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  • Blotter updated: 11/04/08

  • Minor update posted to the news page. Major update coming "soon."

    File :1225684584.jpg-(11 KB, 428x299, ASCLogo.jpg)
    11 KB Anonymous 11/02/08(Sun)22:56 No.1397752  
    Who else went to this one this weekend?
    >> Anonymous 11/02/08(Sun)22:58 No.1397755
    I diiiiiiiiiiiid.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/08(Sun)23:28 No.1397811
         File :1225686514.jpg-(430 KB, 728x800, CIMG1777small.jpg)
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    Self post X3
    >> Anonymous 11/02/08(Sun)23:30 No.1397813
    i did and want pics...
    >> Anonymous 11/02/08(Sun)23:30 No.1397815
    >> Anonymous 11/02/08(Sun)23:34 No.1397822

    there's actually a bunch of pics on acparadise if you want to check them out
    >> Anonymous 11/02/08(Sun)23:35 No.1397823
         File :1225686952.jpg-(454 KB, 600x800, CIMG1840small.jpg)
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    The Naruto guy's skit was hilarious XD
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 11/02/08(Sun)23:38 No.1397827
    very cute
    >> Anonymous 11/02/08(Sun)23:43 No.1397833
    Anyone get any video or pictures of the multiple Joker conga?
    >> Anonymous 11/02/08(Sun)23:51 No.1397844
    damb they are fast!
    >> Anonymous 11/02/08(Sun)23:59 No.1397854
    Oh man, my skin and lips look totally darker in my photo there, and I didn't use THAT much makeup D:
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)00:02 No.1397862

    not your fault lol. a lot of the pictures came out dark. o_O
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)00:11 No.1397880
    Who'd you cosplay as?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)00:14 No.1397886
         File :1225689275.jpg-(180 KB, 800x600, 8100081.jpg)
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    Steiner was so awesome. :P
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)00:21 No.1397897
    I'm the Utena with the wig problem (I thought that was bad enough on its own, along with the triangles that wouldn't stay in place).
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)00:31 No.1397921
    The blond or the pink wig? o_O

    Either way, they both came out nice. :)
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)00:45 No.1397958
    The blonde one in pink.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)00:58 No.1397986
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    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)01:10 No.1398016
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    >> Logan5 11/03/08(Mon)01:11 No.1398018
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    Even I didn't think she had a beautiful cheast
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)01:20 No.1398047
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    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)01:29 No.1398080
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    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)01:30 No.1398085
    They would've killed someone if they popped out. DX
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)01:39 No.1398111
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    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)01:41 No.1398118
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    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)01:43 No.1398124
    Loved those two. Working with all that leather had to have been a real pain, but worth it for them.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)01:51 No.1398148
    Sucks that these pictures are so dark.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)02:03 No.1398192
    At least I'm posting something. DX
    >> Korin 11/03/08(Mon)02:48 No.1398336
    Ha, Supercon was awesome.

    OMG. I was in the skit with this guy. It was impossible to keep a straight face around him.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)02:59 No.1398369
    I definitely like the armor
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)03:06 No.1398392
    I peed my panties and died laughing when I saw the skit. XD

    It was so great.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)03:10 No.1398398
    Anyone got photos of the Vocaloid group?
    >> Korin 11/03/08(Mon)03:10 No.1398399
    Thanks! We actually came up with it and recorded the entire thing the morning of. We had a lot of fun doing it.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)03:11 No.1398403

    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)04:52 No.1398557
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    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)08:29 No.1398629
    Oh, I was the Kaito in the Vocaloid group. My coat was really rushed so a lot of it had to be pinned together at the last minute (THIS IS WHAT PROCRASTINATION DOES TO YOU), but I'm super happy people liked our group. Overall the con was fun, but the location... could have been better, and the lighting was crap.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)08:54 No.1398640
    I was the Tsunade in the Naruto skit.....there were multiple times while we recorded it that I almost peed my pants! Oh, and my house being ransacked for ghetto costume parts was hilarious!
    >> Gentleman 11/03/08(Mon)10:30 No.1398691

    Yep, that would be me in my Narutard... I mean, Naruto 30 second cosplay. We all had a LOAD of fun making the skit the night before, and some of the costumes the day of. The skit was loads of fun! I'm glad everyone enjoyed it XD


    It was fun beating you with a fan, Korin XD


    Awesome!!! I just registered with you guys so I could see it... thanks for filming it! =D
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)16:33 No.1399217
         File :1225747984.jpg-(1.99 MB, 3264x2448, DSCN0052.jpg)
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    Cam died mid-transfer, so it might be a while before I upload all of my photodump (if the camera didn't delete the untransferred ones too, still new to this). For now, here is a Rorschach.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)16:50 No.1399271
    joker is the new L
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)16:53 No.1399274
         File :1225749226.jpg-(104 KB, 262x500, me as killerbee3.jpg)
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    yay killerbee :D
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)16:55 No.1399277
    you are a shit bag, your cosplays are all garbage, just stop cosplaying and suck janicon's dick fulltime instead
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)16:56 No.1399278
    So who won some shits?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)16:57 No.1399280
    Watch out, you'll give people ideas to do "jokerized" L cosplay <.<
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)17:05 No.1399298
    o im sry im not an asshole :(
    >> Logan5 11/03/08(Mon)17:05 No.1399299
    Everyone hates you. Stop fucking cosplaying you fat shit!
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)17:07 No.1399302
    Costume contest is formatted by a retard who obviously has much experience being beaten by better cosplayers. I've never seen a competition more geared toward novices to the point of making good costumers not bothering entering. The kirby that won best journeyman was the saddest fucking thing I've ever seen.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)17:11 No.1399311
    i'm surprised the vocaloids didn't win
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)17:12 No.1399315
    but its fun feeling all the hate :)
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)17:21 No.1399348
    You are clearly one of the vocaloid cosplayers. So no, you didn't.
    >> anon5 11/03/08(Mon)17:33 No.1399390
    ok one sec I have some pics from the con
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)17:34 No.1399393
    i liked them better then the bleach group. also the utena had a very well sewn costume.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)17:35 No.1399401
    Amen, anon. Remind me why Aleera was allowed to write the rules/awards again? Having all Masters compete for only 2 awards is fucking retarded.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)17:37 No.1399408
    The Utena also had a manface, so no.
    >> 4dalulz 11/03/08(Mon)17:40 No.1399417
    It's not just Aleera that's a bad influence on the costume contest. Kayla/Dante/Lolitaboyjune refuses to change the award format. She claims to want all the good cosplayers to "fight" for a single prize.

    Also, the judges were amateurs. Kayla, a girl in a bright satin kimono and some guy judged. Then during the awards the guy wasn't there and a black lady (they call her Urd) got up and pretended she had judged. What the fuck? Did they not realize we were all present at judging?
    >> anon5 11/03/08(Mon)17:43 No.1399427
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    >> anon5 11/03/08(Mon)17:44 No.1399428
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    >> anon5 11/03/08(Mon)17:45 No.1399432
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    >> anon5 11/03/08(Mon)17:45 No.1399435
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    >> anon5 11/03/08(Mon)17:47 No.1399438
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    >> anon5 11/03/08(Mon)17:47 No.1399443
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    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)17:48 No.1399445
    >>1399417 What the fuck? Did they not realize we were all present at judging?

    THIS THIS THIS. Seriously, we are not retarded. We KNOW you never fucking looked at our costumes. Why the hell can't we get some GOOD judges for this contest?!?!?!?
    >> anon5 11/03/08(Mon)17:48 No.1399446
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    >> anon5 11/03/08(Mon)17:49 No.1399449
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    >> anon5 11/03/08(Mon)17:49 No.1399452
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    >> anon5 11/03/08(Mon)17:50 No.1399455
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    >> anon5 11/03/08(Mon)17:51 No.1399456
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    >> anon5 11/03/08(Mon)17:51 No.1399458
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    >> 4dalulz 11/03/08(Mon)17:53 No.1399463
    >> anon5 11/03/08(Mon)17:54 No.1399466
    oops picks are sideways. oh well
    >> Logan5 11/03/08(Mon)17:57 No.1399480
    Why did you do a photo dump of only the shitty cosplays?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)17:57 No.1399482
    gb2 cosplay.com, Logan
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)18:02 No.1399499
    the black girl judged in teh afternoon... the white guy was only there in the morning
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)18:09 No.1399525
    Didn't every judges award winner go on right away in the contest, meaning they were judged first thing in the morning?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)18:15 No.1399553
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)19:14 No.1399719
         File :1225757675.jpg-(1.82 MB, 3264x2448, DSCN0016.jpg)
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    Back. Got rest of images transferred, now have to upload them all to an album. FireFox is also being a royal pain in the ass and refusing to connect when I try and post one of these. Have some Epic Fail (Guy).

    Thanks. I gotta fix the sleeves on it if I want to do the duelist version though, unless I feel like going out and getting all the materials to do another jacket with. Unless you're talking Utenas in general and mean the Rose Bride on Friday, which in that case I'll second and say she was awesome :3

    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)19:37 No.1399767
    WTF?!?! Aleera is so awful, she shouldn't allowed to run shit!!

    I heard that some actual good cosplayers email that they were thinking about going and asked if they could judge and were told judges were already picked out LOL I guess the assumption that they were shitty was correct?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)19:40 No.1399778
    See, this is why I don't enter contests and these sort of small cons. It's practically a fucking joke. Why do I want an award from some dumbshit that can't even cosplay well at all? Or in a contest where there's nearly no competition?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)19:46 No.1399785
    man, there are many butthurt losers here tonight
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)19:47 No.1399788
         File :1225759623.jpg-(250 KB, 600x800, kirby.jpg)
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    its just sad to see this wining Best Journeyman (let alone anything) and knowing that this qualifies him to be a 'master.' Does that mean anything anymore?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)19:48 No.1399789
    The elevators were fucking horrible that weekend. And trying to take the stairs down to the lobby/ballroom area meant you'd wind up lost in a maze of a stairwell when you'd get down to that floor.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)19:52 No.1399793
    Welcome to /cgl/ and con drama. It never runs out.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)19:53 No.1399797
    Well a Pac-Man won at the last con so it's not that much of a surprise
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)19:56 No.1399802
    can't spell florida without "fail"
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)20:00 No.1399808
    Did anyone take a tally of all the Harleys and Jokers at the con? That'd be fun to see just HOW many there were in all.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)20:23 No.1399836

    Agreed!! Seriously, I can't believe that Kirby won the award, when there were so many other cool Journymen there! From what I understand, Kayla is a very very VERY biased judge, and needs to stop judging all together.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)20:37 No.1399859
    There were personally some pretty good cosplays in that dump (Such as the Midna, Steiner and Dagger, and the Vocaloids)

    While they may not be the best, that doesn't mean they're all fail. Not everything is black and white.
    >> nope 11/03/08(Mon)20:42 No.1399870

    i was one of the photogs at the con and we counted 5 couples. including one that came sunday.

    only one guy was the joker nurse.

    also, we started putting up the photos. the booth ones are coming up too.

    mine will be up later today or tomorrow.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)20:45 No.1399877
         File :1225763157.jpg-(2.04 MB, 3264x2448, DSCN0022.jpg)
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    Last picture for tonight, I'm getting tired (don't usually post here but since it's lacking in Supercon pics...). I didn't mind not winning the costume contest since it gives me a chance to improve and upgrade the one I entered. Could see why some folks would be pissed though, but I didn't know the judges were THAT controversial to anons. Anyway, have some Flapjack :D
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)20:47 No.1399882
    Shit i was referring to the earlier dump, wasn't paying too much attention =/
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)21:59 No.1400016
    post moar pics
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)22:09 No.1400041
    Um that was one of the judges. Actually the one that disappeared and wasnt there for the actual contest. lol.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)22:12 No.1400047
    Kayla isn't a very good cosplayer either.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)22:28 No.1400103
    Besides the whole contest dramu the con really wasn't all that bad. I really enjoyed some of the panals that where being held.

    I wonder when more photos will be up.

    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)23:25 No.1400245
    Who exactly were the judges anyway?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)23:49 No.1400289
    Hasn't there been a lot of drama and shady stuff dealing with Kayla in the past? I don't remember exactly what it was : (
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)00:24 No.1400385
    A short list of Kayla's drama includes :

    1. Ruining south florida's chances of ever being taken seriously by good cosplayers
    2. Trying to get a Best of Show decision reversed
    3. Having people who like to wear costumes judge craftsmanship contests, instead of people who actually make them.
    4. Being a crazy dollfie fanatic.
    5. Not being able to keep her mouth shut. When you refuse someone an award based on personal bias, don't go and tell others. We find out.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)00:26 No.1400390
    Yerr, twas there with my bunny and mad hatter <3
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)00:32 No.1400404
    Anymore details on this? Mike is acting like it's shocking that somebody said anything bad about the people judging and running the contest LOL

    Aleera just plain sucks, Kayla is mediocre and behaves poorly, and changing judges on us if fucked up.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)00:40 No.1400431
    Mike is an idiot if he thinks that just because the con "uses ICG rules" that ASC is LIEK ZOMG THEBESTEST CONZ EVORS!!!ONE
    >> 4dalulz 11/04/08(Tue)00:45 No.1400446
    1. Out of eight awards, anyone in the masters category qualifies for only two. You can't give away novice/journeyman awards indiscriminately and create a huge pool of fake masters, then refuse to award them. Kayla only wins little crappy contests and never genuine awards. She is used to being beaten and these rules reflect that.
    2. At Yasumicon 2008, she chased the judges offstage and asked them to reverse the best of show decision because the girl had won a judges award at another con. As the winners all entered the room to get their prizes, she was still yelling "It's not fair, the rest of us worked really hard on our costumes!" in front of Nat, the head judge.
    3. Kayla is mediocre. The other two people are volunteers, not costumers. They aren't on coscom or any other legitimate costume website that is remotely involved with the community. They are just friends of Kayla who she claimed "are ren fair people"
    4. Dollfie fanatic. This is self-explanatory.
    5. I can't go too far into this one, but she blatantly admitted to friends of a shafted contestant that the person "won too much"
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)00:53 No.1400463
    Woah dude.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)00:54 No.1400467
    Everyone that has a problem with Kayla, AND the judges should really consider emailing or PMing the con chair about it. I know I am.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)01:00 No.1400477
    guess there's no such thing as a non-drama filled florida con, lol
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)01:11 No.1400495
    I doubt this will change anything, though.....Mike seems to like doing things his way and isn't very interested in changing.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)01:14 No.1400500
    TBH I already know of a few ppl who contacted the con chair about the judges and how bias they are.

    Nothing good came out of it unfortunately.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)01:20 No.1400507
    LOL hey there were a few cons/contests that escaped drama this year!
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)01:25 No.1400516

    lawl. most cons have drama, not just fl. idiot.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)01:31 No.1400525
    True. Megacon and Metrocon were both done well. Seems like bigger cons have an easier time than the little ones.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)01:38 No.1400536
    Yknow they can't afford a screw up ;)
    >> Korin 11/04/08(Tue)01:42 No.1400541
    Agreed! I'd LOVE to hear what made his costume so great. Hell, any type of feedback from the judges would be golden. That Wizardmon was amazing, and I'm shocked she didn't win anything.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)01:43 No.1400543

    I would think so since they would receive the same criticism that big cons do, in the sense of being compared to and such.

    To be honest this con was a lot of fun and very enjoyable. Especially the Panels.

    This whole Drama shit needs to just end... I go to cons to have fun. Look at that Naruto TV skit... that's the type of shit i'll remember for the rest of my con going days. XD
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)01:47 No.1400556
    I don't understand what's so awesome about that Naruto TV skit. I can't tell why those two girls in normal clothes were there, and a lot of it made no sense or wasnt funny o_o *dodges tomatoes*
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)02:03 No.1400623
    D: The two girls were supposed to be "changing the channels" but the microphones provided didn't work. Most people seemed to get the retardedness, especially since the naruto was running through the halls screaming I'M A NINJA BELIEVE IT BELIEVE IT.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)02:15 No.1400659
    Some folks seem to believe the myth that Florida cons are automatically horrible. Obviously they've never gotten out much.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)02:23 No.1400674
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)03:11 No.1400753

    So yeah... that's me in that picture and i have to say that guy was the coolest Naruto Cosplayer there

    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)04:05 No.1400813

    stop stealin my name NIGGAR!!!

    correction- gb2gaia
    gaia fag
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)04:18 No.1400845
    Where was this? I think I saw people in cosplay near the doubletree downtown. I was busy having shit loads of sex since my parents are out of town and couldn't be bothered to attend.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)04:19 No.1400847
    BE A MAN
    BE A MAN.....
    smex u say???
    >> Korin 11/04/08(Tue)04:30 No.1400861
    It was at the downtown Miami Hilton.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)04:32 No.1400866
    Yep then it was you guys :D

    Hope everyone had fun. I know I did...in bed.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)04:34 No.1400868

    We rode the rainbow...in bed
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)06:47 No.1400946

    mike can get ready to have significantly fewer quality cosplayers entering his events then. I know with these rules/judges I don't plan on making anything incredible for his cons. Its a shame, the rest of the con runs quite smoothly and is pretty awesome. fixing the issues with the contest is beyond simple, just look at other cons that escape this drama... metro for instance.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)07:01 No.1400951
    I love how he's pretty much dismissing any complaints toward the judging process in the cos.com thread.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)10:56 No.1401122
    Yeah. When one person won an award, the girl next to me said "She always wins."

    I noticed that, for some reason, the amount of good cosplay was very very low. I think I got like 24 pictures of cosplays I was actually impressed with, whereas at just about any other con (even in Florida lul), I find at least 50 costumes that I think are great.
    >> Fooooooooooooooooooooooos 11/04/08(Tue)11:16 No.1401136
    Which person was that?

    Contrary to popular belief, the con chair does care. How do I know? The cosplay director somehow got my phone number (no idea how) and woke me up out of a dead sleep to talk about contest issues. The con chair isn't a cosplayer, so while he doesn't understand the fuss entirely, he did make sure the cosplay director did a lot of apologizing, explaining and general damage control. I appreciate that, even if it did interrupt my dream about Bison from Street Fighter having buttsex with Gerard Butler.

    For final lulz, I submit to you the news that people were complaining a certain group of Orlando-based people were winning all the awards. Apparently not realizing Team Awesome, Radical Dreamers and Team Moonchild are all separate groups. Lulzipan. TEAM RADICALCHILD
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)11:24 No.1401146
    if the con chair cares he really needs to get some one competent, possibly with experience, to run the costume contest.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)12:08 No.1401204
    Aw, Team Radicalchild. It's like a new combine gundam! :D

    I do agree by saying that Mike does care alot about his con goers because he wants to make sure everyone is satisfied. I know this because he constantly wants feedback on his event to try and make it better. To everyone who plans to email him with his questions and comments about everything stated here good for you. We can then try to improve everything so that come nxt spring when Florida Supercon cmes around, we can have a better exsperience.

    As for the contest, if it does change then I will feel better about entering. I was one of the popel who got a judges award so now I must also compete in masters. Knowing that there is more master's now then novices and journeyman put together, if there are to be no more catagories added then I wont be entering next time. I am confident in my abilities, but that is an overwhelming amount of competition for only one or two awards.
    >> Gentleman 11/04/08(Tue)12:21 No.1401223

    I, too, recently heard that since a certain team was winning to much, that they decided to limit the awards, which is gay.

    So I vote for a TEAM MERGER. Right now we have Team Radicalchild (or Radical Awesomechild in case Negativedreamer wants to be first XD ), and we'll keep adding the team names from there. We can combine all the teams from Florida! That way everyone can win equally.

    The Random Anon Troll sayz : "It should be called Team Fail" or "Team Faggotry" or "TEAM LOSERZ" LOLOLOLOL.

    Yes, I caught you before you even suggested it. So let's move on XD
    >> athena !.hZ1JFfak2 11/04/08(Tue)12:32 No.1401236
    I'll join! Even though I don't have a group name... (I've never been part of a cosplay group with a name... so ronery)

    Saying one group was winning to much is so gay though. Unless like one person made all the costumes it's rather unfair to say "since your friend won, you can't win as well"
    >> Fooooooooooooooooooooooos 11/04/08(Tue)12:38 No.1401245
    ?!?! Why didn't you guys judge? There was no one to fold judging forms into ninja stars and throw them at contestants while drunkenly screaming.
    >> athena !.hZ1JFfak2 11/04/08(Tue)12:46 No.1401260
    hey that was Shawn with the ninja star! (I thought that was going a bit over board but it was still hilarious) I don't remember yelling... however I do remember waving cell phones and lighters during... was it your song? Man that was a great convention.

    Javi was in charge of the contest then but since he's been replaced (Don't know if he stepped down or what) I haven't been invited to judge.

    Also we where sober during craftsmanship judging, we where only drinking during the skit part... (and trust me we NEEDED IT )
    >> Fooooooooooooooooooooooos 11/04/08(Tue)12:58 No.1401277
    Last asc? No complaints about winners. None! Besides that FMA pair that admitted afterward someone else made their costumes, it was fine.

    Yeah, you guys checked hems, that helped. AND you were present for pre-judging. Nothing like getting a judges award from someone who has never seen your costume.
    >> athena !.hZ1JFfak2 11/04/08(Tue)13:04 No.1401284
    Oh we knew someone else made the FMA costumes, the girl who made them came to judging with them. The award was for her not the people wearing them. (unless your saying that she didn't make the costumes)

    I'm glad to hear everyone was happy with the awards! I like to think I do a good, fair job as a judge.
    >> Fooooooooooooooooooooooos 11/04/08(Tue)13:17 No.1401297
    Ah, that explains alot. We didn't know that. The girl who won just popped into the coscom thread and said she won but didn't make them, etc. That's even better.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)14:32 No.1401388
    I went it was alright I liked it. There werent enough people at the rave fri or sat =/. The music was excellent though, except for DM Ashura... XD!
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)16:09 No.1401511
    Was the guy judge also in the Smash show on Saturday night too or am I mistaken? Cause in that case it'd be funny if he didn't show up for the contest for the whole judging thing but showed up for the other show.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)16:49 No.1401562
    Whoa I'm in a Cosplay pic with my friends and we didn't even cosplay. I'm trying to figure out who took that picture of us at Steve's table.
    >> Korin 11/04/08(Tue)17:02 No.1401583
    Yup. That's what happened.
    >> negativedreamer Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)18:32 No.1401709
    speaking of child pornography, you both forgot me trying to hang myself, and stab my eyes out during some of those skits...
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)18:39 No.1401719
    Was there a Sweeney Todd there? i remember seeing a Ms.Lovett.
    anyone have pics of her?
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)18:47 No.1401731
    "So I vote for a TEAM MERGER. Right now we have Team Radicalchild (or Radical Awesomechild in case Negativedreamer wants to be first XD ),"

    yea, i should be first. and in bright lights too.
    >> athena !.hZ1JFfak2 11/04/08(Tue)19:16 No.1401777
    LOL yeah I remember that now, Hey hey so I made this by melting black electrical tape....
    Or how about
    This is real LEATHER you can TOUCH IT IT"S REAL LEATHER
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)19:38 No.1401831
    yea the leather guy was nice, but best of show really should have went to the girl who made a panty raid on her mom.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)19:58 No.1401876
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    full of win i think.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)20:02 No.1401889
    karyna, stop self posting
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)20:04 No.1401894

    its jj lol
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)20:09 No.1401908
    you just did a very karyna thing. lol
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)20:11 No.1401912
    Sooosss, who cares
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)21:18 No.1402034
    So what winners did you guys feel actually deserved the awards ?
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)21:44 No.1402071

    negativedreamer's best of show was well deserved. red xiii could have gotten it if she made her fur suit herself.

    nekomimichan prop award was fine.

    the jounryman awards seemed off. while it was a cute costume, brasilianman's kirby really didnt have the technical merit to beat out chief's wizardmon. kirby should have been a judges award.

    i felt the volcanoid group was better overall than the bleach group, though i am unsure which category they were competing in.

    archnemesis's shinobi award seemed deserving.

    the hatseo prop sword award was correct.

    the best novice sweeny todd girl was a perfect fit.

    judges awards i was fine with... maybe put kirby into that mix, or cerisa's utena. but vamp's trinity blood (?), fooz's gogo and temari's dorothy entries recieved them with justification.

    sorry if i missed any awards.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)21:59 No.1402082

    Yeah i agree with these too. I'm very distraught with that Bleach group winning though... Definitely thought that the Vocaloid group got shafted like mad.

    And Negative Dreamers' Steiner was just incredible.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)22:04 No.1402091
    >>1402071 the best novice sweeny todd girl was a perfect fit.

    the one thing that bothered me about this was: didn't it say in the rules that costumes HAD to be from an anime/videogame/jpop/jrock? the costume was great, don't get me wrong, just not japan-based.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)22:50 No.1402185

    this bothered me too. Perhaps at FSC it would have been more appropriate.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)23:26 No.1402265
    it was fucking dumb. it didn't fit into the rules in any way, shape or form. why don't judges read rules?
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)23:58 No.1402325
    ....please? :P
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)00:03 No.1402345
    The Bleach group didn't deserve the award.

    The blue haired s/he needs to die. S/he's annoying and smells.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)00:56 No.1402521
    I didn't really get many pictures taken. I don't think a lot of people knew who the hell I was. xD
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)01:04 No.1402533
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    rear view cosplay shots anyone?
    >> Anonymous 11/05/08(Wed)01:06 No.1402539
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