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    File :1227573667.jpg-(130 KB, 330x495, DR00034_01.jpg)
    130 KB LatteLolita !8ZXOqL8fss 11/24/08(Mon)19:41 No.1439793  
    What does /cgl/ think of this dress?

    I'm considering buying it, but I need more opinions.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)19:42 No.1439797
    Thats way too fucking much. Even by LOLI standerds
    >> LatteLolita !8ZXOqL8fss 11/24/08(Mon)19:45 No.1439809
    Okay so less frills and bows then?
    >> Kirina 11/24/08(Mon)19:45 No.1439810

    >> Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)19:47 No.1439813
    I like it. :O I think it'd be better if the part on the skirt between the two frills was white, but even so. What shop is it from?
    >> LatteLolita !8ZXOqL8fss 11/24/08(Mon)19:49 No.1439817


    There you go, anon. I really like all the dresses on that website.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)19:51 No.1439823
    Cuuuute. Thanks! Have you been a lolita for a long time or are you just starting out?
    >> LatteLolita !8ZXOqL8fss 11/24/08(Mon)19:54 No.1439828

    No problem. :] I've been really interested in the fashion for ages, but always way too scared to even think about buying a dress, for whatever reason.

    I'm such a wuss. lol.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)19:56 No.1439834
    I have the original btssb, its ok too big for me so not my fave.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)19:57 No.1439837
    uh, no, it's one of the most sought after dresses of recent years.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)19:58 No.1439838
    I know how you feel. I have yet to buy any actual brand dresses. Just too much money, plus, I don't think it's practical for me to spend my money on it. Though I think the dresses would suit you well from what I saw in your make up thread.
    Could you get it altered? Or if not, just sell it and get something you like better.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)19:59 No.1439839
    Well I'm not a /cgl/ master like some of these folks... But I think it's cute...
    >> LatteLolita !8ZXOqL8fss 11/24/08(Mon)20:01 No.1439844

    Aww, thanks. <3


    I'm just concerned about looking like a frill monster. o:
    >> LatteLolita !8ZXOqL8fss 11/24/08(Mon)20:11 No.1439862
         File :1227575489.jpg-(113 KB, 330x495, DR00014N_01.jpg)
    113 KB
    This is another dress I was looking at as well.
    >> Cupcake !3tylvky21U 11/24/08(Mon)20:15 No.1439868
    Gah! Rouching! Get it away! The skirt is so pretty, whyyy?

    Ahem... is a personal aversion, my apologies. Other than my hatred of said rouching, it's a great dress.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)20:15 No.1439869
    The frills aren't that bad compared to some I've seen. You can find a much frillier, ribbonier?, dress than that.
    >> LatteLolita !8ZXOqL8fss 11/24/08(Mon)20:18 No.1439874

    That's okay. I won't hold it against you.


    True. Or extremely shiny stuff that looks like it's made of plastic. D:
    >> Kirina 11/24/08(Mon)20:20 No.1439878

    I actually like this one better than the first one. Less....gaudy, you know?
    >> LatteLolita !8ZXOqL8fss 11/24/08(Mon)20:23 No.1439884

    Yes, that's what I thought. Though I'd need a blouse to go under it until summer (Silly wintertime).
    >> Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)20:28 No.1439893
    You should try to go for an extreme frill look and add the frilliest blouse you can find under the pink dress to wear for the winter. As a good measure, add some more ribbons and bows to it. Also at least 2 bows and a tiara for your hair. Possibly a rose as well. I believe in you, Latte Lolita. Go for gold!
    >> Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)20:37 No.1439909
    I love the first one! The second one seems too plain for me, whereas the first one is completely over the top. S'what I love about it. =3
    >> LatteLolita !8ZXOqL8fss 11/24/08(Mon)20:41 No.1439914

    Frills are my best friend.
    But I think I'm going to get the second one, since it's a tad cheaper than the first.

    Thanks for all your help though /cgl/! <3
    >> Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)21:03 No.1439954
    I probably wouldn't buy a bad knockoff of a dress that is that well known, because everyone is going to know what is is supposed to look like, and yet misses the mark. A more generic F+F design would be better.
    >> Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)21:56 No.1440074
    I think it's pretty ugly. Looks like a cheap Barbie dress.
    >> LatteLolita !8ZXOqL8fss 11/24/08(Mon)22:47 No.1440199

    You are very wise.

    Now, if I may ask... What are your thoughts on Angelic Pretty dresses?
    >> Anonymous 11/24/08(Mon)23:16 No.1440281
    Not a lolita but I think it's adorable.
    >> Anonymous 11/25/08(Tue)06:05 No.1441130
    Don't do eet.

    It's a rip off of a BABY dress. Rule of thumb for F+F, always go for their original stuff. Don't buy the knock offs. They say people won't look down on you, but they do.

    I have one friend who automatically hates anyone who bought that AP Bodyline knockoff. Lol.

    But it is nice, but the original looks like it has a better quality. Dunno.But that said I had the re-release and it's way too big like a previous person said. :(
    >> Anonymous 11/25/08(Tue)06:53 No.1441149
    Buy stuff from F+F that's hard to mess up, like skirts. If you buy blouses or anything with arms or more measurements than WAIST:X-INCHES AND FREE HIPS, you're asking for a headache.
    >> Anonymous 11/25/08(Tue)07:14 No.1441162
    agree. my friend ordered a dress and while the skirt part fit fine, the arms and bust was screwed up big time. (And she even provided them very specific measurements... oh, F+F.)

    also disagree with >>1441130 - buy what you want because you like it, not because of what other people think of you. Ohhh noes a small portion of the lolita population might recognize it's a knock off and hate you! Guess what? Knock offs are not anything new. Heck, there have been In the Starlight designs that were copies of brand items (not commissioned stuff, but back when they had a regular catalog) and no one raised a fuss about that.
    >> Anonymous 11/25/08(Tue)08:07 No.1441204

    Small portion? No. More like everyone. I don't really care whether or not something is a replica, but I do know that pretty much everyone besides the raging newbies can tell the difference between the genuine article and a replica. None of this small population bullshit. That's untrue and misleading.
    >> Anonymous 11/25/08(Tue)08:49 No.1441216
    I'm talking about the small portion that recognizes it's a knock off and hates someone for it, not that it's a small portion of people that are able to recognize shitty F+F quality.
    >> Anonymous 11/25/08(Tue)10:48 No.1441292
    I have turned down so many otherwise beautiful dress designs begause shirring os so goddamned ugly. It makes it hard to shop for Lolita. It makes me hate the designers to falling and catering to fat blobs whwo want to smear their rolly bodies into a dress.

    Pig disgusting.

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