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  • File :1222395111.jpg-(13 KB, 338x324, wwd_world2.jpg)
    13 KB Is Japan really that great? Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)22:11 No.1368072  
    Do you guys really like Japan?
    As for my self, I cant really say that I do.

    First of all I dont have anything against Japanese people I am just sad about how their culture so easily influences other non Japanese people.

    I am a huge fan of fiction though and since Japan keep releasing media such as games and manga/anime and so on I admit that I like things from Japan as long as I think that they holds high enough quality as a fiction. (Even though a lot of things from Japan lacks... well I guess I could call it "Soul" because of the generally higher work pace they have there compared to most other countries.)

    I think it is sad that there is so many non Japanese people that "fall in love" with the many beautiful and easily comprehended worlds and dreams delivered to them through games, anime/manga and so on to such a degree that they fall to the typical "wapanese" status.

    Even though there are exceptions, people who claim that they like Japan because of their culture is almost always influenced by things such as Anime/manga from Japan. I dont say that I dont like the culture of Japan, in a matter of fact I rather like some things such as parts of the morals they have there however such things such as their morals resembles those of other Asian countries (Each country has of course its own differences from one another however the things that differs from most western countries is mostly an Asian thing as a whole and not just Japanese.)
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)22:12 No.1368079
    And I dont think that it is wrong to be interested in Japan. To be honest I actually think that one should know things about Japan because of the significant force in economics they have risen to become.

    And by all means Japan is not a "bad" place to live it and I have to agree that Japan is probably a better place to live than many other countries it is just that I think it is sad that there are so many wapanese people that thinks that Japan is better than were they live even when they many times dont even know especially much about how Japan really works as a country as a whole (politics and so on) and just thinks the way they do because of the "image" of Japan that they have in their heads which is often influenced by media from Japan.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)22:13 No.1368082
    And for the people who claims that people in Japan is so incredible and that they are so healthy and live good and strong lives because of the way of life they have there, I just want to say that of course a lot of there is a lot of Japanese people that are incredible and are immensely skilled at what they do however this is so because of a few very understandable reasons. First of all I know that the Japanese school politics and traditions are quite well structured from a pedagogic point of view. However even though that is good the general expectations that the students are expected to live up to are not as good. In a matter of fact philosophical questions about "Happiness vs Success" is quite a big subject in Japan now. Many Japanese students are confused about "success" and "happiness" and they often believe that a "successful career" = "Happiness" and that they cannot be happy if they dont have a successful career. and the results is a society were most young people feel that they are worthless if they dont live a successful career life and that problem have led to the fact that Japan have one of the highest suicide rates in the world and even among those that dont commit suicide Japan still have a high percentage of mental disorders which are probably linked to the immense pressure that the students have there. So it is only natural that those who succeeds in "surviving" are amazing since that is what was "expected" of them and they succeeded in living up to those expectations.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)22:13 No.1368084
    Centuries old copypasta.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)22:13 No.1368085
    I by all means did not mean to offend anyone and I am sorry if I have, It is just that I am sad that I am surrounded by numerous wapansese people in my every day life who goes around loving Japan all the time even though they have no connection with Japan. It is quite sad really because I live in a country which is by all means no worse country than Japan to live in.

    I have discussed this with some Japanese family friends quite some times and they dont understand that either.

    And as said above I did not mean to offend anyone I just wanted to have a discussion about the pros and cons of Japan.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)22:15 No.1368090
    You got a whole lot of words there. Personally I enjoy some mangas and mostly visual novels/regular video games. I couldn't care less about japanese people.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)22:15 No.1368092
    Japan is a perfect place where everything is like anime and all the kawaii girls want to fuck me.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)22:19 No.1368110
    I've actually been to Japan. I expected the kind of otaku culture we on /jp/ all cream over, but it wasn't exactly that. I arrived at the airport and the first thing I noticed was everyone was giving me weird looks. And you know what I did? I whistled a cab and when it came near, the license said "fresh" and it had dice in the mirror. And I thought this cab was rare, but, aw forget it, "Yo homes! To Bel-Air!"
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)22:21 No.1368117
    stale copypasta, but Japan isn't the only nation that influences other nations, everyone has their own personal cultural bias,.

    I know Americans who hate Japan but love China
    I know Mexicans who worship America and hate Spain
    I know French guys who love nigger music
    I know a Chinese guy who wants to be German
    I know a South African guy who loves Irish culture
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)22:21 No.1368122
    I love the fictional works from Japan like you said, but I absolutely detest having to live in that shitty country.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)22:21 No.1368123
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    I only like jRPGs and Touhou, which is the primary reason I'm here even though jRPGs aren't discussed.

    Lezard always related.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)22:24 No.1368137
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    /v/ discusses JRPGs a lot.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)22:27 No.1368145
         File :1222396027.jpg-(101 KB, 508x722, 1202228434874.jpg)
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    If I made a Valkyrie Profile thread in /v/ I would be raped harder than Lenneth's comatose body.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)22:30 No.1368159
    I love Japan but I have no real love of Tokyo, even though it's a Mecca for the stuff that I love. I hate cities; all I really want to do is go farm the land. And have internet, maybe.

    That's fucking crazy talk. They've gotten even MORE anti-JRPG over there or something?
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)22:32 No.1368172
    There's endless threads about idiots who say they want to learn Japanese so that they can migrate to Japan or take a university course there.

    What the fuck is wrong with these people? Do they seriously, honestly think that life in Japan is so heavenly and rosy and shit just like in the movies, animu and mango?

    Japanese language is bloody hard to learn, life in Japan is horrible, the pay is shit, the education is....well, needless to say as Westerners you won't enjoy the way Asians teach their students.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)22:32 No.1368174
    Hell, yeah, I want to be a horticulturalist myself
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)22:33 No.1368180
         File :1222396400.jpg-(143 KB, 722x1000, 1202228017257.jpg)
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    EVERYONE in /v/ rages when you say a game is good.
    Everyone + 3 if it's a console game.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)22:35 No.1368196
    >bloody hard to learn
    Only if you're a two-bit moron. The grammatical structure is considerably simpler than a lot of Romance languages; the only difficult part is reading, and even the JAPS have trouble with that, so it's all dumbed down.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)22:35 No.1368197
    What's wrong with Asian schooling methods? I thought everywhere it's the same.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)22:36 No.1368207
    Of course what I said includes the reading part. It's hard to live AND get a job in Japan if you only know how to speak Japanese but you can't read for shit.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)22:40 No.1368229
    If you like pretty numbers in your standardized test results, you may like Asian schools. Otherwise if you are looking forward to be smart and inventive stay out.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)22:42 No.1368237

    I remember a time when PC and console gamers coexisted in relative peace on /v/.... They never liked each other, but at least they didn'tshit up each other's threads. It was also considerably heavier weighted towards consoles then... Of course, that's when it was OK to talk about Touhou there too.

    I have no overwhelming urge to "be" anything but self-sufficient, myself.
    I would prefer the simpler "Hey, I have tomatoes to sell" life instead of my current "Hey, I'm a tiny cog in a corporation that doesn't give a rat's ass about me" life.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/08(Thu)22:42 No.1368245
    You missed my point-- most JAPANESE can't read for shit.

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