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    File :1226027230.jpg-(5 KB, 250x54, failcontime.jpg)
    5 KB FailCon Time Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)22:07 No.1406268  
    Inspired by the JaniCon thread:

    Post some failcons and give a reason why.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)22:12 No.1406273
    Anime Boston 2008.

    Linecon, DieInAFirecon, Shitsuxcon
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)22:13 No.1406274
    In-a-line Boston, for Lines,

    AX for being a Cluster fuck

    And Morphicon because its for Furries.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)22:17 No.1406279
    SacAnime. The only good thing about it is that it's cheap and has a decent dealer's room. Everything else, from organization, venue, attendees, EVERYTHING, is utter failure.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)22:18 No.1406281
    A-kon, for being over-crowded, poorly managed, and making the environment itself so bad that the only way you can really enjoy it anymore is if you're drunk as fucking hell.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)22:23 No.1406288
    Also the hotel has the ugliest fucking carpet EVER, and it's starting to draw attention to the partying college-kid types who don't even watch Anime who are only there because of the raves.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)22:55 No.1406320
    Man, I see all the time of THIS CON FAILS and THAT CON FAILS but then when given the open chance to rant they all hide.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)23:12 No.1406332
    Oni-con for having the most fail con-goers I've ever had to coexist with for a weekend.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)23:17 No.1406341
    Maybe so but still not the worst of Houston. Its like FailCon Central in that place.
    >> Hikaruhime !xymRTv2yFs 11/06/08(Thu)23:17 No.1406344
    And for the hateful, powertrip security staff kiddos.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)23:27 No.1406361
    Youmacon 08. Yeah, I said it.

    Attendees were fucking retards, the staff was EVEN WORSE THAN THE ATTENDEES, and I paced around with nothing to do most of the time. Unorganized too.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)23:36 No.1406369

    I had fun, but mainly because I got to meet up with friends who go to college farther away and saw a friend I hadn't seen in two years.

    Con staff was unorganized and retarded (I literally wanted to choke someone at the Potter Puppet Pal line - fucking bullshit) hotel staff were mostly cuntrags, all the panels I went to sucked ass (unorganized people... Avatar panel, anyone?) and the guest list majorly blew.

    Also I fucking hate the Spoony Bards. I hate them so much. That was the only time I was glad the staff were being shitty, by not letting them play all damn day.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)23:40 No.1406374

    Marry me? I hate the spoony bards as well, were you at the AP I think.. Two years ago? The one that they played all fucking day and night and never stopped?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)23:43 No.1406376
    What is it about the Spoony Bards that make people rage? Are they just a bad band?
    >> Over-G !!OvGYpcRMSml 11/06/08(Thu)23:45 No.1406377
    How do fail-conners make the con fail?

    Seems to me like they'd provide a fair bit of entertainment.
    Or at least I'm planning on using them for that when I go there this year. >_>
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)23:46 No.1406378

    They're terrible, it's mostly the fact that they play constantly in the lobby of cons, where you can't get away from the atrocity. They honestly don't take breaks either, maybe 2 hours out of a 24 hour set.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)23:47 No.1406381
    Con No Baka. It was such a clusterfuck that the con imploded half way through the weekend and by Saturday night was canceled. Now that's the epitome of a failcon.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)23:48 No.1406384
    I think Oni Con was the con that had people pooping on the couches among other things.

    That would lower my opinion of the con itself as well.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)23:51 No.1406385
    >>pooping on the couches

    What. Seriously what. Details now.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)23:53 No.1406388
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    I can one-up you. Begged for $12k on Saturday night to extort from people. Those naive animu kiddos paid us too.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)23:56 No.1406390
    Yep, yep. Even after hearing about that they are still at the same hotel. They must be paying the Hilton some serious money to still be able to stay there year after year even after constantly trashing it.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)23:56 No.1406391
    AP? I don't know what you mean, so, no. I've just had to put up with them at Youmacons. I literally can't stand them. They're the type of band that plays and I cringe in embarassment for them. They had (I believe) a "set" before Lemon Demon at the concert and I had to hold my friend down so he didn't leave when they started screeching out the Pokemon theme song.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/08(Thu)23:56 No.1406392
    Anime Evolution '08

    Incompetent staff, last minute venue change to shitty student union building, lacking in industry guests/entertainers, etc.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)00:01 No.1406399
    They claim they'll be back in 2009. Oh god, save us. Then again it is in Houston. At least it is in the right place to keep up the fail.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)00:03 No.1406402

    Shit sucked. Worst con I've ever been to.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)00:03 No.1406403

    Anime Punch, sorry, used to shortening it.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)00:06 No.1406405
    Ah, nope. Never been to it/heard of it.
    >> FC !LUoN15AFLU 11/07/08(Fri)00:06 No.1406406
    It's true. The hotel was carrying ruined furniture out all Sunday morning that year.

    Still, Oni-Con is the best of the Houston cons. AnimeMatsuri and ShioKazeCon/KamiKazeCon/etc can GTFO. Seriously, AM needs to just die already.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)00:06 No.1406407
    I like where this thread is going but we need more FloriFails to chime in.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)00:08 No.1406410
    AniZona AniZona AniZona!

    Its peak/least fail year was the very first. The saner staff members wisely ditched the con after that and some super-psycho hambeasts took over and led the con into more and more ruin. Just about every other con chair on the circuit will go on record about AniZona's being absolutely retarded on every level.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)00:14 No.1406421
    Sadly, AM will not die until they are completely bankrupt. They will buy off as many guests as they can.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)00:15 No.1406428
    You mean Steph and her crazies?
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)00:16 No.1406429
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)02:38 No.1406616
    Midlands MCM Expo
    I mean c'mon, its in fucking Telford.
    >> NinjAttorney !Bq.v6IhHK6 11/07/08(Fri)02:56 No.1406640
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    >Post some failcons

    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)02:58 No.1406646

    Which crazy Stephanie are we talking about? Schall? Chateau? Yanez? Or a different one altogether?
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)03:04 No.1406657
    Anime freaking Banzai
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)03:07 No.1406661
    Bannon. Although each and every one of those Stephanies are indeed crazy. I guess it is all in the name!
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)03:09 No.1406666
    I have heard rumours that ALcon is pretty bad, but that's only secondhand information.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)03:17 No.1406671
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    1. Bannon!
    2. Chateau!
    3. Schall!
    4. Yanez!

    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)03:18 No.1406675
    You're definately about to become Fat Falcon
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)04:13 No.1406712
    Hateful security staff and disorganized
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)04:56 No.1406748

    omg. yes.

    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)08:27 No.1406865
    It is disorganised and the organisers have an ego problem they always say stuff like "it is because Manifest has grown so large" or "stop complaining if you think you do better then make your own con"
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:02 No.1406882
    I hate cons who use this excuse. If this was true, why are the big cons doing great and organized? Tell them next time to STFU and fix the problems on hand.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:08 No.1406889
    it doesn't matter how many or how loud the people complain they love parroting this

    "stop complaining if you think you do better then make your own con" or something along the lines of that
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:42 No.1406915
    T-MODE and Anime Mid Atlantic sucks
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:43 No.1406916

    If we're gonna mention crappy Virginia cons, don't forget the fail that is Nekocon.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)09:57 No.1406930
    A-kon again, for not telling us we didn't get the record.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)10:00 No.1406935
    Throw us in a pub and we'd be able to replicate it. You are left to make your own fun.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)11:15 No.1407009
    I always have fun at AMA. T-Mode is Hallway Con.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)13:05 No.1407136
    Sadly, I've met 2 of them. Many truths.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)13:20 No.1407149
    Momocon. They can't properly communicate and keep up arrangements with guests. One of my friends and I have gone as guests twice, and they have totally flaked on us both times. The first time none of the equipment we needed was set up for us like they said it would be, after we asked if we needed to bring our own stuff. And it took forty minutes to find someone and get them to set up something for us. And the last time they couldn't even bother to make sure the room our panel was in was unlocked. They also continue to host their costume contest outside every year, even when there have been tornadoes in the area for the past couple days and the weather is shit. And not totally their fault but there was the hell that was being stuck crammed shoulder to shoulder in a downstairs area with otaku during said tornado warning. The site is just not equipped for that many people. I hate to think what would have happened if someone there had had a medical emergency or a fire had somehow managed to break out. And it's free, which seems to help bring out the high percentage of annoying underage kids.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)14:18 No.1407205
    Amecon 2008. Badly organised and boring as well. And when people complained/made suggestions for improvement on the forum, they got lynched. WHAT.

    Roll on Ayacon next year...
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)14:30 No.1407214
    Damnit. I didn't know that Oni-con was fail. I've been all excited to go, as it will be my first con...
    >> The Truth !!SE6QHxDfCj/ 11/07/08(Fri)14:39 No.1407219
    There's only one of me!

    And the worst con I've ever been too was BAAF. It was rather poorly run... It was another Line-Con for me. Except you never actually got in, you just waited online...

    They also had a confusing badge system like "SATURDAY MORNING" 'SATURDAY AFTERNOON"...
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)15:33 No.1407262
    Do you know that the word "CON" in french means "CUNT" in english ?
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)16:27 No.1407364

    Furries. That is all.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)17:04 No.1407432
    ShoujoCon from back in the day. I think it died and became manganext.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)17:08 No.1407440
    don't buy into the rumor mill.

    Yes, ONE year they had an issue with some drunkard, in the middle of the night, crapping themselves while they were on a couch.

    That suddenly becomes "People pooping on couches"

    Pft, every con has stories like that. You get drunkards, you get body fluids in strange locations, it's inevitable.

    Onicon is an awesome con, pretty much the best one in Texas. It's here for 08, 09, and 2010, and has just been doing better every year, so, yeah, bitchy people are bitchy.

    Failcons in texas alone though, I'll agree, are numerous. Atsuicon, Anime Matsuri, some con in Kileen... then that con on an island? and I hear this "Yule con" is gonna suck too.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)17:14 No.1407448
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)17:17 No.1407451
    J-Con in South-West Germany

    Three tiny rooms and everything's expensive as fuck. What the hell, and it's treated as THE huge con here
    >> rkown !sZtSxEnfYY 11/07/08(Fri)17:17 No.1407452
    Dragon*Con every year.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)17:25 No.1407464
    AniMix is in Killeen & Shimakon is on an island. Protip: Ditch the con, go to the beach instead. At least a couple Texas cons recognize the fail and try to improve on it. Unlike A-kon which is just fail year after year.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)17:27 No.1407467
    Wonder how Akon will handle next year since a good chunk of loyal core staff were cut or quit. Chaos in downtown Dallas, it'll be a riot.
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)17:32 No.1407478
    .. I LIKED Youmacon this year. Sure, all I did was go to a couple photoshoots and hangout in the karaoke room mostly, but it was still alot of fun. AND I like singing along with teh spoony bards. I don't think people have to be OMFG AMAZING to be fun.

    Then again, I don't even pretend they're a real band. They don't take breaks because they can rotate who's playing alot of the time. SOMEONE's taking a break even if the music isn't.

    Most fail from cons comes from someone being an idiot asshole somewhere along the line. And yet even at the most fail of cons, I still manage to have a great time 90% of the time.

    I guess it's a talent that comes from lowered expectations and being easily amused.
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 11/07/08(Fri)17:50 No.1407510

    Feh, there's at least one suited furfag at every con. Even a small thing like Zkon couldn't escape that fact.

    So... Who remembers OnnaFest?
    >> Anonymous 11/07/08(Fri)18:44 No.1407582
    I only know one person who always complains about Momocon. But then again she complains about EVERY con except Dragon*Con but still goes to every other local con after years of complaining about younger con goers like an old lady.

    Momocon, AWA, and every other event and con you cry about won't miss you if you never show up again. You should probably stay away from the upcoming Atlanta Supercon too because you won't like it either because it's not Dragon*Con
    >> Anonymous 11/08/08(Sat)01:33 No.1408284
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    another future fail for floriduh
    >> Soni !!qeHmeAJM1a2 11/08/08(Sat)01:42 No.1408296
    >> Anonymous 11/08/08(Sat)02:15 No.1408363
    Shoujocon was a good small con in 2001 with really friendly attendees, but it lost the magic in 2002. The fact that the hotel put up a bunch of idiot fratboys for some car event didn't help, either.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/08(Sat)23:05 No.1409492
    Wow holy shit, I'm glad that I'm not the only person who remembers the Volkswagen party of Shoujocon 2002.
    It was my very first convention though, so I had fun in that, "It's my first convention" way. But looking back, it sucked.
    >> Anonymous 11/08/08(Sat)23:10 No.1409501
    Kamikazecon and Shiokazecon were GREAT. I just keep hoping that Kamikazecon's return next year will be as good as the first one.
    >> Marked for Deletion !!OvCG06fh2Pk 11/08/08(Sat)23:13 No.1409507

    Wanna fight about it?
    >> Anonymous 11/08/08(Sat)23:49 No.1409546
    if anything A-Kon will get better. did you miss the memo that A-Kon's staff sucks balls?
    >> Anonymous 11/08/08(Sat)23:52 No.1409552
    I got a good bit of insight on what's going on for KK2 and the best I can describe is that its glory days have long past. They won't be returning to them. Anon will be there only due to immense amount of hatred toward AM.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)00:06 No.1409559
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    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)00:14 No.1409570
    So now instead of somewhat dead-inside-from-doing-it-so-long indifferent bastards, we'll now have self-righteous nerds with little experience of what it's like dealing with con attendees, running things?

    Yeah, that's going to be awesome.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)00:18 No.1409575
    if it means we won't have assholes yelling at us to stay in line or keep in single file, or generally being mistreated and harrassed despite being paying customers, then i'm all for inexperienced nerds. besides, a-kon staff started out as inexperienced nerds and they were great back then. they didn't start becoming asshats until maybe 5-6 years ago.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)00:24 No.1409586
    Yeah, and that was back when the con was well under 1,000 people. I can tell you from actual volunteer experience that aside from a few of the heads who really could care less, it's those nerds who break down the most from stress and resort to yelling.

    And often times the line issues, such as being required to stand, are hotel requirements. Fire codes, and all that jazz.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)01:00 No.1409633

    I actually really like ACen. Despite the shitty registration, the ghetto-ass computers, the grouchy staff, and the fact that their shit some of the time isn't together, it's alright.

    Oh, and and don't forget the buildings are confusing as FUUUCK.

    Some of the cosplayers are annoying though. I find some serious asshats there.

    Also, bad cosplayers.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)01:21 No.1409654
    White knighting for crappy cons? Momocon just plain sucks. And a few years ago AWA wasn't that great either, nowhere near the fail caliber of Momocon though. But I feel that the people running AWA really take constructive criticism well and care enough to try and make it better. I miss the now canceled ACE. For it's size it was decent. Hopefully I will be checking out Atlanta Supercon unless I get stuck working. I especially want to go since I missed the Venture Bros panel I wanted to go to at D*Con. And I'll be checking out TimeGate in the spring. Really give me a sci-fi/multi genre con any day over an anime con. My biggest complaints about anime cons in general are the annoying kids and except in rare cases the lack of any remotely interesting guests. But even not considering those issues Momocon is a bad con. Even though I live in Atlanta I refuse to go to it again. Sitting at home doing nothing would be a better use of time.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)01:39 No.1409670
    Yep, the reason why they couldn't run the screenings to within a lightyear of schedule this year, lost all the discs and screwed up the cosplay comp is because it's just grown so gosh-darn big!
    I could hire a gorilla to run the ticket system more efficiently too.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)01:48 No.1409679

    Oshi, you make me sad.

    Anyway, try TandokuCon Round 2 if it ever comes around...you won't even have to pay for a badge.
    >> Over-G !!OvGYpcRMSml 11/09/08(Sun)01:51 No.1409682
    I've heard good things about the con, but the registration process sucks ass. Right now I accidentally bought two badges because the site's all screwy and told me there was an "error" even though it charged my cards.

    ...that being said, you need to buy a badge? I apparently have a spare now.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)01:52 No.1409684
    Obligatory: El Paso Anime Con. They've never had any real guests. Ever.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)02:00 No.1409691
    Oni-con isn't a fail con. It's probably one of the best cons in Texas right now, definitely the best out of houston.
    They're making it sound like there was some kind of epidemic of shit on furniture but I didn't even know that happened last year till I read it on 4chan

    and we all know how reliable anon is.

    The most fail con I've ever attended was Anime Matsuri 1. The most consistent fail con I've been to was A-kon.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)02:13 No.1409697
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)02:21 No.1409700
    Oh shit. Legendary FailCon thread time.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)02:42 No.1409720
    God I hate SacAnime. Twice a year, once in August when its over 110 outside, and then in January when its below 40. Cosplaying sucked.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)02:52 No.1409737

    This. so bad
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)03:30 No.1409792
    over 110 outside? must be awesome. girls must wear really revealing outfits then.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)03:30 No.1409794
    I feel bad for you people. Have to drive 4-10 hours to get to a con worth going to.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)03:38 No.1409803
    Sacramento is a cow town with cow people. The "revealing outfits" were horrirying. Not a single decent looking chick there.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)03:47 No.1409814
    ouch, i would have thought the regular west coast congoers would go there
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)11:21 No.1410019

    You're right! My friend went there and said it sucked. They aren't doing anything next year because they're "trying to improve it".

    As if.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)11:49 No.1410036
    Worst Con I've been to? Animania Brisbane. Jesus christ. It's expensive, and it's tiny. They started out this way 2-3 years ago, seemed like they were testing the waters, doing a 'mini' Animania, so I didn't pay it much mind. They then proceeded to do a 'proper' Con, and by proper, I mean they dropped the word 'mini' from it. Same fail place - a tiny section of a floor of a hotel, literally about 3-4 rooms (one screening room, one karaoke room, one show room, then artist alley. Vendors were put in the space between the rooms).

    In fact, it got so bad, that a whole bunch of people boycotted it and started their own free 'mania' event in the nearby parklands.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)12:51 No.1410115

    so fucking true. what a horrible con. there are like a billion other places that couldve been held than some old peoples hall. but it dosent help that the vendors suck, the events suck, and the people are irritating as fuck (but hey this is a given for all cons in general)

    you'd think they could make it just a lil bit better seeing as how they apprarently make all their income from this crap.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)12:59 No.1410121
    THIS. If the staff doesn't even know what the fuck is going on, then fuck it.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)13:26 No.1410142
    Yes. Atsuicon. Would have gone under if the attendees didn't pay $12,000 in the course of a single hour on Saturday night before cosplay. AND THEY PAID IT.

    And, Lord, A-Kon, not only are you now more of a business with no soul that has no attachment to what real fans really want, but you've alienated your core staff. You tell the cosplay staff head that cosplay awards need to happen ON THE FLOOR instead of on the stage because preparing for a "professional band" will always take precedence over "amateurs", nevermind the fact that this "amateur" event always fills the main event room and your stupid "professionals" you keep signing up probably never will. You fire the cosplay staff head that was actually DOING THINGS RIGHT, and along with it, her husband the great staff head of Medical, leaves as well.

    A-Kon, you are sooo fucked.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)13:52 No.1410169
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    Even had an article written about it.
    >> sage sage 11/09/08(Sun)15:36 No.1410297

    Uh yeah, that whole "on the floor" awards thing at A-Kon? Was AGREED TO by *both* of the cosplay staff heads (and a solution decided on as a team by both the staff head that quit and the one who didn't) as a compromise for the bands' somewhat unrealistic demands. (Which were "let's leave hundreds of thousands of dollars of expensive equipment on the stage DURING the costume contest skits!" and demands of space for all the bands' retinues in the front rows during the show itself- all of which was brought up literally 30-45 minutes to show time. Equipment onstage during the cosplay? Uh, when half the people had reduced visibility in their costumes? Can you say "liability"? Sure you can!)

    The staff head that quit fully agreed to that compromise- a solution that both of them came up with. The only thing that went wrong with it was that there were supposed to be spotlights on that area during the half time and during the awards. That didn't happen, but eh, shit happens at cons. Everything doesn't go right all the time. Anons who actually have to work for a living are probably well acquainted with the concept of having to roll with the punches in situations like that.

    Half of this complaint is drama brought about by the ParaPara group that did the half time because they felt they were being "disrespected" by being on the floor- though when they were first informed about it, they said it was fine since it would make some of their act easier. (Pulling people up from the crowd...) You can't agree something is okay and then flip out about it later without pissing people off, especially when you twist things to suit your own personal vendettas.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)16:31 No.1410370
    White Knighting on A-kon. I don't care if you want to stay on the sinking shit ship that Meri & Dean is on but the whole con is going to heading to its death.

    Besides the Katrina-like hurricane cosplay shitstorm, take a look at something else: Every single major con since 2004 has gone up on average 10%-20% in attendance every year. A-kon has stayed flat with an average of 3%-5%. You want to know why? Because more people write off A-kon for being such a piss poor con.

    Every year A-kon has been proud to announce their attendance numbers but they have been quiet to announce their 2008 numbers. Maybe they don't want the public to know the truth that they're the only con that's shrinking and will continue to do so.

    What's even funnier is that she's losing major support from even the anime companies. You'll notice in 2009 when you won't see any there and for good reason after being driven out by A-kon themselves.

    As >>1409575 point out,
    they don't give a rats ass about fans in the slightest. Hell, I've talked to Meri multiple times and she's an aurora thinking she's better than you and her prissiness rubs off big time onto the rest of the staff.

    I've been to every A-kon since they moved to Adam's Mark/Sheraton and every year I see the same problems, the same disappointments, the same grumblings.

    I show up every year because I have to, its part of having a job. What is A-kon? Not fun.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)18:30 No.1410550
    Exactly what did she do right again?

    Because from where I stood she didn't run anything well, and then acted like a petty child in the aftermath.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)22:04 No.1410930
    does anyone have a full copy of this artical?
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)22:17 No.1410941
    As far as I can tell, from Googling that author, that article was probably from Wizard: Anime Insider. That's all this anon's got.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)22:21 No.1410952
    Hey, at least cosplay started basically on-time and with the way things ended up there was next to no unneeded Yaoi to be seen on stage (seriously, a breath of fresh air from old A-Kon cosplay stuff).

    Otherwise? Yeah, I'm sick of listening to ridiculously STUPID cosplay drama from staff. It's almost like the staff heads and organizers for this convention can be worse than the attendees.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)22:23 No.1410955
    Anime Fest Wichita is pretty bad, if only because its only a 4-year old con in a somewhat small venue.

    Hopefully next year will be better, though, as they're finally getting a Hyatt.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)22:32 No.1410971
    How has no one mentioned the shit pile that is Tekkoshocon?
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)23:17 No.1411053
    JaCon 2008

    No Air-conditioning in the entire building...the venue had been recently relocated from its original staging grounds at the Sheraton Hotel to some other strange hotel/small convention center...the hallways were so narrow in the main event/convention area that people were walking shoulder to shoulder to try and get by one another...and when you think about massive, unwashed waves of Otaku in one building, and initial heat from it being in the middle of fucking summer, the whole thing was a reeking, blistering clusterfuck.

    Oh, and the cosplay costume was fucking rigged...I watched countless intricate, pain-stakingly made costumes get passed over for a mother-fucking generic Misa-Misa cosplayer...I guess all you have to do is suck up to staff and kiss a lot of ass and you're a shoe-in...I swear, honesty is lost anymore. I never visit any of the guests, since I hardly have the time, but I heard a lot of them were real asshats as well...gotta love over-priced autographs and merchandise from voice-actors who probably don't give a damn about the con, let alone anyone coming up to them...(Granted, some of the people at cons who attention-whore to guests and such are enough to make anyone hate individual con-goers)

    BTW: Any traits that con-goers seem to posess that drive you absolutely fucking nuts? Mine are the random hugs and the "glomp me" signs...seriously, it may be all in fun, but personal space is still personal space...
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)23:30 No.1411068
    I've managed to deal with the hugs, if they're just that (even though it's really damn annoying if you just want to chill and have your own space). Glomps on the other hand, fuck, my ribs have wound up hurting from some of them and some people do not know ANY meaning of personal space at all. I've nearly had pieces of my costume come apart or be in risk of breaking and snapping due to overzealous fans wanting to get a feel.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)23:33 No.1411072
    The worst con I went to was Katsucon approximately 4-5 years back.

    I just remember the staff to be boggled with no direction. One older female staffers during main events decided to curse out random attendees minding their business in line she was so frustrated. Every thing ran 1-2 hours late on top of that!

    Now with just the art show I normally make a few hundred dollar profit with the expenses of the con so it was a must to prepare some artwork. So I put my artwork up and everything appeared in order. Sunday pickup opened at 10am that meant we could all get home early. After sitting in a line outside the artshow for four hours a girl in a wheelchair finally shows up with the paperwork. Apparently the only way to get your money is cash there on the spot. Thats odd and all, but worst off is all the paper work matching artist to artwork, winning bids, final prices is in 3 different piles, on 3 different pieces of paper, and in complete non alphabetical order. An hour later I have my money only because I was 8th in line. I have no idea how much longer everyone waited.

    I know newer katsus have been supposedly better, but after that shit I'm never going there again.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)23:38 No.1411078
    hahaha, I was security there....kill me.
    >> Over-G !!OvGYpcRMSml 11/09/08(Sun)23:49 No.1411091
    I want to see someone try to do a random hug on a Big Boss cosplayer and get CQC'd the fuck out.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)23:54 No.1411096

    A friend of mine cosplays as Roxas, and he had crafted two keyblades, the Oblivion and Oathkeeper, for himself (very well done, too...hand painted and everything) and some rabid fangirl tackle-glomped him, and if I recall correctly, one was damaged (A piece chipped off I think), and the other split in two...

    Yeah, the hugs are alright, but the glompers squeeze the life out of you (Being a Sasuke cosplayer, I get it a lot)...damn attention seeking whores. You wonder why there are so many angry people at cons...if everyone would just act normal instead of going bat-shit crazy, everything would be cool...Also, people who antagonize cosplayers solely based on the fact that they don't like the character a person is cosplaying as should be shot. They're just cosplayers, people...not the character themselves...¬_¬
    >> Anonymous 11/09/08(Sun)23:59 No.1411106
    XD That would be brilliant...if I remember right, Egoraptor is a Snake cosplayer...wonder if he's ever done that to anyone...(I know there was a vid from Megacon where he mock-choked a person out and dragged him around...epic lulz)
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)00:05 No.1411119
    Seriously. I've heard of the wank with the latter (people being dicks to cosplayers of characters they hate), though I've yet to experience it myself. It goes without saying that some people just shouldn't be let into cons if they're going to ruin the fun for everyone else.

    Yaoi paddling is also overdone and old too. Those things can really make your ass sting if the paddler's got a strong whack at you.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)00:06 No.1411122
    Reminds me of what happened to my boyfriend at his first con. He was dressed as Gai-sensei, and this Sakura cosplayer decided to run up and glomp him from behind. Of course, not knowing what exactly was running at him at full speed, he side-stepped, and the Sakura tripped and fell on her face.

    Funny as hell.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)02:45 No.1411466
    Bzzzzzt. Sorry, try again. Protoculture Addicts Issue #96. Go pay a measly couple bucks to get the actual issue. Oh wait, forgot, animu community. Pay for What?! I don't pay for SHIAT.

    FYI: Other cons mentioned include AX 2007, Tandokucon, Con No Baka, Ikkicon (article says 2007 but actually refers to problems which happened at 2008) and AKA-Con.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)11:22 No.1411828
    This, unfortunately, is the reason that I don't wear some of my favourite cosplay outfits anymore. Kairi from Kingdom Hearts is comfortable, breathable, and cute, but I am so fucking sick and tired of yaoi fans being bitches about it. It's just a drag when you can't even get pictures with other cosplayers, cosplayers who are dressed up as your character's BEST FRIENDS, because they loathe you so much on sight alone.

    On one occasion, a random Sora came out of nowhere and seized my Riku (who was holding onto my arm at the time) yelling about how Kairi was a dumb slut who didn't deserve Riku. My Riku shouted and shoved the girl/Sora off, and the Sora had the nerve to go off on a rant about how she was "just joking around" and then has the nerve to demand yaoi pictures. I was just stunned.

    Another time, I actually got hit -- as in physically struck in the face. I ducked back in time fast enough that it barely touched me, but still, the fact that someone hates the girl enough to try to slap strangers DRESSED UP AS HER speaks volumes of how fucking BATSHIT a fanbase is.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)11:40 No.1411846
    First con, so I always go back for nostalgia. Not actually that bad compared to other cons, like ColossalCon.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)12:57 No.1411916
    Im surprised no one has said A&G Con. It the shit on the Ohio cons circuit's shoe. I went to witness how terrible it was with a few friends and actually bought a room. And we werent even allowed in the lobby with out a badge via Security-fuckers.

    shittiest con ever.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)13:20 No.1411941
    that's so, so sick.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)13:37 No.1411966
    It was A&G Ohio's first year. Can't expect too much. The con was alright for a first year with the exception of half of the guests having a stick up their ass.

    Someone complained that I was acting DRUNK because my boyfriend and I were goofing around. We weren't even near people and someone complained.

    Security was very nice about it. They approached me, asked me if I was drunk, I told them no, he said he would have smelled it if I was anyways, we laughed about the asshole that reported me, and we went on our merry ways.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)13:45 No.1411974
    It's to be expected.

    KH fandom is absolutely fucking batshit, like Harry Potter since people cosplay KH unlike most of the crazy fandoms, the retards are likely to spill their bullshit out to real interaction.
    >> . 11/10/08(Mon)13:48 No.1411977
    Im a foreigner and have a one free US trip coupon. Which con is the best for or if you cant decide, what cons are mildly bad to terrible?

    I cant make up my mind of where to go.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)13:53 No.1411980

    Go to a real con like SDCC or NYCC.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)13:59 No.1411986
    I know :( I was heavily into the fandom for a few years, but that was the last straw, really. ALL my KH costumes are retired for a reason.

    I just think it's hilarious when the behaviour gets so despicable you'll take interaction with random guys who want to look up your skirt over interaction with other fans.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)14:03 No.1411993


    I gave up my Naruto cosplays for the same reason.

    I'd rather dress as a hentai character because attention from a few 30 year old neckbeards is more desired than from 50 screaming 13 year olds.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)14:24 No.1412004

    Gah, so true... (Sasuke cosplayer again) I get the squealing underage prosti-tot narutards who feel the incessant need to fracture my sternum with a tackle-hug, which, though it seems like they only weigh 100 lbs at most, the pressure feels like over 9000. But then, as stated by so many, I get those who have to bash, undermine, even attempt physical abuse due to the fact that they don't like Sasuke...yeah, we get it, a lot of people don't really like him....big deal, not like I'm the walking representation of him, body and soul....

    KH, Harry Potter and Naruto fans are indeed bat-shit insane...I've had some of the Narutard fangirls actually threaten to hit me if I didn't perform some kind of yaoi action with the nearest Naruto or Sai cosplayer...of course, telling them they could either pool their resources and hand me $50 for hugging (as far as I would ever go...) or they could kindly fuck off as I would report their asses to con staff/security and they'd be kicked out for assault/battery. (May seem like a dick move, but hey, gets rid of them). I guess every single male animu/mango character in existance is supposed to be gay. I think more than an individual fan-base for a series, the yaoi fangirls/boys are the worst of a bad lot...
    And yeah, those yaoi paddles are getting old as shit and annoying as fuck. I can't believe they ban replica swords as weapons, but they don't ban those atrocities...I bitched someone out royally for smacking me unannounced and unprovoked with it, and then she turned it back on me like I'm the asshole. Seriously, WTF!? Since when did we step into an alternate dimension when ramming someone in the ass with a wooden bludgeon was an acceptable form of social greeting?
    >> The Truth !!SE6QHxDfCj/ 11/10/08(Mon)14:39 No.1412019
    They banned Yaoi Paddles at Otakon this year.

    I hope they continue the practice every year from here on out as well.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)14:43 No.1412024
    AX 2007 nuf said anyone who went will agree with me
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)14:43 No.1412025
    You'll be happy to know that most cons ban those fucking paddles already. The rest are planning on it. Oddly enough, that means that the only places that you're likely to face a yaoi paddle these days is at a non-anime con like SDCC or a sci-fi one. Since those cons have a much better track record of dealing sensibly with on-premise weapons, I doubt they'll even show up there for long.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 11/10/08(Mon)14:45 No.1412026
    Nope. I disagree!
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)14:48 No.1412029
    But It was so poorly organised most of the events required you to exit the place walk a block to an event then walk back another block to the exhibit hall.Not mention a few events were cancelled, also I heard a few guests left the con pre-maturly
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)15:19 No.1412081

    This con was complete ASSHOLE. They thought they could live off the glory of CONvergence because it is in the same hotel but massive fail ensued.

    -NO consuite.
    -72 hour rave (yeah sound sweet right?) Too bad they did it in the courtyard and all the partyroom suites around it couldn't sleep a wink cos some shitty DJs were blasting sandstorm at 6 in the morning.
    -They has a 4chan panel which turned into just a display of various Memes.
    -Never got badged once, felt like I wasted the shit out of $50.

    I hardly made it through this shithole and the only way I managed was by staying pretty shit faced the entire time and acting like I owned the place.

    Though to be fair. It was a first year con. So maybe it'll be good someday? They have a lot of work to do.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)15:23 No.1412087
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)15:30 No.1412096
    >-They has a 4chan panel which turned into just a display of various Memes.

    Why are you surprised? Plus you can't blame the con for the content of the panels, blame the faggots running them.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)15:41 No.1412115

    Wow Security hated me O_O I was just relaxing with my friends in the lobby. *really didnt find the need to get a badge because nothing was good there, cosplay was shit so well just chill and have a good time*

    Some fuckhead was saying the whole hotel was theirs and we couldnt even be in the lobby. I disagreed with him and even pulled a hotel staff member to seal my story. The rest of the time they had a guy following us. Also the con chair pulls a lot of crap out of his butt and just leaks drama out at other cons :/
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)15:48 No.1412123

    Wasn't blaming anyone. Just explaining the fail I encountered. I don't think a successful 4chan panel is even possible.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)17:51 No.1412266
    Youmacon 2008 was a minor fail. Mainly because of shitty panels (or panels not even happening... wtf happening with the Dragonball panel? No one ever answered on the forums) and cranky hotel staff, and cranky Youmacon staff... like the karaoke bitch.
    >> DarrynGrey !qTQ5sak7kQ 11/10/08(Mon)18:02 No.1412293

    Minor? Youma '08 was absolute trash.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)18:05 No.1412295
    Eh, I had a blast at the Power Ranger panel, Potter Puppet Pals, + those autographs... so minor fail for me. I'm sure if you're not into any of those then it must've really sucked.

    because it bears repeating... my god, the Avatar panel was horrible.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)21:14 No.1412640

    Not only was the Misa Misa a staff member who helped make costumes for the Wasabimusical, but the judges didn't look at most of the costumes. You had to know them to get them to stop and take notice. Rooms had mold, air didn't work and the staff was rude. There was also a drop in attendance. I expect yet another drop this year, since the staff is too lazy to even bother updating the website.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/08(Mon)23:10 No.1412889
    Yeah...actually, the room we were in was fucking flooded...there apparently was a leak upstairs, and our whole bathroom was flooding from cieling drips...fortunately hotel staff relocated us.
    I'm very happy to hear that those are banned...seriously, that shit was getting old. I bet all the yaoi fangirls/boys are screaming with RAGE...a thought that makes me smile.

    Seriously though, why do they expect every male cosplayer they meet to perform some act of yaoi for them!? Isn't there enough yaoi out there already that they don't have to ship every single character imaginable?

    Anyhow, the only thing that was remotely interesting about JaCon 2008 was the Hentai pannel...funny, funny shit...and at the end of it we decided to browse /b/...which ended after five minutes. It's kinda sad considering JaCon 2006 was my first anime convention, and it was one I planned on going to every year for sentimental value...but now I'm seriously starting to re-consider...
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)01:59 No.1413344

    Yeah, wasn't the guy organizing KAKKOIKON doing it out of Fargo? Not good for a con in MSP. Seriously, a rave in the courtyard? Must've been hell to badge.

    Anime Detour is moving to the Sheraton Bloomington after next year. See how that compares.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)02:04 No.1413369
    Sakura-con '08
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)02:06 No.1413377
    You should hang with us sometime. We carefully chose characters with almost nothing to them so we don't get that kind of shit.

    Nobody bugs Temari, Shikamaru and Anko outside the occasional light hug.
    >> The Doctor 11/11/08(Tue)02:08 No.1413389

    This year specifically, having the busiest day during the Flugtag. But otherwise, like previous statements, spend more time doing nothing than actually enjoying something.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)06:33 No.1414110

    White knighting for Amy. She quit. End of story. She and you can spin the whole "She got fired" bullshit all you want to try and create more needless drama, but it doesn't change the fact of what really happened.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)06:55 No.1414126
    I have never had a bad experience with Connecticon. The people running it are all dedicated and pretty laid-back to boot, thoughts?
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)07:08 No.1414137

    Only digusting fat yaoi fangirls like the paddles. The rest of us, those that can actually cosplay, dread the fucking things because we are prime smacking targets.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)10:21 No.1414235
    I've heard all sides about Amy but obviously you missed the big picture by a LOOOONGSHOT. That whole fiasco is tip of the iceberg because you also don't look well beyond the picture and realize who quit/fired/got fucked up the ass and it goes well beyond cosplay/medical. I was making points showing that A-kon is killing itself with the cancer it surrounds itself and the industry knows this. Since your obviously blind let me spell it out very C-L-E-A-R-L-Y.

    Major reps from anime companies have told them they are not stepping foot at A-kon. The people who brought in the major guests for A-kon have cut ties and refuse to work with them after being burned so many times. The regulars who paid A-kon bills are turning away to go to other cons. The staff is in disarray. The people who run A-kon refuse to make any efforts to change and further alienating fans.

    The con is stagnant, attendance is flat. A-kon has become a hideous beast and the cancer that runs it is truly killing itself.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)10:41 No.1414248
    Janicon is the failest con to ever fail the failing fail.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)12:52 No.1414372
    Ah well...there's usually tell-tale signs that you're about to get smacked...and it's best to practice evasive maneuvers when those signs are noticed...in particular a high pitched scream not unlike a fire-truck siren or a banshee wailing. As it gets loud enough to make the hairs on your neck stand on end, enact basic evasive maneuver "side-step" and watch fangirl/boy land on her/his face. Lulz will ensue afterwords, and the defeated enemy of all cosplayers will stagger off (hopefully) and (really wishful thinking, here) consider the error of its ways...

    Of course, then you have the real threats...the paddle ninjas...they just lay in wait until you pass by and UNLEASH THE FOOKIN' FURY on you with those wretched things...no clear way to avoid these bitches...just hope and pray.

    PROTIP: Avoid anyone with a yaoi paddle...or if the opportunity presents itself, break the scourge of every cosplayer with a margin of decency and self-control.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)15:35 No.1414618
    Anyone remember Kunicon/Otakucon?
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)15:41 No.1414631
    Knoxcon. No further explanation needed.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)16:25 No.1414729

    LOL I love how Knoxcon ripped off Matsuricon's web design and tried to cover that shit up :)
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)16:30 No.1414738

    I liked how it was a three day con that attracted a total of like, 50 people and had the entire Bleach dub cast there.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)16:36 No.1414750
    From what I was told it was ran by a whole bunch of Kenyon college fags (its a rich private college in Ohio) just to say OOOO! I fucking had a con!! :/ Money doesnt equal that you KNOW how to run a con
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)16:56 No.1414797
    I went to Kunicon St. Louis. It didn't really seem bad at the time. David Carradine seemed wasted the majority of the weekend (both fail and yet win for the stories the other guests gave at the Guests Uncensored panel). What exactly happened to it? I heard something about people taking money...
    >> Anime Evolution 08 Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)17:10 No.1414842

    Agreed, it was a load of fail.
    Especially the "formal" ball.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)17:16 No.1414860
    Anime Evolution '08.
    Already mentioned but I wanna vent. Fucking hackjob of a con, last minute venue switch, expensive admission and no refunds to people who booked residence early. At least next year is going to be at the convention center though I'm debating whether or not to go after this year's disaster.

    Among Western Canadian cons, I've also heard that Animethon in Edmonton is full of drama and fail, though that's a given since it's Edmonton.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/08(Tue)17:29 No.1414887
    Yes. Kuni Con Miami takes the trophy for most fail Florida Con yet, methinks. Not only did they lie about numbers, con attendees and funds, but they were running so late on so many panels that they randomly cancelled them without even so much as a sign on the door to say so. The staff, apparently, was so awful behind the scenes that many Florida con personalities decided against ever going back and the con failed the next year because the people in charge ran off with all the merchandise and money for themselves.

    Also, to end the con with a signed banner, one-of-a-kind, to be given away to *someone* that ends up being the con staff themselves is pretty stupid, awful, and downright mean.

    The con-goers were pretty cool, though.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)00:49 No.1415770
         File :1226468950.jpg-(93 KB, 810x739, 119-184414.jpg)
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    There was some shit going down that wasnt right. And when it was brought up everyone white knighted her saying it was justified.

    So yeah everything was fail at this convention. I like how the con head said things would be fixed in 2009 yet it looks like its going to be cancelled.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)01:18 No.1415878
    With how bad JaCon '08 was, cancelling it might just be fixing it...
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)09:10 No.1416533
    Unfortunately, not canceled. It is still going to happen, and in that same shitty fucking hotel. I'm pretty sad about JaCon.. I had been going since the very first one, and never missed a year. I will not be attending anymore. Hearing staff yell about "All these stupid fucking kids" gets really old.. especially when some of them are so drunk they don't realize they are saying it in front of their paying attendees. Or I guess don't care. When you're staff for a convention, that does not give you an all access pass to be a douche and drink the whole time.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)09:24 No.1416550
    JaCon was always on my list, this year, Im skipping it just to save time. I've been going since '02 but after last year things were just too horrible. The only event I even enjoyed was the "Shoot Me Contest" Which is a great concept.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)12:06 No.1416659
    To them, it does...and seriously, who are they to call the attendees "all these fucking kids" when 90% of them are just as, if not more-so childish...honestly, I wish cons wouldn't allow alchohol period, with how many drunk retards there are fucking up everything for everyone else.

    You wanna get piss drunk, I'm sure there are lots of bars around the area, or get some booze and party in your hotel room...
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)12:53 No.1416688
    They need to seriously stop calling them "Raves". It's sounds to fucking stupid.

    Yeah, A-Kon sucks. The volunteers are nice though misinformed, but the staff are power-tripping assholes.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)13:25 No.1416713
    J-popcon Denmark.
    Great enthusiasm and organization from arrangers, but location is horrible, most end up paying triple admission fee for transport.
    Majority of visitors are sceeching fangirls, "alternatives" come to the one place they can "kick downwards", and sexually ambiguous guys without sense for intimate spheres.

    Lotta self-centered assholes pushing and shoving, cutting in line.
    And they take pride in mimicking every bad habit invented in the last decade of Con's.

    But worst of all... It's the ONLY con pulling over 50 people.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)13:31 No.1416721
    >They need to seriously stop calling them "Raves". It's sounds to fucking stupid.

    Like "the Dance" sounds so much cooler. Seriously, what would you have them call them?
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)13:38 No.1416726
    well, guess of alot of people hated A-kon this here. I just didnt like how they ran the video game section. didnt really pay attention to the other stuff
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)13:58 No.1416741
    Dance would be much more appropriate. They are essentially nerd prom anyways. Or they can just promote the DJ or theme night like real clubs do.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)14:02 No.1416742

    The reason why there is alcohol and parties at cons is really not a lot of people can meet up and go to bars because of distances and whatnot, so cons are the best way to have a good get together and get piss ass drunk with your friends and laugh at those retarded kids.

    I enjoy getting drunk at cons personally. So fuck you anon, sometimes some cons are so bad thats the best amusement.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)14:03 No.1416743

    Promoting DJs and "theme nights" are what clubs in the US do because as soon as you mention the word "Rave" at any mainstream venue cops will be raiding the place for drugs. Raves still havn't gotten over the stigma of the mid-90s drug busts in the states yet. Over in Europe, they've managed to progress unperturbed.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)17:11 No.1416961

    YES. I'm willing to pay already, just go somewhere better and get staff that know how to handle people with firecrackers and how to stay calm during a fucking storm
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)23:08 No.1417634
    How about Janicon joining Tri-County?
    >> grant-of-the-darkness 11/12/08(Wed)23:18 No.1417646
    aki con was tottal fail... it was just a short hallway!

    only thing that made it cool was the fact that i know a large number of people from the area and they attended....

    otherwise i would have been bored as fux!
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)10:24 No.1418742

    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)13:39 No.1418962
    You expected a first-year con (on in EVERETT, no less) to have more space than that? Hahaha.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)14:48 No.1419046

    wow. That won best attention to detail?

    WTF?! XD
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)16:01 No.1419119
    Alright, well. I've seen some pretty awful stuff here about JACON, which saddens me because I'd heard it was great, before. But Metrocon was pretty fail in '08, too, because of the dealers room having nothing in it and a lack of interesting panels.

    I was thinking of skipping on Metro and going to JACON or AFO, next year instead. How fail are all three and which would anon recommend?
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)16:24 No.1419144
    God I cant believe I'm saying this... But I would suggest going to Metro over Jacon now.
    Afo has been a good time for the past 5 years I've gone.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/08(Thu)19:37 No.1419422
    God, AP in general fails so hard. I didn't bother going this year.

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