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  • Blotter updated: 11/04/08

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    File :1227125696.jpg-(29 KB, 375x500, oxford.jpg)
    29 KB Anonymous 11/19/08(Wed)15:14 No.1431058  
    What cosplayers go to university or have graduated? Known and unknown, I suppose. I'm curious to know if this demographic is small or not.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/08(Wed)15:17 No.1431061
    I'm dropping out of college, but I've been stuck here for three years.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/08(Wed)15:18 No.1431064
    Really? You were so close, any reason why? I'm also curious how those in college are managing to find time for cosplay.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/08(Wed)15:20 No.1431069
    >> Anonymous 11/19/08(Wed)15:24 No.1431087
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    went to one of the University of California schools. not saying which. once I graduated, my desire, time, and funding for cosplay went down the tubes.

    I wish I could have remained an undergrad forever. fucking economy.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/08(Wed)15:32 No.1431109
    Wow really? I didn't know that. Interesting.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/08(Wed)15:35 No.1431118
    I'm in university.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/08(Wed)15:35 No.1431119
    those are currents, btw.and if you're lucky, a couple of them will probably drop in and tell you how they find the time for it.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/08(Wed)15:36 No.1431121
    Ninja Attorney just started?
    Miyu, soon?
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 11/19/08(Wed)15:36 No.1431123
    >> Anonymous 11/19/08(Wed)15:36 No.1431124
    >> Soni !!qeHmeAJM1a2 11/19/08(Wed)15:37 No.1431126
    There are a lot of others who have graduated and are still in school and whatnot. The list is huge.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/08(Wed)15:39 No.1431131
    Do tell, I'm curious!
    >> Anonymous 11/19/08(Wed)15:39 No.1431135
    i would expect it to be.

    so, how do you have time for cosplay? INQUIRING OP WANTS TO KNOW >>1431064
    >> Anonymous 11/19/08(Wed)15:39 No.1431136
    I'm in university as well. I'm a medical student and actually I don't have much free time for cosplay left... I manage to do barely 3 cosplays a year now when I used to do twice or so the amount... That's also probably the amount of conventions I go to now, 2-3 a year, that's it. Sad, isn't it? :/
    >> Soni !!qeHmeAJM1a2 11/19/08(Wed)15:40 No.1431138
    Time? What time? I barely have enough time to scratch my own ass.

    jkjk, its a bit stressful. I went through a period where I didn't go to school and just worked, but I just didn't find the satisfaction in that and wanted to continue my studies. Now that I'm back, its been stressful, I get bumps in the road, but so far so good. I feel truly productive when I'm in school.

    I work on cosplays if I have a couple of hours free during the day and on weekends when I'm free. But I'm not focusing on cosplay atm, not until my winter break at least.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/08(Wed)15:42 No.1431148
    im not in a university im in college, universities can suck my-
    >> Anonymous 11/19/08(Wed)15:47 No.1431161
    if you do an assload of costumes and cons during the year, cosplay sweatshop work is for winter or spring break.

    otherwise it's just a handful a year, spread over time like >>1431136

    whichever fits your time-management style is best. When I was in uni, I worked in the theater costume workshop, I learned a lot of tailoring skills and had access to all the industrial machines. I just walked in one quarter and ask "do you guys need help?" It was my favorite on-campus job.
    >> Paul McCartney !!tjBppohDOeq 11/19/08(Wed)15:51 No.1431176
    >im not in a university im in college
    It shows.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/08(Wed)15:51 No.1431178
    I'm in college. Doing 20 credits and just dished out a new cosplay recently. My motivation for cosplay needs to be really high for me to want to work on them, and when it is, I find time while doing homework and on the weekends. Like, if I get sick of working on an assignment, I'll toy around with a costume for awhile, then I get sick of that, go back to homework, get sick of that, go back to costume, etc. Eventually they both get completed.

    Sometimes I get super swamped with assignments and can't do that, though, so I'll find myself sewing all my plans for that year on winter or summer break.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/08(Wed)15:54 No.1431183

    I agree. I go to 2-3 cons a year now, making costumes during breaks or the occasional couple hours I have free.

    I just generally try not to focus on cosplay during the schoolyear, because I tend to focus very singlemindedly on projects while I'm working on them, and I don't want my schoolwork to suffer.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/08(Wed)15:59 No.1431199
    I'm at a University. I make most of my costumes over the summer.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/08(Wed)16:04 No.1431210
    You can balance it. Just like everything else in life, it's a matter of having priorities You may not be able to afford to cosplay and go out drinking with the friends every night, or you may have the time to make stuff and do all the usual time-wasting fun that you get in university. That, or you may have to shelve a costume because of a badly-timed final.

    You're effectively asking "can I cosplay and live my life" - that doesn't change, whether you're in high school, university, or out working a regular job or raising a family. Understand that cosplay is lower than real life on your priority list, live accodingly, and you'll be fine
    >> Anonymous 11/19/08(Wed)16:12 No.1431222
    OP here, I wasn't asking that. Nor was I asking for patronizing comments or for advice. I don't need it. Just was curious about the experience of others.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/08(Wed)16:20 No.1431236
    Currently Enrolled:
    >> Anonymous 11/19/08(Wed)16:28 No.1431254
    Wow, someone's in a happy mood right now. Do you always rely on your winning personality when asking people things?

    Since you're so big on general discussion, I'll just drop some fake names below to throw off your numbers.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/08(Wed)16:37 No.1431272
    I'm sorry but where at all in there was there a nasty attitude or personality flaw? You're trying to take the thread in a direction I wasn't desiring. Also, there's no need to act childish by attempting to thwart the thread.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/08(Wed)16:39 No.1431281
    >take the thread in a direction I wasn't desiring
    Personality flaw right there.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/08(Wed)16:43 No.1431287
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    >> gabi !WSgPeEy3kM 11/19/08(Wed)16:44 No.1431289
    I'm a grad.
    When I was in I made 1 new costume a year. I'd work on props in my dorm and actually sew the thing during a break at home on my mom's machine

    I once made an elf dress in one weekend on a friend's machine in her dorm but that was not my best work.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/08(Wed)16:49 No.1431292
    OP here, your extra information does not answer my original question. Please stop being so patronizing with your crazy "experiences" or "discussion". I want names, preferably alphabetized, of all cosplayers who have attended university. No more, no less.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/08(Wed)16:53 No.1431299
    Not amusing, troll.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/08(Wed)16:55 No.1431304
    I cosplay. I go to uni. Why the fuck do you want to know my name?

    What makes us so unique? OMG COLLEGE AND COSPLAY? AT THE SAME TINE? NEVER.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/08(Wed)17:00 No.1431310
    Why do I get the feeling this is Masa?
    >> Anonymous 11/19/08(Wed)17:06 No.1431329
    going to a university right now. I rarely find the time to work on my cosplays though, I'll only do about one a year. Plus, I live away from home, where the sewing machine is.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/08(Wed)18:21 No.1431413
    Im in University and my boyfriend goes to college and we both have time to cosplay....thats how we met.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/08(Wed)18:32 No.1431427
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    I'm an undergrad and a cosplayer. S'not that hard. Not many of my costumes lately have been that challenging lately, though. Thank God for choosing a theatre major. I have easy access to the costume shop; surge machines, sewing machines, patterns, any kind of cloth I can think of, and help from professors. I'm a little spoiled, now that I think about it.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/08(Wed)18:32 No.1431429
    I have a Master's degree. Starting a PhD in January, too.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/08(Wed)18:43 No.1431446
    Lol, I did that, got the degree, and now I'm working part time retail after being unemployed for months. You might want to rethink your choice of majors. I know if I had a time machine or more money to go back to school I would.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/08(Wed)18:52 No.1431456
    Graduated from Texas Tech two years ago with a degree in graphic design. Cosplay was way easier then because I was living off student loans and had money to spare.

    Not so easy now that I'm having to pay all that money back. :c
    >> Anonymous 11/19/08(Wed)18:55 No.1431460
    What are you planning to do with your major?

    Not being snarky, just curious.

    I've been wanting to get into costuming for professional (Broadway, or it's equals) very badly, but honestly, since I wouldn't be able to have a steady and/or decently paid job unless I had an excellent degree and experience, in addition to probably needing to get a teaching job as a 'day job,' it wouldn't be worth it to me. I was in college for theater but the economy kicked my family's ass (parents worked for a car company, lol, probably going to lose the house) so I had to drop out to get a job to support.
    >> Juego !7zopbviuaM 11/19/08(Wed)19:03 No.1431472
    BM, oboe performance. Long enough ago that I should be getting reunion notices soon.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/08(Wed)19:08 No.1431475
    have a Masters....about halfway to a PhD.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/08(Wed)19:10 No.1431476
    I'm also a medical student at university, and I'm actually cosplaying MORE than I used to at home (since I've moved out, parents don't know how many cons I go to, kufufu)...
    Anon is kind of curious who this other mysterious cosplay medical student anon is...
    >> Anonymous 11/19/08(Wed)19:10 No.1431477
    I am doing a major at Illustration if that counts...
    >> Anonymous 11/19/08(Wed)19:12 No.1431478
    Same here, oddly enough.
    >> salty 11/19/08(Wed)19:14 No.1431479
    Computer Science Major.
    Graduated from The Citadel.
    Working at IBM now.
    >> saku !UZuKFp6d0I 11/19/08(Wed)19:16 No.1431481
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    I had to recently drop out due to... life happening.

    Buuuuuuut when I can go back I hope I can finish my art degree and hopefully eventually become a college art professor person thing. It'll probably be a few years though before I can start again...

    Shit happens but I'm actually a lot better off living wise now that I'm not going to school oddly.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/08(Wed)19:22 No.1431485
    I'm doing a PhD. There's one other cosplayer I know of also doing a PhD here.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/08(Wed)19:22 No.1431486
    I graduated with a Bachelors of Fine Art and I'm a graphic designer now. I didn't start going to cons until I was in college so I really have nothing to compare it to other than being a cosplayer and having a full time job. There are positives and negatives to both, but I never felt like I didn't have time for it in school.
    >> Juego !7zopbviuaM 11/19/08(Wed)19:24 No.1431489

    If you look like me with the exception of a stylin' goatee, I am very VERY sorry.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/08(Wed)19:33 No.1431497
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    I'm finishing up a biomedical engineering degree.
    In addition to working on a senior design project, applying for jobs, and looking at options for grad school, I've also got to deal with working a job and trying to keep up with a band I just got into.

    I'm too burned out to even make cons, much less trying to make costumes. I just come by here now to live vicariously through other cosplayers D:
    >> Anonymous 11/19/08(Wed)19:38 No.1431502
    >> KaZzu !QDn9PSvL7k 11/19/08(Wed)19:42 No.1431514
    Just transferred to a univ. Theres probably about 8-ish other cosplayers here
    >> Anonymous 11/19/08(Wed)19:46 No.1431519
    I went to American River College for 2 years from 2004-2006 with psychology as a major. But for complicated personal reasons I dropped out. But Feb 19th 2009 I'm going to the Art Institute of California with Graphic Design as my major.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/08(Wed)19:52 No.1431529
    of these cosplayers, who actually goes to a competitive school?
    >> kasai !mdPEhUqv3k 11/19/08(Wed)19:53 No.1431531
    Whoa weird, I was seriously just thinking about making a cosplayers at college thread.

    Haha this is, uh. A really short list. There are definitely way more than just us. We're probably just the ones who talk about it in our livejournals all the time :U

    Anyway I'm at UMass Amherst but hoping to transfer to somewhere in SoCal next year. We'll see how that goes. Also, about to finally declare my major as Theater.

    As far as finding time for cosplay.. I uh, don't really. Costumes for Katsu get made over winter break, costumes for spring cons get made over spring break.. minus simpler things like dyeing wigs or something that I can do here.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/08(Wed)19:56 No.1431539
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    I'm a university undergrad double majoring in International Affairs and Japanese language with a little singing and amateur graphic design on the side. I only do one or two cosplays over three or four cons a year, but that's mostly because I like to get my time's worth out of a character. Much as I enjoy studying theories of international politics and translating excerpts from the Hōjōki, the atmosphere of my university and surrounding city is often boring. Cosplaying and cons keep me in good spirits throughout the year.

    >> Anonymous 11/19/08(Wed)19:59 No.1431548
    Just started my freshman year at a fairly competitive university. Class workload has been easy this first semester, but I haven't been here long enough to gauge how much time I can spare in the long run. Unfortunately, I'm the only cosplayer on-campus as far as I know.
    >> Sagey McSagerson !/qkCK4m8kE 11/19/08(Wed)20:03 No.1431557
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    Hello /cgl/
    I am "unknown".
    I graduated from college with an MIS BS degree (think 1/2 compsci and 1/2 business).

    For all of you in college however, I would like you to take a looksee at my website, PostYourTest.com. Among many other features, it allows you to upload and download exams from your previous/current/future classes anonymously and for free, so you have an idea of what your professor is going to throw at you. Honestly, I would love your help making my site grow, so if you have anything to post or even any suggestions I would be very appreciative. Thanks!
    >> Anonymous 11/19/08(Wed)20:23 No.1431597
    what is your major?
    If you're in the sciences (and some business/econ majors), say goodbye to either your grades or your free time.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/08(Wed)20:23 No.1431598
    Oh shut up OP.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/08(Wed)20:28 No.1431615
    Engineering. Yeah, I'm probably going to die in a year or so.
    >> Sagey McSagerson !/qkCK4m8kE 11/19/08(Wed)20:31 No.1431620
    I'm surprised you're not dead now.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/08(Wed)20:32 No.1431624
    I wasn't close. Three years doesn't mean three productive years. I have really bad ADD and, with medication, I'm able to function enough to get through a day f work, but not enough to get through a semester of classes. The medication that I did well in school while on, I was taken off of because it was supposedly addictive. Luckily, I'm able to superfocus on sewing, even though sometimes I don't finish the costume because of sudden loss of interest.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/08(Wed)21:45 No.1431729
    If only! No, I'm female. Did absolutely nothing with my degree. You still play?
    >> Anonymous 11/19/08(Wed)21:57 No.1431746
    I got my undergrad and will be starting law school next year.
    >> InvalidAnon !!MN51jTqbOCK 11/19/08(Wed)22:24 No.1431791

    Why use cosplay as the sole qualifier, OP? If this is a way to figure out time/money management secrets, it's actually simpler than you think, or were you going for the straight hypothetical?
    >> Anonymous 11/19/08(Wed)22:42 No.1431812
    Unknown cosplayer here.
    I'm a graduate of a private university with a B.S. in Computer Engineering.

    I feel old.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/08(Wed)23:00 No.1431833
    so how many of you guys actually got jobs with your degrees?

    it seems like there's a lot of art/theater students but not a lot of succesful art/theater graduates.

    >> Anonymous 11/19/08(Wed)23:03 No.1431837
    I have two bachelors degrees.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/08(Wed)23:05 No.1431841

    I got one.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/08(Wed)23:09 No.1431843
    I have a job. Just not one in the field I studied. There are actually a couple music majors in my department, it's surprising.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/08(Wed)23:11 No.1431846
    better to be unseccesful in something you love then be successful in something you hate.

    also i think they exact reason why i am not a successful artist is because i go to cons and make cosplay all the time. cosplay bored may not be the best place to look for successful people. i've never seen any one show up to a con in a hot new car.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/08(Wed)23:16 No.1431857

    I graduated with a degree in theater studies, focusing mostly on costume design. I translated that into doing contract sewing work for various places (alteration shops, upholstery shops, etc.) and individual clients.

    I'm happier than ever professionally. Working for yourself = awesome.

    Sometimes, having these arty-fartsy degrees makes finding a conventional job difficult. If you can't find your dream job, just create it yourself =P
    >> Hanyaan 11/19/08(Wed)23:35 No.1431871
    I was in community college, but I dropped out to go to beauty school. Best decision I've ever made. I'm already feeling a lot happier and doing better than I ever was in standard school. (I'm definitely not stupid, but I don't always do well in standard university settings.)

    Once I'm out of beauty school and have a job, though, I'm going back to college taking night school foreign language classes for like...forever. I need to brush up on the ones I've studied and learn even more.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/08(Wed)23:39 No.1431879
    I dropped out of school after a month due to my parents needing the $20,000 that they put in for tuition (I put in $2000, plus scholarships + loans, plus 20,000) and I haven't been back since.

    :/ I really want to get back into school, though. I just need a job. And money. And some direction in what I want to do.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/08(Wed)23:47 No.1431892
    I have my B.A. in political science and international studies. I took a year off and am now getting my M.P.A. I have a pretty nice government internship lined up for the summer, so I'm hoping that will lead to a nice job after I graduate.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/08(Wed)23:49 No.1431895
    Got my BFA in Multimedia Design, now an art director for a small company full benefits and salary and jazz.
    >> Anonymous 11/19/08(Wed)23:51 No.1431897
    Unknown here. Got an Associates in Computer Programming and I work as a WebDev for a major university and also do freelance Drupal Development and Design
    >> Anonymous 11/19/08(Wed)23:53 No.1431898
    I am finishing up my Master's, and hoping to start my PhD in September next year. My cosplaying has been drastically cut down though, I only made one or two costumes and wear them for Halloween since I got into grad school. :(
    >> Over-G !!OvGYpcRMSml 11/19/08(Wed)23:55 No.1431900
    I roll at UT Austin. Yawn.
    >> Juego !7zopbviuaM 11/20/08(Thu)01:04 No.1432000
    Yeah, I play and teach. Sometimes I do tours, too.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 11/20/08(Thu)01:28 No.1432034
    University of Maryland sophomore, studying for my Government and Politics major.

    I cosplay during conventions only.

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