are supposedly Japanese.

    I've honestly never seen a geneticly blonde Asian though.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)12:45 No.1476100

    Genetically blonde asians do not exist, unless they're mixed. Don't let this asshat try and tell you differently.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)12:46 No.1476101
    Guess what? The majority of you Asians think cosplaying is retarded and weird anyways.
    So by cosplaying alone you make yourselves look bad by default.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)12:47 No.1476104
    Dude,it was sarcasm. I KNOW there's no such thing as a genetically blonde Asian.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)12:50 No.1476105
         File :1229190611.jpg-(377 KB, 522x650, dont_feed_the_trolls.jpg)
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    the trolls, don't feed them

    you're better then this /cgl/
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)12:52 No.1476107
    His entire argument pretty much boils down to 'Westerners are fat, so they don't look like anime characters, who are skinny."

    So basically, don't be fat and you'll be fine.

    Or, just ignore this moron, he's obviously a few cards short of a deck. He's probably a lonely friendless asian kid trying to gain some brownie points with 'his own kind.' Like >>1476101 said, he may be 'proud to be born asian,' but they ain't proud of him.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)12:53 No.1476108
    Her last name is Albarn. Maybe she's half Asian, because Spirit isn't.

    As far as I know, Black Star, Tsubaki, and her brother are the only asian characters.

    Is the Asia deathscythe even asian? Or did she just get assigned to it? It's not like Mary is an islander.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)12:54 No.1476110
    I like tazzyorca's Miku.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)12:56 No.1476111
    Not that anon you were talking to but your post doesn't read with even a hint of sarcasm.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)13:05 No.1476120
    saging as hard as i can.
    this is like his 6th thread in 2 days and its just the same shit on repeat. so what, did they finally start ignoring you on gaia?
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)13:06 No.1476124
    yeah that's what I was wondering. I know in the manga Black Star was telling someone that he and Maka were Japanese so...yeah.
    There are tons of anime with Western characters and that take place in the West. Chrono Crusade anyone? The foreign characters in that one are from Germany and Portugal.
    He's been banned from cos.com like, five times now. It's pretty funny because on the help boards once he signed up asking why he got the message that said "Reason for ban: Failure at being Asian." It got deleted pretty fast though. I wish I'd capped it.
    I got it.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)13:11 No.1476128
         File :1229191868.jpg-(751 KB, 576x864, Sorceress Lina Inverse.jpg)
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    Totally agree, this person didn't even freaking try
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)13:12 No.1476132
         File :1229191944.jpg-(291 KB, 750x1000, Sessoumaru cosplay.jpg)
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    How could this person ruin such a character?!
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)13:13 No.1476137
         File :1229192002.jpg-(141 KB, 750x1000, Cloud Strife.jpg)
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    What are Caucasians doing when this totally reflects common Asian phenotypes?
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)13:14 No.1476138
         File :1229192041.jpg-(89 KB, 253x366, Link.jpg)
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    Aaaaaand, I'll never play a Zelda game ever again just because of this person
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)13:14 No.1476139
    Because he's trying to be Asian! Don't you see? It doesn't look cute enough! Asians are naturally born cute!! BLAH BLAH BLAH BUTT HURT!!

    Anyways, that's one awesome Sesshoumaru cosplayer! :O
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)13:20 No.1476146
         File :1229192414.jpg-(295 KB, 692x392, sheryl.jpg)
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    there is no asian girl that can look like Sheryl without looking fake.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)13:21 No.1476148
         File :1229192485.jpg-(26 KB, 353x353, misa_amane.jpg)
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    come on guys! I'm an asian! you know, a real one!
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)13:23 No.1476151
         File :1229192626.jpg-(78 KB, 640x426, 1812987.jpg)
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    Stupid Russians pretending to be Asians! Now everytime I see Kuroshitsuji I'm ashamed for Russians trying to pretend to be Asian! They should cosplay their OWN Russian cartoons because it fits their body type the best
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)13:24 No.1476152
         File :1229192646.png-(382 KB, 700x498, 1224030194492.png)
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    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)13:27 No.1476154
         File :1229192840.jpg-(102 KB, 912x588, nozomu.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)13:28 No.1476155
    Asians will NEVER have tits big enough to be accurate anime characters. they are drawn that way because Asian artists are envious of us big breasted westerners.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)13:32 No.1476162
    >>Stupid Russians pretending to be European! Now everytime I see Kuroshitsuji I'm ashamed for Russians trying to pretend to be European!

    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)13:34 No.1476163
         File :1229193283.jpg-(299 KB, 428x964, meg.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)13:37 No.1476167
         File :1229193474.jpg-(97 KB, 800x533, mercedes.jpg)
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