>> |
12/13/08(Sat)02:06 No.1475451  File :1229152000.jpg-(405 KB, 533x799, Youmacon2008Photoshoot7-0005.jpg)
 >>1475410 Yeah,
and I adore her LttP Zelda. She's by no means a bad cosplayer. I mean,
as one who cosplays a lot of obscure characters, you should be prepared
to not be recognized a whole lot at cons. If 50 people at a con ever
recognized me in any of my costumes, I'd be in heaven. But really,
she's a nice girl. She's going through a bit of a tough time, trying to
lose weight, and working toward an internship, among other things. Give
her a break. She even mentioned later in that thread that that's not
the only reason she didn't care to return to Youma. |