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  • Blotter updated: 10/01/08

  • File :1224183393.jpg-(112 KB, 378x504, pko2.jpg)
    112 KB Limebarb Commissions Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)14:56 No.1365642  
    I'm not talking about her as a cosplayer, but as a commissioner. What has been /cgl/'s expirience with her? I'm thinking of possibly ordering something of hers.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)14:59 No.1365650
    In b4 shitstorm
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)15:04 No.1365660
    I commissioned her for a wig once. When the wig came it was in the smallest box it could have possibly been in and the wig was completely trashed. I emailed her about it several times and she never replied to me.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)15:08 No.1365670
    I comissioned her back in 2004 when she started fucking up deadlines big time. When I finally got what I ordered a year and a half later, it had an uneven hem and puckers everywhere. I RAEGED and was henceforth part of the angry mob that pops up during shitstorms.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)15:11 No.1365679
    I'm filing a lawsuit against her now after she didn't reply to a settlement from the BBB. I commissioned something that cost almost a grand and she didn't give me shit. I want every penny back.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)15:11 No.1365682
    ooooo let us know how that goes!
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)15:17 No.1365695
    Moar please. I'm starting up a commissioning service and I want to know what NOT to do.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)15:18 No.1365697
    Long story short, DON'T commission from her. Although these stories are delicious, do continue.

    >> The Truth !!SE6QHxDfCj/ 10/16/08(Thu)15:24 No.1365712

    I don't know how much of this is true, but eh.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)15:24 No.1365713
    Simple stuff to start with:

    If people have given you money, make them a costume.
    If for whatever reason you cannot make people a costume after you have accepted their money, give them back their money.

    All issues of quality and pricing aside, those two KINDA IMPORTANT THINGS are the most important lessons you can learn from Limebarb. Take them to heart.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)15:27 No.1365720
    In b4 4ng3l whiteknighting
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)15:27 No.1365721
    Also, please don't overbook yourself. Even if somebody offers you a nice and expensive commission, if you've got five other commission to do, then don't take it on. Limebarb did that far too often and missed deadlines WITHOUT notifying the one who commissioned until after the deadline passed.
    >> The Truth !!SE6QHxDfCj/ 10/16/08(Thu)15:32 No.1365736
    Yeah, I think some commissioners get eager to make profit, and take on more then they can handle. Because customers typically pay up front for commissions. So they have the money there, and figure they'll make the costume when they can.
    >> OP 10/16/08(Thu)15:34 No.1365741
    Oh, um... wow.

    Well, is there anyone out there who had a successful commission? I'm definately wary at this point, and I'm not asking for a whiteknight, but there's got to be someone on /cgl/ who had a good transaction with her.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)15:38 No.1365758
    A: The picture the OP posted IS NOT Barb, no one seems to have noticed this??

    B: I've ordered, had great service.
    >> OP 10/16/08(Thu)15:39 No.1365768
    Oh, uh, I just picked a random picture off of her website...
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)15:47 No.1365793
    That's actually Julia (Jia Jam), she used to work and cosplay with Barb but they've split off and both been working on their own projects. I would simply look at all the pictures of coplay costumes she's made.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)15:49 No.1365797
    keep us posted plx
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)15:53 No.1365810
    What costume did you order?

    Some facts or I consider it fake.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)16:04 No.1365825
    Is it true that she has several employees? Is this a full time job for her or just a side thing?
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)16:06 No.1365827

    I don't mind keeping /cgl/ posted, but I'd feel comfortable keeping the details to a minimum until after the case itself is settled. Once there's a definite court date, as I don't know if Limebarb is coming to where I am or if I'll be going to Illinois, I don't mind letting /cgl/ know. The BBB suit just ended without a reply from her end a couple days ago, and I'm going to my local courthouse tommorow to file the suit since it's my day off work.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)16:15 No.1365842
    I commissioned them once, because a friend of mine did and had a good experience with it. I had a few problems. One, was that she was hard to get in contact with, she never, ever replied to emails on time. We had to send them multiple emails to get a response.
    She sent the costume past the deadline, we were lucky to get it before the con, thankfully she sent it through express.
    The costume didn't fit. At all. I commissioned Yuki Cross from Vampire Knight. The skirt was WAY too big, I had to safty pin it, and the jacket didn't fit my form at all. It was big and baggy, making me look like a square. Its like she thought I was a fattie and made the costume for it. Even though I gave her my measurements.

    The costume cost too much money. Over all...I would not commission her again.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)16:20 No.1365850

    she has people that she employs, yes.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)16:22 No.1365852
    It's her main source, she has several full time employees

    The BBB can't actually do anything besides contact the company and let them know a complaint is filed. She would have to go where ever the court claim is filed. You'll need proof of purchase, BBB claim to help and e-mails/phone calls any other records showing you've tried working with the company.

    Though I don't really see the issue with telling /cgl/ what costume you had ordered. I'm curious that's all. I still honestly don't believe you.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)16:26 No.1365863
    This is why you learn to craft in the realm of your own abilities, and if you wish to surpass them, you work harder.

    Commissioning is truly the path to the dark side.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)16:26 No.1365865
    No worries, I got plenty covered. I have every e-mail, which was our communication, all Paypal transactions, plus the BBB case. The BBB sent two notices to Limebarb over a period of 30 days, neither of which she responded to. ):

    Ah, my bad, I forgot to answer that. I was a dork and commissioned a Yoko costume, before I realized how ridiculously popular it was. Can you believe it cost $865? I wanted quality so I went with it, but man, I'm ashamed to say I paid that. It was the gun and the wig that really cost me.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)16:28 No.1365869
    I don't see why this is being done as a BBB suit; honestly it could be just filed as a Theft By Fraud criminal suit.

    Seriously, why do a civil suit when you can ruin someone's life with a criminal suit?
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)16:31 No.1365873
    I don't want to ruin her life, I just want my money back. D: I'm not out to get more than what is owed or shut her down. I really did try to settle this quietly in multiple ways before court- it just didn't happen that way.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)16:31 No.1365875

    Honestly, if she's screwed that many people over, it's about time karma came back around for her.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)16:32 No.1365879
    Because it would be filed legally under a "victumless crime" even though yes there was a victum, the issue is money for a service. So it will have to be a civil case.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)16:36 No.1365884

    So just we are all on the same page, you quoted the costume then paid for it via PayPal. Decided that you did not want the costume and asked for a refund. No refund was given to you. You contacted LimeBarb, except she never responded or did she respond and say "no refund"? So you contacted PayPal and BBB for a refund, which they contacted her and no response? Or did you receive part of the costume, or she had parts done and only was going to give a partial refund?
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)16:37 No.1365889
    The list of resources below has been compiled for anyone that suspects that they may be a victim of any type of fraud or scam. The list was originally designed as a resource to report mortgage fraud, predatory lending scams and identity theft in Illinois but may also serve those who are victims of many types of fraud in Illinois. Other types of fraud may include:

    * Internet Scams
    * Phishing/Email Scams
    * Credit Card Fraud
    * Investment Scams

    * Financial - Debt Elimination
    * Business/MLM Scams
    * Etc.

    FBI Field Offices, Mortgage Fraud

    White Collar Crime Supervisor
    Everett McKinley Dirksen FOB
    219 S. Dearborn Street, Rm 905
    Chicago, IL 60604-1702
    Phone: (312) 431-1333

    White Collar Crime Supervisor
    400 W. Monroe Street, Suite 400
    Springfield, IL 62704-1800
    Phone: (217) 522-9675

    Illinois Office of the Attorney General
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)16:37 No.1365893
    Chicago Main Office
    100 West Randolph Street
    Chicago, IL 60601
    Phone: (312) 814-3000
    TTY: (312) 814-3374

    Springfield Main Office
    500 South Second Street
    Springfield, IL 62706
    Phone: (217) 782-1090
    TTY: (217) 785-2771

    Carbondale Main Office
    1001 East Main Street
    Carbondale, IL 62901
    Phone: (618) 529-6400/6401
    TTY: (618) 529-6403

    Consumer Fraud Bureau of the Attorney General’s Office
    Consumer Complaint Form:
    500 South Second Street
    Springfield, IL 62706
    Phone: (217) 782-1090
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)16:38 No.1365896

    HUD Field Office
    Springfield Field Office
    500 W. Monroe St., Suite 1 SW
    Springfield, IL 62704
    Phone: (217) 492-4120
    Fax: (217) 492-4154

    HUD Regional Office
    Chicago Regional Office
    Ralph Metcalfe Fed Building
    77 West Jackson Boulevard
    Chicago, IL 60604-3507
    Phone: (312) 353-5680
    Fax: (312) 886-2729

    State of Illinois, Office of Banks and Real Estate
    310 South Michigan Avenue, Suite 2130
    Chicago, IL 60604-4278
    Toll Free: (877) 793-3470
    Phone: (312) 793-3977

    Nationally Chartered Credit Union
    Region IV – Austin
    4807 Spicewood Springs Rd., Suite 5200
    Austin, TX 78759-8490
    Phone: (512) 342-5600
    Fax: (512) 342-5620

    State-Chartered Credit Unions
    Illinois Department of Financial Institutions
    100 West Randolph Street, Ste. 15-700
    Chicago, IL 60601
    Phone: (217) 782-2834
    Fax: (312) 814-5168

    Savings & Loan Association or Savings Bank
    Office of Thrift Supervision
    E-mail: consumer.complaint@ots.treas.gov

    Southeast Region – Chicago
    1 South Wacker Drive - Suite 2000
    Chicago, Illinois 60606
    Phone (312) 917-5000
    Complaints: (800) 842-6929

    National Fair Housing Alliance
    To locate your local office:
    National Contact: E-mail: nfha@nationalfairhousing.org
    1212 New York Avenue, NW Ste 525
    Washington, DC 2005
    Phone: (202) 898-1661
    Fax: (202) 371-9744
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)16:39 No.1365897

    Illinois Division of Real Estate and Banks,
    Real Estate Division
    500 East Monroe Street
    Springfield, Illinois 62701-1509
    Phone: (217) 785-9300

    Illinois Division of Real Estate and Banks,
    Appraisal Division
    500 East Monroe Street
    Springfield, Illinois 62701-1509
    Phone: (217) 782-3000

    Better Business Bureaus

    Tri-State Better Business Bureau
    E-mail: info@evansville.bbb.org
    1139 Washington Square
    Evansville, IN 47715
    Phone: (812) 473-0202
    Fax: (812) 473-3080

    Better Business Bureau Chicago & North Illinois
    E-mail: feedback@chicago.bbb.org
    330 N. Wabash, Ste. 2006
    Chicago, IL 60611
    Phone: (312) 832-0500
    Fax: (312) 832-9985

    Better Business Bureau of Central Illinois
    E-mail: bbb@heart.net
    112 Harrison Street
    Peoria, IL 61602
    Phone: (309 688-3741
    Fax: (309) 681-7290

    Better Business Bureau of E. Missouri & South Illinois
    E-mail: bbbstl@stlouisbbb.org
    12 Sunnen Drive, Ste. 121
    Saint Louis, MO 63143
    Phone: (314) 645-3300
    Fax: (314) 645-2666
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)16:39 No.1365899

    If you noticed, she stated she doesn't live in IL and the amount she paid for the item will ONLY get filed under a civil case, it's not large enough to be anything else. Besides, even if it wasn't a civil case they wouldn't make her do jail time for that amount of money, they'd make her pay it back thus making it a civil case.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)16:40 No.1365900
    Ah, not completely. I commissioned and had it paid for six months in advance, and did not receive by the date. I was promised that it would be shipped twice after that, and both times it never came. That's not everything, but it's my main concern that it was promised on three different occassions and it never arrived.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)16:40 No.1365902
    Theft is serious business. Scamming someone is a crime. It has a victim, and it's a serious punishable offense.

    Use the above list to narrow down what sort of resources you will use, and pursue it.

    Remember that in a criminal suit, the state represents you. You might want to speak with local police departments based on her zip code.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)16:41 No.1365904
    ITT Hippies that are going to order future things frm LB and dont want her sacked
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)16:43 No.1365907

    She would first have to go to court to find out if theft was intended, LimeBarb could contend that due to issues lets say third party companys that she needs to ship her products was backlogged, i.e. wigs, prop items, fabric etc. Then state e-mails were not received, or due to time issues could not be responded to. If her intent was to always deliver the product then it's still civil, she's simply late on delivery date.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)16:47 No.1365913
    Contending does not automatically move it from Criminal to Civil, it could still be pursued as Criminal if LB was unable to make a reasonable case, or failed to make an appearance which seems to be her M.O.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)16:49 No.1365916
    After a certain period of time and third-party involvement, late delivery becomes non-delivery and that's fraud, regardless of intent to deliver at any particular point.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)16:50 No.1365919
    Would anyone object to archiving this? This actually contains some useful, helpful information.

    I really do hope that Limebarb pulls through and shows up, if that would be the consequence. I really do want to settle this as a small civil case.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)16:51 No.1365922

    I'm sorry your hero, or your friend, or you Barb', thought that it was okay to run a failed business out of incompetence, but you aren't going to psych people out of pursuing the full extent of the law by posting "Oh, no! It's okay! It wouldn't work anyway!"
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)16:54 No.1365923
    Be her M.O.? That would be true that if in the event she's ever been taken to court and hasn't shown. Which she's never been taken to court, that'd be more well known. Theft as of now hasn't been proven, so it's not a criminal case yet. Theft has to be concluded as the intent. It will 90% go to civil court, then in the event Barb doesn't show a warrent would be put out for her arrest. She'd then have to go to court for both things. So unless Barb has a long list of warrents out for her arrest she doesn't have an MO, just an FYI.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)16:54 No.1365924
    i ordered a costume from limebarb and got it 3 months late, completely missing the con i wanted to wear it to by over a month and a half.
    a friend of mine new a friend of hers and told me the reason why it was late but barb never told me why and didn't give me a discount for the late costume.

    yes the costume looks nice but it wasn't worth the 3 months of barely any communication on her part. (i emailed her several times and i think she only responded once)
    also, the wig was awful.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)16:56 No.1365933
    I agree! I'm sick and tired of people getting shafted due to the irresponsible action of someone playing around at running a business. While we're not talking about food, Gordon Ramsey could school her as he does all the time to these first-time business people: don't take on too much too fast. It sounds like that's exactly what she does--promises too much and can't deliver. I don't want this to happen to anyone else; good luck, Yoko-comissioner.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)16:57 No.1365934
    First off, the method implied by M.O. was that of "non response". Secondly, your numerical figure of 90% actually means nothing, considering no court case has occurred and there are no facts being disputed. Saying that you don't believe "theft will be concluded as the intent" does not mean that it will not happen, nor does it make valid your belief that it will go to a civil case. This is clearly a scare tactic to make sure it never comes to a fruition out of a fear for LB's well being; this is not someone speaking out on behalf of justice.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)16:58 No.1365935
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)16:58 No.1365936

    I'm not saying it wouldn't work, I'm saying that a civil case by definition is: "In law a lawsuit is a civil action brought before a court in which the party commencing the action, the plaintiff, seeks a legal or equitable remedy" In the event that she is found guilty it can then become a criminal case. Both the state and the plantiff can file new cases.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)16:59 No.1365939
    Thanks for your request.
    It has been added to our database and the thread will be archived as soon as enough request for that thread have been made.
    This thread has been requested 1 times now.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)17:01 No.1365944
    This is contradictory to your initial statement, where you claimed it was not a viable criminal case; which degraded down to you saying that it would only be a viable criminal case if intent was proved and by your arbitrary calculations based on no facts at all you concluded it would go to a civil case, where upon being bested in that claim you decided to simply state the definition of a civil case, which is not a contradiction to what I implored of our victim; that she had grounds for a theft-by-fraud case and should pursue the fullest extent of justice if possible.

    Thank you for admitting defeat.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)17:05 No.1365948
         File :1224191110.jpg-(42 KB, 253x189, objection.jpg)
    42 KB
    This went from an innocent question of commissiong to a Gyakuten Saiban case.

    I am entertained.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)17:09 No.1365954
    May I make a small suggestion, from my knowledge (as a daughter of an attorney who has seen this happen a lot to people), if you hired a lawyer who could simply write her a letter describing what you plan to do, you would probably get one of two things very fast without ever having to mes around with the tedious business that is court: 1.) your costume or 2.) your money back.

    She'll get the picture really quickly; I don't think there is a person in this thread that really would like to fuck around with going to court. I've never had to go for myself but just shadowing Dad in a trial, no matter how important, is really....messy. That's the best way I can describe it.

    Good luck!
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)17:11 No.1365958

    I said nothing about “defeat”, nor would consider saying such as I don’t feel such is necessary. I’m not “battling” you or any one. My statements are based on fact. I posted the definition of a civil case because clearly you were missing the point. Also, I was simply clarifying my statements. She cannot file a criminal case first; it would first be filed as civil. In the event the customer does win and further decides to pursue she’s now confirmed intent under what the customer’s state considers the time frame of lack of service to be criminal intent.
    I was stating my opinion, never did I state “do not file”. All people should use the court system to ensure they are never taken advantage of. If you feel that I was stating “do not file” then you’re putting words in my mouth and I have no desire to waste any more time on this issue. I will simply wait till the customer returns to state the end result of her endeavors.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)17:13 No.1365960

    I second this.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)17:16 No.1365961
    Thanks for the advice! I do have a question though- I can't afford a lawyer, and plan on representing myself. Would writing such a letter still be as formidable?

    Also, I was talking about this earlier, based on a conversation with someone at my courthouse. If I filed the case in my town, would she come to me or would I go to her? Does this vary depending on the case, or does the judge decide?

    Thank you!
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)17:20 No.1365966
    You seem to ignore the fact that the means in which you file a criminal suit are that by means of the Police Department in, pending on the circumstances of the case, the region where the crime was committed, the region of the victim's residence, the region of the defendant's residence, or in the case of interstate cases, quite possibly a federal bureau.

    You are implying that it is a civil suit because your narrowed vision seems to imply the only way to go about this is to start it out as a civil suit, with a letter of intent for compensation, and all subsequent steps in pursuing the case.

    I however ascribe that someone wanting to pursue more than financial compensation for their case, which means that I am not limiting the scope of my advice simply to our "Yoko victim", as I will call her.

    Additionally, get a little better at rhetoric. The idea that I said you admitted defeat means that I am, at the time and in the circumstance, declaring myself the more clearly stated and logically conclusive position when the two of us have compared our ideas in a public and anonymous forum. It was basically meant as a shameless insult to my appreciation of your narrow-minded, one-sided approach that did not allow for the diversity of an intent that might be expressed by any number of "Limebarb victims", as I will call them.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)17:20 No.1365967
    You've learned well from your father's situation. This is known as a letter of intent, and is usually used in situations such as automobile theft, and can lead to either a Civil suit or a Criminal case.

    Yoko-victim, while my opponent and I are entitled to our opinions about how you should go about this, I surrender that the idea of using a letter of intent (which it sounds like you have done through the BBB) is the best way to start either of our plans, and therefore I have nothing against the action. If you think that the letter of intent expressed by the BBB was insufficient, or merely that they tried to approach her about the situation and did not make any demands, I suggest that you take such a measure.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)17:23 No.1365972
    Ah, there's not real point in keeping this quiet now. I can post what I wrote to her in the BBB notice, and I guess I can ask /cgl/ what they think would be the right course of action?
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)17:24 No.1365975
    Writing a letter of intent by yourself, and on your own behalf, is completely acceptable as long as you make the claim clear.

    Such a letter can be such as
    "Dear Limebarb Group,

    Over (such a date) we have engaged in a commercial transaction where you agreed to perform (this service) for the amount of (such and such dollars), with an explicitly expressed deadline of (such a date). Because you have failed to (do such an action), I am forthrightly requesting (such and such a service) by (an EXACT DATE of my choosing, [this is often 10 or so days in car theft]), which if it cannot be performed, I wholly request the (sum of how much you owe me) by a means I will specify.

    If you do not respond to me within (such and such days) with a postmark of (such date), then I will pursue legal action against you.

    "your name"

    This letter will need to be stamped by a notary for verification of its date and content, not that they're interested or can judge you on your business, it just makes the letter of intent "official".
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)17:28 No.1365979
    Wow, that does sound very nice. My only problem is that the BBB notice said pretty much the exact same thing. :( Should I still try to write a letter on my own? It'd be like a 5th chance for her, if anything.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)17:28 No.1365981
    Here's the information on Limebarb.com for your records, in case you have no way of getting in contact with the organization, this is relevant to all people who have been wronged and may not have explicit information on how to contact the organization, or where to write letters of intent to.

    2467 W. Gunnison St. #1
    Chicago, IL 60625

    Domain name: LIMEBARB.COM

    Administrative Contact:
    Staples, Barbara limebarb@limebarb.com
    2467 W. Gunnison St. #1
    Chicago, IL 60625

    Technical Contact:
    Easy CGI, Support support@easycgi.com
    99 Main Street
    Nyack, NY 10960
    845-348-7698 Fax: 845-727-7777
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)17:30 No.1365985
    You should do so as long as it does not conflict with any sort of legal action the BBB took. If they set a particular date and promised they would incur such legal action, you should do nothing to juxtapose LB in such a situation that she cannot even feasibly deal with. Properly include the details of the letter to match the details of the BBB's statement of intent.

    I will engage in legal action against your person at the reccommendation of the Bureau of Better Business within a time frame they have already set for you, which has been included in a separate letter of intent.

    Something like that.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)17:34 No.1365988
    Addendum : I basically think we've covered all ends of this, be it our Civil versus Criminal discussion earlier, the list of information regarding the state of Illinois and fraud, which if you did not notice included firms and agencies that worked interstate from a position of not being in Illinois. We also illuminated how to start either of the presented courses of action and what a good letter of intent sounds like, as well as the information to contact the LimeBarb organization if you've been wronged.

    For all purposes, I think this thread is basically done unless other people have situations they think fall outside the means set up by "Yoko Victim".

    I also request for this to be archived due to the useful nature of the information, and how relatively timeless unfortunate business dealings with LimeBarb appear to be; given that there are websites dedicated to monitoring her progress listed within the thread.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)17:36 No.1365991
    Ah, so basically I should keep the content the same, only include that I have the BBB's backing? Sorry if that's not right, it kind of went over my head a litttle.

    I was told by the woman who sent the notice to Limebarb that the notice could be used to further pursue my case, should I choose to. Should I include that information?
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)17:41 No.1365994
    Oh, well, it's not that you are saying you have the BBB's backing in that specifically, although that is a helpful side-effect that should not be overlooked.

    The idea is that you are not going to ever have it come up in court that it was your intent to rattle LB or shake her up into submission; because if you follow what I said and include equal terms to what the BBB has stated and say you are working in cooperation with them, the idea is that you and the BBB are one solid entity working for the same agenda; and LB receiving your copy of the letter intent doesn't worsen her situation. What it does is show her that you're serious about settling this, and it shows courts and the BBB that it was your intent to have justice done (in the form of retrieving your goods or money) to its fullest extent before you pursue a criminal or civil filing.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)17:44 No.1365999
    Addendum: For the purpose of clarification. The letters are used to show that LB was explicitly notified that she was going to have some sort of legal filing, be it criminal or civil, against her if she did not comply. At the current point, she is in a great state of delinquency that the BBB doesn't take kindly too.

    Your additional letter of intent solidifies your position as a hardworking citizen of the United States who just wants to see either the commercial transaction completed in success, or a refund; but that you are aware of your own rights and will pursue them to the full extent of the law. The law is there to protect you.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)17:49 No.1366007

    Thank you very much, and I thank everyone else too! I will write the letter of intent, as one last attempt to avoid the courtroom. Do I have your permission to use some of the letter you have written if I can't find the right words myself?

    In any case, I really do hope enough requests to archive this comes through. I put in my request, as I'd like to keep this for future reference. Again, thanks!
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)17:59 No.1366024
    Yes, I definitely recommend that choice of wording. You might want to check online for any more input that would be relevant to statutes and laws applicable to your area regarding transmission of intent, or the region of your potential defendant. And use spell check, I wrote that on the fly from memory on what a good letter of intent looks like.

    Basically, always double check things. Keeping informed keeps you one step ahead. Overall, fill in the blanks and go find a notary. A family member would know best about places to get that sealed.

    My best regards on your effort.

    I hope whoever was the Gyakuten Saiban fan got a huge kick out of the continuation of our episode.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)20:03 No.1366249
    As soon as I got my quote I knew I would never buy a damn thing from her. Her prices are INNNNNSSSSAAAAAANNNNNE.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)20:14 No.1366275
    Limebarb.com commissions is an all under the table business. It's a tax fraud because even though she claims to be a full-time professional commissioner she doesn't pay any taxes on any of it and doesn't report the earnings to the IRS.

    Proof of this is when Jia collected unemployment while still being a full limebarb commissions employee.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)20:18 No.1366287

    Well yeah, you have to factor in the $400 you're paying for the Limebarb brand name.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)20:21 No.1366294
    I hate tossing names around here since it just leads to more drama. But a friend of Barb's told me herself that she loves Barb to death but her business skills are very very weak and that commissioning her is unwise. I was shocked, but y'know when a good friend says that about you it has to be pretty serious. *Shrugs* I'd never commission her, especially since she doesn't make the costume single handedly. You could have dumb fucks helping make your costume...
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)20:27 No.1366305
    I can't help but read all your posts in the voice of Dr. Orpheus from the Venture Brothers...
    >> 4ng31 !!f6UHP2wLT8+ 10/16/08(Thu)20:30 No.1366314

    Sorry, was a little busy putting a TV show and radio broadcast on air to waste time arguing with retards...


    ITT : Bullshit & the the faggot(s) who got publically dissed by Barb and Jia.


    I've ordered 2 xostumes from her...both arrived on time, in perfect condition...fit perfect...and was some of the best sewing I have ever seen in my life.

    You retards can argue back and fourth all day about lawsuits and stupid shit, but I'll keep going back to them, because they are the best.
    >> Anonymous 10/16/08(Thu)20:42 No.1366350
    Jia managed the business handlings, while Barb handled the costume labor. When they split, I think Barb's business quality definitely went down the toilet. She definitely needs to hire someone to do the transactions for her, which would give her more time to OMG actually finish the commissions on time.

    NekoPam's whoring out her costumes, sit her down at the desk and answer the backlogged emails.
    >> motoko !!Z9RHDE0TyCR 10/16/08(Thu)20:56 No.1366394
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    just call Judge Joe Brown.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 10/16/08(Thu)23:56 No.1366905
    You do have a good point, she has improved her reputation.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/08(Fri)00:33 No.1367044
    Or Jia was getting paid under the table or not at all. Working for/being an "employee" sometimes = helps out friend around the shop
    >> Anonymous 10/17/08(Fri)01:29 No.1367201

    You really have to watch out for those that call Barb a 'good friend.' That Hellsing bitch called Barb her friend and ended up being a nut case. Every single person I met at ACen this year was good friends with her, and I doubt half of them have ever talked to her outside a convention or an ackward e-mail.

    I'm an acquaintance of Barb's and I have ordered from her, and I liked what I got, and she hardly knows me except at cons. However, I probably wouldn't commission from her during the session. I wouldn't commission from anyone close to or during con session thou.

    Sage for dramu
    >> Anonymous 10/17/08(Fri)01:51 No.1367260
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    >> Anonymous 10/17/08(Fri)01:59 No.1367282

    Say what you want, I trust my source enough to know better than to gamble my hard-earned cash away. Barb is hit or miss and well 100+ dollars just isn't worth hit or miss odds. We've seen what, two good comments about her on this thread? The rest all had bad outcomes. I'm sorry, I know 4-chan is pretty "mean" but I don't think their desperate enough to make up fake stories about how she coned them out of hundreds of dollars. And if so maybe people shouldn't come to 4-chan for input on Commissioners business skills.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/08(Fri)02:55 No.1367449

    O anonymous...don't you realize that people can post over and over again claiming to be multiple people? Srsly...if you buy this shit, you're a fuckin newfag as well.

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