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  • Blotter updated: 10/01/08

  • File :1225376333.jpg-(114 KB, 400x500, spy_masks.jpg)
    114 KB Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)10:18 No.1391286  
    greetings /cgl/, i've got a question/request

    i want to cosplay as the Spy of Team Fortress 2 for halloween, but i cant seem to find the the jpg's/bmp's/etc on the internet of the paper masks he wears when being disguised as an enemy class.

    Do you guys know where i can find these?

    pic related, it's teh masks, but way to small to print.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)10:30 No.1391302

    the res is alright, could be better though.
    >> Anonymous 10/30/08(Thu)10:34 No.1391310

    thank you very much for that!

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